Rimma Panjieva official instagram. Strong woman rimma panjieva after the project. Photo by Rima Penjieva

One of the brightest representatives of the television project "Dom-2" for the entire existence of this reality show. Indeed, the girl attracts a lot of attention to herself. What is known about Rimma herself? Who is she, in what family did she grow up? Today we will focus on the biography of Rimma Pendzhieva.
Rimma Pendzhieva, biography which today has become the subject of discussion, is a rather bright personality. Perhaps not everyone likes her. But without a doubt, it can be argued that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pendzhieva Rimma Mukhtarovna- this is the full name of this bright girl. She was born on October 8, 1983 in the capital of Ukraine. She grew up in an ordinary family, there is a sister. After leaving school, Rimma entered the river school, and then worked in the restaurant business for a long time.
She appeared on the scandalous television project Dom-2 in the winter of 2008. Her initial sympathy was directed to the equally bright, shocking and popular participant in the show, Rustam Solntsev. Unfortunately or fortunately, their relationship did not work out. Either because of the stormy temperament of both, or because of the lack of real feelings, but Rustam and Rimma could not be together.
Next in line for Pendzhieva became Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. The young people liked each other. Vyacheslav even began to look after Rimma, but soon the guy switched to another participant in the project.
Evgeny Nikitin is another Rimma's sympathy for Dom-2. Rimma's relationship with this man lasted a little longer than the others, but still their result was the same.
But with the arrival of the minibus driver Demyan Levko to the TV project, she revived. She immediately liked the brutal man, and therefore the girl decided by all means to get herself Demyan. Soon Rimma started dating him. Relations with Demyan developed very well, the couple was happy, they spent a lot of time alone. However, in this case, everything spoiled Rimma's behavior. After a while, the couple broke up, and Demyan safely left the project.

After the guy left the reality show, personal life Rimma Penjieva froze in place. For a long time, the girl did not manage to build a relationship with anyone, and she did not feel any special sympathy for anyone. During this time of loneliness, Rimma became very friends with another participant in "Dom-2" Nadezhda Ermakova. Rimma also began to actively go on tour in many cities of Russia, where she sang songs of this television project.
Many are interested in the origin of Rimma Penjieva. The girl's nationality on her father's side is Dagestan. This is evidenced by her name and appearance. But in fact, she is a citizen of Ukraine, since she was born in the city of Kiev.

After a while, Rimma Pendzhieva's attention on the project was attracted by an extraordinary and strange guy named Gleb Strawnichka. In the beginning, he willingly courted the girl, and she reciprocated. But soon Gleb went over to Elena Bushina. Rimma's life changed with the arrival of Daniel Digler on the project. They obviously liked each other, but for a long time they hid their relationship. It was he who became the last in Rimma's relationship within the framework of the show. The couple soon left the project.
After leaving reality, Rimma and Daniil rented an apartment in Moscow for some time, trying to establish a joint life and way of life. But still, the couple did not manage to survive for long. Their breakup occurred due to constant scandals and a lack of mutual understanding.
Unlike many other participants in the Dom-2 project, Rimma Pendzhieva did not even think about returning to a reality show. Instead, she chose to return to her native Kiev. So the girl began a new life.
She began her return to her homeland with renovations. It is there that she lives today.

At the moment, Rimma Pendzhieva is free. She has no husband, no young man, no children. She notes that she likes this state, but still one day she would like to have her own family and children.
The main goal of this period for Rimma is weight loss. Now the girl is actively involved in losing weight, putting a lot of effort into this. For example, she goes to the gym, and also on a very strict diet. Well, it is very interesting to find out later whether the Ukrainian girl with curvaceous forms managed to lose weight.

As for the project, Rimma Pendzhieva considers it to be a predetermined stage in her life, which gave her a lot, but which had to end someday. Sometimes the girl remembers this period of her life with great anguish. However, the main thing for her is to live happily in the present, to look confidently into the future, without stopping and not getting hung up on the events of the past. Well, a very correct approach, which will undoubtedly bring success.
During the entire existence of the television project "Dom-2" it was attended by about 780 people. Of these, only six couples managed to get married. Also, within the framework of the project, two children were born, one of whom appeared quite recently. This is the arithmetic.

Rimma Pendzhieva - biography

About the past

I lived with the first man for six years, but he still could not appreciate me, we parted. We are now maintaining friendly relations. He is sure that I will return to him, but I no longer experience any feelings. Burnt out. The second time I fell in love was on New Year's Eve, but it didn't work out again - the guy left me, once again leaving for his girlfriend. I decided that this man could not hang out like a drowned man back and forth, so I abruptly cut off our communication. She suffered, but how cute she survived.

Already on the project, for the first time in my life, I started an Internet novel that lasted six months. Bright, colorful relationship, where there was passion, and love, and parting, and sex ... I met his parents on the Internet, he bought wedding rings, arranged a house for us in Moscow. One "but" - I have never seen him live, only a photo. And he fed me "breakfasts" every day: I'll come, I'll call ... I saw only one photo of him: a tall, pumped-up brunette with blue eyes, beautiful to goosebumps! I asked for more photos, but he refused, promising a quick meeting. Four months later, I heard his voice for the first time, which did not coincide at all with the picture that I saw on the Internet. After two months of our "telephone" relationship, he disappeared, as if he did not exist.

My third vivid relationship is associated with Thailand. The air was filled with the scent of sex, the ocean, the sun, hot men ... How could you resist? I met an amazing man Sergei, spent an unforgettable week with him in Tae. But Seryozha decided that he would not pull me financially. I explained to him that the amount of money was not important to me, but he stood his ground. We broke up.

About talent

I draw well in graphic and abstract style, but only in a bad mood. I am fond of women's erotic photographs, at home there is even a homemade magazine where I paste photos. Now I am passionate about traveling.

Antipathy / sympathy

I consider Seryozha Pynzarya and Dasha Chernykh, Zhenya Feofilaktova as friends. I dislike Nadya Ermakova, Gleb Zhemchugov, Vlad Kadoni, Inna Volovicheva.

Who did you come to

I don’t even want to remember. Now I am alone and waiting for love! A real man, I'm waiting for you!

Relationship to marriage

I want to get married. But I won't jump out for the first one who offers! I know what qualities a nearby man should have, and I'm looking for one. As soon as I find it, the wedding is not far off.

Best gift

Mercedes S500! Or a trip to Bali, Goa, Thailand.

Look at TNT

TV series "Friends", "Univer", "Happy Together"

Man + woman = friendship?

Everything exists in life. For example, me and Vlad Kadoni - we could only be friends, there can be no question of any love.

star fever

A "star" is one who has won the recognition of the people by his actions, talent, and intelligence. I am a person temporarily "on TV", popular at the moment. I adequately relate to my certain popularity, so I'm definitely not going to suffer from star fever.

Do you make a solemn promise that you will visit the forum at least once a day, write blogs, communicate with fans of DOM-2 and lead an active forum lifestyle?

Blitz survey:

Sex or food?

Love or sex?

Moscow or your city?

My city

Pumped up abs or fat wallet?

Pumped up abs

Comedy or erotica?

On a bus with your beloved or on a cool car alone?

On a cool car alone

Chili or vanilla ice cream?

vanilla ice cream

Tea or alcohol?


Have you stopped telling secrets?

Fitness or pasta with ketchup?

Fame or money?

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What does Semyon Frolov do after the project?
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Nikita Kuznetsov: biography, parents, girls
Inna Volovicheva: biography in detail

naked Rimma Penjieva

Biography of Rimma Penjieva

She graduated with honors from the Academy of Cookery Arts. She worked in the restaurant business for more than six years - she started as a waitress and finished as an administrator. I tried myself in the jewelry business, but it didn’t work: they paid too little money. Then he was invited to the construction business. Career growth would have been, but everything again came down to too little wages.

A real Ukrainian girl, Rimma Pendzhieva, has become one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project.

This girl with a strong character was able to win the love of the audience not only in Russia, but also in the entire post-Soviet space. Her garabirites can only cause envy. Rome really liked Rustam Solntsev, but the relationship between the young people did not work out - Rimma Pendzhieva for Rustam was just a friend who cooked, washed and in every possible way pleased the guy. But this failure did not leave Rimma. When Rima Pendzhieva was in the hospital with an attack of appendicitis, someone posted information on the Internet that the girl was being treated for a venereal disease. Rustam was suspected of this slander against Pendzhiev. After Rustam, the girl had a hot boy from Ukraine Demyan, he looked after the girl in every possible way, the couple even settled in the VIP house. But the relationship went "to naught", because on the same Demyan became a completely different guy: he offended and insulted Rimma. Once he even threatened Rimma Penjieva that he would kill her. Naturally, Rimma was scared of such a gentleman and broke off all relations with him. In addition, more and more often misunderstandings arose between Rimma Penjinva and her best friend Nadezhda Ermakova. Their friendly union finally fell apart when Gleb Strawnichka came to the project. Both girls liked this guy from Vladivostok and, as if they were hiding, rivalry began between the friends.
True, Gleb himself could not decide for a long time which of the girls was dearer to him: he courted Rimma Pendzhieva, and Lena Bushina, and Nadezhda Ermakova, which only made Rimma angry and upset. Soon, Rimma's passion passed, and Gleb finally made up his mind and chose Nadezhda, which finally put an end to the friendship between Rimma Pendzhieva and Ermakova.

While on the project, Rima showed how strong and stubborn she is, the girl even became "Person of the Year" on the project, which caused a storm of indignation and emotions among other project participants.
Rimma Pendzhieva was always very whispering about herself and her appearance, since she is a girl in a body and it is quite difficult for her to find a suitable young man. But during her time on the project, Rimma Pendzhieva lost a lot of weight with the help of diet and exercise, and now, slender and prettier, she is waiting for her handsome prince. Daniil Digler is still claiming this role, but not everything is so smooth in the pair, while Rimma was at home in Kiev, the guy flirted with Inna V. and Katerina Balakina, which caused the girl's anger. Now the guy is trying to regain the location of the girl, the couple even moved into the VIP room.

Age: 35 years old

City: Kiev

Height: 178 cm Weight: 87 kg

The project was 800 days

Was born Rima Penjieva in the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kiev. Her family consists of mom, dad and sister, as well as pets - three dachshunds.

Rima graduated from the River School, after which she worked in the restaurant business for six years.

A native of Ukraine came to the TV project on February 22, 2008 to one of the brightest participants - Rustam Solntsev. But, their relationship did not work out. Then, Rima turned her attention to Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, who, incidentally, came to the TV project House 2 on the same day as Alessandro Materazzo. True, Rome did not manage to create a strong pair with Dvoretskov.

The next young man with whom Rima decided to try her luck and create a relationship was Evgeny Nikitin. This romantic period lasted much longer than the previous ones, but nevertheless it ended in the same way with the separation of the young people.

Then the minibus driver Demyan Levko came to House 2. This brutal young man quickly won the heart of the heroine of this essay, and soon created a strong couple with her. Rima was very pleased with her new boyfriend, but ruined her happiness herself after they moved to city apartments. The couple broke up, and Levko left the project.

After Demyan, Pendzhieva began a real period of stagnation in relations with young people on the reality show House 2. At this time, Rima was engaged in anything other than building love on a television project. At that time, her best friend was Nadezhda Ermakova, who also lacked male attention, so the girls spent all their free time mostly together, and discussed the other members of House 2, and also often went on tour together in the cities of Russia, where they performed songs of the House 2.

But, in the very period when Rima's personal life did not work out, there were also pleasant moments. On September 14, 2009, Pendzhieva won the "Person of the Year" contest, following the results of the audience vote, in which 40 million people took part.

The next guy Penjieva fell in love with was Gleb Strawnichka. At first, he paid attention to Rome, but soon completely switched to Elena Bushina, and the "gorgeous woman", as a native of Kiev likes to call herself, once again remained at a broken trough.

Everything was changed by the arrival of Daniel Digler on the TV show House 2. After a rather long period of flirting, during which young people did not want to call themselves a couple, this event finally happened. True, in their short existence, the couple had already managed to disperse, the reason for which was the 18-year-old girl Taisia ​​Chepak who came to the TV project, who stood between Daniel and Rima. Pendzhieva was so offended by her young chepovek that she began to tell everyone how Digler "bred" his former women for money, and the fact that he had experience of same-sex relationships before joining the reality show. But, everything has settled down, and at the moment Rima is happy in a relationship with Daniel.

Rima Penjieva's Vkontakte page.

Rima Pendzhiev, a prominent participant in the Dom-2 television project, was remembered by the TNT channel viewers back in 2008. The cheerful brunette was on the show for 2 years and during this time she fell in love with many viewers. After leaving, the girl continued to develop a career in television and still maintains communication with fans.

Childhood and youth

Rima was born in the fall of 1983 in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Her mother is Ukrainian, her father is Azerbaijani, therefore, Penjieva is also Azerbaijani by nationality. The girl was not the only child in the family, Rima has a sister. Active since childhood, she studied well at school, participated in events.

For higher education, the girl chooses the Academy of Cookery, studies diligently throughout the entire time and graduates with honors. After that, Pendzhieva gets a job in a restaurant, but she still fails to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Rima did not go to work by profession, but got a job as an administrator. Later, she dabbled in the jewelry and construction business, but the low income did not satisfy her needs. All this time, the future star of the television project first met, and then lived in a civil marriage with a young man. Pendzhieva never felt a lack of male attention, but each new relationship ended in a breakup and long experiences.

"House 2"

The show, popular all over Russia, appeared in Rima's biography in 2008. Pendzhieva came to the project in the spring, and from that moment on, viewers watched this cheerful girl on TV screens for several years. At the first meeting with other residents of the TV set, Pendzhieva showed sympathy for, who had a reputation as a shocking and extraordinary person. The girl showed a desire to build a relationship with him, but, despite Rima's sincere feelings, Rustam did not reciprocate the courtship of the new participant.

Having failed to achieve mutual feelings, the woman began to seek consolation in new relationships. This time Vyacheslav Dvoretskov became her chosen one. However, this time Pendzhieva was not lucky, soon the man left her and began to meet with another participant in reality -.

In the summer of 2008, Evgeny Nikitin appears on the show. Initially, he laid eyes on another girl, but after her refusal, he began to build a relationship with Rima, who had long drawn attention to him. At first, the couple seemed promising, the young people were even settled in separate housing in a general vote. It all started with romantic dates, flowers and champagne. However, frequent quarrels and reproaches regarding male insolvency against Nikitin caused a quick break in relations.

But the girl did not grieve for long, the next arrival of new participants she met Demyan Levko, who was also her fellow countryman. The brutal man melted the brunette's heart, and soon a new couple formed on the project. At first, the lovers were constantly together, and the mutual understanding reigning between them aroused the envy of the guys.

However, the explosive nature of Pendzhieva did not allow the hobby of young people to grow into something more. During another quarrel, Rome impartially spoke about Demyan, which greatly offended the guy. By that time, their relationship had completely deteriorated, the young broke up, and Levko left the project.

After that, Rome stayed alone for a long time. In a sense, she became disillusioned with men, but at the same time she did not fall into despondency and depression, but devoted herself to the public life of a television set. Then the show was just holding the contest "Person of the Year", and to the great surprise of the participants, the girl won, having received an important title and a prize. After that, she began to tour Russian cities with reality TV songs. At the same time, Pendzhieva is building relationships with the participants and acquiring a girlfriend.

Discord between the girls brought in, which conquered both in one of the parishes on the show. Although Gleb reciprocated Pendzhieva, later still chose another participant, she became. And in the meantime, the relationship of the girlfriends finally deteriorated.

However, Rima had the strongest relationship with another man. Daniil Digler beautifully courted Penjieva, as a result, the guys created a couple in which they showed mutual respect and love for each other. Daniel was the last with whom Rima tried to build a family on a television project. In a vote against Digler, the majority of votes are gained, and the man is forced to leave the project. Rima did not think for a long time. After collecting her things, the girl left Dom-2 after her beloved in 2010.

Having settled in Moscow, young people rent an apartment and establish a common life. But outside the project, the guys fail to maintain the same feelings, and soon the couple break up. Rima leaves the capital and goes to his native Kiev.

Personal life

After leaving the show, Rima is trying to build her personal life again. Some time later, she began to post on Instagram a photo with a man and under each picture there was a signature that the woman was happy. And later on her page even appeared photos of wedding dresses and shoes, Rima asked subscribers to help her with the choice.

However, this idyll did not last long. Soon all the photos were removed, and Pendzhieva refused to comment on the break in relations with the young man. Only fleetingly in an interview, Rima admitted that she was happy with him and even prepared for the wedding and the birth of a child. The girl did not voice the reason for parting with her lover.

And now Pendzhieva is trying not to advertise the details of her personal life; information about the wedding and the birth of children has not been reported to the press.

Rima Penjieva now

Unsuccessful attempts to build a family did not break the girl. Now she is engaged in the modeling business. The curvy forms of the brunette make her in demand among plus size models.

In 2017, she even took part in the Ukrainian show "Model XL", and although the girl did not win, she reached the final. Rima is not shy about her figure; with a height of 178 cm, her weight is 85 kg. Pendzhieva uploads pictures to the Internet in a swimsuit and other revealing outfits.

In October 2018, Rima took part in the talk show Borodin vs. Buzova. In addition to discussing hot topics, on the show, the girl also met with her longtime friend Nadezhda Ermakova.