Soloist of “Animal Jazz”: “I have one requirement for a woman - that I love her. Alexander Krasovitsky: “Soul is the secret of success Animal Jazz Animal jazz Alexander Krasovitsky

Alexander Krasovitsky is a famous contemporary musical performer. Currently he is the lead singer of the St. Petersburg rock band Animal Jazz and the young band Zero People. In addition, Alexander is involved in other interesting projects. But fans are interested not only in creativity, but also in the personal life of their favorite performer, in particular, his relationship with the singer Maxim.

Childhood and youth of a musician

Alexander Krasovitsky is also known under the pseudonym Mikhalych. The musician was born on June 8, 1972 in the city of Magnitogorsk. His childhood and youth were spent in Magadan. From a young age, Alexander was interested in music and even performed well in the choir.

However, at first the young man did not think about a career as a singer. Therefore, when the time came to enter university, Alexander chose the sociology department at the State University of St. Petersburg.

The young man successfully completed his education and became a graduate student. Serious scientific prospects opened up before him, but unexpectedly for everyone, Alexander decided to quit his studies and test himself in the musical field. The result was the emergence of interesting projects and a successful career.

The singer's musical projects

Krasovitsky’s musical career began in 1998 with the creation of his debut project, called “Aqua Vita”. For another two years, Alexander performed in another group, Vegetative. The musical styles of the group were grunge and art-core.

In 2000, Alexander Krasovitsky decided to create his own group, as a result of which the musician’s favorite brainchild, “Animal Jazz,” was born.

He himself still acts as the lead singer of the group, and is also the creator of almost all the words and music. According to him, he could not sing songs written by someone else, since it is very difficult to try on someone else's inner world.

Four years ago, together with one of the members of Animal Jazz, Alexander Zarankin, he created a new group, Zero People.

Soloist, critic, film actor

A successful musical career did not prevent Alexander from excelling in other areas of show business. For example, for fifteen years now Krasovitsky, together with one of the members of “Animal Jazz” Igor Bulygin, has been running a website about contemporary music in St. Petersburg. The main emphasis is on young alternative bands. According to Alexander himself, the site contains information about more than one and a half thousand groups.

Since 2003, for four years, Krasovitsky worked for the glossy publication Fuzz as deputy editor-in-chief.

Alexander became not only a successful musician, but also a film actor. So, last year he played one role in the film “School Shooter”. Interestingly, the main soundtrack of the film was the composition “Lie” from the singer’s album “Rap Sleep Phase”.

During his career, Alexander received honorary musical awards more than once. Among other things, he won the RAMP 2007 award for the composition “Step Inhale,” which was recognized as the best soundtrack of the year.

The singer's personal life. Relationship with singer Maxim

A bright musical career, participation in many projects, filming in films - this is not a complete list of what Alexander Krasovitsky managed to achieve. The singer’s personal life, however, rarely becomes public knowledge. What is known for certain about this is that he got married while still a student. In this marriage a daughter was born, now she is quite an adult. Despite the fact that the family broke up, Alexander maintains a warm relationship with his ex-wife.

Several years ago, the press was full of reports about the romance between Krasovitsky and the singer Maxim. They had a lot in common - both were already established musicians, and he and she had daughters from previous marriages.

Alexander Krasovitsky and Maxim met at one of the Animal Jazz concerts. The result of this meeting was the decision to record a joint song and, as a result, a stormy romance between two bright and extraordinary creative personalities.

The lovers managed to record two joint videos. It was even rumored that after a short life together, Alexander proposed to Maxim. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but this relationship never developed into something more. Soon the singer Maxim and Alexander Krasovitsky broke up. None of them provided details. However, according to Alexander himself, the entire album “Animal Jazz” was dedicated to the relationship with his former lover.

Interesting facts about Alexander Krasovitsky

    Alexander Krasovitsky really doesn’t like signing autographs and taking pictures with fans after performances.

    It is known that the singer practically cannot hear with his left ear.

    Mikhalych has severe myopia, but when he went on stage, until recently, out of principle, he did not wear glasses or contacts.

  • Only at the age of thirty-three the musician was baptized. This decision was the result of much thought about life and religion.

Alexander Krasovitsky is the lead singer of a group that many firmly associate with romance, falling in love, and gatherings with a guitar. We are talking about his main project, which will soon turn 20 years old. Of course, we are talking about the Animal Jazz group.

However, the team from St. Petersburg is not his only project. Alexander is not only charismatic, but also very active, he even has roles in films!

Those who are not familiar with either his songs or cinematic projects may have come across the man’s name in gossip columns. The reason for this is a long relationship with the popular singer Maxim. However, first things first.

How it all began: the story of Alexander Krasovitsky

If you were writing a book called “Alexander Krasovitsky: a biography,” we would start it with the events of 1972. It was then, on June 8, that the future singer was born in the city of Magnitogorsk.

Alexander Mikhailovich Krasovitsky found his calling in music, although he received a different education - he studied as a sociologist at St. Petersburg State University. It is worth noting that the young man made great strides in science, but decided to exchange everything for music.

In 1998, he created the first band that played “soft rock”. The project was called “Aqua Vita”. A year later, the guy became a soloist in someone else’s group - “Vegetative”. And since 2000, a project began to exist that later brought Krasovitsky fame - the rock group “Animal Jazz”.

Although Alexander devotes a lot of time and effort to the group, it cannot be said that it is at the head of his life. At the same time, the soloist managed to become the creator of a music portal, serve as deputy editor of the previously popular Fuzz magazine, create a second successful band - Zero People, and even play a role in a film.

And yet, it was the Animal Jazz group that brought him the main portion of fame among the masses. The singer himself has repeatedly admitted this.

How did Animal Jazz come about?

The history of the group began back in 2000. We can say that the participants were brought together by chance - they were simply rehearsing in neighboring rooms and, having met, decided to create a joint project. It’s unlikely that anyone then imagined that Animal Jazz would record as many as 7 albums, tour not only Russia with concerts, and become regular participants in music festivals.

Perhaps the success that emerged lay in the professionalism of the constant sound engineer Yuri Smirnov. Or maybe in the “velvet” vocals of “Mikhalych” himself (that’s what lead singer Alexander Krasovitsky is called). But the fact remains: having started in St. Petersburg, “Animal Jazz” won a huge number of fans.

And the most turning point in creativity was, of course, 2007.

When does fame come to a group?

“Give me back my 2007” - this phrase has become a catchphrase. 2007 saw the heyday of the informal movement in Russia, and with it groups that played soft rock, songs about love and sadness. It is not surprising that Alexander Krasovitsky and his team “caught the wave.”

At the beginning of the year (in January), the group releases an album, which becomes the most popular in their work. "Step. Inhale" became the fourth disc of the Animal Jazz team. The producers of the “record” were the musicians themselves, although it was released under the famous Kapkan label.

What is worth noting separately in this album? Of course, the song “Three Stripes”. Thanks to the bright video and simple words that hit the mark, it literally became the anthem of that time. Thanks to this period, the audience of fans was replenished with a huge number of underage girls, which later even became a reason for jokes.

Be that as it may, “Step. Inhale" was a breakthrough. “On the Wave” the group manages to release their DVD and even an acoustic collection (already in the fall) - “1:0 in favor of autumn.” The group's work this year was recognized by several music awards. Perhaps this year has become the most outstanding in the team’s work.

Alexander Krasovitsky: personal life

The singer always tried not to advertise this aspect. The vocalist of “Animal Jazz” cannot be called an open person. Therefore, it is not surprising that very little is known about his public life. The only thing he mentioned himself was that he was married, but still during his student life. From that union, Alexander had a daughter. All that is known for certain is that he and his ex-wife maintain friendly relations. Other details are hidden from the general public.

But part of the personal story nevertheless became public knowledge when the soloist entered into a relationship with a well-known person in Russian show business.

Singer Maxim and Alexander Krasovitsky met at a concert of the Animal Jazz group. Marina (that's her real name) was pleasantly surprised by the band's music. Her delight grew into an offer to record a song together, and subsequently the singers became involved in a romantic relationship. Alexander even proposed marriage to the girl. But she, “not wanting to spoil a good relationship,” refused.

The creative couple lived in a civil relationship for several years, which ended for an unknown reason. During this time, another album “Animal Jazz” was recorded. Later, Alexander admits that Marina inspired him for literally every song included in the collection.

After this, journalists were not aware of any other novels by Alexander. There is also no evidence that the singers remained on good terms and are still in contact. However, in 2016, the girl again became a guest at the group’s concert. According to Maxim herself, she really enjoyed the evening.

Alexander Krasovitsky and fans

The attitude of public figures towards fans is ambiguous. Alexander Krasovitsky, despite his closed character, treats his fans with warmth. It often happened that in a fit of emotion he began to hug those who were in the front rows. The singer himself believes that fans are the source of his inspiration.

Perhaps that’s why he has pages on many popular social networks (even Periscope). According to Alexander, he uses the Internet to disseminate band news, listen to music and answer fan questions.

Interesting facts about the performer and group

  • Alexander Krasovitsky has a good ear for music, but his left ear is practically unable to hear.
  • The vocalist sang a duet not only with Maxim, but also with a very unexpected partner - Assai.
  • The vocal range of the Animal Jazz soloist is 3 octaves.
  • Alexander also has problems with vision - myopia. Despite the fact that the violation was serious, he refused points. The performer only put on the lenses in 2012.
  • Krasovitsky was baptized at the respectable age of 33 years.

What is the performer doing now?

As the vocalist of Animal Jazz, Alexander still has no plans to retire. Moreover, the band’s next album is planned for release in 2017. According to preliminary forecasts, fans will see the result of the work in the fall. In the meantime, the team is working hard on recording it in the studio.

In addition to the collection, concerts will not be left out. This year the team will conquer remote corners of the country - Siberia, the Far East and other regions.

It is impossible not to mention Krasovitsky’s other project - Zero People. The duo released an album last year with the optimistic title “Wonderful Life.” With this work they went on a tour around the country. A film is planned for release in 2017, which will tell everyone about how it happened.

Therefore, fans of Alexander Krasovitsky can exhale calmly: there will be music!

Over the weekend in Petrozavodsk, the Animal Jazz group celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. On this occasion, the portal “Petrozavodsk Speaks” talked with the lead singer of the group, Alexander Krasovitsky.

- This is not your first time in Petrozavodsk. Are there any good associations with our city?
- Petrozavodsk was one of the first cities where we left St. Petersburg. In 2002 or 2003, we had a concert here at the Swan club, which is difficult to forget and I don’t want to return. Nevertheless, it was very warm there, I remember. It was a powerful experience.

Now you have arrived with a program of best compositions. How to select the best when you already have so much baggage behind you?
- We sat and chose one or two songs from each album. Without much debate. It just so happens that I am the voice of the group not only on stage. I often initiate decisions, but never make them alone. I can offer something, but approval must be general, otherwise this is some kind of nonsense. This is not a solo project, but a normal team with five individuals.
- So there are no conflicts in the group?
- Well, I think that we have one of the most conflict-free teams of everyone I know. We have clearly demarcated areas of responsibility for everyone, and others try not to interfere there. And this is important. Men, and especially musicians, are people with charisma and their own energy. And the main thing is not to cross these energies in the wrong places. They intersect well on stage, in recordings, but not in life.

But problems still arise. “Animal Jazz” has more than a hundred concerts a year, which means that we spend 180-200 days a year together. We are all different, each with our own experience and baggage. But, fortunately, there are no people in the group who would stick to one topic and try to “push” it. For example, I am an Orthodox person, but there are complete atheists in the group. And even when guys try to joke with me in this direction, I don’t pay attention, because for me the main thing in these people is that they know how to make music with me. And for them, it’s probably the same in me.

- Orthodoxy - this is from childhood?
- No, I was baptized at 33 years old. It just so happened that I did this at the age of Christ. In my youth, I was interested in issues of religious studies, the sociology of religion, and even taught this subject at the university. In general, I studied all this on a theoretical level, and then I got the feeling that in addition to loved ones, friends and family, I needed some kind of spiritual support.

Lately there have been a lot of questions addressed to the church. In Petrozavodsk, a priest got behind the wheel while drunk and killed a woman, for example.
- It’s clear why attention is focused on this - priests still stand somewhat apart and deal with the human soul. Much greater purity of actions, thoughts and behavior is required of them. But on the other hand, the church is a social institution. Same as school. Or sports. In the latter there are those who take doping, thereby violating all sporting principles. And among the musicians there are a certain number of assholes and assholes. The story is the same among priests: they are people of flesh and blood.

For me, the concepts of faith and church are separate. I go to temples only to touch my faith. At the same time, I personally know priests, pure and wonderful people from whom light emanates, you just have to approach them. They are mostly young. This is a new growth, not corrupted by the Komsomol-communist confrontation. They are modern, some of them even listen to Animal Jazz. I was simply shocked when, after my confession, saying goodbye, the priest said: “By the way, I sometimes listen to your music.”

You look very gloomy. At the same time, the songs of “Animal Jazz” can be very romantic and life-affirming. How does it fit together?

- I'm quite a depressed person, of course. St. Petersburg has its place, this city is very suitable for people of this type. Why are the songs like this? Because suffering and singing about suffering is some kind of masturbation. It is a well-known story that clowns are sad people in real life, but on stage they manage to make everyone laugh. Probably the same situation is with me, because on stage I put on an image that I lack in life: a romantic hero and a proper macho. Not the one who fucks left and right, but the one who understands what the soul of a person is, with whom you can talk. At the same time, he is charismatic and interesting.

But then the concert ends, I take off this image, put on glasses and become the person I am used to: an introvert who sits in the corner and prefers to silently listen and watch what is happening around.

- And how do new people appear in the life of such a person?
- The main principle of the appearance of new people in my life is that they know something that I don’t know. Or they know, but better than me. Or I'm just falling in love, that's also possible. And it no longer depends on anything. Incomprehensible story.

- Does this happen often?
- Once every three years, or even much less often.

- A few years ago in an interview you talked about your relationship with the singer MakSim , and then she said on television that your love was a PR.

When I heard this, I almost turned gray. We then talked to her about this topic. This, of course, was a lie on her part, broadcast to the whole country on Channel One. But she explained to me that it was easier for her at that moment to deny the very fact of our relationship and transfer it to the plane of PR. But I think that anyone who listens to the album “REM Phase” will hear real pain, suffering, joy, and love. And at that moment on the air, she did as she saw fit. After that, she apologized to me personally, and that’s enough for me. This was not a PR thing, it was two crazy years, and I am grateful that they happened in my life, although it all ended and not the way I would have liked.

- Musicians are often considered rowdy, troublemakers, and simply alcoholics. Is there room for rock 'n' roll fun in your band?
- That's a good question. Recently a book about us was published, each member of the group gave interviews about what “Animal Jazz” is. And every time the girl who wrote this book was horrified, realizing how different we were. Now a documentary is being made about us, and now the director is in a stupor, not understanding how such different people can be together for so many years. We are very different.

I have one principle of post-concert behavior: I go to the hotel and go to bed. Some other members of Animal Jazz can easily afford to party after their performances. This is not burning bills and mountains of drugs. These are usually gatherings with old friends with beer, whiskey or wine. Or it could be karaoke, for example. Of course, by and large, this is not rock and roll at all. We don’t have any heifers, brothels, or police chases. In general, we are not the most rock and roll band. But the most non-rock and roll thing about it is me, of course.

At the same time, at the press conference of the Reboot festival, you said that you would be glad if every fan who asks for your autograph was ready to sleep with you.
- Did I say that? Well, it could be like that, yes. Naturally, when you are in the heat of the moment before or after a concert, you can say anything. I’m still in character. In fact, when it comes down to it...

To end up in the same bed with me, something like THIS has to happen! It seems to me that if you compare my personal life with the personal life of the average musician, then I would be almost a monk. I had my first kiss when I was 19, let alone the rest. And, by the way, I kissed my future wife.

You can count the people who have been with me on one hand, and it was always not only sex, but also a feeling of warmth and closeness. I am very picky and demanding. First of all, to yourself. But also to the person who may be next to me.

- And what are these requirements?
- In general, perhaps, I have one requirement for a woman - that I love her.

New EP with songs from the upcoming album. A few hours before the performance, I managed to talk with Alexander Krasovitsky and ask a small part of the accumulated questions. The setting is standard: a white, empty dressing room, with the noise of tuning drums behind the wall. Mikhalych enters the room, he is energetic, cheerful and cheerful, and throws after his interlocutor “Well, will you have a drink with us before the concert?” (to which she responds with affirmative silence) and finally turns to me: “Hello!” And my first question is contrary to the prepared list:

So you still drink before a concert?

Well then. Our rider says: there should be a liter of whiskey in the dressing room. Considering that there are eight of us plus a minimum of eight guests joining us in any city, this results in a small amount of alcohol per person. This is a symbolic story. We have a ritual: forty minutes before the concert we stand in a circle and drink 20 grams for the last concert of the Animal Jazz group. This is where our entire alcoholic existence ends.

You won’t see us on stage drunk, because it’s physically impossible. Although, of course, many may think the opposite. On stage I am without glasses or lenses, and due to fairly severe myopia, my pupils are dilated. Therefore, when I lean into the front row and sing something, some girl will definitely decide that I am at least on something and, most likely, drunk. And: “Oh, well, everything is clear... Alexander Krasovitsky came onto the stage, dumbfounded... Uh-huh. Everyone knows this! Yes, I stood in the first row, I saw it!” This is, of course, not true. If a person were in such a state as they impute to me, then he would not be able to jump two hours at forty years. Besides, we have concerts one after another. Moreover, I’m not Iggy Pop, I sing, I sing like a nightingale, and it’s impossible to maintain tenor vocals if you abuse alcohol. So it's just a ritual.

Then - about today's concert. Today Animal Jazz premieres several new songs. Are they different from the previous ones?

Yes. Perhaps this is a bundle of positivity that is not very typical for Animal Jazz. Everything here is usually very eclectic and depressing. In the new songs there is absolute zero depression. These are bright songs, spring. I noticed this thing: when I feel really bad, I write really optimistic songs. All three songs are entirely mine: music and words. And the fact that they are so positive probably speaks of how I really feel. But I want to live, at least in music.

And the second difference is in the sound: the songs “Here and Now” and “Sound and Silence” were made by sound producer Andrey Samsonov, and the song “Breathe” was made by Yuri Smirnov, our usual sound producer. “Here and Now” and “Sound and Silence” are something so dance-beat. Rock, of course, but the guitar does not play such a major role as in “Breathe”. And “Breathe” is “Three Stripes 2,” a more adult interpretation of the spring theme.

You say that judging by these three songs, we can conclude that everything is bad in your soul. But what about love, which you have talked about so much lately in various interviews?

It's Complicated. Like VKontakte status. That's actually good. Not in the sense that you have to fight for happiness, but in the sense that I perfectly understand what kind of person I am. What a complicated, confused person I am. In terms of emotions, often changing, and polar ones at that. And when opposite you stands a strong personality with the same confused consciousness and a very winding path from the brain to the heart and back, like you, then a feeling of constant struggle naturally arises. And you have to fight with yourself. But it’s precisely this kind of person that I’m drawn to. To one who will be even more complex than me and stronger than me in some ways. It’s amazing magic when you’re drawn to just such a person. Here you inevitably have to fight with yourself, first of all. That’s how successful this struggle is, that’s how successful my relationships are.

What is love for you?

If I answered this question, I would be Jesus Christ. Love, like any absolute concept, does not exist in nature. The ideal of love that you have in your head - and it is different for everyone - is unattainable in reality. And this ideal differs greatly from person to person.

And in life it happens that you have found your person and you understand that this is your person, and you hold hands, and an invisible sphere seems to form around you. Inside there is only you, and no one else. Peace, silence, and no one can hurt you. But at the same time, ordinary everyday life begins, into which the properties of two characters are woven. For example, the inability to not throw your things on the floor. Inability to accept criticism even from a loved one. Inability to adapt to his lifestyle. You are different adults who have walked a certain path, and each has already grown its own cortex. And you have to peel it off, but what’s under the bark? There is blood under the bark, it hurts, it’s unpleasant. You feel more comfortable in your own little world, but at the same time you understand that you cannot live without this person. Love is a whole set of sometimes mutually opposite things. Sometimes there is hatred in love. “I love you and I hate you, go somewhere closer” is a phrase that amazingly accurately characterizes my attitude towards love.

You often say that you don’t tolerate criticism, but what about praise?

I love!


No, I feel very clearly here and always cut people off. And the motives immediately become clear even at the level of intuition. It is impossible to feed me flattery so that I change my attitude towards a person, see him not as he is. Then, there is flattery, and there is a compliment. When people give compliments, it's cool. This means that the person sees some aspect of you that is worthy of praise. When they tell you: “You have such beautiful eyes, of an incomprehensible color: either blue or gray...”, you think: hmm, that’s really interesting. It becomes pleasant. In general, the moment of praise is always positive. But it’s not customary for me to be praised. It’s very rare when someone close to you says: “Mikhalych, how cool you sing!” Everyone is used to this, these are things that go without saying. Therefore, I really like to praise people and I understand what the reaction will be: wings grow behind my back.

And when they criticize - oh my God, I feel so bad for myself! I organize such an inquisition for myself that if someone else tells me something from the outside... And, as a rule, it’s the same thing that I tell myself. Therefore, I’d rather sit quietly in the corner, and you go with your criticism - over there, in the ass, around the corner.

But, let's say, when we have a song coming out and we are in the process of mixing it, then I can listen to advice. Even with elements of criticism. But from whom? Here, for example, from Andrei Samsonov or from Yuri Smirnov. That is, from people whom I respect in this area.

And when they say: “Your song is shit!”, I say: “Go to hell.” Because this is not criticism, but some kind of crap from someone unclear. Some things turn me on right away, and I'm ready to fight right away. One of these things - I’ll tell you a secret - is when they say to me: “Well, you’re crazy!” The word “opopseli” immediately evokes a storm of emotions in me. Firstly, it shows the stupidity of the speaker, and I generally don’t like communicating with stupid people and wasting my time on them. And secondly, it pins this stupidity on me. Not only did he come up with an idiotic label, but he also hung it on me. I hate it at all. Therefore, I either give it right away if I am in a sufficiently cheerful state of consciousness, or I simply send the person to three letters. That's why I'm often called a boor.

Have you had many fights in your life?

Yes, sure. Six months ago, the last time I got into a fight was when I heard behind my back an unpleasant comment about the singer MakSim, voiced demonstratively and loudly. The man knew that I was walking ahead and that I would hear. Both were unlucky: I got it, he got it. But I’m not Russell Crowe, who will start beating the bartender in a bar because he didn’t pour him whiskey. The reason for the fight is always a response to rudeness towards me or towards a loved one.

How do you communicate on the Internet then?

I hate this business. Everyone on the Internet is brave and cool. And they hurt me a lot, although I understand that it’s pointless and stupid to be offended by this, but they hurt me, they hurt me, the bastards. They get their way, although I never answer, of course. Feeding a troll means inflating it in size.

Is that why you spend little time on social networks?

So little? Quite a lot! I’m there all the time, but I think that social networks are, first of all, a tool. I have four of them:

Leader of the group “Animal Jazz” Alexander Krasovitsky, in an interview with a correspondent for the site, spoke about his upcoming performance at the “Ours in the City” festival, his acting experience and his attitude towards religion.

“I could have become a journalist”

Denis Prikhodko, website: - Upcoming performance« Animal Jazz» will take place at the “Ours in the City” festival. What stage should we expect you on?

We agreed with the organizers that we did not want to play in a stuffy room. We found a compromise that we would close the open stage. Young bands will play there, and we will close everything with our 40-minute set. After this, the doors of “Jubilee” will open and the audience will go to see everything else. We already have a festival program. It will be different from what we did last year. There will be songs from the album “Rap Sleep Phase,” which is the most relevant for us today.

In one of your interviews you said that performing in St. Petersburg is not so easy. Do you have the same opinion today?

In terms of concerts, St. Petersburg is the most difficult city for us and for me personally. They know us very well here, they love us, and, like a real loving wife, they know all our shortcomings. It is very difficult to surprise such a person. Here we are met on the street and seen in all sorts of everyday situations. It’s harder to surprise here, and the audience needs to be surprised. This is one of the aspects of the magic of any art. The artist needs to be a mystery. Therefore, of course, it is more difficult in St. Petersburg. And besides, people here are picky. We saw a lot of things. The rank of cultural capital makes itself felt. Here you have to spin the wheel twice as fast. It's easier in Moscow. People come there just to have a blast and get what they didn’t get at their jobs.

Group "Animal Jazz" next year will celebrate its 15th anniversary. Photo: PR service of the Cosmonaut club

- Over the 14 years of its existence, have the group had any disastrous performances?

Some concerts are very difficult. This happened in different cities and at different times. Let's say we came to one of the cities in 2007 and gave a very bad concert. Then we come back there a year later - the situation is the same. Although in other cities everything was fine. We even put an end to such cities. But three or four years passed, and everything changed. We went back there and had very good concerts. The problem is not related to the songs, not to the material, but to the general mood in the country. Maybe there was a crisis then. People who go to our concerts usually think and feel subtly, including the surrounding reality. In general, after 99% of our concerts we feel euphoric, and people call for an encore.

- Most recently you performed as an opening act for the band.« Linkin Park» . How different are such performances from solo performances?

They differ, of course, radically. But in recent years there has been a reserve of fame - at any such performance there is a layer of our fans who actively support us. We have already played two concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow before “Linkin Park” , and after each of our sets in the two capitals people shouted in unison: “Well done!” This makes me endlessly happy. At the same time, such performances are a good experience. You find yourself in the situation of a young band starting out. This brain breakdown that occurs is very useful. You understand your place in the world much better.

You say that sometimes you need to feel like a young band. Can you remember when you started out, was the goal to grow to the rank of a star, attracting stadiums of thousands?

There was no such thing. I remember that even before the creation of “Animal Jazz” I sat at Zemfira’s concert in 1999, but I was not interested in the sound. I was attracted by what was happening on stage. That's when I thought that I would also stand on stage. At that time I was simply carried away - I realized that I had entered the right direction. This happened simply by coincidence. I could no longer engage in scientific activities. Then came the songs and the desire to write them. Then a group appeared"Animal Jazz" , and then the audience, and it was very good.

- Why did it “go wrong”? Did this happen after joining the music scene?

I still haven't gotten into it. I stay away from her. I don’t know many people, although I’ve crossed paths with many at festivals. Of the musicians, I have the phone numbers of Ilya “Devil”, Andrey Knyazev and Vasya Vasin. Of the musicians, I don’t have any phone numbers in my notebook. I've been singing all my life. I started with a children's choir. Then he continued to sing in the dorm with his classmates. We would get together and sing in chorus at birthday parties when everyone was drunk. I had a good voice, but I didn’t sing anything of my own. I had a young family and a child who was engaged in science.

Alexander Krasovitsky decided to try his hand at cinema. Photo: NCA

- Is family life already over?

Yes. But of course we communicate. Everything is fine and we have a great relationship, but it’s already over.

- Were there other career options besides music?

I could have gone into journalism like my father. But I'm not very diligent. Journalism is a very cool profession. But a journalist must interest himself in any character. The main thing is that it must be done from the heart. The person you are talking to must understand that you are interested in them. There are still deadlines. I realized that this is not mine.

“I can’t hear in one ear”

- Did you copy your style of behavior on stage from someone?

At the first performance, I was so jittery and afraid that even if I wanted to copy someone, I wouldn’t be able to. All my movement stems from my blindness. I try not to bump into anything. Hence my half-squat. I don't like it, but there's nothing I can do about it. Then it added that I began to go deaf in one ear from concerts. I am half-deaf and touch the floor with my hand to hear the bass drum - I listen to the tempo. If someone says that I am copying someone, they would be a complete idiot.

- Will problems with vision and hearing force you to leave the stage ahead of time?

My reserve of desire to make music is such that even if, God forbid, I lose my arm, I will continue to sing. Nothing will change in terms of presentation. But I don't intentionally kill myself. I don't abuse drugs or alcohol.

- Do any of your colleagues use drugs?

There are no musicians in Russia who have not tried drugs. Such passions are in full swing there! It’s another matter whether you live with it or whether it’s a one-time experience.

- How is your personal life today?

Difficult. This comes naturally to touring musicians. If you have 100 concerts a year, then you are practically absent for six months. You don't spend this time with your loved one. A woman requires love and attention much more than a man. Although, many of our group are doing great with their personal lives. But in general We are the most boring band in the history of rock music. We don't have eight girls in the jacuzzi after concerts and noburned hotel rooms.

Considering that you don't like to give autographs, the conclusion is that you are an introvert. How do you manage to behave differently on stage?

I'm an introvert with elements of an extrovert. On stage I receive exactly that part of extroversion that I give away. I'm glad I have such an outlet. I let it all out on stage.

“Religious processions don’t piss me off”

- You recently starred as a teacher in the film “School Shooter.” Tell us about this experience.

It was filmed by the studio "Others" based on the book "Fury" by Stephen King. It is associated with school shootings in the United States. A similar story that happened here not long ago became a catalyst. The film takes place in Russia. I play the role of a school teacher there, whom everyone loves. It is in this contrast that they wet him. It was very interesting. It was my first time acting in a movie. I liked it and wanted to continue. Soon I will star in another film as a German officer, and I am Jewish.

- Which Russian musicians do you respect?

The first person who comes to my mind is Zemfira. Also the group "Spleen". I listen to their albums. And I download for money. There are also many young groups. I enjoy catching new videos of Vasya Vasin. I believe that he is a genius of words.

Do you have a desire to experiment in music? For example, record an album in a foreign language, or even music without words?

For now we are working in our own way. There are already 12 songs for the new album. We get great joy from what we do.

- At the age of 33 you converted to Orthodoxy. What led to this step?

Loneliness that people can’t save you from. Loneliness is internal. Need support. You need to rely on some kind of truth, truth. A spiritual father was needed. On the other hand, I don’t keep fasts and don’t lead a good life. Rock music is passion. But I go to churches and take communion.

Do you approve of the situation where our state supports the construction of a large number of churches and religious processions?

The church is the only beautiful building that we can leave to our descendants. From this point of view, I support their construction. I conclude that the most beautiful things in cities are left over from our grandfathers. We just leave boxes. Processions of the cross definitely don’t piss me off - it’s a holiday. In an Orthodox country, promoting Orthodox culture is the right thing to do. But everything must be done correctly. This also applies to the introduction of religion lessons in schools... everything should be optional. Whoever needs it will go himself. Then we will have bright people, and not those who stand with icons at the Madonna concert.