School of fairy tales read online in full. Quotes from the book “School of Fairy Tales” Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya

School of Fairy Tales

School of Fairy Tales – 1

* * *

This story began with a house in the village and the green apples that grew under the windows of my attic room. To some it may seem like fiction, but for me it became a fairy tale. A fairy tale that lasts a lifetime...

On that sunny and fine day, I sat on the windowsill and enjoyed the warm August wind, bringing with it the smell of meadow grass. The branchy apple tree this year was richer in harvest than ever before. Juicy liquid fruits literally asked to be picked up, tempting with their rosy sides, and the air was saturated with a subtle sweet aroma. Having picked a ripe fruit from a nearby branch, I was about to bring it to my lips when I heard a strange noise.

Quiet puffing and a sharp swaying of the tree announced the appearance of guests in the yard. Grinning, I put the apple in the pocket of my sundress and, slipping out of the room, quickly went downstairs. Having crept up to the tree, I began to watch with interest the young thief who had encroached on our garden.

- What are you doing here? – I asked insinuatingly, following his manipulations.

Startled, the owner of criminal tendencies jerked and, awkwardly waving her arms, flew to the ground. For a moment, the world around me froze, leaving me alone with the only question - what to do with the corpse? God forbid he breaks his neck...

And while the stupid head was tormented by panic thoughts, the stranger managed to deftly twist in the air and gracefully land. Green eyes, sparkling with some kind of witchcraft light, glanced at me with a bad look for a minute, and then the girl got up and quickly ran through the garden to the far fence. I would like to return to my room and forget about the unexpected visit, but for some reason my legs began to follow me.

Using a small gate that closed with a hook, I passed the old fence. A strange excitement flared up in my soul, and my heart was ready to burst out of my chest, as if it felt the approach of something... magical. And it didn’t take long to arrive!

Easily slipping out of the outskirts, I took a few steps by inertia and froze in amazement - I had never seen such a landscape outside the village before!...

A slight blow to my back forced me to lose my balance for a moment, but instead of falling, I was suddenly pulled upward. Straight towards the blue sky, which at this time of year seemed endless. A frightened cry got stuck somewhere in the throat, and the eyes closed on their own, plunging the consciousness into darkness.

The first note, telling about the magical and unknown

Grandfather and Grandmother took into account their mistake and baked the Cube.

“Thirteen girls on the list, as you asked, Yaginya Kosteyalovna,” a squeaky voice was heard somewhere nearby.

“I see it myself, Norushka.” Thank you for your help, I was very helpful.

Opening my eyes, for some time I looked with curiosity at the dark crowns of the giant trees, blocking the sunlight and creating a pleasant coolness. The thick grass under his back served as a soft blanket, causing an unaccountable desire to lie around some more. But they didn’t give it to me.

- Girls, get up! “And an unknown force lifted me up, forcing me to take a vertical position and look around in surprise.

(estimates: 1 , average: 2,00 out of 5)

Title: School of Fairy Tales
Author: Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya
Year: 2015
Genre: Books about wizards, Humorous fantasy, Romance fantasy

About the book “School of Fairy Tales” Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya

Irina Elba and Tatyana Osinskaya are quite a talented creative tandem. Writers work in the popular genre of “love fantasy”. Their book “School of Fairy Tales” will definitely appeal to those readers who have an irresistible craving for vivid descriptions of the fantastic adventures of attractive and brave heroines, as well as their romantic relationships with handsome princes. It is worth reading for anyone who wants to spend a few hours of free time carefree and pleasantly.

The fairy-tale world in which the heroes of the work live has its own laws and rules. The main character, quite suddenly, finds herself in a magical School of Fairy Tales.

But she needs to study not to become an ordinary witch, but to become a real Baba Yaga. The main character will take upon herself the responsibility of breaking existing stereotypes. She will try in every possible way to prove that the fragile girl can stand up not only for herself, but also for her friends.

Irina Elba and Tatyana Osinskaya wrote their book in a very simple and accessible language for a large number of readers, simplifying the plot weaves as much as possible. Not much time and attention is given to the description of the world in which the heroes of the work live; the writers place the main emphasis on romantic feelings and general impressions. The authors of the book tried to bring together the heroes of numerous Russian fairy tales and, by rethinking their stories, create a unique narrative about the adventures of fictional fairy-tale characters.

The book “School of Fairy Tales” is an excellent work in the “love fantasy” genre, which will definitely give readers a lot of pleasant and positive emotions. It has a lot of cute and interesting characters who easily embark on absolutely incredible and very fun journeys. Each of them is trying to find their happiness and their love. This book contains quite a lot of vivid erotic scenes that are sure to interest and appeal to many readers. The main character of the work is trying in every possible way to find her only man who will make her truly happy. For this she is ready to do almost anything. Whether she will be able to find her love, readers will find out only towards the end of the novel.

Irina Elba and Tatyana Osinskaya managed to write both an incredibly light and fascinating work, using almost all the characteristic genre elements. Their novel is worth reading, first of all, for those who want to escape from everyday worries and relax a little.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “School of Fairy Tales” by Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “School of Fairy Tales” Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya

- Father, bring me a scarlet flower from across the sea...
- Daughter, fuck you! My suspended sentence for your miracle herb has not yet ended!

Children forget bad things faster, trying to fill unpleasant emotions with new impressions.

Now I, you wicked pussies, will wrap your chlamys around... so that you won’t be disgraced!”

Twelve students stood opposite the small house in which the curator was hiding, and sniffled displeasedly. I watched what was happening with curiosity. “Yaga, come out!” Come out, you vile coward! - At the behest of the pike... - Ulyana Emelevna, I ask you not to mention your familiar in vain! – the woman responded, floating out onto the threshold. – Why are my Hedgehogs unhappy?

Quiet puffing and a sharp swaying of the tree announced the appearance of guests in the yard. Grinning, I put the apple in the pocket of my sundress and, slipping out of the room, quickly went downstairs. Having crept up to the tree, I began to watch with interest the young thief who had encroached on our garden. “What are you doing here?” – I asked insinuatingly, following his manipulations. Startled, the owner of criminal inclinations jerked and, awkwardly waving her arms, flew to the ground. For a moment, the world around me froze, leaving me alone with the only question - what to do with the corpse? God forbid he breaks his neck...

Irina Elba

Tatiana Osinskaya


This story began with a house in the village and the green apples that grew under the windows of my attic room. To some it may seem like fiction, but for me it became a fairy tale. A fairy tale that lasts a lifetime...

On that sunny and fine day, I sat on the windowsill and enjoyed the warm August wind, bringing with it the smell of meadow grass. The branchy apple tree this year was richer in harvest than ever before. Juicy liquid fruits literally asked to be picked up, tempting with their rosy sides, and the air was saturated with a subtle sweet aroma. Having picked a ripe fruit from a nearby branch, I was about to bring it to my lips when I heard a strange noise.

Quiet puffing and a sharp swaying of the tree announced the appearance of guests in the yard. Grinning, I put the apple in the pocket of my sundress and, slipping out of the room, quickly went downstairs. Having crept up to the tree, I began to watch with interest the young thief who had encroached on our garden.

What are you doing here? - I asked insinuatingly, following his manipulations.

Startled, the owner of criminal tendencies jerked and, awkwardly waving her arms, flew to the ground. For a moment, the world around me froze, leaving me alone with the only question - what to do with the corpse? God forbid he breaks his neck...

And while the stupid head was tormented by panic thoughts, the stranger managed to deftly twist in the air and gracefully land. Green eyes, sparkling with some kind of magical light, glanced at me with a bad look for a minute, and then the girl got up and quickly ran through the garden to the far fence. I would like to go back to my room and forget about the unexpected visit, but for some reason my legs started to follow me.

Using a small gate that closed with a hook, I passed the old fence. A strange excitement flared up in my soul, and my heart was ready to burst out of my chest, as if it felt the approach of something... magical. And it didn’t take long to arrive!

Easily slipping out of the outskirts, I took a few steps by inertia and froze in amazement - I had never seen such a landscape outside the village before!

A slight blow to my back forced me to lose my balance for a moment, but instead of falling, I was suddenly pulled upward. Straight towards the blue sky, which at this time of year seemed endless. A frightened scream got stuck somewhere in the throat, and the eyes closed on their own, plunging the consciousness into darkness.

The first note, telling about the magical and unknown

Grandfather and Grandmother took into account their mistake and baked the Cube.

Thirteen girls on the list, as you asked, Yaginya Kosteyalovna,” a squeaky voice sounded somewhere nearby.

I see it myself, Norushka. Thank you for your help, I was very helpful.

Opening my eyes, for some time I looked with curiosity at the dark crowns of giant trees, blocking the sunlight and creating a pleasant coolness. The thick grass under his back served as a soft blanket, causing an unaccountable desire to lie around some more. But they didn’t give it to me.

Girls, get up! - And an unknown force lifted me up, forcing me to take a vertical position and look around in surprise.

The forest... Dark and dense, standing in this place for centuries. Not a single gap or hint of a path that would lead out of the clearing where I so unexpectedly found myself. Next to me, in the same suspended state, a dozen more girls were hanging out, looking with hostility at the beautiful young woman standing opposite. Behind her, a flock of geese was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, on the neck of one of which sat a mouse... in a sundress and with an ear of wheat in its paw.

I see that you all recognize me, and there’s no need to introduce yourself,” the woman smiled joyfully. - So we met, my wards.

Let go, Yaga. Please, please let me go! - one of the “suspended ones” spoke, with a thick braid of rich red color.

Once you learn, Lyubava Zmeevna, I’ll let you go.

My folder will arrive and...

And he’ll fly away, honey,” the woman interrupted, smiling softly. - All of you are here with the consent of your relatives. And some are also at the request, so leave the threats. Besides, the director should appear any minute. And after its approval, in any case, you will have to complete the prescribed period.

Unlearn where? - I asked quietly, however, not counting on an answer.

However, they heard me and immediately rewarded me with an attentive look.

Whose will you be, girl? - the woman asked, coming closer.

“Parental,” I responded, not quite understanding the essence of the question.

Irina Elba, Tatyana Osinskaya

School of Fairy Tales

© Osinskaya T., Elba I., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

* * *

This story began with a house in the village and the green apples that grew under the windows of my attic room. To some it may seem like fiction, but for me it became a fairy tale. A fairy tale that lasts a lifetime...

On that sunny and fine day, I sat on the windowsill and enjoyed the warm August wind, bringing with it the smell of meadow grass. The branchy apple tree this year was richer in harvest than ever before. Juicy liquid fruits literally asked to be picked up, tempting with their rosy sides, and the air was saturated with a subtle sweet aroma. Having picked a ripe fruit from a nearby branch, I was about to bring it to my lips when I heard a strange noise.

Quiet puffing and a sharp swaying of the tree announced the appearance of guests in the yard. Grinning, I put the apple in the pocket of my sundress and, slipping out of the room, quickly went downstairs. Having crept up to the tree, I began to watch with interest the young thief who had encroached on our garden.

- What are you doing here? – I asked insinuatingly, following his manipulations.

Startled, the owner of criminal tendencies jerked and, awkwardly waving her arms, flew to the ground. For a moment, the world around me froze, leaving me alone with the only question - what to do with the corpse? God forbid he breaks his neck...

And while the stupid head was tormented by panic thoughts, the stranger managed to deftly twist in the air and gracefully land. Green eyes, sparkling with some kind of magical light, glanced at me with a bad look for a minute, and then the girl got up and quickly ran through the garden to the far fence. I would like to go back to my room and forget about the unexpected visit, but for some reason my legs started to follow me.

Using a small gate that closed with a hook, I passed the old fence. A strange excitement flared up in my soul, and my heart was ready to burst out of my chest, as if it felt the approach of something... magical. And it didn’t take long to arrive!

Easily slipping out of the outskirts, I took a few steps by inertia and froze in amazement - I had never seen such a landscape outside the village before!

A slight blow to my back forced me to lose my balance for a moment, but instead of falling, I was suddenly pulled upward. Straight towards the blue sky, which at this time of year seemed endless. A frightened scream got stuck somewhere in the throat, and the eyes closed on their own, plunging the consciousness into darkness.

The first note, telling about the magical and unknown

Grandfather and Grandmother took into account their mistake and baked the Cube.

“Thirteen girls on the list, as you asked, Yaginya Kosteyalovna,” a squeaky voice came from somewhere nearby.

“I see it myself, Norushka.” Thank you for your help, I was very helpful.

Opening my eyes, for some time I looked with curiosity at the dark crowns of giant trees, blocking the sunlight and creating a pleasant coolness. The thick grass under his back served as a soft blanket, causing an unaccountable desire to lie around some more. But they didn’t give it to me.

- Girls, get up! “And an unknown force lifted me up, forcing me to take a vertical position and look around in surprise.

The forest... Dark and dense, standing in this place for centuries. Not a single gap or hint of a path that would lead out of the clearing where I so unexpectedly found myself. Next to me, in the same suspended state, a dozen more girls were hanging out, looking with hostility at the beautiful young woman standing opposite. Behind her, a flock of geese was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, on the neck of one of which sat a mouse... in a sundress and with an ear of wheat in its paw.

“I see that you all recognize me, and there’s no need to introduce yourself,” the woman smiled joyfully. - So we met, my wards.

- Let go, Yaga. Please, please let me go! – one of the “suspended ones” spoke, with a thick braid of rich red color.

“As soon as you learn, Lyubava Zmeevna, I’ll let you go.”

- My folder will fly in and...

“And it will fly away, honey,” the woman interrupted, smiling softly. “You are all here with the consent of your relatives.” And some are also at the request, so leave the threats. Besides, the director should appear any minute. And after its approval, in any case, you will have to complete the prescribed period.

- Where to study? – I asked quietly, however, not counting on an answer.

However, they heard me and immediately rewarded me with an attentive look.

-Whose will you be, girl? – coming closer, the woman asked.

“Parental,” I responded, not quite understanding the essence of the question.

- Who are our parents?

– Andrey and Veronica Tumanny.

- Foggy? I don’t remember something like that... Mages?

- In the s-meaning? – I asked hesitantly, looking at the woman in surprise.

- Norushka, who did you bring me? – the lady with the unusual name asked, turning sharply to the mouse.

– So, judging by the imprint of the aura... it should be Vasilisa the Immortal. - And already turning to me: - What is your name?

“Oh... There was a mistake,” the mouse squeaked somehow in confusion. -Will you order it back?

- Yes. Don’t forget to correct the girl’s memory and...” the woman responded, squinting.

What else the mouse was supposed to do, I never found out. The air above the clearing rippled, and then something smoothly unfolded from it, most reminiscent of an emergency slide on an airplane. A moment, and a large ball rolled down this ladder straight onto the grass. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an overcooked Easter cake, to which someone had attached eyes and made a cut in the shape of a mouth. Oh…

- Hello, girls! – the breadmaker’s voice was surprisingly pleasant and charming. – I’m very glad to see you all. Of course, you gave me trouble. But I’m even glad that you are so persistent and dexterous. This means that you will study to the envy of everyone. From this day on, all of you are listed as students of the School of Fairy Tales, the direction of Malice, with a specialty of Babki Yozhki. My sincere congratulations!

- Sorry, Kolobok Batkovich, but we have a problem. One of the girls is not a resident of the Fairytale World and must be returned home.

- Which exactly? – the loaf asked interestedly and, following Yaga’s pointing finger, turned to me. - It will do. I reject the request to return home. Let him study. - And already turning to me: - You don’t have to thank me.

I didn’t, puzzled by the question - why do I have such strange visions? Either when I was chasing a thief, I fell and hit my head, or my grandmother sprayed something on the apples and forgot to tell me. In any case, the hallucinations turned out to be extremely delusional and... realistic.

“Thank you, Kolobok Batkovich,” Yaginya Kosteyalovna was the first to respond and bowed. - And for permission, and for parting words, and for a new hostel. By the way, when can students move in?

– All the necessary papers have already been signed, so you can get started. More questions? No? Then let me roll back - business.

With these words, Kolobok deftly rolled back along the ramp and disappeared into the airy haze. We, no longer restrained by the spell, smoothly sank to the ground. Well, at least they didn’t hit – and that’s good.

- That's all, my dears. I also congratulate you on your admission to the School of Fairy Tales. For the next six years, I am your curator, nanny, mother and best friend!

- How can I expel? – Lyubava asked with hostility, scratching the tip of her nose.

- No way! You can leave school early only in one case - if you get married. And not just for anyone, but for someone with blue blood. And it doesn’t matter - for Tsarevich Ivan the fiftieth... although Tsar Father Ivan the forty-ninth also seems to be free... or for the heir to the empire. - Yaga thought for a moment, and then continued in a cheerful voice: - In general, as soon as you find your prince with a bow and arrows, you will receive an offer from him with this very arrow between... ahem, it’s still too early for you to know. In general, as soon as you present your personalized wedding arrow, you can immediately leave the school. Until that moment - study, study and study again! So, my Yozhki, get up - and go to the hostel!

No one was in a hurry to get up, so an unknown force lifted us to our feet again, and then carried us towards particularly dense bushes. However, as we approached, they parted, opening up a completely acceptable path. It was along this path that we were dragged into a bright future...

To be honest, the hostel was impressive. I had no idea that I had such a rich imagination! A seven-story wooden building... on chicken legs, with a thatched roof and... alive! He also had small white wings.

– Girls, this is your home during school. Remember the password! So, hut-hut, turn your front towards me, and towards the forest...

- Backwards? – suggested one of the girls, with pink hair and an impressive baton.

– ... and the rear façade faces the forest! – Yaga finished, looking displeasedly at her ward. - We have censorship, Yozhka. So in future I ask you not to express yourself.

I would never have thought that one day I would find myself in the Fairytale World. And not just anywhere, but to a real School of Fairy Tales! It’s a pity, they forgot to warn you that you will be studying not to become a witch, but to become a real Baba Yaga! Only a diet of good fellows does not suit modern Hedgehogs. Flights in a mortar are no longer possible due to lack of rights, and the Hut on Chicken Legs scared away all the suitors. And even constant clashes with harmful heroes! But I want a fairy tale! And preferably happy. What does it mean that Hedgehogs are not destined for princes? We'll have to break stereotypes. After all, Baba Yaga should have her own “happily ever after”!

Irina Elba

Note two, about dining, drinking and shopping

Note three, about shopping, cafes and men

Note four, about walks, unpleasant meetings and the future

Note five, about unusual offers and strange bards

Note six, about the educational process and other troubles

Note seven, about all sorts of different things

Note eight, about lewdness and impudence

Note nine, about the Hedgehog Games

Note tenth, about night, day and other things

Note eleven, about marvelous birds and strange phenomena

Note twelve, about search and entertainment

Note thirteen, about holidays and abductions

Note fourteen, about rest and recuperation

Note fifteen, about curses, interrogations and nobility

Note sixteen, about enemies and foes




This story began with a house in the village and the green apples that grew under the windows of my attic room. To some it may seem like fiction, but for me it became a fairy tale. A fairy tale that lasts a lifetime...

On that sunny and fine day, I sat on the windowsill and enjoyed the warm August wind, bringing with it the smell of meadow grass. The branchy apple tree this year was richer in harvest than ever before. Juicy liquid fruits literally asked to be picked up, tempting with their rosy sides, and the air was saturated with a subtle sweet aroma. Having picked a ripe fruit from a nearby branch, I was about to bring it to my lips when I heard a strange noise.

Quiet puffing and a sharp swaying of the tree announced the appearance of guests in the yard. Grinning, I put the apple in the pocket of my sundress and, slipping out of the room, quickly went downstairs. Having crept up to the tree, I began to watch with interest the young thief who had encroached on our garden.

- What are you doing here? — I asked insinuatingly, following his manipulations.

Startled, the owner of criminal tendencies jerked and, awkwardly waving her arms, flew to the ground. For a moment, the world around me froze, leaving me alone with the only question - what to do with the corpse? God forbid he breaks his neck...

And while the stupid head was tormented by panic thoughts, the stranger managed to deftly twist in the air and gracefully land. Green eyes, sparkling with some kind of magical light, glanced at me with a bad look for a minute, and then the girl got up and quickly ran through the garden to the far fence. I would like to go back to my room and forget about the unexpected visit, but for some reason my legs started to follow me.

Using a small gate that closed with a hook, I passed the old fence. A strange excitement flared up in my soul, and my heart was ready to burst out of my chest, as if it felt the approach of something... magical. And it didn’t take long to arrive!

Easily slipping out of the outskirts, I took a few steps by inertia and froze in amazement - I had never seen such a landscape outside the village before!

A slight blow to my back forced me to lose my balance for a moment, but instead of falling, I was suddenly pulled upward. Straight towards the blue sky, which at this time of year seemed endless. A frightened scream got stuck somewhere in the throat, and the eyes closed on their own, plunging the consciousness into darkness.

The first note, telling about the magical and unknown

Grandfather and Grandmother took into account their mistake and baked the Cube.

“Thirteen girls on the list, as you asked, Yaginya Kosteyalovna,” a squeaky voice was heard somewhere nearby.

“I see it myself, Norushka.” Thank you for your help, I was very helpful.

Opening my eyes, for some time I looked with curiosity at the dark crowns of giant trees, blocking the sunlight and creating a pleasant coolness. The thick grass under his back served as a soft blanket, causing an unaccountable desire to lie around some more. But they didn’t give it to me.

- Girls, get up! “And an unknown force lifted me up, forcing me to take a vertical position and look around in surprise.

The forest... Dark and dense, standing in this place for centuries. Not a single gap or hint of a path that would lead out of the clearing where I so unexpectedly found myself. Next to me, in the same suspended state, a dozen more girls were hanging out, looking with hostility at the beautiful young woman standing opposite. Behind her, a flock of geese was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, on the neck of one of which sat a mouse... in a sundress and with an ear of wheat in its paw.

“I see that you all recognize me, and there’s no need to introduce yourself,” the woman smiled joyfully. - So we met, my wards.

- Let go, Yaga. Please, please let me go! - spoke one of the “suspended ones”, with a thick braid of rich red color.

“As soon as you learn, Lyubava Zmeevna, I’ll let you go.”

- My folder will fly in and...

“And it will fly away, honey,” the woman interrupted, smiling softly. “You are all here with the consent of your relatives.” And some are also at the request, so leave the threats. Besides, the director should appear any minute. And after its approval, in any case, you will have to complete the prescribed period.

- Where to study? — I asked quietly, however, not counting on an answer.

However, they heard me and immediately rewarded me with an attentive look.

-Whose will you be, girl? — the woman asked, coming closer.

“Parental,” I responded, not quite understanding the essence of the question.

- Who are our parents?

— Andrey and Veronica Tumanny.

— Foggy? I don’t remember something like that... Mages?

- In the s-meaning? — I asked hesitantly, looking at the woman in surprise.

- Norushka, who did you bring me? — the lady with the unusual name asked, turning sharply to the mouse.

- So, judging by the imprint of the aura... it should be Vasilisa the Immortal. - And already turning to me: - What is your name?

- Yanika.

“Oh... There was a mistake,” the mouse squeaked somehow in confusion. —Will you order it back?

- Yes. Don’t forget to correct the girl’s memory and...” the woman responded, squinting.

What else the mouse was supposed to do, I never found out. The air above the clearing rippled, and then something smoothly unfolded from it, most reminiscent of an emergency slide on an airplane. A moment, and a large ball rolled down this ladder straight onto the grass. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an overcooked Easter cake, to which someone had attached eyes and made a cut in the shape of a mouth. Oh…

- Hello, girls! — the breadmaker’s voice was surprisingly pleasant and charming. - I’m very glad to see you all. Of course, you gave me trouble. But I’m even glad that you are so persistent and dexterous. This means that you will study to the envy of everyone. From this day on, all of you are listed as students of the School of Fairy Tales, the direction of Malice, with a specialty of Babki Yozhki. My sincere congratulations!

- Sorry, Kolobok Batkovich, but we have a problem. One of the girls is not a resident of the Fairytale World and must be returned home.

- Which exactly? — the loaf asked interestedly and, following Yaga’s pointing finger, turned to me. - It will do. I reject the request to return home. Let him study. - And already turning to me: - You don’t have to thank me.

I didn’t, puzzled by the question - why do I have such strange visions? Either when I was chasing a thief, I fell and hit my head, or my grandmother sprayed the apples with something and forgot to tell me. In any case, the hallucinations turned out to be extremely delusional and... realistic.

“Thank you, Kolobok Batkovich,” Yaginya Kosteyalovna was the first to respond and bowed. - And for permission, and for parting words, and for a new hostel. By the way, when can students move in?

— All the necessary papers have already been signed, so you can get started. More questions? No? Then let me roll back - business.

With these words, Kolobok deftly rolled back along the ramp and disappeared into the airy haze. We, no longer restrained by the spell, smoothly sank to the ground. Well, at least they didn’t hit, and that’s good.

- That's all, my dears. I also congratulate you on your admission to the School of Fairy Tales. For the next six years, I am your curator, nanny, mother and best friend!

- How can you expel? - Lyubava asked with hostility, scratching the tip of her nose.

- No way! You can leave school early only in one case - if you get married. And not just for anyone, but for someone with blue blood. And it doesn’t matter - for Tsarevich Ivan the fiftieth... although Tsar Father Ivan the forty-ninth also seems to be free... or for the heir to the empire. - Yaga thought for a moment, and then continued in a cheerful voice: - In general, as soon as you find your prince with a bow and arrows, you will receive an offer from him with this very arrow between... ahem, it’s still too early for you to know. In general, as soon as you present your personalized wedding arrow, you can immediately leave the school. Until this moment - study, study and study again! So, my hedgehogs, get up - and go to the hostel!

No one was in a hurry to get up, so an unknown force lifted us to our feet again, and then carried us towards particularly dense bushes. However, as we approached, they parted, opening up a completely acceptable path. It was along this path that we were dragged into a bright future...

To be honest, the hostel was impressive. I had no idea that I had such a rich imagination! A seven-story wooden building... on chicken legs, with a thatched roof and... alive! He also had small white wings.

- Girls, this is your home during school. Remember the password! So, hut-hut, turn your front towards me, and towards the forest...

- Backwards? — suggested one of the girls, with pink hair and an impressive baton.

- ... and the rear façade faces the forest! - Yaga finished, looking displeasedly at her ward. - We have censorship, Yozhka. So in future I ask you not to express yourself.

The girl batted her eyelashes innocently and nodded. As soon as the curator turned away, an insidious smile blossomed on his sweet face, not boding well. Eh, Yaga shouldn’t have mentioned censorship.

Obeying someone else's will, we flew into the hostel and began checking in. I was only released on the third floor, directly opposite the door with a metal plate on which there was a calligraphic inscription: “Yanika the Foggy and Vereya the Gray.”

Looking around and not noticing my neighbor nearby, I pulled the handle and went inside, looking at the small corridor and three doors. The right and left were slightly open and led to bedrooms with a standard set - a bed, a wardrobe, a bookshelf and a desk. Not noticing anything interesting, she walked to the end of the corridor and stuck her curious nose behind the third door.

It turned out to be... a kitchen. An ordinary one, with simple utensils and a small stove in which a bright flame burned. Recalling my favorite fantasy books, I mentally prepared myself for the meeting with the salamander, and then the first bummer awaited me - the fire was not maintained by magic lizards, logs, or, in extreme cases, gas. No, the feather glowed and warmed!

- Wow! — I was surprised out loud and immediately almost jumped on the spot when I heard the comment:

- Have you never seen the feathers of a firebird? Village…

“I didn’t see it,” I didn’t deny, looking at the speaker with interest. Beautiful, I must admit. Tall, black-haired and gray-eyed. Subtle and pleasant facial features, good figure. Good! - Yanika.

“I know,” the stranger smiled, pouring water into the kettle. — It was written on the door.

- Oh, that’s right... And you mean Vereya? Nice to meet you.

- Mutually. And who will you be, Yanika?

- In terms of?

- Your parents, apparently, are people. This means that you either have one of your relatives from the Fairytale World, or you have the gift yourself. So who will you be?

- A person.

- Has Norushka really confused you with Vasilisa? Yeah, it's fun!

- And what's fun?

- That's the point, it's nothing. It will be difficult at first, especially with studies. As far as I know, magic workshops are offered in many subjects. But since Kolobok Batkovich said to leave it, it means you can handle it.

- What, are you all magicians?

“Some are magicians, others are not, but we can do magic.”

- Who are your parents?

— I am the daughter of the Gray Wolf and the Gray Fox.

- Gray fox? - I asked in surprise.

- Lisa Patrikeevna. After marriage, my mother took my father's surname.

- Clear. Sorry, but shouldn't you then... mmmm...

- Look different? — the girl suggested and smiled.

That smile made me feel sick! The sharp teeth in two rows did not inspire confidence at all and, to be honest, caused a healthy fear for life.

- Wow!

“That’s the same,” Vereya grinned and smiled normally. “Both of my parents are from higher werewolves, so there are no problems with changing hypostases.

In response, I just nodded, automatically accepting a mug of tea from the girl and sitting down at the table. Somehow my hallucinations dragged on. I wonder how strong the blow must be for a person to start having such strange visions?

While I was thinking about abstract topics, my hands and mouth acted completely independently. I came to my senses while chewing a chocolate cookie with drops of caramel. The last one off the plate, by the way!

Catching the mocking gaze of gray eyes, she became embarrassed and hid her hands under the table. And then I remembered the apple that was still in the pocket of my sundress. Shaking off the crumbs from the painted plate, she placed the ruddy fruit on it with a joyful look. And she just reached for the knife to cut it in half...

- Christmas trees! — I screamed, jumping on the spot. - Are there ghosts here too?

- Why such assumptions? - Vereya asked, watching the apple making circles on the plate.

- That's how it moves. And when any objects move without outside help, it clearly smacks of the paranormal!

- It smells from the window - we were accommodated with a view of the swamp and its inhabitants. And the apple is most likely enchanted. Now let's see what's on the air today. Yeah, the schedule is for the day after tomorrow... I'm dying of happiness! — the girl growled, causing a wave of goosebumps. “We haven’t really gotten settled yet, but we already have lectures!”

- This is bad? - I asked timidly.

- And how! No writing instruments, no uniforms, no... We have nothing at all! So, we need to deal with this urgently. General collection!

Having created a small star in the air, shining with gray light, Vereya released it into the corridor. Having cast a short glance at the dishes, she snapped her fingers and walked out with a satisfied look, leaving me with a silent apple, clean mugs and in shock.

I spent some time on the chair, pinching my arm and waiting with some timid hope to wake up. The delicate skin had already turned red, but the glitches still did not go away, making me think about my state of mind. True, they didn’t let me think for long.