Whey protein is harmful to health. Is protein harmful to men's health: reviews. Experiment: Researching Kidney Protein Harmfulness in Women

It is solid and has nothing to do with natural products. Protein is a concentrate of common food. Thanks to special modern technologies, excess components and ballast substances are removed from natural products.

Proteins without harm to health at any age. We can say for sure that the harm of protein is very insignificant in comparison with the changes in the body that occur after the regular use of confectionery and fast food.

Protein harm

Protein can be harmful if you have certain kidney problems, especially kidney failure. Some people believe that proteins can trigger kidney disease. Numerous scientific studies have proven that the doses recommended for athletes do not harm the internal organs.

There are certain side effects that guys may have when eating soy protein. This fact is caused by the content of phytoestrogens in proteins, they are similar in action to female sex hormones. Often, after consuming soy protein, an allergic reaction to the product occurs.

It is harmful to consume protein if the recommended dosages are not followed. It should also be borne in mind that protein contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is excreted exclusively from. With insufficient physical activity or excessive consumption of protein, instead of building muscle, it will be forced to simply be excreted from the body. This will put additional stress on the kidneys. Please note that if you are taking protein, you should consume more fluids. It is recommended to drink at least 4 liters of purified water per day.

In the absence of serious kidney pathologies, you can safely take a protein concentrate (protein) in amounts not exceeding the norm. However, advice on taking this product from a qualified specialist will not be superfluous. It is he who will tell you the necessary dose of protein intake, taking into account your physical activity and individual characteristics.

Remember, protein is an excellent building block for muscle mass. There are many different types of protein supplements available today. Each of them has its own unique and inimitable properties. A protein that is slowly absorbed should be taken before bed. Fast-Digesting Protein should be taken immediately after exercise.

Has many side effects with negative health effects. Some believe that protein consumption develops dependence, reduces potency, and damages the kidneys and liver. In reality, this all does not correspond to the truth, with the exception of a few cases.

Proteins can be taken from any age and it will not bring any trouble to the body, because protein is made from food raw materials. Protein protein of natural origin and absolutely physiologically corresponds to the human body. Eating fast food, saturated fats, pastries, and other junk foods is much worse for the body than protein.

But due to the presence of individual protein intolerance in some people, protein can not be consumed by everyone. If, after consuming any protein products, you have allergic reactions or digestive upsets, then you naturally need to refrain from consuming protein in its pure form. Signs of protein intolerance are: flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain. If the symptoms are not severe, then you can additionally take enzymes for better protein absorption or reduce the protein dosage.

Research on the harmful effects of protein.

Protein and skeletal system.

The degree of negative effect of protein on the health of the human skeletal system is not known for certain. On the one hand, the consumption of protein in large quantities causes an increased excretion of calcium from the body, on the other hand, the incoming protein from the outside improves the absorption of calcium and enhances its bioavailability. Also, the likely negative effects of protein intake are mitigated by increased levels of IGF-1 growth factor.

Protein and cardiovascular system.

The dependence of mortality from cardiovascular diseases due to the high amount of protein from the outside is also not 100% confirmed.

Protein and ischemic heart disease.

Health research has shown a link between protein intake, animal protein intake, and the risk of coronary heart disease.

Protein and arterial hypertension.

An inverse relationship was also found between the level of hypertension and the amount of vegetable fats consumed.

Despite this, it is still not completely clear whether this effect relates specifically to the consumption of vegetable fats or if it is obtained only due to the use of accompanying nutrients (potassium, fiber), which can also affect blood pressure.

In addition, a meta-analysis of 2 randomized controlled trials found an inverse relationship between daily consumption of about 25-30 g of soy protein (1-2 times a day) and LDL cholesterol levels.

People with high baseline LDL cholesterol levels had more of this effect than people with normal LDL cholesterol levels.

Protein and Coronary Heart Disease.

Studies of the relationship between coronary heart disease and protein intake have not shown significant results, so we can assume that protein intake does not have a strong negative impact on the development of coronary heart disease.

Carcinogenic effect of protein intake.

Breast cancer and protein.

Analysis of information on the degree of influence of the amount of protein consumed on the development of breast cancer suggests that protein consumption does not contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Ovarian cancer and protein.

Various studies have also not found a link between the development of ovarian cancer and the amount of protein consumed.

Prostate cancer and protein.

Canadian scientists have investigated the link between the occurrence of prostate cancer and protein intake, but no link has been found.

Laryngeal cancer and protein.

Researchers from the United States have identified a link between protein intake and the likelihood of developing laryngeal cancer - with an increase in animal protein intake, the risk of developing laryngeal cancer increases, and with the consumption of plant protein, the risk decreases.

Esophageal and gastric cancer and protein.

The assessment of the association between protein intake and esophageal and gastric cancer is based on a US case-control study. They found a statistically significant increase in risk with increased intake of total and animal protein and a decrease in risk with increased intake of vegetable protein.

Pancreatic cancer and protein.

When Canadian scientists determined the relationship between protein intake and pancreatic cancer, no statistically significant values ​​were found.

Kidney cancer and protein.

The assessment of the association between protein intake and kidney cancer risk is based on an analysis of 13 prospective cohort studies. The researchers found no statistically significant associations of total, animal or plant protein on kidney cancer risk.

Colorectal cancer and protein.

When studying the effect of protein intake on colorectal cancer, no statistically significant values ​​were found. Also, there was no effect of protein intake from exclusively animal sources.

Proteins are inherently pure protein, and as you know, it cannot be harmful to health. It serves as a building block for muscle tissue, which helps to form the external (skeletal) muscles and some internal organs. Therefore, it is much more dangerous for a person to be left without this nutrient. In order for the protein to perform exclusively its functions useful for the body, it is important to observe the measure in its use. In this case, you don't even have to think about whether protein is harmful or not.

Protein is necessary for a person at any age. It plays a special role in childhood and adolescence, when it is important to ensure a harmonious growth process. It is also indispensable for people actively involved in sports. Thanks to constant research and technological advances, there are now many supplements on store shelves that should be consumed by those who care about their health and want to improve their well-being.

Taking protein shakes helps:

  • restore and normalize the metabolic processes of the body
  • keep fit
  • compose a dietary ration in accordance with the modern rhythm and lifestyle

Protein production is based on the use of only natural food raw materials. Thanks to a special cleaning method, a harmless protein product is obtained at the outlet without any admixtures of fats or carbohydrates. Their natural origin makes them absolutely physiological, which, of course, is only beneficial.

Now quite often you can encounter such a phenomenon as individual intolerance to certain forms of protein. People with this condition should be very careful when taking these supplements.

Is protein harmful or not for health

Protein is harmful if a person has allergies. It is quite simple to recognize an allergic reaction to protein, since immediately after its use, a disorder of the digestive processes is observed. Allergy appears due to a lack of enzymes that break down it or due to the presence of dysbiosis. After all, protein also feeds the pathogenic flora of intestinal contents. Therefore, immediately after protein products enter the body, harmful microbes begin to multiply. This leads to a deterioration in the human condition.

Abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea also begin. In other words, an allergic reaction manifests itself in almost the same way as food poisoning. In order to remedy the situation, you should take enzymes, reduce or completely eliminate the protein shake taken.

Why protein is bad for the kidneys

Doses of protein in the recommended amounts may not harm the body. This is confirmed by numerous studies. Therefore, if the protein powder caused a negative reaction in the kidneys, this may indicate the presence of any pathology. Protein foods simply put additional stress on diseased organs. If the latent disease has not declared itself, then the use of protein leads to the manifestation of clinical symptoms. Complete elimination of the supplement will help to restore the original state of health.

How does it affect the liver

Only excess protein has a negative effect on liver function. This information is especially important for those people who have a predisposition to the formation of stones. Excessive protein intake can be harmful and overwhelm the liver.

Why is protein harmful for men

Soy proteins can be harmful to men. This is due to the fact that they contain phytoestrogen - a plant compound, which in its action is very similar to the female sex hormone. A negative reaction can manifest itself in the form of an allergy. Also phytoetrogens can lead to feminization.

People with gluten intolerance should carefully read the composition of the supplement before purchasing. Protein supplement manufacturers always indicate the presence of gluten in their products.

Can protein be harmful or not for girls? Side effects in girls are extremely rare, mainly due to incorrect dosage or ignorance of the presence of hidden diseases. The same is true for adolescents - in reasonable amounts, protein is absolutely not harmful for adolescents, because protein leads to harmonious growth.

It is also quite widely believed that the use of proteins can harm potency. But this is just a myth. Only steroids can affect the male body in this area.

It's important to remember that protein in moderation is vital. They aid in the growth and recovery processes. In addition, using proteins, you can manipulate your overall weight and strengthen your muscles. Subject to the recommended dosage, taking such cocktails will help fill the lack of vital substances and will have a beneficial effect.

Protein is arguably the most popular and most popular sports supplement in the bodybuilding industry. It is used both for mass gain and for drying (losing weight). But, many people, fearing for their health, hesitate with the decision: "to buy or not to buy." This happens for the reason that inexperienced people dissolve myths that protein is harmful, etc. etc. Therefore, the topic of today's article: Protein - benefits and harms. Protein Side Effects! Now let's see if protein is bad for your health ... myth or reality?

Before delving into theory and facts, you need to understand what kind of supplement it is and how it works. So, protein is a common food supplement that is developed from protein blends. We can say that products such as meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs are also protein, only these sources of protein do not go in the form of a dietary supplement. (by the way, who did not know: "protein" in translation from English means "protein")... This supplement works in the same way as regular protein foods. (cottage cheese, meat, fish)... It can be used both for gaining muscle mass and for drying (losing weight).


The first and foremost benefit of protein for athletes is muscle growth. As you know, protein is the main component for muscle growth. If you don't eat enough protein, forget about good muscle growth. Most often, young athletes do not grow in volume due to a lack of protein food, and here protein will be just right. If you are eating 3 times a day, add 2 meals of protein in between meals and you will soon see a positive effect in terms of new muscle growth. Also, the state of your appearance depends on the quality and quantity of protein foods. (skin, hair, nails, etc.), synthesis of structural hormones, immunity and protective functions of the body. Protein plays a significant role in metabolic function.


As such, there is no harm from proteins. Unless there may be some non-standard situations. For example, individual intolerance (there may be stomach problems ... but, the same intolerance may be to some source of protein food ... for example, milk and cottage cheese) or an allergy to some kind of protein (but, the same allergy may be to some source of protein food ... for example, to chicken eggs).

It is also very common to hear that protein harms the kidneys. This is true, but ... this harm will only happen if you have kidney problems and you consume unrealistically high doses of protein mixtures. (4 - 6g per 1kg of body weight)... And if you meet the recommended daily allowance (1.5 - 2g per 1kg of body weight) and you don’t have any kidney problems, you don’t have to worry about it.

You have probably heard this myth more than once that protein negatively affects potency. But, if protein affects, then ordinary protein foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese, etc.) also have to influence? Is not it? In fact, protein does not affect potency in any way. (no direct relationship)... But real problems with potency can be caused by the following reasons:

  • alcohol
  • smoking
  • rare sex
  • low testosterone
  • poor nutrition
  • stress
  • bad dream
  • overtraining

From all this, we can conclude that, in principle, there are no pronounced side effects from protein. (if you do not take into account individual intolerance) and it does not adversely affect health in any way. In addition, in order not to get sick and to be healthy, it is very important to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods. Even if you do not work out in the gym, and at the same time do not get protein, you can still use protein shakes. (1 - 2 cocktails per day).

Protein is one of the most common types of sports nutrition. Many have heard about it, but do not fully understand what it is and what properties the product has.

The sports supplement, often referred to as "chemistry" by completely uninformed people, has nothing to do with anabolic steroids. It is a food supplement that complements the amount of protein in the diet. Proteins are proteins, there are several types, each athlete is suitable for one or another, for this you need to select a product depending on the goals. It is important to consider the properties of the protein and the rules for its intake.

Many people are frightened by the name "protein", although it is only a simple protein, an organic substance consisting of amino acids that take part in the formation of new cells and participate in the metabolic process. It is also a building material for muscles, which is why the product is widespread in bodybuilding. The source of protein is the foods we eat every day - eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts. Protein powder is a manufactured product that has gone through several stages of purification, after which the final product is obtained - protein.

What is protein for?

Protein powder is essential for replenishing the required amount of protein in the body. The product is taken to increase muscle mass, since protein is a building material for new cells and tissues. A lack of a nutrient will not lead to muscle gain, and even destroy existing ones, since the body will eat its own muscle protein. Therefore, protein shakes prepared with water, juice or milk have become an integral part of the sports diet.

For muscle gain

On average, a person needs 1.2-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, and for those who want to increase muscle volume, the daily rate reaches 2-3 g per 1 kg of body weight. Considering that 100 g of chicken fillet contains only 24-25 g of protein, a person weighing 70 kg needs to eat 800 g of meat daily to replenish the norm.

Of course, for an active bodybuilder, this may be feasible, but sports supplements are resorted to to facilitate and diversify the diet. Moreover, in some types of protein, the degree of assimilation is much faster than that of meat. Rapid protein absorption is needed to accelerate nutrient replenishment after exercise and sleep, to prevent catabolism - muscle breakdown. After strength training and waking up in the morning, the hormone cortisol, which destroys muscles, has a high concentration, so the body must replenish nutrients from quickly absorbed foods.


Protein is taken not only to gain muscle, but also to reduce adipose tissue, giving muscle definition. Contrary to stereotypes, losing weight is not fasting and refusing to eat. Correct reduction consists in creating a calorie deficit and switching to a different diet, in which protein will predominate. It will keep the muscles from being destroyed by catabolic processes. And also it turns into fat as easily as carbohydrates and more energy is needed for its absorption, which will also have a positive effect on weight loss.

The low content of fats and carbohydrates in the cocktail, with a high-protein diet, reduces the calorie content of the diet, replenishing the energy deficit from adipose tissue. For this, a sports supplement is used as an additional meal. Whey isolate is acceptable in this case. A higher degree of purification, a high protein content with a minimum of fat and milk sugar, contributes to faster weight loss and better shape. The more milk sugar (lactose), the looser and plump muscles remain. Therefore, for weight loss, especially for girls and dry athletes, cleaner foods are recommended.

Protein composition

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are classified as essential and essential. Those amino acids that are not produced in the body on their own, and require external receipt, are called essential. These include:

  • leucine;
  • isoleucine;
  • valine;
  • histidine;
  • lycin;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • tryptophan.

The nonessential amino acids found in protein include: cystine, serine, tyrosine, glutamine, glutamic acid, proline, lanine, argenine, glycine, asparagine, and aspartic acid. Also, additional minerals and vitamins are added to the protein composition.

Protein is obtained from whey, meat, eggs, soybeans, so there is nothing wrong with it - it is pure protein obtained from the products we are used to. For example, whey protein is obtained by curdling milk and obtaining whey, which is pasteurized, filtered, then the resulting whey protein is dried and the finished protein is obtained.

Protein Shelf Life

Each company has a product with an individual shelf life, usually it is 2-3 years unopened. But the product cannot be stored for a long time in the open form, manufacturers recommend using the powder within 2 weeks, but rather it is a marketing ploy. In fact, the powder will last longer when opened. Diluted powder must be consumed immediately, but no later than 3 hours after preparation.

Why do girls need protein?

Regardless of gender, everyone needs protein. For men and women, the norm is the same, the difference will depend on the goals. More often, women want to dry out the adipose tissue, achieving an easy drawing of the muscles, but a set of muscles is also not excluded. Therefore, taking protein in both cases will be quite appropriate as an additional source of protein, both with a low-carb diet for weight loss and for gaining muscle mass. A visible and pleasant side effect for women will be the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails due to the amino acid composition and vitamins.

The benefits and harms of protein

The low fat and sugar content makes the product not only dietary, but also beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The composition of the protein helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and also helps to maintain normal sugar levels. Undoubtedly, the product helps to reduce fat mass, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and increases the overall endurance of the body. Immunity increases, appetite decreases.

Despite the findings of studies that have not confirmed the negative effect of protein on the human body, it is worth remembering the individual tolerance of various components. In the absence of enzymes that break down proteins or lactose intolerance, allergic reactions occur. Protein has not been proven to harm the kidneys, but in case of kidney failure, it is better not to consume protein, as in the presence of gastritis.

Side effects

The product is fully adapted to the human body, so no side effects have been noticed with good health. The only thing is that the protein is capable of causing allergic reactions in the presence of one of the components that are intolerable to the body. Of course, the product coming to the end of the shelf life also deteriorates and can cause digestive disorders - diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, so keep track of the composition and timing.

Contraindications to the use of protein

Contraindications to use are any violations of the functions of the kidneys and liver, chronic diseases, inflammatory processes. Also lactose intolerance and allergy to one of the components.

Protein types

Proteins are classified according to the degree of assimilation into slow and fast. The components are obtained from various raw materials - dairy and meat products, soybeans, eggs. Each of the proteins has different properties that are suitable for specific purposes - gaining mass or losing weight.

Whey Protein

The final product comes from processing, purification of whey. This type belongs to the quickly digestible proteins, which are very important for high-quality weight gain, due to the amino acid composition. This form must be taken immediately after waking up, since the body has wasted protein and glycogen overnight. The use of the powder in this case will prevent muscle catabolism - decay. Also, protein is ideal for consumption immediately after training. Protein is quickly absorbed and replenishes muscles with the nutrients they need to build new muscle tissue. According to the degree of purification, whey protein is divided into several types:

  • concentrate- undergoes a small degree of purification, contains 29-89% protein, 4-52% lactose, up to 9% fat. Typically, this type of protein is common in bodybuilding for gaining muscle mass, due to its high content of nutrients in addition to protein, which play a huge role in building new cells;
  • isolate- undergoes the greatest degree of purification, contains up to 95% of pure protein with a minimum amount of fat and milk sugar - no more than 1%. This type of protein is great during the drying period and as a protein supplement to dietary nutrition;
  • hydrolyzate- highly hydrolyzed whey, which has a high degree of absorption and anabolic effect, that is, muscle growth. Contains up to 90% protein, up to 8% fat and no more than 10% lactose.

Casein protein

Casein, a complex protein obtained by the enzymatic curdling of milk, belongs to the slow proteins. Thanks to amino acid chains, it takes longer to digest and constantly supplies the body with amino acids, and this slows down the catabolism process. Slow protein breakdown is especially beneficial at night, so consuming casein at night can help prevent muscle protein breakdown. At the same time, casein slows down the breakdown of other proteins, but it will not be enough for gaining mass, therefore it is recommended to add a fast protein to it separately, for example, whey. Casein can also be consumed pre-workout to slow nutrient intake and muscle retention, and to suppress appetite.

Soy protein

This type of protein has not been proven to be beneficial in bodybuilding and has no advantages over other types. Soy protein of plant origin, therefore it is absorbed worse, has a meager and defective composition of amino acids. This type of product is the cheapest, it is also added to complex formulations of protein powder, but rather, this is done to reduce the cost of the product. It also does not affect weight loss, the rise in insulin levels is no less than from other types of protein. It can be said that soy protein is useless for men and women, no matter what the purpose.

Complex protein

In such complexes, several types of proteins are mixed, for example - whey, casein, egg and soy. The essence of the complexes is in the enrichment of the amino acid composition, which at one time saturates with proteins for a long time, for example, casein, and at another time, is rapidly absorbed - whey protein. Although proven to be a contradiction - casein is able to slow down the breakdown of other types of protein, and worsen the anabolic quality of whey. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the advantages of complex protein over whey, it is better to take fast proteins separately from slow ones. Slow proteins - at night and before training, fast - in the morning and after exercise.

Protein in food

It is known that protein powders are a product of processing common food products - meat, eggs, milk, soy. Therefore, you can fill the need for protein from the following animal products:

  • meat (poultry, beef, pork);
  • Fish and seafood
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • eggs.

The protein of such products is better absorbed, especially the ready-made egg white. Proteins are high in 100 g of meat and seafood (23 to 30 g). Slightly less in cottage cheese and low-fat cheese (16-20 g). Thus, a hundred gram piece of meat can replace an average portion of the powder, usually 25-30 g of a measuring spoon. As for the protein of plant origin (legumes, nuts, seeds), it has the worst amino acid composition and is not fully absorbed, which has no value in bodybuilding for gaining muscle.

Which protein is better

Research has shown that whey is the best protein for building muscle or working for muscle building. The rich complex of amino acids is absorbed faster and better.

Whey isolate is most preferred. Its advantage over others in the purity of the composition is 90% protein, 0.5-1% fat and lactose.

Fat can inhibit protein breakdown, so the less fat the better. A low milk sugar content less provokes the release of insulin, less than others affect the concentration of sugar in the blood. Accordingly, the protein is suitable for working on relief, that is, burning adipose tissue.

How to replace protein

Protein can be replaced with natural foods, but the rate of protein absorption will be much slower. Egg whites are well absorbed, but pure protein, separated from the yolk, which contains fats, is more suitable for weight loss.

Beef protein powder is also common, so it can be replaced with real meat. For this type of protein, the taste was not as pleasant as for whey. Moreover, it affects the pancreas more than others, since it is more difficult to digest.

It is also useful to replace protein with meat products, due to lactose intolerance, or diabetes, since meat does not contain carbohydrates, namely sugar, so insulin is not produced. Meat does not have a glycemic index, which is why it is most preferable for losing weight.

With normal assimilation of lactose, you can replace the protein with cottage cheese, even prepare a cocktail yourself by mixing milk and cottage cheese in a blender. Such a protein composition will not be inferior to a powder.

How to take protein correctly

It is generally accepted that in order to obtain an anabolic effect from protein, you need to take 25 to 40 g of protein per serving. This does not mean that more will not be absorbed, just an increase in the norm will not affect the construction of new muscles. When strength split training for individual muscle groups, about 25-30 g of protein is enough, and when training for all muscle groups, you can take up to 40 g per serving, for complete recovery and replenishment of the nutrient.

To prevent muscle breakdown at night and during workouts, it is recommended to take slow - casein protein. One serving of a measuring cup is taken before bed, the second serving, if necessary, two hours before training, since the time for casein breakdown takes 6-8 hours.

For a set, as well as drying muscles, a fast protein - whey is recommended. A portion of the powder should be consumed in the morning immediately after waking up, half an hour before the main meal, the second within 30-40 minutes after strength training. It is also allowed to substitute a cocktail for one of the meals during the day, especially if there is not enough time for cooking and long fasting. It is important not to exceed the interval between doses of more than 3 hours.

If you wish to consume a complex protein, it is recommended to take it in the same way as casein protein.

How to make a protein shake

There are two ways to prepare protein. The easiest and most accessible method anywhere is to shake the powder in a special shaker. Pour a portion of one measuring cup with 200 ml of milk, sometimes juice or water. The liquid should be at room temperature, not hot, as protein folding is possible. You can increase the amount of liquid for flavoring, but not increase the protein serving. The shaker is tightly closed with a lid and shaken.

The cocktail should be consumed within three hours, but it is better immediately. The second way is to cook in a blender. The same amount of ingredients is mixed with a blender. This method eliminates possible lumps, as opposed to manual mixing.

Important! Despite the benefits and importance of protein in sports, it is necessary to remember about a precautionary measure - an overdose of proteins can lead to dysfunctions of the digestive system, increase the concentration of ammonia, a protein breakdown product. Know the measure in everything!