Ways of cooperation with the investor. The Mogilev Development Agency of the BelCCI, industrial parks, free economic zones are being created in the city

Companies with the same address
NameUNPThe address
Businesses in the same building (in close proximity)
NameUNPThe address

Register of "fake entrepreneurs"

Register of commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs with an increased risk of committing offenses in the economic sphere

Date of inclusion in the register
Grounds for inclusion in the register
Date of drawing up the conclusion of the DFR
The period during which the issued primary accounting documents for tax purposes do not have legal force

Register of dishonest suppliers

Register (list) of suppliers (contractors, performers) temporarily not allowed (previously not allowed) to purchase, to participate in public procurement procedures

Procurement type
Location, email address, phone number, fax number (if available)
Registration number, date and reason for inclusion in the register (list)
Date and reason for exclusion from the register (list)

The history of debts of JSC "Mogilev Agency for Regional Development"

debt to the budget

Economic entities that had debts on taxes (fees), penalties and duties

Debt to the Social Security Fund

Overdue debt (over 100.00 rubles) on payments to the budget of the state extra-budgetary social security fund

Reporting date
Amount owed
Debt for the rent of state property

Lists of unscrupulous tenants with arrears in payments for leased state-owned real estate

Bad debt

The list of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs excluded from due to the recognition of debt as bad debt and its write-off

Publication of information of JSC "Mogilev Regional Development Agency"

Announcements on the reduction of the authorized capital
Date of the decision to reduce the authorized capital
The contact person
The address
Deadline for accepting claims from the date of publication, days
Date of publication of information on the reduction of the authorized capital
The new size of the authorized capital
Liquidation announcements
Date and number of the decision on liquidation (termination of activities)
Full name of the liquidator (chairman of the liquidation commission, name of the legal entity appointed by the liquidator)
Address of the liquidator (chairman of the liquidation commission)
Phone of the liquidator (chairman of the liquidation commission)
Treatment time (reception schedule)
Deadline for accepting claims from the date of publication, months
Date of publication of liquidation information
Current state

Court proceedings

Judicial sessions in economic courts
Type of production
Essence of the dispute
Plaintiffs, Claimants, Claimants, Creditors
Respondents, Debtors
Other persons involved in the case
Case number
Place, time, date of the hearing
Mandatory proceedings
Name of economic court
receipt date
Date of initiation of writ proceedings
Case number
Amount of debt
Last procedural decision

Liquidation and bankruptcy

Liquidation by own decision, by court decision

In addition to information on cases of economic insolvency (bankruptcy)

Liquidation by decision of the registering authority

List of legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) liquidated (whose activities are terminated) by decision of the registering authority

List of organizations that are (were) in bankruptcy proceedings
Date of issuance by the economic court of the ruling on initiation of proceedings in the case of economic insolvency (bankruptcy)
Court decision on rehabilitation or on the opening of liquidation proceedings
Date of the court decision on rehabilitation or on the opening of liquidation proceedings
Date of the court ruling on termination (completion) of proceedings in the case of economic insolvency (bankruptcy)
Grounds for terminating the proceedings
Date of exclusion of the debtor from the USR
Information on state organizations in bankruptcy proceedings
Name of the managing legal entity or full name of the managing natural person
The court in which the proceedings are carried out, full name of the judge
Debtor's address
The value of the debtor's property in Belarusian rubles
Unified State Register of Bankruptcy Information (EGRSB)

Information about debtors contained in the Unified State Register of Bankruptcy Information (EGRSB)

Status of the case, grounds for termination
Economic insolvency (bankruptcy) procedure
Sale of property
Share of state ownership
Address, contacts of the debtor
Case number, court, judge
Type, name of the applicant
manager, manager contacts
Dates of commencement of proceedings on the case, bankruptcy proceedings, preparation of the case for trial, protection period, liquidation proceedings, sanitation
Completion date set by the court, termination of proceedings, exclusion of the debtor from the Unified State Register
Ads in the USRSB

Announcements published in relation to debtors in the Unified State Register of Bankruptcy Information (EGRSB)

Number, type, publication date of the message
Court, judge, court order date
Bidding (date, place, acceptance of applications, results)
Carrying out sales, results
Essence, content of the ad

Trade facilities, consumer services facilities
JSC "Mogilev Regional Development Agency"

Trade objects

Information from the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus

Object name/domain name of the online store
Type, class, specialization of a retail facility, type by format, assortment, location
Trade area, number of seats
Address, contacts
Classes, groups, subgroups of goods
Registration number in the Commercial Register, date of inclusion in the register
Consumer service facilities

Information from the Register of household services of the Republic of Belarus

Name of the consumer service object
Type by format, by structure
Service form
Address, contacts
Working mode
Date of registration in the register

Procurement and tenders

Register of information about contractsNew

Register of information on contracts of the information system "Tenders" RUE "National Center for Marketing and Price Study"

Purchase number, type of purchase procedure
Name, UNP, location of the customer
Supplier, UNP (or identification document number for FL), location, country of registration of the supplier
Name of the subject of the contract
Number, date of conclusion of the contract
Contract price
Deadline, actual date of execution of the contract
Date, grounds for termination of obligations to fulfill the contract
Source of financing
Information about changes and additions to the contract
Basis for Single Source Procurement
Placement date
Manufacturers, sales organizationsNew

Register of manufacturers of goods (works, services) and their marketing organizations (official sales representatives) of the information system "Tenders"

Number of manufacturer/sales organization in the Register
Full name of manufacturer/sales organization
Legal address
Contact tel/fax
Enabled c
Enabled up to
Goods (works, services):
Name of goods (works, services)
Subcategory OKRB 007-2007
Subcategory OKRB 007-2012
Industry / industry section
Sales organization / Authorized sales representative


Audit coordination plans

Inspections carried out within the framework of coordination plans for inspections (coordination plans for control (supervisory) activities) of the SCC of the Republic of Belarus

Check start month
Basis for the appointment of an audit
Spot check plans

Conducted and ongoing inspections within the framework of spot inspection plans of the KGC of the Republic of Belarus

State body that approved the consolidated inspection plan
UNP of the controlling (supervisory) body
Name of the controlling (supervisory) body
Contact phone of the performer
Check start month

Monopolies and Dominants

Register of natural monopolies

Information from the State Register of Entities of Natural Monopolies

Name of the service provided under natural monopoly conditions
Geographic boundaries
Date of inclusion in the Register, order number
Register of dominants

Information from the State Register of Economic Entities Occupying a Dominant Position on Commodity Markets

Full name of the business entity
The name of the commodity item in which the economic entity occupies a dominant position in the market
Geographic boundaries
The group of persons in which the subject is included in the Register
Date and number of the order on the inclusion of an economic entity in the Register (on amendments)
Date and number of the order to exclude an economic entity from the Register


Register of participants in foreign economic activity

Business entities registered in and issued the following declarations for goods: export, import, declaration-obligation, MBT reports, free zone (1998-2007).

Debt to the customs authorities

List of organizations and individual entrepreneurs that have an unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes, fees (duties), interest, penalties levied by customs authorities

Economic operators TSNovoe

Register of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) of the Customs Union.

Code of the customs authority where the AEO is located
AEO name
AEO location address
Information about separate subdivisions (branches) of the AEO
AEO certificate number
Number of the decision to issue an AEO certificate
Date of the decision to issue an AEO certificate
Information on amendments and (or) additions to the AEO Certificate, withdrawal, resumption of its activities
Economic operators of the EAEUNew

Register of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) of the Eurasian Economic Union (included in the register since 01/01/2018).

Country whose customs authority issued a certificate of inclusion in the register
Date of inclusion of the legal entity in the register
Number, type, certificate status
Date of entry into force, suspension of the certificate
Head organization
Full name
Branches, structural divisions
Places of storage (name, address, area, code of the customs authority, number of the customs control zone)

BelCCI, industrial parks, free economic zones

BelCCI membersNew

Members of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The address
fax machine
Website address
Manufactured products:
NameTN VED codeOKP codeP&E
HTP residentsNew

Register of resident companies of the High Technology Park of the Republic of Belarus

Number in the register of HTP residents
Organizational form
Date of registration in HTP
Information on the activities of the operator of the cryptoplatform, the operator of the exchange of cryptocurrencies
Residents of IP "Great Stone"New

Residents of the Industrial Park "Great Stone"

Full name
Registration number
FEZ residentsNew

Registers of residents of free economic zones "Brest", "Vitebsk", "Gomel-Raton", "Grodnoinvest", "Minsk", "Mogilev"

Full name of the legal entity with an indication of the organizational and legal form / full name of the individual entrepreneur
Abbreviated name of legal entity
Legal address / place of residence
The name of the SEZ, on the territory of which the resident (participant) operates
Name of the project implemented by the resident (participant) of the FEZ in accordance with the concluded agreement on the implementation of activities in the territory of the FEZ
Date of making an entry in the register of FEZ residents on registration as a FEZ resident or on depriving a person of the status of a FEZ resident (participant)
Name of the body that registered the person as a FEZ resident (participant)
Series and number of the certificate certifying the registration of a person as a FEZ resident, number of the form (if any)

Certificates, certificates

Certificates of state registrationNew

National segment of the unified register of certificates of state registration of the Customs Union

Certificate number
Date of registration
Numeric classifier


Closed Joint Stock Company Technological Park Mogilev (CJSC TPM) is:

The first science and technology park in the Republic of Belarus;

One of the first small business incubators in the Republic of Belarus.

To support the creation and development of promising companies and support national and foreign investors CJSC "TPM" works in such areas as:

Provision of a wide range of consulting and information services, including investment design, business planning, technology marketing, accounting and taxation services;

Comprehensive information support on energy saving issues;

Carrying out educational activities to improve competencies in the required business sectors;

Assistance in obtaining financial resources;

Carrying out activities that stimulate the creation of businesses;

Assistance in the creation of strategic alliances;

Development of horizontal links and links with centers of new knowledge;

Support for the internationalization of innovative enterprises.

With the participation of the Technopark, more than 300 investment projects have been developed with a projected investment of more than 2 billion US dollars. Over the past 10 years, more than 1 billion US dollars have been invested in the region's economy under projects developed with the participation of the technopark.

Address: st. Leninskaya, 63 212030 Mogilev Republic of Belarus www.technopark.by [email protected] chnopark.by tel. + 375 222/299 909 fax + 375 222/311 423.


The Mogilev Regional Development Agency is a specialized organization for working with investors, developing promising and supporting ongoing investment projects, analyzing the competitive advantages of the city of Mogilev and the Mogilev region, and developing the information services sector.

Mogilev Regional Development Agency was established in March 2016.

Agency tasks:

promotion of a positive investment image of the Mogilev region, attracting investments from business entities on its basis;

establishing links between large industrial enterprises and small businesses;

close cooperation in work with the High Technology Park, the National Agency for Investment and Privatization of the Republic of Belarus;

activation of foreign trade activities of business entities of the Mogilev region;

promoting the introduction of new technologies;

support for the implementation of investment projects up to the act of commissioning;

analysis of the competitive advantages of the region's territories and development of proposals for promising investment projects;

creation of a small business incubator in the region;

rendering assistance to the organizations of the region in finding partners abroad;

informing stakeholders about the socio-economic development of the Mogilev region;

selection of land plots, real estate objects in order to implement investment projects.

There are no impossible goals. The future starts today.


212030, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Pervomayskaya st., 71, room 654.

Tel: +375 29 376 48 31;


JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" is a specialized financial institution established in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2011 No. 261 (hereinafter - Decree No. 261). The main founder of the bank is the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. main goal The Development Bank's activity is the development of a system for financing state programs and the implementation of socially significant investment projects.

Tasks of the Development Bank: financing of long-term and capital-intensive investment projects; providing export loans, providing financial support to small and medium-sized businesses with the participation of partner banks.



Requirements for investment projects:

  • priority sectors of financing - transport, energy, industry, infrastructure, projects of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as projects implemented by residents of the China-Belarus Industrial Park;
  • the share of participation of the Chinese side in the investment project - about 50% of the total project;
  • project amount - not less than 1.0 million US dollars;
  • the share of the applicant's own participation - not less than 15% of the cost of the investment project.

Conditions for financing investment projects by the Development Bank:

  • loan currency - US dollars;
  • borrowers - legal entities of the Republic of Belarus, including small and medium-sized businesses;
  • the volume of the loan provided by the Development Bank - no more than 80% of the amount of investments in fixed assets for the relevant project (capital costs without VAT);
  • the term of the loan - is set based on the payback period of the project and should not exceed 15 years (including a delay in the payment of the principal debt - up to 5 years, the period of repayment of the principal debt - up to 10 years);
  • interest rate for the use of a loan - a floating rate, in the amount of Llbor 6 m increased by at least 5.5 percentage points, commissions of a foreign bank subject to reimbursement by the borrower: commission for commitment in the amount of 0.4% per annum of the amount of the unselected loan; - management fee in the amount of 0.8% one-time of the loan amount;
  • no need to obtain coverage from the SINOSURE export credit insurance agency, which reduces the cost of credit resources for the final recipient.


Financing conditions:

  • the volume of lending should not exceed 80% of the amount of investment in fixed assets under the investment project;
  • loan currency - US dollars, interest rate for using the loan - libor 12m + 6.3 p.p. per annum;
  • term of the loan - is set based on the payback period of the project and should not exceed 15 years;

Project requirements: currency return, economic efficiency and financial feasibility, which is confirmed by the business plan for the implementation of this project.

Priority sectors of financing by family capital: industry; construction; transport and communications; provision of services (with the exception of trading, intermediary (including financial intermediation, real estate transactions, rent, rental), insurance, lottery activities, activities in the field of gambling, electronic interactive games).


The program involves the provision of credit support, as well as financial lease (leasing) operations for SMEs operating in the manufacturing, trade and service sectors to implement investment projects at different stages of their business development. The program is implemented with the participation of commercial partner banks with experience in cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses and selected by the Development Bank according to established criteria. The terms of financing provide for the provision of resources to SMEs in the amount of no more than 2.5 million rubles, the term of financing for SMEs is not limited.

Areas of support for SMEs are not static and change based on the priority tasks of the state. Thus, the Development Bank differentiated its product line in accordance with the priority areas for the development of SMEs in the Republic of Belarus. Since the end of 2015, this direction has been support for start-up companies (the cost of resources for the final borrower is 0.5CP + 4.5%), in 2016 it was supplemented by support for entrepreneurship in small towns and settlements, including women's entrepreneurship jointly with UNDP (the cost of resources for the final borrower is 0.5CP + 3.5%). Also, in order to stimulate consumer demand for the products of the woodworking industry, a product has been developed that is aimed at the main buyers of the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus - manufacturers of furniture, doors and construction industry enterprises (the cost of resources for the final borrower is 0.5CP + 3.5%).

In addition to those listed above, 5 new business support products were approved in November 2016:

“Support for exporting enterprises” (the cost of resources for the final borrower is 0.5CP + 3.5%);

"Support for innovation" (the cost of resources for the final borrower - 0.5CP + 3.5%);

“Support for enterprises in the manufacturing sector, agriculture, forestry and fisheries” (the cost of resources for the final borrower is 0.5CP + 3.5%);

"SME: Franchise" (the cost of resources for the final borrower - СР + 0.5%);

"Support for enterprises in the sphere of trade and services" (the cost of resources for the final borrower - СР + 0.5%).


The Development Bank implements the task of supporting exports by providing credit resources on preferential terms to finance the export of goods (in accordance with the list established by the Council of Ministers) and services. Loans are provided both to pay for the cost of goods and services sold, and for their advance payment. Basic terms of financing:

  • the borrower is a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus, incl. foreign bank, leasing company - resident of the Republic of Belarus;
  • loan currency - US dollars, euros, Russian rubles;
  • loan amount - from 1 million US dollars in equivalent;
  • advance payment of the buyer - not less than 15% of the contract value;
  • interest rate - the CIRR rate for loans denominated in US dollars and euros (significantly lower than the level of domestic rates in many countries - trading partners), 2/3 of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for loans denominated in Russian rubles;
  • loan term - up to 5 years (in some cases - up to Yulet);
  • security - insurance policy "Beleximgarant" and other additional security as agreed by the parties

The provision of export loans can be carried out in several ways (depending on the characteristics of each project):

  • Providing a loan directly to a foreign counterparty - the buyer of products.
  • Providing a loan to leasing companies that are residents of the Republic of Belarus for the purchase and subsequent transfer of products of domestic enterprises under international leasing agreements or under foreign trade contracts.
  • Providing a loan to a foreign bank for subsequent financing of a non-resident enterprise.


Benefits of investing in bonds of the Development Bank:

  • high reliability of investments: according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2011 No. 261 "On the establishment of an open joint-stock company "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus", the Republic of Belarus bears subsidiary liability for the bonds of the Development Bank, which equates them in terms of reliability to government securities;
  • high yield and preferential taxation: in accordance with the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus, income received from the sale and redemption of bonds of the Development Bank, including interest income, is not taxed;
  • high liquidity: the bank's bonds have passed the listing procedure on the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange OJSC and are freely circulating on the secondary market
  • flexible conditions for placing funds in the bank's bonds.

Detailed information about the bank's products is available on the website of the JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" - brrb.by

The communal unitary enterprise "Mogilev Center for the Development of Small Business" will be reorganized in Mogilev. Alla Bogatenko, head of the economy department of the Mogilev city executive committee, announced this. The draft decision provides for the creation of a communal unitary enterprise "Mogilev Development Agency".

At a meeting of the city executive committee, the charter of the reorganized enterprise and the separation balance sheet were approved. About 2 million rubles are allocated to the authorized capital of the newly created enterprise for development. The main enterprise with the authorized capital - 7 million rubles.

In stages, the Mogilev Development Agency will receive fixed assets from the Mogilev Small Business Development Center. Today it is Dnepr, Salkhino, premises on the market down Timiryazevskaya Street. In the future, three more objects will be transferred.

This will allow the enterprise to receive about 300 million rubles of income every month and reach self-sufficiency and develop its activities.

Mogilev Development Agency will deal with investment issues. For example, to attract new investors to the city, offer them sites, projects, create new enterprises with new jobs.

By the way, more than a thousand new jobs are planned to be created in Mogilev in 2016.