How to prepare melon compote for the winter without sterilization? How to make compote from melon? How to cook melon compote

Many people don’t even realize that melon makes an excellent compote. One can say more - some housewives prepare this drink for the winter, and in the cold they enjoy its interesting taste. Compote made from melon not only copes well with thirst, but is also considered beneficial for the body. You can find out below how to properly prepare the drink to enjoy the summer taste all year round.

It is worth immediately noting that the process of preparing compote from this fruit has its own subtleties, which we will discuss later.

  1. Firstly, despite the fact that absolutely everything in this melon culture is useful, only the pulp is used for the drink. In this case, the seeds are removed from the clean fruit, and the plant itself is freed from the peel.
  2. Secondly, in order to get a tasty compote, you should give preference to ripe and juicy fruits, but at the same time, they should not be soft.
  3. Thirdly, the finished drink is poured into cans that have been sterilized, and the containers are sealed with metal lids, which are also pre-boiled. This condition is important, because otherwise the drink may not last all winter.
  4. Fourthly, you can make the drink tasty if you diversify it with spices or some sour fruits.

Selection and preparation of melon

In order to end up with a tasty drink, you should approach the process of choosing a fruit seriously. So, it is better to give preference to those that do not show obvious signs that the culture is spoiled or beginning to rot. You should not opt ​​for a soft melon either, as you may end up with porridge. Give preference to berries that weigh up to one kilogram. If the fruit is not fresh, the compote will not taste good.

Preparing the melon consists of washing it, peeling it and dividing it in half. Next, you should get rid of all the seeds and cut the melon into pieces (about 2-3 centimeters).

How to make melon compote at home

Before you start rolling up the drink, you need to select the appropriate container. So, three-liter jars are best suited for these purposes. In addition, it is worth stopping at the recipe. In addition to melon, the compote can contain a variety of fruits and even spices, so everyone can choose to their taste what the final drink will be like.

A simple recipe for a 3 liter jar

We invite you to find out the simplest recipe for a melon drink. For the compote you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of melon;
  • 200 grams of sugar.


  1. The fruit is washed and cut into small pieces.
  2. The resulting pieces are transferred to any container and covered with sugar, after which the whole thing is put in the refrigerator for about 3.5 hours.
  3. Jars and lids are sterilized.
  4. Water is boiled and poured into a container with infused melon.
  5. The container with melon and water is placed on the stove. The fruit must be cooked for 4 minutes.
  6. The finished drink is poured into cans and covered with lids.

If all preparation conditions are met, melon compote is guaranteed to last until next summer.

Without sterilization

As for the recipe for preparing the drink without sterilization, it is in many ways similar to the one described above. The only difference is that there is no need to sterilize the jars. This kind of compote is a little easier to make, but it has a shorter shelf life.

With apple

For this compote, choose sweet apples. The fruits are first washed and cut into cubes, after which a syrup is prepared and poured over the fruits. The resulting mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, after which melon is added to it.

With lemon

Compote with lemon is prepared as follows:

  1. The fruit is peeled and cut into cubes.
  2. The lemon is cut into rings and put on the stove.
  3. Sugar and melon are added to the lemon. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 1 minute.
  4. The lemon is pulled out.
  5. The blanks are laid out in containers and filled with liquid.
  6. The banks are rolling up.

With gooseberries

This drink is prepared like all the previous ones, but gooseberries are added before twisting.

With watermelon

The watermelon is prepared in the same way as a melon (washed, peeled and pitted and cut into pieces), and added to the syrup, boiled for 25 minutes.

With grapes

For this option, in addition to grapes and melon, you will need lemon juice. So, the following are sent into boiling water: sugar, lemon juice and bunches of grapes. As soon as the clusters float, you need to add the melon. Everything is cooked until the melon floats to the surface.

With orange

This compote is brewed identically to other drinks. The orange does not have to be removed before the drink is poured into the jars.

With peaches

First, as in all other examples, the ingredients are prepared, after which you can begin preparing the syrup. So, you need to add sugar and citric acid to the liquid, and boil it all for 10 minutes. The resulting syrup is poured over the fruits for 5 hours, after which the liquid, to which peaches and melon are added, is boiled for another 5 minutes.

With spices

In this version, it all starts with preparing a simple sweet syrup. Next, the melon is blanched. A vanilla pod is briefly added to the boiling liquid. Cinnamon, cloves and lemon cloves are placed in the jars, after which the syrup is poured over everything.

With plum

The version of compote with the addition of plums is no different from the previous ones. The only thing you should stick to is the ingredients.

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Currently, thanks to breeders, more than 2000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The same one that we usually call “strawberries”. Garden strawberries arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and Virginia strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Selection is aimed at obtaining not only productive varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, but also those with high taste and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow, marigolds are irreplaceable. These summer gardens have long since moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorating beds and potted gardens. Marigolds, with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas, today can pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, among marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantings is based mainly on the use of pesticides. However, if in the protection of seed orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each preparation, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises of what drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

In winter, due to the lack of fresh fruit, I start opening jar after jar of winter compotes. If in the summer I make drinks from ripe berries, then in the winter I can no longer find them. Of course, they would be on sale, but they would not add up to the price. Therefore, in the summer I try to bottle up more different compotes for the winter. This is very convenient when you have children. After all, they won’t always want tea, and coffee can’t always be given to children as food. For such occasions, I have delicious sweet compotes in my pantry, including melon compote with caramel flavor for the winter, the recipe for which I will tell you today. If you follow each step according to my photos, you will be in for a wonderful winter drink. The aroma of melon will not disappear, but on the contrary will become very rich.

Required Products:

- 400 grams of melon;
- 1.8 liters of water;
- 150 grams of honey;
- 150 grams of granulated sugar.

I peel the melon and separate the seeds from the middle. I cut the melon into cubes. For such a compote, it is better to buy Uzbek melon, as they are very aromatic and will give all their warmth and smell to the drink.

I fill the melon with 1 liter of hot water and add granulated sugar to it.
The melon should become as caramelized as possible with a little water. I boil the melon in sweet syrup for 20 minutes.

Then I pour in the required amount of honey. It will make the compote even more aromatic, which will have a good effect on its taste. This one is very cool too.

When the honey has dissolved, stir the compote with a spoon, and then pour in the remaining water. I bring it to a boil and immediately pour it into jars while hot.

I screw the lids on the jars so that the aroma of the compote does not escape.

The compote must cool completely under the “fur coat”, and only then I put it in the pantry, where I store all the winter preparations. Be sure to prepare this one too.

I have never tasted a tastier compote, and all my friends who drank my caramel-flavored melon compote for the winter have the same opinion.
This drink is especially good if you cool it in the cold before drinking and then pour it into glasses.

Bon Appetite!

Fruits and berries


Melon compote for the winter– a homemade natural drink that allows you to fully enjoy the sunny taste of summer in the winter season. Thanks to melon compote in winter, the human body does not lack vitamins at all, but rather is provided with the necessary vitamin complex. Based on this, this summer drink is both tasty and quite healthy, so it must be present among other winter preparations.

Melon is a juicy, sweet fruit, which is now not only eaten as an independent product, but also used to prepare a variety of tasty preparations for the winter. You can make delicious preserves, jams, juices from melon, and the melon pulp cut into pieces is frozen in the freezer until winter. In addition, at home you can cook a delicious compote from this yellow fruit, full of amazing taste and mesmerizing aroma.

To make your own delicious summer drink at home, follow the step-by-step instructions below, which are included in this simple photo recipe. Let's start preparing homemade melon compote for the winter.



    We will prepare all the necessary products to create a homemade melon drink at home. You should choose the sweetest melon.

    Then we clean the melon from seeds and cut off the yellow skin in a thin layer. Then we cut it into small pieces, which we put in a deep plate. Carefully cover the cut pieces with granulated sugar and place them in the refrigerator for several hours until the melon releases its own juice.

    After a while, we take out a plate with pieces of melon from the refrigerator. You can already see the formed melon juice at the bottom of the dish.

    Next, put some water in a saucepan and put it on the stove to boil. When the water boils, add melon pieces to it along with the resulting juice and bring the liquid to a boil. Then boil the contents for a few minutes.

    This time we will start sterilizing containers for wonderful homemade compote. To do this, treat the jar with steam and simply pour boiling water over the lid.

    Now we put the boiled melon pieces into a sterilized jar, and pour hot syrup on top of them all the way to the neck of the container. Be sure to immediately cover the jar with a lid..

    We roll up the jar filled with homemade drink using a special seaming machine. Then we move it upside down under a warm blanket until the contents of the jar have cooled completely. Delicious melon compote is ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

In the summer season, sometimes you really want freshness and coolness! Therefore, melon is the most popular and favorite product of the summer season. They eat it both fresh and dried. Melon can be made into jam or even honey. But if you want to preserve its taste and aroma for a long time, you can make compote in the following way:

650 g granulated sugar,

liter of water,

lemon acid.

To begin, choose a ripe melon that has dense and aromatic pulp. Rinse it well and remove the skin.

Cut the melon into two hemispheres, then use a tablespoon to scrape out any excess seeds from the melon halves.

Next, prepare a sugar solution. To do this, you need to use an enamel pan, into which we pour purified water and add granulated sugar. Bring the solution to a boil over fairly high heat and cook for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide the melon that you have prepared into small cubes and soak for 3-4 minutes in a hot sugar solution. Make sure the solution doesn't cool while you prepare the melon.

The jars that you will use for compote must be sterilized in advance and then dried thoroughly.

After this, put the melon, blanched in a sugar solution, into prepared jars and pour it over the pieces.

Add a little citric acid, no more than the tip of a knife, and cover with varnished lids. After this, the jars need to be placed for sterilization. If you are using half-liter jars, you will need about 20 minutes. Then roll them up immediately.

Banks with melon compote Place upside down on the counter and cool to normal room temperature.

This compote will not only preserve the wonderful taste of melon, but will also be pleasantly refreshing on hot summer days. And if a glass of melon compote ends up on your table in winter, it will certainly bring you back to warm memories of the past summer.

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