What to give a 16-year-old boyfriend. A birthday present for a boyfriend from a girl. Top-rated best gift ideas, do-it-yourself gift. Photo. From friends and girlfriends

16-year-old adolescents often already celebrate the New Year in the company of their peers and are themselves puzzled by the choice of inexpensive souvenirs as a gift, and parents are looking for something to please their grown up son or daughter at this age. Now there is a large selection of original unbroken gifts that will delight 16-year-old children and become a source of pride for them in the company of their peers.

What to give a 16-year-old son for the New Year

Watch a video review of a truck assembled from a wooden three-dimensional puzzle, and you will definitely want to buy the same for your son. After assembly, it can drive fast enough.

  • Qualitative Wrist Watch.
  • Clothes:
    1. Sweatshirt;
    2. T-shirt, you can choose with cool inscriptions;
    3. Jeans;
    4. Nice leather belt;
    5. A matching bag;
    6. Winter Jacket.

Before buying clothes as a gift for an adult child, consult with him, or take him with you to the store. First of all, clothes should please the owner, and in adolescence, children pay close attention to it, it is important for them to choose clothes on their own.

You can choose an inexpensive but cool gift that your son will definitely appreciate.

How to please a 16-year-old daughter in the New Year

A girl who is fond of needlework can be presented with tools and materials for creating works with her own hands.

For a girl who loves to cook, you can choose useful little things for the kitchen:

Girls at this age pay special attention to their appearance, so gifts for beauty will be useful:

note that if you decide to give your daughter perfume or eau de toilette, then it is better to go to the store together and teach her to choose her own fragrance that will suit her.

  • Decorative cosmetics;
  • Decorations;
  • Cosmetics for face and body age-appropriate.

Inexpensive Christmas favors for a boyfriend or girlfriend

If the New Year is celebrated in the company of friends, then all those gathered after midnight exchange gifts. For such a case, it is best to buy a cheap souvenir, it is best if it is fun and interesting:

16-year-old adolescents have already decided in their interests, now their hobbies are changing less rapidly than in childhood. They are already beginning to decide on their future profession, they have a hobby. All this will help you choose a worthy gift for your child for the New Year, guess his wishes, and bring real joy.

Sixteen years is a serious date, already an adult's birthday. At the same time, the birthday girl is still so young and careless. And what to give a 16-year-old girl? So that it was a present not for a child or for an adult? Would the gift itself surprise her, impress her and cause her to smile? All pertinent ideas - below.

For adult readers, we suggest remembering yourself and your peers at the age of 16. At this age, adolescents already specifically understand what they like and what they don't.

They have certain tastes and dreams. But the latter are changing very quickly, which is why there is a great chance to miscalculate with a pre-purchased present.

Also, boys and girls at 16 are characterized by maximalism. Either they want to celebrate their birthday "to the fullest" and receive only dizzying gifts, or they do not need anything at all.

Unfortunately, 16 for many is the age of rebellion. Teenagers decide that their parents do not understand them at all, give useless advice. Many do not devote loved ones to their thoughts and dreams. It is very difficult to understand what such a girl needs. Here you will have to contact her friends to find out exactly how to please the birthday girl on her holiday.

In addition, it is difficult to find that universal gift option that would suit all 16-year-old girls. Someone dreams of the latest collection of their favorite designer, and someone is happy to receive informal clothes as a present, someone - an iPhone, and someone from the bottom of their hearts wants a kitten.

So what can you give a girl for 16 years? There is only one advice here: do not look for something universal. Look at the hero of the occasion - what exactly she likes. It will not be superfluous to ask her friends, brothers and sisters. Or you can just turn to her herself: "What do you want to get for your birthday?"

And from whom is the present?

Let's decide who our donor is - we will recommend options specifically for each group.


It is clear that the girl is expecting the most significant gift from mom and dad. Its price here, alas, can even bite very much. But the 16th anniversary is in our life only once.

A present from parents can be as follows:

  • Stylish decoration. Designer, precious, hand-made, collectible ... It really depends on the tastes of the hero of the occasion. It's not a bad idea to give her a certificate or choose such a gift with her, to be sure.

  • Bag backpack... Always a necessary and relevant thing. And mom and dad will help you buy a quality product for which the girl does not have enough pocket money.
  • Shoes, clothes... Fashion is changing rapidly, and your beauty for the new season may urgently need a few new things. So why not do some birthday shopping?

  • Book, music, video collection... The gift is good if you are aware of your daughter's favorite authors, performers, directors. Choosing “she definitely needs it” is no longer an option for 16 years.
  • Journey... Youth is a time of adventure. An expensive but most wonderful gift is to give your daughter a ticket to the city, the country of her dreams.
  • Electronics... Tablet, smartphone, laptop, smart watch, wireless headphones ... Young people are greedy for new technology, whose prices do not delight their parents. But 16 years is quite a decent age to become the owner of a brand new gadget.

  • A gift according to her interests, hobby... Teenagers often change their hobbies, give up one thing, start another ... But if your daughter is doing something for a long time and seriously, then why not give her something that is useful for her hobby? Better, of course, to unobtrusively find out from her what she needs.

Advice! Many teenagers at 16 are already beginning to seriously think about their future studies. Maybe the girl will be happy about preparatory courses, literature, master classes in her future specialty?

Grandmothers and grandfathers

For them, even at 16, she is a sweet little girl. However, on this birthday, girls accept sweets, toys and trinkets just so as not to offend their ancestors. Do you want to really please your granddaughter?

What to give a 16-year-old girl:

  • Accessory, decoration. Umbrella, leather gloves, quality belt, wallet, laptop bag, stylish diary ...
  • Clothing store certificate... Of course, generations have different tastes, so it's better not to risk it and give your granddaughter the opportunity to buy herself as a gift what she likes.
  • Money envelope... One of the most common options from grandparents.
  • Antique thing. Maybe you have a family jewel? Now is the time to present it to an adult, but such a young granddaughter.
  • Bank account. You can open an account in the name of the granddaughter in the bank with the amount already available on it. Moreover, it is better to choose a long-term contribution so that she can manage the money when it will definitely come in handy - during her studies at the university. At the same time, the amount will "grow" by that time with interest.

Advice! If you want to introduce the girl to something new with your gift, then think - will this conflict with her inner world? A fashionista is unlikely to be delighted with a ticket for a tourist rafting, and a girl-athlete will hardly be happy with uncomfortable, albeit expensive, stiletto heels.

From friends and girlfriends

At the age of 16, studies do not allow many to work, and at the same time - to have more or less decent amounts at their disposal. Therefore, it's okay if a gift from friends is symbolic, made with your own hands. You will still have time to give expensive and status presents to each other.

And now:

  • Homemade postcard using the scrapbooking technique.
  • Embroidered, painted portrait of the birthday girl.
  • Large collage with sweets and her photo.
  • Slideshow, video about the birthday girl.
  • Unusual congratulations on social networks.
  • Cool diary, notebook.
  • A song, a poem in her honor.
  • A big cake made with your own hands.
  • A toy, a doll, sewn, knitted for her.
  • A piece of clothing, if you are good at sewing, knitting.
  • DIY jewelry.

From a young man

Romantic relationships at the age of 16 are not uncommon today and in the past. So how to be your beloved guy on the birthday of your chosen one?

Here's what we can suggest:

  • Plush toy. And great, if she is also speaking, singing. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a presentation!
  • Her favorite perfume. Of course, at the age of 16, not everyone has the money for such a luxury - you can stop at a less expensive, but high-quality replica.
  • Bouquet! And not only her favorite colors. You can "kill two birds with one stone" - give a bunch of sweets, chocolate, caramel, exotic fruits, "Kinder" or soft toys.
  • A romantic dinner at an excellent restaurant in your city.
  • A certificate for a photo session - individual or joint.
  • A ticket to a concert of her favorite band.

Advice! An obligatory addition to the gift is kind words, a walk together, gatherings, sincere compliments and wishes.


If the holiday is so wide that all the relatives were invited to the name day, then the relatives will have to think about the presentation.

What to give a girl for her 16th birthday:

  • Stylish ladies wrist watch. And some girls, by the way, love modern and multifunctional smartwatches.
  • Gift-impression. From a certificate for a flight in an aero-tube to a trip to a beauty salon. It is important, of course, to choose an impression that will appeal to the hero of the occasion.
  • Souvenirs, designer items for the room, desk. You can dwell on unusual gadgets that will help you in your studies.
  • Cosmetics, bath sets for young skin.
  • Hair gift - multi-colored crayons, multifunctional hair dryer, straightener / curling iron, designer hairpins, wreaths, headbands.
  • If a girl loves to do a manicure, then she will like high-quality tools, a large palette of varnishes, a UV dryer for gel manicure.
  • Decorative cosmetics. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to choose multi-color palettes so that the birthday girl can find her favorite tone there and experiment with new ones.

Advice! If you do not communicate closely with the girl, then it is better to talk about the gift with her or her parents, so as not to buy an unnecessary present.

TOP gifts

Let's see what young girls themselves prefer to get for 16 years:

  1. Technics, electronics. This present is traditionally in the first place. The most cherished dream is the latest smartphone model.
  2. Clothes and footwear. Many people just dream of getting a gift certificate in order to choose what they need. And also - luxurious terry bathrobes, unusual house slippers, funny kigurumi pajamas. And a truly royal gift is a certificate for sewing a festive, cocktail dress!
  3. Bag, backpack. This good will never be enough! Check out the latest trends, check out offers from virtual markets.
  4. Cosmetics. Of course, the "Young Fairy" set is no longer enough. Some girls own a collection of cosmetics no less than that of makeup artists. Therefore, the choice is again for a universal certificate.
  5. Unusual notebook, notebook, diary for secret notes. The original cover and interesting internal content - all kinds of tips, memos, ideas of the day. And a person who loves to draw, make sketches, be sure to present a sketchbook.

  1. Camera. Many girls at the age of 16 are extremely creative people. Most of them are fascinated by photography - both of themselves, their friends, and thoughtful pictures of the environment. Best of all - a "DSLR", a camera with instant printout of images.
  2. Book. Yes, young people today love books. Almost every girl has a favorite author, genre. Many people like to read in a foreign language. Some people love audio books. An excellent gift will be both a print edition and an electronic gadget.
  3. Unusual content for the room - frameless furniture, exercise equipment, 3D bed linen, space night lights, fluffy carpets and bedspreads. And, of course, soft toys.
  4. Creative gift. The girl will be very happy with a certificate for a photo session or a ready-made portrait based on her photograph. Girls also love unusual ornaments of the author's work.
  5. A gift of interest. Like any other person, the 16-year-old birthday girl is waiting for her holiday and a present useful for her hobby.

More ideas are in the video in this article.

What would you give?

In the article, we will present not only our own ideas, but also the opinions of different people published by them on the forums. What would you give a girl for her 16th birthday - instructions for use.

Versatile options

  • Decorative cosmetics.
  • Bracelet, pendant.
  • Eau de Toilette.
  • Gift card to your favorite store.
  • Electronic book.
  • Money envelope.
  • Wrist Watch.
  • Camera.
  • Tourist trip.
  • Gold, silver jewelry.
  • Smartphone.
  • Portrait from a photograph.
Beloved girl

  • Teddy bear.
  • Pendant, pendant.
  • Perfume.
  • Bouquet.
  • Gift Certificate.
  • A ticket to an interesting event.
  • Cosmetic set.
  • An interesting trinket for the home, a souvenir.
  • Pair of T-shirt.
  • Bath set.
  • Congratulations written on the pavement.
  • Manicure set.

  • Favorite perfume.
  • Wallet.
  • Money envelope.
  • Flash-card.
  • Interesting book, encyclopedia.
  • Makeup kit.
  • Unusual notebook.
  • Decoration.
  • Bag.
  • Headphones.
  • Cases for her phone.
  • Bath, hair, manicure set.

  • A paid day at the entertainment center for her and her friends.
  • Gift certificate, cash gift.
  • Portrait from her photo.
  • Bank account.
  • A trip to the city of dreams.
  • Gold, silver jewelry.
  • Perfume.
  • Subscription for changes in appearance - hairstyle, hair color, manicure / pedicure.
  • Tablet or smartphone.
  • Subscription to a dance school, sports club, swimming pool.
  • A large set of sweets - "Kinder", macarons.
  • A bike.
  • Updates for the computer.
  • Camera.
  • A certificate for a cosmetics store.
  • Pet.

Liana Raimanova October 31, 2018 9:12 pm

At 16, a teenager considers himself to be an absolutely adult person, his life plays with new colors, but the door to childhood is still open. Choosing a gift for a birthday person is not an easy task, because he must meet his hobbies, which for some young men can change at the speed of light.

Gifts from parents and relatives

The birthday of an already independent and adult son or nephew for the closest people is a very important day. And each of them asks himself the question: "What is the best gift for a teenager for 16 years?" Here are some presentation options that any boy will be delighted:

  1. Every third guy dreams of receiving a new gadget as a birthday present - a smartphone or tablet.
  2. New licensed computer game.
  3. Stylish headphones never hurt, especially if they have great sound and come with a microphone.
  4. Special devices for reading memory cards.
  5. You can donate tablet accessories such as a wireless mouse, a silicone keyboard, or a case.
  6. An original flash drive, for example, in the form of a car or your favorite comic book hero.
  7. A joystick will be an excellent gift for a lover of computer games.
  8. A webcam is simply irreplaceable for communicating with friends.
  9. You can give a 16-year-old boy an e-book.
  10. The Go-pro camera will be just a cool gift for a guy who is fond of some kind of sports.

An original flash drive as a gift for a 16-year-old boy

If you do not know what is better to give a teenager for 16 years, feel free to give money. At this age, many are already collecting funds for some serious purchase and know how to manage money. A teenager will certainly be happy with such a present from his family.

What to give a 16 year old boyfriend for his birthday from a girl?

At the age of 16, most guys begin to develop serious relationships with the opposite sex. On his birthday, he will be happy with any trinket from his girlfriend. But any girl wants to surprise her beloved and asks the question in advance: "How to choose a birthday present for a 16-year-old boy?" So here some good ideas:

  1. Any gift with your joint photo. For example, you can give a 16-year-old boy a mug or case with your favorite selfie. It is romantic, original and most importantly memorable.
  2. Pick up paired items, for example, pendants or key rings in the form of two halves of the heart, keep one part for yourself, and give the other to the boy. You can come up with more interesting options, for example, identical T-shirts with cool inscriptions, etc.
  3. Shower accessories such as sea wave projector, LED shower head, shower radio will bring a lot of fun.
  4. You can give a guy for his birthday for 16 years a sports accessory in accordance with his hobbies. For example, a wristband, running gloves, gym bag.
  5. Perfumes and personal care products are a banal but practical gift.
  6. DIY presentations. To congratulate your young man on his birthday, money is not necessary at all, you can do something come up with and do it yourself. This can be a photo frame, homemade soap, a man's bouquet, a cake made with love and beautifully decorated.

Cool gift: a man's bouquet for a guy for 16 years from a girl

What to give a friend for his 16th birthday?

At this age, true friendship arises for many, which is why it is so important that friends are present at the birthday party. If a friend invited you for a birthday, you are probably already thinking about a cool gift.

Men's watches, UT (price on the link)

So here are a few interesting ideas

  1. A stylish wristwatch will be a useful gift.
  2. It is better to present a fitness tracker to a friend who is fond of sports.
  3. If you and your friend enjoy riding bikes, give him a flashlight or a set of bicycle screwdrivers.
  4. A spray of graffiti paint will be appreciated by a creative guy.
  5. As a gift for a 16-year-old brother for his birthday, you can present a cool board game.
  6. For a guy who maintains his fitness, there is no better gift you can think of - a mini-simulator.
  7. For a music lover, a ticket to the performance of his favorite band will be a real gift.
  8. If the guy loves active recreation and hiking, pick up a new sleeping bag, a quality thermos, a light backpack, a cool raincoat, etc.
  9. Power bank for your phone or other smartphone accessories.
  10. An original gift from a guy to a friend will be some thing in accordance with his interests and hobbies: a subscription to a section on interests, a master class, etc.

Board game as a gift for a brother for 16 years

An original gift from a guy to a friend for 16 years

Gifts that will surprise

Any teenager at 16 dreams of something amazing... Give him a tourist trip of an educational or entertainment nature, such a present would be a good idea. Another option is to organize a holiday with friends, you can give your son or nephew a certificate for visiting a paintball club, bowling, go-karting, etc.

If you want to surprise your friend, brother or boyfriend, organize an unusual birthday greeting

Gather his friends, decorate his room with balloons, garlands and throw a cool party in his honor. One hundred percent these emotions will be deserved appreciated by the birthday boy.

An excellent gift option would be the fulfillment of some birthday dream. Perhaps he has long wanted to try his hand at wakeboarding, learn how to snowboard or ski, try base jumping and much more. Give him a certificate, which will allow one of his desires to come true and give a lot of positive emotions.

To choose a really important, necessary and valuable gift for a 16-year-old boy, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of his character, interests and hobbies. Your gift should be from the heart and from the heart.

What do teenagers live and are interested in? What gifts do they dream of on their birthday? We have selected 65 ideas for cool gifts for a boy (probably already a boy) for his 16th birthday. We divided them into sections: for a fashionista, for a gamer, for an athlete, cool and practical, do-it-yourself gifts, keepsakes and impressions gifts.

Cool and practical gifts

How wonderful it is when a person has a sense of humor - even a gift can become a witty joke, and there is a use for this present. If both the birthday person and the giver have a sense of humor, then they will have something to laugh at together and create a festive mood. And on this cheerful note we are starting our first TOP-ten ideas.

  1. Or it is also called "Cat-thief". It is a box with a cat in it. And if you put a coin on the box, he will grab it with his paw inward. The price of such a piggy bank is around 1000 rubles.
  2. Teenagers need just such an alarm clock that will not let them sleep too much. The trick is that these alarms, when they ring, crawl away or fly away from their owner by helicopter. Such watches can be bought up to 1,500 rubles.
  3. An inexpensive gift, you can keep within 500-1000 rubles. The coolest mugs are "chameleons", when heated with a hot drink, the cup opens its eyes, or "the battery is charging" and the like.
  4. The red price of such a pillow is 1000 rubles. And this miracle is a velvet pillow, to which hairy paws and a head with eyes are sewn with ribbons. "The Beast" is inherently incomprehensible, but it looks cool.
  5. Great thing when it's hot outside. The miniature fan runs on batteries, you can easily take it with you, and even on public transport, thanks to it, there will be no discomfort. In addition, it costs only 500 rubles.
  6. Miniature lifebuoy. And not even in a figurative sense - you need to inflate it, put a plastic cup in the center, and this will save the laptop keyboard if you accidentally spill a drink. The price is very tiny - up to 300 rubles.
  7. Socks are a standard gift for all men, and they are really in demand. But the essence of the fun is in the packaging itself. To get socks, you must first open a tin can with a cool inscription. Price: 200-500 rubles.
  8. A good gift for those who at least a little believe in fate. If you conceive a desire, and then shake the ball, asking it a leading question, then it will give one answer out of eight options. There is a ball in the region of 500 rubles.
  9. A pocket toy that you need in moments of excitement and irritation. It can be of different shapes - in the form of cats, mice, geometric shapes. But the coolest are the heads with the funny facial expressions when they are crumpled. The price is low - only about 500 rubles.
  10. This gift is not only cool, but also necessary - it helps to kill time in the minutes of "relaxation" in the toilet. You can play golf on the lawn mat or soccer, or even throw the ball into a basketball hoop. The gift will cost the donor only 500-1000 rubles.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

And these are goods for young fashionistas. We will throw you the next ten ideas about what is trending among young people now. And you will have to decide - which from this list you can choose the birthday boy as a gift.

  1. Do not choose them for the future for a long time and expensive, because the guy's leg size will still grow. The main thing is that they are light and very comfortable to walk. Therefore, it is quite possible to keep within 3000-5000 rubles.
  2. They look modern stylish on shoes, especially such laces are relevant somewhere in a disco. They are on sale with a special impregnation - costing 200 rubles. And there is one with flickering LEDs powered by an electronic unit, at a price of 400 rubles.
  3. Stylish, high quality, comfortable - these are the main selection criteria. When buying, pay attention to the density of the fabric and the quality of the seams. Well, you can fork out for a gift for both 1,500 rubles and 5,000 rubles. It all depends on the brand.
  4. If everything is very difficult with money for a gift, but the guy needs a belt, then you can buy it from leatherette. And for the "trick" to make an engraving on the buckle - all this will cost plus or minus 1000 rubles. A good leather belt can cost up to 3000.
  5. Down with the boredom of a monochromatic T-shirt with a tiny logo! Take your boyfriend a T-shirt with cool inscriptions and drawings as a gift. By the way, you can order decoration in stores, and the cost is low - from 500 to 1200 rubles.
  6. You can buy a young guy winter, knitted, but very stylish in style, costing about 800 rubles, from leatherette a little more than 1000, demi-season from 2000 and cool warm ones with fur can be found up to 5000 rubles.
  7. You don't need to buy such a cheap gift, even if stores offer stamped electronics for a penny. But it's also too early to give the birthday boy a cool watch. Choose the golden mean, for example, a stylish "mechanics" costing about 2000-3000 rubles.
  8. Sports style will always be in trend. Any lightweight T-shirt with an embroidered logo and a cost of only up to 1000 rubles is suitable for summer. But for the cool season, you can buy a cap, fashionable now, similar in shape to a baseball cap, costing about 1,500 rubles.
  9. This is a cross between a sweater and a sweatshirt. Sweatshirts are very cool on the body, brutally masculine. Moreover, their cost is not so transcendental - the simplest one can be bought for 1000 rubles. But on average, their price fluctuates around 2000.
  10. A student, student and athlete, of course, needs such an accessory. Make sure before buying in the strength of the locks and straps, in the presence of pockets and departments. Choose a backpack in neutral tones without flashy bright colors. 1500-3000 rubles will be enough for you for such a gift.

Appliances, devices and gadgets

Young people are easily versed in any new technology, but it is sometimes difficult for the giver to make a choice. We will not complicate the proposed ideas with technical terms, this can be done by a sales consultant. We're just going to tell you what teenage boys are interested in.

  1. 16 years is a high time for simulation games, and such gadgets give good skills, for example, if a guy is going to take a driver's license. A steering wheel with pedals will cost the donor an average of 3000 rubles, and a normal gamepad will cost about the same price.
  2. Headphones. There are two options here - you can buy small, barely noticeable in the ear headphones, especially for a smartphone to listen to music on the go (the price is around 1000 rubles), and the second option for gamers is large and with a microphone (their cost is about 3000).
  3. Well, how can a young guy not be in the trend of technical innovations? It is clear that he will dream of a super-expensive model. But for a start, the Chinese version for about 7,000 rubles is also suitable, let it have fun.
  4. But this gift must be taken more seriously - it is needed for study, and for games, and for communication, and for many other things. In general, “the whole world” is in it. Good laptops, such that "no complaints", cost from 20,000 rubles and more, so you have to fork out.
  5. Well, who now goes to the bookstore, if over time there is eternal tension ?! But on such a device, you can download any literary novelties and not litter the shelves in the closet. The price of an e-book is from 4000 rubles.
  6. Favorite modern "toy" even for adult men. And what, a drone is like a radio-controlled helicopter and a remote camera at the same time! Present the birthday boy with an inexpensive drone worth about 3000 rubles, because suddenly he will get tired of this toy ?!
  7. What does a guy need him for? Walking on social networks, playing games, is also useful for studying. Something in between a smartphone and a laptop. You can buy a tablet from 3000 rubles (if you take the simplest one) and above.
  8. The birthday boy will appreciate it if you give him some kind of original and cool USB flash drive, small so that you can carry it like a keychain with keys. Up to 1000 rubles will be the very thing. But for a special chic, you can make a personalized engraving, but this will already cost more than 1000 rubles.
  9. For a beginner who has not yet decided whether he will seriously engage in music in the future, you can buy a "trial" synthesizer with built-in acoustics for about 6,000-8,000 rubles, and a professional can take a serious instrument from 20,000.
  10. It is very cool to create three-dimensional figures on a sheet of paper with your own hand. And if the birthday person plans to become an architect or designer in the future, then she will help him develop spatial thinking. The cost of such a pen is around 1,500 rubles.

Impression gifts

This is a present that will forever remain in the memory of the birthday boy. Choose for him the gift that is closer to him in spirit: extreme, adventure or romance. To do this, you need to purchase a certificate or tickets. The cost of such services varies from city to city. We have tried to indicate approximate prices.

  1. The most addicting game of our time! The guy himself will type a team at his discretion. But the donor needs to be more careful when buying a certificate - some rooms are taboo by age "18+". The average cost is from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles per hour.
  2. Almost every boy dreams of being a racer, but is this hobby suitable for a birthday boy? Try it, buy a certificate for adults for 10 minutes (about 700 rubles). And you can pay extra for a longer ride.
  3. If there is a climbing wall in the city, then there is also a sale of gift certificates. Everything is safe - there is insurance, an instructor is nearby. And the price of such a service ranges from 1,500 rubles to 3,000, depending on the place and time.
  4. A gift for a balanced guy. The lesson requires attention and concentration, and the birthday man himself can feel like a medieval archer. A certificate costs from 800 rubles to 1500.
  5. A pleasure for all seasons - on a large transparent ball you can go down the hill both in the summer on the grass and in the winter in the snow, the main thing is that the weather does not let you down. It's actually a lot of fun! But for the price, one descent will cost from 1200 to 2000 rubles.
  6. The winter birthday boy will be very lucky if he receives such a certificate as a gift. Downhill tubing is a great pleasure mixed with adrenaline. An unlimited number of slopes for a whole hour costs from 500 rubles.
  7. An hour of competition with friends for the best strike. And in this institution you can well celebrate your birthday in a local cafe - order drinks and snacks on the table. All this pleasure will cost the donor about 1000 rubles in 60 minutes.
  8. Cinema, concert, theater, museum. Here it is certainly difficult to determine the price, because you need to know where the birthday person wants to go. But in principle, you can limit yourself to 1000-3000 rubles, even taking into account the second ticket for his loved one.
  9. An attraction for the brave and the brave with a powerful adrenaline rush. The vapor will have to test himself for the presence of acrophobia. But everything is not so scary when an experienced specialist controls the situation next to him. The average cost of the flight is about 2000-3000 rubles.
  10. It's cool - turns on snowy roads! But the age of 16 does not give the birthday boy the right to drive. Although that's all the better - let an experienced specialist drive, and the guy enjoys an extreme experience. A 15-minute trip will cost approximately 2,500 rubles.

Gifts for sports

The best gift for a 16-year-old boy will be a product or service from the world of sports. But the gift should not be with a hint: "You are obliged to overpower yourself!" No, on the contrary, he should be happy so that the guy has an incentive to develop himself physically. Here are a dozen sports-themed gift ideas.

  1. When a guy is 16 years old, he is at a transitional age between a boy and a mature boy. So you need to choose a bike according to its physical development: either a teenager (lightweight, smaller), or an adult. The average price of any of them is about 10,000 rubles.
  2. Minicruisers, cruisers, longboards are varieties of skateboards. Before buying, it would be worth enlisting the recommendation of young people, what is better to take for the birthday person. But the cost of a skateboard will vary from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the bells and whistles.
  3. The most important thing in their choice is reliability, ease of use and the exact size of the shoe. And of course, to look stylish. Well, there is also a wide range in cost: from 3,500 to 8,000 rubles.
  4. How to choose? Please note that the horizontal bar is made of a thick steel profile with anti-corrosion paint. Well, design is not that important. The main thing is that the guy really had a desire to practice on it. The price of the horizontal bar starts from 1,500 rubles.
  5. Take a high-quality and very reliable snowboard as a gift, especially if the guy has a place to ride it near the house. The price of a quality product is not so small - from 12,000, but security is more expensive than money.
  6. These skis are not designed for downhill skiing. They are good for a gift only if the surrounding area is flat in winter. They are needed for walking in the forest, for example, or for playing sports. Cross-country skis cost from 1500 rubles.
  7. If a guy wants to be always in shape (which, of course, is welcome), then give him light dumbbells for morning exercises in a vinyl cover weighing up to 2 kg and costing up to 500 rubles or prefabricated muscle pumping assemblies costing from 1,300 rubles.
  8. They are expensive and can cost up to 70,000 rubles. But there are good models of tracks without handrails "Home" for only 7000 rubles with a maximum load of 110 kg, they reach speeds of up to 12 km / h. Just right for a teenager.
  9. It doesn't matter that the birthday boy is not going to become a great footballer, you can drive the ball with the yard team for the good of the cause and body. In general, such a ball is not at all expensive - within 1000-1500 rubles, so it will be an excellent gift.
  10. Well, if there is no way to put a simulator in the room or there is no confidence that the guy will work out with dumbbells in the morning, then the best gift alternative is a subscription to classes on professional equipment. 4 lessons per month will cost approximately 1,300 rubles.

DIY gifts

These gifts are warm! Not in the sense of their temperature, but in the soul, which the master and the giver put in one person in his homemade product. A little imagination and hard work - and the birthday boy will appreciate the present, because it is exclusive to everything else, no one has such a thing and you can't buy it in the store! And we will show you what you can do.

  1. Handmade soap. It has become fashionable to give designer gifts. For making handmade soap, you can buy a ready-made store kit - everything is easy and simple there, or you can take a master class from a “soap guru” to know all the secrets of the craft.
  2. Knitted sneaker tanks. A super gift for gamers, pranksters and future fighters. But to make them, it will take a lot of time, patience and imagination. And to make the work easier and faster, you need to enlist the recommendations of the needlewoman from the video tutorial.
  3. A bouquet of chocolates and fruits. Do you think men don't need bouquets? In flower ones, of course, not, but in sweet-vitamin ones - yes. You can easily make such an ikebana from sweets and fruits thanks to the video tutorial, and the birthday person will not mind at all accepting a fragrant bouquet from your hands.
  4. Mug with polymer clay applique. To do this, you first need to buy a simple one-color mug, and then learn the art of modeling from polymer clay. However, the master class will help you. On a mug, for example, you can depict a cute panda hanging from a tree branch.
  5. Cool cushion. It can be made in the form of a smiling cloud or a donut sprinkled with colored icing on melted chocolate. In general, the manufacturing process is not complicated, and the birthday person will be comfortable lying on such a gift.
  6. Sweet poster. Nothing complicated at all. All you need is a large sheet of paper, colored pencils or markers, glue and a lot of all sorts of goodies (candies and chocolates in wrappers). And you also need to show your own imagination to write words of congratulations and wishes.
  7. Video clip. A sincere gift. But it can only be done by someone who is friendly with a computer. In principle, thanks to the master class and competent explanations of the specialist, everything will become clear, and the birthday person will receive a wonderful memorable surprise as a result.
  8. Tablet stand. To make it truly visually beautiful, and not only functional, it can be made from ordinary wooden clothespins "a la USSR" and long sticks. And then paint it all under antique bronze.
  9. Small parts box. If a guy is engaged in some kind of creativity or he is a jack of all trades, then such a box is very useful for him to store small details for work in it. All the miniature boxes in it are matchboxes.
  10. Unusual postcard. How many ideas on this matter and how many exclusive master classes! Trick postcards, 3D clamshells, amazing greeting cards in the form of miniature household items. There is no limit to human imagination!

Souvenir products

Even at such a young age, the birthday person will be pleased with gifts presented with honors. We have prepared for you a modest five of ideas with such gifts that will take pride of place on a shelf in a teenager's room.

Agree, this is a wonderful list of ideas. We hope that now you know exactly what to give a 16-year-old boy when you are going to his birthday party. All that remains is to buy or make a gift with your own hands, sign a postcard and get together for the celebration.

The 16th birthday is a very important date for every young person, therefore, birthday gifts must be chosen appropriate. Just how to do it? It is especially difficult for people of another generation who simply do not understand the tastes and interests of young people. And peers usually worry that they don't have enough money for something fancy and don't know what to buy. If you do not know what to give a guy for 16 years, use our tips.

How to choose a gift for a guy for 16 years

If the future birthday boy is your son, then, for sure, he has already managed to communicate his wishes. In other situations, it will be more difficult. The easiest way to choose a good present is to ask the recipient directly, but then there will be no surprise. You can ask his friends, but not the fact that they will give good advice. Therefore, you have to try:

  • Examine the guy's social media profiles. There are usually a lot of clues there.
  • Inquire about his hobby. Hobby gifts are always appreciated.
  • Choose something more or less versatile that will appeal to most guys of this age.

It is very important to avoid gifts that are too childish - they can offend the teenager. Also, you cannot give things that will be useful to him in the future. The gift must be used here and now, then it will cause the recipient's sincere joy.

TOP-10 gifts for a guy for 16 years

  1. Smartphone or tablet
  2. Scooter
  3. Camera or action camera
  4. An adventure for a group of friends of the birthday boy.
  5. RC helicopter or quadcopter
  6. Cool USB hub
  7. Funny sneakers
  8. Congratulatory diploma with a comic medal
  9. Photo print pillow
  10. Sports training equipment

What to give a guy for 16 years from parents and relatives

Parents and close relatives usually give the most valuable and at the same time useful gifts. Most successful ideas:

  • Smartphone or tablet. New models of gadgets appear very often, and every young man dreams of the most modern. If finances allow, please the birthday person.
  • Notebook. Most modern teenagers have computers, but you can't take them with you for a walk or to study, and a modern laptop will solve this problem.
  • New graphics card or powerful RAM for your computer. If the birthday person complains that his computer does not cope with the tasks, and there is no money for a new one, replacing some parts will help solve the problem.
  • Scooter. What guy doesn't dream of his own transport? At the age of 16, you can already get a driver's license to drive a scooter, so such a present will be more than relevant.
  • Cool bike. If the birthday boy loves to ride such transport, be sure to present him with a modern model.
  • Journey. Choose what the recipient will definitely enjoy, such as hiking, touring historical sites, or relaxing at sea.
  • Camera or action camera. Capturing everything interesting and showing to others - young people adore it, and good photo and video equipment will help with this.

Not a bad gift for a 16-year-old is money. It is unlikely that at this age he earns them on his own, and everyone loves to spend. Such a present is especially relevant for grandparents who do not understand the interests of modern youth, and for distant relatives who do not know the birthday person well. If you want, you can coolly fold bills in the form of origami, a money tree or a garland to not only please, but also amuse the birthday person.

Parents often want to give their son clothes - this is practical and will allow him to dress him up to his liking. You shouldn't do this, so as not to upset and disappoint the birthday boy. As a last resort, you can present a certificate from the store and give him the opportunity to choose something for himself.

An interesting gift from relatives is entertainment. Pay for an adventure for the whole group of friends of the birthday boy. Let them play paintball, take part in a quest, go go-karting or a water park. So you can make this birthday unforgettable. You can also donate a radio-controlled helicopter or quadcopter. This is a toy that even adult men will be delighted with, and the group of guys will have to be torn away from it by force.

What to give a guy for 16 years from friends

Good friends are usually aware of all the preferences and wishes of the birthday person, so they can present something that other people do not even know about. For example, if a guy likes to play a certain online game, they can upgrade his character, buy him new weapons for money, or buy codes that give him advantages in the game. You can also donate something for the computer, for example:

  • Gaming headphones or mouse;
  • Special stand for laptop cooling;
  • Card reader;
  • Cool USB hub;
  • A USB flash drive of an unusual shape;
  • Compact vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard.

Friends often try to pick up something unusual and original that will not only please, but also surprise the birthday person. The best ideas for these presentations are:

  • Unusual alarm clock. Escape and fly away models are very popular. You can also select a target alarm. To stop the signal, you need to hit it with a special laser pistol.
  • Cool passport cover. It's time to get the document, and without the cover, it will quickly tear.
  • Funny sneakers. There are models in the form of paws, tanks, glowing and even disgusting zombie heads.
  • A congratulatory certificate with a comic medal in addition. She will surely amuse all guests.
  • Wave projector for the bathroom. A nice gift for rest and relaxation.

If you decide to give a comic present, do not forget about decency. The gift should in no way offend the birthday person or have a double meaning. Make sure that the joke is only positive.

What to give a guy for 16 years from a girl

Although 16 is a fairly young age, many guys already have girlfriends. Going to the birthday of a loved one, you must try to choose a pleasant, romantic and memorable gift. The best ideas for these presentations are:

  • A mug with a shared photo;
  • Paired T-shirts or sweatshirts;
  • Pillow with photo print;
  • Photo session for two;
  • Pendant in the form of a half heart with engraving.

It's a great idea to have a very special date. You can invite the young man to the cinema or to a concert of his favorite artist. If your birthday is in a warm season, you can go for a picnic in the park or on the river bank. An interesting idea is a date at the planetarium, because the stars are one of the most romantic sights.

If you want to present something useful, but at the same time with a hint of your feelings, you can decorate your gift with a personalized engraving. It can be applied to a multifunctional folding knife, illuminated metal keychain, kvass glass, etc. Think carefully about the inscription - it should not be long, pleasant and unambiguous.

Gifts for a 16-year-old boy according to his hobby

Hobby-related presentations are always popular with everyone. Anyone who knows about the birthday man's hobby - relatives, friends or beloved - can give such a gift. But you have to choose it correctly. If you do not really know anything about the recipient's hobby, study this topic, search the Internet for what might be useful to such a person, ask people with the same passion.

The most successful gift ideas for a guy for 16 years, taking into account his hobbies:

  • If the guy is eager to learn how to play the guitar, give him an instrument with a tutorial included. An accomplished musician can be presented with high-quality strings.
  • An athlete will need any equipment for his training - a ball, collapsible dumbbells, resistance bands, a compact home exercise machine, etc. You can also gift a stylish gym bag or a water bottle. If a guy is fond of winter sports, then ski goggles, a warm hat and gloves, and also a thermos for warm drinks will come in handy.
  • The lover of board games will appreciate the poker set, "Monopoly", beautiful chess, etc. Today, there are many interesting intellectual and simply interesting board games released, so you will definitely choose something suitable.
  • A young man who loves hiking can be presented with a comfortable and roomy backpack, sleeping bag, pad, compass, hatchet in a case, flint and anything that will help survive in the wild.
  • If the birthday boy loves to fish, he will need a new high-quality spinning rod or a cool reel for him, a set of spinners of different sizes and shapes, a compact folding chair, a box for storing tackle, etc.
  • A music lover will love the collection of licensed discs of his favorite performers or a ticket to a concert.

And, of course, almost all young people love parties. Organize a stunning 16th birthday party for your birthday boy and he won't forget it. Think about how many people there will be, how to accommodate and feed them, what kind of music is better to listen to. It will not be easy for the birthday man himself to do this, but with the help of parents, relatives, friends and your girlfriend, you can arrange the best birthday in the world.