Archie exclusive interview. Biography of Archie (Artur Alexandrovich Tsvetkov) Archie TV presenter and his biological mother

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Biography, life story of Archie (Artur Alexandrovich Tsvetkov)

Archie (Artur Alexandrovich Tsvetkov) - Russian TV presenter, VJ.

Briefly about him

He loves fashionable clothes and thrills. He does not tolerate betrayal, appreciates female beauty and is sure that she will both save the world and destroy it. Considers Marlene Dietrich a sex symbol, dreams of going back in time in a time machine, respects honest and decent people. She dreams of flying an airplane. Ambitious. Attractive, witty. He is proud that he achieved everything in his life on his own. Who is he? Archie. A favorite of TV viewers, host of the programs "SMS-Chart", "Fitness", "Kinochart" and "Bolshoi Kinochart" on the MTV channel.

Childhood and youth

Birthday - 01/01/1980. Place of birth - Moscow, Russia. Artur's father, Alexander Mikhailovich Artamonov (in childhood and adolescence, Artur bore this surname) is a military man. Mom Lyubov Alexandrovna was a housewife. She left her job for the sake of her son - Arthur was often ill.

As an adult, Arthur learned that his parents were not his own. The Artamonov couple took little Vladimir Burchakov (as Archie was called at birth) from the orphanage when the baby was only a year old. Arthur's biological mother, Olga, abandoned her son, since she was still a very young girl (she was in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Defectology), who accidentally became pregnant from a familiar trainer. However, it is worth noting that Archie, having learned the truth, did not change his attitude towards the people who raised him and raised him. After all, it is love and care that makes parents parents, not the genetic code.

Due to the peculiarities of the profession of the head of the family, the Artamonovs often moved. Little Arthur was positive about the changes and tried to find something good in them. As a schoolboy, he became interested in dancing and music. When the family was in Budapest, Arthur graduated from the local art school, becoming a teacher in the art catwalk model class.

A little later, the family moved to Minsk. There Arthur got a job in a modeling agency - he taught choreography models, staged shows. A little later, the young man entered college at the Faculty of Economics.


At the age of seventeen, Arthur already had his own modeling agency in Minsk.


At one point, the ambitious and determined Archie decided that he needed to move to Moscow, a city where anything is possible. No sooner said than done. At first, in the capital of Russia, Arthur worked as a waiter, manager in a nightclub, model, played cameo roles in television series, hosted programs on radio stations ... In 2003, Archie got on TV. At first he was a correspondent for the Muz-TV channel, but very soon the talented boy was noticed and promoted to a TV presenter.

Very soon Archie left Muz-TV and went to MTV. Thanks to his diligence, he became a truly popular presenter. And it was there that he turned from Arthur into Archie - that was the name of his friends in distant childhood. For some time he worked on TNT and Ru-TV channels. From time to time Archie was invited to broadcast on the radio.

Since the time of Archie, he has become a sought-after showman. His work schedule has become very, very tight - various social events and holidays, concerts and presentations, TV programs, work on the radio, fashion shows ...

In 2007, Archie became a producer and member of the Night Troopers music group.

In 2009, Archie was promoted to the creative director of the Pacha Club.

Arthur Tsvetkov is the kindest person. As soon as he became popular, he joined the board of trustees of a charitable foundation dedicated to helping children suffering from leukemia. Archie personally volunteered to lead charity events at the cancer center.

Personal life

Former wife - Ekaterina Tsvetkova (Arthur took her last name). The son's name is Gleb.

Past interviews

"Archie, how did it happen that you became a VJ? For a long time you worked as a model ..." .

"Well, models can be speaking (smiles). And the choice fell on the music channel because while I am young, cool, energetic, I like to exchange energy with people close to me in spirit. I found such people in the audience of the music channel and I am happy to communicate with them on the air ".

"Do you see yourself exclusively on the music channel?" .

"At the moment, yes. I revolve in the circle that suits me: they are as young, cheerful as I am. If you once entered the frame, then it will be quite difficult to leave it forever. While it is difficult to see yourself now as a serious announcer or I’m sure that over time I will grow out of one image and the audience for which I work at the moment, so to speak, will be out of the format, then I will have new ideas and opportunities to declare about myself on big TV ".

"And politics doesn't appeal to you at all?" .

"No way. Public life, shows, parties - that's mine (smiles)".

"You have lived with your parents abroad for a long time. There is no language barrier in communication - and MTV viewers are well aware of this -. Is there a barrier in communication with foreigners?" .

“I was led to believe that while still a schoolboy, I went with my parents to live in Hungary - in the most beautiful Budapest. There, in parallel with my studies in a regular school, I attended the Budapest School of Design, where I later received my first specialty - a teacher in the art catwalk model class. In Hungary, I communicated with peers, absorbed any information like a sponge, spent a lot of time with native speakers.

Naturally, I had no problems with English. I made the necessary language start for myself, and later acquired more and more knowledge. Then I lived in Germany, Belarus, talked a lot with my peers. My mother now lives abroad, I often visit her and at the moment I understand more and more that one foreign language is not enough for me, I need to learn more and more. But so far, unfortunately, there is no time. "

"You are always in good shape. Look at you and think: you probably spend a lot of time in the gym?" .

“You know, you didn’t guess (laughs). I practically don’t go there. Again, due to lack of time. Apparently, what I am is a genetic value passed on to me from my parents. I am quite calm about sports. , the only thing - I can not live without horseback riding ".

"I wonder if the VJ's day is completely scheduled by the minute?" .

"I have a very unpredictable schedule. On MTV, everything is pretty clear: from one to two every day I have a live broadcast. And then until six o'clock I have on-site programs. Image clips are shot in the evening. Honestly, I have absolutely I don't have enough time: when I'm not involved on TV or - more often - on weekends I go on so-called tours - I conduct concerts, presentations, events in various cities of Russia. Recently I starred in the video of Zhenya Malakhova, she invited me herself. the pace of my life is the most hectic ".

“Even if you don't have time for your personal life, I don’t believe that you don’t have a relationship with girls. You are a very prominent guy. What should be your chosen one?” .

"Not only beautiful, but also smart, while she must have an inner acuity, a good sense of humor. She must also be wise. Possess charisma. But at first glance, it is very difficult to understand this, it is necessary to have time for communication.".

"Falling in love and love - do you share these two concepts?" .

"If a girl is cool, I can fall in love with her. But love is adrenaline, a feeling of need for a person and a constant desire to see a dear one next to her ...".

"The fans are surely bombarding you with letters. Do you communicate with them?" .

"Yes, of course (smiles). They leave messages on the forums, send letters to e-mail, but I do not answer everyone. It seems to me that with my answers I give the fans a chance, give them hope. But my rhythm of life does not allow this. Fearing to abuse the trust of my fans, I try not to overdo it with active correspondence ".

"What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?" .

"My marriage that lasted 3 years".

"Seriously?" .

"Yes, honestly (smiles). I was very young then and did not know many things. It was very easy for me to tie the knot, I did not fully realize all the responsibility. Perhaps that is why my marriage fell apart.".

"You are Capricorn by horoscope. I know men born under this sign are very vulnerable ..." .

"Capricorns are vulnerable? I know for sure that they are very cruel and clearly know what they want from life. They are always confident in themselves and do not forgive mistakes to others. We, Capricorns, do not know how to bend and yield. And we like to go to extremes.".

"Are you extreme?" .

“I jumped with a parachute, held the steering wheel of the plane, but I'm not a fan. When I flew on the plane for the first time, I was small. wheels.

Women love expensive and refined wine, and men love cars. They love these words in the literal sense, and I am one of these men. "

"Who is working on your style?" .

"Only myself. And I choose casual. In general, I always do everything myself. I really like to look bright, neat and stylish. And I also really like to combine expensive things with cheap ones - jeans for $ 500 and a T-shirt for 50".

"What kind of accessories do you prefer?" .

"I love good watches and wristbands. I don't really like rings.".

"And you have a pistol pendant around your neck. Is that a Lighter?" .

"No-o-oo (smiles). A present, very close and dear, so I wear it closer to my body.".

"At one time you were a regular at all parties. Now you are less and less at parties. Burnt out?" .

“I think so. Now I have a healthy desire to either get some sleep or go to the country house, but only without traffic jams (laughs). This is mine ".

"Archie, do you think you've achieved a lot for your age?" .

"I am very pleased with my life. Each person at different stages of formation has his own line through which he must cross. This may come sooner or later, it all depends on the goals and self-development of the individual. About myself, I can say that everything in my life it was right: when it was necessary, I raised the bar for myself and won the victory faster. And sometimes I just floated with the flow. And now I have come to what I have. ".

"Where do you see yourself in a few years?" .

"A solid professional TV presenter. People look at me and say: this is Archie, what a fine fellow!".

Can you be a dad once a week? What can a man give to a child who does not have the slightest idea of ​​how and how this child lives? Ice cream? A new toy? But then how to explain to the kid why dad leaves, forgetting about him until next weekend? But it is quite possible to remain a father in a divorce. What is needed for this? First of all, participation in the life of the child. The host of MuzTV channel Artur Tsvetkov, better known as Archie, told his story about how, after a divorce from his wife, he tries to be a good father for his son Gleb.

Arthur Tsvetkov

In my opinion, children should not be hostages to the ambitions of adults, they have their own life, their own capabilities, desires, inclinations. Our children, as, indeed, we once, begin their life in a different environment, ecology, with a different genetics, different from us. They are different. And the difficulties that our children have to face are different from those that we faced.

It just so happened historically in our country that the upbringing of boys is carried out by women. Our boys do not even have the most overwhelming "Musya Triquet". So where does that truly masculine behavior come from, which will suddenly begin to demand from a child who has not seen the model of a man, and his father, smart, successful, accomplished, has withdrawn himself so much that the little boy realizes that he will never be able to match his parents.

I, I think, was lucky that my wife and I still consider our child a gift to us for the time of happiness, joy, youth. Our son is incredibly sensitive, which is why he has deuces in behavior, commits some "stupid" acts. And I understand that deep down he just draws my attention to himself, because if everything is fine, then dad will only be on Sunday, and so ... will find that word, which, it seemed, he had been waiting for all his little life.

Children are independent creatures, not the property of their parents, they cannot stand on our shelves as prizes that adults are proud of, if they justified our, I emphasize, our hopes, and cannot be shoved into a closet or dark closet as unnecessary.

Arthur Tsvetkov and his 11-year-old son Gleb

Parents, and the father in the first place, give their children a foundation, a ground on which they paint their own picture. Will I love my son less, if we ever do not coincide with him in views, will I turn my back on him if he chooses a profession that does not meet my ideas? No no and one more time no! I will try to give my child, my son freedom of choice, providing him with the necessary knowledge, health, and most importantly, instilling in him a truly masculine attitude towards life, towards women, teaching him to resist meanness, because moral principles are laid in early childhood and only the father is the standard that he will involuntarily follow. Thank you to my wife that she does not allow our son to express her claims to me, supports my authority in the eyes of her son, and most importantly, my child is confident in my love, knows that at any moment, even if I am not physically nearby, I am constantly with him.

What is Sunday Pope? A dad who rose up for his child to disappear again tomorrow? The joy of meeting, gifts, often excessive, a holiday? And the next day, waiting with the feeling that dad does not come because he doesn’t love? And he doesn’t love, because he, little, did something wrong again.

21.09.2016 03:49

On September 17, 2016 it became known that very soon the Dagestan singer will become the legal wife of the 27-year-old singer Archi-M (real name Arthur Magomedov).

The couple began dating on September 17, 2014, exactly 2 years later from that moment, Arthur came to the house of his beloved to ask her hand and heart.

After Samir and Archie-M went to a restaurant, where the whole family celebrated this joyful event.

Arthur's younger brother danced fervently with Samira.

Arthur's younger brother (Archie-M) - Shantel @salon_shantel - dances with Samira.

And then there was a dance and Archie-M with his future wife.

Very romantic setting.

All photos can be seen below:

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He loves fashionable clothes and thrills. He does not tolerate betrayal, appreciates female beauty and is sure that she will both save the world and destroy it. Considers Marlene Dietrich a sex symbol, dreams of going back in time in a time machine, respects honest and decent people. She dreams of flying an airplane. Ambitious. Attractive, witty. He is proud that he achieved everything in his life on his own. Who is he? Archie. A favorite of TV viewers, host of the programs "SMS-Chart", "Fitness", "Kinochart" and "Bolshoi Kinochart" on the MTV channel. VJ gave an exclusive interview to the portal the other day.

Material provided by StarStory

- Archie, how did it happen that you became a VJ? For a long time you worked as a model ...

Well, models are also speaking (smiles). And the choice fell on the music channel because while I am young, cool, energetic, I like to exchange energy with people close to me in spirit. I found such people in the audience of the music channel and am happy to communicate with them on the air.

- Do you see yourself exclusively on the music channel?

At this moment yes. I revolve in the circle that suits me: as young, cheerful as I am. If you once entered the frame, then it will be quite difficult to leave it forever. It is difficult to see oneself now as a serious announcer or presenter of news programs. And besides, this needs to be learned. I am sure that over time I will grow into an image and the audience for which I am working at the moment, so to speak, will find myself outside the format, then I will have new ideas and opportunities to declare myself on big TV.

- And politics does not appeal to you at all?

In no case. Public life, shows, parties - that's mine (smiles).

- You lived abroad with your parents for a long time. The language barrier in communication - and MTV viewers are well aware of this - you do not have. Is there a barrier in communicating with foreigners?

I was led to believe that as a schoolboy, I went with my parents to live in Hungary - in the most beautiful Budapest. There, in parallel with my studies in a regular school, I attended the Budapest School of Design, where I later received my first specialty - “teacher of the art catwalk model class”. In Hungary, I talked with my peers, absorbed any information like a sponge, spent a lot of time with native speakers.

- Naturally, I had no problems with English. I made the necessary language start for myself, and later acquired more and more knowledge. Then I lived in Germany, Belarus, talked a lot with my peers. My mother now lives abroad, I often visit her and at the moment I understand more and more that one foreign language is not enough for me, I need to learn more and more. But so far, unfortunately, there is no time.

- You are always in good shape. You look at you and think: you probably spend a lot of time in the gym?

You know, you didn't guess (laughs). I practically don't go there. Again, due to lack of time. Apparently, what I am is a genetic value passed on to me from my parents. I am quite calm about sports, the only thing is that I cannot live without horseback riding.

- I wonder if VJ's day is fully scheduled by the minute?

I have a very unpredictable schedule. On MTV, everything is pretty clear: from one to two every day I have a live stream. And then until six o'clock I have outdoor programs. Shooting of image videos takes place in the evening. To be honest, I absolutely do not have enough time for my personal life: when I am not involved in TV or - more often - on weekends I go on so-called tours - I conduct concerts, presentations, events in various cities of Russia. Recently I starred in the video of Zhenya Malakhova, she invited me herself. In general, my pace of life is the most hectic.

- Even if there is no time for personal life, I will not believe that you do not have a relationship with girls. You are a very prominent guy. What should be your chosen one?

Not only beautiful, but also smart, while she must have an inner acuity, a good sense of humor. She also dol

I must be wise. Have charisma. But at first glance, it is very difficult to understand this, it is imperative that you need time for communication.

- Falling in love and love - do you share these two concepts?

If a girl is cool, I can fall in love with her. But love is adrenaline, a feeling of need for a person and a constant desire to see a sweetheart next to ...

- Fans will probably bombard you with letters. Do you communicate with them?

Yes, of course (smiles). They leave messages on the forums, send emails to me, but I don't answer everyone. It seems to me that with my answers I give the fans a chance, give them hope. But my rhythm of life does not allow it. Fearing to abuse the trust of my fans, I try not to overdo it with active correspondence.

- What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?

My marriage, which lasted 3 years.

- Seriously?

Yes, honestly (smiles). I was very young then and did not know many things. It was very easy for me to tie the knot, I did not fully realize all the responsibility. Perhaps that's why my marriage fell apart.

- According to the horoscope you are Capricorn. I know men born under this sign are very vulnerable ...

Are Capricorns vulnerable? I know for sure that they are very cruel and clearly know what they want from life. They are always confident in themselves and do not forgive others' mistakes. We, Capricorns, do not know how to bend and yield. And we love to go to extremes.

- Are you extreme?

I jumped with a parachute, held the steering wheel of the plane, but I'm not a fan. When I flew on a plane for the first time, I was little. And only with time did the realization come that you don't feel the ground under your feet in the air. Another thing is a car, there are four wheels.

Women love expensive and refined wine, and men love cars. They love these words in the literal sense, and I am one of these men.

- Who is working on your style?

Only myself. And I choose Casual. In general, I always do everything myself. I really like to look bright, neat and stylish. I also really like combining expensive things with cheap ones - $ 500 jeans and a $ 50 T-shirt.

- What do you prefer from the accessories?

I love good watches and wristbands. I don't really like rings.

- And you have a pistol pendant on your neck? Is this a lighter?

Nooo (smiles). A gift that is very close and dear, so I wear it closer to my body.

- At one time you were a regular at all parties? Now you appear less and less at parties. Burnt out?

I think yes. Now I have a healthy desire to either get some sleep or go to the dacha, but only without traffic jams (laughs). It seems to me that I grew up, my interests have changed. Now I do not so much love clubs as evening events, fashion shows. This is mine.

- Archie, do you think you've achieved a lot for your age?

I am very happy with my life. Each person at different stages of formation has his own line through which he must cross. This may come sooner or later, it all depends on the goals and self-development of the individual. For myself, I can say that everything was right in my life: when I needed to eat I raised the bar for myself and won the victory faster. And sometimes he just went with the flow. And now I have come to what I have.

- Who do you see yourself in a few years?

A respectable professional TV presenter. People look at me and say: this is Archie, what a fine fellow!


Exclusive interviews on

The famous VJ, the host of the Muz TV channel Arthur TSVETKOV, who is more familiar to the general public as ARCHIE, at the age of 30 found out that dad and mom were not relatives to him! He was taken from the orphanage. In his search for his real parent, he found out shocking details. That his name is not Arthur at all, and his date of birth is different. Vijay in the archive with the official abandonment of the child by his biological mother According to Archie, it all started when TV people approached him with a proposal to make a documentary about him. VJ shared the coordinates of his parents and warned that his relationship with his father was not very good. - Parents divorced, live in Belarus, - says Arthur. - In 2005, my father and I shared an apartment: although I paid utility bills, the court discharged me. I was not very upset, but it was insulting. Mom and Dad shared the living space, and I left to conquer Moscow. - I took the name of my wife Katya. Dad has not seen since that moment for five years. During this time, my son was born. Having told everything to reporters, I added that I was not against our joint shooting with my father. A couple of months later, the TV people called Archie and said that they had a message for him from his father's house. “I started looking and literally lost my speech,” the presenter recalls. - Dad said that I was an adopted child. They took me from the second Moscow orphanage as a one-year-old baby. My biological mother was a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Defectology, and my dad was a trainer. My name is not Arthur, but Volodya Burchakov. Even the date of birth turned out to be different: I am not Capricorn, but Aquarius. When dad said all this, I cried like a child. It turned out to be not easy to live to the age of 30 and find out that you are someone else. Arthur considered Alexander and Lyubov TSVETKOVYh to be his real parents until the age of 30 Mom is shocked Archie canceled all the tours and went to Belarus to his mother, who turned out to be his step-mother. - Nothing has changed for me, my mother is the only one. But for her, this story was a blow. She was betrayed by a man with whom she had been married for 27 years. Mom said that when she came to the orphanage, I crawled to her. Her husband wanted to take the girl, but they chose me, although I was sickly. German doctors (my father was a military man and served in Germany) put me on my feet. I don't understand why it was revealed in this way - my father could tell me everything personally. Archie with his wife Katya and son Gleb I will go to the end Determined to track down the biological parent, Archie hired a private investigator. - I want to ask this woman how she feels after committing a terrible sin. There was some reason why she abandoned me. I can imagine how hard it is for her to live with this, and I want to say that I do not hold any grudge and I forgive her. In the central joint archive of the Moscow Department of Health, Archie, after long red tape, got his hands on the coveted paper. - Maybe I shouldn't have known this? - the star presenter is experiencing. - But now I will go to the end. My biological mother, student Olga Danilovna Burchakova, wrote that she was married and gave birth to me from a 29-year-old man, whose name she does not give. He only writes that he is a trainer, 176 cm tall and with blue eyes. Maybe she left the child to save the marriage? Updated 06/09/10 11:48: Thanks to Elena_ya I found a picture of my wife =) Thank you
and also with my son