Pour wax from spoilage. How to use wax to get rid of damage. What additions can there be?

To properly help your loved ones and not get hurt yourself, you need to study:

Castings- a fairly old method of removing negative programs. However, sometimes it is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of the evil eye, fright, and damage.

Nowadays there are a lot of methods for removing negative influences and essences. I often just use energy. And yet, often this ritual is necessary.

Castings are made using lead, tin, wax and other materials. We will talk about wax - the most accessible natural material for us, easy to handle.

Wax has the ability to absorb negative programs, both other people's and your own. At the same time, the casting serves as a shield, repelling all attacks.

At the same time, the casting takes away the strength of the person: the one who heals and the patient himself. Therefore, it is advisable during treatment with castings to support yourself with prayers and necessarily spoken water or holy water.

What can be cured and removed in this way?

If you adhere to the rules I have given, you will be able to remove damage, the evil eye, fear, headaches of energy origin, nervousness, and neurosis.

I do not promise that you will be able to help yourself in any case with home casting. But often, if the situation is not neglected, then by doing everything diligently you can help yourself.

What you can’t remove with castings

Everything else that is not included in the first list. Plus - you cannot use castings to remove damage to death, damage done in a church, a cemetery and some others; intrauterine fright, psychosis, internal negativity is not always, or, more precisely, almost never removed by castings.


Be sure to wash your hands with cold water up to the elbows.

Repeat the procedure on the prescribed days until the casting from below becomes smooth; small and infrequent waves are possible (not frequent grooves).

A portion of wax is used per person until the negative is completely removed or until the wax begins to crumble.

When the process is completely completed or when the wax is saturated with negativity, then it is destroyed. How? Burn wax while reciting the Lord's Prayer or prayer life-giving cross. They burn it on the ground in a hole and then cover it with earth.

How do I do it

I have two mugs for castings and, accordingly, two portions of wax. I place both mugs with wax on the tile. When the wax melts, I remove one mug from the heat and pour it from the other. When one casting has already cooled down, I remove it from melting in a mug, and pour another portion of already melted wax over the patient or over the photo. Saves a lot of time.

What additions can there be?

You can put a mirror at the bottom of a container of water to better reflect the energy strike.

The master also works energetically and mentally. If you can mentally push the disease out of the patient’s body, good. If you energetically push the disease towards recovery, that’s great. But you can do without it. If you yourself feel such strength within yourself, then you yourself will understand how to act.

The casting will not be completely smooth: the grooves reflect more or less deep feelings. Lumps are bad.

How to help yourself

Wax casting. Wax fencing

Wax casting is the most accessible method of helping yourself, cleaning your energy from foreign influences. What can you remove when casting yourself on wax? Energy information influences: Damage, evil eye, fear, and - energy disorders, nervous disorders, stress, unless the situation turns into depression, which lasts several years, and does not develop into a serious mental illness.

It is difficult to remove with castings: damage to death, damage done in a church, in a cemetery, intrauterine fright, an oath, the crown of celibacy - they are almost never removed by castings. Because these types of energy-informational influences imply the Knowledge and experience with which they were induced on a person. Consequently, without special training and qualifications, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to remove them. To do this, you need to know the nature of these influences, the ability of inner vision and experience.

There are many methods for removing external negativity. Let's talk about casting on wax. This method is very suitable for beginners who want to help themselves.

This cross fills our Soul, Spirit and Body with the vital Force of the Almighty, that energy (REIKI, PRANA, KI, CHI - whoever used to call it) with which our entire Universe is saturated. If there are negative changes in any of a person’s subtle bodies, then these changes will necessarily affect all subtle bodies and, of course, the physical body.

Wax is a living substance that, when hardened, tends to restore its inherent shape of the arrangement of molecules - a hexagon.
Water is an informationally mobile substance, capable of receiving and transmitting any information. Naturally, the information that is carried by the subtle bodies of a person.
When molten wax is poured into water, it receives information from the water, or more precisely, from the subtle bodies of a person through water. Most often the astral and etheric bodies. When the wax is melted again, it loses this information and it evaporates. If you read conspiracies, prayers or mantras while the wax is melting, then negative information is destroyed.

What you need: wax (50-100 grams), dishes for wax, dishes for a water bath, an oven mitt, your photo, a glass of water that will stand in the photo, texts with spells, mantras, prayers.

Before starting work and at the end of it, we praise the Gods:




Place the wax in an enamel bowl and place it in a water bath. Place a glass of water in the photo. When the wax melts, pour it slowly into the water in the glass that is in your photo. You recite a mantra, a prayer onto the wax (of any religion, who is closer to what, who is used to praying to whom, those are the prayers you read. For example, in Christianity there are strong prayers for negativity: Archangel Michael, the Life-Giving Cross and Psalm 90), a conspiracy (for negativity) - who likes what.
I always read this hymn to Perun, it helps a lot.

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the entire Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, to the children, show Perun!

And to enhance it we add:Glorifying the race, rule over all, so that Spiritual darkness may disappear! So be it, so be it, so be it! And we draw Malaya Perunitsa (⚡) over the wax. You can read any of the ancient Russian prayers.

I also propose this conspiracy:

Come out, unclean spirit, from (name). From the head, from the hands, from the stomach, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus ("from the womb" is read for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! So be it, for so it will be!

When the wax has hardened, turn it over and examine it. This is an art that comes with experience. For beginners, I suggest it be simpler: cast yourself until you see the casting is even. If you are interested in the details of what the casting wants to tell you, you can order casting diagnostics from us.

General interpretations are something like this:

Cones, grape bunches - damage. Waves, bubbles- fear, stress, anxiety, heart disease. Squares and triangles - oath, spell. Different faces- settlement, possession. Various symbols similar to genitals (mostly male) - love spell. Otherwise, the different figures mean the same as the images described in the article “archetypes”.

You can make from 1 to 9 castings at a time, each time moving it along the chakras. And so many days until the casting from below and from above is smooth. Do this procedure on a waning moon.

Wax can be used for healing as many times as needed. This means that after each session it is enough to simply melt it down and store it somewhere away from strangers until the next one. After the final healing (when the wax is completely clean), the wax must be melted down for the last time and thrown into the river, or better yet, burned or buried in the ground. After the session we pour the water down the drain with the words:

“Mother Water, take away all my illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial, cross-talk. So be it, for so it will be!”, “The Good Spirit - to the Earth, the Evil Spirit - Under the Earth!”

At the end of the work we set protection against the penetration of negativity :

My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am improving my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family. Ohm.

Important: copy this protective prayer from the website by hand onto paper. The Teacher gave it to me in handwritten form.

And we read the charm charm:The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned aside, the child of God (name) cannot be condemned, neither the sorceress nor the sorceress can be disgraced.

Important: after the ritual, we be sure to wash our hands, for as Perun’s commandment says: “Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God.”

About face-to-face session castings to humans. I took a leak in person. People sometimes come with SO much negativity that one time my mug with wax escaped from my hands (that’s how the entity came out, or rather, didn’t want to come out) and poured all over a woman’s dress. It literally knocks out the evil spirits that reside in a person. It’s good that boiling wax wasn’t doused on my head.
Therefore, I found such a way out for myself. A person comes, I sit him down, he sits with his eyes closed, observes the sensations, colors before his eyes, images and reports to me about this, and at this time I cast him according to his own photo, which I put next to him. That is, the person needs to be told to bring the photo with him. You don’t have to clarify or tell him the details. Just sit him down, let him close his eyes, and do the work yourself.

About waning moon many questions come. The outgoing era (before 2000) was lunar, Kali Yuga (Fox), so they were guided by the moon and everything had to be observed. Failure to comply with the rules threatened the exact opposite result. But now the era of LIGHT (Satya Yuga, Age of the Wolf) has begun and, in principle, it is possible to cast without taking into account the position of the moon (if it is very urgent!).

But beginners should still follow all the original rules.

Also, after cleansing, it is necessary to carry out harmonization ( Reiki It helps a lot with this), filling the space vacated by the negative program with something light, so that the old one does not return. Be sure to change your lifestyle, thoughts, habits.

When should you not use wax?

On the waxing moon.
Women during menstruation.
During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
If you are unwell or unwell.
If you are in a bad mood.
Casting should not be performed on children under one year of age.

You can only take pictures of yourself and close relatives (wife, husband, child, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, groom, bride) and ONLY AT THEIR REQUEST.
For complete strangers, this work is done by a person experienced in this matter for a certain payment. Otherwise, you can attach other people’s negativity and karmic debts to yourself.

The best protection is your transparency, where there is nothing to cling to. And work on yourself and with yourself. Please, for this we have prepared a whole section for you - Practical techniques for working with yourself. Also visit the page on self-knowledge. Dare, work, everything is in your hands. If you can’t cope, ask for help, we’ll help you remove the negativity. Wax takes away exactly what a person is ready to part with, rethink, change. The casting calms, relaxes the nervous system and body, helps to realize and change your life. Registration for waxing by email [email protected]

Please take a look at the page where we have collected all your questions about castings and published them, in case there is an answer to your question.

With love to you, dear people!

In modern magic, such a casting is the most effective remedy for damage. Especially if church candles are used in the ritual. Today we will talk about the rules and meanings of such rituals. In addition, we will provide you with information on how wax casting is done at home and what areas wax removal is used for.

Features of rituals

In magic, wax is called the casting of any negative effect on a person by melting a substance. There are certain rules and methods for conducting such rituals for yourself. Let's look at each method in detail and what it means.

In ancient times, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers used this substance for various purposes, but primarily to remove wax damage. In this way they could remove fears, the evil eye, and fear. Many women of those times performed this ritual even in order to acquire beauty. In modern magic, wax casting has not lost its popularity and relevance.

The biggest advantage of such magic, which no other magical ritual has, is the elimination of any evil spirits, even the most old ones. The disadvantages of such magic include a slow effect on the monetary and protective rituals that you performed for yourself. Therefore, experienced magicians recommend performing such a ritual to people who have no experience and practice in witchcraft.

Another advantage of this casting is that it is carried out at any time of the day and regardless of the lunar phase. Of course, as magicians and sorcerers say, damage is best removed during the waning moon. But, when casting with wax when removing any negative, there is no prohibition in days. The restoration of a person’s previous state after some time occurs in any case.

The technique for performing such rituals is quite simple. All you need to do is get the substance in the form of pieces or church candles (without wicks). Well, after that, study the rules of the sacrament, their text for yourself or the victim. Pouring out spoilage with wax at home is also done early in the morning. Remember that only performing the ritual yourself without outsiders will allow you to achieve the desired result. This is the most important rule for eliminating damage using wax.

Required Attributes

How to determine damage by wax? Depending on the type of magical ritual, wax to remove damage is used in different weights:

  1. For large castings you will need about 40 g of the substance. It is melted in the oven or on the stove in a special vessel.
  2. For little ones, 10 g is enough, which is melted under the fire of a burning candle.

If you decide to treat damage with wax, you will need to stock up on additional components:

  • a bowl or other vessel for melting the substance;
  • towel or potholder;
  • a vessel for pouring the molten substance - a glass, a bowl, etc.;
  • icons of Saints;
  • towel.

Remember - you cannot cast damage with paraffin, since this method of cleaning damage on wax will not bring any results, but only barriers and obstacles to the implementation of such magic. When exposed to water, this substance instantly scatters and can get into your eyes. And paraffin itself does not have the same properties that wax has.

Diagnosis of damage

Any magical ritual, including removing damage with wax yourself, requires preliminary diagnosis. After all, few ordinary people can immediately determine the presence of the impact of a negative program. In this case, diagnostics are needed, which is carried out on the bee product.

To determine the designations of cast wax figures, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the state of the human biofield based on the bee product.

A cast substance in the shape of an egg without holes or bubbles will indicate a pure biofield. Even small deviations from such a casting are not a reason to think that you are damaged. Sometimes this can be explained as a person’s physical or psychological fatigue.

The damage to the human energy biofield will be indicated by the torn edges of the wax casting. In this case, two options are possible:

  • a person becomes very ill for unknown reasons;
  • he was cursed with illness.

This concerns internal signs. External factors of such a casting indicate the presence of an energy shock, as well as a strong conflict, which led to a violation of the human biofield.

Damage can also be diagnosed by other wax figures - torn holes and cast substances in the shape of things. Such castings give a signal to a person that there are things in the house that threaten both his health and life. Most often this is damage made to the lining.

The numbers poured from this substance help not only to diagnose the presence of damage, but also to determine the date of its induction. The main thing in this matter is the correct interpretation. This meaning of figures when casting with wax will make your task easier and help you quickly remove the damage caused.

Interpretation of figures

How to learn how to do wax casting yourself correctly? Before you begin this procedure, you need to practice. The correct decoding and meaning of the figures when casting with wax will help you find out exactly what kind of negative is directed at a person - the evil eye, damage, fear, fright, illness, etc.

The following examples will give a clear interpretation of each casting:

  1. The surface of the cast substance looks like it has wave elements - this is a clear sign of a spell being cast.
  2. The poured wax took the shape of a sloping wall in the form of a slide. This can be deciphered as severe damage with elements of a curse for illness or misfortune.
  3. Thick tubercles or balls in the shape of cones, indicating the presence of fear, the evil eye, deliberate damage and a spell. For a man, such a meaning of figures when cast in wax with such an image is evidence of damage to childlessness and a sign of a strong curse.
  4. Deep waves inside the poured substance are a sign of a person’s strong inner experience. He may be worried about fears for his life and the lives of his family. This also means that a person under the influence of damage is afraid that someone may harm him, cause both physical and mental pain. There is a fear that he might get very sick.
  5. It happens that the cast substance has torn edges with bubbles and tubercles - this indicates conflict situations both within oneself and in relationships with other people.
  6. Numerous dents and bumps indicate very strong and long-standing damage. Such damage can be caused by heart disease and other internal organs, as well as psychological disorders.
  7. Holes on the wax surface are evidence of severe damage to the human biofield. Such a victim may exhibit the following symptoms: loss of energy, irritability, frequent illness, general malaise and apathy.
  8. A strong magical effect aimed at deteriorating a person’s health and general condition will be indicated by a substance poured in the shape of a muzzle. The victim may develop an incurable disease.
  9. If, while casting yourself on wax, you notice a shapeless substance with holes, waves and bumps - this is a sure sign of a strong violation of the chakras, both sexual and marital. Perhaps such a person is cursed with loneliness and infertility.
  10. A bird with small dots on the surface is a sign of a violation of the psychological and physical state of a person due to damage caused.
  11. The snake is evidence of strong damage from ill-wishers and envious people to a very serious and difficult to cure disease.
  12. Ring - a lock has been placed on your future or current job, i.e., there is damage to the loss of a job or an unsuccessful search for a new job.
  13. There are even castings in the shape of female genital organs. This means that there is damage to you, especially due to severe illness, infertility or loneliness. Often such damage is caused by a grandmother or another female witch.
  14. A branched tree indicates that you are damaged by gossip, gossip and constant desecration both at home and at work.
  15. A horse is evidence of major damage, possibly eternal poverty or loss of great benefits.
  16. The rooster is a sign that somewhere there is a person who is very jealous and wishes you harm. Over time, such negativity turns into a strong evil eye and can end badly for you.

An easy and effective ritual

Prepare all the attributes that were used in the process of diagnosing the negative. Then place the wax on the stove. While it is warming up, read the prayer:

“The servant of God (name of the patient) will descend from you and extinguish once and for all the devilish power and evil. The Holy Spirit will dwell in you. Amen. I ask all heavenly saints - angels, archangels, apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, to heal and have mercy on the servant of God (name of person) through this ritual. I ask you to cleanse him from diseases and all unclean things that have entered his body. Amen".

With such a wax casting, when removing damage, you can read any other prayer addressed to all saints with the aim of healing the patient. You can carry out such a ritual both independently and for your family and friends. The main condition is that there should be no strangers in the room. Only a performer and a victim if you really want everything to work out. This technique of removing negativity helps very quickly. The first signs of the cleansing magic program:

  • improvement of general condition;
  • a feeling that life has returned to the right direction;
  • disappearance of financial and personal problems.

Wax protection for home

If you feel that your house has suffered a magical attack, you need to act urgently, namely, pour out the damage with wax. You can determine the presence of negativity by external and internal signs - frequent quarrels, scandals in the family, marital problems, lack of money.

How to remove damage with wax on a house? Negative energy in your home can be easily removed by pouring wax.

For this ritual you will need several details:

  • large apple;
  • church candle;
  • needles - 5 pcs.

Stages of the ritual

With such wax casting, there should be no one in the room when removing damage to housing. Make all rooms dim. Light a candle and go around all the corners of each room, moving clockwise. Each corner must be christened with a candle three times.

Using a knife, make a depression in the apple where the core itself is located. Before pouring the wax, light the wick with matches, then bring a burning candle to the hole. Every drop of melting wax should get inside the apple. In total you need to pour 6 drops. While pouring the wax, read a prayer to yourself:

“Lord Almighty - You are our savior. I ask You, help me banish all spells and witchcraft from my house. Cleanse my home. Let the demons leave him once and for all. And let no disease, love spell, fright or fear enter here. Amen".

After the wax has poured out, the apple must be covered with the cut top and pinned with needles.

Cleansing the house with a candle occurs from the moment the charmed fruit is thrown out in a vacant lot. At the same time, it is very important that no one finds the apple with needles, otherwise the damage may return. To be sure, you can just bury it.

In this way, your home gains powerful and long-lasting protection from lack of money, poverty, family quarrels, disagreements and illnesses.

Ritual for children

We remove damage with wax from children. You can get wax either in a church or in a specialized store. For children, the same wax against damage and the evil eye is used as for adults. So, put your baby in a comfortable place. Place a container of holy or spring water over his head. Take wax for the ritual weighing no more than 150 g. As soon as the wax has melted, slowly pour it onto the water in a bowl. You pour the wax over the child’s head very carefully so that drops of the hot substance do not fall on the baby’s head. Next you need to read a prayer against damage or the evil eye:

“I ask all heavenly saints to help me expel from my child all the negativity, evil looks and tongues of sorcerers. Heal and cleanse my child. May health and good sleep come to him. Amen".

The ritual against spoilage, after removal, the wax is transformed into figures and, thus, all the negativity is poured out. How many times is wax poured out of both damage and the evil eye from a child? For children, 3 such casting sessions are enough to completely cleanse. To enhance the effect, you can place 2 images of Saints next to each other - the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.

Symptoms such as the appearance of appetite, good mood, energy of the baby and healthy, full sleep after the ceremony will indicate to you that cleaning with wax was successful.

Wax casting of a negative from a photo

Take a wide container with spring water and a photo of the person from whom the negative will be removed. If you do this for yourself, then take your photograph. Where you will perform such a ritual does not matter, the main thing is to create a secluded environment for yourself before performing it.

You will need 600 g of wax, which must be divided into three casting sessions - 200 g each. While heating the substance, you need to read a spell prayer. There should be no one in the room where the ritual will be performed except you or the victim. For Orthodox people, Orthodox prayers are read. One of the most powerful is the following:

“Lord Almighty, Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and all the heavenly Saints, help to expel from the servant of God all the bad, evil and black that has accumulated in his soul, heart and body. Let the terrible damage come from him and leave him alone once and for all where it was inflicted. I hope and trust in your help. Amen".

To treat damage with wax from a photo, the prayer must be read three times:

  • the first session cleanses the brain and nervous system;
  • the second rite removes negativity on the heart, circulatory system and other internal organs;
  • the third cleansing eliminates the negative impact on the genitourinary system and lower extremities.

    Such a ritual, carried out for three days in a row, gives instant results in complete cleansing of the negative program.


    Knowing what to do with wax and how to cast it correctly, you can protect yourself, your loved ones and your home from any magical influence in advance. And if there is damage or the evil eye, quickly get rid of them. The most important thing is that any magical sacrament of pouring wax is not dangerous and quite effective.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to work with wax casting to diagnose the evil eye and damage and remove them yourself. Treating damage with wax is an old, widespread and effective method. In fact, anyone can cast out the evil eye with wax at home, even those who are familiar with witchcraft practice. Most of what works in wax castings is the wax, its natural magical power. Although, of course, the final result depends on the magician, on his energy and strength, on his skill and words.

If you don’t have experience working with wax yet, try it and practice the technique. Nothing happens right away, especially in witchcraft. If there is no such goal, then casting the damage with wax can be done by a practicing sorcerer, to whom you turn for magical help. In general, choose the path yourself. It is curious that during the purges, i.e. during castings spoiled with wax? Feelings and experiences are individual, but, by and large, it all comes down to several points.

Feelings when you independently pour out magical damage with wax

Although wax casting can be called a soft method, it works dynamically and very harshly. Removes fears, dangerous and harmful illusions, fruitless hopes. That is, in addition to negativity, wax cleanses and normalizes feelings and emotions. After the ritual of removing damage with wax, a person begins to perceive what is happening, some specific situations in their pure form, without illusory impurities, without shades of sensuality and any personal preferences and inclinations.

The most important thing is that after strong cleaning with wax from negativity It becomes possible to live fully and implement your plans. Sometimes even apathy and indifference comes when you look at everything as if from the outside, without getting involved in the process of life. This is a good thing to a certain extent if the condition is a result of the cleansing and not a side effect.

Such inner silence after cleansing needs to be filled with positivity. There are very frequent cases when removing negativity with wax. But cemetery cleansing, runes, annealing, lead, and even retranslations can also aggravate them, although many deny this fact. Wax is an excellent material for cleaning out energy negativity of various types, but in general the work takes a long time and is difficult.

The fastest and most visual work, in my opinion, from the magician Sergei Artgrom, is annealing. But, some people are lucky with the negative transfers, and after annealing they get sick, etc. The main thing here is to find your own witchcraft ritual. And if it goes best removing damage at home using wax casting, then use it before cleansing it with other rituals if necessary.

Translations, for example, are an interesting technique, and often unpredictable if done on people. There are always many nuances that are more difficult to take into account and anticipate. If the transfer is done with salt, mirrors, or a knife, it is easier, but still has its own characteristics. For example, during universal cleaning, the knife rolls back to enemies, even though this is a transfer. But cleansing, say, removing damage by casting tin or wax, is easier to calculate and trace.

Removing damage with wax yourself - magical diagnosis of negativity

The main conclusion from everything I remember said by the magician Sergei Artgrom: different methods of magical cleansing act in different ways. Salt cleanses can cause apathy and fatigue. When trying to remove the evil eye yourself with wax, colds may occur, and exacerbation of chronic diseases may also occur. Some people are doing well with runic cleansing, but you need to carefully think through the reservation, as well as the expiration date.

Whether the negative is removed from a person or not is determined by diagnostics. In general, with the help of diagnostics you can clarify any questions and situations. But, unfortunately, it is not always true.

  • Firstly, there are no perfect systems,
  • And, secondly, not every magician who makes a reading is a good diagnostician.

So, no one has canceled the observation of changes in events in reality; they can also provide objective information regarding, for example, whether remove damage from yourself using wax. If nothing happens in reality, there are no positive changes, then there may be the following options:

  • The selected cleanings are not suitable
  • there is not enough energy to fully start cleaning
  • low sensitivity (an individual’s sensitivity to events happening to him)
  • initially incorrect diagnosis

How to determine wax damage - water and wax will show the true state of affairs

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, getting rid of energy negativity by casting on wax is a very popular ritual in witchcraft. Reviews about self-removal of damage with wax are varied, but despite such ambiguity, the ritual is considered very good. When making a wax casting, the magician can work both directly with the patient and at a distance, having his photograph. To independently carry out the ceremony and determine wax damage - its presence or absence, you will need:

  1. a piece of pure natural wax
  2. ladle for melting wax
  3. bowl of cold water

Having all the necessary components, you can determine a person’s condition (or your own), as well as treat damage with wax. Both during diagnosis and when removing negativity, the ritual is, by and large, the same: the wax is melted and poured into water. The spells and intentions of the magician change. With the help of wax, they not only remove strong magical negativity, remove fear, produce pouring the evil eye onto wax And so on. This ritual is universal and diverse. During self-diagnosis, the used wax can be reheated, but when removing damage from a person, the used castings should be disposed of.

List of the value of wax castings in diagnosing damage and the evil eye

Much has already been said about how to make wax castings and get rid of damage. Technically, everything is quite simple, the question is how correctly you are able to interpret the resulting castings. Each magician has his own methods for making and viewing castings, his own vision, which may not coincide with one or another design. And yet, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you the standard meanings of the figures that are considered during the determination and when removing damage with wax.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Wax castings represent figures and signs, in the symbolism of which the situation is revealed and clarified. Those symbols that are inside the casting are the essence of the human condition.

  • growths coming out of the middle indicate that negativity is coming out.
  • If during diagnostics you get a casting that is even at the bottom, then we can talk about a healthy field that is not subject to negative magical influence.
  • bubbles formed in the wax during diagnostic casting wax spoilage, show some deep feelings of the patient.
  • A cobweb on the surface of the wax is a spell, and vertical bumps are the evil eye.
  • columns going down - there is damage
  • columns with growths reaching the bottom of the container - cemetery damage has been done
  • lumps in wax - hatred, curses
  • a wax figurine is twisted into the shape of an embryo - witchcraft for a child during pregnancy
  • waves in wax with a bulge in the middle, small stripes along the entire perimeter of the casting - fright
  • a casting completely dotted with waves, lumps, inclusions and growths located chaotically - evidence of repeated witchcraft influences
  • mountains, swelling - there is a curse, some strong spell has been sent
  • ring – there is a lock on the master’s work
  • if nodes are visible, they cast a spell with the help of nauzes
  • protection is visible in the form of a cake on the casting

How to recognize and remove damage from casting - symbolism of magical negativity

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have listed simple symbols that can be observed on diagnostic wax castings. Let's make the job more difficult. As in self-removal of damage with wax interpret the ugly face that appeared on the frozen wax? These are, without a doubt, demons. Those. the negative impact was created with the call of dark demonic forces. You should look at which part of the casting this symbol appears in. If in the center, it means the patient has a roommate. If there is a cake next to it, which symbolizes protection, then the demon is on defense. If the sign of demonic presence is located next to the growths, it means that the demon is guarding the work of the magician.

  • If during diagnosis before removing damage at home by casting wax the skull is visible, which means there is a necroconnection. As in the case of the demon, look where, in what place of the casting this symbol is located.
  • A dead man in a shroud means the same thing as a skull.
  • Cross with a hill - the work was created on the grave.
  • Angels, holy faces, crosses and other church paraphernalia on the casting give reason to believe that the damage came through cathedral witchcraft.
  • Spiders, octopuses, scorpions, bats and other monsters are negative programs; For a more detailed description of the diagnostic casting, before removing the negative with wax, you should refer to the symbolism of the creature that appeared on the wax.
  • A hole in the casting is a steal.
  • A hole with a drop down is a necro-binding through which energy is lost, causing damage to death.
  • Male genital organ - this image is associated with love magic. If the organ is directed upward - a love spell is made, downwards - a lapel is made.
  • Female genital organs that appear during diagnostic self-pouring of damage with wax can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, you should carefully examine the entire casting. This symbol can mean: a lapel, a love spell, damage to illness, damage to loneliness. So, next to the male penis there is a love spell. If there are other figures between the figures, for example, a demon, this is a lapel; next to the bumps - damage to health.

Pour out the negative with wax - remove the evil eye and damage at home

When diagnosing wax casting symbols, it is necessary to determine the top and bottom of the casting. This is easy to do if the casting was made from a photo: the top is where the head of the person being diagnosed is in the photo, and the bottom of the casting is the legs of the person depicted. The diagnostic casting before removing the damage with wax reflects the state of the patient’s subtle bodies; it clearly shows the protections, the inhabited entities, and the general state of the person’s energy.

The top of the casting shows the state of the human field. The meaning of the figures ugly-looking monsters, larvae (shapeless faces on wax) or demons on the top of the casting speak of the presence of an inhabitant in the subtle bodies of the patient, and therefore, when removing damage with wax, special conspiracies should be read to expel the inhabited entity. An upper casting in the shape of an organ means that there is damage to health; the negative is directed towards the organ shown.

When independently pouring the evil eye or strong negativity sent by a professional sorcerer onto wax, it is necessary to speak incantations. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give as an example 2 proven conspiracies that can be read in the process of independently removing magical influence. In general, there are a lot of spells for wax castings. The magician himself chooses which spell to use, because there are many magical problems, and they are different. And success removing damage to wax largely depends on the correctly chosen plot, which carries a semantic load that exactly corresponds to the problem being solved.

Independent conspiracies to remove wax damage

This home spell can be used when casting love spell longing on wax:

“I will become (name), without being blessed, I will go, without crossing myself, not forgiven by my father, not blessed by my mother, not from the vestibule, not from the door by the door, not from the gate by the gate, but by dog ​​tracks, I will go out into the open field. A man in an open field. He shoots from a bow, shoots, stabs, chips, so (name) would have no shooting, no blackness, no melancholy, no pain. She fell, the veil fell off (name), there is no evil spirit in the white hands, in the quick legs, in the wild head, in the zealous heart, or in the clear eyes. To be so forever. Sworn"


Here's a verified one strong conspiracy to cast damage with wax It removes well all kinds of negative programs, blood witchcraft, the evil eye, damage and love spells.

“I remove the dashing words, spells and curses, aired and door, loud and whispered. With blood and without blood, relatives and strangers, old and small, secret and obvious, hidden and open, everything that the sorcerer boasts about, and about which he is silent, speaks in a whisper, and about which he shouts. Yesterday and long ago, in the eyes and behind the eyes. I remove from (name) every spell, every curse. My word cannot be interrupted or altered. As said, so it will be. Amen".

WAX CASTING (classic cleaning)

(classic cleaning)


An ancient method of diagnosing and correcting negativity, which has survived well to this day. The method is somewhat confusing, but quite proven and reliable - casting on wax. Diagnosis of a negative cast on wax can be carried out both on the person himself and on his photograph. When working with photos, you save wax - you need much less of it, but such a casting is purely informative and it will not remove much negativity.

Melted wax is a liquid crystal structure, it is capable of receiving and storing information. It is this ability that is taken as the basis in all methods of working with wax, from medicine to magic. Wax not only reads information from the biofield, it also pulls it onto itself.
Often modern methods of cleaning from influences - damage, evil eye, curses, etc. they remove the source, remove the blow itself, but do nothing with the energy absorbed into the human biofield. It is assumed that the biofield itself will sooner or later push out what has been integrated into it. But alas, this does not always happen. Those remnants of the impact that remain in the biofield and in the body itself can remind themselves more than once through illnesses and troubles.
Such residues are well drawn out by casting wax. After working with wax, the field is harmonized much easier, and “stuff” of negativity is pulled out of the body.

Wax diagnostics, like many other diagnostic methods, is a precursor to correction work. However, this diagnosis, even when working with a photo, and not just with a person, is already a partial correction of the negative. Damage, evil eyes, curses are “poured out with wax” and are diagnosed according to approximately the same scenario.

Try not to use casting for nothing. A person cannot make a casting for himself, only for another. The wax for casting should preferably be purchased by the person for whom it will be done and stored in the freezer. It is recommended to carry out casting in the morning, as early as possible. According to tradition, a person had to come to this procedure barefoot in the dew. If the client attends communion the day before, the work will be much easier. Paraffin, stearin and similar substances cannot be used instead of wax. With them, the technique will not give the desired effect. 1. Melt 150-200 g of natural wax on a tile. 2. Pour water into a flat container and additionally add some holy water or water containing silver ions. 3. Enter a state of complete non-interference - detachment from what is happening. 4. Take a ladle with melted wax in your right hand, and a container of water in your left, and tune in to those energy structures in a person’s aura that generate vibrations unusual for this person, and as a result, problems that now need to be removed from his life . 5. Pour the wax into the water.

Slowly! hands with water and a ladle move smoothly in biosynchronous human structures. Maybe it will be easier for you - slowly turning around your axis from right to left and at the same time moving around the person from left to right, and say the following text to yourself or out loud. But you must experience as a state what you say! “I will begin to bless the servant of God (name), I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field. In an open field there is a throne, on the throne the Honest Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos holds a sharp damask sword. Help, help the servant of God (name) from reproaches, from prize-winners, from night disturbances, from pinch, from aches, from twelve hiding places, from twelve relatives I dissuade - from white, from black, from red, from red, from black, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-wife, two-wife, three-wife, from one-tooth, two-tooth, three-tooth - save, Most Holy Theotokos! Amen!" Change the wax and pour it again with the same curse.

Subsequently, you will not need to recite the entire text of the hex. It will be enough if you remember, record your own state obtained when pronouncing the text and reproduce it when “casting”. This is precisely why I remind you all the time to remember and record your states. It will be easier for you! 6. Melt the wax again and do the procedure again, and then one more time, a third time... The number of castings should be odd, but no more than nine. At the end of the procedure, melt the wax and let it harden. Then place the ladle with wax on the fire for a few seconds and, when the bottom and sides are slightly melted, remove the flat cake with a knife and place it in the bag. All the water that you used during the casting process should be poured away, preferably under a climbing plant, vine, cactus or trees that accept negative energy for disposal (aspen, alder, poplar, spruce, rowan). 7. After 6-7 days, you need to make another casting.
After the procedure, the person for whom you made the casting must go out into an “open field” (in a vacant lot, on a boulevard, in a park, in a forest, in a field) and burn these pieces in a fire, finely breaking and crumbling the wax. This must be done with the words “as I break this wax, I destroy it in myself: damage and the evil eye, hatred and envy, curses and illnesses! And as this wax burns, the damage and the evil eye, hatred and envy, curses and illnesses are destroyed in me!”
An option where instead of a fire there is running water and a person, standing on a bridge, finely breaks the pieces and throwing them into the water and says “just as I break this wax, so I destroy the damage and the evil eye, hatred and envy, curses and illnesses in me, will also work!” And like a stream of water, it washes away all the dirt and takes it with it, so it will wash away and take away from me damage and the evil eye, hatred and envy, curses and illnesses.”
In urban environments, the river can be replaced with flowing water in the toilet. True, when it stops leaking. You need to wait until it fills up again and during the next drain you have time to continue crumbling the wax and saying the text.
There is no need to stress about following the text word for word, it is important to really understand what you are doing.

Keep in mind that after the first casting, people whom he has not seen for several years or decades may appear on the “horizon” of the person for whom it was done. They can meet “by chance”, call on the phone. A characteristic feature of their behavior is that they themselves cannot really understand what they need from him. The main thing is not to be surprised or scared. The conversation should be kept as neutral as possible: “Everything is fine. As always. Thank you. Good. Goodbye.”

I remember one incident. One lady “did” an unpleasant dirty trick on her friend at her friend’s wedding, but from the heart. Over the years, I don’t even remember what they didn’t share there once. A friend’s family life went awry, and she found a specialist who could remove negativity using wax casting. These women lived in the nearest suburb. So, after the first series of castings, her “villain friend” waited for her at the gate, in the light October rain, for more than 3 hours to treat her to some pies.
After the “casting”, I warned the woman that people who she had not seen for a long time might appear in her life, or people who were familiar with some stupid ideas, questions and proposals might appear in her life. Forewarned is forearmed, and after a half-hearted conversation: “Hi... thanks... come by sometime...”, she safely threw the pies into the compost pit. The dirty aggressor, on a subconscious level, unconsciously, energetically, feels that the connection is breaking, and tries with all his might and by any means available to him to restore it. In much the same way, former lovers who once ran away suddenly appear when a partner, despairing of hope for reciprocity, finds another person with whom he finds happiness.

The main thing about “casting” is that it creates the effect of an “open window”, that is, the one who was “cast” has the opportunity to change something in life without interference. “Casting” does not create protection, it only removes, but this is the time for YOU! MUST be done actively! Actively - in the sense, with benefit for oneself - at this time it is necessary to use any methods of self-healing and healing, strengthening the general level of tone and energy. Attention! Casting is an extremely complex procedure and therefore first is a must! - read the text carefully. Then, do all the indicated manipulations in the form of a game, without wax and “suffering”, then with wax, but also in the form of a training game, so that there is no jitters during work, memorize the text.

Say it slowly for 8-10 minutes, fixing your state, learn to take* the state from the “icon”, connect it all together and only then can you start working. * The meaning of the term “take” is described in great detail in the book “The Most Effective Method of Improving Life,” 2004. It includes a block of states that you receive, in this case from the icon - Kindness, Purity, Love, Mercy, Wisdom... As soon as you feel these states, without losing it, you go through the procedure. Let me remind you once again that it is very effective, but difficult to carry out for an unprepared person. This is a very powerful and purely magical procedure.

It must be used very carefully. Why? If, for example, we make a conditional gradation of various magical techniques, then at one end it will be “annealing with a candle”, and at the other – “wax casting”. If a candle can be compared to a child’s slingshot or a scarecrow, then the magical ritual of wax casting is already a “two-handed laser sword” or a powerful “flamethrower”. You pressed the trigger, and in front of you were 40 meters of scorched earth. And who ends up there - “friends” or “alien” - is extremely indifferent to the “flamethrower”. This is just a weapon in the hands of a magician. And the focus of the shift in focus should be on the moral and ethical side of a person’s spiritual development. Therefore, there is no point in, say, an ordinary “self-eye” - taking a cast. But on the other hand, wax casting can be obtained even at the level of mature, and, if necessary, hidden Karma. At the same time, the most important thing is to know what a person HIMSELF wants! Here you need to select a specific task. And for its implementation, there are two solutions.

If there is a lot of wax 200 gr. Melt beeswax in a water bath. It is necessary to have 2-3 portions of wax (one to cast, the second to drain from the water, the third to melt). Coding of the water where the molten wax should be poured is mandatory! We hold a container with coded water (200 - 300 grams of water) in our left hand. The container with melted wax is on the right. You tune in to a diseased organ or a condition that needs to be “relieved.” Catch this flow of the patient’s pathogenic energy. In this case, simultaneous synchronization with the icon is necessary, “taking” it to any of your own mental chakras. When moving containers in the flow of energy, start doing this from different sides. Having caught the moment of synchronization in the movement of both containers, when they began to move synchronously, you need to pour the wax into the water (in no case vice versa, otherwise you are guaranteed a complete renovation of the room, including a complete change of your patient’s wardrobe). Even one drop of water in molten wax can cause a “microgeyser”, but wax poured into water does not splash.

Next, continue to “wind” this negative or pathogenic energy onto the container with the cooling wax until it cools completely. Now take a close look at the extracted casting. Turn on associative vision. Here it is quite possible, for example, to see a portrait of someone who has activated a negative program, or a certain diseased organ, or stones in the kidneys, bladder, etc. It is quite possible that the first and even second castings will not give the desired image. The flow of energy applied to the wax and which is visible in the struggle of two elements on the wax cast is too great. But sooner or later you will get to the source. You need to do this kind of work several times if you really want to achieve the desired result. But in any case it should be an odd number (3 - 5 - 7). It is better to pour water under a tree and melt the wax (at the same time, memory is erased). But this applies only to simple cases when repeated use of one portion of wax is permissible - sequentially (per patient).

In the case of any serious illness, for example, with oncology, or the removal of a generational curse (that is, when you are working with the mature or hidden karma of a patient), categorically exclude the use of the same casting when working with another patient. The best thing is not to melt the casting at all after the last session, but give it to the patient so that he can burn it somewhere in a vacant lot. When there is not enough wax In this case, in addition to containers for water and wax, a certain “Generator” (plumb line or pendulum) is also needed. For example, a cross on a chain, a carnelian decoration, or just a piece of carnelian on a string. Why carnelian? It’s just that this mineral, in its energetic properties, is most consonant with the energy-informational structure of any person, regardless of his religion, worldview, zodiac sign, or any other qualities. This mineral is already initially in tune with any person.

Execution technique 1. Set up for a working state. 2. Initial mental image (what to work with). 3. Standing in front of the patient (he is sitting or lying), pour the wax into the water. Cross or carnelian vertically above the wax. You will see him begin to make circles over the hot wax. 4. Thought image: The entire field structure of the patient (or a diseased organ), all his subtle bodies, all vortices (both his own and superficial ones) pass through this cone - formed by the rotation of the cross. Everything alien is left behind, “wound” around the crystallizing wax. All structures that are unnecessary, from the patient’s point of view, are bound with cooling wax until the cross stops completely. 5. Melt wax (erase information) and water under the tree. 6. This magical ritual definitely works. Duration from 2-3 days to several weeks. But it will always work. After the “castings” are completed, some “oddities” are possible. People you have long forgotten about start calling, or sudden meetings, etc. Wax casting. In this case, they establish not only the presence of the disease, but also who did it and when.

The essence of the method is to pour molten wax into cold charged water. Water and wax should be in the energy flow from the patient's head. The patient must be relaxed, the healer must be concentrated, his energy directed into his hands. To work, you need 150 g of wax, you need to buy it without haggling. The water should be cold, holy or charged. It is collected before sunrise, while no one has scooped it yet. At the same time it is said: “The well of Abraham (Jacob), let it collect water from all things, all creatures, from all pains, for the good health of the servant of God (name). Amen.” If water is taken from a river, then it must be drawn against the current, and in a well - from west to east, against sunset. When returning with water, you should not look back. If you can’t wait until the morning for treatment to take plenty of water, then use ordinary water, but with the following spell: “The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God is in the middle, the angels are on the sides, And I, the baptized one, am behind, the saint, to take water. , Vodalyano, the land of Tytyano and the night of Maryano, give me holy water from dashing troubles." When water is brought into the house, before starting diagnosis and treatment they say: “The first day is Monday, the second day is Tuesday, the third is Wednesday, water comes to your aid. You, Water of Ulyano, cleansed the roots and flints, cleanse the heart of the servant of God (name ) from the blood, from the bones, from the gut-stomach." Charging the water is done in the usual way. Appeal to God: “Lord, help me, born, baptized, Prayerful (name) to bewitch (name of the disease) from corruption.” In order to avoid transmission of the disease, no one should enter the room where treatment is being carried out. The patient is seated with his back to the window, facing the door. It is advisable that 2 chair legs be in one room, and two in another, that is, the procedure should be performed on the threshold. The ladle with water is taken in the left hand, the ladle with wax (heated) - in the right. Use a ladle of water to enter the energy flow, concentrate, direct your energy into your hands, relax and protect the patient and begin reading prayers: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "Our Father", 3 times. For the text, see "Prayer Book". "Sunday Prayer", 3 times. For the text, see "Prayer Book". After the third time, “Amen” is said. Fright, pour out at low tide.” Place a ladle of water at the site of the energy leak or above the patient’s head and quietly pour the wax into the water. Rest 2-3 minutes.

Place the patient face to the west (and at two subsequent low tides - face to the east) and continue reading on wax the Theologian, John Chrysostom and the servant of God (name) from now on and forever. (Read three times). Order: From a bow - an arrow, from the sea - a pike, from a servant of God (name) - a sorceress's thorn, make it yourself." This gratitude to God can be done at the beginning of the casting procedure. If damaged during the procedure, the patient appears sweat on the body, and after the procedure, he feels relief. The casting procedure can be carried out for three days in a row under the old Moon, you can use the same wax. By the pattern of the wax on the back side, as well as by the shape of the cast figure, you can determine where the damage is coming from: a man or a woman, etc. If the "low tide" has worked and boomeranged back to the one who spoiled it, then he will come with a "gift" to the house. Drive him away with three necks.

Castings are a fairly old method of removing negative
programs. However, sometimes it is simply irreplaceable when
treatment of the evil eye, fear, damage.

Nowadays there are a lot of methods for removing negative influences,
essence. Castings are made using lead, tin, wax and other materials. We will talk about wax - the most accessible thing for us
natural material, easy to handle.

Wax has the ability to absorb negative
programs, both other people's and your own. At the same time, the casting serves as a shield, repelling all attacks. At the same time, the casting takes away the strength of the person: the one who heals and the patient himself. Therefore, it is advisable, during treatment with castings, to support yourself with prayers, fasting and always spoken water or holy water.

What can be cured and removed in this way?
If you adhere to the above rules, you will be able to remove damage, the evil eye, fear, headaches of energy origin, nervousness, and neurosis. I do not promise that you will be able to help yourself in any case with home casting. But often, if the situation is not neglected, then by doing everything diligently you can help yourself.

What you can’t remove with castings
Everything else that is not included in the first list. Plus - you will not be able to remove damage to death with castings (but casting will definitely show it), damage done in a church, a cemetery and some others, intrauterine fright, psychosis, internal negativity is far from
always, or more precisely, almost never removed by castings.


In addition to the necessary icons, stock up on:
1. An iron mug. You will melt the wax in it.
2. Tack.
3. Capacity for casting. It could be a bucket, deep
plate or cup, crystal or glass vase.
4. Always have a small one on hand (preferably cotton)
5. A photograph of the person you are going to treat, or
with your own photo. In the absence of a person,
whom you are treating, you can always use it
photography. A photograph of a person where he is alone, perfect
suitable for treatment. She has absolutely everything in her
information currently carried by a person.
The age of the photograph does not matter, except
case when a person is already an adult: his
photograph in infancy. On the results of treatment
will not affect how you treat a person: according to
photographs or, pouring, directly over it. If you
someone will claim the opposite - do not believe it. I assure you, it doesn’t matter how you make the castings. Although, everyone has their own systems and God bless them. It is important for you to know that a photograph is a reduced copy
of a person, not just physical, but also energetic and mental. It’s not for nothing that a magician can calculate absolutely everything from a photograph. This means there is something to read there.
6. Approximately 100-150g of wax. If it is not possible to get wax, then purchase church candles of approximately the same weight. The church sells three types of candles: wax, paraffin, and ceresin (condensed petroleum). Small cheap candles, usually made of the latest material, large or thick ones are made of paraffin and wax. Medium ones are usually made of wax. They can be identified by smell. Wax candles smell like honey, they are very fragrant.
7. Candles that are placed in front of icons. The process itself, in fact, begins with the fact that you melt the wax in a water bath (or small stove), without bringing it (!) to a boil.
Meanwhile, you arrange icons, light candles, read prayers, make amulets (if you are not planning to treat yourself).
Pour cold water into the casting container. Place the ladle on the photo. (If you have a living person, then you need to hold the ladle over his head during the casting.) After the wax has melted, slowly (!) pour it into the water, reading the appropriate prayers against the evil eye, damage, and fear. You need to pour not in such a thin stream that it’s as if you’re pouring through a straw, but you also don’t need to splash out all the wax at once.

A little about the figures. Each sorcerer has his own casting system,
but the signs of corruption and other negative programs are similar.
It's all about one rule: Everyone sees what they want. And further
we must remember about the power of thought and willpower.
When making a casting, you should immediately think about what exactly you want to see: other people’s influences, a breakdown of the biofield, its distortions, the one who harmed, how he harmed, or something else.
If you immediately set a clear program, and then pour it out while reading
conspiracies, I assure you, you will see what you ordered. If not
think neither about enemies nor about methods (often we harm ourselves), but just relax and take a breather, then a plausible picture of your condition will come out. To avoid confusion and for the best effect, I recommend doing 3 castings at a time:
1 - head (brain, thoughts, coding from the outside, damage and other negative programs, 6th and 7th chakras);
2 - cardiac (heart, blood, hematopoietic system,
breathing apparatus, emotions, damage and other negative
programs, 5th, 4th, 3rd chakras);
3 - genital sphere (gastrointestinal tract, genitals, legs, sexual emotions and experience, damage and other negative programs, 2nd and 1st chakras).
You wait for the casting to harden, turn it over, and look at it. Then melt this casting in a water bath (or hotplate) and, standing next to it, read a prayer to the life-giving cross. Thus, you send back the damage, partially destroy it, and some parts of it go straight to the underworld. Those who have clairvoyance and know how to track subtle energies and entities can clearly see this procedure in the astral plane.
In one session, some do 1 casting, others 3. Choose for yourself.

After the end of the session, it is necessary to melt the last casting with a prayer to the life-giving cross. This wax can be left in the container, or it can be poured into water to cool. Personally, when I finish castings, I destroy them along with the container of wax, burn the wax, burn the container with prayer and throw it in the trash (you can bury it).
The water in this case may be the same one that was poured into
wax before. At the end, pour the water into which you poured the wax, where no one will step, with the words:

“Mother Water, take away from R.B. (name) illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial, cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

At the end of the ritual, it is always necessary to read thanks
prayers. Be sure to wash your hands with cold water up to the elbows.
Repeat the procedure on the prescribed days until
the casting from below will not become smooth, small and
infrequent waves (not frequent grooves).

A portion of wax is used per person until complete
removing the negative or until the wax begins to crumble.
When the process is completely completed or when the wax is saturated
negative, then it is destroyed. How? They burn wax while reading "Father"
ours" or a prayer to the life-giving cross. Burned on the ground in
hole and then covered with earth.


Internal bubbles speak of experiences.

Columns descending from the casting to the bottom of a vessel with water
- damage (quite a lot, you’ll have to tinker and it’s not even a matter of
time and not in the number of procedures, but in diligence and great
energy consumption).

Columns and branches going down but not reaching
bottom of the vessel - the presence of damage is still there, but the results
already good if there are no additional growths.

Cones like small balls are spoilage.

Many irregularly shaped lumps - burning hatred,
envy of the person being cast, a curse. When
such moments, it is best to do some kind of ritual from
enemies. And work will be easier and things will be faster
move and the leak will hurt less.

The bumps are like flattened balls, standing close to each other.
to a friend vertically - the evil eye.

If the entire “drawing” is twisted into a loop (you can guess the outline of the embryo) - damage or what is “drawn” passed through the mother (damage, curse, intrauterine fright) or at the time of her pregnancy, something was directed directly at you or her .

If the circular “waves” have a bulge in the middle, it means fright.

A fence (like a chain of mountains) - no matter how it is located: on the edge, in the middle, but does not encircle it - an unfavorable circumstance that continues to worsen the energy. This could be a bed in an unfavorable place (geopathogenic zone), some furniture is looking at the bed at an angle, etc. or the person is an energy donor.

Torn edges of the casting - imbalance, reaching the point of psychosis. With fright, with a pendulum heart, with fears, such edges usually occur, with a squatter, a broken defense, a heavy energy blow. After several castings, the edges change and become smoother - this is a consequence of the calming effect of the castings.

Casting, with a sharply defined angle (cut off like a piece from a whole cake) - damage or curse (together with growths).

Frequent small stripes along the perimeter of the casting are scary.

Large or medium “waves” are not yet established energy, after the casting of the evil eye, fear, damage. We need a procedure that heals the energy.

"Waves" ending with a "ball" or several balls outside - the work is coming to an end.

“Waves” ending with a “ball” or several “balls” inside the casting - the remains of damage must be used by another method or more powerful prayers and spells.

Various sizes and directions of inclusions and lines along the perimeter of the casting, many small dots, depressions, lines both straight and round, zigzag - they regularly attack a person energetically, sending damage, misfortune, etc. Again, it’s good to do a ritual against enemies.

A casting that is smooth from below or with small, infrequent “waves” - the work can be completed. Take care of the amulet and the energy-strengthening procedure. You are well done!

Look carefully at which part of the casting contains growths.
Everything is concentrated in the middle - a healthy aura is still far away.

A localization emerging from the middle and tightly approaching the edge is a negative program emerging. Gather all your strength and redouble your zeal.

A negative program located on the edge, but not encircling the casting, is better than the previous description, but it’s too early to stop.

"Fence" or "chain of mountains" surrounding the casting -
curse, curse.

Damage to death - a grave (with a cross/without a cross, a mound - they will show what was done) - the corresponding drawing. The same with the settler - you will simply clearly see it in the wax, and if in doubt, roll it with eggs - you will see everything for yourself.

Gerda, I cast many clients based on photos. Sometimes it’s impossible to receive in person, the distances are too long, I put the photo under a vessel with water, it’s transparent and you can see the photo through the bottom.

I read while casting the prayer:
1 casting
Words of the Divine Gospel:
May the servant of God (name) fade away and disappear within you. the power of the evil devil, and let the power of the divine spirit take over. Amen! In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen! God of gods, Lord of the Lord, Christ the Son of God, the Most Pure Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, all the heavenly disembodied powers, guardian angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, principalities, thrones, dominions, authorities, powers, and all the forefathers, kings, prophets, apostles and evangelists, and all the righteous, the righteous, the martyrs, the saints, the saints, the saints and all the councils and faces, male and female, deliver, heal and have mercy on the servant of God (name).
Amen! Amen! Amen!
cross and bow 3 times
2 casting
......Get out of the servant of God (name), who has the cross of our God, the life-giving cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Gospel. Come out of the servant of God (name), come out of his soul, thoughts, passions, desires and misdeeds. Get out of your heart, eyes, mouth and ears. get out of all the blood, skin and hair. Get out of God's servant (name) and all his body. Where you came from, go there. whatever you bring, carry it. Place it at your footstool and give it to the one who created it. in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen!
3 casting
It’s not me who is flying, it’s not me who is speaking, but God’s mother. she heals, washes, speaks, calls on the Lord God for help with the angels, with the heavenly powers and the Lord's dawn, with the evening star.
Michael the Archangel walked from heaven without a life-giving cross on his head. He placed this cross on a stone bridge and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirteen locks and all with one key. And he gave the key to the Most Holy Theotokos in his right hand. no one will open the locks, no one will spoil God’s servant (name) either at home, or at a feast, or on the way. I walk under the red sun during the day, under the clear moon at night.
Damn Satan, get away from the servant of God (name) to a thousand roads, to a thousand fields, where cattle do not roam, where people do not walk. And here the holy path is in a holy place and is fenced off by the holy spirit. Lord save and preserve the servant of God (name)
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption:
Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God, protect us with your holy angels and prayers, our all-pure mistress. Theotokos and the ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the honorable and life-giving cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and forerunner of the Baptist John the theologian, the martyr Cyprian and the martyr Mustina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergei and Nikon, the abbots of Rodonezh, the holy seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker, the holy martyrs of faith, hope, love and their mother Sophia, the holy and righteous father of John, and Anna and all your saints, help us unworthy, the servant of God (name), deliver him from all slander of the enemy from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, may they not be able to cause him any harm
Lord, with the light of your radiance, save it for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the words of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen!

I also put protection before work and read the amulet:
the wickedness of the swamp, the wickedness of the underwater from the blue fog, from the black dope, where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair, where is the red rag, the spoiled shaker, I will take the wrong path, I will go to the church gates. I will light a candle, not a wedding candle, a memorial candle, a tribute to the evil spirits behind the package. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen!