Afinskaya_anastasiys Anastasia Afinskaya

Once upon a time in the Jungle. It was a long time ago, I was just starting to travel to Peru and with me was “my flock,” as I called those with whom I was walking my Path then. The Man who was next to me then gave me many realizations, but now I remembered one night that began in the evening. He sent my Son somewhere on an important errand and forbade him to take a flashlight with him, to my indignation. He replied: “that the moon shines brightly and only cowards carry flashlights with them,” “but there are snakes,” I objected. “We were asked not to take a step without flashlights,” but he had a military bearing and it seemed to him that boys should be raised by strengthening their character by overcoming such difficulties. Naturally, I felt a wave of rage rise within me and Son went about his business with a flashlight, I know how to insist on my own... but I know that everything that happens there in the jungle is not accidental, and even more so the night before the ceremony, and therefore, having calmed down and gone into meditation, I suddenly realized that I would have a special request for today. You know how jealous I am of my condition and rarely allow anyone or anything to disturb it, and with those who claim this, I would rather stop communicating after a while. Then, I suddenly realized that I wanted to learn how to preserve my state in any conditions, that night I decided to rewrite my reactions, or rather stop getting angry and being harsh, I wanted to change reality while maintaining balance and balance, I wanted not to lose my temper, because I I love myself so much, why should I lose my temper))) the ceremony began, as usual, at 20:00, everyone gathered in a large round space, the shamans sang to the tinctures of plants, calling on them to help today, those who were nearby. I sat with my back straight and listened to myself, where is this reaction coming from and why can’t it be of another charge... strong, capacious, calm and convincing, what kind of nervousness and defense is such that it feels like my hair is standing on end. Where does this come from and what is it about for me... I was thinking, and in the meantime... The continuation is not included, we will do a live broadcast tomorrow at 17:00?! I want to tell you before 😉

Thank you for your interest in our Journey! Then I will continue to introduce you to Seattle - which, in addition to everything, is considered the second Silicon Valley (the first is San Francisco). Many American and other cities are trying to create reservations for IT companies, but few succeed. Seattle boasts the home office of Microsoft,, game maker Valve, the US headquarters of HTC, Nintendo, T-Mobile, Bungie, Expedia and so on. It is also where aerospace giant Boeing was born and has its largest aircraft factories in the world. This is where Starbucks began its history. If you want, I’ll write a separate post about the companies with photos, because they are impressive with their history and the volume of jobs, the Top 5 employs 1.3 million people, for a population of only 4.0 million. Another news - Seattle is already 40 years as a sister city to Tashkent 😉 and the countries are actively exchanging specialists, there are many Russian speakers here who come to work. There are almost no loiterers in the city; everyone is busy studying or working. Many people move here with their families. If you have children, then remember: education in the States is free, even if the child does not have citizenship! They teach everyone! If the child does not know English, it is also not a problem. Seattle has a lot of visitors from around the world. Therefore, every school here has a program in which children who do not speak English are taught the language. Within a year, the child fully adapts to the English-speaking environment. There is a freer education system in schools here. For example, in elementary grades, students do not sit at their desks for 45 minutes, but work in small groups, relax with the teacher, read books and play. Specific subjects appear only in the third grade; before that, children become familiar with general directions. Training takes place in an experimental form, that is, here they do not so much read textbooks as gain knowledge in practice. For example, children can be brought crayfish to class, and they will watch them, feed them, and return to school every day for the sake of these crayfish. Much emphasis is placed on teaching children to express their thoughts on paper. Here, already in the first grade, children write essays 👉🏼 continued in the comments

Psychologist Anastasia Athinskaya is a professional coach, author and host of the “My Tasty Life” program for connecting with femininity, writer and TV presenter, loving wife and mother. One day she decided that her life had to change dramatically, and she achieved it. Now Anastasia considers it her mission to share discoveries with everyone who needs it.

Why was the training center created?

Women come to me, trying to figure out why they are not satisfied with this or that area of ​​life, explains Anastasia. - For example, a woman devoted her life to her career. At the same time, her relationship with her partner is not building, and she does not understand what it means to be a mother.

To awaken, correct the settings - so that the inner music that has been drowned out for years can be heard, and in addition to give the tools necessary to start a new path in harmony with oneself - the task of the trainers of the Anastasia Athens Center. And the need for such harmony is evidenced by the number of graduates of the Center - 100 thousand.

How to study correctly?

To combine career, love, family and be successful in all these areas at the same time, according to Anastasia, is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing is that it is easy and pleasant for a specific person, so that each new step is taken with joy and love. To hear yourself and finally become a director of your own reality - this is what her training teaches. The only condition is that the person himself must want change and be ready for constant efforts and work on himself.

The result will appear only if you manage to develop the habit of applying the acquired knowledge every day. For example, as the coach advises, draw out each goal as clearly as possible and get used to this picture, not hypothetically, but as if your plan has already come true.

What is the coach talking about?

The Athens method is based on lived experience. What Anastasia talks about at trainings, she experienced and felt herself: an unsatisfactory relationship with her husband, an unloved job that takes an insane amount of time and effort...

My son, he was three years old, told me: “Mom, I don’t want to grow up, it’s scary to be an adult.” That night he fell asleep, and I sat by his crib until dawn, reminiscing about my childhood. I quit this morning.

Having then followed her feelings and turned around the seemingly hopeless situation, Anastasia began to look for answers to pressing questions and found them, and at the same time a fail-safe recipe for harmony and happiness.

Now, in addition to two prestigious universities, Anastasia has under her belt continuous trainings and individual practices with world luminaries - hermits, monks and simply sages of various religions and skin color.

What will be the result?

These trainings were not created for the sake of making money or popularity. It was much more interesting for Anastasia to generalize the experience gained and make the results of her observations and findings available to as many women as possible.

The Athenska training center operates in Moscow and Yekaterinburg. And Anastasia herself advises women in Russia and around the world - in person or online. Most of her interlocutors now firmly know: dreams come true - you just have to want it right.

It’s an indescribable happiness that one, two, three, and now thousands of girls and women’s lives have turned towards light, goodness, joy, love, understanding, and not towards competition,” Anastasia smiles.

Movement and improvement are the main principles of existence. Now the Center’s team is developing a new project, “Delicious Travel Bureau,” organizing joint trips to places of power. These travels help you discover new depths in yourself, reach a new level of self-knowledge, and sometimes literally take off.

I travel a lot, I recently returned from a trip to the Himalayas and realized that I had found a home within myself,” says Anastasia. - Having climbed these snowy peaks, I saw a man soaring on a hang glider and rushed to feel what he felt, and it’s not even delight, it’s something more! Now my dream is to soar over the Himalayas. This is what guides me! The beauty of life and realizing how much life loves me. Be like children, and it will be revealed to you!

Once upon a time in the Jungle. It was a long time ago, I was just starting to travel to Peru and with me was “my flock,” as I called those with whom I was walking my Path then. The Man who was next to me then gave me many realizations, but now I remembered one night that began in the evening. He sent my Son somewhere on an important errand and forbade him to take a flashlight with him, to my indignation. He replied: “that the moon shines brightly and only cowards carry flashlights with them,” “but there are snakes,” I objected. “We were asked not to take a step without flashlights,” but he had a military bearing and it seemed to him that boys should be raised by strengthening their character by overcoming such difficulties. Naturally, I felt a wave of rage rise within me and Son went about his business with a flashlight, I know how to insist on my own... but I know that everything that happens there in the jungle is not accidental, and even more so the night before the ceremony, and therefore, having calmed down and gone into meditation, I suddenly realized that I would have a special request for today. You know how jealous I am of my condition and rarely allow anyone or anything to disturb it, and with those who claim this, I would rather stop communicating after a while. Then, I suddenly realized that I wanted to learn how to preserve my state in any conditions, that night I decided to rewrite my reactions, or rather stop getting angry and being harsh, I wanted to change reality while maintaining balance and balance, I wanted not to lose my temper, because I I love myself so much, why should I lose my temper))) the ceremony began, as usual, at 20:00, everyone gathered in a large round space, the shamans sang to the tinctures of plants, calling on them to help today, those who were nearby. I sat with my back straight and listened to myself, where is this reaction coming from and why can’t it be of another charge... strong, capacious, calm and convincing, what kind of nervousness and defense is such that it feels like my hair is standing on end. Where does this come from and what is it about for me... I was thinking, and in the meantime... The continuation is not included, we will do a live broadcast tomorrow at 17:00?! I want to tell you before 😉

My good girls 🙌🏼 Moscow greeted me with warmth and joy. The first module of the course took place over the weekend 😍 and the conversation was so deep and important. We talked about lost energy, about the lack of joy, about the fact that many are still waiting and waiting for circumstances to work out in the best way and do not know how to manage them and the events of their lives. There were many tears as we practiced forgiveness and understanding the lessons that everyone we met along the way gave us. In the practice of sounding, we freed ourselves locked in various difficult experiences. Using the technique of connecting into a trinity, we came to understand what it was like to be integral with ourselves and the entire Universe as a whole. And then we talked a lot about feelings and the ability to express them, about Love and practiced the ability to live and create from its vibrations. The participants flew out of the training like birds of paradise into their beautiful worlds, and I know that now they will decorate and ennoble them. The space was generous and Knowledge flowed easily through me. And today, I choose to be generous. I want to give a dress again, from my favorite atelier @dulcis_shop ❤️ and I will try, before leaving for Altai, to be in time with the winner to be in the show room of Angelina, who creates truly angelic outfits! The winner will be the one whose comment (not emoticons, but text) will be the last one before my STOP 🛑🛑🛑 Let's go 😉

Who did I meet in Seattle?! With yourself Happy, Free, Easy, New and Almost Married! You know, I noticed an interesting feature: in those places where you and I have already been, it’s as if we remained somehow recorded in that space and when we find ourselves there again, we behave the same way. Certain behavioral motives and skills emerge. It was my first time in Seattle and I honestly didn’t even think that I would end up there. I flew there with Him, to His patrimony. I felt like his Wife there, who has no other tasks than to be a Wife. And this means inspiring the Husband and being responsible for the state and mood in the Family, for everyone’s inner comfort and for the beauty of living those moments that He gave to Us ❤️ Accept Him and dissolve in Love! Exude joy, flow with pleasure, be in bliss. And at the same moment, be included in common affairs and sometimes help him make decisions that will lead to even greater Joy for your Couple. I did a great job and even if my wife, I am still a future one, but I think this role is constantly present in each of us and is activated not only when we receive a stamp in the passport, but in some it is still dormant, and in others it is offended, and in others shy and not understanding her Strength. What do you think Beautiful - Your inner Wife - is she fully realizing herself now?! Or is there still room to grow?!

It’s interesting that my message yesterday caused such a reaction among many. Perhaps I will clarify the facts, which may allow you to look at my message a little differently... I did not finish 9th grade and left home at 13 years old. I worked everywhere and learned from real people and from Life itself. Institute, I graduated with honors, but not because I’m so smart, but because my early school of Life taught me to quickly grasp the essence, think vividly and voluminously, be able to negotiate with everyone and about everything, neither despair nor give in fears and complexes, go towards your goals and never give up. These same qualities played an important role in my entire subsequent Life. Winged, so successful and smart, also because he left his parents’ home at the age of 16 and, having saved up money for a ticket, rushed to America towards his Dreams. He paid for his studies there with his ability to play football, he was so charismatic and responsive, open and courageous that he was invited to create a football team from several institutes.. He built his Life - Himself, without waiting for him to be taught, prepared, appreciated. He changed many jobs and positions, step by step moving higher and higher and maintaining a sense of play, excitement, the ability to see and think on a grand scale, take unconventional steps, make unexpected decisions, see deeper, maintain awareness in any action, respond constructively to criticism, and always lead his people to Victory.. My Son, Georgiy, from his 13 years, spent two years at school, traveled all over the world and from the age of 7, works whenever possible, wherever he can. Since he has no fear that he is not smart and does not know something. He comes from the position - I am ready to learn from you. You know how to do this well, but I have a great desire and this is enough for me to succeed. Due to the fact that I am studying remotely, I have developed such qualities as responsibility, enterprise, hard work, ingenuity, multitasking, resistance to stress, curiosity.. My post was about the fact that sometimes we do not acquire qualities that are really necessary in our real life at a desk, and in our battle, with circumstances that sometimes seem insurmountable, but by going through them, we grow up and gain Courage and Wisdom. Do you agree?!

I convinced you all to believe in Love for so long that in the end I believed it myself. I wanted everyone around me to be happy so much that I became Joy myself. I wanted to remind him that He can fly and took off myself. First, to show that Flight is the only place where He is free.... and then, because I realized that all my Life, I was calling for someone who could Soar with me as a Pair. Who, with the power of his tender Love, will open new horizons for me. Who will be brave enough to respect my freedom and will, who will see my essence and step towards me, who will also appreciate the important and fragile moments that so many do not notice in the bustle. Someone for whom touching with your fingertips will also be dear, who will find time to admire the naughty lock of hair stroking my skin, who will understand what kind of mood is under my felt eyelashes, who will know all my moles by heart... Who will be ready to lose Himself and dissolve merge into One Whole. The one for whom there is nothing more important than our State... Winged One, I thank You for the greatest Beauty and Trembling of our every moment Together. For the way you move fluidly, delve into it with interest, respond with excitement, for the way you speak in your heart, for the way you see deeply, for the way you breathe peacefully. For how you know how to give generously, how you know how to listen with your soul... You are my gift from Above, I know...

My house is full of purity and holiness, beauty and love, mysterious legends and wise tales... My house has long ceased to exist somewhere... in such a country, near such and such a stone, in that forest or in the center of the capital.. My Home was discovered by me long ago, in my Heart. I didn’t immediately find it and didn’t immediately come to it... it was a very long journey... full of losses and disappointments, anxieties and doubts... but I was led by my Faith that we had come to this beautiful World, Why else... other than being afraid and sad, making mistakes and not making up your mind. My Love for Life, my Faith in the power and wisdom of my Spirit, my desire for Joy... my Tenderness and Kindness have always been my faithful companions... I thought that I was alone and that it was probably my destiny to go on my own, but sometimes, when I completely lost my way... I met the same, lonely Travelers who shared with me their keys, views, warmth and wisdom. This was always just enough to again Remember your Desire - to Soar and Dance your Life. And now, I often meet those who need such help and I always generously and lovingly give them everything that will help them in their further Path. I hear your worries and worries, but best of all I hear your Thirst for Life and I ask you... Go... don't give up.. This weekend 07.27-28.19 I will be in Moscow, with a two-day course ✨ And I Believe that those who need me will find the opportunity to be at this Meeting... of the Great Wanderers ❤️🙏🏼😘 registration with Tony +7 968 ​​416-00-99

Men, be afraid of the moment when your Woman... stops laughing, stops Playing, Wondering, Indulging and Dreaming... at that moment she will begin to move away from you... into her Worlds, into her Planets... and one day, you suddenly you discover that there is more of it on your Planet... No.. Couples consciously moving towards Intimacy... Please 🙏🏼 flirt with each other, seduce, laugh, open up, purr, be surprised and of course Admire... let it be in your common World... You two will always remain Warm, Gentle and Desirable 😉

In almost a month, I will turn 38 years old 😅 Do I feel like that age?! No! I believe that these numbers were invented specifically to make us afraid... so that we would be disappointed and not have time, shrink in fear... not noticing Life! My secret of beauty is simple - beauty begins from within, harmony begins with three -ness (Soul, Mind and Body), and Love is the best potion against Old Age 😅 Passion ignites the fire in our eyes, and Tenderness adds smooth lines to the image.. Grace comes when you start dancing your Life, and laughter is the best antidepressant. And also, I think Interest is something you can’t live without at all 😉 I was once given a Secret - I share it with you: “Be interested, baby. To everything you have to do: to the choice of dishes or dresses, to conversations, to your own and other people’s thoughts, to words and books, to work and battles. If you don’t feel a warm, inquisitive current in yourself towards some area of ​​your life - change it, destroy it, build another!... Boredom affects blood vessels worse than cholesterol, boredom bends your spine, boredom binds your fingers with arthritis, boredom wraps folds around your stomach . Time is merciful only to those who move in its favorite rhythm of an intoxicating race!... Who knows how to spend it for good, generously and joyfully - on a holiday. Strive to turn the most routine of your chores into an interesting, exciting action, if necessary. Otherwise, find a way to avoid it.”. I have been following this Secret for 20 years already 😉 ah, do you have Secrets that are useful to all of us Girls?! Share 🤗🤗🤗

Thank you for your interest in our Journey! Then I will continue to introduce you to Seattle - which, in addition to everything, is considered the second Silicon Valley (the first is San Francisco). Many American and other cities are trying to create reservations for IT companies, but few succeed. Seattle boasts the home office of Microsoft,, game maker Valve, the US headquarters of HTC, Nintendo, T-Mobile, Bungie, Expedia and so on. It is also where aerospace giant Boeing was born and has its largest aircraft factories in the world. This is where Starbucks began its history. If you want, I’ll write a separate post about the companies with photos, because they are impressive with their history and the volume of jobs, the Top 5 employs 1.3 million people, for a population of only 4.0 million. Another news - Seattle is already 40 years as a sister city to Tashkent 😉 and the countries are actively exchanging specialists, there are many Russian speakers here who come to work. There are almost no loiterers in the city; everyone is busy studying or working. Many people move here with their families. If you have children, then remember: education in the States is free, even if the child does not have citizenship! They teach everyone! If the child does not know English, it is also not a problem. Seattle has a lot of visitors from around the world. Therefore, every school here has a program in which children who do not speak English are taught the language. Within a year, the child fully adapts to the English-speaking environment. There is a freer education system in schools here. For example, in elementary grades, students do not sit at their desks for 45 minutes, but work in small groups, relax with the teacher, read books and play. Specific subjects appear only in the third grade; before that, children become familiar with general directions. Training takes place in an experimental form, that is, here they do not so much read textbooks as gain knowledge in practice. For example, children can be brought crayfish to class, and they will watch them, feed them, and return to school every day for the sake of these crayfish. Much emphasis is placed on teaching children to express their thoughts on paper. Here, already in the first grade, children write essays 👉🏼 continued in the comments

A variety of trainings and personal growth programs are extremely popular today. On the one hand, there is a pleasant trend - people strive for self-improvement. On the other hand, there are a huge number of charlatans working in this market who pose as professional psychologists, so skepticism towards such activities is understandable. But our heroine instantly dispelled all doubts and charmed us from the first minutes. - founder of the first Russian women's training center, writer, TV presenter, one of the most popular and sought-after female psychologists in Russia. Many pop, film and television stars turn to her for advice. At 34 years old, Anastasia is a successful businesswoman, wife, mother and very attractive woman. In an interview PEOPLETALK she talked about how a personal drama helped her open her own business, shared several secrets of a happy life and talked about her unique techniques.

Dress LN Family, Neglinnaya, 8


You can combine career, love, family, and be successful and accomplished in all areas of your life at the same time! If there is a desire inside, if you are driven by passion for what you do, then opportunities and time naturally appear. More love for what you do, and everything will definitely work out.

Often girls come to my courses who dream of getting rich, sitting at home and doing nothing. This is nonsense, it doesn't happen. Money is life energy. They do not tolerate passivity. Every minute, every hour of your life is a value that brings profit, both material and moral. It’s a wonderful process to invest more and more of your own time in yourself and get good bonuses from it.


I didn’t create trainings for the sake of making good money. This is all just the result of my own searches. My dad was a geologist, he is no longer alive. He taught me to see beauty in the simplest things: a gray pebble is lying on the road, but if you break it, then inside you can see something very unusual, shiny, bright. It’s the same in life: always Behind the ordinary, there is something very capacious and valuable hidden inside..

I gathered my experience bit by bit, I myself went through over two hundred trainings, studied, traveled to places of power, lived for a long time in India Ashrams are the abodes of sages and hermits.

I always helped and advised my friends who turned to me for advice in difficult life situations. As a result, it all began to acquire too much volume. At some point, one wise woman, my mentor, said that it was impossible to continue consulting without payment. When you share your knowledge with people, they simply energetically have to give something in exchange. You can’t just receive - this is the law of conservation of energy, to which everything in our Universe.

Gradually, consultations turned into training. It consists of a “skeleton” - this is what I will tell you for sure. And then I listen to the questions that the girls come to me with, and, based on this, I formulate a program so that it is as useful as possible for this particular group.


I am often asked to help find purpose in life. Recently I once again thought about this question. And I realized that I had found my purpose, and it is the same as every person on this earth - to serve people and make the world around me better, making myself better.

We live in a society where for the first 20 years we were put into some kind of framework: four years in kindergarten, 10 years in school, six years in college. From the cradle we are told what to do and what not to do, that you are good or bad. We have been driven into a narrow corridor, and we do not allow ourselves to relax and follow our heart, follow our soul, we think in categories and stereotypes. What business, what purpose are we talking about if sometimes we don’t have the courage to change the job we hate? Don't be afraid to jump into the void empty-handed. This is the only way to achieve success.


I had an unhappy love that radically changed my life. When my first family union fell apart, I tried to understand why this happened. It seemed to me that nothing could destroy a happy marriage. But for some reason, close people suddenly became complete strangers to each other.

My parents lived together for 25 years, so divorce seemed somehow unacceptable in our family. However, I still had to make a choice: either betray myself and stay to live with a person I don’t love, endure, remain silent, accumulate more and more hatred and negativity, throw out emotions on the child, or just get up and go absolutely nowhere with my three-year-old son in my arms . I chose the second one. No matter how difficult the path may seem, the main thing is to remain honest with yourself inside.

It was very scary to change my life. But at the same time, it was even more terrible to hate, to remain silent, close your eyes, and destroy yourself. Patience is the suppression of energy within. But the energy will still find a way out. The child began to get sick, the scandals became more and more serious. What is this all for?

I'm all for interaction. It’s better to sit down and talk if there is no longer any way to glue it inside. Now my ex-husband and I are in a great relationship. He married one of the graduates of our training center. One way or another, my knowledge helped him too.


Yes, thoughts are material. According to your thoughts it will be for you. Everything we think about, all desires - both good and bad - come true! We are taught physical hygiene from childhood, but for some reason we are not taught mental hygiene. That is why we carry all our lives all our fears and complexes, which very quickly manifest themselves in reality. It is extremely important to clearly see the goal, the ideal picture of life and to be there not hypothetically, but to be inside, as if everything planned had already come true.

What is in me is also outside. If you want an expensive dress, but every time you cringe inside, remembering its price, it doesn’t work! Money has not only a physical body, but also an astral body. They “know” how you feel about them, they mentally “understand” what you are saying about them.

You need constant training to have no expectations. Expectations always lead to disappointments. All desires should be treated equally. If the Universe gives, I will accept; if it does not, I will also accept. No importance. Only faith and no doubt.


Most of the participants come to the training, speaking in general, to find rich suitors. And then one day one girl says: “I need a forester! I will only marry a forester!” And she found him! This forester turned out to be the same fairy-tale prince who left civilization and created his own forestry. Unlike others, this desire came true for her extremely quickly. Do you know why? Because she needed human qualities. She was not looking for wealth, not something inflated and ephemeral, but a man who lives by the same principles as her.

Material life directly depends on what happens to you inside. If your soul, mind and body run in different directions, you will never have results in the material world. So you will rush around. When they are harmonious, lined up in a single line, in a single channel through which we send desires upward, thoughts will materialize.

Dress LN Family, Neglinnaya, 8; shoes, stylist's property


I don’t teach how to live, I don’t say: do it once, do it twice. It would be wrong. I don’t want to be a crutch for anyone to lean on at the slightest failure. I only give you the tools. Take it and use it - you have everything for this! Responsibility for one's own destiny lies with the person himself. Everyone can create their own reality - I just help set myself up and move where I need to go.

There are also hopeless cases. In Tyumen, a woman approached me who, a long time ago, “accidentally” married a man because her mother forced her to. Then she “accidentally” gave birth to three children so that they could be given an apartment. Then she “accidentally” fell ill with a terrible female disease... And she came to me for training. I gave her all the tools and told her step by step how to change her life for the better, after which she widened her eyes and asked: “Does this even need to be done? Are you crazy? I didn’t pay you for this!” This is what I call shifting responsibility. A hopeless person is one who still has not realized that he will have to take responsibility for his destiny.

Repeat daily: “The Universe has prepared one of the best scenarios for me!”, “What is inside me is outside”, “I am the beloved child of the Universe”, “Everything here is for the best for me.” “It is as it is” is a great phrase! Why worry, be nervous, stomp your feet if it already exists?


Some master classes in our training center are taught by famous and successful girls: (32), (46), Irena Ponaroshku (32), Sasha Zvereva(34). We attract stars so that every woman understands that we are all, one way or another, made of the same cloth.

The main thing that distinguishes girl stars and what you should learn from them is their boundless love for life! The desire to embody yourself beautifully in this world every second. They want to manifest themselves, to leave a mark. These are people who managed to relax and simply allow themselves to be - yes, in some ways stupid, yes, in some ways unimportant, yes, sometimes wrong, but as they are. From self-love comes love for others.


I haven't allowed myself to wear jeans for a very long time. Not because I don’t like jeans, but because I introduced a “dress code” of femininity in my courses. I feel responsible for my words and should be an example for those who come to the trainings. All our girls wear skirts, because everyone wants to decorate the city in which they live.

A woman needs to remain a woman. Since you came into this world in the body of a woman, realize your main purpose. Show yourself as a woman here, and don’t take away the boys’ toys and don’t prove that you’re better at playing them. Everything is harmonious in this world in its naturalness.


Marriage is the highest stage of development of the spirit. And it would be much simpler if everything consisted only of everyday issues and problems. Often one of the partners begins to see better how the other should live and act. Expectations arise and, as a result, disappointment. No one here owes us anything, and we don’t owe anyone anything. A person came into your life to give you something, to teach you something. You can only exist together if you constantly work on your condition. Ask yourself the question, how would I like the person next to me to behave? And behave that way. This is a kind of service. And if even one thought appears: I wish he had different pants, different parents or a different institute - you don’t love the person. You set the conditions for what he must become for you to love him. He does the same in response!

Next to you, first of all, there is a personality. If you begin to evaluate your partner from the point of view of a thing - I’ll finish drawing here, I’ll finish riveting here - he, naturally, will feel it.


Life itself makes me happy. What I see around me is that I can touch it, smell it, taste it, that I have been given this body, given this time, given these people in my reality. Integrity is where happiness lies.

What is happiness?“With a part” is when all parts of me are known, accepted and connected together. Then I'm happy. And if the soul wants one thing, the body demands another, and the mind repeats the third, you cannot find the right path. When a single path is built, you feel like you are part of the universe, part of the Universe, and it helps you!

My happiness is health, strength, beauty, sex, pleasant food, a man, a child, a zest for life, a passion for everything I do. My happiness is the success of the people next to me, their sparkling eyes. It makes me happy to see how people around me grow.


On October 2 and 3 in Moscow I will conduct a two-day training “My Delicious Life”, which has already been held several times in Russian cities, as well as in Los Angeles and Dubai. I am interested in communicating with women from another country, getting to know their mentality, how they live there, what is important to them. This is a journey, an adventure both for me and for the participants of the master classes.

In addition, I have a new unique project "Delicious Travel Bureau"– this is my favorite brainchild today. It is aimed at different price segments and different people with different interests. We invite our participants to go together to various places of power with a large team of trainers. The first experience took place in July - we visited Altai. This is not just a tourist trip. We go not to see a place, but thanks to this place to get to know ourselves as a new person. When traveling, we make sure to perform various practices for spiritual development, immersion, meditation, exercise daily, and go on hikes. We sleep for three to four hours, but we don’t get tired at all. This is not just tourism. This is tourism with taste.

All training programs are original. I strive to create such an atmosphere around me so that the training participants do not need to be inspired by anything or anyone. They learn from themselves, living the moment here and now, revealing their deep knowledge and desires.


One of my goals is to let people understand that turning to a psychologist is not shameful, but prestigious! After all, as usual with us, the wife cannot persuade her husband to go to a psychologist for months, although in reality most problems are solved in two or three consultations. And how often do we discuss with our friends in the kitchen how to live next? The only question is: do such conversations give us the keys to happiness? I want everyone to see: it’s not a shame if you don’t have something, it’s a shame if you moan, complain, but don’t strive to change yourself and your life for the better.