Matthew is a short name. The meaning of the name Matvey (Motya). Famous people named Matvey

Even people who are not prone to superstitions are well aware of how certain small features or factors can influence events that will ever happen. The name given at baptism can also greatly contribute to pleasant or undesirable incidents. What awaits the baby who has been given the name Matvey, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys?

The meaning of the name Matvey for a boy is brief

Most of the names currently chosen by parents for their offspring belong to Ancient Greece. It is from this ancient and illustrious country that the best names have spread throughout the world and remain popular for thousands of years. Is it necessary to thank Ancient Greece for the name Matvey, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which may also depend on origin?

Unlike most names popular in the world, this name comes from the ancient Jewish state, which is only slightly inferior to Ancient Greece. The meaning of the name Matvey for a boy is briefly “gifted by God.” Most often, this name was chosen if the family could not acquire an heir for a long time. It was for this gift of God that the parents thanked the Lord and notified all their loved ones that it was he who had blessed them with this priceless gift.

This value will also play a significant role in the boy’s fate, because it can be used to determine who will closely monitor the development and upbringing of the baby. Parents should not completely rely on the will of the highest patron - a lot depends on how carefully they treat their duties.

What does the name Matvey mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

How rosy a future does the church calendar or calendar promise for a child? Be sure that the baby’s relatives should carefully study everything that Christian literature tells, because too much can depend on this. What does the name Matvey mean for a boy according to the church calendar? The interpretation is no different from the Hebrew interpretations - in Orthodox literature this name also means “gifted by God” or “gift of God.”

Matvey, the meaning of the name, character and destiny, features and subtleties of upbringing - in the Orthodox church calendar you can find a lot of useful things for adults. First of all, it indicates which of the holy great martyrs will patronize the baby.

The boy will have only two name days a year - in October (18th) and November (29th). Most often, children choose the Apostle Matthew as their patron saint, who is honored in November. It is believed that he necessarily takes an active part in the child’s life and helps him in every possible way to achieve what he wants. Of course, adults should not shift their responsibilities to such a powerful patron - sometimes it depends on them how their beloved child will grow up in the future.

The secret of the name Matvey - beliefs and signs

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have believed that much depends on the saints not only in their lives, but also in the household or in everyday life. Their faith in the great patrons was so powerful and unshakable that just by the weather on that day or by some signs they could predict what would happen some time later.

What signs are associated with the day of the great apostle, and what secret of the name Matthew should certainly be familiar to every admirer of this saint? First of all, the weather on the November day was predictable. Believers were especially afraid of piercing cold winds, because it was believed that violent gusts foreshadow bitter frosts that would last almost until spring. If the weather is warm and calm, then winter will certainly pamper you with good days.

Before St. Matthew's Day, all migratory birds were supposed to fly away to warmer regions. If some birds did not have time to do this, then they remained, certainly dying. People considered this a terrible omen, predicting terrible disasters - famine, war, devastation, climate disasters.

Origin of the name Matvey and its meaning for children

Can the origin of the name Matvey and its meaning for children affect further events that will certainly abound in the boy’s life? Relatives do not need to worry about the origin - it will in no way harm the baby or lead to any unpleasant incidents.

How much can this beautiful and ancient name affect the development of the baby and his further growth? It is imperative to take into account the highest patron who takes an active part in education. He will definitely help loved ones cope with difficulties and, in difficult times, will tell you which line to choose when raising your child.

The baby will grow up cheerful, curious and inquisitive. Parents will try to send their child to special clubs or studios even in preschool age - he will show considerable abilities in sports, music, and dancing. It is imperative to promote the development of talents - this will not only help you decide on a profession in the future, but also achieve considerable heights and glory in it.

Character of a boy named Matvey

From a very young age, adults begin to expect what surprises the character of a boy named Matvey will soon delight them with. You definitely need to prepare for some of the difficulties that you will encounter in parenting. A child has many advantages from childhood:

  1. responsibility;
  2. reliability;
  3. calm;
  4. constancy;
  5. harmlessness;
  6. harmony.

How different is the boy from his negative character traits? He will certainly amuse his family, because he has practically no shortcomings. The only thing that family and friends will have to prepare for is the boy’s slight tediousness. While talking about something, he can get so carried away that he will repeat his story several times in a row, forcing the interlocutor to turn around and run away about his business. If Matvey doesn’t like something, his negative trait will also be revealed here - he will repeat this for a long time, trying to convince a friend or relative.

The fate of a boy named Matvey

What will happen to the child in the future, how easy or thorny will the path of life be, and what gifts will the fate of a boy named Matvey please? First of all, the name will play a significant role in choosing a career. After graduating from school, he can choose the following specialties:

  1. banker;
  2. engineer;
  3. clerk;
  4. scientist;
  5. policy;
  6. designer.

Matvey chooses a creative path extremely rarely, believing that in another field he will be able to reach more financially profitable heights. He is not chasing positions, but if he is offered to manage a large team, he most likely will not refuse. Despite the fact that in choosing a profession, Matvey is primarily guided by his interests and preferences, throughout his life the financial side of work will be important to him. If he is offered a lucrative position that his heart is not in, he may refuse the job he loves.

According to Higir

Translated from Hebrew: bestowed by the Lord (the meaning coincides with Fedor, Bogdan). In church tradition - Matthew.

Matveyka is usually a long-awaited child in the family, on whom the parents have high hopes. He grows up as a strong, healthy boy, doesn’t bother anyone with his whims, you won’t see him in the yard fighting with boys or squelching happily in the mud. Matyusha is honesty itself: if you send him to the store, rest assured that he will return the change in full. At school he studies without enthusiasm, but diligently. In the same way, as an adult, he works out of a sense of duty rather than driven by enthusiasm.

For adult Matvey, not everything in life is as smooth as for little Matyusha. These men are devoid of ambitious plans, careerism is alien to them, and they do not like to stand out from the crowd. Their main feature is extreme modesty. They do their job quietly and patiently, without expecting rewards. It happens, however, that Matvey’s fighting spirit suddenly awakens (this especially applies to “winter” ones) - it seems that he is ready to sweep away everything in his path. However, before the last sound of the battle trumpet had died down, Matvey had already calmed down and forgot about his impulse.

Matvey does not tolerate conflict situations; he simply feels sick when he witnesses them. Peacemaking is in Matvey’s blood (it’s not for nothing that he is “gifted by God”!), and he will not rest until, at least for a little while, he reconciles everyone. Matvey does not achieve a high position in life.

Matvey's marriage is rarely happy, but, having had children, he will patiently bear his cross. He is a loving son, usually lives with his parents, but his wife does not get along well with her mother-in-law, and this is another matter of concern for Matvey.

These inconspicuous, kind people have strong moral principles and live in accordance with them.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the New Testament name Matthew, “Given by God” (from Hebrew mathat, “gift”, and yah, “Yahweh”)

Energy of the name and character: Today the name Matvey is quite rare, although it is possible that it may soon become fashionable. At least today such trends can be noticed. Nevertheless, now the bearer of this name is primarily affected by its rarity and some old-fashionedness.

Another point that it is advisable not to lose sight of is the question: in what cases do parents give their child an unfashionable name? First of all, such names are given to their children by those who are not accustomed to following fashion, but rather are inclined to create it themselves, that is, people who are quite self-confident and not predisposed to complexes. Consequently, Matvey’s upbringing will take place precisely from these positions. However, those parents for whom Matvey is a late child, and they look at him only from the position of their own love through the prism of a philosophical attitude to life, can do the same. Here there will be a different key to education, and parents will strive to make an obedient meek person out of the child. However, often this position does not pass the test of real life and, most likely, Matvey’s fate will be determined by other reasons.

Whatever the parents’ motives, Matvey will still have to experience the inconvenience associated with the unusualness of his name. Moreover, since there is a certain vernacularity in the name, this is exactly what Matvey will try to overcome. If he doesn’t succeed, then maybe the dream of quiet parents will come true, but it must be said that the “groovy” energy of the name can help Matvey and, most likely, he will still overcome the ridicule possible in childhood and adolescence. And then the inconveniences of the name will only emphasize his advantages as a valuable personality, and his good nature and unforgiving nature will provide a large number of friends, among whom he can even become a leader.

This tendency in adulthood most often finds its continuation in Matvey’s ambitious plans: it is possible that he will strive to enter somewhat elite circles, where, due to his rare name, he will be even more noticeable, but one should be careful so that one day he will not head is spinning.

Secrets of communication: Matvey can often turn out to be a passionate debater, and here it can be very difficult to come to an agreement with him. Nevertheless, he usually does not take offense in an argument and is unlikely to resort to insults. The easiest way to end this argument is to make a playful bet with him, if, of course, you yourself know how to lose and admit defeat painlessly. By the way, you can achieve Matvey’s favor without any additional tricks; you just need to be able to respect your interlocutor and at the same time be a valuable person in your own right.

The name's trace in history:

Matvey Kazakov

What is the face of the city? Probably, first of all, this is its architecture, buildings of which all citizens are rightfully proud and past which tourist routes are laid. This means that a good architect can be called a city makeup artist. Architect Matvey Kazakov (1738–1812), one of the founders of classicism in Russian architecture of the 18th century, became precisely such a makeup artist for the city of Moscow. He managed to capture and perfectly convey in his works the very spirit of Russian—in particular, Moscow—life, and therefore the visible breadth and scope of the buildings he designed are combined with their amazing rationality.

A professional in his field, Matvey Kazakov was an excellent graphic artist, mastered the technique of architectural drawing and had broad knowledge of everything related to urban planning. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was he who was entrusted with leadership in such an important and responsible matter as drawing up plans for the development of Moscow and thirteen architectural albums of the most grandiose Moscow buildings (built not only by Kazakov himself, but also by other architects). In a word, we can safely conclude that the appearance of Moscow (especially at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries) bears to a large extent the imprint of the personality of one of the main architects of the capital - Matvey Kazakov, especially considering that it was he who took part in the construction of the Military -Air Academy named after. Zhukovsky (formerly Petrovsky Palace), the Hall of Columns, and was also Bazhenov’s assistant in the design of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Matvey is a name of Hebrew origin, derived from the New Testament Matthew. The meaning of the name Matvey is “gift of the god Yahweh”, “given by God”, “God’s gift”, “God’s man”. The name Matthew belonged to one of the twelve apostles. Before meeting Jesus Christ, the Apostle Matthew was a tax collector, or tax collector. Therefore, Saint Matthew is considered the patron saint of all those who work in the monetary sphere - bankers, customs officers, tax and treasury workers.

Short forms of the name Matvey

Matveyka, Matyusha, Matyukha, Matyakha, Matyasha, Matya, Motya.

Character traits characteristic of those named Matvey

Honesty, non-conflict, high moral principles, loyalty, amorousness, patience, modesty, peacefulness.

What middle name goes with the name Matvey?

Artemovich, Arturovich, Ilyich, Kirillovich, Matveevich.

Zodiac sign, planet and symbolism associated with the name Matvey

Zodiac sign - Scorpio

Planet - Pluto

Name color - light brown

Talisman stone - onyx, jasper

Famous people with this name

Levi Matthew (one of the twelve apostles (disciples) of Jesus Christ, a character in the New Testament. Considered the author of the Gospel of Matthew)

Matvey Blanter (Soviet composer. His songs were performed by Leonid Utesov, Vladimir Bunchikov, Vladimir Nechaev, Georgy Vinogradov, Sergei Lemeshev, Joseph Kobzon, Yuri Bogatikov, Lydia Ruslanova, Mark Bernes, Bulat Okudzhava, Alexandrov Red Banner Ensemble. Author of the well-known songs “Katyusha”, “ Migratory birds are flying", compositions "Football March")

Matvey Muravyov (Russian navigator and explorer)

Matvey Golovinsky (Russian-French journalist)

Matvey Gusev (one of the pioneers of astrophysics in Russia)

Matvey Zakharov (Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union)

Matvey Mudrov (doctor, one of the founders of therapy and military hygiene in Russia)

Matthias Jabs (German rock musician, guitarist of the band “Scorpions”)

Mathias, Matthias, Matvey, Matyas ((1557 - 1619) King of Germany (Roman King) from 1612, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austria from 1612, King of Hungary under the name Matthias II, King of Bohemia under the name Matthias II, from the Habsburg dynasty)

Matthias de L'Aubelle (Lobel) (Flemish botanist)

The name Matvey is quite ancient and has a long history. It has not been in demand in our country for quite a long time, but in recent years it has been gaining increasing popularity. This is how parents who were looking forward to having a child in their family call their sons.

Origin of the name

The name Matthew comes from the Hebrew language. It is the Russian interpretation of the Hebrew name Matthew, which translates as “gifted by God,” “man of God,” or “gift of God.” The name Matthew was borne by one of the twelve apostles who became the author of the gospel. Apostle Levi Matthew is the patron saint of all people associated with financial affairs, because before devoting himself to Christianity, he was a tax collector.

The name Matthew is derived from the Hebrew name Matthew, which was borne by one of the apostles and evangelists

Name forms

Name abbreviation: Matya, Motya.

Matvey - you are God's gift to your family
And the world too.
Be both lucky and loved
By the will of God.
Cherishing, pleasing, loving
In everything, like a son,
Your fate protects you


Diminutive options: Matveyushka, Motichka, Matenka, Matveyka.

The name Matvey has one version of origin

Related names: Matthew, Matthias, Matthew, Matthias, Mathieu, Mateusz, Mato, Mian, Matia, Mattheos, Matousz, Mattheus.

Church name: Matthew.

What middle names are obtained from the name Matvey: Matveevna, Matveevich.

Transliteration of the name: MATVEI.

The name Matvey is written in the passport as MATVEI

What middle names are most successfully combined with the name Matvey: Artemovich, Arturovich, Borisovich, Ivanovich, Kirillovich, Matveevich, Sergeevich.

Table: the name Matvey in foreign languages

Chinese瑪特威 Mǎ tè wēi
Korean마태복음 Matvey
Japaneseマトヴェイ ma to vej
Georgianმატვეი matvei
Yiddishמאַטוויי Mʼatwwyy
Greekμάθιου Matvey
Hebrewמתיו Matvey
Icelandic, FinnishMatthewMatthew
Thaiแมทธิว Matvey

Name days and patron saints

A boy with the name Matvey will be baptized under the similar name Matthew. After the baptism ritual, the child has patron saints. The name Matvey appears more than ten times in Orthodox calendars. The most famous saints are:

  1. Matthew Levi, apostle of the twelve, evangelist. He was one of the closest disciples of Jesus Christ and is a character in the New Testament. He wrote the first canonical gospel - the Gospel of Matthew.

    Before turning to Christ, Matthew served as a publican, a tax collector for Rome, when he heard the voice of Jesus Christ: “Follow Me,” he left his position and followed the Savior

  2. Matthias, apostle of the twelve. He was a disciple of Jesus Christ. By lot he took a place among the 12 apostles instead of the fallen Judas Iscariot.

    Apostle Matthias believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, followed him relentlessly and was elected one of the 70 disciples; after the Ascension of the Savior, Apostle Matthias was chosen by lot to be one of the 12 apostles instead of the fallen Judas Iscariot

  3. Matthew of Pechersk, the Visionary, Rev. Lived in the 10th century in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. He was endowed with the gift of insight, shared his visions with his brothers, thereby leading them away from sinful acts.

    Matthew of Pechersk, the Perspicacious - monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery

Matvey celebrates his name day on one of the following days, on that? which is closest to his date of birth:

  • January 18;
  • June 1st;
  • July 13;
  • August 22;
  • 25-th of August;
  • August 27;
  • October 13;
  • October 18;
  • November 12;
  • November 25;
  • 29th of November;
  • December 15.

Characteristics of the name and influence on a person’s fate

Matvey is a calm, diligent, hardworking and harmonious person. He does not have great ambitions, he does not make exorbitant plans, and does not strive for an outstanding career. The guy is not used to being different from others; he doesn’t like to stand out from the crowd. Such a person will perform his duties patiently and diligently. But such an attitude towards life does not make it calm and serene. The young man is endowed with a sense of justice and honesty, which creates many problems. He does not like conflicts, tries with all his might to avoid controversial situations, and resolves everything peacefully. But having noticed that one of his comrades was treated dishonestly, Matvey will not pass by, but will definitely stand up for his friend. Despite his excessive modesty, the guy loves to communicate and has a lot of friends. Those around him are amazed at the composure and sense of responsibility of this young man; they are surprised by his desire to reconcile everyone and settle all quarrels.

Matvey manifests himself as a calm, responsible, harmonious man who has no internal contradictions or any complexes

Matvey, you are always fair,
You are honest and hardworking
You reconcile everyone who is in a quarrel,
You pacify all the passions around you.


The man has a very modest character, so much so that he can easily become invisible to others. But this does not mean at all that Matvey is a passive and weak-willed person; he will always defend the strict moral principles that he adheres to. This young man knows how to stand up for himself, is endowed with excellent intelligence, knows and understands many areas of life. He is inquisitive and easy to train, so he can easily master any craft and can independently solve any problem. In addition, the man has an enviable intuition, which helps him deal with difficult life situations. The guy has good taste, but prefers a simple and comfortable style in clothes.

Matvey's strengths are curiosity and learning ability, thanks to which he can master any science, learn any business, and he can handle almost everything

Matvey is slightly old-fashioned, prone to being boring, can get offended or lose his temper over any little thing, and is often dissatisfied with everyone around him. A man should learn to work on himself, be able to admit when he is wrong, and apologize to loved ones. Inside Matvey lies the spirit of a rebel, which can sometimes come out. Then the guy feels an extraordinary surge of energy, feels the desire to conquer the most inaccessible peak, to declare himself to everyone around him. But often such impulses last a very short period of time, during which the man does not have time to do anything.

In the depths of Matvey’s nature a certain rebellious spirit lies dormant.

According to the theory of Boris Khigir, Matvey is endowed with discipline, rigor and restraint. This man is not used to showing his emotions in public; it is often impossible to understand from him what mood he is in. The guy approaches his work responsibly, shows perseverance and commitment. All his actions are well thought out, he never acts rashly. The young man is full of self-criticism, and he is also strict in assessing the actions of others. In addition, Matvey cannot stand a careless and irresponsible attitude towards work. He is intolerant of others, has a difficult character, and does not show sociability. Instead of being in company, a guy often chooses to spend time alone. Usually a man has one friend to whom he is faithful and devoted.

According to Boris Khigir, Matvey is not very sociable and would prefer the opportunity to be alone in a large company

How does a given name affect a child’s character?

Matvey grows up as an obedient and calm child, he is endowed with a cheerful disposition and gets along well with other children. The boy does not like fights and tries to avoid any conflicts. From childhood, the baby shows himself as a responsible and honest person. He doesn’t run through puddles, listens to his elders, happily helps his parents, and always runs errands. If you send Matvey to the store, you don’t have to worry that the boy won’t return the change or won’t spend the money on sweets. The baby is endowed with excellent intuition, which develops more and more as the boy grows up. She helps Matvey emerge victorious from difficult situations or simply avoid getting into them.

As a child, Matvey is an obedient, calm boy, which does not prevent him from being cheerful and getting along well with children.

Who is the bravest person in the kindergarten?
Well, of course, Matvey!
There is thunder and thunder outside the window,
The children are all trembling around,
Our Matvey just laughs:
Hey, look more fun!


The child succeeds in school, but does this not out of great interest in academic subjects, but out of a sense of responsibility. The boy knows that his parents hope for him and expect good grades, so Matvey simply fulfills his obligations. He has no conflicts with his classmates, the child gets along well with all the kids, never gets into fights or bullies girls, and always comes to the defense of his comrades. Matvey is not afraid to spend time alone, he is creative, and does not need noisy companies. He doesn't have to be with friends to have fun.

Matvey studies well, but does not feel much desire for this process

Matveyushka is little, dear boy,
How happy mommy is next to you!
She calls you the main gift,
Your mother gives you all her love,
Doesn't ask you for anything in return.
And she doesn’t need anyone else!

Grosheva I.

In adolescence, Matvey's character does not change at all. The young man is still calm, takes a responsible approach to any task, and tries to do only fair and honest things. He still does not need constant communication with his peers; he is much more interested in talking with an older person. The guy tries not to attract too much attention to himself and is on good terms with everyone. There are no more difficulties at school; Matvey easily masters academic disciplines, giving preference to the humanities.

Matvey has enough of school relationships and fleeting conversations with classmates - he happily spends the rest of the time with his mother, father, or even alone, doing some important business

Boris Khigir in his works characterizes little Matvey as an active, strong, mischievous and noisy child. The boy has abilities, can study well, and enjoys sports. After graduating from school, a guy often chooses to enroll in military universities.

Often after school, Matvey enters a military school

Hobbies and talents

Matvey can be safely called a man with golden hands. If a guy has a summer cottage or lives in a country house, he happily spends time in the garden, fixing something or creating interior items with his own hands. He likes hobbies that involve creating something new.

If Matvey has a dacha or lives in a private house, then you can be sure that he will be very happy to tinker in the garden and make something.

In addition, the guy loves communication and an active lifestyle. He enjoys a variety of sports, his favorites being football, skiing, and snowboarding. Matvey doesn’t see anything wrong with relaxing just sitting in front of the TV; he usually watches educational TV shows or new masterpieces of cinema.

Matvey loves active sports - football, skiing and other winter sports

Matvey doesn't go to Broadway.
He is all in a rush, in aspirations,
He is at the mercy of his muse.
Rich in talents from birth.
Natural, does not like falsehood.
He sees you deeper and further.
Rational. Erudite.
What kind of people the earth will give birth to!


Boris Khigir claims that Matvey is a big fan of football and hockey, attends matches in stadiums or watches them on television. He also likes card games, reading detective literature, and going fishing. The man is economical, able to do a lot with his own hands, and loves to spend time in the garden.

According to B. Higir’s theory, Matvey likes to play cards, read detective stories, and plant flowers

Profession and career

Matvey has great knowledge and an extraordinary mind. He is hardworking, responsible, and disciplined, which helps the guy to show himself with dignity at work. A man is prone to analysis and systematization, so he can become a successful banking specialist. He is also subject to the professions of an accountant, financier, engineer, designer, journalist, scientist or even philosopher; he will also achieve a lot in military affairs.

Matvey often chooses specialties that require responsibility, hard work and discipline in order to prove himself and so that everyone can appreciate these qualities of his.

This man has many innovative ideas in his head that push him to engage in political activities. Matvey can choose a specialty that involves manual labor, for example, furniture assembler, blacksmith or turner. The young man is not a careerist, he tries not to stand out from the rest. He is inclined towards the profession of writer, architect or sculptor, which does not require frequent appearance in society.

Matvey's choice may be specialties that involve manual labor, because he has golden hands

Matvey does not purposefully choose to engage in business or entrepreneurial activity, but if he accidentally gets into this field, he can achieve outstanding success. Then throughout his life the man will have great financial wealth and a decent standard of living.

If Matvey gets into business, success awaits him, and throughout his life he will try to maintain this level and earn as much money as possible


Little Matvey is endowed with great health. Having matured, he still avoids serious illnesses. The only weak point is the man's vision. Frequent work at the computer, reading books and watching TV can cause serious eye complications. With the onset of old age, a man begins to experience problems with the lungs and musculoskeletal system.

Matvey needs to protect himself from prolonged stress associated with working on the computer, reading, and watching TV shows.

Love and sexuality

Matvey is interested in bright, beautiful, self-sufficient, honest women who attract the attention of everyone around him. He often falls in love, but because of his modesty, it is difficult for him to take the step towards meeting a girl. A man expects decisive action from his chosen one, and often his expectations are met. The fair sex likes the guy, but sympathy does not always lead to a serious relationship; often Matvey simply does not need the constant presence of a woman nearby.

Excessive modesty does not allow Matvey to flirt with girls himself, so the initiators of novels are representatives of the fair sex

In relationships, this young man strives for independence and does not like to obey his beloved. He is not prone to betrayal and does not show feelings of jealousy. Intimacy is not the basis of a romance for a man, although he is a great lover. Matvey primarily cares about the pleasure of his partner.

It is important for Matvey to please a woman, so he is skilled in foreplay

Marriage and family relationships

Matvey gets married late and is rarely happy in it. The whole point is that a man gets married only because he understands that it’s time to become a family man. But his amorous nature does not go away, and the guy has to restrain himself so as not to start affairs on the side. His wife becomes a diplomatic, understanding, patient and feminine girl. If she is also endowed with a gentle character, then the marriage can be successful. Even if Matvey feels unhappy, but there is already a child in the family, he will never leave his wife and will continue to create the appearance of a happy marriage for the sake of the children.

In marriage, Matvey is rarely absolutely happy

In family life, a man is often irritable and inattentive with his wife, but he does an excellent job with the housework, knows how to organize life and comfort in the house. The guy loves his children madly, spends all his free time with them, believes that they are the basis of the family. Matvey will never betray or abandon his chosen one in trouble; a woman can always rely on him. Having lived together for many years, the spouses get used to each other and become one, care and tenderness appear in the relationship.

In old age, Matvey and his wife represent a single whole and touchingly care for each other

Table: compatibility of the name Matvey with female names

Female nameCompatibility percentageNature of the relationship
Alice77% Alisa and Matvey are a strong and romantic couple. A girl makes her partner happy and inspires him to new achievements. Only with this woman does a guy experience unique feelings that brighten up his drab everyday life. This woman is very tired of betrayal and deception, so she happily opens her heart to this honest and sincere young man. If a relationship begins to develop at a very fast speed, then the partners risk quickly getting bored of each other. Their romance often ends with a wedding. There are many happy and bright moments in family life. Quarrels may arise between spouses if one of them tries to dictate terms to the other. Distributing household responsibilities will help lovers find harmony.
Anastasia41% This couple has little chance of becoming happy partners. Nastya and Matvey separate after several meetings, as they quickly realize that they made the wrong choice. It is important for a girl to have everything at once, and the man is hostile towards her because of her desire to speed up the development of their romance. This guy loves a measured and thoughtful flow of life. He strives to meet this bright and attractive woman, but selfishness does not allow him to find happiness together. For the relationship to continue, Matvey will have to give in to his chosen one. There is no equality in this couple's marriage. The main role is played by a woman whose temper suppresses any manifestations of her husband’s individuality. A man can only come to terms with such a fate if he himself grew up in a family where a woman was the leader, otherwise constant quarrels and scandals will arise between spouses.
Daria43% These people will not make an ideal couple. Matvey prefers to have only short affairs that end in intimacy. He does this quite easily, because he knows how to approach a woman. Daria believes that her chosen one is honest and decent with her. But having learned the guy’s true mood, he immediately ends all relationships with him. Sometimes partners manage to get married before Matvey’s true nature is revealed. But after the wedding, his intentions do not change; he is still looking for short-term romances with other women. If Dasha can close her eyes to this, then the family will last quite a long time.
Elena79% This couple can safely be called strong and passionate. Here everyone is an ambitious and independent person, so no one tries to suppress the personality of the other. Strong-willed Elena is attracted to this persistent and courageous man; the girl likes that he does not bow down to her. Matvey’s devotion and fidelity is manifested not in complete dissolution in his chosen one, but in a respectful and understanding attitude towards her. A woman also appreciates in a partner his desire to travel and sociability. A guy may feel embarrassed and offended when a girl gives him expensive gifts, especially if she has a higher status in society. Harmony and peace reign in the family of this couple. Elena becomes an inspiration for her husband, and he tries to provide coziness and comfort for her. Matvey's fixation on everyday problems can provoke conflicts.
Zhanna95% Zhanna and Matvey form an ideal loving union. The girl values ​​reliability and practicality in her chosen one; she likes that he can give up his interests for her sake. Next to this guy, Zhanna becomes softer and more flexible, but at fateful moments in her life she again shows will and determination, and is able to make important decisions. It is the woman who initiates the lovers’ marriage, since her chosen one has been cautious and doubtful for a long time. After the wedding, the newlyweds face an optimistic scenario. Matvey ceases to be depressed and acquires a more serious and positive outlook on life. Spouses are never bored together; their relationship is filled with many diverse and vibrant moments.
Irina69% There is absolutely no equality in these relationships. Irina takes the leading position. She sees right through Matvey, knows that under the mask of a secretive and suspicious person hides a vulnerable nature. The girl becomes interested in this guy, is the first to approach him, and makes an appointment. A man does not always react positively to such an act, then the woman immediately loses interest in him, and may begin to show hatred. In case of positive developments, over time the partners may come to a decision about the wedding. Family life will not be easy; it is difficult for a man to be under the constant control and pressure of his wife. If he can come to terms with his fate, then there will be harmony and love in the marriage.
Olga79% Olga and Matvey can develop a long and strong relationship that will lead the lovers to a wedding. The development of the novel is stable and measured, there are no emotional upheavals or mutual quibbles. The girl knows how to manage the household and is calm about routine and everyday life. The man is pragmatic and focused on the main tasks in life, he does not show frivolity and is ready for a serious, stable relationship. After the wedding, the place of leader in the marriage goes to Matvey. He is the main earner and breadwinner in the family, working to ensure a decent future for his family. Quarrels may arise between spouses, since Olga lacks romance and vivid sensations. A man needs to learn to openly show his feelings for his wife, make surprises for her, then the union will be strong and long-term.
Tatiana97% This union is harmonious and filled with love. Matvey and Tatyana complement each other perfectly, becoming one. Often the initiator of an acquaintance is a straightforward and decisive woman, whom an attractive and sociable man cannot resist. Their relationship begins to develop quite quickly and violently. Life together after marriage is a happy one for the couple. Tanya supports her husband in any endeavor, and he inspires the girl to always be feminine and attractive. To ensure that interest in each other does not fade, lovers need to travel together more often.
Julia71% Yulia and Matvey make a good couple. The girl is attracted to this guy from the first meeting. Having fallen in love, a woman abandons her principles and becomes carefree and cheerful. The man is attracted to this determined partner, but if he fails to take control of the development of the relationship, then the romance will not receive any continuation. But in most cases, Matvey takes on the role of leader, and the couple moves towards marriage. The family life of lovers is filled with surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Julia may find out that her husband is unfaithful to her. Then the marriage collapses and the partners separate.

Table: matches for the name Matvey

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

Each letter that is part of a person’s name complements his character with special qualities:

  1. Letter M. A caring guy, always ready to help, sometimes shy. He needs to learn to think not only about himself, but also about others. Otherwise, such behavior will only harm the young man.
  2. Letter A. A man tries to constantly be on the move, do something and implement his ideas. He strives to find spiritual and physical comfort.
  3. Letter T. The young man has many talents, endowed with intuition and sensuality. He does not know how to balance his desires with his capabilities. Such a person must always remember that life tends to end, so one should not waste it on idleness.
  4. Letter V. A sociable personality, loving life and striving for unity with nature. The guy is talented, focused on the future.
  5. Letter E. A person needs self-expression and exchange of ideas with others. He often acts as a mediator, has insight, and can see more than others. Sometimes overly talkative.
  6. Letter Y. The young man is awarded with subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness and peacefulness. He tries to look practical and stern, but in reality he is a soft and romantic person.

Matvey strives for self-expression, is endowed with many talents, has a fine mental organization

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Matvey, born in one of the winter months, has secrecy and increased caution. The guy grows up to be a touchy and vulnerable person, and he selects his friends very carefully. Only after passing a lot of tests of loyalty and honesty can a person become a friend of winter Matthew.

Winter Matvey is very easy to offend or hurt with a word

Spring Matvey always defends justice. Such a person proves with every action that you need to be sincere and honest towards others. He is gallant with girls, he will never offend or betray his beloved.

Spring Matvey is honest and sincere with others, he will never offend his beloved

Summer rewards Matvey with a cheerful disposition, he will become the soul of any company, he is prone to adventurism, loves holidays, values ​​​​freedom and independence. The guy does not comply with accepted norms, does not obey established rules, his soul is filled with frivolity and fun.

Summer Matvey loves a bright and eventful life

Under the auspices of autumn, Matvey is born, easy to communicate, friendly and unusually modest. He treats women kindly and tenderly. He becomes a responsive, caring and devoted husband, but very jealous and suspicious.

Autumn Matvey treats his chosen one with reverence and tenderness

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesUnder the sign of Aries, Matvey is born, possessing erudition, good upbringing and gallantry. The guy knows how to treat girls, is active in business, loves to be on the move, cannot stand loneliness and boring surroundings. A man tries to surround himself with many friends in order to get rid of boredom and loneliness.
TaurusMatvey-Taurus is a cheerful and adventurous person, in perpetual motion and a cheerful mood. The man is literally addicted to adrenaline. Girls love him, they constantly show him signs of attention, but the guy does not start a serious relationship for a long time, leaning towards short affairs that do not require responsibility.
TwinsThis man has a well-developed sense of creativity, he loves to travel, is interested in art, and strives for constant entertainment. The guy lives for his own pleasure, looking for a girl who can change his worldview. He likes easy-going, sociable, active and efficient ladies.
CancerMatvey, born under the sign of Cancer, is a good person, an attentive listener, and a loyal friend. He will always support and listen, and give practical advice. Prefers women who know how to run a household.
a lionThe patronage of Leo gives Matvey leadership qualities, the ability to get along with any people, and organizational skills. This guy will become an outstanding leader, knows how to dominate others, and is able to convince strangers of his own importance. But in the sphere of friendship and love, a man has problems: an overly domineering and strong character pushes potential friends and lovers away from Matvey-Leo.
VirgoThe guy has a creative nature, he is reserved, and likes to be alone. Since his youth, he has been looking for the ideal girl with whom he will connect his whole life. He is ready to spend all day and night with her, he will become a good family man, an excellent father and a caring husband. In marriage, a man creates his own little world into which he does not allow anyone except himself and his chosen one.
ScalesThe sign of Libra gives Matvey delicacy and an excellent sense of humor. The guy cannot stand scandals, tries to nip any conflict in the bud, is ready to sacrifice victory in an argument, just to avoid being involved in a scandal. He will be a faithful husband for an easy-going, good-natured and friendly girl.
ScorpionPersistence, determination, commitment and activity - these are the main qualities of Matvey-Scorpio. This guy always delivers on his promises, is endowed with high intelligence, but still strives for self-improvement. For his personal life, he is looking for a powerful lady who can guide him in the right direction and give the necessary advice.
SagittariusMatvey, who is under the patronage of Sagittarius, has a charming, peaceful and positive nature. He is ready to communicate with any person, just so as not to feel lonely. Girls are attracted to this guy, but he will only be interested in a smart and beautiful lady, one who will arouse the admiration of all men.
CapricornThe influence of the Capricorn sign makes Matvey a romantic and dreamy guy. He tries to make the world around him perfect and is prone to idealizing those around him. The man is very vulnerable, which is why he often suffers. He only marries a sensitive and dreamy girl.
AquariusUnder the sign of Aquarius, Matvey is born, endowed with the skills of a diplomat, able to find an approach to any person, capable of emerging victorious from any conflict. A man likes attention from others, he likes to be discussed. It’s easy to communicate with him, his comrades go to him for advice first of all, the guy never neglects to help his loved ones.
FishThe patronage of the sign of Pisces gives Matvey a desire to be alone. The guy has a reserved nature and avoids various festivals and noisy companies in every possible way. He is accustomed to a stable and monotonous life. He is trying to find a girl who will become the guardian of family peace and hearth.

Photo gallery: famous personalities in history with the name Matvey

Matvey Blanter Matvey Blanter - Soviet composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree, Honored Artist of the RSFSR; Blanter's music entered the golden fund of Soviet culture Matvey Kazakov - Moscow architect who, during the reign of Catherine II, rebuilt the center of Moscow in the Palladian style Matvey Zakharov - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Matvey Muravyov-Apostol - Decembrist, participant in the Chernigov uprising shelf, author of memoirs Matvey Manizer - Soviet sculptor, People's Artist of the USSR Matvey Melnikov (Mot) - rap artist Matvey Lykov - Russian actor, top model Matvey Roizman - Russian poet and novelist, memoirist Matvey Korobov - professional boxer

Matvey is an honest, non-conflict and calm person. He has strict moral principles, which often bring difficulties into his life. The guy does not reach career heights, but he is in harmony with his conscience, which he considers the basis of life. A man will never pass by injustice or deception; he will try to resolve the situation peacefully. His entire existence passes measuredly and quietly.


The name Matvey is of Jewish origin. The modern sound was actually acquired only over time. Initially, this name sounded like Matthew or Matthias. Translated from Hebrew it means “given by God.” According to another version, it can be interpreted as “man of God” or “gift of God.”

The male name Matvey is not popular today, but deserves attention, because it has good significance. Plus, this name is compatible with many female Russian names and has very strong energy, promising a whole set of good qualities to its bearers...

Popularity: At the moment, the name Matvey continues to be in demand and is listed in positions 10-12 in the ranking. Accounts for 25-27 boys out of 1000 births. Especially popular in Russia.

Conversational options: Matveyka, Matya, Matyukha

Modern English analogues: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Matvey promises a whole set of unique characteristics. According to legend, the bearers of this name are boys who grow up in the future to be strong-willed, courageous, sympathetic and at the same time modest personalities. Such people usually do not seek benefits in relationships with people, do not know betrayal and are not prone to deception. They are for the most part kind, sympathetic, generous, devoted and faithful.

A guy with a beautiful name Matvey will grow up to be a real peacemaker who wants to reconcile the warring parties, albeit through self-sacrifice.

Advantages and positive features: The main advantage of all bearers of the name Matvey can be considered their tendency to strive for truth and justice in everything. In addition, the advantages include calmness, the ability to control emotions and feelings...

Matvey has a bad attitude towards people who try to seek benefits in communicating with people, to selfish and deceitful individuals. And bearers of the male name Matvey never keep weak spirits of people near them.

The name Matthew, which is listed in the Bible, was borne by one of the twelve apostles.

Character of the name Matvey

The character of the boy, named a variation of Matvey, is such that he promises a difficult life and a difficult nature. The nature of this name imparts seriousness, self-confidence, loneliness, independence, determination, perseverance and rejection of anyone’s help. It’s difficult to get along with someone like that, there’s always something that becomes a reason for conflict - in particular, it may hurt his reluctance to share secrets and talk about his own experiences, but that’s his character. At the same time, the character provides for the desire to help everyone around, despite the obvious reluctance to accept help from anyone. Such a person will always come to the rescue, help, talk, listen and understand, advise, but will not tolerate the same in relation to himself. No one should pry into his personal life - that’s his character.

On the other hand, this is all just a theory, and in practice everything may be a little different. Parental upbringing and the influence of such simple astrological factors as the zodiac sign, the animal according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year of birth have too great an impact on the character.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, for whom the parents decided to choose the name Matvey, is filled with good moments, and the merit of such a factor as the significance of the name form should not be ignored in this case. It is this meaning that bestows a bunch of good characteristics on the child named so, including goodwill, calmness, creativity, excellent imagination, vivid imagination, incredible fortitude, cheerfulness, friendliness, eloquence, integrity and obedience.

Usually, the parents of a boy named Matvey do not have any problems or reasons to worry - he obeys his mom and dad in everything and does everything in order not to upset them, while always acting according to his conscience in everything, not allowing himself to commit emotional and rash acts. actions that may lead to undesirable consequences. In general, this is a positive child from all sides - the only negative that Matvey is endowed with is unsociability and a craving for spending time alone.

Matvey, who is protected by the meaning of this name form, is essentially a loner and a creatively developed child, and he does not need a noisy company or many friends to have a good time, all he needs is a good mood and a place for solitude. Parents should not worry if this is exactly how everything turns out - on the contrary, they should pay special attention to his creative development, because this can bring good results in the future.


The teenager Matvey, over whom the meaning of this name form protects, remains the same as described above. That is. This is still the same calm, eloquent, peaceful, fair, creatively developed, interesting dreamer, in whom imagination and the desire to develop are seething. He still does not need communication with his peers as such, and moreover, communication with adults is much more interesting to him - this is exactly how the life of a growing boy named Matvey usually develops.

As for school and other educational institutions, everything is simple - he can be a successful excellent student, or he can be a solid “average student.” His whole point is that he tries to attract as little attention as possible to his person - at least the meaning promises just such a character. Subjects - both the humanities and exact sciences are easy for him, but he will most likely give preference to the humanities, and moreover, not to all, but only to those that seem interesting to him.

Naturally, he is on good terms with his peers, but tries to avoid close communication with them. He has enough of school relationships and fleeting conversations - he will most likely happily spend the rest of the time with his mother, father, or even alone, doing something important to him.

Grown man

The adult Matvey is a man with a capital M; he is characterized by such traits as firmness in decisions and intentions, determination, perseverance, perseverance, hard work, kindness, justice, straightforwardness and honesty. Plus, the meaning of the name Matvey can also reward him with a bunch of additional characteristics, including self-confidence, self-sufficiency, integrity, and exactingness. The latter, by the way, is strongly manifested in communication with potential friends - he has too high demands on his friends. Those that not every person can live up to.

As for work, everything is complicated here - if the boy was only interested in creativity, then the man named by the name variation Matvey will be primarily interested in self-realization and proving to himself that he can achieve something without anyone’s help. At the same time, most of these men do not think about large financial benefits and can quit even a profitable job if it does not bring pleasure. There is also one huge minus - Matvey, who is influenced by the meaning of this name, is a secretive person, he will never tell anyone about his problems or experiences, and will not let anyone get close to him so that that person could find out about his internal problems . Although, again, everything could be different, because it is not only the meaning that influences, but also many other factors, in particular astrological ones.

Interaction of the character Matvey with the seasons

Winter - by calling a bearer of the name Matvey born in winter this way, his parents will doom him to secrecy and excessive caution. He will be brought up to be touchy and vulnerable, which is why he is too scrupulous in choosing friends. Someone who can pass a lot of tests of loyalty and honesty will be called his friend.

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring will grow up to be the keeper of justice - words are supported by deeds, justice and sincerity are his second nicknames, and relationships with a woman are a sacred matter.

Autumn - and such a person will be brought up by origin of the soul to be easy to communicate with, friendly and unusually modest. Affectionate with the opposite sex, sympathetic, caring, and a devoted husband, but jealous and suspicious.

Summer - this newborn will eventually grow up to be a cheerful boy, the spark of any company, an adventurer by nature, a walking holiday, freedom-loving and independent, not obliged to act in accordance with the rules, with a character full of frivolity.

The fate of the name Matvey

The fate of the name Matvey in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and marriage, is a rather complex factor, studied at one time by many researchers, but never solved. Nevertheless, the researchers were still able to come to several interesting conclusions, and the main one is that a boy, a teenager, and a man named Matvey will always be interested in exclusively serious relationships, but in no case fleeting ones...

Fate suggests many problems for Matvey in his personal life, and all because of his complex character and excessive seriousness. From adolescence, he will look for a serious relationship, but such is fate that he will find it only in adulthood. Matvey, in theory, will perceive his home as a fortress, that is, he will protect it in every possible way. His destiny is to be the protector of the family, the keeper of the hearth and the person responsible for the happiness of each family member, but it is worth considering one simple factor - he himself will want it.

However, fate, like the compatibility parameter, is only a theory, not necessarily confirmed in practice, much less. When it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. So, don’t be surprised if fate decides differently...

Love and marriage

Matvey is a shining example of a real man, not a prince, of course, but he is a very worthy candidate for an exemplary family man. He is such an open, honest and principled person that he always attracts the gaze of the female half of humanity. Usually he is well built, physically developed, balanced, and is accustomed to dressing quite simply, but with taste. Matvey is a man of action, he always does what he says, and before he speaks, he thinks everything over in advance. An understanding, faithful and sensitive girl can become his soul mate and wife, because trust, peace and mutual understanding are the main components of a happy family.

Matvey’s chosen one must also have a patient and calm disposition, because various quarrels and eternal nagging only push him away. At the same time, his lady love will be a gentle and feminine girl, because he considers her his muse. However, if Matvey fails to find his pure love before adulthood, there is a possibility that he will start a family not out of great love, but only because it is supposed to be so. The lack of love makes him unhappy, but he will not file for divorce first, especially if he has children. The wife needs to win over Matvey without encroaching on his personal freedom, then the relationship will become much warmer and stronger. We must remember that he can go through several marriages until he finds his true family happiness.

Matvey is a fairly economical spouse, capable of creating ideal living conditions for the sake of his children and wife. He works for the benefit of the family, although he does not devote much time to his wife. However, she should not worry about his loyalty, because he simply cannot afford to cheat. Remembering every second that by doing so he would betray his children. If the wife is able to achieve strong feelings from Matvey, he will not only be a support, husband and father of children, but also a passionate lover. A girl’s mutual understanding and closeness with his parents can help her gain her husband’s favor.

Matvey as Father

It cannot be guaranteed that all people with the same names have the same character, nor that they will act the same in certain life situations. However, given the general character traits of the name Matvey, his responsibility, integrity, conscientiousness and love for children, suggest that he is more likely to become a good rather than a bad father.

For Matvey, when creating a family, the main goal is children. Principled and correct, he believes that children should be born in marriage and grow up in a full-fledged family. Even if the relationship with his wife does not work out, for the sake of the children, Matvey will create the appearance of a happy family.

In addition, the appearance of children always strengthens his relationship with his wife. Every second Matvey thinks about his children, he loves them so much and becomes attached to them. By the way, Matvey has the strongest connection with his firstborns; he pampers and cherishes them very much.

Horoscope named after Matvey


Matvey, who will be born under the influence of Aries, will be an erudite, well-mannered, gallant gentleman, the desire of all beauties without exception. He is an activist by nature, loves movement, hates loneliness and boring people. He tries to make a huge number of friends in order to rid himself of the thought of loneliness.


Taurus - this boy is a merry fellow and an adventurer by birth, is in constant motion, loves to have fun. Moreover, he loves adrenaline. We love him among the ladies, he basks in their attention, but he will spend a lot of time choosing a wife - he tends to have short-term romances, so as not to feel the fear of responsibility.


A Gemini will be a person named Matvey with a developed sense of creativity, who loves travel, art, and constant entertainment. He lives for the benefit of his own interests, looking for a woman who can turn his life upside down, easy-going, sociable, active and efficient.


In Cancer, compatibility with the zodiac signs is observed only if the chosen one is a shining example of a true mistress and an ideal wife. He himself is a good person, a listener and an understanding friend, someone who will support a loved one even in a fit of resentment.

a lion

Leo will grow up to be a 100% leader, a person who knows how to get along with everyone and everywhere, an organizer, a leader with a capital letter. He loves to dominate and convince others of his indispensability. But he is at odds with friends and women - his features repel both of them.


Virgo - a boy named Matvey with a creative streak, but withdrawn and lonely. From an early age, he is immersed in the search for the one with whom he will connect existence, and with her he will spend all his time. A good family man, an excellent father and a caring husband. Having created her own world in marriage, she will protect it in every possible way.


Libra is a delicate person, with a good sense of humor and an innate intolerance to conflict situations. He tries to reduce any conflict to “no” - he is even ready to concede victory in a dispute to the enemy. He will bow to an easy-going, kind, and friendly lady.


Scorpio will become persistent and purposeful, a man of word and deed, active and active. He is smart by nature, but strives to improve further, and in his personal life he is looking for someone who can lead him, guide him through life and educate him.


Sagittarius, named Matvey by his mother, is charming from birth, peaceful and overly positive. Ready to communicate with anyone, just not to be alone, interesting to women. He will bow before a smart, but also beautiful girl, such that everyone around him will envy him.


Capricorn is a romantic and a dreamer who wants to improve and improve the world. He always idealizes everyone he meets, but he is vulnerable, which is why he suffers. A soft and reverent character is hidden under a veil of rigidity and rudeness. Will attract a sensitive and vulnerable nature for marriage.


Aquarius is a person of communication, a diplomat, capable of getting away with any dispute. He loves attention, tries to be “on everyone’s tongue,” which is exactly what happens. He is easy to communicate with, which is why people run to him for help. Incapable of neglecting those in need of help.


Pisces - this zodiac sign and the name Matvey in a couple are compatible only with those who are able to resist his desire to be alone. He is reserved by nature, avoids celebrations and noisy companies at all costs, is stable and constant. He wants to find someone who will become the guardian of his own world, family, home.

Compatibility with female names

It is believed that a boy named Matvey can have an ideal combination in terms of feelings only with such names as Mirra, Elsa, Elena, Lina, Antonina, Taisiya.

With the likes of Lada, Nadezhda, Inga, Nelly, Praskovya, Elina and Sarah, he will be able to build a happy and long-lasting marriage, full of positivity and positive aspects.

Well, with Tamila, Yana, Dina, Ksenia and Renata, unfortunately, there is no compatibility, only negativity, disagreements, and scandals.

In general, this peace-loving and positive guy needs a woman who is ready to become his personal wall, a barrier that protects his good character from evil thoughts...