Remedies for powdery mildew on gooseberries. Folk remedies for gooseberry powdery mildew - what I advise. Aspirin with baking soda

When powdery mildew overcomes gooseberries, measures to combat this disease are selected carefully. After all, most often she is noticed when berries are poured on the bushes. It is unlikely that pesticides can be used when treating gooseberries from powdery mildew in the summer, so we have prepared several folk recipes for the treatment and prevention of this disease.

Powdery mildew on gooseberries: control measures from the piggy bank of folk remedies

As a rule, powdery mildew is found on gooseberries by gardeners in the summer, when there are already berries, what to do in this case? What to spray? After all, fungicides have a waiting period of 3 weeks, and the berries ripen earlier. Let's go over the arsenal of folk remedies so as not to harm ourselves and the bush:

  1. Infusion of onion peel. They take onion peel, fill it with water and insist for several hours. Spraying with this solution can be used either as a preventive measure, or only in the very initial stages of the disease.
  2. wood ash solution. Dilute 1 liter of ash in a bucket of boiling water. Wood ash is preferred. Also add liquid or laundry soap to the solution so that it does not immediately wash off the leaves. Spraying the entire shrub is carried out after two days - this solution should be well infused. The treatment of gooseberries with an ash solution is carried out twice with an interval of 10 days.
  3. Soda solution. In a bucket of hot water, dilute 50 grams of ordinary baking soda. Liquid soap is also added here, or a few shavings of ordinary household soap - this component is so that the solution does not just “stack” from the leaves, but lingers on it, destroying the fungus. After the solution has cooled, you can begin processing currant leaves. The procedure is repeated after 7 days.
  4. Serum solution. To prepare the solution, take whey, kefir, any other fermented milk product, mix with water in the proportion of 1 part whey and 10 parts water. Spraying with this solution is carried out similarly to soda, only more often - once every three days for a sufficiently long time. The action of the solution is such that the serum forms a dense film on the surface of the leaf, which does not allow the fungus to "breathe", and thereby "suffocates" its development. But for such an action, it is necessary that the film wrap around the sheet as long as possible, so the procedure should be carried out only in dry weather.
  5. Infusion of garlic arrows. Pour half a bucket of collected arrows with water and leave for 24 hours. Spraying the leaves with a ready-made infusion must be carried out on both sides of the leaf.
  6. Infusion of horsetail. Such an infusion is prepared for a day. First, a concentrate is made - 100 g of horsetail are taken per 1 liter of water, soaked, left for 20-24 hours. After this, the infusion must be boiled for 2 hours. As soon as the concentrate cools, it is filtered. Since it is intended for multiple uses, the storage of the solution is carried out in the refrigerator. For spraying diseased bushes, the concentrate is diluted with water as 1/5, the procedure is carried out only 4 times every three days.
  7. Solution with rapeseed oil. 10 mg of oil is diluted in a liter of water, approximately 1% solution is obtained. Must be used immediately after preparation. Rapeseed oil effectively fights the fungus, significantly reducing its number.
  8. A decoction of tansy. It is rather a prophylactic that does not destroy the fungus on the bushes, but those spores that are in the soil and can spread to the plant. Approximately 300 grams of fresh tansy is placed in a bucket and poured with water, insisted for a day, then brought to a boil and left for 2 hours over low heat. After the solution has cooled, they spill the soil near the gooseberry bushes. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure only in the spring.
  9. Dry mustard solution. On a bucket of boiling water take 2 large spoons of dry mustard. After the solution has cooled, spraying can be carried out.
  10. Iodine solution. For the treatment of bushes, a mixture of 10 liters of water and 10 cubes of iodine is used. It will take two sprays with an interval of 3 days.
  11. Mullein infusion. To prepare the infusion, take 1 part of mullein and 2 parts of water. Usually make a bucket. It is necessary to insist 4 days, after which the concentrate for spraying will be ready. In no case should gooseberries be sprayed with pure infusion! It is imperative to dilute with water in a ratio of 1/10, only after that it is possible to treat gooseberries against powdery mildew. You need to spray in the evening, after the sun has disappeared. Otherwise, the shrub may get burned.

Effective ways to prevent and treat powdery mildew

Prevention of powdery mildew on gooseberries helps prevent the development of the disease and preserve the harvest of berries.

1. Light transmission of landings

Do not thicken gooseberry plantings. The distance between adult bushes should be at least one and a half meters. Break the berry bush only in well-lit areas of the garden and vegetable garden. Thin out bushes in spring and autumn, removing shoots growing inwards.

2. Hot shower with potassium permanganate

In early spring, after the snow melts (before the buds swell), pour all the branches of the gooseberry with hot water (temperature about 90 ° C) with the addition of potassium permanganate crystals (the solution should have a pale pink tint). Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use baking soda (2 tablespoons per bucket of water). Such a shower prevents the development of all fungal diseases and destroys the laying of eggs of some pests.

3. Cropping

We advise you to carry out sanitary pruning of gooseberry bushes in early spring and autumn. All shoots with signs of disease, as well as dry, broken and weak branches, are subject to removal. In the summer, cut off all the branches on which signs of powderiness have appeared. Plant residues after the procedure must be disposed of by incineration.

4. Cleaning up litter and carrion

In summer, it is required to completely select all the berries from the ground under the bushes and bury them in a secluded corner or take them out of the site. In autumn, the near-trunk circles of bushes should be cleaned as much as possible from leaves in which fungal spores hibernate.

5. Autumn digging

After harvesting plant residues, it used to be customary to dig up the soil around each bush to a depth of at least 12-15 cm. During such digging, fungal spores will be underground or on the surface and freeze out during the winter.

Loosen the soil under the bushes regularly. Do not let the branches of plants touch the surface of the earth, for which make props or wooden fences.

7. Spraying

Sick bushes should be sprayed in the spring before the leaves begin to bloom with a biofungicide tank mix. Another option is a solution of soda ash, it works well against the mycelium of the phytopathogen. The solution is prepared by dissolving 50 g of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap in a bucket of water.

8. Treatment with ash infusion

Plants can be irrigated with infusion of plant ash throughout the growing season. When the first symptoms of the presence of mycelium appear, the plants are treated, trying to ensure that the solution gets on both parts of the leaf plates. To prepare this natural fungicide, 1 kg of ash is poured into a bucket of hot water and the liquid is infused for about 4 days. After straining, 30 g of soap is added to the infusion to improve the adhesion of the composition. The event is performed three times with an interval of 1-2 days.

9. Bacterial prophylaxis

The infusion of rotted mullein contains bacteria that inhibit the vital activity of the powdery mildew pathogen. Humus is poured with water 1:3, allowed to brew for three days, diluted with settled water 1:2 and used for spraying infected bushes.

10. The right fertilizer

Do not use nitrogen preparations (urea, ammonium nitrate, fresh manure and bird droppings) to feed gooseberry bushes, as excess nitrogen increases the susceptibility of plants to fungal spores. If you have not abandoned chemistry, add potassium-phosphorus complex compounds under the bushes, for example, potassium chloride and superphosphate. But fertilizing from vegetable ash is safer.

Carefully caring for gooseberries, you can fully enjoy the juicy fragrant berries every summer. And although the folk remedies we have given are milder, but coupled with preventive methods, you will get rid of such a disease as powdery mildew on gooseberries (and you certainly will not be poisoned by pesticides).

If you find a gray-white coating on gooseberry fruits, then this indicates that your plant has been infected with a dangerous disease - powdery mildew. This disease came from America. It spreads rapidly throughout the plant. Over time, the whitish coating turns into a gray or even brown tint. It is necessary to fight this disease and treat the plant immediately after the first signs of powdery mildew were discovered.

Description of the disease and how to deal with it

You can understand the presence of powdery mildew on gooseberry berries if a cobweb loose has formed there. Over time, it will turn into brown spots. If you do not start treatment, then in addition to the fruits, the disease will begin to affect the shoots and leaves, which turn yellow and curl over time.

Cracks form on the fruits, and they begin to crumble, and not yet ripe. In this case, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures as soon as possible. Otherwise, powdery mildew will spoil the bush, and it will no longer bear fruit, and then it will completely disappear. And here's how it happens, read the link.

On the video - powdery mildew on gooseberries:

Prevention - how to prevent powdery mildew on gooseberries

Old branches and those that produce little fruit should be cut off. Place the tops of tomatoes and potatoes under the bush, and also water it with a solution of EM preparations. The leaves will slowly decompose under the influence of bacteria, which will swallow the spores of the fungus. But when the leaves all fall off, then remove the rotted tops from the site and burn. In autumn and spring, be sure to dig the site.

Another excellent prevention will be the planting of gooseberry varieties that are able to withstand powdery mildew. This should include:

  • Chernomor;
  • Captain;
  • Northern;
  • English yellow;
  • Consul;Eaglet.

For planting gooseberries, it is necessary to choose only healthy and strong plants that are already adapted to the growing conditions in a particular region.

Fitosporin-M is considered an excellent prophylactic. It is made on the basis of a concentrate of Bacillus subtilis bacteria. But how powdery mildew on currants is treated is indicated.

Although the tool is considered very effective. It can only be used for prevention, since it cannot treat powdery mildew.

How to treat with drugs - how to treat and spray a plant

Today in specialized stores you can see various types of drugs. But they are all divided into two large groups - chemical and biological. Modern fungicidal preparations allow you to quickly deal with powdery mildew. Their active components penetrate into the cells of the plant, treat it and create reliable protection against the development of the fungus.

Taking into account what remedy will be used to combat the disease, the treatment of bushes should be carried out 1-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

To date, the most popular are such drugs:

  • Amistar Extra;
  • Vitaros;
  • Speed;
  • Previcour;
  • Acrobat MC;
  • Topaz; Fundazol.

In addition, gardeners can use the following chemicals:

Treatment and fight with home remedies

To combat the disease, you can use proven folk remedies. The following recipes can be considered the most effective:

Powdery mildew is a common disease that affects various crops, including gooseberries. You can fight it with both ready-made preparations and folk remedies. Of course, it is better to carry out prevention in a timely manner so as not to leave fungi with a chance to develop. And if you do not fight the disease, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to say goodbye not only to the harvest, but to the culture itself. But what kind of cauliflower is better to plant, it will help to understand.

One of the most common gooseberry diseases, American powdery mildew, is also one of the most dangerous. In addition to the fact that this disease causes disturbances in the development of bushes and damage to the crop, it has the unpleasant property of quickly spreading through the garden and steadily returning in the next season. It can be difficult to finally rid gooseberries of this disease.

Treatment is complicated by the fact that the lesion manifests itself at a time when it is impossible to use chemical agents, and it is impossible to detect infection in the spring. Before it is possible to treat gooseberries from powdery mildew with an effective drug, the disease will have time to cause serious harm to the bushes. In light of this, it is important to carry out disease prevention and systematic treatment of previously ill plants.

Cause, symptoms and course of the disease

The first sign of powdery mildew disease is the appearance on the leaves and shoots of a white, dry coating that resembles flour to the touch. The plaque does not crumble, it is hardly rubbed off with fingers. First, the lower leaves are affected, gradually the plaque spreads through the bush, causing the shoots to dry out and the leaves to curl. It appears last on berries.

By the time the fruits ripen, the plaque turns into a dense film and darkens, acquiring a brown or gray tint. The growth of berries slows down and may stop altogether. Often, gooseberry fruits crack and crumble ahead of time.

These symptoms are caused by the defeat of the Spheroteca fungus (Sphaerotheca), the spores of which are spread by wind and insects. Its appearance on one bush endangers the neighboring ones.

This type of fungus is able to attack not only gooseberries, but also currants, especially black ones suffer from it, and to a lesser extent red and white ones.

The spores of the fungus overwinter in the litter and in the soil near the roots of the infected bush, so the disease is highly likely to recur next year. If a gooseberry bush is regularly sick with powdery mildew, it will die in a few years. It is possible to distinguish a gooseberry chronically suffering from a fungus by smaller than normal for a particular variety, the size of the leaves, the early timing of their fall, and the curvature of the tops of the shoots. A sick gooseberry tolerates frosts much worse in winter, and the growth of the bush slows down.

Powdery mildew treatment

As a rule, plaque appears in the summer, during the period of fruit formation. The necessary treatment with fungicides cannot be carried out before the end of the harvest; as an emergency measure, treatment with Bordeaux liquid is used. Sprayed with a 1% solution twice at weekly intervals (you can use this tool only after flowering).

It is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering, as the fungus loves a moist environment, and dig the earth around the bush, mixing it with wood ash. These measures will slow down the development of the mycelium. A diseased bush should be regularly inspected and quickly cut off the affected branches, cut off the leaves and berries. To prevent the spread of the fungus, the removed parts of the plant should be burned.

For treatment, spraying with specialized preparations or folk remedies is used. First, the top of the bush is treated, then its lateral and lower parts, trying to moisten the leaves from all sides. With the same tool you need to spray the near-trunk circle.

When using folk recipes, it is better to process it not by spraying, but by wetting the branches with a solution. Ready preparations are used according to the instructions.

Healthy gooseberry or currant bushes are also subjected to the procedure, if they grow nearby. In addition, a plant that has been ill once will have to be treated annually, even in the absence of powdery mildew symptoms. Preventive treatment should be carried out three times a year: before flowering, waiting 7-10 days after it, and also before shedding foliage.

After waiting for the leaves to fall, it is necessary to collect them and burn them, or bury them in the ground to a depth of half a meter to avoid the spread of the fungus. It is also necessary to completely remove weeds around the plant and pruning old and diseased, as well as overly thickening gooseberry branches. For the winter, the trunk circle can be overlaid with stems of tomatoes or potatoes. Beneficial microorganisms that will develop in the leaf layer will destroy the mycelium. To enhance the effect, you can pour the tops with a solution of EM preparations.

Sferoteka throws out spores twice a year, in spring and autumn. After the treatment performed in the autumn, it is imperative to carry out the spring treatment of gooseberries from powdery mildew. To do this, the bushes and the soil around them should be sprayed with copper sulfate. It is necessary to perform the procedure before bud break.

If a diseased gooseberry grows in the shade, transplanting to a sunny place will help improve the situation. If the treatment does not help and the gooseberry is systematically sick every year, it would be more rational to replace the plant. The uprooted bush must be burned.

Folk recipes for spraying

Folk remedies (with the exception of copper and iron sulphate) show less effectiveness than specialized preparations, therefore they are used at the onset of the disease, as a preventive measure and for the treatment of previously sick plants in the absence of powdery mildew symptoms.

The most effective means to combat the fungus Sferoteka:

  • Copper vitriol. Grind 100 g of laundry soap on a grater and dissolve in a bucket of water. After that, 40 grams of vitriol is diluted in a small volume of hot water and slowly poured into the soapy solution. Spray the gooseberry bush and the near-trunk circle with this remedy before the buds begin to open.
  • Inkstone. It is used in the same way as copper, the dosage is 20 grams per 10 liters.
  • Overripe manure. Dilute in water at the rate of 1 kg per 3 liters, leave to infuse for 3 days. After that, once again dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and strain. This is a bacterial method, in such an infusion microorganisms actively multiply, which can feed on the fungus. Manure can be replaced with mullein, rotted hay, forest litter, hay dust.
  • Ash. Pour 3 kg of ash with a bucket of boiling water and let it brew for a day.
  • Ammonium nitrate. For 10 liters of water you need to take 50 grams of the product. This is a foliar feeding method, only the bush is sprayed. You can carry out this procedure once, after flowering.
  • Soda. Dissolve 30 grams in 10 liters of water. You can use food, but soda ash shows the best results. Sprayed 2-3 times with a break of 10 days.
  • Soap and soda. Add 50 grams of soap to the soda solution. Carry out the treatment in the same way as with a pure soda solution.
  • Boiling water. It is used to treat gooseberries from powdery mildew in early spring, before bud development begins. Douching is carried out only 1 time.
  • Tomato tops. You can use stepchildren removed from tomatoes. Leaves insist, add 50 grams of crushed laundry soap.
  • Dairy products. Dilute kefir or yogurt with water in a ratio of 1:10, add 15 drops of iodine. Bushes can be sprayed with this tool without restrictions throughout the season, taking breaks of 10 days.
  • Tansy. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 30 grams of dried tansy or 300 grams of fresh grass. Soak in water for 24 hours, then boil for about an hour and let cool. It is used only for soil treatment, not applied to the leaves.
  • Horsetail. It will take 100 grams of dry or 1 kg of fresh raw materials. Soak in a bucket of water for a day, boil for an hour. After cooling the broth, it is diluted with 5 buckets of water. The tool can be used all season. Keep one serving for no longer than a week.

Industrial fungicides

The choice of a specialized preparation depends on the processing time. You can spray gooseberries from powdery mildew after harvesting by chemical means. For the treatment of bushes in the summer and spring periods, biological preparations must be used.

Effective chemicals:

  • "Topaz". For 10 liters of water, 6 ml of the drug is consumed. The bush is treated by spraying. The treatment is carried out in two doses (no more) with an interval of 12-18 days. Can be used as a prophylactic.
  • Fundazol. 1 gram of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of water and mixed thoroughly. The diseased bushes are watered with a solution. It is allowed to use for prevention, in this case it is recommended to apply spraying. You can use the product no more than 2 times a year, processing in spring and autumn.
  • "HOM". For the treatment of gooseberries, dilute 40 grams of the product in a bucket of water. Use once, before flowering.
  • "Vectra". Dilute 2-3 ml in 10 liters of water, stirring continuously. Spray no more than 3 times per season, in spring (before flowering) and autumn. Can be used to prevent disease.


Some fungicides to combat powdery mildew contain colloidal sulfur (for example, Thiovit-Jet). The use of such products on gooseberries is not recommended.

Biological preparations contain beneficial bacteria that destroy the fungus. These funds are safe, they can be used during the ripening of berries. Suitable not only for spraying bushes, but the soil under them. But the effectiveness of these products is lower compared to chemical fungicides, so processing is required several times. Ideal for prevention.

The most popular fungicides of biological action:

  • "Fitosporin". A bucket will need 100-150 ml. You need to use this tool once every two weeks, gooseberries can be processed during the entire growing season.
  • Alirin-B. The consumption of the substance is 1 gram per 40 liters. In addition to the therapeutic effect, this tool contributes to the development of beneficial microflora in the soil.
  • Preparations with propiconazole ("Proznoz", "Chistoflor", "Propi Plus"). You need 7-10 ml per bucket of water. Spray before flowering and after harvest.
  • "Gaupsin". Dilute 200 ml in a bucket of water. The dose can be increased to 250 ml in case of severe infection. The solution is prepared half an hour before treatment, spraying should be carried out in the evening. Apply after flowering and until harvest, taking breaks for 15 days.

Disease prevention

It is possible to prevent gooseberry infection with powdery mildew by providing unfavorable conditions for the development of the fungus Sferoteka.

  1. Comply with all care standards determined by the gooseberry variety. Weakened plants are much more likely to suffer from diseases, including fungal infections.
  2. Regularly inspect leaves and branches to identify the disease in the initial stages of development.
  3. Do not allow excessive watering and stagnation of water in the soil. Humidity is one of the conditions necessary for the development of fungi.
  4. Produce timely pruning of gooseberries. Strong thickening of the bushes increases the risk of powdery mildew. However, excessive pruning in the spring can weaken the plant, impairing its immunity.
  5. Provide proper nutrition. Organic fertilizers containing a small dose of nitrogen, such as sawdust, will be useful. Refusal of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the important rules in the fight against powdery mildew. Whereas potassium and phosphorus can be used.
  6. Do not allow weeds to grow around the bushes, remove fallen leaves in the fall.
  7. Dig up the soil around the plant. The earth must be turned over, thoroughly mix the layers of soil. This will enrich the soil with oxygen, which prevents the development of microorganisms in it. It is best to dig in the spring, but on warm days.
  8. Do not use cuttings from diseased plants for propagation.

All preventive measures will also be useful for caring for plants that are already sick or have been ill before.

Interesting to know!

There are varieties of gooseberries that do not suffer from powdery mildew. But there are varieties that are highly susceptible to this disease. When choosing a new plant, it is worth clarifying its resistance to the fungus.

How to get rid of powdery mildew on gooseberries. Video.

The gray-white coating that appeared on gooseberry berries is a sign of infection of the plant with a dangerous fungal viral infection - powdery mildew. An uninvited "guest" came to us from America. The disease spreads rapidly throughout the culture. White color becomes gray over time and even acquires a brown tint. Adaptation to harsh winters contributes to the survivability of viruses. They endure our frosts on damaged bushes, so that with the onset of spring they multiply again with spores that already fall on nearby growing plants. When the first signs of powdery mildew are found, you need to know what to do with fruit crops, what control measures to apply.

Dangerous fungus

The fact that the gooseberry is useful, a storehouse of vitamin "C" is known not only to man. Powdery mildew also "knows" about it. Microscopic spores of the fungus are brought by the wind, along with birds and insects. Raspberries, yoshta, currants settle on bushes. In the last decade of May, according to the characteristic white bloom - the initial stage of infection - the pest is found on the green shoots. These are mushrooms. Given the rapid reproduction, the fight against powdery mildew on gooseberries begins immediately after the first symptoms appear, until the fruits have formed.

Spring warm days with rains create comfortable conditions for the reproduction of spores. If the bush has been infected since last year, the spores were not destroyed and overwintered safely, then in the spring, most often, the spread of powdery mildew begins from the lower branches. Covered leaves, and then the fruits with a white coating, after a while have an unattractive rust appearance with a hard crust that is difficult to clean. Leaf plates are deformed, twisted, stop developing. Young growth on the bushes dries out.

"Weaknesses" of powdery mildew

Like any pest, powdery mildew is "afraid" of chemistry. All preparations in liquid form are applied by spraying three times during the development period: in spring, before the onset of active vegetation, when the first flowers appear, and another one and a half weeks after the start of flowering. Moreover, for preventive purposes, it is also necessary to treat neighboring plants with chemicals.

The lesions are already in the critical phase - the fruits cannot be consumed, and the bush must be treated with aggressive chemistry

Attention! Proper irrigation of plants should be carried out with a sprayer with a wide spectrum sprayer. In this case, the liquid is applied to the crown, to the soil in the root zone. Particular attention is paid to the wrong side (shadow) side: under the branches, on the back of the leaves. The plant is conditionally divided into zones and irrigated in turn: the “top”, “sides” and the bottom of the bush with the capture of the soil around it.

  • Among the available and inexpensive means -. It is dissolved in an amount of 100 g in 10 liters of water. Spray at the beginning of the growing season.
  • A good result during the flowering period from treatment with a solution of sodium carbonate. For 10 liters of water you will need 50 g of soda ash.
  • Good effect and from the solution (0.2 kg of the drug and 10 liters of water at room temperature). Apply before bud break.
  • You can get rid of powdery mildew on gooseberries with the appearance of buds if their branches are sprinkled with a composition. It is sold in specialized stores or prepared independently. Bordeaux mixture from powdery mildew on gooseberries is used 3%. For cooking, you need to take: copper sulfate (copper sulfate) - 0.3 kg, lime - 0.4 kg, water - 10 liters. First, vitriol is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Then, after complete dissolution of the salt, another 5 liters of water are added. The resulting saline solution is gradually poured into the lime solution. Well mixed, filtered. You should get a rich blue Bordeaux mixture.
  • Copper-containing preparations against powdery mildew on gooseberries: Gold, Ridomil Thanos, etc.
  • A proven remedy for powdery mildew on gooseberries is potassium permanganate (KMnO4). In a weak solution, prepared from 1.5 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, it is applied to the gooseberry twice: before flowering and again after 10 days. Topaz is used for the same purposes.
  • Crystals of permanganate salt (2 tablespoons) are diluted in water (10 l). The mixture is heated to 90°C. To hot compositions, the branches of the plant, as well as the soil under the bushes, are irrigated before the formation of buds for the purpose of prevention.
  • In the distribution network, you can purchase chemical-based drugs that kill the fungus (fungicides):, Skor, HOM, Abiga-Peak and others. When preparing the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  • Fitosporin has a good effect. This is a complex effect on the fungal and bacterial environment of the drug, especially in the soil litter. It's all about. preserved live bacterium Bacillis subtilis, which does not die even at -20 or +40 °C. The fruits and soil are treated both before planting the plant and during the fruiting period.

Physical and cultural measures

Treatment with copper sulphate - as a way to prevent powdery mildew

  • When the snow melts, all the foliage wintering under the bushes is burned along with spores.
  • Gooseberries are regularly inspected. Cut off at the first appearance of infected branches. This should be done on the eve of winter and with the onset of spring. All trimming is burned, or it needs to be dug outside the boundaries of the garden.
  • In a critical situation, when none of the processing methods helps, you should act radically: uproot and burn the infected bush.
  • The most effective way to get rid of the pest is to plant varieties of fruit crops resistant to powdery mildew: Finnish, Harlequin, Houghton, Kolobok, etc.

From public stocks

Folk remedies in the fight have a sparing effect on the plant itself and on the future harvest.

Common household formulations, nutritional supplements or medications in our home first aid kits will help get rid of the pest without resorting to drastic measures.