Encryption failure on my phone: how to fix it? Encryption unsuccessful android tablet encryption failure what to do lenovo

Unable to use your Android phone due to encryption unsuccessful error?

Well, encryption unsuccessful error is a serious problem and should not be taken lightly. Android encryption unsuccessful error screen prevents Android smartphone owners from using their phones and accessing any data stored on it. It is a strange error and occurs randomly. You will notice that while you are using your phone normally, it suddenly freezes. When you switch it on again, an encryption unsuccessful error message displays on the screen. This message appears, on the whole, go the main screen with only one option, i.e., “Reset Phone”.

The entire error message reads as follows:

“Encryption was interrupted and can" t be completed. As a result, the data on your phone is no longer accessible.

To resume using your phone, you must perform a factory reset. When you set up your phone after the reset, you’ll have an opportunity to restore any data that was backed up to your Google Account ”.

Read ahead to find out why Android encryption unsuccessful error occurs and the ways to get rid of it.

Part 1: Why encryption unsuccessful error happens?

Android encryption unsuccessful error can show up due to various issues in your device or its software but we cannot pinpoint a single reason. Many Android users are of the opinion that encryption unsuccessful error happens when your phone is unable to recognize its internal memory. Corrupted and clogged cache is also one of the main reasons for Android encryption unsuccessful error. Such an error cannot get phone encrypt state, which means that encryption unsuccessful error forces your device not to encrypt normally and thus, causes an obstruction in using it. Even when you reboot your phone several times, the encryption unsuccessful message shows up every time.

Encryption unsuccessful error screen is very scary as it leaves with only one option, namely, “Reset Phone” which if selected will wipe off and delete all data and content stored on the phone. Many users end up using this option and then manually format their system, flowed by flashing a new ROM of their choice. However, this is easier said than done and affected users are always on a lookout for guides and detailed explanation to overcome the Android encryption unsuccessful error.

In the following two segments, we will discuss how to combat the encryption unsuccessful error in the most reliable way.

Part 2: One click to fix error

Accounting to the severity of Android encryption error, we know how stressful you might be feeling. But, worry not! dr.fone - Repair (Android) is a sleek tool for fixing all your Android issues along with encryption unsuccessful problem within one-click.

Moreover, you can use the tool for getting rid of device stuck on blue screen of death, unresponsive or bricked Android device, apps crashing issue etc. in a jiffy.

Resolving the Android encryption error may erase the device data at once. So, prior to fixing any Android system with dr.fone –Repair (Android), it's paramount to and be on the safe side.

Phase 1: Connect the device after preparing

Step 1: Launch dr.fone - Repair (Android) and tap ‘Repair’ tab over the software interface on your computer. Now, connect the Android device using a USB cord.

Step 2: ‘Android Repair’ needs to be selected on the following window followed by the ‘Start’ button.

Step 3: Now, feed your Android device on the device information screen. Hit 'Next' thereafter.

Step 4: Proceed after confirming your selections by entering '000000'.

Phase 2: Get in to ‘Download’ mode and repair

Step 1: In order to fix encryption unsuccessful issue, get your Android under ‘Download’ mode. Here comes the process -

Step 2: clicking over the ‘Next’ button will start the firmware download.

Step 3: Once, the download and verification is over, dr.fone –Repair (Android) starts auto repairing the Android system. All Android issues along with unsuccessful Android encryption get resolved now.

Part 3: How to fix encryption unsuccessful error by factory reset?

Android Encryption error is very common these days and thus, it is important for us to learn ways to fix it. When the Encryption unsuccessful message appears on your phone’s screen, the only option you immediately have before you is to factory reset your phone by tapping on “Reset Phone”. If you choose to go ahead with this method, be prepared to lose all your data. Of course, backed-up data can be recovered whenever you want after the reset process is complete, but, the data which is not backed up on the cloud or your Google Account will be deleted permanently. It is however advised to backup all your data using a reliable third party software like the dr.fone - Backup & Restore (Android).

Now moving on, to “Reset Phone”, follow the steps given below carefully:

On the Encryption unsuccessful message screen, click on “Reset phone” as shown hereunder.

You will now see a screen similar to the one shown below.

Your phone will restart after a couple of minutes. Be patient and wait for the phone manufacturer logo to appear after the restart as shown in the image below.

In this last and final step, you will be required to set up your device fresh and new, starting from selecting language option, to time and the usual new phone set up features.

Note: All your data, cache, partitions and stored content will be wiped off and can only be restored if it was backed up once you finish setting up your phone again.

If you feel this remedy to fix Android encryption unsuccessful error is too risky and time-consuming, we have another method which enables you to use your phone normally. So, what are we waiting for? Let us proceed to the next segment to know more.

Part 4: How to fix encryption unsuccessful error by flashing a new ROM?

This is yet another uncommon and unique way of fixing the encryption unsuccessful error issue.

Now, we all are very well aware of the fact that Android is a very open platform and allows its users to modify and change its versions by downloading and installing new and customized ROM’s.

And hence, Android "s open platform plays a very significant part in getting rid of this error. It is because flashing a new ROM is very helpful to fix the Android encryption unsuccessful problem.

Changing the ROM is simple, let us learn all that you need to do:

Firstly, take a backup of all your data, settings and Apps on the cloud or your Google Account. Just see the image below to know how and where.

Next, you have to unlock the bootloader on your device after referring to your phone’s rooting guide and select custom recovery.

Once you have unlocked the bootloader, the next step is to download a new ROM, whichever best suits you.

Now to use your new ROM, you should restart your phone in recovery mode and then select “Install” and search for the ROM Zip file you downloaded. This may take a few minutes. Wait patiently and make sure to delete all cache and data.

Once this is done, you will have to check whether or not you new ROM is recognized by your Android phone.

In order to do so:

Visit “Settings” and then select “Storage”.

If your new ROM appears as “USB Storage”, then you have successfully installed it.

Encryption unsuccessful error cannot get phone encrypt state, which basically means that such an Android encryption unsuccessful error completely blocks you from using the phone and accessing its data. It is not much you can do in such a situation. If you face a similar problem or know someone who is experiencing it, do not hesitate to use and recommend the remedies given above. They have been tried and tested by many users who vouch that these methods are safe and trustworthy. So go ahead and try them out now and we hope to hear from you on your experience in resolving the Android encryption error.

Encryption failure on a tablet is an error that can only happen on devices where this function was originally enabled. Such a useful option is used to encrypt all data that is stored in the gadget's memory. The device's pin code is used as the master decryption key for tablets, which the OS chooses as its source. And since no system works perfectly, without errors, you need to know, if the encryption fails on the tablet, what to do?

Encryption failure: what should be done?

If the model that is responsible for the encryption procedure is loaded one of the very first, an error occurs. It is he who will not allow all other modules and options to perform settings, load a full-fledged operating system. To solve the problem, you can try the following steps in stages:

  1. Without turning off the device, carefully remove the microSD. It is on it that data will not be encrypted, and therefore it is they that can remain accessible. Do not press Reset. This is the worst thing a user can do for their tablet. Otherwise (if the button was still pressed), you can say goodbye to all the data stored in the / data directory, as well as in the / sdcard folder.
  2. Use the Reset button only after removing the microcard. If after the first time it is not possible to solve the problem, experts advise restarting the system several times. in some cases, the key may not be loaded correctly due to an error in the code located on the external card. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the actions taken will not all be useful, but it is with them that you still need to start.
  3. If the failure cannot be resolved, you will need to zero the OS to factory level or roll it back. After that, you can install the cryptographic module. To complete this task, you will need an external card, the volume of which will be at least 8 GB. It is recommended to transfer all important documents to it. Dial 0M in swap and download ICS. After connecting, you can clear the cache and make a full backup of the information stored on the device. After installing ICS, you can reboot your device.

Summary: Here, in this post find out two solutions to fix encryption unsuccessful error that occur on Android phone screen or error cannot get phone encrypt state... Factory Reset and Flashing a new ROM are the two easy ways to fix encryption unsuccessful on Android.

Let Us Take Practical Scenario:

Encryption Unsuccessful Screen

Let me start out telling you I’m a phone idiot. I have had my ZTE Model number Z932 for almost two years. I plugged it in followed the set up and put in my gmail info and it worked fine. I had some apps on there like Facebook, Messenger, my banking app, and credit card app. Last night my stuff started randomly shutting down like I was looking at my contacts to call the kids and all of the sudden google play has shutdown and the like four or five messages and they kept popping up so restarted the phone put it in my purse while it was rebooting and didn't think about it until about two hours later after having supper with out oldest son who was visiting. When I took it out to call the younger kids again I got a screen with the following. “Encryption Unsuccessful Encryption was interrupted and can’t complete. As a result, the data on your phone is no longer accessible. To resume using your phone, you need to preform a factory reset. When you set up your phone after the reset, you’ll have an opportunity to restore any data that was backed up to your Google account. ” So I pressed the button that said reset because that was the only button to show up. As soon as it reset it went back to the encryption unsuccessful screen so I tried to do a hard reset still didn’t work. So I went to straightalk they said contact manufactoer, so I contacted them and they said only fix is ​​warranty repair but unfortunately my warranty for this phone has expired so according to them there isn’t a way to fix this. Now I looked online last night and a few people claim to have managed to fix these issues but they were throwing around so much lingo I was lost and all the threads were older so I couldn’t respond. At the moment I can’t afford another phone is there a way to fix this with a phone and computer dumb person.

Encryption unsuccessful error is really a very serious issue and you must not take it very lightly, it is because encryption unsuccessful error screen does not allow Android phone owners to use their phone and access their files stored within the phones.

This error occurs unexpectedly, you may notice that your phone hangs or freeze suddenly and when you turn ON it again, you may see the encryption unsuccessful error screen.

The complete error message is displayed as “ Encryption was interrupted and can’t be completed. As a result, the data on your phone is no longer accessible. To resume using your phone, you must perform a factory reset. When you set up your phone after the reset, you’ll have an opportunity to restore any data that was backed up to your Google Account”.

So, below find out the two solutions to fix encryption unsuccessful error screen on Android.

Solution 1: Fixing Encryption Unsuccessful Error by Factory Reset

When you choose ahead to fix encryption unsuccessful message by Factory Reset method then be ready to lose all your data stored within the phone. It is obvious that you can restore the backed up data however, the data that was not backed up on the Google Account or o the cloud will be deleted permanently.

Hence, it is always recommended that you must backup all your data by using software. Here find out the step by step guide on how to backup and restore Android data -

Alright, coming back to the topic to “Reset Phone” to fix encryption unsuccessful, please follow the below steps:

  • When you get encryption unsuccessful screen error messages, click on “ Reset phone”.

  • You will see the screen as the images shown below, you will see that your device data is getting wiping.

  • Once, the wiping data process complete, your phone will restart after few minutes. Just wait for your phone to get restart.
  • Finally, after your phone restart you have to just setup your Android device as you set up your new phone.

Note: If you have not kept backup of your data then immediately apply software to.

If the above method fails or encryption unsuccessful reset phone not working or if you do not want to follow the above solution, then we have another solution for you.

Find out the next solution below.

Solution 2: Fixing Encryption Unsuccessful Error by Flashing a New ROM

This is another very effective way to fix the encryption unsuccessful error problem.

As we all know that Android is open platform and it allows users change and modify it versions by downloading and installing new customized ROM's. And flashing a new ROM will help you in getting rid of Android encryption unsuccessful issue.

Though it sounds little complicated, but changing the ROM is very simple. Just follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Unlock bootloader on your Android device after referring to your phone’s rooting guide and choose custom recovery.

  • After unlocking bootloader, download a new ROM for your phone.

  • Next, in order to use your new ROM, you have to and then select “ Install”And look for the ROM zip file that you have downloaded. This will take few minutes. Just wait patiently and also make sure to delete all cache and data.

  • Once, the above process complete, check your new ROM is detected by your Android phone or not.

In order to check:

  • Open “ Settings"And select" Storage”.

  • If your new ROM display as “ USB storage”, Then it is confirmed that you have successfully installed it.

A similar error can appear only if the user initially turned on (tablet or other mobile device).

This function protects personal data stored in the memory of the android device. In this case, encryption is performed by the ICS system using a master key with a depth of 128 bits. If a password or pin code is set to unlock the screen, then Android by default selects it as the "source" for creating a master decryption key.

After enabling the encryption function, each time the OS is rebooted, the device will ask for the specified password or pin.

However, no system works without errors, and periodically, the android encryption also fails here, which makes unexpected changes to the 16 kilobyte master key.

Such a failure can "appear" at any time, so in order to guarantee not to lose the necessary information, always back up your data. For this, for example, you can make a backup to your Google account.

Otherwise, the cost of decrypting the card will be much more expensive than the cost of all the information stored in the phone's memory (which will need to be decrypted). In the worst case, decryption will take so long that the information will long ago lose its relevance.

Android encryption error: what to do?

So what if the phone says “encryption failed”? This message appears before the graphical shell is loaded because the module responsible for encryption (Cryptfs) is one of the first to load. It allows all other modules to decrypt the settings, read data from the cache and load the full version of the OS.

  1. 1. First, you need to remove the microSD card from the device. Due to Google's policy, information on it is not encrypted by default, and, accordingly, this data may still be available.

The worst thing you can do now is to press the only soft button on the screen - Reset phone.

After activating it (in most cases), you can say goodbye to the information stored in the / data folder and possibly / sdcard.

  1. 2. After removing the card, try restarting your android device using the mentioned button. If the encryption failure on the tablet failed the first time, try a few more times: the key may simply not be loaded correctly due to an error in the code located on the external card.

Unfortunately, in most cases, a reboot does not fix the encryption failure, since either the internal card of the android device or its controller are “knocked down”.

  1. 3. If restarting the phone / tablet did not resolve the encryption failure, you should "roll back" the firmware and install a new version of the cryptographic module so that the device can be used.

To do this, you need an external card, preferably at least 8 GB (you can use the "old" one if all important data has been backed up from it), on which temporary sections / data and / sdcard will be saved.

  1. 4. Insert the microSD card into your android device.

The next step is to prepare the phone for flashing. To do this, you need to go into Android recovery mode. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the device, access to this mode can be carried out in different ways, but the most common key combination is to simultaneously press the power and volume down buttons with fixation for one or two seconds.

In recovery mode, find the properties of the SD card and divide it into segments that will be reserved for the above sections. For the / data area, 2 GB of memory should be enough.

Select 0M for swap. The process of preparing the card will take some time - during this time you can download the latest ICS version corresponding to your phone / tablet model.

After downloading, save it to an already marked SD card.

At this point in recovery mode, the capability should be enabled as external media.

When the connection to the computer is secured, do not forget to make a full backup of the information stored on the android device.

This time it will take a little longer for the device to start up, but after a reboot, the encryption failure will already be "canceled" and work with the device and the external card will continue in the same mode.

On modern phones and tablets, we store a lot of important and even confidential information. It can be personal photos, correspondence, audio recordings, logins, passwords, bank card details and more. Often, users do not think about how to protect such data, until, for example, they lose their gadget. In the worst case, it falls into the hands of intruders who will gladly use your information for their own purposes. Sometimes that's the whole point. How do you protect your personal data?

Encryption and its meaning

To protect data, a common screen lock password is most often used, for example, a graphic lock or a numeric password. But this method is often unreliable. If you wish, this and then all your personal data will be at a glance. Encryption is a more powerful way. The user himself will not feel much of a difference, but if the gadget is lost, even if the attackers can somehow bypass the lock password, they will not have access to your data. This encryption is done quite simply:

  • "Settings";
  • "Security" and "Encryption".

After that, you will need to enter the code and wait for some time until all the data is encrypted, this can take quite a long time, especially if their volume is large. It happens that over time you may see the message Encryption failure Android, what should I do in this case?

Encryption failure: how to fix the problem?

In order to avoid such problems, you should always back up your data. For example, the Google cloud can become a reliable storage, this is the best option for all Android users. If you did not do this and saw a message about encryption failure, the main thing is not to rush to click on the "Reset phone" button.

First, pull out the external memory card, the data on it is not encrypted, this is provided for by the policy of the OS developers. Only then can you press this button, but be prepared for the fact that you may lose personal data.

Only in rare cases, after rebooting the system, the failure is eliminated; in case of other outcomes, it will be necessary to rollback until the time the failure was detected.

Be careful with data encryption so that you do not become a victim of your own vigilance.