Stretch ceiling lighting - installation and installation methods. Ceiling lighting Light divider for stretch ceilings

Most people naively believe that in order to create a truly unique and inimitable interior, they will almost have to give their soul to the devil. Meanwhile, you can achieve originality with the help of the basic tools that you have by default: the texture of the ceiling surface and lighting. The main thing is to use these trump cards correctly. If you have another renovation of the hall on your nose, then our today's material is akin to a magic wand - we invite you to take a look at the photo of stretch ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps. We have selected for you 50 interesting options in a variety of interiors, ranging from hackneyed but pretty classics to mockingly bold and pompous art projects.

Requirements for the ceiling in the hall

The hall is often called living room. And this is no coincidence: very often guests are received in this room. All the more serious is the responsibility that rests on your shoulders - to create a cozy interior for everyone in the room and an atmosphere conducive to natural communication.

In addition, the whole family gathers in the hall in the evenings, actively rests, watches television programs or sits comfortably while watching a movie on a home theater. Based on this, one can draw a conclusion that is logical as thunder after lightning: it is impossible to ignore the ceiling as one of the most effective tools of expressiveness in any case.

Taking into account the functional characteristics of the room, we tried to put together the basic requirements for how the ceiling in the hall should look and what role it should play in the overall interior of the room:

  • direct participation in the functional zoning of the premises - with the help of organized lighting and texture features, you can make one or another accent, for example, highlight a play area with directional light or beautifully emphasize flowing curtains falling from a cornice fixed in a niche;
  • color balance - often in the photo of stretch ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps you can see how upwards literally suppresses the bottom of the room with an annoying color performance - this is a designer's mistake and is not allowed for execution;
  • correction of visual imperfections - for example, excessive ceiling heights and the resulting aloof atmosphere can be corrected with surface finishes in several levels;
  • work to visually enrich the room - if the general design of the hall seems conservative, monotonous and boring to you, then with the help of the right color on the ceiling, you can radically change the impression of the entire interior.

Benefits of using stretch fabric

In the photo, stretch ceilings in the hall always look advantageous, especially if you choose the right chandelier and lamps. This is not surprising: all its potential pvc films they reveal it in spacious rooms, adding a maximum of gloss, solemnity and nobility to the atmosphere.

All the advantages of using stretch ceilings in the hall are below:

  1. perfectly flat ceiling;
  2. the ability to hide traces of communications and wires;
  3. construction of complex and non-linear multi-level structures;
  4. visual experiments with living space;
  5. expanding the color range of the room;
  6. combinations with other types of materials;
  7. use of mirror segments;
  8. unlimited possibilities of light integration.

Let's pay close attention to the last point - it is the interaction with light sources that allows you to profitably use all the advantages of a particular ceiling texture and build an outstanding and memorable interior in the room.

The relationship of canvas textures with light sources

Looking at the photos of stretch ceilings in a hall with an already decorated interior - with a chandelier, lamps, LED strip - you most likely noticed that the final light pattern of the room depends on the type of ceiling surface texture used. And this is not a secret: the different texture of the stretch fabric, when interacting with sources of general or additional lighting, behaves differently. There are three in total:

  1. glossy;
  2. matte;
  3. fabric (satin).


  • high reflectivity;
  • advantageous combination with spotlights and LED strips;
  • visual increase in living space;
  • illumination of dark areas.

One of the best solutions for the hall due to the combination of all its advantages and well-established relationship with the light sources used. Cloths with a glossy effect feel great both next to a classic crystal chandelier, and with mortise spots.

Due to the high reflectivity such a texture is as close as possible to a mirror one, which can be successfully used if there is a desire to emphasize some detail in the interior or consciously highlight the volume.

Examples of the successful use of glossy stretch ceilings in a hall with a chandelier and lamps are in the photo below.


  • looks like ordinary plaster;
  • leaves an impression of modesty and restraint;
  • does not reflect glare;
  • predominantly functional use.

The matte surface has a low level of interaction with light sources in the room. In halls, it is often used to shift the focus to furniture or walls. The inability to reflect light completely unties the hands of lovers of massive central chandeliers with a large number of removable elements - after all, in the case of using such a light source on a glossy ceiling, you risk provoking the creation of an "enchanting" light show, which is likely to get bored after a few hours of your persistent activity.

All of the above can be seen if you look at the photo of stretch ceilings in the hall, where it immediately catches your eye that the matte texture does not interact with the chandelier and lamps.


  • seamless structure;
  • expensive attractive look;
  • softly and beautifully scatters light.

The most expensive, but infinitely advantageous and beautiful texture, which can be safely recommended if you set out to create a stylish noble interior. Especially in the case of grandiose plans for the use of combined light sources. You can tirelessly watch for hours how satin ceilings skillfully handle light.

Take a look and you - the photo shows fabric stretch ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps of various types.

Features of choosing the color of the ceiling for the type of lighting

The right shade is akin to a successful poem written in a fit of inspiration. In design art, as in poetry: sometimes even combinations that are unfriendly to each other can give a stunning effect. However, they do not cancel the general and well-known rules. After all, exceptions exist only to confirm them, right?

We have selected for you some useful tips that may well be useful if you do not know how best to reveal the advantages of a particular color in combination with the lighting of the lamps in the hall.

  1. intense lighting has the ability to greatly lighten the ceiling - so avoid too subtle and weakly pronounced shades to avoid an unnecessary effect of a bleached surface;
  2. do not use a combination of a central chandelier with symmetrically located spotlights in low rooms - this will cause an effect of congestion, it is best to choose a beautiful light color on the ceiling and get by with either one chandelier or spots located around the perimeter;
  3. LED strip successfully interacts with a shade of any temperature: keep this in mind when you need to lighten or, conversely, darken the space a little;
  4. if the hall is located in the shady side of the house, choose warm shades as the main color of the ceiling and emphasize their influence favorably with the help of spotlights.

Examples of the location of lamps and chandeliers

We offer you an excellent scheme that will help you correctly place spotlights around the chandelier in the hall and make the interior more comfortable and expressive.

Below is a photo of stretch ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps in a variety of options.

One-level ceilings

single level stretch ceilings reinforced with a chandelier and lamps as light sources - the most common type of ceiling structure, usually in small rooms. Most often these are halls located in apartment buildings. Someone will say that with such restrictions it is difficult to achieve an impressive result, but we will answer: not at all. And as proof, we offer a look at the photo of single-level stretch ceilings in the hall with an integrated lighting system - a central chandelier and lamps, where the owners managed to emphasize a wide range of color palettes, volume and stylistic concept.

Duplex and multi-level ceilings

As a rule, they can most often be seen in the hall in the format of a country house, where each room has a proper supply of square meters. However, sometimes there are exceptions.


If the photos you saw of stretch ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps did not inspire you, there is no need to be sad about this: rely on a constructive approach. Analyze what you saw, identify for yourself those options that literally did not last a little bit for your approval and think about what you would best change about them. A successful idea with chandeliers and lamps in the hall does not wait for you somewhere in the back streets of consciousness, ready for use - it is born at the moment when you absorb and digest information, and goes through a long path of transformation before you safely bring it into the light.

Proper lighting can transform a room, visually expand the space and enhance the beauty of complex ceiling structures. Choosing lighting for a stretch ceiling is not easy - there are many options, and each has its own characteristics.

Lighting options for stretch ceilings

How to organize lighting for rooms with stretch ceilings? Today, there are a lot of options - traditional chandeliers and color-changing LED strips, spotlights for space zoning and the magical effect of the starry sky, as well as complex solutions that combine different types of lighting.

central lighting

The most common type of lighting is one chandelier in the center of the ceiling. A stylish chandelier in itself can be a decoration of the room, the brightest accent in the interior, it can set the tone for the whole room. For classic interiors and spacious rooms, this is the best option. However, for small spaces, according to designers, a chandelier is not the most convenient and practical solution.

Mounting the chandelier on stretch ceilings is possible in two ways. If the height of the ceilings in the room exceeds 3 meters, you can use a hook mount. In other cases, it is preferable to mount the chandelier on a special platform hidden under the stretch ceiling.

It is worth saying that the thermal instability of the stretch fabric imposes some restrictions on the choice of a lighting device. It is desirable that the ceiling lamps of the chandelier with a small suspension height do not look up, but to the sides or down. It is also not recommended to use powerful lamps - opt for products no more than 40 watts. Therefore, if you want the room to be brightly lit, choose a chandelier with 5 arms or more.

If the chandelier will hang at a great distance from the ceiling, then there are no restrictions.

In a very large room, the central chandelier is not enough for high-quality lighting - the effect of twilight is created in the corners, so it is better to supplement the central lighting around the perimeter with spotlights.

Spot lighting for stretch ceiling

Such lighting on a stretch ceiling is becoming more common. It allows you to create interesting and varied lighting solutions and provides virtually unlimited possibilities - it can be used to emphasize interior details, organize light zoning of space and various lighting scenarios.

Spot lighting is a few small inconspicuous lamps located in different areas of the ceiling. There are a lot of accommodation options. When choosing a place for lamps, the designer is guided by the plan of the room, its purpose, arrangement of furniture, natural light. With the help of spot lighting, you can organize the illumination of the desktop, dining area, paintings on the walls. Spot lighting - the solution is not only stylish, but also cost-effective - a competent arrangement of lamps allows you to illuminate only the area that you need at the moment.

To organize spot lighting on a stretch ceiling, halogen, fluorescent or - which is more common - LED lamps are used. The latter are ideal for stretch ceilings, as they practically do not heat up during operation.

Stretch ceiling contour lighting with LED strip

The LED strip looks very beautiful and unusual, besides, it is one of the most inexpensive ways to organize lighting, because LEDs consume very little electricity. The use of such a tape allows you to reduce the cost of lighting by 3 times, and the service life of such lamps reaches 50,000 hours - this is almost 6 years of round-the-clock operation.

LEDs provide even, flicker-free light, which is great for the eyes. They come in different colors, and the combination of multi-colored ribbons gives a very interesting effect. There are also polychrome ribbons that can change colors, like a Christmas tree garland. For such a tape, a special device is required - a controller, in whose memory programs are entered that control the operation of the tape and lighting effects. Sophisticated controllers can change the intensity and spectrum of the glow in accordance with the sound, creating real light music on the ceiling.

The LED strip does not heat up, so it can be mounted in close proximity to the stretch ceiling. This is a good option for lighting multi-level ceiling structures.

Raster lighting for stretch ceilings

Raster modular lamps give a clean, bright light, but they are inappropriate in a home interior - too bright lighting will make a small room uncomfortable, and raster lamps do not differ in particular sophistication. But for offices, large retail areas and other similar premises, raster lighting is an ideal choice.

The raster lamp is equipped with special reflective plates that scatter light and provide even bright illumination. Devices of this type differ from each other in the form of the profile of the mirror grating. For offices where people work at a computer, it is better to choose bi-parabolic raster fixtures that do not create glare on monitors. The parabolic profile is good for shopping and exhibition halls and other public places, while the linear profile is good for walk-through rooms, such as corridors, dressing rooms, etc.

Unique light pattern

By combining LED strip, spotlights and chandeliers, you can achieve a unique light pattern that will literally transform a room. For example, if you place spotlights around the perimeter of a multi-level ceiling, highlight the edge with a ribbon, and create an imitation of the starry sky in the center, you can get a surprisingly beautiful and spectacular result. Lamps can be placed even under a stretch ceiling, getting the effect of a diffused glow.

How to choose the type of lighting for stretch ceilings

Lighting for stretch ceilings has its own characteristics, dictated by the technical characteristics of the canvas. PVC film, from which stretch ceilings are made, is very durable, but its heat resistance is not very high. Such ceilings require delicate handling. The lamp cannot be attached directly to the canvas - it will stretch and tear. Continuous exposure to heat from the lamp may deform the area of ​​the film and change its color. Therefore, it is necessary to choose lighting for stretch ceilings very carefully.

Spotlights, which are attached to specially equipped seats and practically do not heat up, are considered optimal for lighting stretch ceilings. Chandeliers also do not lose ground, but in order to install a heavy pendant lamp, you need to equip a place for its fastening under the ceiling in advance, and cut a hole in the canvas itself before installation.

If you have a multi-level ceiling of a complex design, hidden lighting with LED strips will help to emphasize its spectacularity. Most often, such a tape is attached to a pre-mounted polyurethane cornice on the ceiling.

Glossy stretch ceilings work like a mirror, "doubling" the light effect. This should be taken into account when installing lighting fixtures - sometimes this effect can be interesting, but it can also spoil the whole impression of the backlight.

The choice of luminaire largely depends on the material of the ceiling. So, chandeliers with closed shades look good on a matte surface. But for glossy ones, it is better to choose multi-track chandeliers with open bulbs - reflected in the ceiling, they will give a beautiful effect of many lights. But keep in mind that the glossy surface reflects not only the light, but also the chandelier itself, so it will have to be kept clean: dust flakes or cobwebs negate all the efforts of the designer.

A well-organized light pattern can visually increase the height of the ceiling and even expand the boundaries of the room, give the room comfort and individuality. For example, contour LED lighting adds depth and volume to even a low ceiling, it is a good choice for apartments with ceilings below 3 meters.

When deciding which lighting is best for a stretch ceiling in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the purpose for which the lamps are installed. They can not only actually give light, but also be used for zoning a room, visually increasing the space or raising the ceiling. Choosing the right lighting can be a good design decision. How to choose lamps for stretch ceilings in different rooms?

Types of fixtures for stretch ceilings

People are often afraid to experiment and try to create beautiful lighting of stretch ceilings because of the peculiarities of these structures - the ceiling canvas is quite thin and can melt from a too powerful light source. Therefore, first of all, you need to choose the distance at which the light bulb will be from the ceiling surface.

The distance it depends on what type of light source is used. With some nuances, you can use any light bulbs:

  • incandescent lamps - they get very hot, so they can be placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from the canvas;
  • halogen - less powerful, but nevertheless very hot;
  • energy-saving - best suited for built-in lighting of a stretch ceiling, located close to the canvas;
  • LED - the most efficient (a 3 W diode shines like a 40-watt incandescent lamp), durable and cold.
Types of bulbs for choosing room lighting

Lighting options for different rooms

When choosing lighting for a stretch ceiling for a room, it is necessary to take into account the functional features of the room. In this case, you need to use the basics of design - with the help of the right selection of lighting, you can visually increase the height of the ceiling, make the room more spacious, highlight important parts of the design, and much more. Let's consider different ones.

Living room

It is easiest to choose lighting for stretch ceilings in the living room - a classic combined scheme is used here: a powerful chandelier is turned on when general lighting is needed, and in other cases, spotlights are used. They can be placed around the perimeter of the room, in the corners or above certain areas - depending on how the living room is planned. It is important to consider that a TV is usually placed in the living room - the light should not be directed at the screen, especially if it is glossy.

If a multi-level ceiling is installed in the living room, it can be used with a stretch ceiling. A shelf is made along the perimeter of the extreme level, to which the LED strip is glued. The voltage transformer and other equipment needed to operate the light bulbs can be easily hidden inside the ceiling structure. Soft LED light will be the perfect solution for relaxing in the evening or for family gatherings.

Lighting option in the living room


In the bedroom, as a rule, bright light is not required, so you can choose lighting options in the bedroom with stretch ceilings without using a chandelier. If a glossy canvas is used, the use of hidden lighting will be an effective solution. Spotlights can be hidden in niches or behind curtains, letting diffused light across the ceiling - it will evenly light up, while the light will pour as if from nowhere. In order for the reflection to be bright enough, the ceiling must have a light shade.


In the children's room, as well as in the bedroom, a stretch ceiling with lighting without a chandelier is best suited. The situation in this room should be as calm and pleasant as possible for the child, so dim lamps should be chosen. It is here that it is worth creating an imitation of the starry sky.

There are two ways to implement this idea:

  • install ordinary LED lamps under the main ceiling, and then make a stretch ceiling using a canvas with a large number of small holes;
  • use fiber optic lamps - segments of thin luminous cables connected to a common microprocessor that regulates the degree of illumination.

To make such lighting look most impressive, you will have to use a black stretch ceiling. So that because of this it would not be too gloomy in the nursery, it is worth turning into the sky only a small area in the center of the room, making a second, bright, level around the perimeter with spot LED lighting.

Such original lighting of stretch ceilings can be made informative if you try to embody a part of the real sky with real constellations.

Lighting option in the nursery


Three types of lighting should be used in the kitchen:

  • point or LED - for the working area;
  • dim light for the dining area;
  • general lighting - chandelier.

If the kitchen is small, a set of spotlights will suffice, which can be complemented by a sconce over the dining table. In a large room, which can be divided into separate zones, different ones with a stretch ceiling are used.

The work area needs bright light, which LEDs can provide. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to illuminate the entire kitchen during cooking, so it is worth installing separate LED strips. They can also be used for soft lighting of the dining area if the stretch ceiling has several levels. Separate spotlights can illuminate the bar counter.


An important task of lighting in an apartment with stretch ceilings is the visual expansion of a small hallway. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • launching a strip of LED light along the edge of the ceiling, around the entire perimeter of the corridor;
  • directing diffused light along the wall, hiding spotlights in ceiling niches;
  • using a light glossy canvas, brightly lit by longitudinally installed lamps.

It is best to combine these options - make the stretch ceiling light and install spotlights with reflectors around the perimeter of the hallway. If the brightness of the light is not enough, you can additionally install sconces by pointing them at the ceiling.


In the bathroom, it is important to use waterproof types of stretch ceiling lighting. The air in this room is very humid, so the technical characteristics of the fixtures will be more important than their aesthetic side.

Lighting calculation

When calculating the required number of fixtures, several room parameters are taken into account:

  • ceiling height;
  • room area;
  • the presence or absence of a central chandelier;
  • type of additional light sources.

It is important to keep in mind that the optimal lighting power for a residential apartment is 20 W per 1 m 2. The number of fixtures is easy to get, knowing this number and the power of the fixtures. So, if standard point energy-saving lamps with a power of 9 W are installed in a room with an area of ​​20 m 2, the calculation of stretch ceiling lighting is carried out as follows:

  1. We multiply 20 m 2 by 20 W - we get the required total power of the lamps, equal to 400 W.
  2. We divide 400 W by 45 W (light power from one 9-watt lamp) - you will need about 9 lamps.

Lamp power calculator

Thoughtful lighting for stretch ceilings can transform any interior. In the distribution network, the range of lighting fixtures is huge, and making a choice is sometimes difficult. After mounting the stretch fabric, you can install a chandelier, or spotlights, or perform hidden lighting from inside the structure. What's better? Lighting options can be seen in the photo.

The influence of lighting on the perception of space

There are several tricks, the implementation of which will help visually make the room taller: you can create a backlight around the perimeter of the ceiling surface in the form of a narrow strip or direct light from hidden lamps installed on the walls onto the ceiling. To make the height of the room seem lower, on the contrary, the luminous flux from the light sources placed on the dark-colored ceiling must fall on the walls.

When creating a lighting design for stretch ceilings, you need to take into account its impact on the visual perception of other dimensions of the room. The room seems larger if the walls are brightly illuminated and materials with a high reflectivity are used in their decoration. From this we can conclude that by changing the degree of illumination, it is possible to adjust the visual effect, as a result of which the room may seem spacious or small.

Lighting Options

Before installing stretch ceilings, lighting options should be considered in advance, since electrical wiring must be done before the installation of the canvas. There are many options for installing fixtures on a tensile structure, but the chosen solution must correspond to the functionality of the room.

"Starry Sky" . The arrangement of such a lighting option is designed before the installation of the ceiling structure. Usually, not one, but two canvases are used: one is a perforated opaque fabric (light sources are located behind it), and the second is a translucent film for projecting an image onto it. As an alternative, on the reverse side of the translucent canvas, lighting is mounted under the stretch ceiling in the form

A fiber optic system that provides bright light to the required points from a single source can be controlled by a microprocessor.

Chandelier . Suspended ceiling lighting fixtures are also used to create tension structures. The chandelier goes well with other light sources. As you know, usually on the floor there is a built-in hook for attaching a chandelier, and the presence of wires allows you to install it without problems. Tension lighting after completion of work on the creation of the system is carried out within half an hour. Under the hook for the chandelier, a reinforcing ring is glued to the surface, and the canvas inside is cut out. The wires are lowered into the resulting slot and connected to the lamp. The chandelier is hung on a hook, the wires are removed, and the cutout in the canvas is covered with a decorative overlay from this lighting fixture.

Outdoor built-in luminaires . These devices differ from hidden ones in the possibility of more efficient cooling, which allows the use of incandescent lamps with a power of even 75 watts. The location of the lamp below the surface of the film or fabric of the ceiling allows it to be illuminated. When installing hidden fixtures, the maximum power of incandescent lamps is 40 watts for PVC film, and 60 watts for seamless ceilings.

Design and successful lighting options for stretch ceilings are presented in the video:

Ceilings in the bathroom or toilet should not be.

LED stretch ceiling lighting is considered reliable and durable, in which lamps and tapes are light sources (read: ""). These lamps are leading in terms of durability and efficiency. Their efficiency reaches 22%, while incandescent lamps do not exceed 2.6%. Vulnerable point of lighting with LEDs is the power supply - it accounts for most of the failures (up to 95%).

Experts advise choosing LED lighting fixtures for stretch ceilings.

The popularity of tension structures is due not only to their technical characteristics, but also to the ability to select original light sources that will favorably emphasize the texture and shade of the canvas. Stretch ceiling lighting is as important a stage of finishing as the installation of a suspension system. Therefore, the choice and placement of devices must be approached with all responsibility.

Light effects expand the space

There are a large number of lighting options for stretch ceilings of any texture, complexity and color on the market. These are all kinds of lamps, ceiling lamps, sconces, chandeliers and other products. Choosing the right device is quite difficult, so rushing in this case is inappropriate. The main thing to remember is that properly selected artificial light will give new life not only to the stretch fabric, but also to the room as a whole, enliven it, reduce or increase in size.

Lighting Options

With stretch ceilings, any product will look beneficial:

  • classic volumetric chandelier in the center;
  • spot lighting or side lighting from spots;
  • a combination of several types;
  • LED strip around the perimeter.

Which lighting color to choose depends on the style and interior. To visually increase the height of the room, you can mount lamps on wall surfaces that will not attract too much attention to themselves, or frame the ceiling with LED strip horizontally. But the located lighting on the ceiling of several spots will bring the opposite effect, visually reducing the space.

LED lighting will not only lift the ceiling, but will not have a tiring effect on the eyes. It is installed under the ceiling and decorated with a cornice made of expanded polystyrene.

The combination of lamps directed at the walls and a glossy coating on the stretch ceiling will make the room spacious. It will add length to the room and narrow the space with a line of lamps arranged one behind the other. It is best to use this technique in the design of corridors or wide hallways. For narrow halls, designers advise lighting only one wall so that the room visually increases in size.

A harmonious combination of light streams from several devices also plays to increase space. For example, spot lighting on a stretch ceiling looks perfect. Small light bulbs together play the role of a classic chandelier, which will look out of place in a small room, and their appropriate location will help to correctly distribute the light fluxes, and the apartment will visually become more spacious.

Types of lighting for stretch ceilings

Such a light fixture is traditional and has not gone out of fashion for decades. The chandelier is suitable for many modern trends, so it continues to be at the peak of popularity. If you decide to give preference to her, purchase a product whose base will be made of plastic or durable metal, but not aluminum. Then the device will not heat up quickly and will serve you much longer.

Installation of the main lighting in the form of a chandelier will not take much time. The procedure will be as follows:

  • from a piece of dense plywood, it is necessary to cut a square, drill a hole in the middle for the wires. On the dowels, fix the base to the ceiling surface;
  • after installing the stretch ceiling at the place where the lighting device is attached to the material, glue the reinforcing ring and, after the adhesive has dried, cut a hole;
  • pull out the wires through this slot, hang the chandelier on a hook, connect to the electrical wiring;
  • mask the slot with a special decorative overlay that comes with the light source.

It gives a large radius of the light flux, so it is usually not supplemented with other methods of illumination. Chandeliers of low power can be combined with other lighting options, such as decorative lighting or spotlights.

A common finishing option is two-level stretch ceilings and lighting around the perimeter of the room, which is easy to install, but with the help of this combination it will be possible to realize any creative idea. In such designs, LED strips are often masked in pre-installed niches or hidden in a special cornice.

Another version of the ceiling is a single-level design with perimeter lighting. Such a system will cost less, and it is often used in children's rooms, bedrooms and hallways.

Using decorative lighting, it will turn out not only to highlight the direction of the interior in an original way, but to visually expand the room.

On a note! If you want to maximize the space, have white ceilings in the rooms and choose a soft white or yellow LED glow.

Mounting an LED strip on the ceiling is no more difficult than mounting a chandelier. First of all, you will need to depict the lighting design on a piece of paper, and then transfer the drawing to the ceiling surface.

The tape is installed as follows:

  • first, the surface is cleaned of finish, degreased, puttied, cleaned and primed;
  • cut tapes to pieces of the required length in special sections, connect the elements using connectors;
  • then the flexible bar is glued with a sticky layer to the surface, after which the entire system is connected to the wires through the power supply (converter).

On a note! Each tape has its own converter, the power of which must be selected, guided by the length of the product, the number of LEDs, and their density. Usually, the instructions prescribe power per meter of length. To get the value you need, multiply this figure by the perimeter of the room, if you want to decorate the entire ceiling in this way, or by the number of meters of tape.

Most often, this technique is used in the decoration of children's or bedrooms, but it all depends on your imagination and individual preferences. You can install the original in stretch ceilings for the living room, which will create a romantic and cozy atmosphere in the room.

There are several ways to decorate the ceiling space with these lighting effects:

  • photo printing or ready-made photo wallpapers coated with luminescent paint;
  • fiber optic lighting;
  • LEDs that look like small space stars;
  • a combination of light fluxes from the projector, LEDs and fiber optics on the same plane;
  • glowing phosphor stickers.

Original light sources under the stretch ceiling -. They also use LEDs. Outwardly, such products resemble movable lamps. Their other name is directional lamps. With the help of these devices, you can focus on a specific piece of furniture, if you put artificial rays of light in its direction.

Such lamps for stretch ceilings are placed on the ceiling surface and rotated in the required direction. Thanks to the simple regulation, it will be possible to change the direction of the light as needed.

The main advantage of spots is that they can be installed in low rooms. At the same time, the devices will not take the height and will not take away extra space from the room.

If you plan to install lighting on stretch ceilings, you need to pick up devices that will not harm the coating. On sale they are presented in several types:

  • incandescent lamps- the most affordable products, they are easy to mount and change if necessary. The disadvantage is that it is forbidden to use incandescent lamps for stretch ceilings, the power of which exceeds 40 W, otherwise the coating of the PFC film is deformed by heating;
  • halogen lamps- a more modern version that allows you to achieve a high degree of illumination in the room. They have a number of advantages that distinguish them from the previous version. This is a long service life, the ability to install at any angle, a wide range of colors and shapes. In addition, halogen elements will be able to achieve greater illumination of the room than with incandescent lamps. The main disadvantages are the light of one type (yellow), directional glow and lowering of the ceiling space by at least 7 cm;
  • energy-saving lamps are also widespread among consumers. The main advantage of such products is low heating during operation, which is important for suspended canvases. They also have other advantages: they save energy, meet European standards, do not take height from the room due to their small size (2 cm). Among the significant disadvantages are the high cost, simplicity of appearance, a small selection and range of products;
  • LED bulbs. The installation of spotlights with built-in LEDs is welcome in those rooms where there are low ceilings and little free space. They will favorably emphasize the interior of any room, while they will look neat. The advantages of these lamps include natural light, durability, economy, large radius of illumination. The main disadvantage is that they emit a large amount of heat and are expensive.

Different ones suggest excellent actions for attaching appliances to the ceiling space. But there is a basic rule that must be observed in the course of work: all sources of artificial lighting must be mounted on a solid foundation, and not on a stretch fabric that will sag under the weight of the products. To do this, racks, profiles, fasteners are fixed on the base surface of the ceiling.

If we consider lighting from a design point of view, in this case it will also be necessary to take into account several points:

  • in order for the room to be brightly lit, the light fluxes must be evenly distributed over the entire area;
  • lamps of the same design direction, color, power and intensity of illumination look harmoniously on the ceiling;
  • for hidden lighting, you will need to install special cornices;
  • all lighting should be combined with the overall interior of the room;
  • wires must be masked under a stretch fabric or special strips if they are located on the surface of the walls.

Focus on the material of the ceiling. For example, plafonds look good on matte coatings, the advantages of glossy ceilings are emphasized by multi-track chandeliers, the bulbs of which remain open. Their reflection will be full of many small bright dots on the glossy ceiling. However, do not forget that such surfaces can reflect not only light, but also the device itself. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the product from dust, cobwebs and other contaminants in a timely manner.

If you correctly select the lighting for your apartment with a stretch ceiling, you can achieve various design effects in the design of the space - increase the height of the room, expand its boundaries, make the room cozy and individual.

Do-it-yourself LED lighting of a stretch ceiling video