Download Pedometer - Step Counter & Calorie Counter for Android v.1.0.26. Pedometer on hand: the best bracelets and reviews Health indicators

The calorie counting bracelet was created for those who want to lose weight, but do not find the willpower or motivation to act in the right direction. In order to motivate a person to take action, tables, statistics, gadgets and a host of other useful (and sometimes useless) things are developed. The list of interesting helpers for losing weight includes a sports fitness bracelet.

This amazing sports gadget-meter is equipped with many functions, the purchase becomes even more profitable and the use is more interesting.

Why are we gaining extra weight? After all, they are talking about unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, strict diets, after which an unplanned "breakdown" occurs.

The formula for a beautiful body is known: diet + sports = slim figure. But the real reason hides behind the obvious excuses - simple human laziness.

People get on the warpath with overweight recklessly and with enthusiasm, as a result, sometimes they give themselves slack, make indulgences and let go of the grip of the "iron grip". Too lazy to count each calorie, calculate the necessary proportions of protein-fat-and-carbohydrates for the daily menu and timed the excruciating minutes of training.

An unusual bracelet will come to the rescue, measuring the calories eaten, the number of steps taken, converting the information into diagrams and giving statistics on the results of losing weight per day, week, month, etc.


The developers are trying for the buyer and are constantly improving this gadget. The first devices were made water-permeable, and since it was recommended to wear them all the time, the device deteriorated while taking a shower.

The manufacturers have corrected the error and half of the models produced today do not let water inside, such devices will withstand "full immersion".


  • Water resistance is a protective function of a fitness bracelet. Gadgets marked Water Resistant are ready for small amounts of moisture: rain, washing dishes, sweating. But gadgets with the Water Proof inscription can be safely taken with you to the pool.
  • Fixation of movements. The gadget recognizes when the body is at rest and when you are moving. The bracelet with a pedometer distinguishes between the speed of movement, determines the amount of distance traveled and how many calories you have been able to spend over the past time;
  • Calorie intake. To give correct results, a counter of the number of calories eaten per day is entered into a special program. And some bracelets offer a special application, in the memory of which dishes and products with the already calculated amount of kcal are entered;
  • Synchronization with other gadgets. To get you results for the day, each bracelet connects to a mobile device, laptop or smartphone. Depending on the model, they use compatible applications and technologies (Bluetooth, USB port, Bluetooth Smart, etc.). Therefore, before buying a model you like, make sure that it is compatible with the devices you have.

Weight loss bracelets' functions include additional tasks. The presence of advanced functions affects the price of the device, so study the functionality carefully, compare with the tasks set for yourself, and only then go shopping.


  • fitness bracelets are able to determine the type of exercise you are doing, recalculating physical activity and the number of calories used;
  • if the bracelet has a built-in altimeter, then it will calculate how many steps you have overcome;
  • the stopwatch will mark the time for you if you are on the desired segment;
  • in the application of the gadget you can plan training, this function is called "trainer".

Use the bracelet's motivating ability - goal setting.

You indicate the results you expect in a week, month, year. Walk 25 km in a week and get rid of 2 kg, run 4 km and minus 300 grams. Every day the tracker will notify you of what you have achieved for today and how much is left to your goal.

Health indicators

  • the function of determining the body temperature is programmed in the bracelets, it prevents you from possible overheating of the body;
  • if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to take a bracelet with a heart rate tracking function;
  • a feature not common to all trackers is sleep phase tracking.

In the morning, the gadget will give you a chart with data on what hour and in what stage of sleep you were and the duration of the phase.

Interestingly, such bracelets will wake you up (if you set the alarm) during REM sleep, when awakening is easy and harmless for the body.


Additional features that are selectively built into gadgets include:

  • Clock. Use a bracelet with a clock on the display as a wrist watch, and at the same time get a stylish accessory;
  • Alarm clock. Choose a bracelet with an alarm clock that will wake you up during a favorable period of sleep;
  • Vibration alert. Some trackers may vibrate gently to remind you to get out of your chair and stretch your stiff muscles;
  • Connecting to social networks. With the help of special applications, the bracelet connects with popular social networks and allows you to post the results you have achieved on your page, find friends using such gadgets, and compete with them. If you are not interested in this function, disable it;
  • Mounting method. If you are not comfortable wearing the bracelet on your wrist, there are options for attaching the tracker to the shoulder, ankle and in the form of a clip, attach the device to your clothes and enjoy.

Review of popular models

Since the invention of fitness bracelets, every fifth company has become interested in a patent for the manufacture of a profitable product. Sports firms Nike, Fitbit and others, manufacturers of everyday gadgets Epson, Samsung, Lenovo and even Microsoft. Check out our review of the five awesome bracelets that consumers and critics have praised.

Jawbone UP and Jawbone UP2

Sales over the past 5 years have propelled the Jawbone UP and Jawbone UP2 to the top of the sports accessories market. In 2011, the first version of the bracelet was released, which was updated and sold out with a bang, even despite the difficulties with synchronization. The accessory performs the functions:

New models are released in a lightweight form (in terms of weight and volume) and the battery charge lasts up to a week.

The Jawbone does not have a display, so there is no watch in them. This is the practical philosophy of the company as they pay attention to and improve other useful functions.

Nike Fuelband

Sports company Nike has also released a version of the sports assistant. Therefore, at the end of 2012, a fitness bracelet from Nike entered the market. Immediately, the model was released with a display, the bracelet is worn on the wrist and used as a watch. Such a bracelet reminds you at what stage towards your goal you stopped and morally supports you.

For the results, the application calculates points, awards medals, fireworks in your honor and applause thunders.

In 2013, the model was updated, and it includes the function to track the phases of sleep. The new bracelet determines the type of human activity (running, walking, playing tennis) and, based on these data, calculates the consumed calories more correctly.

Collecting the points received during the day, you can compete in the results achieved with friends who have the same gadget.

Fitbit Wristbands

At Fitbit, the buyer will find a variety of models, which are represented by sensors that are attached to clothes, and clips in combination with wristbands. The user can at any time put the sensor in a new bracelet (how to change a case on a phone), update an accessory.

The functions of these bracelets are programmed to collect data about your daily activity. It determines distances, floors and speeds per day, while a flower “grows” on the display. If you have lived the day in motion and were not lazy, by the evening the flower will fill the screen area. In a special application, you can enter data on the calories consumed.

Manufacturers of fitness bracelets have made sure that the additional device works like a watch.

Fitbit monitors the depth and phase of sleep and has an alarm. The developers followed the example of Nike and did not associate monitoring with the alarm clock, so you will feel the vibration from it at the time you set yourself.

Instabeat for swimmers

The vast majority of physical exercises were thought up to be performed on land, but swimming has not been canceled. Instabeat has introduced a versatile swim goggle attachment. The attachment is attached to the temporal region, reads the pulse, shows the level of load and even warns that it is time to take a break or slow down the pace of the exercise.

In addition, the gadget calculates the distance traveled by the swimmer, the number of strokes (hand waves) and calories spent during the session. Not a "watch" and not a bracelet, but also an interesting thing.

Fitness Bracelet Pavlok

This model is non-standard, it is designed to reveal statistical data. The Pavlok bracelet lacks heart rate measurement, body temperature, sleep phase tracking, or even a banal watch. But the Pavlok bracelet is an excellent solution for those people who achieve results, but do not want to do anything for this.

If you didn’t get up with the alarm clock or didn’t attend the planned workout, the gadget will punish you with ... electric shock.

The power of the "motivating blow" can be adjusted, but it cannot be avoided if the given conditions are not met. The smart bracelet monitors your calorie intake. Therefore, when a hand reaches out for an extra gingerbread for today, a revolutionary bracelet will instantly pull you away.

A fitness bracelet is an interesting and useful invention of mankind, into which resourceful manufacturers are trying to "cram" more applications and functions or disguise themselves as inconspicuous watches.

A useful find for those who are categorically lazy and do not force themselves to change their lifestyle. After all, when you see the results of your work (or vice versa, inaction) for the day, the motivation to improve performance comes naturally.

Healbe gobe2

The Healbe Gobe2 smart bracelet is a unique development of Russian scientists, which has no analogues. The bracelet has a built-in calorie burn counter and is worn on the wrist. It also serves three important functions:

  1. Automatically tracks the number of calories consumed throughout the day - you will not overeat;
  2. Manages your water balance;
  3. Controls stress levels.

You can view a full description of the bracelet and make an order on the official website

This high quality step counter app will meet the expectations of users for their step counter, walking, work, fitness and weight loss needs.
It's easy to use.
No login, just load, open and adjust settings from the settings or activity screen and track your exercise right away. To use it, simply turn off the screen and place your phone in your pocket, belt clip, wallet, bag or jacket.
Teps Counter Pedometer is an accurate step counter. The fitness keeper counts your fitness tracking. Track your daily, weekly and monthly health and fitness records.
Pitch Steps calculates your calorie burned, pace, steps and distance traveled. They are all stored in history and charts for better performance.
✪ ♛ Weight Loss, Fitness Trainer & Fat Burner
Check your weight and set it in the settings.
Correlated changes in exercise with your activity and other vital functions.
A healthy weight loss / gain fitness tracker works great as a control supplement to any diet.
✪ Screen Widgets ✪
Step steps Step counter; Show it on the home screen of your device.
Take the device in your hand or pocket and watch the steps on the screen.

✪ Performance and health statistics ✪
The best pedometer is used as a calorie calculator and walking counter.
Make your diet and workout perfect. Use a nutritional workout plan that matches your fitness.
Don't worry, you don't need to buy a step counter device; Use it as a step counter.
Track distance to your foot pod and travel distance on graphs or graphs.
Track your calorie intake on a calorie chart. Step Pedometer - Sports Tracker. Pedometer Steps Counter provides graphs for daily, weekly and monthly use along with other information at any time.
✪ How to use? ✪
First of all, get the "Settings Menu" and set the sensitivity.
Then set your goals, stride length, weight and units for calories and speed.
Choose what to say. Choose an exercise to walk or run
Press the play button to start counting steps, calories, distance and speed.
Enter your age, gender and stride length.
Set the weight to use it correctly as a weight loss / gain tool.

★ Check accuracy
Everyone is different, so adjust the step counter sensitivity if necessary.
★ Fitness trainer
Monitor and analyze your walking or work speed and customize your training based on your goal.
★ Create healthy habits
Step pedometer is a tool for creating healthy habits and achieving goals.

Every year a person is surrounded by more and more gadgets that can make life easier. They relieve not only physical but also mental stress. One of the latest advancements is the bracelet with pedometer and calorie counter. This compact, mobile and versatile device takes care of your health, monitors physical activity and allows you to keep yourself in great shape.

Pedometer bracelet - what is it

Distinguished by ergonomics and a low price, the gadget will calculate the distance traveled, walking time, help control the state of the body based on accurate data, while taking up almost no resources - all information is displayed in one application on the phone.

The accuracy of a fitness bracelet with a set and calorie counter depends on the quality of the device, and the quality depends on the price. So, the most expensive and high-quality devices will show the most accurate data.

In modern pedometers, an accelerometer is used for the most accurate information - a device that allows you to determine acceleration. After measuring the acceleration, the data is transmitted to the microprocessor, which determines whether you have moved in space or just made a gesture, after which the device counts the number of steps taken.

Also, devices sometimes have a gyroscope, which allows you to create a three-dimensional picture of hand movements, which allows you to effectively separate steps from other movements.

Standard kit

Who needs a fitness bracelet and why?

The pedometer, which contains a step counter and a calorie counter, is useful for those who are overweight and take care of their figure, athletes and people who care about their health. Research shows that step counting motivates you to walk the required distance. So, people without a bracelet are more likely to sit on a minibus, without thinking about the need to take a certain number of steps daily, while owners of a gadget are more likely to walk this distance.

Physical activity is absolutely essential. However, if it goes over a certain limit and becomes excessive, its effect on the body can be harmful instead of beneficial.

A fitness bracelet can be useful for most people, regardless of their goals and type of activity, however, the categories for which it is needed should be noted:

  1. Those who are losing weight or, conversely, trying to gain weight - thanks to the unique functions of the bracelet, those who are losing weight can control the loss and gain of calories and, as a result, it is most convenient to manage the process of losing weight. So, if the goal is to maintain a certain body weight, the number of calories gained should approximately equal the number of calories lost. If the user is trying to gain weight, the calories gained should be more than the calories lost;
  2. Going in for sports - it is quite important for athletes to monitor their health and the number of calories they have accumulated. The device, turned on throughout the day, will help to calculate the number of calories burned during training so that you can restore them and keep your body in good shape.

The device will help people with health problems, monitoring their physical condition, controlling activity and calorie intake.

Bracelet with pedometer and calorie counter allows you to accurately calculate your physical activity

Convenience of fitness bracelets

The first pedometers went on sale in the 60s of the last century in Japan. They were significantly different from modern devices and were a bulky pendant with an accelerometer inside.

Today, a fitness bracelet is also a fashionable accessory, available in almost any color palette and complementing well almost any look and outfit.

The gadgets are small in size, made of a material that does not cause irritation and does not damage the skin. Some models are waterproof so that the device can be used even while relaxing at sea or in the shower.

Most fitness bracelets are water resistant

Some with calorie counting are almost indistinguishable from classic wristwatches so that even businessmen can use them without compromising their business image.

Their convenience as devices designed to monitor the state of the body, consumption and set of calories lies in the fact that monitoring physical activity and walking time does not need to spend a lot of time, money and effort - all indicators are tracked in real time using one mobile application. ...

Functions and accuracy

A modern fitness bracelet is a gadget that has the following functions:

  • 24/7 activity monitoring: helps monitor physical activity. Thanks to this function, you can adjust the daily routine, allocate more time for sleep, for jogging or other sports activities. This feature will be most useful for people with a high pace of life.

· Sleep monitoring: the function will help to balance the sleep time and will help to wake the person up at the most favorable moment - during shallow sleep, providing the most comfortable and easiest way to get up. This function protects a person from the stress associated with heavy waking up;

Losing weight and burning extra calories is only 30% dependent on physical education. The lion's share remains with the quantity and quality of food.

The possibilities of fitness bracelets are simply amazing

Calculation of the nutritional value of the diet

In advanced devices, there is a function for calculating the nutritional value of products: after eating, you should select a dish from the device's catalog, and its usefulness for the body will be calculated. The function allows you to control not only the calorie content of food, but also to regulate the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This will balance the work of the body, ensure the supply of necessary substances, and protect against vitamin deficiency.


Most fitness bracelets have a watch, which also increases their functionality, makes it more convenient to use, and also eliminates the need to use other sources of information about the time, for example, the phone.


Using the application on the phone, you can set reminders for a specific time and date, the achievement of which the bracelet will notify by vibration.

Setting goals

For greater motivation, the functionality of many bracelets contains the ability to set a goal, so that it is easier to strive for it.

Control of medication intake

It is possible to set a reminder at a certain time about the need to take the medicine.

Water balance

One of the features found on many fitness bracelets is a reminder to stay hydrated.

Every calorie counts with a fitness bracelet

Remote monitoring of the health of relatives

A function that allows you to monitor the health of elderly or sick loved ones from a distance using a mobile application.

Thanks to many useful functions, it becomes possible to send data obtained over a certain period of time to the trainer or the attending physician. The device can help you to adjust the intensity of your training or treatment based on the most accurate indicators of well-being during the exercise. Also, the gadget can urgently help with any cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, fitness bracelets are not a useless toy, but a necessary device that allows you to balance your lifestyle, nutrition, sleep duration, as well as comprehensively monitor your body, providing it with everything you need for a full life.

A wide variety of gadgets allows you to emphasize individuality

How to use a fitness bracelet

Most popular devices are activated in this way:

First of all, you need to download the application to your phone, to which all the information from the bracelet will be transmitted. The choice is wide enough, but we'll take a look at the most popular Mi Fit gadget:

  1. After installing the application, you need to create an account and log in to it.
  2. Then you need to enter the characteristics of your body (weight, height, year of birth, and name). This will help the device to determine the physical condition and rely on it when using the bracelet.
  3. Next, the connected device is selected, after which the bracelet is brought to the phone for synchronization. After the phone detects the bracelet, you must confirm the authorization in the corresponding dialog box.

The device is connected and ready for use. The application to which the bracelet is connected may be different, usually it is indicated in the instruction manual.

Fitness bracelet is easy to use and accessible even to children

  • Notifications - in this tab you can set up notifications about incoming calls to your phone, SMS or set an alarm. You can also turn off screen unlocking on your phone when the bracelet is next to it.
  • Profile - this tab allows you to select functions.
  • Range - sets a certain number of steps that you plan to go through in a day.
  • Weight goal - allows you to set the weight you plan to achieve. The function is convenient to use together with smart scales - manually changing the weight is not very convenient.
  • Activity Alerts - The bracelet can remind you to move more. This will motivate you to a more mobile lifestyle and help you achieve your goals;
  • Wake Up Notification - The device will pay attention to sleep information after waking up. This information will help make your sleep more balanced and comfortable;

The gadget is equipped with an application that allows you to connect friends. This function adds excitement to the process of using the bracelet. Each person wants to be the first in the number of steps taken, lost pounds and at the same time watch the achievements of friends.

With the help of an adapter, information from a fitness bracelet is easily transferred to a computer or other gadget

For more detailed device settings, you can download the extended version of the application.

After setting, the bracelet is put on the hand, and all information about the distance traveled, the number of steps, heart rate, calories spent and recruited is sent to the smartphone.

Some bracelets support heart rate measurement and running mode. The corresponding sections can be easily found in the mobile application of the device.

With the purchase of a fitness bracelet, you should not fall into euphoria, that now all problems will disappear by themselves. This is just a tool that allows you to quickly achieve harmony with your body and informs you about your health. Communication with coaches and doctors still cannot be avoided.

- a useful Android project in which the developers have resorted to using the built-in sensor. There is no GPS, so the battery of the gadget will last much longer. This creation will safely track all the calories you've burned. It also takes into account the distance traveled by the user, time spent on legs and other important data.

To provide information, the developers used clear graphs, so that even beginners can easily figure out the functionality of the project. Use the application on tablet computers, smartphones with the required version of the Android platform - 4.1 or later. Press start and let the steps count down. This happens even when the phone is in a pocket or bag. The app is 100% secure. The project does not collect personal data of users, does not transfer information to certain people (third parties).

There is no need to log into the application. You can pause the counting and then resume at any time. Statistics are not updated when a person uses pause.

Also in a wonderful creation "" you can reset all data, start from scratch. The most convenient design is used here, which is notable for its laconicism. This creation is designed specifically for mobile gadgets. Users can watch charts for 24 hours, as well as for a month, a week.

In the settings, you must specify the correct information in order to get an accurate count. Be sure to see what options the settings provide. Download the free android-program "" on your own devices (tablets, smartphones).

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

17 Mar 2017 Nov.


In the wake of the popularity of a healthy lifestyle, people more often began to monitor their diet, level of physical activity, sleep patterns, etc. Without aids, it is difficult to control such moments as the rate of steps per day or the calorie content of the diet, so all kinds of pedometers, calorie counters, etc. come to the rescue. gadgets.

Mechanical pedometer

In addition to the well-known smartwatches and fitness bracelets, there are mechanical pedometers. They look like a regular watch or stopwatch. The principle of operation is as follows, a small weight with a spring is embedded in the mechanism, which performs the movements of the pendulum, which moves the threaded do (gear) at the moment when a person takes a step. The watch face or counter displays the number of steps taken. You can buy this device inexpensively in the Aliexpress online store (prices are in rubles):

  • name: KW-trio 2410 with ring 2450;
  • price: 290 rubles;
  • characteristics: counter of steps taken in a metal case, size - n / a, weight - 100 g, color - chrome;
  • pluses: the presence of a ring for hanging on clothes / bag;
  • cons: manual control.

The solar-powered pedometer turns on automatically while walking, counts the number of steps, measures the distance covered, and calculates the calories burned:

  • name: Solar Pedometer HY-02T;
  • price: 390 rubles;
  • characteristics: measurement of steps, distance (in miles / kilometers), calories burned, size - 4.5x4.2x2 cm, weight - 18.7 g, color - silver;
  • pluses: automatic inclusion, the ability to adjust the length of the stride;
  • cons: error in steps (+ -5%).

Electronic pedometer

This type of pedometer accurately measures the number of steps using complex mathematical calculations. It does not require contact with the human body, like mechanical devices. The data is not distorted even when the device is worn in pockets. You can choose an electronic pedometer in the Decathlon online store catalog:

  • name: ONwalk 900 Geonaute (with accelerometer);
  • price: 1 299 rubles;
  • characteristics: counting the number of steps, distance, calories burned, time, speed, battery type - CR2032 battery, color - black with purple;
  • pluses: fixation on the hand, belt / bag;
  • cons: not suitable for running.

The cheapest option from this line is a wrist pedometer that allows you to accurately measure the number of steps taken:

  • name: ONwalk 100 Geonaute (with accelerometer);
  • price: 799 rubles;
  • characteristics: step measurement, distance traveled, battery type - CR2032 battery, color - black, blue;
  • pluses: the presence of a ring for fasteners;
  • cons: does not recognize side steps.

Watch with heart rate monitor and pedometer

A universal solution for lovers of accessories on hand - a watch with a pedometer and heart rate monitor. Outwardly, the device does not differ from them in any way, but in addition to counting the time, the device functions as a pedometer and determines the heart rate:

  • name: Skmei 1180;
  • price: 2 490 rubles;
  • characteristics: measurement of steps, heart rate, time / date display, digital display, color - black;
  • pluses: body made of high-quality steel and ABS plastic;
  • cons: not found.

A similar fitness watch with a heart rate monitor and pedometer with the ability to track sleep duration can be ordered online in the Yulmart online store:

  • title: Life Trak Zone C420;
  • price: 5 490 rubles;
  • characteristics: step meter, heart rate, sleep time indication, waterproof, shock-resistant case, time / date display, display size - 42 mm, dimensions - 42x42, weight - 40 g, battery type - CR2032 battery;
  • pluses: high-quality tracking of indicators, reliable fixation on the hand;
  • cons: silicone strap.

Watch with pedometer and calorie counter

The popular Apple brand launches a line of smart sports watches with a pedometer and calorie counter:

  • name: Apple Watch Sport 42mm with Sport Band;
  • price: 16 900 rubles;
  • characteristics: calorie burner counter, physical activity indication, shockproof, moisture resistant, aluminum case compatible with iOS, display type - AMOLED touch screen, dimensions - 312x390 mm, weight - 30 g, color - silver, gold, dark gray, rose gold ;
  • pluses: scratch-resistant glass, wide choice of strap colors;
  • cons: short operating time.

Smart watch-pedometer of the Samsung brand on hand with the ability to monitor different indicators of physical activity:

  • name: Samsung Gear S3 Frontier;
  • price: 21,189 rubles;
  • characteristics: monitoring sleep, calories, physical activity, moisture resistance, shock resistance, stainless steel case, compatibility with iOS, Android, controller circuit Li-Po battery, dimensions: 46x29x12.9 mm, weight - 63 g, color - black, strap material - silicone;
  • pluses: scratch-resistant glass;
  • cons: only electronic way of displaying time.

Bracelet with pedometer and calorie counter

The compact and lightweight device is a bracelet calorie counter pedometer. It is easily attached to the hand, due to its low weight you hardly feel it throughout the day:

  • name: Sigma Sport Activo;
  • price: 3,512 rubles;
  • characteristics: monitoring of physical activity, sleep, time display, compatibility with Android, iOS, synchronization via Bluetooth, the presence of an LED screen, waterproof, weight - 18 g, color - multicolor;
  • pluses: variety of colors;
  • cons: poor quality of the strap material.

The following pedometer bracelet has won many positive reviews on the Internet, due to its low cost, but extensive functionality:

  • name: Barry L010;
  • price: 2,990 rubles;
  • characteristics: sleep tracking, clock function, synchronization with mobile devices, weight - 22 g, color - black;
  • pluses: time without recharging from 10-30 days, does not rub the hand;
  • cons: application in English.

Pedometer with heart rate monitor

A practical solution for people who take care of their cardiovascular system - pedometer and heart rate monitor in one device:

  • name: Polar Loop2 with Polar H7 sensor;
  • price: 11,990 rubles;
  • characteristics: indication of activity time, compatibility with simulators (training applications), dimensions - 125x190x60 mm, weight - 36 g, color - black, white;
  • pluses: long operating time (more than a week);
  • cons: monochrome display.

The budget version of this device, but no less functional, is represented by the following model:

  • name: Skmei B15P;
  • price: 2 745 rubles;
  • characteristics: sports watch with heart rate monitor and pedometer on the wrist, digital display with backlight, diameter - 29.6 mm, color - multicolor;
  • pluses: impact resistance of the display glass, immersion depth up to 50 m;
  • cons: not found.

How to choose a pedometer on hand

Mechanical and electronic pedometers are gradually losing their relevance. People are increasingly choosing pedometer bracelets for their wrist. They are more practical, lighter and most of these bracelets combine several functions. There is a conditional division into female and male pedometers, but their gender often depends only on the color of the strap. The silicone strap is dyed in many shades for every taste. It wears out quickly, so an additional free wrist strap is often included in the kit. They recommend choosing more practical materials.

You can buy pedometers at a pharmacy or online store. Sites often rank popular products, view photos, read reviews and make a choice. How much a pedometer will cost depends on the functionality and materials of manufacture. The price of pedometers varies from 300 rubles. up to 90,000 rubles After purchasing, make sure that the device responds correctly to steps, calculates heart rate, synchronizes with mobile devices, does not cause discomfort while wearing. These are the main points to choose the best pedometer.