Preparing a bed for dill. Planting dill in spring in open ground: the secrets of growing a good harvest. When to plant dill

Dill should always be on the table, because it is very useful, contains many vitamins and useful elements, moreover, it perfectly complements both vegetable and meat dishes. Dill gardeners are also attracted by the fact that it can be grown without any problems, because it is very unpretentious, and under certain conditions, the crop can be harvested from spring to almost the end of autumn. To always have fresh dill on your table, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations.

How to prepare a bed for dill?

Dill does not require any special care, it will only be important to choose the right place for planting, as well as prepare the soil, including using fertilizers, and water the seedlings abundantly. Dill prefers open places filled with the sun; in the shade, it is likely to grow poorly. Before planting, the ground for dill must be dug up, however, this can be done in the fall, and you also need to loosen the soil, since the seeds must be abundantly moistened in order to quickly sprout.

The soil before planting must be fertilized, first of all, with organic fertilizers. Add humus, potassium, superphosphate to the soil, and you can also use ammonium nitrate. Top dressing can be carried out in the fall, but nitrogen can only be used for fertilizing in the spring. It is very important to water the soil abundantly before planting. If planting is done in April, when frosts are still possible, cover the soil with polyethylene.

How to soak dill?

If you want your dill to sprout quickly, then its seeds need to be soaked. This is especially true if you are planting in the summer, when you do not need to think about the frost resistance of seeds. Just dip the dill seeds in boiling water for no more than 3-4 minutes, and then put them in water at room temperature. Leave the container for 2-3 days, after which you can start planting dill in the garden.

Sowing seeds, even if they have been pre-soaked, must be done in moist soil. You can wait for seedlings in warm weather in one to one and a half weeks (up to 10 days). Quick shoots can be achieved due to the fact that the water washes away excess essential oils and the seeds are immediately ready for germination.

How to plant dill?

You also need to sow dill correctly. Seeds can be soaked in advance or sown dry, it all depends on whether you are going to get a quick result or if you are going to increase the resistance of the seeds to temperature changes. These properties are possessed by seeds planted dry. Planting seeds should not be too dense, it is optimal to use 1 gram of seeds per square meter of soil.

Before planting in the garden, you need to make grooves, the width of which can reach 5 centimeters. Then you need to sow the seeds, you can do it in a zigzag pattern. I cover the seeds a little with earth or use humus for this. It is no longer necessary to water the planted dill.

How many days does dill sprout after planting?

As a rule, dill sprouts within a little more than two weeks from the moment of planting. After he has ascended, it is necessary to thin out the plantings in order to prevent the bushes from growing too close and interfering with each other. This will increase the yield of your beds, allow the dill to grow stronger. If the temperature and conditions are favorable, dill may sprout a little earlier. You can harvest the first crop within 3-4 weeks after planting.

It is recommended to periodically sow dill into the ground in order to maintain the yield of the beds until the end of autumn. At the same time, it is also necessary to carry out its thinning, otherwise the young shoots will quickly die. You can sow dill in the second row, which will make it easier to monitor the bed.

Video lecture on growing dill

When can you plant dill?

You can start planting dill as early as April, it grows on your beds one of the very first. This means that you will be able to harvest your first harvest in mid-May. However, if you are late with planting or decide to make another bed, then you can plant dill later. He will grow up. But it is important to follow a number of rules.

First of all, it is recommended to plant dill next to crops such as cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers if you are not planting them in a greenhouse. Dill will help rid them of insects, and will also have a beneficial effect on the taste. In addition, these vegetables grow in well-fertilized soils, so dill will sprout faster. You can speed up the emergence of seedlings by soaking the seeds before sowing.

Is it possible to plant dill in winter?

If you want to get a dill crop earlier, then planting can be done in the winter. The best time is the beginning of November, when the temperature drops to zero, but it has not yet snowed. On the dug-up bed, make grooves up to 5 centimeters deep, plant dill and cover it with earth or humus. When the snow melts, the seeds will begin to germinate and you can get dill 2 weeks earlier than if you plant it in the spring.

Planting dill is quite simple, you need to remember a few rules and follow them. In this case, you can delight your loved ones with fresh healthy herbs all year round, as well as use it in harvesting and canning.


Fragrant, vitamin-rich fluffy bushes, unpretentious in cultivation and growing in any conditions - dill familiar to everyone. To obtain early fresh greens, especially valuable in a meager spring diet, you should know the nuances of planting in the open field and care. Knowing when and how to plant dill, at what stage of development and how to fertilize, will help to reap a rich harvest.

Varieties: which one to choose

Types of culture differ in many characteristics, of which the most significant is the ripening period. To continuously obtain a fresh product, a conveyor method of growing it from seeds is practiced by repeated crops every 10-14 days.

At the end of May, early varieties are sown in order to get the "umbrellas" necessary for conservation by mid-summer, and in July - late-ripening ones.

Knowledge of varieties is necessary, because you can grow good dill using only those that are zoned for breeding in a given region:

  • the early ones include Dalniy, Redut, Gribovsky. The period from germination to the beginning of stemming in the conditions of the middle lane takes them 35-40 days. The number of formed leaves is 4-6. They switch to flowering immediately upon reaching marketable ripeness (in heat and drought - faster);
  • mid-season include Lesnogorodsky, Richelieu, Borey and others. Stem formation begins 5-10 days later than the early ones. Leaves also form more - 6-10 pieces. They manage to form everything - greens, umbrellas, seeds of wax ripeness;
  • more leafy rosettes of late-ripening varieties contain more than 10 leaves. The period between germination and stemming takes 65-70 days, because the yield of late varieties of dill - Alligator, Hoarfrost, Amazon - is the highest. These are bush types of culture, therefore, the agricultural technique of their cultivation is different from early varieties: they are sown not so densely and must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 15-20 cm.

When to sow dill

In fact, there is not much difference when planting dill: in order to obtain both greenery and seeds, it is sown in the fall before winter and in spring, as soon as the snow melts. Frosts are not terrible for a vegetable, it can withstand temperatures drop to -4 ° C, and it will germinate only when the thermometer steadily shows at least + 3 ° C. Winter crops are sown in open ground at the end of October - the first decade of November. Growing dill in this way allows you to get greens to the table in the early stages.

Thanks to the spicy aroma, dill has become a regular regular in any garden. Indeed, dill is one of the most useful vegetable crops.

However, despite the general unpretentiousness, sowing the seeds of this umbrella crop often ends in failure. What is the reason for this phenomenon, and what do you need to know in order to successfully grow dill on your site?

Dill is cold-resistant: its seedlings appear already at a positive temperature of +3..+4 degrees, and the plant is also able to tolerate frosts down to -5..-6 degrees. Accordingly, dill can be sown early, almost immediately after the snow melts.

In other words, the approximate dates for sowing dill in different regions are as follows:

  • In the South - in March-early April.
  • In the Middle lane (Moscow region), dill is sown in the second half of April.
  • In Siberia and the Urals - in late April-early May.

Advice! If you sow dill in batches, i.e. with an interval of 1-2 weeks, you can constantly have and collect fresh herbs.

In general, dill can be planted all year round - in spring, summer and autumn (before winter). At the same time, planting time depends on the purpose for which you grow a vegetable. So, in spring and autumn, dill is planted to obtain greenery, and in summer - umbrellas.

There are even special varieties that drive greens better, while others are umbrellas.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

It can help you choose the optimal date for sowing a crop. moon calendar.

auspicious days, according to the lunar calendar, for planting dill in 2020 are:

  • February - 1-3, 6-8, 14-20, 28, 29;
  • March - 2-8, 26-29;
  • April - 1, 2, 11-15, 17-20, 25-30;
  • May - 2-4, 6, 9, 10-12, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-29;
  • June - 2-4, 7-9, 11-14, 16-19, 30.

But you should also take into account the days of the New Moon and Full Moon, since when sowing at this time, the seedlings are weak and elongated, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because. this is a barren and dry sign - italicized. So, the unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, for planting dill in 2020 are the following dates:

  • in February - 9, 20-22 , 23;
  • in March - 9, 19-21 , 24;
  • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
  • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
  • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

Therefore, it is necessary to pre-plan the days for sowing dill seeds and prepare for them in advance.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for a Summer Resident".

How to sow dill in open ground

Presowing seed treatment

Dill belongs to umbrella crops, in other words, its seeds are very tight. The fact is that they contain essential oils, which prevent their rapid germination. Therefore, in order to speed up their germination, dill seeds must be soaked (washed with essential oils).

Advice! The site has detailed information about for dill everything is the same).

How to choose a landing site and prepare a bed

Dill is a fairly light-loving crop, so you need to choose a very sunny place for the beds, as a maximum, in light partial shade. .

Shady places are not at all suitable for growing dill: the greens in them turn out to be pale, the stems themselves grow thin and weak, as a result, less essential oils accumulate in the vegetable than if it grew in suitable sunny conditions.

Important! It is believed that due to excessive shading, dill can gain more nitrates.

As a rule, dill is grown precisely outdoors, not in a greenhouse where it grows less fragrant.

The best predecessors and neighbors

Dill can be successfully grown after the following crops:

  • cucumbers, pumpkins.
  • cabbage;
  • onions, garlic:
  • tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes.

As to whether after which you can not plant dill, then everything is simple: you can not sow dill after umbrella crops, namely carrots, parsley, celery and, of course, the dill itself.

As for the neighborhood, dill can be sown between the rows of garden strawberries (strawberries), onions, cabbage.

Garden preparation

For the successful cultivation of dill, a sufficiently highly fertile and cultivated soil is required, naturally, not acidic and not saline (there are lovers of watering their plants with saline solutions!).

It will be just fine if you prepare a bed for planting dill in advance, namely, in the fall, for digging, add 2-4 kg (half a bucket) of compost or humus, as well as bone meal - 100-200 grams each (everything per 1 square meter of beds ).

You also allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then it would be optimal to apply - 15-20 grams (1 tablespoon) per 1 sq. meter beds, as well as potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) - in the same amount.

Of course, nitrogen is also necessary for the development of dill greens, but it is usually brought in for digging in the spring: 15-20 grams or.

However, one must always be careful with nitrogen fertilizers, because. dill is characterized by a high tendency to accumulate nitrates.

Also in the spring, you will need to carefully loosen your garden bed given over to dill.

Direct planting in open ground

Sowing dill seeds is as simple as possible:

  • Naturally, first you need to prepare a bed, loosen the ground.
  • Next, you can, as an option, sow in rows, i.e. first cut shallow grooves (about 0.5 cm, maximum 1-2 cm), spill them with water, sow seeds and sprinkle with earth.

Advice! The main thing is to try to spread the seeds as evenly as possible over the garden.

Why not sow too thickly?

The dill will rise like a brush, and then it will begin to stretch out (it will be frail) from crowding and, in order to survive, it will quickly throw out an arrow - it will give umbrellas. As a result, you will not get greenery, sensible seeds either.

Therefore, if you want to get powerful bushes with juicy greenery, then it is preferable to sow less often.

  • Or sow dense carpet on the surface of the soil, lightly cover with soil and after that make abundant watering.

Worth knowing! Dill seeds germinate better in the light than underground.

Video: how and when to sow dill

The specifics of sowing dill before winter

Separately, it is worth talking about the winter sowing of dill.

Thanks to the winter sowing of dill, the seeds will undergo natural stratification in winter and germinate earlier. As a result, you will be able to harvest the first greens 10-14 days earlier than with spring sowing.

Winter sowing has several nuances:

  • Naturally, the beds are prepared in advance. Also, the ground is prepared in advance, which will fill the grooves.
  • As for the timing of sowing dill in the fall, the crop is sown after stable frosts begin, i.e. not before October.
  • However, the seeds themselves are sown when the soil has not yet frozen.
  • Before winter, they are sown in deeper grooves (3-4 cm) than during spring sowing (1-2 cm).
  • The sown rows are covered with dry soil.
  • Watering is not carried out either before or after sowing.
  • Because The germination rate of dill is already not high; in autumn, the seeding rate of planting material is increased by 50%.

How to care for dill after planting

In order for the plant to sprout more quickly and begin to grow greens, dill needs to be provided with comfortable conditions. Which? Let's talk about this further.

By the way! The optimum temperature for the germination of dill seeds is +15..20 degrees, and for the growth of greenery - already +18..+22 degrees.

Humidity and watering

It is very important that the soil after sowing is constantly moist, but not waterlogged. Therefore, after sowing, the bed can be covered with spunbond or film, then pressed from the sides with bricks or boards. Under cover, moisture and heat will be better preserved, which will stimulate faster and more successful seed germination. It will also help protect the seeds from birds.

Important! Naturally, when warm and sunny weather sets in, the film will need to be removed promptly, otherwise the seedlings may simply burn out. But under the spanbond, nothing terrible will happen.

Already after germination, watering the greens is carried out regularly after the top layer of the soil has dried, while both overflow and overdrying of the soil should be avoided.

On the hottest days, dill is watered by sprinkling, i.e. sprayed.

top dressing

No fertilizers are applied under the dill during its growing season, since the greens have enough nutrients that were introduced during the preparation of the beds.


If you want to increase the amount of greenery, then you should pinch his umbrella in time, pinching off to the bosom of the leaf when it just starts to appear. Thanks to such a pinch, after a while a new stem with leaves (greens) will grow from the leaf axil.

Pests and diseases of dill

Very often, aphids attack dill, from which it curls (they also say “dill curlyness”), it can also get sick with powdery mildew.

Naturally, you can’t spray dill with any chemicals, so biological agents come to your aid. So, against pests (aphids), you can use Fitoverm, tobacco dust, and against diseases -.

Thus, now you know that planting dill in open ground is one of the simplest garden manipulations. You just need to clearly follow all the recommendations and rules for sowing and growing this fragrant greenery.

Interesting! For some summer residents, dill does not grow at all, for others the situation is the opposite: they can’t get rid of it in any way - it grows like a weed all over the plot.

Video: how to grow good dill

In contact with

Dill should always be on the table, because it is very useful, contains many vitamins and useful elements, moreover, it perfectly complements both vegetable and meat dishes. Dill gardeners are also attracted by the fact that it can be grown without any problems, because it is very unpretentious, and under certain conditions, the crop can be harvested from spring to almost the end of autumn. To always have fresh dill on your table, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations.

How to prepare a bed for dill?

Dill does not require any special care, it will only be important to choose the right place for planting, as well as prepare the soil, including using fertilizers, and water the seedlings abundantly. Dill prefers open places filled with the sun; in the shade, it is likely to grow poorly. Before planting, the ground for dill must be dug up, however, this can be done in the fall, and you also need to loosen the soil, since the seeds must be abundantly moistened in order to quickly sprout.

The soil before planting must be fertilized, first of all, with organic fertilizers. Add humus, potassium, superphosphate to the soil, and you can also use ammonium nitrate. Top dressing can be carried out in the fall, but nitrogen can only be used for fertilizing in the spring. It is very important to water the soil abundantly before planting. If planting is done in April, when frosts are still possible, cover the soil with polyethylene.

How to soak dill?

If you want your dill to sprout quickly, then its seeds need to be soaked. This is especially true if you are planting in the summer, when you do not need to think about the frost resistance of seeds. Just dip the dill seeds in boiling water for no more than 3-4 minutes, and then put them in water at room temperature. Leave the container for 2-3 days, after which you can start planting dill in the garden.

Sowing seeds, even if they have been pre-soaked, must be done in moist soil. You can wait for seedlings in warm weather in one to one and a half weeks (up to 10 days). Quick shoots can be achieved due to the fact that the water washes away excess essential oils and the seeds are immediately ready for germination.

How to plant dill?

You also need to sow dill correctly. Seeds can be soaked in advance or sown dry, it all depends on whether you are going to get a quick result or if you are going to increase the resistance of the seeds to temperature changes. These properties are possessed by seeds planted dry. Planting seeds should not be too dense, it is optimal to use 1 gram of seeds per square meter of soil.

Before planting in the garden, you need to make grooves, the width of which can reach 5 centimeters. Then you need to sow the seeds, you can do it in a zigzag pattern. I cover the seeds a little with earth or use humus for this. It is no longer necessary to water the planted dill.

How many days does dill sprout after planting?

As a rule, dill sprouts within a little more than two weeks from the moment of planting. After he has ascended, it is necessary to thin out the plantings in order to prevent the bushes from growing too close and interfering with each other. This will increase the yield of your beds, allow the dill to grow stronger. If the temperature and conditions are favorable, dill may sprout a little earlier. You can harvest the first crop within 3-4 weeks after planting.

It is recommended to periodically sow dill into the ground in order to maintain the yield of the beds until the end of autumn. At the same time, it is also necessary to carry out its thinning, otherwise the young shoots will quickly die. You can sow dill in the second row, which will make it easier to monitor the bed.

Video lecture on growing dill

When can you plant dill?

You can start planting dill as early as April, it grows on your beds one of the very first. This means that you will be able to harvest your first harvest in mid-May. However, if you are late with planting or decide to make another bed, then you can plant dill later. He will grow up. But it is important to follow a number of rules.

First of all, it is recommended to plant dill next to crops such as cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers if you are not planting them in a greenhouse. Dill will help rid them of insects, and will also have a beneficial effect on the taste. In addition, these vegetables grow in well-fertilized soils, so dill will sprout faster. You can speed up the emergence of seedlings by soaking the seeds before sowing.

Is it possible to plant dill in winter?

If you want to get a dill crop earlier, then planting can be done in the winter. The best time is the beginning of November, when the temperature drops to zero, but it has not yet snowed. On the dug-up bed, make grooves up to 5 centimeters deep, plant dill and cover it with earth or humus. When the snow melts, the seeds will begin to germinate and you can get dill 2 weeks earlier than if you plant it in the spring.

Planting dill is quite simple, you need to remember a few rules and follow them. In this case, you can delight your loved ones with fresh healthy herbs all year round, as well as use it in harvesting and canning.


It is good to have tender dill greens on the table every day, it excites the appetite with its very sight. But not everyone manages to grow a fragrant annual plant in their dacha. Many summer residents do not know how to sow seeds correctly in order to get friendly shoots.

Winter sowing is the easiest and most reliable way to get early greens. First you need to choose a good place for the garden. It should be moderately illuminated by the sun in summer, and snow should linger on it in winter.

The soil must be dug deep enough (25 cm), add humus or compost to it. For 1 m² of ridge, add at least ½ bucket of organic matter. If the soil is acidic (pH< 5,5) добавить в нее доломитовую муку (от 350 до 500 г/м²), мел (от 100 до 300 г/м²) или золу (200 г/м²).


Do not soak seeds when sowing before winter, sow dry.

Sow the prepared ridge 2 weeks before the onset of frost. On the package with seeds, the consumption rate per square meter is indicated, it is increased by at least 25%. The furrows are placed at intervals of 15 cm, they are covered with a layer of 3-4 cm. If the winters are not snowy, the beds are mulched.

As soon as the snow melts in the spring, the mulch is removed. After the soil warms up to 5 ° C, the seeds begin to grow. Young shoots are not afraid of cold snaps. Seeds undergo natural stratification in winter, so they germinate together.

Dill in the greenhouse

Dill can be sown in a carbonate greenhouse at the end of winter. Prepare the soil in autumn. Remove the remains of the roots, dig, add humus, level the surface with a rake. Pour a mixture of garden soil and humus into bags or buckets, it will come in handy in the spring. Store in a greenhouse or take the bags to a warm barn.

In winter, apply snow to the greenhouse, cover the entire surface of the ridge with it. Sow in February. Scatter the seeds at random, sprinkle with snow 5-7 cm thick on top. With the advent of spring, it will melt, while moistening the soil well. The surface of the ridge should be mulched with earth prepared in the fall (2-3 cm).


Water the bed regularly before and after germination.

Cover the planting with a film to reduce the evaporation of moisture, accelerate the germination of seeds. They will begin to hatch when the soil warms up to 4-5 ° C. You can speed up the germination of seeds using infrared lamps if the greenhouse is electrified. In this case, after 2-3 weeks, you can cut the first crop of greens.

Bubbling seeds

Dill seeds germinate for a long time due to the high concentration of essential oils in the shell. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, many gardeners soak them in hot water, dry them and sow them. Green sprouts appear after 7-10 days.

Bubbling seeds accelerates the emergence of seedlings by almost 2 times, sprouts appear on the 5-7th day from the date of planting. By bubbling is meant the effect on the seeds of water and oxygen, for the treatment you will need:

  • water;
  • jar;
  • compressor (aquarium);
  • nozzle for the compressor.

Seeds are poured into a jar, filled with water at room temperature. The diffuser of the compressor is lowered into the jar, the compressor itself is set up, turned on. Air bubbles enrich the water with oxygen, wash out essential oils from dill seeds. The processing time is 12-20 hours.

Throw the seeds on a cotton cloth, dry a little and proceed to planting. In the spring, the first sowing is carried out on the 10th-15th of April. The soil by the time of planting should warm up to 5-7 ° C. Mark the furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, water well. Cover the seeds with garden soil mixed with humus (1: 1) or compost.


Dill does not need mineral supplements if organic matter (compost, humus, peat) is added to the soil.

The ridge is covered with a film so that the soil does not dry out, after the appearance of the first shoots it is removed. Dill care is quite simple:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • row spacing.

It is watered quite often, if the soil is constantly moist, does not dry out, then the greenery is more juicy, the yield per unit area is greater. After 2-3 weeks, re-sowing is carried out. During the season, dill can be sown several times. August sowing can be used for freezing for the winter.

It is easiest to plant dill in early spring. There is a lot of moisture in the soil after winter, it sprouts well and quickly, requires a minimum of care. In summer, beds are vacated after early crops, but the heat begins, the earth dries.

Dill, planted in hot ground, sprouts poorly, its sprouts are weak, sparse. There is a way out, the situation will be corrected by stratification. To carry it out, you need to prepare:

  • sand ½ bucket;
  • dill (seeds) 1 liter jar;
  • water.

Seeds need to be evenly mixed with sand, poured with water. The sand should be moderately wet, water should not drip from it. The bucket should be placed in the shade, after 4 days the contents should be mixed and watered. After 3-4 days, when the seeds have hatched, proceed to planting.


Dill sprouts faster if the ridge is covered with agrofibre, do not remove it when watering.

Sow in deep furrows (depth 5 cm) maintain a distance of 20 cm between them. Make furrows with a chopper. Sow seeds thickly, after falling asleep with a layer of 4-5 cm, water well. A mistake is made by gardeners who fall asleep dill seeds in a thin layer of 10-20 mm. In the heat, the soil immediately dries after watering, so the seedlings are rare, weak.

You can grow dill for greens without giving. Window, loggia, balcony - places where you can place a box of greenery. Everything you need to grow dill can be bought at a gardening store:

  • plastic container;
  • universal soil for vegetables;
  • growth stimulant;
  • seeds.

Dill buy several varieties with different ripening periods (early, mid-season, late). Each variety can be planted in a separate box. Treat seeds with a growth stimulator before planting. The processing process is described in the instructions for use.

Fill the boxes with soil, water. Scatter the seeds evenly over the soil surface, sprinkle with a 1-2 cm soil layer. Moisten the top soil layer with a sprayer, tighten the boxes with cling film. Moisten the soil regularly before emergence.

Harvesting and processing dill

For freezing, young plants that have grown up to 5-7 cm are used. The collection is carried out selectively, cutting off individual bushes or all dill at once. In the second case, the ridge can be used for repeated crops. Dill is dried or frozen. There are more vitamins in frozen greens than in dried ones.

Not a problem if there is a desire to grow fresh herbs, but there is no experience. The main thing is to choose a good variety and properly prepare the soil. Dill Gribovsky, Umbrella, Amazon, Richelieu, Alligator received good reviews.