Perunov's sign Gromovik: action for whom it suits. Perun - children, parents, wife and relationships with other deities What can Perun's lightning be compared to?

Pagan symbols, such as the sign of Perun as a tattoo or his ax as a keychain, are beautiful and attractive. Contemporaries preserve the memory of their ancestors when they turn to such symbols. Among the images we see bizarre ornaments and symbols of the gods.

Slavic symbol - sign of Perun

Each fragment of the image had a meaning and role, protecting against various troubles and types of dark witchcraft. The drawing showed what position the bearer of the tattoo occupied in society and what group he belonged to.

The Slavs actively used body amulets, amulet, nauz, and enchanted belts. Tattoos were also popular as protective designs. The tradition involved applying protective images directly to the body. Not everyone had the right to decorate a fellow tribesman with a tattoo. This painstaking and important work was entrusted to a special person - a sorcerer. He applied a color image and placed magical protection. He worked slowly, immersing himself in the process, turning mentally to higher powers. Only natural paints were used for tattooing.

Typical symbols of the Slavs

The Slavs worshiped pagan gods and the forces of nature. They made tattoos with trees, associating them with fertility, with providing a connection between worlds in their picture of the world. Trees with mighty trunks told a person that his life would be long and happy, programming him to fulfill this program.

Reptiles were known as treacherous and evil creatures. According to tradition, a tattoo with their participation contained the meaning of victory over the snake. The dragon or snake was defeated by the hero, who pierced them with a spear or lightning. This image served as protection against negativity.

A reliable protection against the evil eye is the cross, no matter how it is depicted. A popular place for a cross tattoo is on the heart area or on the back. It protects the wearer and his health, wards off troubles and spells sent by ill-wishers.

A popular place for a cross tattoo is on the heart area or on the back.

How amulets and talismans were created

When creating it, we proceeded from the current situation: are there any problems, in what area is help or protection needed? They added magical energy to the required area, strengthened it, and corrected character traits.

Production was oriented according to the lunar calendar: it helped to strengthen or weaken those qualities that the talisman was aimed at.

The basis was taken on something that could be found on a forest path or on the river bank, or made with one’s own hands. It was a natural material: a plant or root, metal, clay, part of an animal: a tooth or skin.

To cover the amulet with symbols, you need to apply them in the manner dictated by the material. On fabric, leather - embroider or draw, on wood - draw or cut, on metal - extrude or mint.

The highest quality amulets were made by sorcerers and professional fortune tellers. For reliable operation, the item was made for spells, exactly according to technology. However, it was also allowed for blood relatives to make amulets. Even if they did not know all the wisdom, they brought love, a desire to protect and a strong positive attitude for the owner of the talisman.

Is each symbol suitable for a man or a woman?

The Slavic tradition divided symbolism into male and female. Therefore, amulets and tattoos also had their own specifics: they attracted special magical energy to a person of a certain gender. A woman should not wear male symbols and vice versa: such talismans will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm.

The ancient Slavs divided symbols into female and male

Talismans are suitable for women to enhance fertility and protect her health. The mother must be absolutely healthy in order to continue the race, feed and protect the offspring. Also, for the keeper of the hearth, the support of her wisdom and feminine cunning was desirable. They also did not forget about protecting women from harmful witchcraft.

The male amulet contains elements that support courage, the spirit of good luck in acquiring material wealth, intelligence, calculation, and cunning. The strong half of humanity must carry with them a talisman against the evil intent of the enemy. It is also wise to protect yourself from third-party magical influence, so that he is not in danger of a love spell or damage. It is also necessary to protect health: if a man is healthy, he will be able to protect himself, his family and the country. It was imperative to protect reproductive function and sexual power. However, special emphasis has always been placed on the main role of a man: warrior, protector, hunter. For this reason, one of the most frequently encountered among warriors was the symbol of Perun. Such a talisman could be worn by someone who was already serving in the military. But it was not forbidden to get a tattoo with the sign of Perun for those who were just planning to defend their land.

Who is Perun?

This is a Slavic god, personifying strength and power. Its name comes from the ancient word for “blow.” He also protects and preserves all living things. He is the patron of warriors, people of honor, valiant heroes.

Before him, the gods of the Slavs were primarily the patrons of agriculture. With the expansion of borders and numerous battles during the defense against raids, another dominant god became relevant. Many squads appeared, and their fighters turned for help to someone who could give them strength, endurance, and courage.

Perun's tree was the oak; Thursday was considered his sacred day. His sanctuaries stood on hills, in oak groves. This god was famous for his justice and for punishing the enemy with lightning. At feasts and before important events, they always donated something to Perun. He stood at the head of the pantheon of Slavic gods.

Perun is a Slavic god who personifies strength and power

The first type of lightning that Perun threw was purple-blue in color and killed to death. It was not customary for the Slavs to mourn people killed by lightning. They thought that Perun, with his lightning, killed the evil spirits hidden inside a person. If a person remained alive after a lightning strike, they said that God had marked him as his future servant.

Another type of Perun's lightning was golden - they could awaken the fertility of the earth and were creative. Therefore, he was not only a warrior, but also showed his power in other areas.

Perun was on the bright side in the war between light and darkness. Being at the same time a warrior and fighter of the forces of light, a thunderer, he combined in himself the images that the Romans divided into two gods: Mars and Jupiter.

Perun was also called the god of princes, he was a symbol of their power. It is recorded in ancient monuments that the Slavic princes, concluding an agreement with the Greeks, swear by Perun. With the baptism of Rus', they hastened to get rid of idols depicting this god. But people remembered about the Thunderer and continued to ask Perun for help in battle and in strengthening other masculine qualities.

Researchers suggest that later his image, under the influence of Christianity, was transformed into Yegor the Brave (that is, St. George the Victorious), who defeated the serpent.

The amulet in the form of the symbol of Perun makes its wearer strong, brave and warlike

The power of the sign of Perun

This amulet makes its wearer strong, brave and warlike. As a talisman, it belongs to those who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of protecting their loved ones and their land. Like a tattoo, this symbol helps to perceive all the best features of Russian soldiers and join traditions. The amulet is ideal for those who will not only withstand the blow of the enemy, but will also be able to respond to him, to show physical and spiritual strength.

Which amulets do you prefer?

Perun had many images, and many symbols belonged to him. All amulets have one thing in common - they provide strong protection.

The shield of Perun is considered a strong amulet - it was appropriate to be worn by the leader of an army or a warrior from a noble family. The amulet protected from arrows, spears and all negative influences. The shield was covered with signs of protection (a thunder wheel is suitable for this). Now the requirements for the carrier are not so strict. The Shield of Perun can be used as protection by anyone, protecting themselves from an enemy or from harm. The shield also helps if you need luck.

The ax of Perun is a symbol for enhancing power and protection, and at the same time means the unification of the clan. A warrior going on a campaign would get a tattoo so that it would protect him from enemy weapons and hide him from danger. During campaigns and military trials, this amulet preserves the health and courage of a fighter. This is a real masculine symbol that well emphasizes and strengthens character strengths. It is worn as a pendant on a cord, which is threaded through a hole in the handle.

Perun's ax is a symbol for enhancing power and protection

Perun's amulet color will protect you from damage or the evil eye. An amazingly shaped swastika with eight ends schematically depicts a fern flower, where Perun invested part of his power. The amulet breaks the magical influence of others, protects against damage and the evil eye. Its meaning: nobility, fight for a just cause, courage, honor.

There is such an amulet: a bird with its tail fluffed up. Her wings are open and flames are escaping from her beak. This is a symbol of courage, which will bring wisdom to the owner of the amulet and help in the birth of offspring. A figurine of such a bird helps you to be more successful in life and protects you from negativity.

How to choose the right amulet and design for a tattoo

When choosing symbols for protection, trust your intuition. There is no need to focus on which image seems beautiful or fits the shape of the accessories.

Both the tattoo and the amulet will give you strength and protect you only if you are convinced of their magical capabilities. In this case, you will receive a real amulet from everything negative around you and spiritual support.

Do not forget that a random selection of tattoos and protective products is dangerous. Hieroglyphs and incomprehensible symbols cannot be applied to the body or kept on oneself. Without knowing their meaning, you risk ruining your destiny and getting into trouble.

Slavic God of Thunder And patron of warriors. He is considered one of the most important characters in the Slavic pantheon of Gods. Perun was revered by many peoples. The cult of God Perun was attested among the southern Slavs. Among the Polabian Slavs it is reflected in the name of the day of the week Thursday - "perendan", just like, for example, Thursday (Thursday) is Thor's day. By the way, and Thor and Slavic Perun are thunder gods, and it is no coincidence that the same day of the week is called by their names. Perun is the god of warriors. Today many people think so. But in reality this is not entirely true.

There are many modern sources that tell the Legends of Perun. But the key word here is "modern". There are no ancient books from which one can be inspired by the myths about the Thunder God. Everything that is described in literature today is most likely an invention of contemporaries. What are they offering us? They write that the god Perun was the son of Svarog and Lada. Legend says that the birth of Svarozhich was accompanied by an earthquake and thunderstorm:

“Then thunder rumbled in the sky, then lightning flashed in the clouds, and the Son of Svarog, Perun the Thunderer, was born like lightning.”

Even in infancy, together with his sisters the goddesses Zhivaya, Marena and Lelya, Skipper-beast (half-man, half-scorpion) was kidnapped by the guard of the other world. The beast plunged the baby into eternal sleep, and turned the goddesses into monsters. The eldest sons of Lada went to save their brother, turning into prophetic birds - Sirin, Alkonost and Stratim throughout the world. They searched for the baby for a long time, but could not find him. The Svarozhichs were completely desperate, but suddenly they noticed the Skipper-beast at the entrance to the dungeon. When he saw the Svarozhichi, he immediately disappeared... The brothers rushed into the dungeon and found God Perun, sleeping soundly. Over the past years, he grew up and matured, but his brothers could not awaken him from his sleep. Then the Svarozhichi sent the bird Gamayun to the Burdock Mountains for the holy surya - living water. They washed my brother with it, and he stood up alive and well. When God the Thunderer came to his senses, he immediately said that he would take revenge on the Skipper-beast and free the sisters. The Slavic Perun overcame many obstacles before reaching the lair of the Skipper-beast. He found his sisters and broke the spell. He himself went to the Skipper-beast in order to destroy the monster. They fought for a long time, but finally God the Thunderer raised his enemy and threw him to the ground. The Earth opened up and swallowed Skipper forever. After this victory, God Perun returned to the world of Rule.

Many more legends are associated with the Patron of Warriors. How he fought with the Sea Monster to prove his valor to the father of his future Wife, how he turned Diva-Dodolu into a ladybug for betrayal, how he went into the world of Navi to fight with the children of Chernobog and much more.

God of Thunder and Lightning among the Slavs

The name of the god Perun comes from the Proto-Slavic "Perun", which means "to strike, to strike". The Thunderer was revered by a significant part of the Indo-European tribes of antiquity. Its management can be divided into two components. The first component was associated with agriculture, the second - with the patronage of the army. Given the Slavs' desire for agriculture, God Perun was a deity who protected the harvest and increased it. Cutting through the clouds with a sword, he sheds rain on the fields, which ensures good growth of crops. It depended on the God of Thunder whether the Slavs would have a hungry year or a well-fed one, which is why our ancestors revered him so much. Sometimes you can hear that Perun is considered the god of fire. This is not entirely true. The full-fledged god of fire is Svarog. But partly the God of thunder and lightning borrowed fire abilities. After all, lightning also symbolizes fire.

Due to frequent attacks by enemies on the lands of the Slavs, our ancestors relied on the protection of the Thunderer-Defender. And thus the thunder god received another important purpose - to be the patron saint of warriors. He throws fiery arrows and strikes enemies with a fiery lightning sword. Special role Slavic Perun played in the patronage of the princely squad. It is not surprising that such a characteristic feature of the god Perun as a red cloak became an integral sign of the military princes. As for the image of the god of thunder and lightning, they imagined him as a tall, stately, fair-haired warrior with blue eyes. In golden armor, a red cloak, as we already said, and with an ax in his hands. Sometimes in battle he used a shield and a spear. His appearance was accompanied by peals of thunder and lightning. He protected the Slavic warriors on the battlefield, but did not appear as the gods of war. The patron of warriors did not crave battles, like, for example, the ancient Greek Ares. He was only a talisman for the warriors of Rus'.

A historical example of how the Slavic squad revered the god Perun can be cited in a fragment of the treaty of 945 between Rus' and Byzantium, mentioned in "Tales of Bygone Years":

“And whoever thinks from the Russian country to destroy such love... as long as they are not baptized, they will not have help from God, nor from Perun, and may not defend themselves with their shields, and may they be cut with their swords and from arrows and from their other weapons, and may you be servants throughout this age and in the future"

Cult of Perun

Speaking about the God of Thunder, as the patron of the prince and his squad, we should mention the period when the Slavic Perun, in terms of its importance, came to one of the first places among the other Gods. This period dates back to the time of Kievan Rus, when Prince Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav Igorevich, ruled. The Russian chronicle names the gods whose cult Vladimir "Red Sun" established in 980 - these are Perun, Stribog, Dazhdbog, Khors, Simargl and the Goddess Makosh:

“Volodimer began to reign in Kiev alone.

And place the idols on the hill outside the castle courtyard:

Perun is wooden, and his head is silver, and his mustache is gold,

and Dazhbog,

and Stribog,

and Semargla,

and Makosh.

And I feed them, I call them gods and bring my sons and daughters

and I will eat the demon and desecrate the earth with my demands"

Why Vladimir singled out and placed certain gods above the rest remains a big question. It is possible that by such measures he tried to enlist the support of these deities, feeling guilty for those misdeeds that are known to everyone who is familiar with the history of Kievan Rus... Prince Vladimir left the righteous path and, not finding support among the gods of his ancestors, tried to find support in another faith? Maybe that's why he decided to convert to Christianity...

About the god Perun and Elijah the Prophet

After the advent of Christianity, God Perun was replaced by Ilya the Prophet riding a fiery chariot across the sky. It was he who received the duties of the god of Thunder and Protector. Many people know that July 20th is Ilya's Day. In turn, on "Clay calendar" Chernyakhov culture July 20, marked with a "thunder sign"" (a wheel with six spokes), which is the symbol of the patron saint of warriors. In the 19th century, such thunder signs were carved on the piers of huts to protect them from lightning strikes. After Vladimir converted to Christianity, the Thunder God was given special honor. The idol of Perun with a silver head and golden mustache was not burned, like other idols, but was escorted along the Dnieper by an escort of 12 warriors to the rapids, where the village of Perunovo later arose.

Attributes and signs of Perun

The most famous attribute of the god Perun is Oak. It is the strongest and most durable tree. Therefore it is The oak is the sacred tree of the Patron of warriors. Until the 18th-19th centuries, oak retained a leading role in rituals. For example, N. M. Galkovsky wrote in his works that after the wedding, village wedding trains drove around a lonely oak tree three times. In a word "Oak" The scribes of our ancestors named not only a specific tree species, but also trees in general. Most often this is found in translations of holy scriptures, when the Russian translator, brought up in the veneration of the oak, considered it necessary to call every tree an oak. Therefore, the forest in such translations was called oak groves.

Konstantin Porphyrogenitus in 948 wrote about the worship of the Rus to Perun's oak on the island of Khortitsa:

“Having passed this place (crossing), they reach an island called St. Gregory, and on this island they make their sacrifices, since there is a huge oak tree there. They sacrifice live roosters, stick arrows all around, and others bring pieces of bread, meat and what everyone has, as their custom requires. As for the roosters, they cast lots - whether to slaughter them (as a sacrifice), or eat them, or let them live..."

This place was called "Perunya Ren". According to legend, it is a wooden idol of Perun was thrown ashore here, which was launched by Prince Vladimir. Even today, near the Verkhnyaya Khortitsa River, you can see an oak tree that is many hundreds of years old. The trunk has a girth of more than 6 meters, a height of about 36 meters - this stunning sight will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a tree gives an excellent idea of ​​the Great Sacred Oak of the Slavic god of the Thunderer and Protector of Perun.

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Perun - god of thunder and lightning, son. He occupied a leading position in the Slavic pantheon of the second circle. Over time, Perun became the patron of the prince and his squad. Outwardly, Perun looks like an elderly man of strong build with gray hair and a dark golden mustache and beard. Perun is dressed in golden-colored armor, and he is armed with a club and an axe, but the deity prefers to attack enemies not in close combat, but by shooting at them with his lightning. Perun was often represented riding a fiery horse or in a chariot also drawn by fiery horses.

Temple of Perun

Temples in honor of Perun were always built on hills, and the highest place in the area was chosen. Idols were made mainly of oak - this mighty tree was a symbol of Perun. Sometimes there were places of worship for Perun, arranged around an oak tree growing on a hill; it was believed that this was how Perun himself designated the best place. In such places no additional idols were placed, and the oak tree, located on a hill, was revered as an idol. Bulls were sacrificed to the god of thunder, and they were killed directly at the temple, cutting the throat, and when the blood stopped flowing, the carcass was buried immediately in the ground.


Perun is the thunder god, he is capable of causing severe thunderstorms and throwing lightning. Perun also has enormous physical strength, which makes him stand out not only among people, but also among other gods. Like his brothers, Perun is an excellent magician: he is able to change his appearance at will, can fly and create ghostly creatures that disappear when the magic stops working.

Sphere of influence

First of all, Perun is the patron of warriors; he was revered after great victories, and also asked for help before major battles. But the deity’s sphere of influence was not limited to military affairs: Perun protected Reality from Navi, expelling them with lightning and fire back to another world.


He was always openly opposed to Perun, and history has preserved many myths and legends about their mutual hostility. However, this cannot be called enmity in the literal sense of the word; they are more like two brothers who inflict petty mischief on each other in order to attract attention to themselves.

Perun is the ancient Slavic god of thunder and lightning. He is the supreme ruler in the pantheon of pagan higher powers, who patronizes the prince and his fighting squad. Perun gives men strength, and severely punishes for non-compliance with military laws.

Birth story

According to legend, the parents of the pagan deity were not ordinary people, but higher powers. His mother, Lada, the patroness of all Rus', the supreme female deity, was in charge of family relationships, childbirth, love and spring. A caretaker and keeper of the hearth, she became a symbol of female beauty, but not so much physical as internal, spiritual. Father, Svarog, was a representative of heavenly forces, a skilled blacksmith who forged the Earth with his own hands. It was he who became the progenitor of all other deities worshiped by the Slavs.

The pagan god Perun was born on that stormy day when peals of thunder shook the earth and terrifying lightning pierced the vault of heaven. These forces of nature became the best lullaby for the baby: only during a thunderstorm did he sleep sweetly and did not cause unnecessary trouble. The legend says: when little Perun grew up a little, he raced with lightning and tried to shout out the thunder. But only when I became an adult did I learn to control these forces of nature and manage them. Tempered by his father's work in the forge, he fell in love with the weapons that were made there. Therefore, he took on another task: to protect valiant warriors during the battle.


The pagans were depicted in a guise that inspired fear and respect in mere mortals. Perun was no exception. He was often presented as a respectable man of 35-40 years old with a golden mustache and beard that sparkled like lightning. At the same time, the hair was black, streaked with silver and the color of a thundercloud. Just like her, they swirled around his face.

God moved across the sky on a huge chariot: the roar of its wheels was the thunder that frightened people on Earth. Perun's symbol is a black and white magpie, so his divine transport was harnessed not only by winged horses, but also by these birds. In addition, the Thunderer could appear before people in different guises. For example, in the image of the formidable bull Tour, which was considered an inviolable animal protected by Perun. The deity was depicted in a red cloak fluttering in the wind: this attire later became the main distinguishing feature of the image of any ancient Russian prince.

Iris and oak

These are the main symbols of the Thunderer. Like all the gods of the Slavs, Perun had his own signs, which were invariably associated with his character, habitat and activity. For example, a mighty oak tree. the chronicles documented the rituals of which this tree was a part: usually the tallest in the area, with thick branches and a dense crown. Near him they made sacrifices in honor of Perun: they killed roosters, left pieces of meat, and stuck arrows into the ground.

Another symbol of Perun is the sky-colored iris. The blue flower was used not only in rituals associated with the deity. It was also part of the temple where the idol was placed. They made it in the shape of an iris, the petals of which smoothly fell to the ground and were complemented by pits at the ends. A sacred fire burned in these recesses, and in the middle of the cup there was a figurine of Perun. Another plant is dedicated to God - the flower of fern. They were looking for the mythical element on the night of Ivan Kupala. The Slavs believed: Perun would give untold treasures to those who could overcome all dangers and find him in the dense thickets.

Other characters

The famous sign of Perun is the so-called thunderstorm. This is a symbol similar to the Sun. Six rays extend from the center, directed in different directions. The sign was often painted above the front door of a house. People believed that he protected their native walls from evil spirits and the evil eye. For the same purpose, it was carved on shutters and roofs. Women embroidered a symbol in the form of a flower: such “rushnyki” were given to men on military campaigns to protect them from enemy swords and arrows, to give them strength and courage. Later, this sign of Perun transformed a little and became like a wheel - the one that was part of the Thunderer’s chariot.

The main weapon of God was considered to be an ax with miraculous power. Inserted with images of Thunder and the Sun, it also served as a talisman for the human home, preventing evil forces, troubles and misfortunes from penetrating inside. It’s interesting, but after the baptism of Rus', all the symbols and properties of Perun were “inherited” to the prophet Elijah, a saint revered by the entire Orthodox world.


The day of Perun's week is Thursday, during which the Slavs worshiped him and made sacrifices. By performing rituals, people asked the deity for the opportunity to change their lives for the better. Since then, it has been believed that Thursday is the most successful day for change and new beginnings. Ideally, at this time she only accelerates steps in the right direction, facilitating the entire process.

Like other gods of the Slavs, Perun patronized the world of flora and fauna. In addition to the aforementioned oak, iris, fern, bull and magpie, under his protection were wolves, wild boars, bay horses, as well as boletus mushrooms, peas and oats. The number of the deity is 4, the metal is tin, the stone is lapis lazuli, sapphire. The planet of the solar system is Jupiter, under whose influence rich harvests grow and livestock give birth. When the science of astrology became popular in the territory of modern Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, it was believed that it was better to begin all agricultural work invariably during the period during which Jupiter reigns.


Based on the fact that Perun was a thunderer, he knew how to cause strong thunderstorms. God not only threw lightning for his own pleasure: with their help he punished people who angered him. Usually the unwanted ones were burned alive on the spot. Those who managed to survive were considered almost saints. The lucky ones were called “marked by Perun”, because after the incident they usually discovered hidden magical powers, healing skills and extrasensory abilities.

And Perun himself - the god of thunder and lightning - was an excellent magician. He flew across the sky in a chariot and knew how to transform into different animals, birds, and people. At his own request, he created ghostly creatures, which he sent to mortals with a specific mission. In addition, Perun had enormous physical strength; it was not for nothing that he was compared to an oak tree. By the way, the Slavs were so afraid of the Thunderer that they never cut down these trees. They revered the oak tree that was struck by lightning with double rapture: the wands and clubs cut from its trunk were considered the best weapons not only in the battle with mortal enemies, but also with magical creatures from the afterlife of Navi.

Enemies of the deity

They were dark entities who tried to penetrate from the afterlife into people’s lives with the goal of harming them and bringing evil. For example, according to an old legend, the god of lightning Perun kills a three-headed serpent who tried to kidnap his beloved Diva. In order to defeat the enemy, he even steps over his pride and joins forces with the girl’s father - his longtime enemy. After the overthrow of the monster, Perun becomes engaged to the beautiful Diva, from this union the brave Devan is born - the goddess of the hunt, the wife of the patron of the forests, Svyatobor.

Perun and Veles constantly competed with each other: either they could not divide the herds of animals, or they proved who was stronger and more powerful. Their hostility cannot be called enmity; rather, it is the story of two brothers who do small dirty tricks to each other, while maintaining respect and even experiencing hidden family love. By the way, Veles was the god of cyclic movement. People associated it with a bear with strong magical abilities.

First feat

It was he who elevated Perun to unprecedented heights in the divine pantheon. And this is not surprising. The gods of the Slavs - Perun in particular - were partial to battles and battles. The Thunderer underwent his baptism of fire during a fight with an ugly Scepter - half snake, half scorpion. By overthrowing him, he earned the respect of higher powers, as well as mere mortals. After this, other battles of Perun followed: he killed the children of Chernobog, the evil lord of the dark forces, and defeated griffins and basilisks. For his indomitable fearlessness and boundless rage, he was made the main defender of the worlds of people and gods - Reveal and Rule.

Reading ancient written sources, for example, the manuscript of Procopius of Caesarea, dating back to the 6th century, one can assume that Perun was considered the supreme god. With the rays of his glory, he eclipsed even his father and grandfather - Svarog and Rod. And this is natural: Perun was the patron of warriors. And Rus' for most of its history was in a state of bloody war, the poet Perun was regularly and generously pleased with gifts and sacrifices.

Day of God Perun

Our ancient ancestors celebrated it on June 20. On this day, men cleaned their weapons - axes, axes, knives, spears - and walked with them along the main streets of the city. At the same time, the warriors sang ritual songs that glorified the deity. In a kind of parade, they reached the edge of the forest, where a temple was built - the place where sacrifices were made. Having slaughtered a rooster or a bull, people sprinkled their blood on the armor and weapons they brought - it was believed that after the ritual they were blessed by God himself for a victorious war. In addition, it was smeared on the heads of combatants to protect them from death in an unequal battle.

When the ceremony ended, the warriors returned to the city, where staged battles between Veles and Perun took place on the main square, from which the latter invariably emerged victorious. Many gifts were prepared for the deity, which were placed in a boat and set on fire. The ashes were buried, after which they sat down. The priests advised the warriors to spend that night with women, since they should be winners not only on the battlefield. Also on Perun's day, people caused rain: they doused the chosen girl with water so that their harvest would not be destroyed by the summer drought.

Serving Perun

This process was called sorcery, or eating. Only specially trained people who were prophesied for this role from birth could perform rituals and ceremonies. They were called accordingly: Magi or Priests. Some chronicles say that their roles were often played by princes or other high-ranking persons. The honorary caste also included boys to whom this title was inherited, as well as young men gifted with unusual abilities.

The pagan gods of the ancient Slavs always had a high priest, who was the link between higher powers and the people. This also applies to Perun. The High Priest was served by other Magi who were one step lower on this hierarchical ladder. Their duties included maintaining the sacrificial fire in pagan temples, organizing and conducting sacrifice rituals, walking around villages and talking about the power of the deity. People often turned to priests for help. They brought gifts and asked the sorcerer to put in a good word for them in front of Perun: to heal them from wounds received in battle, to give them invulnerability to enemy arrows, to make the newborn baby courageous and strong.

At the end of the pagan era

At this time, the Thunderer was especially revered. In every house hung Perun's amulet in the form of a small hatchet or a brace. Even Prince Vladimir, before baptizing Rus', ordered a huge idol depicting a deity to be placed in the very center of Kyiv, not far from the princely chambers. Later, when he adopted the new faith and began to spread Christianity throughout all Russian lands, he ordered the idol to be thrown into the river. People who were brought up in pagan traditions ran along the shore for a long time and shouted after the floating statue: “Father Perun, blow it out!” (“float out” meant swim out).

Years later, on the very spot where the waves threw the idol onto land, the Vydubai Monastery was built, which still exists today. Also, nowadays the fashion for ancient traditions has returned. Scientists have found the so-called Santii of Perun - a book that allegedly sets out the main teachings of God, his laws and commandments. Although some researchers doubt the reliability of the find. They say that this is an analogue of the Indian and Aryan Vedas, only redone and veiled. Although the original source is more informative, moreover, its true origin has long been proven.


As already mentioned, after the baptism of the Russian lands, the gods of the Slavs were transformed into other higher powers. Perun, for example, is an analogue of In lamentations, he was called “thunder”, since he is considered the manager of the thunderstorm forces of nature. The main reason for this confusion is described in the biblical story: through the prayer of the prophet, fire fell from heaven to the earth and burned the enemy, and with its help water sprinkled the parched fields and saved the harvest. In the minds of ordinary people in our time, Elijah is considered more of a pagan deity than a saint from the Orthodox religion.

When a thunderstorm comes, people say that it is he who rides his heavenly chariot. During the harvest, they always leave a few ears of corn for Ilya’s beard. This is also something like ancient sacrifices. We can conclude: no matter how hard we try, pagan traditions, rites and rituals continue to exist in our daily lives. The memory of them is passed on through genes from generation to generation. Recently, young people have been uniting in groups: with common efforts they are reviving Slavic rituals, including those that glorify the mighty and courageous Perun.

Modern times are experiencing a revival of the faith of our ancestors, in which the Slavic god Perun played an important role. Perun's faithful companion, lightning, was revered as a symbol of strength and power.

There are quite a lot of signs and attributes that are associated with the deity. This article will help you understand the differences between the symbols of the Thunder God and teach you how to use them correctly.

Perun is one of the most recognizable deities of the pantheon of our forefathers. Strong, brave and warlike, the son of Svarog and Lada patronizes all the offended and disadvantaged, rewarding them with strength that helps them overcome obstacles.

But the Thunderer does not tolerate liars and cowards, bestowing his mercy only on the strong and those who strive to become such. You can receive the patronage of the god of thunder and thunder by using one of his symbols as a talisman.

The attributes of Perun take pride of place among. Let's take a closer look at the main ones.

Sign of Perun - Gromovik

The sign of Perun Gromovik, or Gromovnik, is the central symbol among all those related to this deity. It is also called the Wheel of Perun or the Thunder Wheel. It looks like a six-pointed cross with blades, enclosed in a circle. This symbol is easily recognizable as six-rayed.

God himself, although he stood on the side of the forces of light, had the image of a warrior and was an analogue of the ancient Greek Zeus. He was tough, but not cruel, he protected people from injustice and gave them strength to move forward.

Most of all, he favored the warriors, providing them with every possible support and helping them fulfill their purpose - to protect their family. That is why Gromovik was one of the priority symbols for fighters.

Sign of Perun Gromovik.

During the times of ancient Rus', when the Slavic land was tormented by civil strife between princes, the Thunderer enjoyed special honor, because his patronage could bring victory in political intrigues. The Slavs applied the Wheel of Perun to clothing, armor and weapons, and even wore it as body jewelry. Most often these were pendants made of wood or various metals.

From the above, it becomes clear that Gromovnik is a talisman for young men and mature men. It is strictly not recommended for children to wear it, as it may develop an overly violent character. The main function of the symbol is to cultivate fortitude.

Perun's Wheel will help:

  • protect yourself from wounds inflicted by the enemy;
  • cultivate courage;
  • become more confident;
  • receive protection from damage and the evil eye;
  • become more resilient and physically strong.

But there is an additional meaning. The Thunderer amulet knows how to protect from unkind people. Wherever a person with unclean thoughts enters, he will not be able to harm others if this sign is nearby. Therefore, our ancestors hung a talisman on their homes, as well as on buildings related to the military department.

Charms - symbols of Perun

In addition to Gromovik, there are other amulets of Perun that provide support to anyone who wears them even for a short time. The symbolism of this deity is mainly used by men. This is facilitated by the combat energy itself, emanating from the god of lightning and his signs.

Women are only allowed to wear some of these charms, such as the Rune, Star or Fern. Other symbols are mainly related to military affairs, in which girls were not previously found, and are now present in the minority. Some of the signs are not suitable for children, which is also important to consider.


Perun's ax is suitable exclusively for men.

Perun's attributes include a whole arsenal of bladed weapons. This is a sword, a spear, and arrows. And even the ax with which, according to legend, he defeated the Serpent who swallowed the daylight. Subsequently, the ax acquired special magical powers, turning into something more than a simple weapon of Perun.

The combat energy of this sign is capable of completely destroying femininity. For this reason, we strongly discourage women from wearing an axe. But, despite all its belligerence, this primordially masculine amulet can be used not only by the military. The amulet is suitable for any man who needs extra strength. For people with a strong character, the ax will add unnecessary harshness, but for those who are unsure, it will enhance masculine qualities and strengthen the spirit.


Like a regular shield, this amulet protects the owner.

Another popular symbol of Perun is the shield. Traditionally it is depicted in the shape of a drop, the pointed end of which is directed downwards. Craftsmen most often painted an image of Perun himself on the surface of the pendant in the shape of a shield. His sign Gromovik was often found there. Sometimes the shield was additionally decorated with attributes of the Thunderer - axes, swords or lightning.

Perun's shield is one of the amulets that are not intended to be worn by women. Even in exceptional situations. Most of all, the amulet is suitable for men and young men related to military affairs. Previously, it was warriors who wore this sign of the Thunderer.

The main functions of the amulet are similar to those of a real shield. It protects its owner from enemy weapons. The Shield will also help to reflect negative energy and shelter the family hearth, protecting the family from troubles and misfortunes.

Perunov color

This amulet of Perun is one of the most famous among the people. The sign symbolizes a fern flower. The same one that our ancestors were looking for on the day of the summer solstice.

Both women and men can wear this sign.

Popularly simply called “fern flower”, it is often confused with Odolen grass. There is nothing strange here, because Overpowering grass is the reverse side of this sign. But their meanings are different. Perunov's color promotes the revelation of spiritual powers and the search for life goals, assisting in their achievement. Overcome the grass, protects against diseases sent by evil spirits and envious people.


The helmet is another symbol of the god Perun. The purpose of this item itself speaks about who should wear it. Like the Shield, the Helmet was originally used by warriors. It was believed that such a talisman would make its wearer stronger and help overcome all difficulties.

He endowed the weak with confidence and determination, and gave luck to the carefree daredevils. The amulet in the form of a helmet was not intended for youths, but for mature men capable of defending their clan. However, the Helmet was often given to boys by fathers in order to instill fortitude in their sons and prepare them for the performance of male duties.

Nowadays this sign is not so important. But it may, for example, be useful to those who participate in military conflicts.


The Perun rune should not be worn constantly.

Upright and inverted, runes have different meanings. The first causes the emergence of powerful energy that must be subdued and directed in the right direction. And the second symbolizes the chaos and troubles that appear in a person’s life due to inaction at a turning point in life.

Both are used in fortune telling. But it would be wise to use only the Direct Rune of Perun as an amulet. You should not assume that this runic sign fulfills wishes. It just helps attract opportunity. How successful the outcome will be depends only on the efforts made.

Amulet Perunitsa

Perunitsa has a feminine essence.

The Perunitsa amulet stands out strikingly among other symbols. After all, almost all the signs of Perun are intended only for men, but this one is essentially female. But the image of the woman here is very different from the canonical portrait of a mother giving new life.

Perunitsa is, first of all, a warrior maiden. Some sources claim that she was the wife of the lord of lightning, others are more inclined to believe that Perunitsa was his daughter. The image of this warlike maiden very much resonates with the Scandinavian Valkyries, who pick up fallen warriors.

But according to our ancestors, Lightning-Perunitsa did not send soldiers to a posthumous feast, but helped them defeat their enemies - maintained morale, and sometimes resurrected the dead. The amulet helped overcome dark periods in life and brought good luck. The most powerful amulet will be the one where the lightning symbol is enclosed in the Star of England.

Star of Perun

If the Shield patronizes exclusively the military, then the Star of Perun is more favorable. This sign can become an assistant for anyone who regularly faces difficult choices, regardless of profession.

In ancient times, the Star of Perun accompanied rulers, military commanders and even guards. This symbol helped to find the truth, promoting clarity of thoughts and the successful implementation of plans.

The sign helps make the right decisions and is useful for managers, judges and doctors.


Perun's sword is a symbol of justice.

Perun, despite his harshness, is a just god. He does not tolerate lies and deceit. This is one of the reasons why the signs of this deity should not be worn by people prone to cheating and deception. They will not wait for anything other than punishment for what they have done.

Perun's sword symbolizes the triumph of justice and will help everyone who needs it.

By purchasing an amulet and asking for help from a patron, you can:

  • bring order to all areas of life;
  • restore vital energy;
  • protect yourself from witchcraft;
  • achieve justice in a certain case;
  • protect yourself and loved ones;

The Seal of Perun was given to men by women.

It was customary to receive the Helmet amulet from older men, but the Seal of Perun was traditionally given by women. Usually, such signs of attention were accepted by the head of the family. It was considered very honorable to receive such a gift from a beloved woman.

Not only mature men, but also young guys could wear it. It was believed that a child whose mother had given an amulet with the sign of Perun from infancy would grow up brave and strong. The seal gave protection from the cunning of enemies, helped to avoid death during battle, and also protected from envious ill-wishers.

How to choose the symbol of Perun for a tattoo

Perun's sign, applied to the skin as a tattoo, will become an excellent protector for a person who honors his family and preserves the heritage of his ancestors. A tattoo with one of the symbols of the Thunder God will help you gain his strength, courage and wisdom, and become more just and strong in spirit.

The choice of signs of the patron saint of warriors should be approached carefully, because, despite the general warlike magical energy, each of them has a certain “shade”. This also has its own important features.

When choosing a symbol, you should also take into account the incompatibility of the signs of Perun and Veles, the opposition of which is legendary.

Let us note once again that women are allowed to wear the symbols of the Thunderer only as a temporary amulet or amulet - and even then not all of his signs. The Rune is also undesirable as a tattoo. If the runic symbol turns over during movement, its meaning will become reversed. This can have serious negative consequences.