What did you do, what did you do, how to determine. What is the aspect of a verb? What types of verbs are there? Imperfect participles

In Russian - its form.

Imperfect verb

Most of these units have opposing forms. For example, create - create, sign - sign, etc. If you compare the members of these pairs, you will notice that although the lexical meaning is similar, they have something different. This difference is the type of verb. The first member of these pairs represents the imperfect; the second has the form of a perfect variant.

A verb in its perfect form can answer the following questions: what to do? What did you do? what will he do?

Perfective forms often have the meaning of completeness of an action, call limited processes, and indicate the result of an action that has already happened. For example: the boy recovered.

The imperfective verb names an action that is developing, ongoing, unlimited, and also indicates the repetition and duration of the process. For example: the boy is recovering.

The category of type is in close relationship with the category of time. Thus, the imperfect form of the verb has forms of all three tenses, and the perfect form has only forms in the future and past. Because the present tense characterizes a process that lasts at the moment of speech, developing and ongoing, and the perfect form represents an action limited in development.

Most often, Russian verbs are paired according to aspect. That is, the two forms have the same semantic meaning, but differ in grammatical form: teach - teach, curl - curl.

There are also single species. Unpaired ones carry the meaning of an action limited in its development: to wake up, to run away. The unpaired imperfections denote an action that is unlimited in its development: to sentence, to sympathize, to inhabit. There are also two-type verbs that combine the meanings of the perfect and imperfect categories: execute, examine, wound.

Imperfect participles

A verb form that has the meaning of an additional action, which combines the characteristics of a verb and an adverb, is a gerund. This part of speech comes in two types: perfect and imperfect. The second type almost always refers to a process that occurs at the same time as the action of the predicate verb. Rarely does such a gerund denote a preceding or subsequent action. For example: twice a year she visited the capital and, returning from there, spoke loudly about the miracle. And this part of speech in the perfect form usually means a previous action.

The unit of this part of speech of the imperfect form is formed using the suffix -a (-я) from the stem in the present tense. For example, they are watching - watching.

Not all verb groups have this form. Among them:

Verbs with a stem in the present tense, which consists of consonants (mint);

Verbs ending in -i (live) with a one-syllable stem;

Verbs with the suffix -nu (wither);

Verbs ending in -a (to call) with a one-syllable stem in the infinitive.

If the verb has the suffix -va-, then the gerund is formed from the infinitive stem: create - create - creating.

The type of verb is one of the topics in the school curriculum that students forget or even “fly by.” Without a doubt, if you do not understand the easy rules of this section, you will not be able to understand the other, more complex ones. Students often confuse an imperfect verb with a perfect verb, but they have no idea how easy and simple everything is, you just need to clearly sort out what is what.

A form is a unit without which not a single verb in the Russian language can exist. It is worth remembering that it can always be determined! In some cases, the answer is on the surface, and in others you have to dig deeper. In our language there are two types of verbs: perfect (SV) and imperfect (NSV).

Perfect view

This is a type that denotes an already completed action; most often we use it in the past tense. If we draw a parallel with the English language, there a completed action can be indicated by such tenses as Past Simple and Present Perfect. We must take into account that SV verbs direct us to the result, the end of the action or its beginning. For example: “He read the book.” How can you tell that it is not an imperfective verb? You just need to ask the question: “What did you do?” Teachers give this hint to children in almost all schools, explaining that if the predicate in a question has the prefix “s”, then it is a perfective verb.

This type can also be used in the future tense, questions to check: “what will (will) do?” etc.

You should take into account the fact that SV completely lacks the present tense, so if you see a verb of this tense, know that it is NSV.

Imperfect species

An imperfect verb denotes the duration of an action without emphasizing the result. The process can be regular, that is, someone does something every day. Or simply repetitive, in other words, someone does something infrequently. English also has tenses that denote process, for example, Present Continuous. Adverbs in a sentence can also “give away” the imperfect form of the verb. Examples: constantly, often, always, regularly, usually, long - they all indicate the absence of an end to the action.

To easily identify an imperfective verb, you just have to ask it the question: “What to do?” (the question lacks the letter “c” indicating SV, therefore it is NSV). For example: Marina loves to sing (what should she do?).

Verbs of this group can be either present tense (what is (am I doing) doing?, etc.), or future tense (what will be doing (will I be doing)?, etc.) and past tense (what did (do)?, etc.). d.).

One-aspect verbs and verbs with two forms

Many verbs in the Russian language have a pair of the opposite form (davit (SV) - davit (NSV)). They are formed by alternating vowels and consonants of letters and syllables:

  • o/a - late/late (SV/NSV);
  • o/s - sigh/sigh (SV/NSV);
  • I / them - raised / will raise (SV / NSV);
  • u/im - took out/took out (SV/NSV);
  • d/f - accompanied/sees off (SV/NSV);
  • t/h - answered/will answer (SV/NSV);
  • p/pl - strengthened/strengthened (SV/NSV);
  • st/sh - treated / will treat (SV/NSV).

In addition to such verbs, there are also single-type verbs, which in no case can have a pair; they have only one of two forms: imperfect or perfect. Among them: to be, to be present, to be absent, to be inactive (NSV only), and also: to scream, to be needed, to gush, to find yourself (SV only).

Examples of imperfect and perfect verbs

As it turned out, NSV and SV are quite easy to find on a question, but most often students begin to understand the topic only after the teacher explains it with examples.

Imperfect view: boils, takes, cares, will play, cut, looked for, sawed, interfered, will sleep, etc.

Perfect form: water, kill, put away, bought, disappeared, moved, opened, sat down, etc.

These are just some examples of perfective and imperfective verbs.

The term "species". Aspect is a verbal category that shows how an action occurs in time and expresses the relationship of the action to its result. All verbs of the Russian language have the category of aspect in any form. Like, perfect and imperfect verbs.

Definition of the perfect formPerfect form verbs are verbs that answer the question “what to do?” and denoting the action of an object, limited in time, completeness. Perfective verbs also denote an action that has already ended (or will end), an action that reports the achievement of a result (, run), an action that has already begun or will soon begin (speak, run), a single action (push, shout , jump - verbs with the suffix -nu).

Definition of imperfective verbs Imperfective verbs are verbs that answer the question “what to do?” and denoting an action without indicating the outcome, as well as without limiting it in time, the action is long or repeated (write, watch, talk, sit, stand).

Imperfective and perfective verbs form pairs according to aspect. A species pair is made up of an imperfective verb and a perfective verb, which have the same lexical meaning and differ only in the meaning of the aspect: look - view, write - write, build - build, run - come running.


on interspecific connections of verbs

Helpful advice

To consolidate the studied material, it is necessary to select a large number of examples


  • Determining types of verbs
  • perfect verb

Slavic languages ​​are sharply contrasted with other Indo-European languages ​​in the forms of expression of the categories of tense and aspect. The modern system of species developed in linguistics only at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to correctly determine the type of verb in Russian, it is necessary to take into account a number of reasons.

The aspect of the verb is the lexico-grammatical category of the verb, expressing the relation of the action to its internal limit. The internal limit is the point in the course of an action when action turns into inaction.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. An indefinite appearance, coinciding with the modern imperfect appearance.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: sat, walked.

3. One-time appearance, matching the modern perfect appearance.

In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish grammatical types of a verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. meanings.

In Russian grammar, there are perfect and imperfect forms.

This can be determined based on the following grounds:

1) Based on semantics.

Perfective verbs denote an action that has reached an internal limit (for example: , did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached an internal limit (for example: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”, and imperfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”. For example: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) Based on word formation.

The perfect form of verbs is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect form - with the help of suffixes. Thus, verbs of the perfect form “looked, did” have prefixes, but verbs of the imperfect form “looked, did” do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs are combined with adverbs “long”, “slowly”, with the words “every day” and others, but perfective verbs do not have this option. So, you can say “I looked for a long time,” but you cannot use the expression “I looked for a long time.”

5) By difference in the set of word forms.

Perfective verbs cannot be in the present tense, and imperfective verbs cannot have 3rd tense forms.

A verb, like any part of speech, has a huge number of grammatical and morphological signs by which it can be easily identified. When comprehending the verb, the question may arise about how to define ideal and imperfect verbs.


1. All Verbs divisible by two type. To begin with, we need to define the term “species”. Aspect is a verbal category that shows how an action occurs in time and expresses the relationship of the action to its outcome. Category type in any form, have everything Verbs Russian language. As usual, Verbs there are ideal and imperfect type .

2. Definition of perfect verbs type Verbs of ideal type called Verbs, answering the question “what to do?” and denoting the action of an object, limited in time, completeness. Verbs of ideal type also denotes an action that has already ended (or will end), an action that informs about the achievement of a result (remember, run), an action that has already begun or will soon begin (speak, run), a single action (push, shout, jump - Verbs having the suffix -nu).

3. Definition of imperfective verbs type Verbs of the imperfect type called Verbs, answering the question “what to do?” and denoting an action without indicating a conclusion, as well as without limiting it in time, the action is long or repetitive (write, look, speak, sit, stand).

4. Verbs imperfect and perfect type form pairs by type. A specific pair is made up of an imperfective verb type and perfect verb type having identical lexical meaning and differing only in meaning type: look - view, write - write, build - erect, run - come running.

The term “verb” came into our speech from Ancient Rus'. In those distant times, the Slavs called their alphabet “Glagolitic”. In modern language this part of speech occupies a significant place. Verb words are often found in sentences and, together with the subject, form the grammatical basis. A verb has a number of grammatical signs and can be a primary or secondary member of a sentence.


1. The action and state of an object are conveyed with the support of verbs that have unchangeable signs of ideal or imperfect form, transitivity - intransitivity, reflexivity - irrevocability and conjugation.

2. The imperfect form of the verb is more common in our speech. Usually morphemes help to form an ideal from it: “look - look”, “yell - shout”. But it also happens the other way around: “sew - sew”, “decide - decide.” Such verb variants represent aspect pairs.

3. If verbs can lead nouns that appear with them in the accusative case, and the connection between them is expressed without the help of a preposition, then they will be considered transitive: “show”, “cook”, “lie”. Intransitives are not characterized by a similar subordinating connection: “to be absent”, “to take a closer look”, “to sit”.

4. The suffix –sya (-s) at the end of the word indicates that the verb is reflexive. Non-returnables do not have such a suffix. It should be remembered that reflexivity indicates intransitivity.

5. Conjugation is indicated by a set of endings when changing according to persons and numbers. It is primitive to recognize this sign if the personal ending of the verb is stressed. If the conjugation is not established by stress, you need to pay attention to the infinitive. All, excluding “shave” and “lay”, verbs ending in -it, and several excluded from this list (on -et, -at) - constitute II conjugation. The rest represent the I conjugation. Among the verbs there are several different conjugations: “want”, “run”, “honor”.

6. The present category of verb mood helps to establish how the actions being performed relate to reality. Verbal words in each mood have a certain set of signs. Verbs of the indicative mood convey actions that take place in reality. The time category representation is used for them. It is typical for the present and future tense to change according to persons and numbers, and for the past, instead of the person, according to gender. The imperative mood contains a call to action. A similar form of the verb can form solidarity with the words “yes”, “come on”, “let”. The probability, certain data of actions is indicated by the conditional slope, in which the verb is strictly in the past tense and has with it the particle “would (b)”.

7. With verbs, there may be no person or object performing the action. The purpose of similar verbal words is to convey different states of nature or man. They have a corresponding name - “impersonal”. Examples of the use of such verbs in impersonal sentences: “It was getting dark outside,” “I’m chilling.”

8. The usual purpose of a verb in sentences is to play the role of a predicate. Syntactic functions expand when it is used in an indefinite form: here it can be the subject and perform the function of collateral members of a sentence. Look at the various options: “Whistle (tale) everyone up!”, “The travelers began to carefully move (part of the predicate) forward”, “Studying (subject) will invariably do”, “The guests asked to turn on (additional) music louder”, “ The boy expressed a desire to seriously take up (def.) volleyball,” “I came to see (sp.) you.”

Linguistic scientists have two points of view regarding participles and gerunds formed from verbs: they are distinguished as independent parts of speech or verb forms.

Slavic languages ​​are sharply contrasted with other Indo-European languages ​​in the forms of expression of the categories of tense and aspect. The modern system of species developed in linguistics only at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to correctly determine the type of verb in the Russian language, you need to consider a number of reasons.

The aspect of the verb is the lexico-grammatical category of the verb, expressing the relation of the action to its internal limit. The internal limit is the point in the course of an action when action turns into inaction.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In Russian linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. An indefinite appearance, coinciding with the modern imperfect appearance.

2. Multiple view. Examples are the following words: sat, used to talk, walked.

3. One-time look, matching modern ideal look.

In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish grammatical types of a verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. meanings.

In Russian grammar, there are ideal and imperfect forms.

The type of verb can be determined based on the following grounds:

1) Based on semantics.

Verbs of the ideal form denote an action that has reached an internal limit (say: looked, did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached an internal limit (say: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Verbs of the ideal form answer the question “what to do?”, and verbs of the imperfect form answer the question “what to do?”. Let's say: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) Based on word formation.

The perfect form of verbs is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect form - with the help of suffixes. Thus, verbs of the ideal form “looked, did” have prefixes, but verbs of the imperfect form “looked, did” do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs harmonize with the adverbs “long”, “slowly”, with the words “every day” and others, but ideal verbs do not have such a probability. Thus, it is permissible to say “I looked for a long time,” but it is impossible to use the expression “I looked for a long time.”

5) By difference in the set of word forms.

Verbs of the ideal aspect cannot be in the true form, and verbs of the imperfect form cannot have 3rd tense forms.

on interspecific connections of verbs

Helpful advice
to consolidate the studied material, you need to select a large number of examples

Type (differ in the meaning of the finiteness/unlimitability of the action):

Imperfect (what to do?) - the meaning of the incompleteness of the action, it has not reached the result, the limit - in the form n., etc., bud. complex.

Perfect (what to do?) - the meaning of the completion of an action, it has reached a result, a limit - in the form of ex., bud. simple

Methods of forming perfective/imperfective verbs

Perfection - education Ch. owls V. from a non-derivative verb stem by adding consoles(fly – at + fly);

As well as the education of Ch. owls V. using suf. – WELL with the value of one-time occurrence ( prick - prick, butt - butt).

Ness verbs. type with prefixes borrowed from the st/sl language: anticipate, belong, sympathize.

Imperfectification – education ch. nesov. type from ch. owls type using suffixes - yva, -iva, -va, -eva, -a, -ya(give - give, decide - decide, read - read).

1. Determine the aspect of the verb, the method of formation of the aspect (from which verb it was formed) and the indicator of the aspect.

to sign



be born









Species pair

Ch. if it is possible to form a species pair, they are divided into:

Correlative by species - single-species - two-species

Comparable by type verbs can form an aspectual pair.

Species pair form verbs of opposing types with identical lexical meanings, differing only in the seme “ultimacy/infinity of action”

Usually the meaning does not change with imperfectification

When perfecting, the prefix often adds an additional touch

Most scientists distinguish pure species prefixes ( to-write, to-drown, to-do). If a verb is formed using a purely aspectual prefix, then in the dictionary when interpreting its meaning there will be a reference to the verb nes. kind.

Many verbs are not comparable in appearance, those. single-species.

One species. Ch. nesov. forms express the absolute infinity of the action, it cannot be completed:

Verbs indicating connection, relationship (to count, to resemble)

Modal ch. (want, hopes, strive)

Intellectual state (know, believe)

Verbs of possession

Ch., indicating position in space

Ch. movement

Bispecies verbs are those verbs that, using the same stem, can express the meaning of both. and Nesov. type ( marry, run, order, crown, bestow, use..., Ch. na –irovat/izova).

2. Underline the pairs in which the verbs are correlative in aspect, determine the method of forming the aspect and highlight the aspect indicator.

a) remake - remake, tie - tie, throw - throw, break - break, extract - extract, wash away - wash away, sit - sit, sow - sow, freeze - freeze, decide - decide, take - take, say - talk, catch - catch, cut - cut.

b) go blind - go blind, look - look, lose weight - lose weight, write - write, build - build, love - love, sit down - sit down, design - construct, write - rewrite, swim - swim across.