Removing damage from a cemetery yourself. Removing damage from a cemetery - how to return all the evil. Removing damage using a towel

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in this article about rituals that will help remove the most dangerous and strong grave damage. There are many types of deadly curses that work quickly and powerfully, without causing chronic, sluggish diseases in the victim, but depriving a person of his very energy, his very vitality, literally destroying him. Such powerful damage really threatens a person with imminent death, and in such a situation time becomes of the essence.

Time factor when removing cemetery damage

If you come to a strong magician in time and ask for help in removing negativity, the sorcerer will provide the necessary help. It happens that people miss time, and then it is either extremely difficult or impossible to get rid of cemetery damage done on a personal grave and bring a person back to life. A person with a curse placed on him will soon die along the path that the sorcerer blazed for him while doing.

If a person is professionally, not a novice magician, but a practicing sorcerer, cursed to quick death, doctors will not help. Medicine is strong today, that’s undeniable. But witchcraft, demonism and powerful cemetery damage are beyond the competence of doctors. Help, remove cemetery damage to death Only a strong magician can. The help of doctors will be needed when restoring strength and performing a detailed medical diagnosis of the patient’s body. But, first of all, if a person really has signs of cemetery damage to health and imminent death, if the source of his illness is black magic, and not reasons of an objective physical nature, and if the person is in critical condition.

A complete and rapid removal of damage done to the cemetery is required.

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said before, cemetery damage can be removed on the grave ground, but you can also call demons for help. Spontaneous cleansing from negativity is also very strong. And a sorcerer can work on personal strength, and eliminate the negativity that consumes a person from the white light. But in order to work effectively, you must have witchcraft power. True magicians have it. For a beginner, this is a matter of paramount importance - to gain strength. I will give an example of how you can independently remove damage through a cemetery, transfer destructive energy to a living embryo in an egg, and thereby cleanse yourself of negative influences.

Self-removal of damage to a cemetery using an egg

This is a magical ritual of getting rid of cemetery damage that has been tested many times and is quite simple to perform. Appropriate and effective as a final rite after a series of magical cleansing using various methods. But it also works well as an independent method. To remove damage done in a cemetery, or through another witchcraft ritual, you need to take an egg, roll it over the patient, and bury that egg in an unmarked grave. Thus, a channel is provided for the escape of magically induced negativity from a living person to a deceased person.

An independent ritual to remove the cemetery damage yourself, can also be used remotely by rolling an egg around another person’s thing. But, of course, the thing is not new, but something that the patient wore for a long time, which had contact with the body, and absorbed the energy of its owner. You can treat a person with signs of spoilage with an egg at home. There is absolutely no need to take him to the cemetery and do the egg-rolling ritual there yourself. This witchcraft ritual is good for ridding another person of grave damage; but it is also suitable for self-care. When cleaning someone, say his name in the text of the magical spell. If you cleanse yourself, read your name.

For independent ritualto remove damage on an unmarked grave I need an abandoned cemetery. Such graves can be found near villages or old towns. If it is not possible to leave the city, you can enter the sector of old burials in the active city cemetery. Find an unmarked grave where there is no name, date of birth or death of the person who lies in it.

Stand at the feet of the grave and read the text of your own conspiracy to remove cemetery damage:

“Dead man, dead soul, your graveyard is dashing, but quiet. No one touches you, no one disturbs you, the angel of death guards your abandoned house. I will bow down to you, I will tell you more quietly: “I bow to you (name), God rest you and the entire Holy Family. Take the damage, the writhing, the tugging from me. Just as you, dead soul, were brought here, how you were buried deep in this earth, how you were forgotten forever, so you will forever take from me the cramps, damage, and tugging.” Amen".

Everything that you do on the grave ground, the entire ritual of removing damage in the cemetery by transferring it to a living egg, must be done strictly according to the rules of cemetery rituals of black magic. Do not forget about the ransom, which includes an offering to the Master of bones and a memorial to the grave spirit. You can clean up the grave before transferring the damage to the deceased yourself. And the nameless dead especially value candles lit on the grave.

The method of buying off damage to a cemetery - using silver to buy off witchcraft

On cemetery land you can pay off black damage. Magic rituals are special for that. You can pay off with money, but more often with silver or gold. Here is one of the witchcraft rituals of getting rid of damage through the cemetery. Suitable for translation, as well as diseases in the chronic stage. You need silver. Any silver item (except a ring) that belongs to someone from whom the black spell needs to be removed. Objects of a cyclic plan, a ring, for example, are in a certain sense “an object in itself.” Sorcerers, as a rule, do not cast damage or other magical negativity on such objects.

Before performing a witchcraft ritual so that remove damage from a person in a cemetery, the silver must be in direct contact with the victim for at least 3 days. In this case, the mechanism of transfer of human energy to the object he is wearing plays a role.

With a witchcraft ritual, you can transfer not only the damage caused by enemies to death, but also a serious chronic illness. With the right attitude and proper contact with the cemetery, many diseases and curses can be thrown off. Everything, of course, is individual, but there will be a sign for you. The forces will let you know whether you yourself, on your own in the cemetery, can remove the damage from yourself or another person. It may not be possible to do everything at once. Therefore, in order to remove a severe illness, or a very strong magical negativity with the help of grave soil, such transfers are done once every few months.

But to do it yourself lifting a curse in a cemetery, other rituals should be applied. This method is not suitable, it is too weak for family damage, or a powerful, destructive curse from which not one person suffers, but several generations in the family.

At noon, go to the cemetery to make a ransom for the damage to the grave dead earth. Take a pre-prepared silver item with you. Find a quiet place where no one will see you there. You don’t need to work on the grave itself. Everything is done simply on the cemetery ground, in any place, directly on the ground, and an object that serves as a payoff from the negative is placed.

Holding the silver in your hands, read the spell on it to get rid of damage through the power of the cemetery land at least 3 times:

“I bow to you, dead earth. I put the silver (put the object on the ground at my feet, but not on the grave), and with it I give away damage (illnesses, name which ones). Just as you leave it with you forever, so accept my damage (disease) and take it to you forever. She should lie with the dead like a dead man would rot. Illness is for you, but health is for me from now on, and forever, and forever. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Leave immediately, quickly, without looking back, walk home in silence. When you come home, do a flush with a self-conspiracy in the shower. There is a chance that someone will pick up a silver object lying on the ground. If they take the silver, they will take damage for themselves. This translation ritual allows the magician remove damage done to grave soil, as well as induced magical negativity of various types.

How to independently remove damage from gravesites - rules for working in a cemetery

All cemetery rituals for ridding a person of damage are done in strict accordance with the rules of cemetery warlock work. The sources usually give a description of the ritual itself, which is separately supplemented by the rules of work: appeals to the cemetery Master, purchases, farm-outs, the most suitable days of the lunar month for causing damage and for removing magical negativity. Strict adherence to the rules, which experienced magicians are, of course, aware of, allows completely and without any undesirable consequences, remove strong grave damage or made using other magical rituals.

In authentic sources, the rules of work are described in great detail. The keys were given, the work that was done in the old cemetery was secured. Recusations are also given. For example, an allotment of nickels after each ritual performed at the grave. Keep the nickels with you while working, and throw them over your shoulder when leaving. The witchcraft plot is read depending on what it was. And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, spoke more than once about how to determine damage in a cemetery. The presence is established using magical diagnostics. Diagnose grave damage on a person in any way available to you.

Here is another method of cemetery cleansing from damage sent. Cemetery purges from black witchcraft are good because they allow you to remove almost any negativity caused by the witch. The spectrum of their action is wide;
  • you can throw off the disease,
  • poverty,
  • loneliness,
  • You can remove the love spell.

Remove black damage on six graves yourself

Each magician has his own recipes. And if there is experience, the magician knows how to do all the work to get the desired result. Exactly the one you need, not the one you get. Before you go to the cemetery in order to remove damage from the family caused by the grave soil, you need to protect yourself. Magical defenses must be strong. Let's say, the runic protection "Cocoon", repelling an attack, punishing the one who attempts to attack, and also restoring the one who wears the "Cocoon". The runic shield “Protection of Hel” with the effect of reverse damage is also good.

Each magician puts up his own defenses. What is good for one may be useless for another. Or even dangerous. One thing is clear: when doing cemetery removal of damage from a person, work clearly and without mistakes. Then you don’t have to worry about necro-bindings and other troubles.
A magical ritual is performed to get rid of grave damage on the waning moon. To remove damage from a deceased person, you must undergo a strict three-day fast before starting witchcraft. You should not eat anything except black bread and water. On the fourth day before sunset, go to the cemetery.

For the ritual of removing damage on the grave ground, take with you:

  • sharp ritual knife
  • 6 nickels
  • a good memorial for every grave
  • generous purchase for the owner

Find 5 graves with wooden crosses, 1 unmarked grave, abandoned, without even a cross. Using a knife, silently cut a sliver from each cross. At each grave, pay for a piece of wood taken from the deceased. Put in a nickel and remember. Having collected 5 chips, go to the unmarked grave and, standing in front of it,

Read the plot to remove damage done on three coffins 9 times:

“In the dead kingdom, in the underground state, a nameless corpse sleeps, rests, does not notice anything, not baptized with a cross, dedicated to Satan. I’ll go up to that dead thing, wake him up from his sound sleep, and tell him my strong, witchcraft word: You, dead man, are sleeping, lying in the ground, they don’t visit you, don’t remember and don’t know you, give me (name) for a new one cross, dear white light yes. Help, help, accept a dashing illness, fierce damage, evil misfortune, hide, save, free me (name). You have walked the earthly path, but gone underground, so you will leave me (name) dashingly, and go forever into the black earth. I will remember you for this, and lay the holy cross. There will be joy and delight for you, and peace and harmony for me. Just as a knife goes into the ground, it will go there dashingly. Just as steel is strong, so are my words, just as no one knows a dead man of this name and family, so no one will break my work. The word is strong. Amen".

Then form a cross from the wood chips and drive the knife into its base with a flourish. Read the text of the conspiracy to rid a person of damage through a cross on the grave:

“Go away sickness, go away sadness, go away trouble, go away bad fate, go away dryness, go away torment, go away blackness. From me into hot metal, and from metal into the grave earth. Amen".

And then walk away. Do not remove the knife. Never cast magic on that nameless grave again.

Removing damage from a cemetery is done if the damage was done there. Like can be destroyed by like. You can also shoot other types of damage in a cemetery; you can learn more about this from this article.

Many types of damage are done in cemeteries, and the purpose of the negative impact of a sorcerer on a person is not always death or illness. At the cemetery, for example, they make a shroud of loneliness - a type of negative program that represents damage to relationships in order to prevent the existence of personal life as such.

From this article you will learn in detail about what damage is caused to cemeteries, and how to remove damage from a cemetery. Who can deal with the removal of damage that was done in the cemetery? Usually this is done by magicians, by order. It’s good if a person knows how to work with such energy. But most often there are no options, and you have to deal with expelling the negative cemetery program yourself. The magic of the cemetery is very strong and can both spoil and heal.

It is not difficult to find out that you have been damaged. Damage in a cemetery is one of the most powerful types of negative impact on a person, and it manifests itself quite clearly. There are the following signs of the presence of such misfortune in your life:

  • You noticed the ground near your door. Most likely, this is land from the cemetery - the other one is simply not used. This means that someone has done cemetery damage to you.
  • Unpleasant results when checking for spoilage on an egg. Black bubbles, blood, and even a strong, unpleasant smell of spoiled food may be noticeable. Read about how to check for spoilage with eggs in the corresponding article on our website.
  • Problems in relationships: quarrels in the family, betrayal, even ending the relationship.
  • Deterioration of health and well-being, irritability, unreasonable fear, nightmares, lack of strength to do familiar things that you previously did with pleasure.

Damage to a cemetery - how it is done

Information on how damage is done in a cemetery is provided here for informational purposes only. You should not respond to the offender in kind and damage him. If you remove a negative program from yourself, it will return to its sender, which will serve as a lesson and punishment for him at the same time.

A shroud of loneliness is made on three graves without a name. The victim of this black ritual is bound by the spirits of those buried in these graves. They interfere with the emergence of love relationships and marriage. Representatives of the opposite sex unconsciously sense the dead energy of a spoiled person and avoid serious relationships with him.

Often victims of grave damage notice soil near their door. To inflict damage, only soil from graves is used, with rare exceptions. If you notice this bad sign, you need to take action.

It is widely practiced to look at a photograph of a victim of witchcraft by a dead person. It is believed that those who are looked at by dead eyes do not live long. They may also bring items from graves and funerals, for example, bread or water that was used to wash the deceased.

One of the most powerful negative programs is induced as follows. Thirteen stones are buried in a circle on a grave selected according to certain criteria. In the center is a cross stolen from an unmarked grave, a photograph of the person who needs to be damaged, or a personal item of this person.

The objects are beaten with a knife that was buried on the grave of a bad person (there are ways to determine this) for nine days. In this case, the spell, which consists of thirteen paragraphs, is read nine times. After this, all traces of the ritual are burned.

How to remove damage done in a cemetery

Removing the shroud of loneliness is a very difficult task, which most often is beyond the power of the average person. Attempts to do this on your own can end tragically, because your negative program is supported by three spirits summoned from unmarked graves. In order to remove the shroud of loneliness, you should turn to a master, but not everyone undertakes such work.

If you have damage of any direction that no one can remove, you can try the following method. This is an old way. Our great-grandmothers also knew how to remove damage from a cemetery, but they rarely resorted to this method.

You need to find a cemetery where no one is buried. Go there on an odd day of the month. You need to find an unmarked grave. There are quite a lot of these in old abandoned cemeteries. When you find a suitable burial site, keep it clear of weeds and debris. Do it from the bottom of your heart, not under duress.

When you finish cleaning the unmarked grave, leave some sweets on it, stand at your feet, cross yourself three times and say:

The afterlife soul, a deceased person.
Your grave is quiet, although it is dashing.
No one should touch you, no one should disturb you.
The angel from beyond the grave will guard your house.
I bow down to you, I tell you more quietly.
May God protect you, may the Mother of God protect you.
Take away the dashing evil eye and evil damage from me.
How you were buried, closed in a coffin, and forgotten forever,
So all my evil will go away into the land.

In order to remove damage done in a cemetery, you need to choose the right time. Such rituals are performed only on the waning moon.

Buy a white headscarf. It must be worn for three days without taking it off at home and even at night. Then wipe your entire body with this scarf. At the same time, imagine how bad energy leaves your body and is absorbed into the scarf. The scarf should then be wrapped in white paper. Packages are not suitable for such purposes.

With this package, go to the cemetery. Go through the gate, face east and read:

I give my death to the one who gave it.
I don’t take someone else’s, I take care of my own.

Throw the package on the ground in front of you. But you shouldn't throw it on someone's grave. Let the bundle with the scarf just fall on the path. Also, all cemeteries have special places for garbage, which are perfect for this mission.

After you have thrown away the scarf, leave without looking back. On the way home, you cannot greet anyone, talk, or communicate with gestures. Otherwise, the damage may come back.

Take a shower immediately after you come home from the cemetery. For seven days you need to go to church and light candles to St. Panteleimon and Jesus Christ. In your words, ask for healing and deliverance from damage, help and protection. You need to start going to church the next day after going to the cemetery.

There is another option for how to remove damage done in a cemetery. Buy a new white towel, without any patterns. Wipe your entire body with it, and then go with it to the cemetery. Find the grave of a person with the same name as you. A cross must be installed on the grave, not a monument.

Tie the towel that you used to dry yourself on the cross and say a special spell three times:

Grave soul, take away the damage and sins,
Drive away evil spirits and evil from the servant of God (name).
You won't rise from the grave,
And evil will never happen to God’s servant (name).
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

With words of gratitude for the help addressed to the deceased lying in this grave with which you worked, put in a treat - a raw chicken egg, a piece of rye bread and an apple. After that, leave without lingering in the cemetery and without looking back.

From the cemetery go to the church. It is very important to choose the time so that it is still open. In the church, order an annual memorial for the deceased from whom you just asked for help in getting rid of damage, as well as an annual memorial for you.

From this moment on, you must under no circumstances visit the cemetery where you removed the damage from yourself, otherwise the negative program may come back. Therefore, it makes sense to choose a cemetery in another city or even another region of the country where you have no relatives.

Such rituals may seem scary, but they do not carry anything evil in themselves. The dead will not harm anyone who does not disturb their peace, and most likely they will even help take revenge on the unjust offender.

Removing damage from a cemetery - how to return all the evil - all the secrets on the site

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The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Different situations happen in life: people often betray you, someone sets you up, they want to ruin your life in every possible way. But what should you do, sit on the sidelines? No! Of course you will take revenge. But try to do it inconspicuously. And the most cruel type of revenge is causing damage to death. It will certainly be bad for your enemy here. If he does not die, his life will constantly hang by a thread, or he will be seriously ill all his life.

Damage to death is the most powerful ritual or rite in all black magic. You won't be able to find anything stronger. And it is the most dangerous, so all rituals related to this topic must be performed correctly, otherwise the ritual may not work correctly and side effects will fall on you.

So, damage to death comes in three varieties (the most common):

  1. Damage to death, made from a photo;
  2. Damage to death using things from the cemetery;
  3. Damage to death during a phone call.

Let's try to sort each one out.

Rituals of corruption from photos

How to spoil death over the phone - this ritual is the simpler of the other two. But its duration is no different from damage to cemetery land. Especially getting a photograph of a person will not be a problem. They can be found on social networks.

The easiest way to damage it is to put a photo of the victim in the coffin of the dead person, when the coffin has not yet been nailed. This ritual does not require any special magical abilities or skills, so if you are new to this business, then you should try it initially. You can put it in absolutely any place for the deceased, but it is advisable to put it near the heart.

There is another type of damage using a photograph - burying it in the ground on a grave.

For this you need:

  • Black scarf;
  • Photo;
  • Needle;
  • A couple of coins;
  • Wax candle.

Go to the cemetery. The time of day does not matter; if you are afraid at night, you can go during the day. It's your responsibility to find a damp, fresh grave. The name of the person buried must match the name of your enemy.

Take a handful of earth from this grave and put it in a black scarf. You need to make holes in your enemy's photo card with a needle, but not an even number. Try to put as much anger, enmity, and feelings of revenge into this process as possible.

Light a candle and melt the wax in the photo. Now collect everything and tie it in a scarf with earth. Bury this resulting bag in the grave of the deceased. You need to calmly leave the cemetery without looking back and around, just go straight, but you should choose a different road. The one by which they came here is cursed. Don't talk to anyone under any circumstances. When you approach the exit of the cemetery somewhere 6 graves away, take out the coins and throw them over the left side of your shoulder and shout:

By throwing a few coins, you will inflict fatal damage on your enemy, and your aura and your health will not suffer either.

All rituals and ceremonies that are performed with the help of objects that are related to the cemetery or the deceased have great magical otherworldly power. Usually, in order to make a strong damage to death, they use pads that were next to the deceased, for example, water after washing him, or a forehead band.

It will also have a very strong effect if you can take the icon from the hands of the deceased from the coffin, right before burial, and put it in your enemy’s bedchamber, but in such a way that no one can find the lining, otherwise all the magical effects can come back to you.

Let's try to explain what the lining does. The spirit of the deceased whose item you took will begin to pursue your enemy, taking away his life force in every possible way, and taking, instead of the item that should have been with him in the grave, the soul of your enemy to the next world.

You need to be extremely careful, because if a person finds this lining, then everything you wanted, and all the damage will return to you. In the end, it pays to hide the little thing well. But there is not always a chance that all ritual actions will return to you.

Since the victim of damage must not only find the thing, but also find the grave of the person from whom the thing was taken. Remember one thing, if you take an item from a dead person with the same name as your enemy, then the effect of damage will be two or three times more effective. By name, people are closely connected with each other; along with this connection, the soul of the dead will haunt. And he will begin to wither very quickly, along with the corpse in the grave.

Damage to an old grave

In black magic, damage to death is considered the strongest and most terrible damage if you use old burials, earth from a cemetery, bones of a dead person, an old grave, etc.

For the next type of damage, you will need to find an old, old grave that no one has visited for a long time, and where you can’t even see who is buried. Wait until Friday and go to the cemetery in the evening without any witnesses. Take a sharp aspen stake with you. When you find a suitable grave, stick a peg in the middle of it. And say the spell about three times:

“Pointer to all spirits, today celebrates Friday. I’ll stick a stake in the aspen, and I’ll impose the death penalty on you. You will rot like this body, my ritual is done. You are God's servant (first name, surname, patronymic). Amen!"

Say this spell, cross yourself in front of the grave and walk without turning around, otherwise you may drag other souls of the departed with you. There is no need to take the stake with you; let it sit in that place and absorb the energy of the deceased. The next week on Friday, repeat the same thing, and then one last time.

After the last week of the ritual, take the peg with you. And on the same night at 12 o’clock it is necessary to drive it completely into the ground, so that almost nothing sticks out, near the enemy’s house.

Cemetery land

Another type of damage to death is rituals with cemetery soil, with the help of which you can create damage to a sudden death. All actions to cause damage must be carried out with extreme care. This work is very dangerous, so you should not miss what is written in the rules of the ritual. Otherwise it will not work, and God forbid it will come back to you.
  1. Find a photo of your enemy. The picture should preferably be fresh, clear and he should be alone in it;
  2. After afternoon tea, go to the cemetery and look for a grave there, no matter how old it is, the main thing is that it should be nameless. Bury the photograph there;
  3. Take the earth from this grave and put it in a scarf;
  4. At home, when midnight comes that same day, begin to speak to the cemetery land:

“On a clear night, a warm night, spirits walk here and there

And they bring someone’s life to the extremes of life.

The moonlit evening will roam, and taking my care,

And accepting the new dead into their eternal arms.

So I command my slave (name) to be taken away,

To bring you to this same cemetery.

Let them bury you with all honors,

But in the ground your body will be covered in worms.

And you will rot in dampness and wetness.

And let the devils torment in water and on land.

The dead soul will wander around the world,

And the one who brought this one will return to her world

My words were heard and fulfilled"

If you have such an opportunity, then you should definitely add a little of this soil to the enemy’s food. This ritual should work very quickly if done correctly.

How to remove damage at home? Damage is an energy-informational impact that destroys a person’s aura, and then the physical body. Damage manifests itself in different ways, depending on the information program: destruction of family life, health, business, etc. The energy-information impact cannot be removed by treatment from a doctor or psychologist. Damage is removed using a magical ritual.

If you find scattered earth in front of the door, it did not appear there by accident. Hooligans won’t put dirt under the door either. This land has certain information - cemetery information.

To remove cemetery damage, you must first of all take the land back to the cemetery. You cannot throw it in the trash can or just on the street. Sweep the earth into a bag and take it to the cemetery, and then proceed to remove the damage.

Buy a new white towel and wipe your entire body with it - from head to toe. Immediately take the towel to the cemetery and find the grave of the same name. Tie a towel to the cross and repeat the spell three times:

Leave a memorial on the grave: an apple, a raw egg, rye bread. Thank the spirit of the deceased in your own words for disturbing him. Then leave the cemetery without looking back, but not home. You need to come to the church and order an annual memorial for the deceased whose grave you came to. You also need to order an annual health service for yourself.

Special conditions. Find a cemetery where there are no graves of your relatives. After the cemetery damage is removed, you cannot visit this cemetery for the rest of your life.

Remove damage to a funeral service with a funeral candle

Sometimes enemies can threaten to kill a person alive. Is it possible to escape from this influence and how can you remove the damage yourself at home? This damage leads to severe illness and death of a person if it is not eliminated.

Before removal, you must be baptized with a new name - go through the baptismal rite in the church again. This is necessary in order to “remove” the inveterate name from oneself. Then you should read the plot 40 times for 40 days in a row:

From funeral damage

Mortuary damage is one of the most common in the modern world. An enemy or a sorcerer hired by him goes to church and constantly lights candles on the eve for the repose of a still living person, uttering special words. The victim of such influence begins to lose strength, and then health. How to help yourself in this situation? Prepare the following magical items for the ritual:

  • church candles - 12 pcs;
  • a piece of natural black material;
  • icon of the Lord Almighty;
  • a handful of change for ransom.

At midnight, lay a black cloth on the table and place candles around. To prevent candles from falling, place them in improvised candlesticks or purchase ready-made candlesticks from the church. Light the candles with one match. If the match goes out, light the candles from the first candle. Light the candles not randomly, but one at a time, moving clockwise.

After reading, extinguish the candles with your fingers - with your left hand. Wrap the cinders in a black cloth that lies on the table and take it to the crossroads. Place the package by the side of the road and say:

Turn around over your left shoulder, throw change with your right hand for the ransom with the words:

Leave quickly, enter the door with your right foot. Wash your hands with cold water and go to bed immediately. You cannot talk to your family, much less answer phone calls. Before going to bed, read the “Our Father” in front of the icon 6 times.

In the morning, go to church and light 6 candles near the image of the Savior. When you light it, think about your enemies - you light candles for the health of your ill-wishers. This is an important moment in the ritual. After leaving the church, give alms to those asking.

Important terms and conditions. Within a week, the one who lit the funeral candles will definitely come to you. He will ask for something or just try to talk. Do not give anything from home and do not enter into dialogue under any pretext, otherwise the damage will return.

If your wealth has been spoiled or jinxed, debts have appeared or money is slipping through your fingers, you need to correct the situation. How to achieve prosperity and well-being at home? After sunset you need to collect all the cash and put it in a canvas bag. If you don't have one, a chintz pillowcase will do.

Place the bag on the table and light a candle, place another candle on the side for lighting. The electric light must be turned off. Pour water into a glass cup and place it next to the bag on the table. Say the following words to the water:

After this, sprinkle the bag of money with water, and extinguish the candle with water. Place a few coins from the bag into a glass of water and place it where you usually keep your money. The glass should stand until all the water has evaporated. Then take the coins and put them in a secluded place - they will be a talisman against financial failures.

Special conditions. Water for the spell must be collected at dawn, when the household is sleeping, and placed in a secluded place before sunset. It is with this water that a ritual should be performed to remove damage from money.

Remove damage with an aspen twig

How to remove damage from a person at home? An ordinary aspen rod can help with this. Pluck a branch by asking the tree for permission in your own words. Leave coins or sweets under the roots. Also pick 6 branches from other trees, also leaving a payoff.

At home, pour water into a bucket, pour a glass of holy water into the water crosswise and place an aspen rod (remove the leaves from the branch) and 6 other rods. Light 3 church candles in front of the icons and begin the ritual.

You need to take the aspen twig out of the bucket and symbolically beat the spoiled one with it, reading the plot 7 times in a row:

Perform the ritual three days in a row at the same time. Then make a cross from an aspen twig and nail it to the bed from below - this will protect the person from the return of damage. Tie six rods with a black cord or ribbon and bury them in the ground, saying:

After the ritual, there may be weakness and poor health in both - the one who removed the damage and the one from whom the damage was removed. This condition will soon improve. The one who removed the damage must wash his hands after the ceremony and clean himself with a church candle.

Remove damage from a photograph

For this ritual you will need a crystal vase. Late in the evening, pour water into a crystal vase and say:

Instead of your name, you can indicate the name of another person for whom the ceremony is being performed. Then put the photo in a vase so that the water completely covers the person, and leave until the morning. In the morning, take the photo out and put it on the windowsill to dry. Pour the water from the vase into the toilet with the words:

Only a very brave person, capable of resisting evil spells, is able to carry out the ritual of removing damage from a cemetery. Sorcerers and witches who are familiar with black magic first-hand claim that for any strong curse, even a cemetery one, there is always a neutralizing spell, the main thing is not to delay with counter-actions.

  • Damage to the grave - what you should know

    When people around successful people appear who wish them harm, the last thing many people start thinking about is that the negativity comes from a person dear to their hearts. But in vain, because often a mean blow comes from an unexpected direction - from a close friend, blood relative, friendly neighbor, business partner.

    The reasons for secret enemies to settle scores with the object of irritation through witchcraft can be different: from strong jealousy and resentment to banal envy of a person whose personal life is going well.

    You are mistaken if you think that only a practicing warlock can do damage to a cemetery, and that such spells always lead to death.

    An energetically strong spiteful critic is capable of causing damage to an unsuspecting person, who will observe all the conventions of the terrible ritual and put into the action all the negativity experienced towards the victim. True, the effect of such a spell will not be as destructive as due to the work of real magicians and shamans.

    With the help of cemetery soil, two types of black spells are cast: for loneliness and for death. They come in varying degrees of complexity and duration of impact; the more complex the ritual is to perform, the faster and stronger it will act.

    Most rituals, positioned as an easy way to get rid of cemetery damage on your own, are, unfortunately, a completely useless tool in the fight against black magic infection. The most you can expect from such home healing is a slowdown in the destruction program and a temporary improvement in health.

    However, you should not dismiss the proposed rituals - they will help you buy time to find an experienced practicing sorcerer who will undertake to eliminate the negativity that is destroying your life.

    Ritual of getting rid of damage

    For a healing ritual, buy a snow-white towel during the waning moon and thoroughly wipe your body with it, imagining how the fabric absorbs all the bad energy.

    When finished, take the towel to the churchyard. Additionally, take with you a raw chicken egg, an apple and a crust of rye bread. Find the grave of your namesake (by name), on which there is no headstone, fresh, with a cross. Tie a negative-impregnated cloth onto the cross. Then say three times:

    “Sepulchral soul, take away your sins and damage,
    Drive away evil and evil spirits from me, God's servant (worldly name).
    You will never rise from the grave,
    And there will never be evil intent on me, the servant of God (worldly name).
    Be that way! Amen".

    Having pronounced the spell, turn to the deceased with words of gratitude and appease the grave spirit by placing the stored treats at the head of the mound.

    When leaving the cemetery, do not look back, no matter whose voice you hear behind you. Go straight to the temple, there order an annual funeral prayer service for the soul from whom you recently asked for help, and an annual memorial service for yourself.

    Do not visit the cemetery where the cleansing ritual was held, no matter how much you are drawn there. Consider the prohibition when choosing a place for ritual cleansing - do not go to the cemetery where your deceased relatives and friends lie.