Veles's amulet - the meaning of the amulet of the Slavic god. Incredibly powerful talisman with the star of Veles God Veles symbolism signs color

The Amulet of Veles, now, is an extremely popular Slavic amulet. It is dedicated to one of the original Gods in the ancient Slavic religion and has many useful properties and an unusual, stylish appearance.

In the article:

What is the amulet of Veles

Before learning about the properties of the Veles amulet, you need to know a little more about this Slavic god. In mythology, Veles was one of the four main gods and was responsible for many aspects of life. First of all, he was considered a cattle god - the patron of farmers and domestic animals. That is why its symbol is very similar in appearance to the head of a bull.

Legends say that Veles himself could turn into this beast, however, he also had a third horn in the middle of his head. That is why one of the stories about the appearance of the Ukrainian coat of arms in the form of a trident is associated with the amulets of Veles, which sometimes looked like a three-horned bull rather than a two-horned one. Another version in favor of this theory is that the trident, the prototype of the pitchfork, was the favorite weapon of this God.

However, in addition to this, Veles was the guardian of the world of the dead, a guide of souls to the afterlife, and served as a judge who decided where the deceased should go - to Nav (the Slavic analogue of hell) or Prav (paradise). Accordingly, very often the symbols of Veles were found on posthumous jewelry and in burial places.

And another, perhaps the most interesting aspect of this god in a magical sense, was his patronage of magicians and witches, and therefore of all magical arts. Veles helped to learn the secrets of the subtle world and the amulet dedicated to him was an integral part of the attire of any magician.

Amulet of Veles - who will suit it?

First of all, it should be noted that such a talisman would be ideal for any person striving for self-development and partial to esoteric arts and magic. It can help open up internal reserves, develop intelligence and begin to notice things that are not visible to ordinary people. In addition, its use may even allow one to communicate with deceased ancestors.

This amulet is suitable for all those people whose work is directly related to the land - farmers or simply owners of their own household with any living creatures. By hanging such a talisman over the barn doors, you can be sure not only that your cattle will not be affected by any illness, but also that neither the evil eye nor damage to the farm will be scary. In addition, almost all people who used this amulet for such purposes noted that cows began to give more milk, chickens began to lay eggs better, and in general, the animals were much more efficient and healthy.

At the same time, such a talisman does not necessarily have to be used directly in the form of an amulet-pendant. The symbol of Veles was often applied to clothing, hung on the walls of premises, decorated with ritual weapons and religious objects, and was found on rings and seals.

For warriors and those people whose profession is related to military affairs, this amulet is not very suitable - its use simply will not bring any useful effect. For people of a similar profession, it is better to pay attention to, and for those whose profession is related to production, it is perfect. To attract female grace, pay attention to.

On the question of whether the Veles symbol can be male or female, the answer is this - it suits both men and women equally well. The only opportunity to feel the negative influence of this sign can only be experienced by cruel criminals who do not have anything sacred behind their souls and do not value family and tribal values. In such a situation, the amulet itself will turn into a curse and bring the scoundrels a well-deserved punishment.

Amulet seal of Veles - how it differs from an amulet

There are actually few differences between the seal of Veles and the amulet of the same name. The same symbol is depicted on it, the seal has the same meaning and is simply worn in the form of a ring. However, the magic of this symbol allows you to manifest additional properties. If you apply this seal to business contracts and other documents, you will never be able to deceive anyone, since Veles is also the god of wisdom and hidden meaning. You won’t fall for the scammers’ bait, and the magic of the symbol itself will prevent you from concluding an obviously unprofitable deal.

However, when choosing such an accessory, you should remember that in ancient times only the purest silver, almost completely free of impurities, was always used to depict the sign of Veles on jewelry. Or, in rare cases, it was replaced with simple iron, but always polished to a silvery sheen. And then, such a talisman was considered temporary and was used for no more than a year - it was believed that that much time would be enough to improve one’s affairs and replace the base metal with real silver.

How to properly use the Slavic amulet Veles

First of all, you should remember that only those amulets, talismans and amulets that you make with your own hands work best. This is due to the fact that while working on a thing, you spend your time on it, get to know it from the very beginning of its existence and saturate it with your positive energy. At the same time, not everyone can make a truly stylish piece of jewelry, especially when working with a material such as silver.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you decide to just buy this amulet. However, before it begins to work and bring benefits, a cleansing ritual must be performed. According to Slavic traditions, cleansing by the elements may well be suitable. The amulet should be buried in the ground or covered with salt for a day, then held over a candle flame for some time, fumigated with incense smoke and placed under running water for several hours. This way you can certainly get rid of someone else’s energy trace and get a clean thing that will immediately absorb its own energy. After this, you can safely use the amulet without any fears.

Separately, it should be noted that, like all Slavic amulets, the meaning of the Veles amulet is applicable only to people with Slavic roots. Ancient Slavic magic is inextricably linked with the people and their ancestors, so it will not work for representatives of other nationalities. In addition, the Christian Church definitely does not encourage paganism, and during the Baptism of Rus', all pagans were literally exterminated by fire and sword. Of course, he himself, but from the point of view of biblical dogmas, the wearer will be considered a pagan, which means the doors to heaven will be closed to him.

Veles - the mysterious Slavic God

He is the God of Three Worlds, the God of Magic, the Lord of Crossroads. Veles walks freely between worlds and knows the secret of magic. Magi, witches and sorcerers turn to him for help. Veles is also addressed as the patron of livestock. They ask him for material well-being and to protect their property from bad people. We advise the amulets of this God only to adults who are confident in their abilities.

If you know God Veles, then you have probably wondered about the meaning of the Veles amulet. Usually the famous sign “bull's head” or “Paw of Veles” sign comes to mind. In this article I will tell you about these and other, almost unknown amulets with the sign of Veles - what amulets of Veles are, and what they look like.

In the photo: the meaning of Veles's amulet is power embodied in a bull's head.

What does God Veles look like? What are the meanings and symbols?

In the photo: the image of God Veles on the Slavic cuts of Rod.

On our Slavic Rezas of the Family, he looks like a mighty warrior and magician, in his hand he has a sword as a symbol of his power. But the sword is lowered - God Veles is a mediator, smart and flexible, he prefers to achieve what he needs not by force, but by mind.

Veles’s hair is dark - this is a symbol of the fact that he is the Naval God, closely connected with Navy - the World of Ancestors. Veles was created as an intermediary between the three Worlds, but much of what he comprehended in magic, he took from Viy - one of the first Gods created by the Family, the great God Navi.

It is Veles who is considered the one who transfers the Souls of the dead across the Berezina River and, on the contrary, helps the Souls of babies cross the river back.

Here God has a skin with a bull's head on his shoulder. And its main sign is called "bull's head". Thus, the meaning of Veles’s main amulet is associated with the power and tenacity of this animal, which allowed our ancestors to maintain well-being in life.

What does the “bull’s head” sign look like in the amulets of Veles?

Actually, on the Slavic cuts of Rod, whether they are made of wood, salted flour, stone or bone, and on many other amulets, this particular sign is used. The meaning of the Veles amulet in this form is widely known.

In the photo: amulet of God Veles with the sign “bull’s head” (mammoth tusk)

Our love and respect for the patron of the north is expressed in the fact that only for amulets with his sign we leave our rare material - mammoth tusk. These tusks lay in our permafrost for an incalculable number of years - and now, finally, they have a worthy use.

In the photo: amulet of God Veles with the sign “bull’s head” (sperm whale tooth)

Just like the “bull’s head” sign on Veles’s amulet made from a sperm whale’s tooth, the extraction of which is now prohibited. Our craftsmen use old stocks, which are thinning every month. Craftsmen take care of every small piece of precious material - and several elegant women's amulets made from sperm whale teeth were very successful. Or a boy, for powerful protection and development of great abilities.

In the photo: amulet of God Veles with the sign “bull head” (bull bone)

These fangs are narrow, the sign is not always symmetrical, so on round dies made of white bull bone we tried to make this sign as even as possible for handmade work. This white sign fits perfectly with the sign of Veles, which, as you can see, is often depicted with bull horns.

What else does God Veles look like? What other meanings and symbols?

In the photo: the image of God Veles in the form of Chur in a bearskin.

When they create Chur Veles, his Image, they most often show him dressed in a skin with ears and with a staff in his hand. The skin is another meaning of Veles’s amulet, which speaks of his many faces and werewolf character.

In the photo: the image of God Veles in the form of a bear’s paw.

The Paw of Veles amulet shows us the same connection with the bear - the ruler of the northern forest. Not a single Slavic holiday was complete without a “counselor with a bear” - and every time people hoped that at the holiday a smart and cheerful God was hiding under the skin of the bear. Most often, the Paw of Veses amulet also carries the second meaning of the Veles amulet - “bull’s head”. This speaks of ownership of both “wild” and “domesticated” nature.

What other amulets are there with the sign of Veles?

It is impossible to contain the Great Veles within one image and to simplify the meaning of the Veles amulet. Here are five amulets of Veles that are unusual for many and their meanings.


The undoubted symbol of Veles is the staff that Slavic magicians carry with them. Even if there are no additional signs on it (Paw of Veles, bull's head, and so on), any staff of a northern sorcerer is a symbol of Veles, the God of Wisdom and Magic.


In the photo: the image of God Veles in the form of a nauz - an eternal union between a man and a woman.

Another. Nauz, which is called “Eternal Union” in the form of a round weave, shows us another side - his love for Yagina, which, as we know, they maintained through the centuries and through various incarnations.


In the photo: the image of God Veles in the form of magic snakes.

An even lesser-known amulet of Veles. You may be surprised, but the serpentine, an ancient decoration found in the oldest excavations, also belongs to Veles. Snakes are the accomplices of the great God, his companions to other Worlds, guardians of treasures and creatures capable of changing the weather. Therefore, the owner of the Serpentine amulet emphasizes his magical abilities, illuminated by millennia.


In the photo: the image of God Veles in the form of three worlds.

It must be said that the Triglav sign, symbolizing the connection of the three worlds, often reminds us of Veles the traveler and of Rod’s plan at his birth.


In the photo: the image of God Veles on embroidery in the form of a red Lizard.

In traditional northern Arkhangelsk embroidery, the sign of Veles looks like a kind of triangle. This is a symbol of the Lizard, the embodiment of the masculine principle and, what is important here, Veles was most often addressed as the one who helps Souls travel between worlds.

So what is the significance of the Veles amulet?

In the photo: a sign - embroidery in the middle of the altar in a ritual addressed to God Veles.

In conclusion, I want to say that Veles is one of the most revered Slavic Gods, who was remembered in all times of dual faith. No matter what his name is: Veles, Volos, Vlasiy, in any guise he bestows on the person bearing his sign personal strength, wisdom, the ability to perform magic, well-being in all areas of life. Here is my answer to the question: “What amulets are there with the sign of Veles?” Perhaps there are some other signs. The God of Wisdom and Magic conceals secrets that you can comprehend throughout your life.

On video: Ivanova Irina talks about Veles and his signs

If you know God Veles, then you probably wondered about the meaning of the Veles amulet. Usually the famous sign “bull's head” or “Paw of Veles” sign comes to mind. In this article I will tell you about these and other, almost unknown amulets with the sign of Veles - what amulets of Veles are, and what they look like.


The gods of the ancient Slavs have not gone anywhere. If the Slavic god Veles is close to you, then your sign is the bull's head, the symbol of the God Veles. The sign of the god Veles, the God of Wisdom and Witchcraft, is depicted in the form of a small triangle and the dominant symbol, knowledge, hanging over it. Already here the wisdom of this great God is manifested. Veles, thanks to circumstances, was able to learn the secret laws of the universe and visited even dark worlds, therefore, on his sign, knowledge and wisdom prevail over the rest of existence. This is the power of the sign of the god Veles.

symbol of God Veles

Veles god of the Slavs

The Slavic god Veles, the God of Three Worlds, was created by Rod as a traveler between worlds. Perhaps only Veles, a powerful sorcerer capable of unimaginable magic, possesses this ability in abundance. He passes into an out-of-body form, traveling through Navi, the World of Spirits, returning to the Divine hypostasis in the world of Rule. All types of werewolves in our world of Reveal are available to him. More often he appeared in the form of a bear, and his distinctive sign began to be considered a bear's paw, as a symbol of strength and fearlessness. And at the same time, the god Veles, according to myths, understood the language of birds and animals, wild and domestic. That is why its main sign is in the form of a horned head. It was with this sign that the wise and mighty Veles appeared before people. This sign of the god Veles is a symbol of wisdom and willpower.

Symbol of God Veles

chevron from the Slavic online store “Northern Fairy Tale”

The Veles amulet is a sign and symbol of wisdom and inner flexibility, first of all. This is a symbol addressed to Veles, the God of Wisdom and Witchcraft. It is better suited for men and boys, because it is full of masculine strength. If for women, then for the development of social success.

As soon as you start wearing this sign of God Veles, then:

  • you can discover a kind of lightness in your body and thoughts, which arises with strong protection from external “lessons and ghosts,” as people said,
  • will protect your actions from excessive persistence and assertiveness.

Thanks to the Veles symbol you will be able to:

  • develop a magical gift,
  • achieve fame and glory.

The gods of the ancient Slavs have not gone anywhere!

In general, as soon as you start wearing the sign of the god Veles with you, after a short time you will feel the very power that will help you change. Intuition, will, desire, difficulty in choosing “right or wrong”, intuition, providence - these are the qualities that the Veles amulet sign gives you. And this is just a little that the God of wisdom and magic can reward you with. With your already soft insight, you will also discover the possibilities and perspectives of your extraordinary mind, which can think, decide, imagine and see ahead.

Loneliness, freedom and taciturnity leave a person with plenty of time to think, make decisions, discover new opportunities and talents. The ability to dream and think about the future, to go towards a goal, overcoming spaces - you are exactly the person whose sign is the Sign of Veles.

Read our next article “The Sign of God Viy” by following this link.

More articles about Slavic amulets:

Tips on how to choose and buy amulets

- Gods of the ancient Slavsdidn't go anywhere. If you are closeSlavic god Veles, then your sign is a bull's head,symbol of Veles.Sign of the god Veles, God of Wisdom and Witchcraft, is depicted as a small triangle and the dominant symbol hanging over it, knowledge. Already here the wisdom of this great God is manifested. Veles, thanks to circumstances, was able to learn the secret laws of the universe and visited even dark worlds, therefore, on his sign, knowledge and wisdom prevail over the rest of existence. This is the strengthsign of the god Veles. Read more… ">

The ancient Slavs believed in the magical power of amulets of various kinds. One of these is the Veles symbol, which is represented as an inverted letter “A”. Outwardly stern and powerful, this God helped people learn their craft, revealing their secret purpose in life.

The basis of any amulet is legends. It is in them that the power and great strength of Veles, who is the brother of Svarog, is described. According to ancient descriptions, the appearance of the god is distinguished by the presence of human and bear characteristics, so his image inspired fear and some mistrust in people.

However, the external harsh image did not cancel the positive attitude of the Slavs and the belief that he would really help in crafts, art and the discovery of secret knowledge to chosen people.

Some considered him to be a Guide who would easily guide him along all the Paths prepared by the Lord. In this form, he is presented as an old man in a long cloak and with a magic staff in his hands. The symbol of God was a bear's paw and the number six. According to beliefs, another symbol is the Shield of Veles, which depicts a star with six ends.

Symbol meaning

The ancient Slavs created a large number of legends about the meaning of the amulet, since Veles is one of the Supreme Gods, therefore he patronizes in various areas, which include the following:

  • agriculture;
  • hunting;
  • long journeys;
  • companion in the world of magic;
  • trade affairs;
  • warfare.

It is important to know! The ancient Slavs were attentive to the choice of an amulet, since in the absence of faith in a person, as well as strength of spirit, the magical properties of the amulet act in the opposite direction, that is, they absorb its wearer.

This symbol also helped talented people discover their creative gift, thanks to the activity of the talisman and the constant forward movement of its bearer. In ancient times, the Slavs believed that the only way out of all unfavorable situations was self-improvement, and to save oneself from sudden mistakes, the presence of this particular talisman was required.

Types of Veles symbols

The amulet is classified according to its external image; each version of the amulet is designed to create a specific type of protection. You can choose from the following varieties, the talisman is presented in the form:

  • The bear's paw is a symbol of protection for the Slavs, in the center of which there is an image resembling an inverted letter A.
  • The wolf's paw is intended mainly for males.
  • Bull head.
  • Wheel with six bars.
  • A star with six points.
  • Rune.
  • Velesovik.

Each of them has its own purpose and reveals a certain side of a person, so your choice should be based on personal preference and character.

Magical properties of the amulet

Magic and faith were the foundations of the life of the ancient Slavs, and the Veles amulet was famous for its powerful influence; it helped its owner move forward, instilling in him confidence in his abilities. Help also applies to beginners in business, it is aimed at improving all matters, the main thing is that the person is true to his word.

For deceitful people, the amulet is dangerous because it will force them to repay in full for their wrong actions. A distinctive feature of the Slavic Gods was the struggle for justice, so even minor offenses were severely punished for their improvement.

The talisman is also used as protection against the influence of negative energy, manifested in the form of evil spirits. It is made only in a certain shape to reflect the negative.

Who is the Sign of Veles amulet suitable for?

The people in ancient times were very careful when choosing amulets and talismans, taking into account their influence on the future fate of a person. The Veles sign is suitable exclusively for representatives of the stronger sex, as it increases the level of male energy, improves the qualities of management, logic and rationalism, which helps in running their own business.

Women can also choose the ideal talisman for themselves, but they can only wear it with a certain frequency so that the male energy does not wear out the female energy. For children, this sign, embroidered on clothes, will help best during the school period and will have a positive effect on academic success.

How to wear a talisman

It is believed that this amulet should be located as close to the body as possible. But the amulet does not lose its effectiveness in the form of embroidery on textiles. To achieve success in your professional activities, you should add a symbol to your workplace. And the child should put the embroidered talisman, for example, in a briefcase, so it will activate its action.

They have found their revival in the modern world. Many people turn to the faith of their ancestors in search of truth and purpose. The Veles amulet is an ancient symbol, especially revered in Slavic culture. Externally, the Veles sign looks like an inverted letter A or an arrowhead. What is the meaning of this symbol, how can it help a modern person? Let's look at everything in detail.

God Veles

According to legend, Veles was the brother of the god Svarog and was part of the pantheon of Slavic deities. Veles's sphere of activity was the patronage of cattle breeding and agriculture. The ancient Slavs sought protection and support from Veles in their daily life, full of work and worries. Another area of ​​activity of the deity was caring for the deceased soul: Veles accompanied the deceased on his afterlife journey.

Another mission of the supreme deity was the patronage of sorcerers and wise men. The Vedic deity helped sorcerers learn the secrets of the past and future, and protected them from troubles and misfortunes. And modern sorcerers also seek the support of the main deity of the Slavs, embroidering the symbol of Veles on their clothes.

Outwardly, Veles somewhat resembled a bear and had a somewhat frightening appearance, but he treated people with care and sympathy. Sometimes the deity was depicted with a bull's head and horns. One of the symbols of Veles was a bear's paw print, and another was the number six. The shield of Veles is a six-pointed star.

Amulet Veles

What does the Veles amulet symbolize? A symbol in the form of an inverted letter A can radically change a person’s life and destiny if the latter decides to do it himself. In this case, the essence of the amulet will completely merge with the essence of the person, and they will form a single whole. Therefore, constant contact of the amulet with the human body is necessary.

The sign of Veles can also be compared to the tip of an arrow pointing downwards. This symbolizes the direction of cosmic forces to one point. A person who has chosen the Veles amulet for himself is distinguished by his determination, perseverance in achieving his goals, and concentration.

The changes that will occur in a person’s life are of the following nature:

  • good luck in work and business;
  • activation of the money channel;
  • protection from ruin and bankruptcy;
  • protection from the actions of enemies and competitors;
  • discovery of paranormal abilities.

Who can use the Veles amulet? It is suitable for businessmen and psychics, as well as those who want to gain spiritual self-knowledge and comprehend the secrets of existence. The amulet will protect people whose profession involves the risk of attack or deception.

The Veles amulet will also protect those involved in agriculture and livestock raising. The sign protects cattle from the evil eye, ensures large offspring and milk yield.

If you hang an amulet over the front door, it will protect the house from uninvited guests and intruders. For the owners, the amulet will bring prosperity to the house, because the second meaning of the symbol is the bowl.

If you put the amulet in a student’s briefcase, it will protect him from troubles while studying. The child will not be offended by his friends and teachers, and knowledge will be acquired without much difficulty.

Since the symbol of Veles brings harmony and order to the outside world, it does not patronize those who do evil. A malicious person will not be able to cause harm to anyone - Veles will turn everything for good.

Making a talisman

The Veles symbol can be bought at an esoteric store, or you can make it yourself. The best manufacturing material is wood:

  • ash;
  • maple;
  • birch;

First, a circle is cut out of wood, and then a symbol is applied to it. You can determine the size of the amulet yourself. However, there is one condition when using a manufactured amulet - you cannot make it for yourself. It is believed that the amulet reveals its properties when given as a gift.

You can make a talisman for your relative or loved one. A woman can embroider a symbol on clothes or a towel, or knit a pattern on a winter scarf or knitted hat. You can tie a bracelet on your hand with the symbol of Veles and make a decoration. If you want to knit or embroider a symbol, use only natural threads and yarn. An important rule of embroidered amulets is the absence of knots in the pattern - they disrupt the flow of energies.

When the Veles amulet is ready, you need to consecrate it and charge it. To do this you will need spring water and a wax candle. Place the amulet on a clean linen tablecloth, light a candle and get ready for the ceremony. You can read the praise to Veles to enter the flow of the deity.

Then sprinkle the amulet with spring water, saying:

You can say your words and ask Veles for specific help in business. Do this three times. After charging, the amulet is given to a loved one and they are told not to take it off for 24 hours. During this time, the vibrations of the amulet adapt to the vibrations of a person. It is advisable to never part with the amulet.

Those baptized into the Christian religion need to be careful about Slavic symbols and amulets so that there is no confrontation between the two religions.