Black Friday 18 Benefits for sellers

The Black Friday sale is held annually. In 2019, in Russia, the date of the action falls on November 29. However, in some stores it may start slightly earlier than the specified date.

What is Black Friday? For many Russians, this name is associated with the economic crisis of 1998, when on one Friday millions of our fellow citizens, and indeed people around the world, lost their savings. However, this name also has a different meaning.

In the US and Europe, Black Friday is a period of sales and big discounts in stores around Christmas. Thanksgiving is usually celebrated on Thursday and then the Christmas sales marathon kicks off on Friday. On its first day, the stores have the biggest discounts on all goods, and everyone is trying to shop during this period, since it is the most profitable.

Black Friday 2019 is a big holiday for all people. On this day, many try to take a day off. Except for retail workers, of course. For them, this day is a period of the most intense and ardent work. Many people work for a year to get the expensive item they dreamed of, on this particular day. Most manufacturers of electrical and household goods timed the release of a new product line for Black Friday. So they not only stimulate demand, but also advertise a new product.

Why is it called that? The name "Black Friday" was coined by reporters due to the fact that discounts on this day create not only a large flow of buyers, but also traffic jams on all roads. There have been cases when on this day the movement in all major cities of the United States was completely paralyzed. The police, ambulance and firefighters were unable to reach the place of the call. As a result, there is a large increase in injuries and accidents on this very day.

Most of the TV reports from Western sales that are shown to us on TV show Black Friday. Stores open very early this Friday at five o'clock in the morning. And the biggest discounts are in the first hours. Since it is quite difficult to get into shops on this day, despite the early hours, a queue forms at the entrance. The most persistent even spend the night at the window.

At the end of the first day, it is not uncommon for the store to have empty counters. An unprecedented case! Although the customers behave quite politely - there are no fights over the goods, people calmly stand in line at the checkout, do not push at the entrance. After all, on the eve of Christmas, and quarreling with your neighbor before this holiday is a bad omen.

However, on the territory of the CIS countries one cannot hope for such a thing. The notorious Eldorado retail chain became famous for organizing sales at fabulously low prices. In stores during these discounts, there were cases when people fought with each other over a laptop or microwave oven, got injured in a crush, damaged clothes, etc. We can only hope that over time the culture will change, and the relationship, even with a casual passer-by, will be valued higher than the momentary pleasure of shopping.

Nevertheless, Black Friday is not so widely known in Russia, but its popularity is increasing every year. First of all, due to the fact that in terms of the amount of discounts we are still inferior to our western neighbors. On this day, goods in the store can be purchased from them 2-3 times cheaper than the rest of the time. In Russia, the maximum amount of discounts on sales before the New Year is 30-40%.

Of course, you can see advertisements with much larger numbers, but this price reduction is not associated with seasonal sales, but with other phenomena - it is necessary to free up space in the warehouse, the product is obsolete, or competitors have delivered a similar product that is superior in price-quality ratio. Therefore, the influx of buyers is not so significant.

Nevertheless, Black Friday in Russia has become a traditional event in many retail chains and shopping centers. Every year, sales reduce prices more and more and become no less popular than in the West.

Benefits for sellers

There is a lot of sales on Black Friday. This is not to say that trading is at a loss - the product will certainly never be sold below the price that was paid when buying it in bulk. In addition, the discounted price fully justifies both the transportation costs and the costs of the sale itself - salaries to sellers, rent of premises, and taxes.

However, it is worth pointing out several reasons why sellers give up the big profits associated with a trade margin:

  1. Advertising. A purchase at Christmas will be remembered for a long time, and in the future it is possible that the buyer will come again.
  2. A large influx of buyers creates an opportunity to sell more units of a product, and even with a lower mark-up, the profit does not suffer much.
  3. Sales stimulate industries other than retail. For example, lending and transportation. Unlike the retail trade, the Black Friday tradition does not apply to banks, and they issue loans during this period at the same, if not higher, rates.
  4. Opportunity for store employees to have a rest at Christmas - the goods are out of stock, which means you don't have to worry about selling them as soon as possible. Therefore, you can safely celebrate the holidays. Actually, it was this reason that became the main one for such sales. Many managers arrange competitions to see who will sell more that day. The loser and his entire department stay to work for Christmas.
  5. Sometimes the owners of large retail chains in the West adhere to strict Christian traditions and believe that Christmas presents should be given to their customers, especially the poorest of them. This is not fiction. In particular, Rockefeller firmly believed that a tenth of his income should be donated to churches and charities.
  6. It is considered bad form to return what was bought on that day due to marriage. After all, this is considered a kind of gift. Therefore, many stores sell substandard goods and the return rate is low.

What buyers in Russia need to know

First of all, don't try to buy everything that catches your eye. Unfortunately, we are not yet mature enough to plan our purchases carefully. Most - for sure. And, as opinion polls show, many shoppers regret buying something at a sale. They didn’t need the thing; they simply followed the lead of emotions.

Second - try not to take part in crush, brawls over goods. Just bypass them. No purchase is worth the spoiled mood before the holidays, for yourself or another person. And even more so a sprained arm or a torn dress. Moreover, you still have to pay money for the purchase, albeit a smaller amount.

Third - for complex products, check the warranty card and technical passport. Save your receipts. As a rule, most of the items on sale in Russia are of lower quality than those sold at regular prices. Perhaps they have hidden defects, and the risk of warranty repairs increases. If quality is more important to you than price, try to buy a thing on other days.

More about Black Friday 2019 in stores and on their official websites:

Black Friday is the best day of the year, which is eagerly awaited by absolutely everyone, not just shopaholics, since there are no such big sales in all stores on any other day.

Traditionally, Black Friday marks the beginning of the Christmas season and associated discounts - for some, the opportunity to buy gifts for family and friends for Christmas and New Year, for others - to finally get an expensive and long-desired item.

In general, Black Friday is a good opportunity to save money, since the size of discounts at this time can reach 80-90% on the most popular and in-demand products. Accordingly, you shouldn't miss such an opportunity.

Black Friday

This unofficial holiday originated in the USA - sales on this day began to be held in the 19th century, and the term "Black Friday" itself appeared in Philadelphia in 1966.

There are various versions why this favorite day of the year was called "Black Friday". According to one of them, in anticipation of sales people from the night when all around in black and black took the queues to the shops.

According to another, because of heavy traffic congestion on the Friday after Thanksgiving on the roads, as the Americans went together for Christmas shopping.

Another version tells that on this day sellers kept records of expenses in red ink, and incomes in black. And on the day of sales, the purpose of which was to make a profit, then the holiday itself was called Black Friday.

But, despite the gloomy and negative association with the name, this day is associated with pleasant associations, especially for shoppers.

In large stores before the opening, huge queues can gather - up to 15 thousand people. Americans, having tasted turkey on Thanksgiving, go late at night to take a queue.

The situation seems chaotic only at first glance - on the eve of massive sales, Americans are carefully thinking over a list of future purchases. They try to buy only the necessary things and at the best prices, although there is no time for consideration and reflection. Yes, and this day is not complete without injuries.

The holiday of shopping lovers in general is a real satisfaction, since the discounts are really real - on average, a family can save from a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Over time, this tradition has fallen in love with residents of other countries, including Russia and Georgia, who gladly adopted it, and with the development of Internet commerce, everyone can join the holiday of fabulous discounts.

Fundamental rules

Sputnik Georgia will tell you how to live Black Friday and get the most out of this event.

First of all, you need to check the discounts. When you see a discount on a product you are interested in, you should check how much it costs in other stores and how much it cost before the sale. Remember, some stores are selling items on sale at a higher price than during normal times.

Make a shopping list in advance in order to look for discounts exactly on the goods you need. Just in case, you can choose one acceptable replacement for each item.

Buy only the goods you really need without losing your mind. Otherwise, you can buy a heap of unnecessary things, which will then gather dust in the closet.

During sales, you need to act as quickly as possible, without wasting time - if you choose for a long time, the best will be taken away from under your nose.

When shopping, do not forget about other promotions that are still coming this year, including Cyber ​​Monday, which is gaining more and more popularity.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich

This is the first Monday following Black Friday - in 2017 it falls on November 27th. Unlike Black Friday, which Americans associate with shopping in regular stores, Cyber ​​Monday initially meant active purchases via the Internet. The term was first used during the 2005 holiday sales.

What to buy

The absolute leaders in sales on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are electronics, household appliances and gadgets, which, on average, are cheaper by 60%, so it will be profitable to buy equipment at a sale.

Black Friday in Moscow: a day of positive excitement

The last Friday in the fall, when the doors of large supermarkets and specialty stores are ripped off their hinges by an excited wave of shoppers, is called Black Friday. On the night of November 23-26 this year, the traditional Black Friday starts in Moscow - a holiday of fantastic discounts and trade concessions on popular goods.

This date received a gloomy name not as a result of the collapse of the national currency, not because of natural disasters, catastrophes and global warming, but because of the banal habit of American accountants to write in different ink the totals in the balance sheet: losses in red, profits in black.

Black Friday 2017 in Russia has become the most generous and massive campaign for discounts, as well as for the number of participants. More than two hundred online stores were involved in the project. Here are some results of sales on sites selling phones, tablets and accessories to them:

  • The most demanded and popular lot of the trade brand " Euroset»Became a set consisting of a Samsung smartphone GALAXY K Zoom and hours Samsung GearFit... The price reduction was over 30%.
  • MTS put phones of various brands on sale with a 40% discount. There was a particular excitement and demand for tablets and accessories for them. Trade marks became favorites of sales LG, Huawei, Sony.
  • The most creative and courageous became Ebay... He decisively put on virtual counters a new iPhone 6 which was 18% cheaper than the daily price. iPhone 5 broke all records - 55%.
  • In terms of the number of offered goods, the leading retail chain " Messenger". Sony smartphones were sold at a discount of up to 10%, the rest of the goods went to the shopping carts 30% cheaper.
  • Audiomania pleased with the reduction in prices for their goods up to 60-80%.
  • V Wikimarket the cost of e-books fell 42%.

This year, Black Friday in Moscow will be no less impressive than the previous one, at least as its organizers say.

Many well-known brands expressed their desire to participate and provide customers with discounts not lower than the previous auctions.

  • Electronics and home appliances: Messenger, Yulmart,M Video, Media Markt, MTS.
  • Baby products: Mothercare , My toys, Kids Store, Kinderly.
  • Hygiene products and cosmetics: Ile de Beaute , Oriflame, Yves Rocher,Vichy , L'Etoile.
  • Cloth:Decathlon , The Snow Queen , Nike , OStin , Lamoda ,
  • Furniture and household goods:Favorite home , Domosti, Fran, Expedition, Ronikon.

The expected action "Black Friday in Moscow 2018" will take place not only on traditional Internet sites, but also in well-known shopping malls in the capital:

  • Popular SEC "Afimall City" on behalf of its more than 200 tenants such as Zara , Banana Republic, Marks & Spencer, Next, SOHO announced upcoming discounts on Black Friday from 40% to 80%. A special menu on these days will be offered in many restaurants.
  • An impressive chain of shopping malls Vegas and Crocus city on Kashirskoye highway, suggest a reduction in prices for new collections of well-known fashion brands to 50-70%.
  • SEC "Evropeyskiy" authorized to declare on behalf of Lady & Gentleman , Karen Millen, Mango, Baon, Topshop, Topman: "The established discounts of 30-50% will be valid for three days, from 25 to 27 November!"
  • SEC Okhotny Ryad , Metropolis, Aviapark, Children's World, Savyolovsky and other marketplaces are also preparing to surprise their visitors with interesting offers.

The list of applicants is growing every day: Concept , Club, Kapricca, Alba, Koza de Reza, Lawine, Domalina, Mr Dom announced their plans to please buyers these days.

During the Black Friday period in Moscow, stores have a unique opportunity not only to please customers with low prices for their favorite products, but also to declare their reliability, creativity and loyalty to customers.

To make the days of mass sales a real holiday, you need to remember a minimum of simple rules:

  • Casual purchases. Determine the real need for acquisitions. Explore the assortment of your favorite stores in advance.
  • Fabulous discounts. Ask which marketplaces provide a real reduction in the commodity.
  • Don't lose your cool. It is impossible to buy everything. Set a limit for your wallet.
  • Beware of the catch. Some, "not entirely honest" stores, the day before They deliberately raise the prices of goods in order to "surprise" customers with fantastic discounts during the promotion.
  • Reliable navigation . In advance, write down the addresses in your notebook and bookmark the best promotional stores on your computer. On sale days, unnecessary "surfing" on sites will ruin the mood for a long time.
  • Choose the best. Remember - there will also be New Year and Christmas discounts.

So, to summarize: When is Black Friday in Moscow in 2018?

For several years in a row, all those who like to buy something at a good discount have been waiting for the so-called Black Friday - a period of colossal discounts in various retail chains and online stores. This is not surprising, because on Black Friday you can really buy something very necessary, something that you have dreamed of for a long time, and even with a discount that can go up to 80-90%! That is why we will tell you when Black Friday 2018 will be in Russia!

If until recently Black Friday was considered a bad day, today is the day of price discounts for many products. Lovers of inexpensive goods are eagerly awaiting him and buy everything, and they buy clothes of any size.

Such sales are organized not only in traditional trading establishments, but also in virtual stores. The increased demand for cheap goods is understandable, because at this time discounts can reach 90% of the real cost of products. Since demand significantly exceeds supply, it turns out that Black Friday 2018 is in Russia with a number of buyers who will not have enough cheap goods.

What is Black Friday

The expression "Black Friday" first appeared in the United States. Since many goods were not in demand and simply in vain occupied warehouses and retail counters, they somehow needed to be cleaned. It was then that the owners of shopping establishments realized that the so-called sale might be the best option. This means a significant drop in the prices of stale goods. The stores held a sale on the last Friday of the outgoing year. This is between Christmas and Thanksgiving. On this day, people do the most shopping because they love to make gifts.

Russia did not stand aside, and enterprising supermarket owners also discovered Black Friday.

The first discount sales of goods were organized in 2013. Initial discounts were small, but still yielded positive results. After all, the main thing for buyers is to reduce prices for everything that visitors to stores purchased earlier at higher prices. Naturally, the first sales were not accompanied by increased excitement, but now buyers are sweeping everything off the shelves. This is due to the decline in prices to the maximum limits.

What date is Black Friday in 2018 in Russia: when it starts

Paradoxically, Black Friday 2018 kicks off on Thursday night, because November 22 is exactly Thursday. And although the first visitors always have the advantage, since all the goods are still in stock, and although many offers are scattered in the first hours of the start of the promotion, the main day of the sale, of course, is still Friday.

Start of the promotion: November 22, 2018 at 19:00
End: November 25, 2018 at 23:59

In the United States, the largest sale of the year is held after Thanksgiving, and in Russia in 2018, Black Friday starts at 19:00 on November 22. It will run for 3 days until midnight on November 25th. The largest online stores will take part in the sale:

  • "Red Cube";
  • "Bukvoed";
  • "Liters";
  • "Lamoda";
  • "Zara" and others.

Well, let's save some money? Black Friday is approaching and it can only mean one thing - the biggest sale is about to start! We have prepared the most useful tips for you and answered the questions that interest every shopaholic: what does Black Friday mean, when will it be, which stores will offer the best discounts and how to shop with maximum profit. So, first things first.

What is Black Friday? All over the world on this day, shops make huge discounts, and it doesn't matter if you want to buy new shoes, a TV or even medical equipment. Originating in the United States, the tradition quickly spread, and now the day that kicks off Christmas shopping is considered an unofficial holiday in many countries.

Shops on this day open earlier - at 5-6 in the morning, and some start working at midnight. Naturally, the quantity of goods, the discount for which reaches 80%, is limited. Therefore, in the United States, it is quite normal to see huge queues in front of shops where Black Friday takes place, starting to form a day before the day of sales.

According to Wikipedia, Black Friday didn't always mean discount day in stores - the term originally coined in Philadelphia - that's how they talked about traffic jams after Thanksgiving. In our usual sense, Black Friday appeared in the 60s, and it is called so thanks to the idiom "intheblack", which means profit. Traditionally, American store owners write down items of income with a black pen and expenses with a red pen. The name more than justifies itself - on this day, the profits of stores increase by hundreds of percent.

The Black Friday date is not tied to a specific calendar day; it falls on the fourth Friday in November, that is, the day after the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

Many stores keep discounts all weekend, right up to Cyber ​​Monday, so even those who can't take time off and go shopping still have a chance to get discounted items.

The date of Black Friday in 2018 is November 23. Buying via the Internet on this day, be very careful - somewhere discounts start at midnight, somewhere later. As a rule, a timer appears on the home page before this day, counting down the time until discounts appear.

The biggest sale, blackfride, and discounts in general, we owe to Frank Woolworth. Working as a seller in a store, it was he who at the end of the 19th century came up with a new system - he put the stale goods in one box, on which he wrote: "everything for $ 5". What's so strange about that? At that time, there was no such thing as a fixed price at all - a person entered the store, and the seller assessed his solvency by his appearance and named the price.

Later, analytics of buying activity came to trade - it became clear that the largest revenue falls on the last month of the year. And Black Friday started, in fact, by itself - after Thanksgiving, people began to take time off so that they had four days to buy gifts for Christmas before everyone else sorted it out. The pragmatic American traders immediately knew how to take advantage of this!

The date of birth of Black Friday in our usual sense refers to 1996, when the expression BlackFriday came to mean nothing more than the day when stores kick off their Christmas sales.

Black Friday in the USA and Canada is a real holiday. This is not surprising, because it is in these countries that shops offer the maximum discounts, and queues in front of shopping centers sometimes begin to line up even a few days before the opening, people set up tents and stock up on food so that no one takes their place. The record was set by an American woman who spent two weeks in front of the store to buy a TV on Black Friday. Many take time off from work, planning to spend that day on bargain purchases.

In general, Black Friday in America is a rather cruel event. You can find thousands of videos and photos on the web of a crazy crowd breaking into stores. It does not go without fractures, sometimes even people are trampled to death. Fortunately, every year more and more measures are being taken to properly organize these sales, so that the event is more and more civilized.

For our compatriots, the chance to take advantage of the special offers of American stores is online shopping. Choose the largest sites and well-known brands in order to save as much as possible on the purchase of a truly high-quality item.

We have such a tradition that appeared relatively recently: Black Friday has been celebrated in Moscow and other large cities of Russia since 2010. If for the USA Black Friday is the beginning of sales for Christmas, then our compatriots buy gifts for the New Year on this day.

Many are looking for which stores will have Black Friday, while taking into account only sellers of clothing and gadgets. In fact, on this day you can buy anything cheap: air tickets, special equipment, cars, etc. You can even book hotel rooms or order home meals at half the price of usual. Many shops offer specials on this day.

Black Friday in Russia 2018 is mainly about online orders. But one important nuance should be taken into account - when it is midnight in the USA and the start of sales, in Moscow it is already 7 in the morning. So those who focus mainly on American stores should not forget about time zones.

It is already known for sure that at a discount it will be possible to purchase health products in, clothes in and, cosmetics and sports equipment in SportMaster. In advance, as already mentioned, it is rather difficult to get information about all the discounts, so on the day of sales it is better to look at the sites of all your favorite stores. It will help speed up the process, where you can not only quickly navigate in thousands of offers, but also get cashback.

Stores do not publish in advance the entire list of goods that can be bought at a discount, a maximum of two or three items, in order to stir up interest. So it is almost impossible to immediately decide where and what you will buy. But if you know exactly what product you want, then you can use one of the price monitoring services like Competera, Metacommerce, and Pentagon. Moreover, we advise you to look at the price dynamics in advance in order to immediately weed out sellers who overstate the cost of their goods, in order to sell them later with an imaginary discount.

You can follow the information on our resource - all the news about upcoming discounts in the largest stores will be published. We also recommend visiting the websites of the stores and brands themselves - there may also be useful information there. So, it is already known that Apple is preparing a special surprise for the 2018 sales night. All details have not yet been disclosed, but the company has confirmed that the limited edition will sell the iPhone 8 at a $ 200 discount, as well as the new iPhone X, whose buyers will save an additional $ 300 on the purchase of a card for the communication package.

It is also convenient to keep track of discounts on the Black Friday website, which was created specifically for quick tracking of discounts. On this day, all information about price reductions in online stores participating in Black Friday will be published there. True, it also has a minus - when you go to stores from this particular site, you will not be able to get cashback.

Even if you do not plan to visit shopping malls and for you Black Friday is the day of online shopping, you should not visit sites "at random", choosing from random goods that you can buy at a cheaper price. It is not a fact that you will really save money, but the chances of buying unnecessary junk grow exponentially.

Offline purchases shouldn't be spontaneous either - go through the stores that have announced sales in advance. If we are talking about clothes, then you can try on everything, see, evaluate the quality. A big plus is that you will know in advance where the goods you need are located, and then you will not waste time in vain.

Another important tip: choose the right one. If you want to buy an expensive high-quality item, then you should study its features in advance. For example, there is even, being guided by which you can be sure that they will serve you for more than one season. Black Friday is when you have a great chance to buy a branded and truly quality item at a ridiculous price.

By the way, it is better not to buy children's toys during the Black Friday sale - prices for them traditionally drop even lower just before Christmas (in American stores) and New Years (in Russia and Ukraine).

You should find out in advance which stores are participating in Black Friday. Let's say you need household appliances, and M.Video is located in the nearest shopping center. Do not be lazy to go to the sites and find out if there will be discounts. Please note that many stores offer the best prices for online shoppers. You can order goods on the website, get a discount and cashback, and after one or two days, calmly and without fuss, pick up the purchase at the nearest office.

When it comes to, then pay attention to the large trading platforms. The biggest discounts can be found in American stores, so you should definitely visit Amazon and. It is important to remember one more thing here: if you plan to shop not in a separate store, but on a large trading platform uniting hundreds of sellers, then it is important not only to choose a product, but also to check how conscientious the seller is in front of you. There are ratings and reviews for this, do not forget to read this information.

Preparing to shop in stores for Black Friday 2018: shopping life hacks

It's time to move on to some helpful tips! Experienced shopaholics over the years of participating in sales have put together a kind of set of rules that will help you get the things you need at the lowest possible prices.

Do you know the main problem of all shopaholics? They spend more than they can afford. It’s not surprising, because it’s so difficult to resist spending the entire salary on the day of huge discounts ... The solution is simple - prepare in advance for the sale on Black Friday and allocate a certain amount that you can spend.

It is best to divide it into 2 parts: the first is what you can spend without worrying about the family budget, the second is if you find a very profitable offer for a thing that you did not plan to buy now, but you definitely need it. In any case, you cannot spend more than this amount, and if you doubt your own willpower, transfer it to another card or electronic wallet so as not to accidentally spend more.

Monitor prices in advance

Why doesn't Black Friday bring the same benefits to everyone? Sellers love to be tricky and raise prices a few days before a sale to attract customers with big discounts later.

If you are used to buying things on certain trading platforms, like, you should look in advance at the average prices for the product you are interested in and decide on a list of sellers that cause the most trust. This will make it easier for you to navigate when the day of discounts comes.

It is also worth looking at the products on the sites in advance because it is difficult to immediately navigate on the new site. If you have never bought, say, on, but you know that big discounts are expected there, then you need to figure out the interface and filters in advance so as not to waste time on this later.

In the US, Black Friday starts before store openings - people queue for hours to be the first to buy promotional items. It’s not quite like that with us, but it’s still better to come to the store as early as possible.

By the way, it is in Russia that many shopping centers start sales at 19.00 on Thursday, so it is important to find out in advance what time and in which stores Black Friday takes place.

Buy fast

This applies not only to purchases in shopping centers, but also online - a product with a tempting price tag can simply run out. Moreover, it is worth remembering that a special system of discounts is also characteristic of Black Friday - the store management looks at customer activity and changes price tags in real time, so when you see the right thing with a good discount, you shouldn't hesitate for a long time.

Apparel and electronics are considered the hottest Black Friday items in stores, so get ready to compete!

Keep track of your personal belongings

In the turmoil that traditionally accompanies large sales, pickpockets are actively "working". It is better to keep wallets, phones and credit cards in inner pockets, and it is a very bad idea to put a bag "for a minute" near the counter.

You shouldn't wear expensive jewelry - yes, everything is not as "fun" here as in the USA, but losing a watch or bracelet is more than easy.

Is there an opportunity to go on sale with someone from your family? Fine! Knowing what date is Black Friday, you can decide in advance who goes to which stores and departments and what buys. The necessary goods are quickly disassembled, so alone you are much less likely to have time to buy everything at the lowest prices.

The same can be said for online shopping. When Black Friday is held at the same time in all stores, you may simply not have time to purchase a product that initially comes in limited quantities. Therefore, it is better to distribute shops among several people.

When shopping online, pay attention to the delivery terms. Many stores provide an opportunity to buy the desired item on the website and pick it up later in a regular store. This option is the most convenient, because you do not have to stand in lines and hope that the promotional product will not be taken apart.

When buying from foreign online stores, you should give priority to large international delivery services. Yes, you will have to pay a little extra, but you will be sure that the goods will arrive safe and sound, will be delivered directly to your home, and you will be able to track them along the entire route.

By the way, it is better to track the parcel through special aggregator sites, since different services will be responsible for the cargo along the way. For example, after crossing the border, a parcel from the United States will no longer be tracked on the USPS website, and aggregators have access to information from all services. After the purchase and until the package arrives, you will need to closely monitor the Buyer's Protection Timeline and open a dispute if necessary. If the parcel does not arrive after the protection period has expired, it will most likely not be possible to return the money.

Paid delivery by courier services gives one more priority - you can safely buy gifts for the New Year in this way, they will definitely arrive on time. Many make the mistake of buying goods with regular delivery by China Post on the same Aliexpress, hoping that they will have time to reach them in a month. Alas, when Black Friday passes, the mail is overloaded, so it is not a fact that purchases will arrive by the end of January. But if you still do not want to spend money on paid delivery, you can think about presentations for February 23 and March 8 - by this time you will definitely have orders.

What promotions will be next

Cyber ​​Monday, of course! The actions held on this day are not so large-scale, but it can even become a plus, especially for Russians. Black Friday 2018 in the USA, as usual, will mostly concern offline stores, and on Monday the same goods can be purchased with the same discount online.

Then comes a week of rest, at this time you rarely find big discounts, so you have to wait for Christmas. In foreign stores, Christmas promotions are held approximately from 18 to 24 December, and in Russia - before the New Year.

As you can see, it is very easy to save on purchases! The main thing is not to lose your head over the number of stocks and to be smart about the choice of store and product.