Children's drawings on ecology. How to draw nature with a pencil step by step. Hiking and eco-tourism

Gulnara Yulbarisova

Dear colleagues!

Our small everyday actions in many different ways can have a significant positive effect on environment. So that children begin to constantly think about environment, let them see everything you do to protect it day in and day out, and explain why you do it. For example, children may not understand why using energy-saving light bulbs or a manual lawn mower is better for their health. environment until you explain it to them. Show your children that you don't litter and explain the impact pollution has on environment. Don't throw away unnecessary things, but donate them to charities. Stay up to date with projects environmental protection in your area, and maybe you can plant a tree or pick up trash at your local park with your kids.

Recently our preschool educational institution held a thematic a week:

"Our planet", the purpose of which is to expand children's understanding of environmental protection, education of rules of behavior in nature.

Events of the week:

-ecological games: "Confusion", “Who has which tail?”, "What changed", "Who lives where", "Who eats what" and etc.

Ecological conversations « Let's save nature» .

– “Our Birds Goal is to broaden our horizons about birds, to form the concept of “friends”

exhibition of children's drawings"We take care of living things"

The goal is to develop an environmental culture among preschoolers

There was also a thematic exhibition of children's drawings« Environment and people» .

Target: expanding ideas about human influence on environment.

Here are the best works:

A genuine civil society consists of people with a sense of responsibility towards each other, with a conscious attitude towards life and a careful attitude towards nature. If adults really need to conduct environmental education, then children are connected with nature from the very beginning. They climb trees, run through fields, play with animals, marvel at the waves of the sea and the water surface of the lake, catch snowflakes in their mouths and splash happily through puddles. Children, like no one else, understand the true value of nature. In our age of spiritual plague, it is worth paying attention to children who need to study nature and ecology.

Protecting nature is important!

In the 21st century, a smoking factory and garbage scattered everywhere no longer surprise anyone. We are accustomed to the nauseating smell and to the fact that tap water cannot be drunk under any circumstances. We eat fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses and have no taste or nutritional value. At the moment there is at least such a possibility. So what is next?

Man is depleting natural resources, cutting down forests, and polluting the atmosphere. Because of this, the ozone layer is being destroyed and the climate is changing. Man kills animals, many species are lost forever. At the current rate of growth in the destruction of natural ecosystems, by 2030 there will be no more of them left. A society of growing consumption leads to catastrophic changes in nature, which also affect humanity.

If no one is afraid of the widespread increase in poverty and hunger, the very high infant mortality rate, the lack of clean drinking water in 2/3 of the world's settlements, the increase in allergy diseases, the HIV and AIDS epidemic, then you can not give a damn about the environment and continue in the same spirit. But the planet must breathe, just like people, and therefore it is time to listen to its needs.

Environmental education for children

What is ecology like through the eyes of children? Environmental responsibility needs to be developed from a very young age. As soon as he gets back on his feet, a person must realize that picking a flower causes him pain, and throwing garbage on the street litters his home. Children should hear from their parents and teachers in schools that rational environmental management is not a whim, but a necessity. We can take from nature, but only as much as we need, helping and replenishing the natural balance.

Children understand and love the form of play and creativity. Of course, boring lectures and notations can cause aversion to the topic. But all kinds of drawing competitions, crafts, song competitions, quizzes, environmental hikes are a completely different matter. They will interest both a five-year-old child and a teenager.

Ecological drawing competition

A children's drawing competition is one of the best ways to spend time having fun and usefully. Boys and girls will be happy to draw global environmental problems, beautiful landscapes, and the harmony of man and nature. The competition can be held not only at home, but also at school and kindergarten. Children will be offered a choice of gouache, watercolor, crayons, pencils, ink, and even a ballpoint pen. The main thing is that students are able to express their thoughts and feelings by putting them on paper. What is ecology through the eyes of children? Their vision of nature and relationship to it is presented in a variety of colorful creative works.

A children's drawing competition will help combine the handicrafts of girls, boys and their parents. It’s wonderful when families come together on such important occasions. For example, moms and dads can prepare coloring books on the topic “ecology through the eyes of children.” This way you can attract the attention of young citizens to important problems in nature, in the relationship between man and nature. Children, while coloring pictures, will fantasize and think about important things.

Crafts and applications competition

Children and schoolchildren, like many adults, love to create something with their own hands. So why not organize a craft competition “Ecology through the eyes of children”? In the fall, this is a great opportunity to collect acorns and chestnuts, fallen colorful leaves, twigs and pebbles, and then build some kind of animal or house from all these finds. In the summer, you can paint sea pebbles and make a herbarium from flowers found in the field, signing each one and indicating interesting information about it. For older children and teenagers, you can make your own small terrarium in a bottle.

The application competition “Ecology through the eyes of children” will also help attract children to the problem of protecting nature. A good modern idea for scrapbooking: you can make environmental cards and posters. An applique of multi-colored buttons and twigs in the form of autumn foliage will delight both children and adults.

Quiz “Ecology through the eyes of children”

This quiz for the little ones can be held in the form of an interactive theater. Children perform a performance or read poetry on the theme of nature. For such an event (as a script for performances), the works of the following authors are suitable: Paustovsky, Barto, Zhitkov, Bianchi and Kipling. Children can choose poems from those suggested by the teacher or write them themselves. The competition “Ecology through the eyes of children” for high school age can be held in the form of the game “What? Where? When?" or “Own Game”, where children can improve their knowledge about ecology, relationships in the natural world and the harmony of man and the environment.

Hiking and eco-tourism

The project “Ecology through the eyes of children” does not have to be associated with science or creativity. This could be a sporting event or a trip to the nearest forest (park). What to organize for middle and high school students? You can do orienteering. An interesting idea would be a quest with tips and tasks in certain places. This will delight not only children, but also their parents. You can also find tasks for the little ones: look at pine cones, foliage, feed squirrels, study the bark of trees.

There is another option. Children and their parents go out of town overnight in tents. The task for the children may be to make a fire (under the strict supervision of adults) and shoot from a sports bow. Holidays outside the city usually include fishing. Horseback riding can also be arranged.

Along the way, teachers should talk about nature, the area, and the importance of preserving all this for themselves and descendants.

Separate waste collection

In Russia there is a catastrophic situation with separate waste collection. It is almost impossible to force our population to engage in this, in the opinion of many, useless business. Why not start with little citizens? As part of the event “Ecology through the eyes of children,” you can conduct an open lesson for schoolchildren and their parents. The teacher will talk in detail about the problem of landfills in the world, clearly show how to sort garbage, indicate waste collection points on the map, play a game with students on separate waste collection, and give homework assignments. In this way, not only the children's part of the population is covered, but also adults. After all, one cannot deny a child the opportunity to develop and comprehend the world.

Growing plants

In biology and botany lessons, teachers talk about plants, the stages of their growth and development. It is imperative to organize practical classes for the children. To add a playful element, teachers themselves can give out the seeds in white, unmarked bags to students, explaining the basic rules of care. Girls and boys will be required to record and photograph each stage of their pet's growth. And ultimately try to guess the name of their plant. Anyone who copes with this the first time automatically receives an A in the quarter.

This game will help children understand how difficult it is to grow at least one plant and will instill in them a caring attitude towards nature.

Briefly about the important

There are many ways to develop in a child the desire to live in harmony with nature. Moreover, this is inherent in children from birth. The main thing is to show the child the correct vector of movement. As in the case of drawings, applications, games, quizzes, and in the case of hikes and separate waste collection, environmental thinking develops. The student begins to realize what kind of work nature does every day to prove to people that she is right.

Environmental education should become the basis for educating a new person of the 21st century. This is the only way we can build a healthy civil society. After all, if a child perceives nature as home, then he will take care of it and, becoming an adult, will not allow wars and bloodshed.

Although the Lord caused many problems (not counting illness, crime, hunger, poverty, wars, corruption and Russian pop music), he still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Land and water are often capricious, arranging mass sacrifices. But in some places it turned out quite well, you can even take a bunch of cute photos. But we can dig even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature using a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and safely go to a cozy place to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature is a symbolic name for everything that the eyes see. The only exceptions can be considered plastic or reality shows, the rest refers to one formal organism that controls life and has some strange plan for the production and provision of its vital functions. Like an ordinary stern boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes entire species, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which had a tremendous impact on the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that nature is evil and impeccable, but in fact it doesn’t care just as much as a dog cares about the ethnic origin of the fleas in its fur. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people firmly believe in this, while at the same time they cannot even protect themselves from the local punks. If it suddenly turns out that you are nature itself, then here are your privileges:

  • You are beautiful because you are the very concept of existence.
  • You exist, although you will never really understand it.
  • You own all the valuable metals on the planet, which means you don’t suffer from a lack of funds.
  • Your portraits hang in almost every house on every wall.
  • There is no need to worry that you made a mistake, your mistake will either end up in a freak circus or in the red book.
  • You can always have fireworks from volcanoes.
  • You put a bolt on the theory of relativity, since you can be in all places at the same time.
  • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

Now take a pencil in your hands and try to draw Mother Nature step by step.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Step one. We immediately highlight with lines a small pond with banks, and on the banks we will draw several trees with the same lines. A few circles in the water will serve to transform them into ducks.
Step two. Below we draw tall grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. We carefully outline the edges of the banks with a thick line.
Step three. In this step, turn your attention to the background behind the horizon line. Let's draw some clouds there.
Step four. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and shade the background.
Step five. Sketch the rest of the missing places on the trees and ground, and then carefully finish the drawing by shading the ducks.
See more similar lessons on drawing landscapes.

The administration of the city of Orenburg summed up the results of the children's drawing competition on environmental themes “Ecology of the city through the eyes of children”, held with the aim of environmental education, attracting the younger generation to the problems of environmental conservation, respect for nature, increasing environmental culture and awareness of the population.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the topic of ecology turned out to be close to our children, starting in primary school. As a result of the competition, about 400 works were received from students of different ages.

I would like to express my gratitude to all participants for their concern, subtle artistic view of the environmental problems of the city of Orenburg and the originality of creative work! We are grateful to the educators, teachers and teachers who organized their students and pupils to participate in our competition.

Based on the results of the competition, the winners, whose drawings were rated as the best of the best, were awarded diplomas and gift certificates.

Drawings of the contestants:

1st place in the age category “7-8 years” - Ekaterina Grishko (MOBU “Secondary School No. 51”, 7 years)

2nd place in the age category “7-8 years” - Akberdina Alina (MOAU “Lyceum No. 7”, 7 years old)

3rd place in the age category “7-8 years” - Mikhail Timofeev (MOBU “Secondary School No. 51”, 7 years)

1st place in the age category “9-10 years” - Marina Tustanovskaya (MOAU “NOSH No. 33”, 9 years)

2nd place in the age category “9-10 years” - Kira Prokaeva (MAUDO “ODSHI named after A.S. Pushkin”, 10 years)

3rd place in the age category “9-10 years” - Mikhail Abdrashitov (MOBU “Secondary School No. 51”, 9 years)

1st place in the age category “11-12 years” - Babanina Angelika (MU Children’s Art School No. 9 named after A.A. Alyabyev, 12 years old)

2nd place in the age category “11-12 years” - Marina Shabrina (“Distance learning center for children with disabilities in Orenburg”, 11 years old)

3rd place in the age category “11-12 years” - Ekaterina Roshchina (MOBU “Lyceum No. 5”, 11 years old)
1st place in the age category “13-14 years” - Alena Guzenko (MBUDO “DSHI No. 6”, 14 years old)
2nd place in the age category “13-14 years” - Anastasia Naumenko (MBUDO “DSHI No. 6”, 14 years old)
3rd place in the age category “13-14 years” - Alekhina Polina (MAUDO “ODSHI named after A.S. Pushkin”, 14 years old)
1st place in the age category “15-18 years” - Kristina Khramova (MAUDO “ODSHI named after A.S. Pushkin”, 16 years old)

2nd place in the age category “15-18 years” - Valeria Glinko (MOBU “Secondary School No. 51 named after I.A. Shevtsov”, 16 years old)

3rd place in the age category “15-18 years” - Afanasyeva Angelina (MOAU “Secondary School No. 32”, 15 years old)
Winner in the category “Green areas of the city of Orenburg” - Anastasia Movchan (MAUDO “ODSHI named after A.S. Pushkin”, 15 years old)
Winner in the category “Urban water bodies” - Ekaterina Goncharova (MOBU “Lyceum No. 8”, 16 years old)
Winner in the nomination “Eco-friendly transport of the city of Orenburg” - Sofia Novikova (MAUDO “ODSHI named after A.S. Pushkin”, 13 years old)
Winner in the category “Ecological Thinking” - Polina Shurupova (MOAU “Secondary School No. 32”, 15 years old)
Winner in the nomination “Ecological future of the city of Orenburg” - Diana Khasanova (MU Children’s Art School No. 9 named after A.A. Alyabyev, 10 years old)

In order to form an environmental culture and foster a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment of the city of Orenburg among the younger generation, as well as strengthening the role of artistic creativity as a means of environmental and civic-patriotic education and identifying talented young authors with the development and encouragement of their creativity Orenburg city administration conducts competition for the best children's drawing on an environmental theme (Regulations on holding a children's drawing competition on environmental themes, approved by resolution of the Orenburg city administration dated November 3, 2015 No. 3074-p).

Competitors - students of municipal educational organizations of the city of Orenburg - can take part in the competition in five age categories: 7-8 years; 9‒10 years; 11‒12 years; 13‒14 years old; 15–18 years old.

The competition is held in 2 stages:

Stage I - the competition is held in educational organizations in the city of Orenburg. Educational organizations select no more than 20 works in accordance with the criteria outlined in paragraph 5.4 of the Regulations. Dates: 09.11.2015 to 27.11.2015.

Stage II - urban. Works selected by educational organizations are presented to the MAU DOD "Children's Ecological and Biological Center" for consideration by the competition commission. The competition commission determines the winners.

Dates from November 30, 2015 to December 11, 2015.

Competition materials must be submitted by November 27, 2015.

Based on the results of the competition, the Orenburg city administration will award the winners with a diploma and a gift certificate for the purchase of creative goods.

More detailed information can be obtained from the environmental protection department of the Orenburg city administration, tel. 98 - 77 - 46.

Drawing on the environmental theme "Take care of nature." What should I draw?

    The assignment to draw a picture on the topic of Ecology or Nature Protection can be given to students of different classes, although most often such an assignment can be received in elementary grades during the lessons of the Environment. Therefore, I tried not to select too professional and complex drawings, but to show those that any child can draw.

    Here is a beautiful drawing and an interesting topic that reveals environmentally friendly ways to generate energy:

    Here is an interesting and imaginative presentation of the topic of protecting nature with the help of an exposed umbrella:

    Often there is a division of the drawing field into two halves, one shows what should be, the other shows the destruction of nature by man. You can even offer a choice:

    Or this interesting project:

    I liked the idea with the scales: a person, seeing such a wall newspaper, will involuntarily ask himself the question: which one would I choose? Colorful illustrations will help you make the right choice.

    The poster should give rise to some emotions, the previous one even makes you think. The following example evokes tenderness and concern for nature, showing us how fragile it really is in front of humans.

    You can draw nature, for example, several people are sitting in a clearing and draw bags of garbage next to it, that you do not throw it into the clearing but put it in bags, highlight this in the drawing. You can simply draw a pond and a swan and a child feeds it, you can draw a lot of things using your imagination.

    I think that the poster should first of all reflect the beauty of nature, which we urge to preserve from pollution and destruction, you can repeat the following drawing,

    It is also important that the drawing on the environmental theme Take care of nature is beautiful and bright so it will attract the attention of more people, which means the appeal to protect nature will be heard, you can draw animals that need conservation, as is done in the picture below.

    Now, in almost all schools, the problem of ecology and conservation of nature is acute.

    Therefore, very often children are given homework in the form: draw a poster or picture, in the style: save nature.

    I think that the most memorable will be a comparison poster, when next to each other you can reflect on one half the nature that is being protected, and on the other half you can show the harmful effects of humans on nature (for example, garbage, unextinguished fires that cause fires, cutting down trees, polluted waters, hunting animals, emissions from factories, etc.).

    Below I suggest you familiarize yourself with some visual examples of such posters.

    Currently, people are mercilessly destroying nature. In the pursuit of profit, forests are cut down and water and air are polluted. If this continues, then in a few decades the earth will turn into a desert. And we really need to start preserving nature from childhood. This kind of warning poster should constantly remind you that nature must be protected and fought against those who destroy it.

    You can also offer posters that directly say that nature must be protected.

    Or here's another one. And this poster says that we can lose the beauty that nature creates.

    Or here's another one.

    The topic of ecology implies, first of all, the protection of the nature around us from the harmful effects of widespread human activity. Thus, the drawings can depict various calls for maintaining the purity of rivers, lakes, forests, fields, air and illustrations for them. Eg: