Queen of Wands reversed. Minor Arcana Tarot Queen of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards. Queen of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

U Learning is discovering what you already know.
Action is a way to show that you know it.
To teach is to let others understand
That they know it just as much as you do.

This card is a symbol of self-confidence and success. The minor arcan Tarot card Queen of Wands (Staffs, Sceptres) symbolizes the positive qualities that accompany achieving a goal, as well as motivation, a call to action and influence on others. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Queen of Wands attracts with the beauty of her soul, inexhaustible strength and inspiration; she is self-sufficient from all sides.

Description of the map

In the hands of the Queen of Wands is a scepter with a sunflower flower. This means that women of this personality type are sunny, positive, emitting light and energy. It is very important for them to be the center of attention. The flower itself in the Tarot is a symbol of the joy of life, new life, and the human soul. The sunflower flower is the Sun in tandem with man. The sun is a symbol of the highest creative energy.

The leaves on the Rod are nothing more than symbols of life. The dress is made with a neckline that evokes associations with the sign of Aries. There is also an image of a cat on the Arcana. This is an animal that does not depend on anyone, with character, and it also speaks of magical knowledge or love. Lions can be seen on the Queen's throne. They symbolize power and the indisputability of its decisions.

General meaning of the Queen of Wands card

In the Queen of Wands Tarot reading, it symbolizes the desire to be a leader, accompanied by ambition and pride. The card almost always appears when the questioner finds an ambitious person striving to arrange his career and life in the best possible way. She is also attracted to people who are interested in something, with sparkling eyes.

The cards lying nearby tell about what has already begun. The Queen of Staves is a card that responds to prospects, phenomena that are intensifying, processes that are developing and moving towards their maximum level.

Career, success, popularity - the Queen of Scepters appears when it comes to these things. And her appearance is a good sign, it means everything is going like clockwork. The cards that follow after it tell about current events, about what has gained momentum and is approaching the final stage of development.

Personal Description

This is either an exceptionally wonderful person who is on the side of the questioner, his muse, pleasant and supportive. Or is this a man equally wonderful in his own way, but he is on the other side of the fence, which characterizes him as a strong rival.

Positive features

Queen of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card is responsible for healing the spirit. If the mood for victory has become minimal, then it instills fighting spirit, inspires to move forward and achieve the goal. This happens through the connection of one soul with another, this event is positive, the fire in the eyes appears harmoniously, and not on the basis of negative impressions and the desire to “spite everyone.”

Thus, the Queen of Wands combines Fire, strong, capable of making a revolution (in a person’s conclusions), and Water, capable of helping fire make everything go smoothly.

The energies of the Queen of Wands most often manifest themselves in the form of a woman with a masculine principle, with a core inside her; she is characterized by assertiveness and an endless desire to move forward, no matter what. Courage, passion, the ability to openly express one’s opinion - this is the woman of this Arcanum.

She decides for herself what and when to do, to stop her or vice versa, to force her to do something that she does not consider necessary, to influence her in one way or another is impossible. Such a woman always has her own point of view, and it is very difficult to prove that she is wrong.

The Queen of Wands has clear boundaries between concepts. She knows reliably what honor, honesty, decency, generosity are. This person certainly qualifies as ideal. Determination and courage allow her to move towards her goal without fear, according to a well-thought-out plan.

Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card indicates chastity in a literal and figurative sense. She stays as far away from bad people and thoughts as possible. This woman is always cheerful and able to cheer up others. But no one can influence her decision, even she herself cannot question it.

Such “pure” representatives of this type are extremely rare. Most people either do not have all the traits or have hidden characters. Most often, the Queens of Wands are women of the element of Fire, less often - of Water.

The fire in the eyes of these women does not overshadow their common sense. The decisions they make are carefully weighed and thought out. Her actions may be desperate, but they will never be caused by fleeting weakness. They characterize her as a strong, self-sufficient person.

But all people make mistakes, even the Queens of Wands. The latter have difficulty learning their mistakes, and when someone wants to point them out, they will be extremely unhappy. Criticism towards them is met with hostility. However, they flare up quickly, but also cool down quickly. The concept of vindictiveness has nothing to do with women of this arcana. They are also characterized by independently drawn conclusions. The Queens of Wands defy conventional wisdom.

As for her behavior in society, it can attract people. People around her pay attention to her, and the Queen of Wands is flattered by this; she loves to feel that someone likes her. And the understanding that she is respected is a balm for the soul for this lady. She behaves with restraint, but in conversation she often openly expresses her point of view, which can be emotional, and gives free rein to her emotions without fear of condemnation. At the same time, it can become an absolute mystery.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The Queen of Sceptres may be a woman of the element of fire. She strives to catch the bird of happiness by the tail and fly on it all her life. But such fun usually requires moral readiness, since maintaining morale is an energy-intensive task.

The Queen of Wands has a highly concentrated masculine impulse, which manifests itself in creative power. Women and girls of this type strive for independence, freedom, self-development and self-realization. Charisma is their strong point.

As a true woman, the Queen of Staves is able to combine the incompatible, Fire and Water, and create from them a unique tandem in which these two elements will be harmonious. Fire inspires instincts, and Water inspires feelings. This Arcanum is a combination of the sexual principle and the spiritual, the result is true love and creative power. Love instills delight in the soul; it makes it clear that what we once considered impossible is in fact quite real.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands in various readings

For career and work

This is a big boss, a bright, purposeful lady who only goes forward. The dropped card indicates success in a new endeavor. If the questioner is working on a project and is worried about its success, then this card suggests a good outcome, and those around him will indicate the outcome.

Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card is inspiration, courage, confidence in success and the ability to solve any problem that arises along the way. In some cases, this card is a call to radical action. For example, stop working for the boss and go about your own business.

The card symbolizes work that brings pleasure, a paid hobby. This can be a profession in the world of show business, as well as any other that brings joy to a person. For the Queen of Sceptres, there is no such thing as “working to earn money.” Uninteresting work does not interest her.

She chooses the industry in which she feels like a fish in water, where she is comfortable, and most importantly, her ambitions, where there is a field for games and growth, career and personal. Even if the Queen of Wands has to do something that, in her opinion, is useless, she will very quickly understand that there is no point in waiting for a happy ending, she needs to take control of the situation. She is not so much attracted by money and fame as by the temptation to do the work of her life, to develop and not stand still.

The Queen of Wands is a winner by nature. She easily makes it clear who is the best here. If the card falls before competitions, competitions and other events in which victory is important, then this is a sign of success.

For finances and property

Queen of Sceptres, the meaning in the reading in relation to business foretells that success awaits the newcomer. But to receive a monetary reward, you need to make an effort, show assertiveness, courage and ingenuity. Despite the fact that the Queen of Wands knows her worth and is in a hurry to create a beautiful life, moving towards this, she can be quite economical.

For personal relationships

Relationships with the Lady of Wands are not like relationships with other women. However, you still need to start an affair with her, because she feels great alone. She feels good alone with her thoughts, she easily accepts something new, so with or without a couple, she lives brightly.

But if such a Queen falls in love, then it is better for no one to stand in her way. She sees nothing wrong with taking initiative at one of the first stages of a relationship, because she knows that the main thing is to “catch a fish” (she always succeeds in this), and in the future the initiative will pass into male hands.

The Queen of Wands has equality and sometimes matriarchy in her family.

Thanks to the combination of good character traits, as well as the ability to present oneself in the best light, anyone will become her fan; this happens, one might say, with the snap of a finger. The Knight of Wands would be an ideal partner for her. They are equally passionate and full of energy.

As for sexual relationships, the Queen of Wands’ concepts of them are more similar to those of men. She feels the need for sex - she gets it. At this moment, she is not controlled by any feelings or hidden self-interest. She does not justify herself, she has a clear distinction between sex, love and others. But this does not mean that in a relationship, she will distinguish between these concepts. Her feelings are sincere and for a relationship she needs a man who will suit her in everything.

Another amazing ability of the Queen of Wands is to charge those around her with enthusiasm. Her man will be subjected to the excitement brought on by the Queen throughout their life together. She is able to motivate in such a way that a man will want to go and conquer the peaks one by one.

But not for her, no! Success and laurels are for him, and she is only the companion of a successful man. That's the role she needs. If a man sits idle, then he is not of the slightest interest to the Queen of Wands.

You can marry her - her partner will immediately guess about it. These women are endowed with a full range of qualities of an ideal wife. They will become the best friend for their partner, with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk and fool around, they will become passionate lovers who will gladly fulfill all the fantasies of a man, sometimes they can be capricious and behave sweetly, just like girls.

Spending your whole life with her, not only enjoying your youth, but also growing old next to her, is a wonderful prospect. The Queen of Wands will create such a life scenario that the best directors in the world will be accused of making boring films. But she finds it difficult to bear the feeling of jealousy. It's hard for her to realize that there is someone better than her.

The Scepter Queen is credited with the hetaera archetype. Self-realization and achieving new heights is what makes life worth living. This position should be supported by her man. She gets inspired by something new and inspires those around her. Children are important for this woman, but her own ambitious desires and constant expansion of her range of opportunities come first.

Queen of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships is a completely understandable union of two equal people, adults and smart. She initially chooses a worthy partner, who may not be an ideal, but in the future will become one. Seeing couples who live a boring, monotonous life, full of quarrels and disagreements, makes her feel uneasy. She sincerely does not understand why she would condemn herself to such torment.

For health status

Most often, the card indicates excellent health. Since Kundalini energy is present in her, she feels a surge of vitality, a good mood, both in the moral sense and in the physiological sense. But the suit of wands can also be a signal of illness. It indicates everything that happens with an increase in temperature, for example, inflammatory processes.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Queen of Wands reversed is an arrogant, selfish person. She was hurt by something, and all her virtue turned into evil intentions towards the questioner. The black cat, which on a regular map we see at our feet, is now at the top of the map.

The Queen of Wands in this position can be compared to a black cat. Just as the latter tries to cross a person's path and ruin an event or day, so the Queen does not want the questioner, who is most likely her rival, to be rewarded with success. She questions a person's luck.

If in its true form the Queen of Staves indicates the presence of a good friend, ready to follow a friend through fire and water, then the inverted Queen is nothing more than a quarrel with a close friend, the emergence of problems in communication.

The inverted Queen is a woman who “I want this, I don’t know what.” Her self-confidence is gone, which means she can't enjoy the privileges she clearly has. It is also possible to interpret an inverted card as a woman taking a very big risk, not worth the losses that will subsequently occur. And it’s not just about money, connections and other things related to the material world. The consequence of a rash decision will be discord in the family.

The card sometimes makes it clear that the questioner needs to abandon the crazy idea he is harboring. It won't bring success.

The Queen of Scepters reversed also serves as a pointer to a person who is openly or secretly discrediting the questioner. The inverted card may also turn out to be a person with different views on life and a blurred framework of norms and rules, a woman who tries and is able to seduce him.

The inverted Queen needs to fight non-stop for herself, her self-realization. In a good sense, an inverted card speaks of good deeds that the questioner is unable to do due to the interference of certain factors.

Combined with other cards

  • With the Jester - a secret love affair;
  • With inverted Lovers - betrayal;
  • With the Moon - betrayal;
  • With the Two of Wands - sadness (from an old interpreter);
  • With the Three of Cups reversed - betrayal of a friend;
  • Reversed in front of the inverted Ace of Swords - childbirth.

The appearance of the Queen of Wands in a reading, as a rule, indicates that in this situation claims to leadership are relevant, and pride and ambition are at stake. This card always responds sensitively to ambitions, the desire for independence and independence, for success in a career, in social life, to the energy of self-realization and personal growth. It may indicate that we are seriously inspired, carried away by something, and are eagerly carrying out our plans.

The events described by the neighboring cards have already begun - so to speak, the process has begun. The concept is formed when it comes to an idea. If the King can mean the initiator (motivating factor), then here we are dealing with the acquisition of form, with a process gaining strength. If we are talking about an ambitious project, a responsible performance, a matter that inspires the questioner, success is quite likely. The Queen of Wands is a significator of career growth, business success, popularity and fame. Its appearance in charts relating to relevant issues (organizational development, product promotion, obtaining a position) is a good sign.

At best, the Queen of Wands can describe an attractive, open and friendly person who can be an inspiration, ally and support in your endeavors. In the worst case, this is a bright opponent, an advantage over which will be extremely difficult to prove.

This card in any scenario is practically self-sufficient: unlike other Minor Arcana, it depends very little on the value of the neighboring Major Arcana. The subsequent cards describe a process that is in its culmination phase and which has already become part of your current reality. Perhaps this process, this chain of events has already borne fruit, which we are forced to deal with one way or another.

Energy and self-confidence. The Queen of Wands is a card of intense charisma, combining friendliness, sincerity, resilience, and a desire for success. She is able to have a strong influence on others, motivating, inspiring, calling for something.

In the most classic manifestation of the energies of this Arcanum, this is a woman who unwaveringly represents the qualities that fill her (and in their pure form these qualities are quite rare). This is a frank, passionate and spectacular woman who loves to control and who cannot be “pacified”, since she is driven by a purely male impulse (the element of fire). She is freedom-loving, courageous and will not allow anyone to decide how she should live (moreover, the purely intellectual element, which helps the Queen of Swords to recognize the rightness of another or the objective nature of the situation, requiring temporary humility, has practically no effect on the Queen of Wands). This is Zorro in a skirt, Spartacus in heels. If the Sultan gets her, a riot in the harem is guaranteed (and under her influence, not only the slaves there will believe that they are people, but also the eunuchs will believe that they are trump guys). This is an Amazon who does not get lost under any circumstances, only sometimes suffering from a lack of endurance in stressful situations. She is determined and l and generous, strong and noble, brave and cheerful, has strong convictions and her personal human honesty and honor are important to her. This is Personality with a capital P, with developed self-awareness and an integral and solid character that does not accept distortions and turbidity, where cunning, pettiness and deceit find shelter (the element of fire does not tolerate such distortions, because it weakens from them). She is characterized by chastity in the true sense of the word - the absence of confusion and vacillation in decision-making situations, she remains in agreement with her convictions. In traditional interpretations, the card is considered the significator of a woman of fire and sometimes air signs.

The Queen of Wands, for all her fiery spirit, is rarely extravagant. He has a very good idea of ​​what she needs from life and, as a rule, does not do stupid things. She is largely characterized by prudence, practicality and common sense. She is capable of desperate acts, but not those in which human weakness is manifested, but those in which human strength is manifested. This is a “woman with concepts.” Moreover, she herself establishes the concepts of what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not, and it is almost impossible to prove the opposite to her. Feminine dignity and unfeminine pride, which control her personality, give her great inner strength, but make her vulnerable to criticism and offensive remarks (however, as a truly noble and generous nature, she is quick-witted, and if she gets very angry, she would rather punch her in the ear than will take petty revenge from around the corner a year later).

She is full of original, special charm, socially well adapted, knows how to behave, although she can be a bit cold. She is warm-hearted, but not sentimental. She is sincere in her feelings, but at the same time, without noticing it, she considers personal relationships as fair market ones (you give me, I give you). She knows how to keep her feelings under control, but at the same time, if necessary, expresses her emotions freely and without complexes. She is ambitious, ambitious, she really likes it when everyone loves her, and especially respects her.

The Lady of Wands represents the feminine side of the element of fire. It symbolizes the joy of life and the thirst for happiness to such an extent that it can result in a pure thirst for pleasure, in the most wasteful waste of mental strength. But in general, the female side of fire expresses the deepest trust in itself, its original nature, its inner strength. The Queen of Wands has mastered self-awareness to such an extent that it has led to a transformation of her being.

The Queen of Wands describes the most complete development in a woman of the masculine impulse of creative power. No other Queen displays so much pure impulse of desire, individualism, independence and self-realization, which would be based on a bright charisma. A scepter with a sunflower flower indicates a radiant nature, a high energy level and the desire to be the center of attention, optimism and cheerfulness. A flower in the Tarot generally indicates rebirth, joy of life, and the human soul. Sunflower speaks of the correlation of one’s own personality with the highest creative energy - the Sun. The Queen's Staff (Wand) is covered with foliage at the top, symbolizing life and revitalization. It is believed that the neckline of the Queen's dress indicates the astrological sign of Aries. The black cat depicted on the Arcana alludes to magical knowledge, as well as the willful and independent nature of this Queen. The cat can also indicate the dark (night) side of love (Venus is imprisoned in Aries). The lions adorning her throne indicate great power and the strength of the decisions she made. The mountains like the Egyptian pyramids that we see on the map are a symbol of personal growth and greatness of spirit.

This Arcanum symbolizes processes that are gaining momentum. The “watery” fire of this Queen speaks of the integration of instincts (fire) into the sphere of feelings (water). In the space of this card, there is an awareness that love, combining sexuality and spirituality, is an expression of our inner creative will. She is capable of giving delight, erasing all boundaries, making the impossible possible (an experience well known to everyone who fell in love and understood that it is possible and necessary to get a star from the sky...). In a mythological sense, the Queen of Wands corresponds to Aphrodite, the fire seed and ocean foam correspond to the symbolism of Water and Fire that this card carries. Her spiritual task is to unite these elements and create an extremely personal image of the world.

The Queen of Wands is a businesswoman and favors the conduct of professional affairs. The card may mean a good time to start a new venture, or foreshadow a meeting with your superiors (the surrounding cards will tell you what will come of this). The Queen of Wands is strong, courageous and ready to independently deal with emerging problems, solving fairly large-scale problems. The card may indicate that it is time to start working for yourself or take on leadership responsibilities.

The Queen of Wands is in charge of almost any work that pleases, is performed “with a spark” and is based on the innate inclinations of the questioner. Often these are activities related in one way or another to publicity, media presence, popularity, fame, the need to be in public, to make an impression, to communicate convincingly. This can be either journalism or stage performances. In any case, the Queen of Wands never feels like a victim, sadly and dutifully dragging her feet to work for a piece of bread. If she feels like this even for a moment, then she will not hesitate to “put her feet in her hands” in search of a better life. She will not persuade herself that this is “for the sake of someone,” “it will be better,” etc. and so on. - this is not her genre. The Queen of Wands is absolutely convinced that the main thing is the opportunity to realize oneself to the fullest, and everything else (money, projects, connections) will follow.

The Queen of Wands easily proves her advantage over others in various situations, so the card is a good omen for participation in competitions, competitions, exhibitions and similar events. She purposefully and tirelessly achieves her plans.

A favorable sign for financial affairs. The Queen of Wands does not mean money as such, but the opportunity to earn it by showing professionally valuable qualities (energy, enthusiasm, assertiveness, ingenuity, courage).

The Queen of Wands is equally good at living generously and making do with little in a Spartan manner (if this is required by the stage on the path to achieving the goal).

The Queen of Wands is capable of productive and vibrant relationships, and at the same time is practically self-sufficient, since she depends very little on her partner. She is always on her own, open to everything new and easy-going. This is self-sufficiency both in and outside of relationships. It is about the Queen of Wands, who does not have a partner, that one can say with a clear conscience in the words of the French: “Mademoiselle does not travel alone, mademoiselle travels on her own.” At the same time, having become interested, she is capable of extraordinary actions for the sake of the object of her love. This Queen will not sigh for years, hiding her feelings, she is brave and is not afraid to take the initiative. She knows that she can achieve almost anything - if she really wants it and places the accents correctly (by the way, she copes with the latter task much better than the King of Wands, since, like all Queens, she carries within herself the flexible element of water). Her temperament, brightness and spiritual gift resonate with a variety of people, but above all - those who are equally energetic and enthusiastic. In the tradition of the Marseille Tarot, the lover of the Queen of Wands is the Knight of Wands, and in life these two types get along really well. They just can't help but like each other!

The Queen of Wands is distinguished by the exceptional (compared to other Queens) brightness of pure, unsublimated sexual desire, well known and well understood by men. It is this Queen who is capable (precisely if she wishes and because of it) to have sex solely for the sake of sex, without trying to confuse, disguise or justify this impulse with love, or calculation, or even personal success, which any other Queen will do. For her, sometimes sex is just that: sex. No more, but no less. Moreover, if she fell in love, her love will be very conscious and mature.

The Queen of Wands is characterized by exceptional willpower aimed at changing and transforming the spirit of another person (for the King, life and the world as a whole). The Queen of Wands, like no one else, is able to motivate her man to great things, fanning the fire of ambitious ambitions in him. She does not belong to those women who dream of their chosen one sitting at their feet, not taking their loving gaze off. She is not interested in having a man next to her - it seems much more important to her to be next to him (and he should follow his own path, destined only for him). His laurels, successes, victories, heroism and even posthumous glory are what feed her fire. She is interested in being the woman of an extraordinary man, so next to her almost anyone risks becoming extraordinary. She can forgive almost everything except mediocrity.

The Queen of Wands is a kind and faithful friend, a woman you can marry (for a man it is almost always a significator of the right choice of a life partner). She is characterized by warmth of heart, honesty, openness, passion and devotion, a minimum of possessive feelings, benevolence and understanding. In the space of this Arcana, the old truth comes to life that a good spouse (or spouse) is, first of all, a good friend, a person with whom it is not scary to grow old. With the Queen of Wands next to you, growing old will not be boring! Here you can expect that retirement will be celebrated with a parachute jump, and a golden wedding will be celebrated “where no one has ever been before.” The jealousy of the Queen of Wands is not so much sensual as purely psychological in nature - she loves to reign and set the tone, and can hardly tolerate her partner’s obvious interest and admiration for someone or something with which for some reason it is difficult for her to compete or compare.

The Queen of Wands embodies the archetype of a hetaera, a socialite, an inspirational woman. Children are usually of secondary importance to her and are not an end in themselves. She genuinely cares about aspirations such as achievement, individuation, and growth. From the point of view of the “feminine” elements of water or earth, her passions do not seem “real” for a woman, however, the Queen of Wands is controlled by a purely masculine impulse of Fire.

In general, the Queen of Wands loves psychologically mature and inspiring relationships, mutual interest, equality and psychological justification of the connection (in any case, she certainly will not allow herself to be a passive victim of an alcoholic husband and considerations “where can I find another like that?” and those who allow it will never understand deep down).

The Queen of Wands is directly related to kundalini energy, and therefore usually describes fullness of vitality, good health, high tone, excellent immunity, and vitality.

As an indicator of illness, like other Wands, it can indicate inflammation and processes occurring with high fever, fever, burnout and, additionally, manic-depressive states.

The reversed Queen of Wands is jealous, selfish and arrogant. Most likely, her ambitions are unsatisfied and her pride is hurt. The reversed Queen of Wands can turn into a real witch, vengeful and desperate, angry and malicious. In this case, the black cat (a symbol of mystery and wise willfulness, which we can see at the feet of the Queen of Wands) turns out to be “in the head”, in the top position of the card - here, as they say, don’t expect good things. She becomes like a black cat crossing the road... This figure is capable of providing strong opposition to the questioner. The archetype of a rival, an envious woman, a seductress, a kind of bitch-schemer.

Since in the upright position the Queen of Wands describes a true friend, ready to help and be there in difficult times, despite difficulties and obstacles, the inverted card is an indicator of a quarrel with a friend or girlfriend, problems with friendship in general.

If in the upright position the Queen of Wands always knows what she wants, in the inverted position she is an unbearable woman who wants something all the time, but she herself does not know what. She loses true self-confidence and her nobility, charm and charm, discrediting herself and her business. Interpreters point out that this may be a “business woman” who sacrifices too much for a ghostly idea. Hence the discord in the family and the general failure of business. The card may indicate that what was planned is clearly divorced from reality; most likely, the fulfillment of what is desired is impossible. Astrological equivalents: Cancer, Capricorn, Moon, Saturn.

The card may symbolize a person, intentionally or not, who discredits or undermines the authority of the questioner, as well as an extremely eccentric and eccentric person with whom he is associated. This could be a “hot” woman who arouses desire and interest, who knows how to defend her interests completely and uncompromisingly, or a person who is being tried to adapt to the surrounding social conditions and who resists them.

Queen Elizabeth I

Minerva McGonagall from the fairy tale about Harry Potter

“Learning is discovering what you already know. Action is a way to show that you know it. To teach is to let others know that they know it as well as you.”

Brief description of the card: Symbols of this suit always bloom, since Wands are responsible for vital energy and inspiration. The Queen of Wands sits on the throne, carrying with her all the symbols of power, status and authority: the crown and the Wand or Scepter. Her clothes are richly decorated, her hair is beautifully styled. The throne is decorated with lions. Sunflower is a flower of the sun, optimism, joy and happiness. The black cat is a symbol of independence and non-acceptance of restrictions. She also warns that the Queen, compared to the Lion King, is still a cat, but when protecting everything that is dear to her, she can be cruel and aggressive.

Season- summer.

Astrology: Planet: Venus. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Keywords: Passion. Wisdom. Magnetism. Attractiveness. Force. Pride. Character. Honor. Good hostess. Generosity. The joy of life. Hot temperament. Magnetism. Jealousy. Pride. Stubbornness. Infidelity. Intrigue. Opposition. Greed. Greed. Self-interest. Marriage of convenience. Temptation.

Inner meaning: The female Yin side of the element of Fire.

Personal relationships: On the stage of amorous affairs, as in everything else, the Queen of Wands loves to play the leading role. She loves passionate and exciting moments very much, and is ready to spend at least her whole life on the theater stage.

Business and finance: It's the right time to start and grow a business. You can count on help and support. The card promises financial and social success. This is just the right place and the right time! You yourself have all the qualities necessary to achieve your goals.

Advice: Showing confidence will help.

Warning: Egocentrism, pride, vanity, arrogance and getting what you want at any cost are your worst qualities.

Card of the day: Today you rule the roost, a trail of admiring glances and compliments is guaranteed. You are confident in yourself and what you want. We are ready to do more than usual and dare to do what we were previously afraid of. Thanks to your optimism and wise support, people are ready to follow you. This card also foreshadows a meeting with a strong-willed, temperamental woman who will influence your affairs.

Characters: mature friendly woman. Such a person does not lose self-esteem under any circumstances. Often this is a very attractive person who can treat the querent with understanding and love, but with maternal care or as an older sister. This lady is socially active, practical, successful, has authority and respect in a certain area, her opinion is listened to. Many people seek her favor. And it allows many, but in return it demands honesty and sincerity. She knows how to express her emotions appropriately and, if necessary, with the right range.

Very ambitious and ambitious! She loves when she is shown signs of respect and her authority is recognized. She always has a retinue of admirers next to her, but she herself will never go into “service”; she is proud and independent, like a cat that walks on its own. The Queen of Wands is happy to allow others to bask in her rays, but she will never do the same herself.

A “hot” temperamental woman knows how to arouse interest in her person, as well as desire in men. She defends her interests to the last, never gives up, and is very uncompromising! He knows how to influence people, convince them and attract them to his side.

Most likely this woman is wealthy and has money. She is financially independent and earned her capital herself; she is definitely not a kept woman. She truly has a range of talents and business acumen, which helps her achieve success. He won’t miss his. Of course, she, like everyone else, suffered failures, but this lady knew from childhood what she wanted and therefore, no matter what. persistently walked towards her goal. And now her affairs are going as she wishes.

Loves luxury and comfort, beautiful and prestigious, status things, symbols of the elite. In personal relationships, she is quite careful, just like in business, and it is very difficult to trick or deceive her. She will help and support only as long as she is confident in the person as in herself. But even when she gives, she expects to receive something no less valuable in return, just like in business. She is the ideal partner for a man who dreams of financial stability and social success. She will not only support you with advice, but also with deeds, taking on part of the burden.

In the negative aspect: a business woman, a woman leader who sacrifices family and personal relationships for the sake of work. Tough and cynical, sure that everything is bought and sold. Very jealous, with a rabid possessive instinct, against any external contacts. Deceitful and two-faced, behind a mask of goodwill hides hostility, resentment, irritation and envy. A very dangerous opponent!! He acts only on the basis of personal interests, and will not disdain any means to achieve his goal. One of the most dangerous characters in face cards, because... the rest: Knights, Kings and Queen of Swords act openly, you can prepare. And here is the enemy in your fortress. This person has been in your confidants for a long time and you do not expect meanness from him. Meanwhile, she harms you, undermines your authority and plays a dishonest game behind your back. A common situation in the Queen of Wands is when a friend takes her husband away. Of course, other cards will be required that indicate such a difficult course of affairs: the Devil, the Moon. She can be a bitch, a witch and a sexually aggressive woman. From a peaceful, warming fire, she turns into a dangerous all-consuming fire or into the Ice Queen.

The Queen of Wands, who, due to the current circumstances, has lost her optimism and faith in people, becomes harsh, cold, cruel, arrogant, which pushes people away from her even more.
It is also a very suppressive domestic tyrant who strives to keep everything under control, dominate, and manage the lives of his, even adult, children. She cares about everything, and she always knows how to do it better.

Professions and field of activity: Business lady. A woman practicing magic. Organizer. Supervisor. Chief Accountant. Deputy. Chief physician.

Main meaning: More than any other Queen, the Queen of Wands is prone to leadership. And she always wants to make decisions herself, she always acts in her own way. This card suggests that now your energy level is high, self-esteem, after a series of achievements, has reached the proper level, and after this, self-confidence, the belief that you really deserve more, and have the courage to claim it. Therefore, if you take on the development of a project or promote a service, you will easily succeed. Now you must act in your own interests.

Find a way out or solution to the problem.

Negative, inverted position: A series of mistakes due to pride and stubbornness. There is a danger of being stabbed in the back by being framed by partners or competitors. A serious enemy has appeared on your path, one that relies not on momentary emotions, but on reason and cold calculation. It is necessary to prepare for a situation when intrigue, deception, and infidelity bloom around you.

The struggle for their interests lasted too long and to no avail. You are exhausted and don't believe in success. There are no more incentives for further work. Perhaps for a long time they tried to put you under siege and made you understand “where you belong.” And now you are disappointed in your ambitions, doubt your abilities.

Long-term rivalry becomes a source of negativity and hostility. You yourself or someone around you is currently acting maliciously, hysterically, insidiously and aggressively. The Queen of Wands in the negative aspect is unpredictable and prone to mood swings, as a result of which she constantly changes her point of view, sees enemies and ill-wishers all around, and is exhausted in this war on witches.

Searing passion can push you to cheat. There is a tendency to over-dramatize everything that is happening at the moment. An indomitable temperament in the absence of rest leads to emotional burnout.

Interpretation in layouts:

The Queen of Wands is one of the few cards of the Minor Arcana that is self-sufficient and quite strong, just like the King of Wands, its meaning is not so strongly tied to other cards in the layout, especially with regard to smaller ones. It symbolizes a full-fledged personality or an already existing situation. Other cards only clarify the sphere of its influence. As a significator, the Queen of Wands is chosen for accomplished women of mature age who have been able to realize themselves as individuals. Understand your goals and aspirations and, at least part of your plans, implement them.

With the Jester (o Arkan) – mood swings, instability and unpredictability.

With the Magician (1st Arcana) – actions only in one’s own interests, manipulation.

With the Empress (3rd Arcana) - a caring woman who strives to patronize and care.

With the Emperor (4th Arcana) - a successful career, an iron lady.

With the Wheel of Fortune (10 Arcana) - take fate into your own hands.

Queen of Wands Upright Meaning

Innate leadership, power, authority, nobility. The results of your actions will be super successful. If you've been wanting to take a step, now is the time to do it. Your success is guaranteed. You will also receive valuable friendly assistance.

The Queen of Wands Tarot personifies a noble, educated, friendly woman. Bride, wife. A very profitable marriage.

  • caring, friendly, kind woman, worthy of love and respect
  • a thrifty, punctual and helpful woman
  • sociability, independence and love of home
  • desire for business success

The Queen of Wands of the Tarot is a woman of mature age, practical, generous and sociable, independent by nature, but still showing a strong attachment to home and family. This card may represent the Client himself or, depending on the alignment, someone else on whom the Client depends or turns to for advice and help.

The Queen of Wands tarot card is a noble, friendly and educated woman. Demonstrating a love of luxury. Sympathetic to the Questioner and ready to help with money or advice, or both. A business or wealthy woman who knows how to handle money for her own benefit and for the benefit of her family. An economical, serious woman, a good adviser. The time is right to take an important step in your career, especially related to business or finance.

Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning

Treachery, deceit, greed. Black streak, problems, obstacles, bad choice. Be careful, there is a very dangerous enemy behind you.

A proud, cruel, domineering and greedy woman. Do not trust her under any circumstances. It is best to cut off all ties with her as quickly as possible.

  • a woman aware of her superiority, greed, deceit
  • powerful personality, self-confident, infidelity, betrayal

In the unworthy Queen of Wands tarot card, the fiery nature of the suit of Wands comes to the fore; The Queen of Wands is a narrow-minded, cruel and domineering woman. She has a very high opinion of her talents, is obsessive, and does little good. Like anyone who is easily offended and harbors anger, she can be a dangerous enemy. The card also speaks of treachery in relationships with people.

The reversed Queen of Wands tarot card is a dangerous enemy because it relies on reason rather than emotion in its opposition. She is especially dangerous if there is a threat to her position, business or family. If this card does not represent a specific person, then you should be careful, especially when it comes to important issues (business, etc.), do not step on people's toes, if possible. Deception, infidelity, jealousy. Greed and greed.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Queen of Wands of the Tarot should evoke the image of a woman with money and prosperity. Both in the original interpretations, and especially in modern ones, it is assumed that she has financial independence and earned it herself, and does not simply follow her husband. The Queen of Wands usually demonstrates a love of luxury, dressing smartly and enjoying her wealth.

The Queen of Wands can be generous and loving, but because her personality is more attractive than that of the King, she tends to be more careful about the people she is willing to help or even love. She is as sensible and practical in personal relationships as she is in business. The Queen of Wands expects to receive gift for gift, love for love - almost market relations. However, when giving his love, he does it sincerely.

If the prediction is for a man, the Queen of Wands tarot card may represent his wife or the woman he should marry (especially if he is striving for financial success and needs someone to shoulder some of the burden).

If the prediction is made for a woman, the Queen of Wands represents an old friend.

If this card is indicative of the situation, then now is the right time to start a new venture, especially one related to finance. You can count on help and advice, people will help you, and this assistance will be valuable. The Queen of Wands tarot card also indicates that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in your field.

Straight position

The Queen of Wands is, first of all, an experienced woman, mature, practical, accomplished in life. Sometimes one can say about such a lady that she is a magnetic personality, strong-willed, impressive, even, if you like, a little bit of a witch (in a positive context, of course).

However, besides this, such an Arcanum has many other characteristics. The main ones among them are self-confidence, initiative, independence, openness, and charisma.

When describing the situation, the Queen of Wands can be interpreted as strategic plans, intense dynamics, and a steady and obvious improvement in the situation. This card symbolizes the need for decisive and quick action. And also - the opportunity and need for support from the one who is characterized by the Queen of Wands.

Together with the Priestess, this card should be interpreted as a person who has high professionalism. And paired with the Wheel of Fortune, the Queen of Wands signifies the willingness to challenge fate and overcome all obstacles.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Queen of Wands means impulsiveness, excessive independence, underestimation of difficulties, lack of experience. The inverted Queen of Wands is a limited, domineering, cruel person. She has a high opinion of herself, is not inclined to help others, does not want to share her own experience and generally do good to people. In fact, such a person is even capable of treachery.

If such a woman turns out to be your enemy, then you need to be very wary of her, because her actions are based not on emotions (and such people are often quick-witted and unforgiving), but on logic. However, if the inverted Queen of Wands appears in the layout together with the Jester, then this means changeability of moods, so you can still look for an approach to the person whom this card characterizes. And with the Empress, such an Arcanum symbolizes a great owner (or owner).

Love and relationships

Straight position

For love scenarios, the Queen of Wands speaks of objectivity towards a partner, equality, maturity, and cordiality. This Arcanum testifies to the need for gentle submission to a partner, so that, as they say, “even the wolves are fed up...”

On the event level, the Queen of Wands signifies a free exchange of emotions and impressions, a tangible revival of relationships that were already almost destroyed or reduced to almost complete mutual indifference.

If this card describes relationships as a whole, then they can be characterized as stormy, active, long-term. As a rule, they are built beautifully, effectively, and optimistically.

In combination with the Emperor, the Queen of Wands should be interpreted as the prospect of a stable marriage, with the Ace of Cups - as a high probability of great happiness, and with the Queen of Cups - as a successful search for your “half”.

Inverted position

The reversed Queen of Wands is usually interpreted as jealousy, vanity, self-centeredness, and cruelty. It can be interpreted as a desire to make a loved one dependent on oneself, to dominate him. In some cases, such an Arcanum is perceived as meaning stubbornness, mannerism, moralism, and also insincerity and deceit.

However, everything may not be so sad. Sometimes the inverted Queen of Wands only speaks of excessive frugality and a certain amount of indifference to the needs of other people. But you can live with this!

In addition, when paired with Lovers, such an Arcanum indicates a never-ending period of grinding in. And with the Moon it means the acquisition of a rival (or rival).


Straight position

For a career and the professional sphere in general, the Queen of Wands signifies professional self-realization, self-confidence and success, worthy fulfillment of one’s obligations, and impartiality.

Another interpretation of this Arcanum is the willingness to take responsibility and talent for leadership.

In addition, the Queen of Wands is an excellent prospect for your own business, working for yourself.

In some cases, you can clarify the meaning of the Arcana using neighboring cards. For example, with the Court it signifies a creative uplift in work, and with the Ace of Wands it signifies the successful and energetic implementation of an excellent idea.

Inverted position

The reversed Queen of Wands in terms of career speaks of an unsuccessfully chosen direction of professional activity, of a complex character that makes a person look like a tyrant, stubborn, and selfish in the eyes of others. Such an Arcanum can mean instability, problems associated with the human factor. And, besides this, the Queen of Wands in an inverted position - although not often - is interpreted as greed and irrepressible greed.

If the Ten of Wands appears next to the inverted Queen of Wands in a reading, then such a combination can be interpreted as a hopeless business that has no chance. Together with the Ace of Coins, such an Arcanum should be interpreted as a pursuit of money, which is unlikely to have a chance of success due to instability and lack of focus of efforts.

You know exactly what you want from life in general and from this situation in particular. You are strong, extraordinary, talented. But, with all this, you are also recommended to have determination and independence. And then you can count on success. Well, if all of the above is “not your thing,” then take care of an experienced, intelligent assistant and adviser (preferably not very young), who would “move” you in the right direction.