Summary of a physical education lesson in the first junior group with balls. Abstract of GCD on physical education in the first junior group “Toy Store Basic types of movements

Summary of a physical education lesson in the first junior group

Notes on physical education in the first junior group on the topic "Mikhail Potapovich visiting the guys"

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a physical education lesson for children of the first junior group on the topic “Mikhail Potapovich visiting the children.” This material will be useful to teachers of younger groups and physical education teachers.
Summary of a game lesson in physical education for children.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research.

Educational: To develop movement skills as a whole group, as well as in small groups in a forward direction, to act at the instructor’s command. Develop the ability to move from performing one movement to performing another.
Educational: Cultivate patience and kindness towards peers. To form basic skills of self-organization in physical activity.
Educational: Develop coordination of movements. Promote the development of spatial orientation. Create conditions for the development of dexterity, flexibility, and general motor skills. Strengthen walking and running skills; develop attention and observation.
Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; adequately perceives the teacher’s comments; performs running and jumping according to safety rules.
Equipment: Two 2 m ropes, a gymnastic bench, 4 flat cubes, 2 gymnastic sticks, a wooden arch, 70 cm high. Rattles according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall and line up in one line.
Instructor: Guys, do you know the forest inhabitants? One of them came to visit us today! Guess the riddle and find out what kind of guest we have today.

Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it?

That's right, well done! Today our guest is a bear, and his name is Mikhail Potapovich. (Show the children a large teddy bear)
He came to us to watch how you and I play sports and teach his cubs to do exercises that help them become strong, brave, strong and healthy like you and me!!! Shall we teach Mikhail Potapovich?
First, we will show you how to warm up: Give each child a rattle.
1. Walking on tiptoes in a circle behind the instructor, hands up with a rattle, we walk and rattle the rattle.
2. Walk on your heels in a circle behind the instructor, hands behind your back.
3. Lightly run in a circle behind the instructor, arms forward.
4. We stand in a circle, feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, 1-2 hands up, 3-4 hands to the shoulders. (4 times).
5. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, 1-2 bring your right hand forward, 3-4 – i.p. 5-6 bring your left hand forward 7-8 pp.
6. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, 1-2 sit down, arms forward, knees apart, 3-4 stand with your hands up, rise on your toes, bend your back, 5-6 etc.
Now let's show Mishka what exercises he can do in the forest with his cubs:
There are a lot of logs lying on the ground in the forest, let's show how we can walk on logs.
- Walking on a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides, back straight, 2-3 times.
How to run along the path:
- Run between two ropes, 2-3 times.
How to jump over fallen trees:
- We put the cubes, put gymnastic sticks on them and take turns jumping over them 2-3 times.
Now look at how to crawl under the bushes:
- We put an arch and crawl under it also in turn 2-3 times.
This is how Mikhail Potapovich you can teach your kids to do exercises, and we finished our lesson today, did you like it?
- Yes, very now we will also play sports together with my cubs.
Children line up in one line, say “Health is fine, thanks to exercise” and leave the hall.

NOTE No. 1


Target: teach children to perform basic movements (crawling on all fours in a straight line, alternating movements of arms and legs; rolling the ball forward, vigorously pushing it away from themselves) together with the teacher in a playful way.

Exercise children in lining up and running in a flock behind the teacher.

Arouse an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in a gaming activity.

Benefits: toy - Teddy bear, balls.


I The teacher invites the children to go to Mishka and see what he is doing in his forest.

Walking in a flock behind the teacher (“The legs walked, stomping, stomping, stomping. Along the forest path, stomping, stomping, stomping...”)

Running in a flock behind the teacher (p/i “Sun and Rain”)

Vosp.: - We ran away from the rain and ran to the den.

II outdoor switchgear (without items)

  1. "The bear woke up"

I.p. free

Playback: - Raise your hands up, stretch. I.p.

  1. "The bear washes itself"

I.p. legs apart, hands on the belt.

Play: - Tilt down, lower your arms to “scoop up some water.” I.p.

  1. “Mishka went for berries on a bicycle”

I.p. lying on your back, resting on your forearm.

Playback: - “Bicycle”.

4. “The bear looks where the berries are ripe”

I.p. sitting on the floor, hands on the belt.

Playback: - Turns to the sides. I.p.

5. "The bees have arrived"

Playback: - Running

6. "The bear brushes off the bees"

I.p. free

Play: - Arms forward, shaking your hands up and down. I.p.


“Misha got tired, crawled on all fours”

Crawling on all fours in a straight line (distance 3-4 m)

“Crawled to the raspberries and looked where the berries were”

Straightening exercises

“I ate raspberries and started playing with the guys”

I/u “Roll the ball”

P/i "Catch up with Bear"

III “After playing with Mishutka, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten.”

Walk calmly behind the teacher


NOTE No. 2


Target: The teacher teaches children to roll the ball with both hands.

Exercise children in crawling on all fours in a straight line (at a distance of 4 m).

Strengthen children's skills in walking and running in a flock behind the teacher without bumping into each other.

Make children want to study and do exercises together with everyone else.

Develop agility, attention, endurance.

Benefits: balls.


I The teacher invites the children to play in the clearing where the sun is shining brightly.

Walking in a flock, following the teacher

Running after the teacher (I/u “Little legs walk along the path, big legs run along the path”)

II They ran, they ran, they came running to a sunny clearing.

Outdoor switchgear (without items)

  1. "Let's warm our palms"

I.p. free.

Playback: - Raise your hands up. I.p.

  1. "Where are your knees"

I.p. legs slightly apart, hands behind back

Play: - Bend forward, touch your knees, say “Here.” I.p.

  1. "Let's hide from the sun"

I.p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Play: - Sit down, blocking your face with your hands. I.p.

  1. “Let's sunbathe in a sunny meadow”

I.p. lying on your back

Play: - Turn onto your stomach and back.

  1. “The bunnies galloped into our clearing”

Play: - Jumping on two legs.

  1. Repeat exercise 1.


I/u “Roll the ball” (rolling the ball with both hands to the teacher)

I/u “Like a Bear” (crawling on all fours)

P/i “Birds are flying”

III Low mobility game “Who is quieter”

Irina Medvedeva
Physical education lesson for the second junior group “Pedestrians and Passengers”

Lesson for the second junior group

Target: teach children to throw the ball with two crayfish.

OO integrations: "Physical development"; "Cognitive Development" ; "Speech development"; "Social and communicative development".


1. To develop children’s ability to throw the ball with both hands from below.

2. Strengthen the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward.

3. Improve the ability to crawl on all fours; walk on the bench; throw the ball.

4. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and behavior pedestrians on the street.

5. Form correct posture, development of the arch of the foot.


rudders - according to the number of children; ball (diameter 20cm); bench – 1 pc. ; traffic light; massage track; musical accompaniment.

OA logic

Part I (3-4 min) Forming in a column, checking posture.

Children line up in a column and enter the hall and begin walking.

Guys, imagine that now you and I are walking in heels (On the socks)

And now we don't have heels and we walk on our heels (on the heels).

Now we will take the usual steps.

Alternating running and walking.

Part II (12-15 min) Outdoor switchgear without items

1. "Bus" (train) is coming"

I. p. legs slightly apart; arms bent at the elbows; circular movements with your arms while stamping your feet; And. p. – 5 times

2. "Plane Landing"

I. p.: sitting on your heels, hands behind your back; kneel down, arms to the sides (the plane took off); And. P. (on boarding). - 5 times

3. "Motor"

I. p.: legs slightly apart; bend your arms in front of your chest, fingers clenched into a fist; circular movements of the arms in front of the chest; And. p. – 5 times

4. "Airplane"

I.p.: main stand. Arms to the sides, turn left and right; And. p. – 5 times

Basic movements.

1. Rolling a large ball from one side of the hall to the other, running after the ball (only after stopping)– 2, 3 times

2. Children walk on the bench. Arms to the sides, back straight - 2, 3 times

3. Crawling on all fours through arcs and jumping - bouncing on two legs in place. The children stand in a scattered position, and the teacher, accompanied by the rhythmic blows of the tambourine, invites them to jump on the spot like bunnies.

There is a traffic light on the road for safety.

What kind of lights does a traffic light have? (red, yellow, green)

What does a red traffic light mean? (stop)

What does a yellow traffic light mean? (get ready)

What does a green traffic light mean? (go)

Outdoor game "Cars". Children stand on the edge of the playground in a column, holding multi-colored steering wheels. On signal “Cars drive on the same road!” children run after each other, turning the steering wheels. On signal “Bad road, bumps, mud, we’re going slowly!” children slow down. On signal “There are many roads, let’s go in different directions!” children run around in the loose. On signal “To the garage! Let's get home quickly!" all the children return to their places.

Breathing exercises "Pump" (2 times).

I. p. - main stand. As you inhale through your nose, raise your arms to chest level, palms down; as you exhale through your mouth, lower your arms down, palms down; And. P.

III Part. Summarizing. Children walk along the massage path to group.

Publications on the topic:

“We are pedestrians” 1) Introduced the children to the pedestrian path. 2) Game - “We are pedestrians” 3) Gave knowledge that the road needs to be crossed on a pedestrian way.

Summary of GCD for traffic rules “We are passengers!” for pre-school children Goal: developing knowledge about the rules for public transport passengers. Objectives: - consolidate children's knowledge about types of passenger transport.

Summary of the lesson “We are passengers” in the middle group of the preschool department Topic: “We are passengers” Objectives: 1. To introduce the rules of behavior in public transport. 2. Develop knowledge about types of transport. 3.

On September 29, 2015, our group “Gnomes” held a lesson - entertainment for children on traffic rules called “We are pedestrians.

In order to clarify children’s knowledge of the rules of pedestrian behavior and to systematize children’s knowledge of how to cross to the other side of the street. A.

GCD according to traffic rules “We are pedestrians” Outline of direct educational activities in the senior group Topic: “We are pedestrians” Educator: Razina L.V. Integration.

Educator: Today a kitten came to visit us and hid. Let's look for him, guys. (Children are looking)

Maybe he's in the pool. (Children in a dry pool look for and find a kitten)

Educator: Well done! The kitten is very glad that he was found. He invites you for a walk.

Game "Like kittens"

Like kittens quietly - quietly

Now let's clap our hands,

Let's sing a song. Meow!

Like kittens quietly - quietly

Together we go, together we go,

And now we'll jump together,

"Meow meow!" - we'll sing.

Like kittens quietly - quietly

Together we go, together we go,

And now we stomp together,

Let's sing a song. Meow!

Like kittens quietly - quietly

Together we go, together we go,

And now we'll turn around

“Meow - meow!” - we will sing.

Like kittens quietly - quietly

Together we go, together we go,

Now let's clap our hands,

“Meow - meow!” - we will sing.

Educator: We stand in a circle and do exercises “Timosha’s Cat”

Timosha's cat lived on the roof (hands up)

Below, mice lived in the house (sloping down to the floor)

Mice were climbing up the wall (walking on feet with hands)

Not afraid of the cat on the roof.

The cat was watching for mice (turning his head, hands to his ears)

Taking the plugs out of your ears.

He was preparing mousetraps (clap hands)

But the little mice were clever. (jump, hands on belt)

Hiding behind Tishka's back, (palms in front of his face peeking out from one side, then from the other)

The mice played hide and seek with him.

Educator: Now let’s rest and sit on the mat.

Finger game “I’ll tell you about the cat”

Place your palm (extend your hand forward, palm up)

I'll tell you about the cat (Stroke the palm with the other hand)

One two three four five! (We bend our fingers one by one)

Here is a fist, (Clench your fingers into a fist)

And here is the palm. (Unclench them)

A cat sat on your palm! (Put the fingers of the second hand on the palm)

And sneaks away slowly, (“Run” their fingers along the arm to the shoulder)

And sneaks away slowly... (Hide the other hand in the armpit)

Apparently a mouse lives there!

Educator: I suggest playing the game “Cat and Mice”.

For this we will choose a cat. The cat sits on a chair, sleeps, and we, the mice, dance in a circle; as soon as the cat wakes up, the mice hide and sit on their chairs. Who's smart?

Game "Cat and Mice"

Mice dance in circles

The cat is dozing on the bed.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat.

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Our round dance will be broken.

Educator: Well done both cats and mice. We played happily even when we were tired. Let's sit down and rest.

Relaxation “Kittens”

Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine that all the kitten children decided to be lazy and lay down to soak on a soft rug. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). Paws resting by the pussy..., paws resting by the pussy.... A pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you feel good. Your breathing is completely calm. You see delicious sour cream. Mother cat washes kittens with her tongue. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and, on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.

Educator: While we were resting, the cat brought handkerchiefs. Let's play with them.

Game "Handkerchiefs"

Educator: Now let's take a walk along the path.

Walk along the “Top-Top” sensory trail

(Children walk on massage mats)

Educator: Well done boys!

A pussy came to visit us.

She gives everyone toffees.

We are glad, we are glad to see all the goodies!

We see this in their faces.

Everyone clapped their hands

And thanks!" tell the cat.

Topic: “Funny kittens”


To develop the ability to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs;

Develop the ability to convey the simplest actions of a character (like kittens);

Develop the desire to play active, sedentary, finger games with simple content;

During games, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary by pronouncing simple phrases;

Develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game;

To evoke in children an emotional response to gaming activities and a desire to participate in it.

Activities: motor, communicative, playful, development of perception of fiction.

Integration: physical education, communication, reading fiction, music.

Preliminary work: learning active, sedentary, finger games; acquaintance with hardening activities.

Teacher training: drawing up notes, preparing paraphernalia.

Equipment: a “kitten” toy, a dry pool, a cat mask, a relaxation blanket, handkerchiefs, massage mats and treats.


Develop the ability to move in an organized manner in a certain direction with acceleration and deceleration, improve the standing long jump on two legs, practice crawling on all fours, step over blocks, crawl under an arc, walk on a limited surface, practice walking while maintaining balance. Develop the ability to experience joy from movement and pleasure from joint activities.

Game task: The teacher in the form of a clown finds out from the children whether they want to go to the bunny and play with him, and they set off.

Equipment: Ribbed board, rope, gymnastic board 25cm wide, children's chairs, gymnastic bench, arch, bear and bunny toy, two rattles for each child, cubes, rubber bumps.

Progress of the lesson:

"Hello guys! I came to play with you.

Guess the riddle:

He jumps deftly and gnaws on carrots. Who is this? The correct answer is bunny.

Do you want to play with the bunny? But to get to it, you have to go by train. “I’ll be a train,” says Petrushka. “Get into the carriages, stand one behind the other. Who is riding in the first carriage? And in the second? One year old. Let's go forward." “The locomotive began to whistle and the carriages rolled away. Chug-chang, goo-goo-goo, I’ll rock you far.”

The train moves slowly at first, then faster and faster. Station. Let's slow down: goo-goo-goo. In the meantime, I'll play with you.

1. “The children took the rattles and quickly played with them.”

2. “They started running and jumping and playing with rattles”

3. “Now everyone needs to stand in a circle and show the rattles.”

4. “Raise the rattles and then lower them. Raising and lowering, raising and lowering.”

5. “The children began to squat and bang with rattles. Knock and straight, bitch and straight!

6. “And now we’re all running, rattling rattles”

7. “We’ll go quietly and put away the rattles.”

Well done, guys, you did your exercises and became even stronger, but in order to get to the bunny, you have to jump over the stream without getting your feet wet. Across the clearing, one after another, snaking between the trees. Now we're going over the bumps. Now we climb onto the hillocks and jump off. And here Zoya the wizard lives, let’s hide behind a hill so that they don’t see us and crawl forward so that no one can notice us. Lower, lower, bend over, be careful. Look how narrow the path is. We need to walk along it calmly, then we will get to the bunny. The bunny is very glad that such people came to him

good guys, and he really wants to play with you.

Now, guys, let’s take the bunny home, his mother has been waiting for him for a long time.