Calculation of the productivity of the aerated concrete production line. Business plan for the creation of aerated concrete production in the SEZ. Download example. Staff and premises for a mini-factory

DIY productionaerated concreteand foam concrete.

In the construction process, two types of concrete blocks are used - foam concrete and aerated concrete. The release of load-bearing walls is associated with the manufacture of durable aerated concrete, since such blocks bear the main load of the entire structure of the structure. Cheaper foam concrete blocks, the cost of which is 20-25% lower, are used to install non-bearing bulkheads and partitions. From this we can draw the corresponding conclusion that the production of both types of blocks is equally expedient.

One block made of cellular concrete can replace 30 pieces of bricks, so it has a mass of less than 30 kg. It should be borne in mind that aerated concrete blocks, which are light in weight and also easily processed, make it possible to build houses without the use of special equipment, that is, lifting installations, tower cranes, etc.

Due to these properties, aerated concrete can be one of the most commonly used materials in the construction of low-rise housing, as well as country houses, private buildings, etc. The popularity of this material is confirmed by the growth dynamics of its production and sales volumes.

Equipment for the production ofaerated concrete.

It should be noted that at the moment there are no developments of solutions at domestic enterprises related to an automated production process with a low cost of non-autoclaved types of aerated concrete, and imported suppliers offer very expensive ones.

In order to release blocks of aerated concrete in a semi-automatic way, which will have a productivity of 12-21 m3 / day, the “aerated concrete” installations used should ensure the availability of:

1. Installations "aerated concrete" with a certain capacity;
2. Vibrating sieve with a mesh of 3 mm;
3. Cassette metal molds used for the production of block products of a fixed size 600x300x200 mm;
4. Petrochemistry, which involves the use of:
a) a complex chemical additive - a gas-forming agent;
b) the choice of hardening accelerator;
5. Additional equipment, as well as chemistry:
a) hydraulic trolleys - 1-2 pcs. (up to 2 tons);
b) substances for lubricating and washing forms;
c) multi-tube dispensers for cement and sand supply (one for cement and one for sand), or separately for cement and sand, two for each installation.

The price is about 18,000 rubles.

Production technologyaerated concrete.

The production of aerated concrete is associated with a very simple technology, which includes several main steps.

The main part of technology.

This group of cellular concrete is characterized by the presence of a cellular structure. The low volumetric weight of cellular concrete is ensured by the presence of bubbles filled with gas and occupying up to 85% of the total volume of the product.

To prepare the concrete mixture, lime, water, quartz sand and cement are used, which are mixed using an aerated concrete mixer. Stirring takes 4-5 minutes, after which it is necessary to add a little aqueous suspension of aluminum powder to the prepared mixture, which can react with lime. As a result, this reaction occurs with the formation of hydrogen, which fills numerous pores or bubbles of the raw mass, having a size of 0.5-2 mm, which evenly penetrate the entire porous material.

After the suspension with aluminum paste is added, the mixture is quickly poured into prepared metal containers, where the process of swelling of the concrete mass should take place. These chemical reactions can be accelerated by vibration loads, which also help the entire mass of the semi-finished product to set and harden faster. After the aerated concrete reaches the required stage of initial hardening, using wire strings, irregularities are cut off from the surface of the solid mixture. After that, the remaining mass is cut into blocks of equal size. The resulting aerated concrete blocks are subjected to heat treatment using an autoclave. After that, the blocks are calibrated with a special milling device.

Autoclaving aerated concrete.

Autoclaving is used to improve the properties of aerated concrete. The formed and also cut blocks of aerated concrete are placed in autoclave chambers, where for 12 hours under conditions of high pressure (12 kg / cm²) using saturated water vapor, the blocks are processed with a set temperature level of 190 ° C.

The autoclave process makes aerated concrete more durable, which allows for less shrinkage, as well as providing a more uniform structure in the blocks. This type of aerated concrete, like autoclaved, is widely used in many areas of construction due to its sound and heat insulating properties. The level of thermal conductivity of such aerated concrete is 0.09-0.18 W/(m.°C). This thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete products, when used taking into account Russian climatic conditions, allows the construction of single-row walls that have a thickness of 375-400 mm. In this case, the use of additional heaters is not required.

aerated concrete can also be produced by the non-autoclave method.

If the production of aerated concrete is carried out by a non-autoclave method, then its mass hardens when natural conditions are created. This type of production does not require the use of modern high-tech equipment, since it can be produced independently and at home, but its strength will be minimal.
Non-autoclaved types of aerated concrete have a shrinkage of 3-5 mm / m during operation, and autoclave 0.3-0.5 mm / m. Autoclaved aerated concrete has a strength of 28-40 kgf / m², and non-autoclaved - 10-12 kgf / m².

The release of conventional aerated concrete is carried out more rarely than autoclaved. It can also be made at home, since there is no need to buy sophisticated equipment in this case.

Material costs for launching a mini-factory for productionaerated concreteand foam concrete.

In order to open a joint production of foam concrete and aerated concrete, some investments may be required, the calculation of which is presented below.

The mini-plant itself for the production of these types of concrete can have a cost of 105,600 - 283,800 rubles, which depends on the capacity or volume of production of concrete products, which will be 10 - 30 cubic meters. m per shift. For the purpose of producing ordinary aerated concrete - from 29,800 to 85,000 rubles, with a capacity of 12 - 50 cubic meters. m in one shift.

For the manufacture of foam concrete, a foam generator will be needed, costing 27,800 rubles, as well as a compressor - 37,800 rubles. In addition, the mini-factory will use a peristaltic pump, which costs 57,700 rubles.

In the production process, molds for concrete mass will be used, having different sizes - 28,000-40,000 rubles. At the same time, 1 cubic meter of the mixture can be pumped into 1 mold, and if the plant's capacity is 10 cubic meters / m, then 10 molds will be needed.

Total: the cost of the minimum investment will be 538,700 rubles, and the maximum - 1,332,100 rubles.
A foam block of 1 cubic meter will cost 3,000 rubles.
Zazoblok in 1 cu. m - about 3,600 rubles.
The cost of consumables per 1 cu. m will be:
1. Foam concentrate - 75 rubles per 1 kg - for foam concrete;
2. Aluminum powder (500 gram package) - 105 rubles per 1 kg - for aerated concrete;
3. Sand (300 kg) - 350 rubles per cubic meter - 1.3 tons;
4. Cement (100 kg) - 2 bags at a price of 189 rubles.
It can be seen from the calculation data that the material costs are insignificant - about 540 rubles per 1 cubic meter for foam concrete, or 520 rubles per 1 cubic meter for aerated concrete.

Expenses and income.

The aerated concrete production process is very profitable. The cost of 1 cubic meter will be 1,800 rubles, and the retail price will be 2,500 rubles. Therefore, with the release and sale of 250 cubic meters / m of block products per month, the level of net income will be 175,000 rubles. At the same time, the payback period of investments will be 1-2 years.

During the seasonal construction period from May to October, the demand for aerated concrete blocks becomes maximum, as private construction is more intense. Preparatory work related to the start-up of production should fall on the off-season. The presence of small stocks of concrete products during this period in warehouses will be useful, in this regard, it is better to start production from March-April. A quick return on capital investment will be ensured if these conditions are met, which will accelerate the receipt of profit in the form of cash.

If there is a private business not in a rented, but in its own premises, production costs will be minimal. For the manufacture of 1 m3 of concrete, it will take about 2-3 hours. Within one working day, it will be realistic to produce 2-5 m3 of products, and outside help will not be required. If the productivity is 1-2 m3 per day, then all equipment costs can be recouped in a month. When setting up a regular production process of 3-5 m3 per day, one person can make a profit of up to $ 3,000 every month, while the correct construction of the sales market is important. Since the sale of products will affect the profitability of this business.

You can use various ways of advertising, they are all useful, for example, advertise in local newspapers, hand out business cards, place ads on the street, etc. In addition, you should immediately offer ways to deliver products to customers, which will also lead to successful implementation of the blocks. By concluding an agreement on the provision of transport services, you can subsequently receive discounts. Any developer will be pleased with the timely delivery of concrete blocks, and he will not even know where they are produced.

Video mini do-it-yourself production of aerated concrete and foam concrete:


Aerated concrete blocks are a modern building material, a kind of cellular concrete. Its widespread production and use is due to the inherent advantages of aerated concrete.

The composition of aerated concrete blocks

aerated concrete is a mineral stone of artificial origin with a porous structure. Its peculiarity is that air bubbles of spherical shape with dimensions of 1-3 mm are evenly distributed throughout the volume.

The material consists of a mixture of cement, lime, sand and water. In the production, special gas generators are used, which, entering into a chemical reaction, emit hydrogen, which “foams” the mixture, as a result of which its volume increases, and the structure becomes porous. Foam blocks differ from aerated concrete in the method of production, composition, and characteristics.

The aerated concrete block becomes porous due to chemical reactions, foam blocks - as a result of mechanical mixing of a mixture of sand, water, cement and prepared foam.

The standard cycle for the production of aerated concrete blocks begins with the creation of a basic composition. To do this, the dry components are mixed with water, and then the solution is poured into molds. After foaming and pre-setting, the blanks are removed from the mold and cut. The final drying of the material takes place in special chambers, where the mass is treated with steam in an autoclave under high pressure. This allows the material to acquire such qualities as: environmental friendliness, durability, fire resistance, high strength, good sound insulation, thermal insulation, frost resistance, high vapor permeability. Depending on the final cycle, aerated concrete is divided into “non-autoclave” and “autoclave”, respectively.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are easy to confuse, however, these two materials have significant differences:

1. In the composition of foam concrete, instead of more expensive quartz sand, production waste is used. This reduces the cost of construction but degrades performance.

2. Drying of foam concrete blocks takes place in the open air, which affects the performance of the material.

3. Aerated concrete products have better thermal insulation characteristics than foam concrete products.

4. Unlike foam concrete, aerated concrete blocks do not shrink during operation.

5. In aerated concrete, small pores are evenly distributed and have almost the same size, foam concrete pores are much larger.

An easy way to distinguish aerated concrete blocks from foam concrete blocks is to pay attention to the color. Aerated concrete products are always white, foam concrete is more gray and dark.

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete is not accidentally used as a building material around the world. Its production is mastered in 50 countries. The advantages of aerated concrete structures are due to good performance characteristics.

  • The durability of the material is compared with brick structures, the service life of blocks can reach 100 years or more.
  • The strength of gas blocks is due to the optimal density ratio in the porous structure.
  • The environmental friendliness of the material is achieved due to the absence of toxic components in the composition. The blocks are made from traditional raw materials that do not emit harmful substances clean.
  • Compared to ordinary concrete, aerated concrete is not radioactive, since it does not contain crushed granite and mica (natural sources of thorium and uranium).
  • The ability of a material saturated with water to withstand alternating cycles of freezing and thawing is called frost resistance. Due to the capillary-porous structure of aerated concrete, its frost resistance is relatively higher than other similar materials.
  • Aerated concrete is a non-combustible material, it does not burn itself and does not support the spread of fire.
  • The energy efficiency of aerated concrete is associated with its good performance in terms of heat resistance. Many pores in the structure of the material are excellent cold insulators. Therefore, buildings with external walls made of aerated concrete blocks keep cool in summer and warm in winter. Thanks to the same property, the material has excellent soundproofing properties.
  • Thanks to a special production method, all aerated concrete structures have consistently accurate dimensions, which allows you not to additionally level the walls with plaster, but only to apply a thin putty.

Another valuable advantage is the possibility of simple processing of the material. Aerated concrete blocks are easy to cut with hand tools.

Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete - which is better
The table compares the main parameters that determine the properties of gas blocks and foam blocks


foam concrete

aerated concrete

Pore ​​former

saponified wood resin (moderately hazardous)

powdered aluminum

Manufacturing technology

Block casting

block cutting

Variety of elements



Compressive strength, for grade D500

IN 1

At 2.5

Size Accuracy

There are errors

Minimum error

Frost resistance, cycles

Thermal conductivity, W/M*k

0.08 (thermal insulation) - 0.36 (structural)

0.1 (thermal insulation) - 0.14 (structural




Shrinkage, mm/m.p.



Possibility of masonry reinforcement


There is

Average thickness of a single-layer wall, m



Investment projects for the production of aerated concrete are economically highly effective, and are a promising direction for investment in the Russian building materials industry


Normative documents

GOST 31359-2007 Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications

Federal Law No. 261-FZ"On energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" dated November 23, 2009 ...

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of March 23, 2006 N 75 On approval of the forms of business plans submitted for the conclusion (change) of agreements on the conduct of industrial and production (technological and innovative) activities, criteria for selecting banks and other credit institutions for preparing an opinion on business plans, criteria for evaluating business plans conducted by an expert council on technology-innovative special economic zones (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 04/05/2018 N 159) ...

Business plans for the production of building materials

| Business plan for cement production | | Designing the production of polymer pipes |

  • Staff
  • Sales
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions to open

How to organize a mini-production of aerated concrete in the current realities, and is it even worth climbing into this niche in the current competition, because a small enterprise will not be able to “survive” at the same prices for its products as the flagships of this niche, and a large one requires huge investments. Let's try to understand this issue.

How to start an aerated concrete business

To organize a business, you will need to rent a room. Its area, of course, depends on the scale of production, and it can vary from 70 sq. m. up to 600 sq. m. m. If the average cost of 1 square. m. per month is about 100 rubles in Russia, then the cost of rent will be from 7 thousand rubles. up to 60 thousand rubles A warehouse for storing aerated concrete is optional, as it is not whimsical and can be stored on the street.

What equipment to choose for the production of aerated concrete

You can purchase equipment for the production of aerated concrete yourself, or you can contact companies that will offer you ready-made lines plus training in production technology. The equipment includes: molds where aerated concrete is poured, an electronic water dispenser, a dispenser unit for bulk materials, a mass cutting device, an activator mixer and a slurry mixer. The performance of various ready-made lines can be different from 10 to 150 cubic meters. m per day. So their cost will be different, about 90 thousand rubles. and higher.

Raw materials used in the production of aerated concrete

One of the main issues in the production of aerated concrete is raw materials and their suppliers. The components in the manufacture are:

  • water, in the amount - 250-300 liters per 1 m3 of aerated concrete, temperature 40-60 gr.
  • Portland cement, in the amount - 260-320 kg per 1 m3 of aerated concrete.
  • fillers, in the amount of 250-350 kg per 1 m3 of aerated concrete, river or quarry sand can be used as it,
  • curing accelerator,
  • caustic soda
  • blowing agent, in the amount of 0.5-0.7 kg per 1 m3 of aerated concrete, it is aluminum powder.

Your task is to find profitable suppliers of raw materials in your area.

Manufacturing technology of aerated concrete blocks

The production of aerated concrete blocks includes the following technological algorithm:

  1. form preparation,
  2. preparation of aerated concrete mortar,
  3. array filling,
  4. cutting aerated concrete massif,
  5. heat treatment,
  6. disassembly of the array into separate blocks.


Not only the area of ​​the required premises and the volume of raw materials, but also the number of jobs depends on the volume of production. With minimal volumes, you can do without hiring workers, the entrepreneur himself can handle it, but if you want to produce on a larger scale, you can’t do without hiring staff (from 2 to 10 workers). You should think about a two-shift work day. As for wages, it is equal to 100-200 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m. of manufactured products. This is somewhere around 20-30 thousand rubles. per month.


After the production of products, the question of its implementation arises. You can sell finished products to construction companies, private developers, and there are individual customers. It is only necessary to advertise your production: in newspapers, at construction markets, when leaving the city, near cottage settlements under construction, etc.

How much can you earn in the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks

What profit can the production of aerated concrete bring? Let's give brief economic indicators.

The cost of 1 cu. meters of aerated concrete will be about 1500 rubles. It consists of the cost of cement (250 kg - 1000 rubles), sand (300 kg - 180 rubles), aluminum powder and chemical additives (150 rubles), wages and overheads (150 rubles). In Russia, aerated concrete sold for at least 2500 rubles. for 1 cubic meter. Accordingly, your minimum profit will be 1000 rubles. and more. The advantage of this business is that it does not require large working capital, since it can take no more than 2-3 days from the time of purchase of raw materials to the sale of finished products.

How much money do you need to invest to start a business

The cost of creating a production facility for the production of aerated concrete will amount to 30,000-85,000 rubles, depending on the capacity of the produced concrete, (capacity 12 - 50 cubic meters per shift). The cost of molds for the production of blocks is 30,000-40,000 rubles (1 cubic meter of mixture is poured into 1 mold).

  • Total: 60,000-125,000 rubles.
  • You will also need consumables (per 1 cubic meter)
  • Powder aluminum, 500 gr. 105 rub. for 1 kg.
  • Sand 300-350 rubles. for 1 cu. meter (1.3 tons).
  • Cement 100 kg. 380 rub.

The cost of producing aerated concrete blocks is insignificant: 520 rubles. for 1 cu. m. The profitability of the production of aerated concrete in all regions is high.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of aerated concrete

OKVED 26.61 - production of concrete products for use in construction; OKVED 23.69 - production of other products from plaster, concrete or cement. If you plan to wholesale aerated concrete, then you must specify OKVED 46.73.6 - wholesale of other building materials and products.

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business entity: most often it is an individual entrepreneur. If it is planned to sell materials through large companies, then it is recommended to register a limited liability company. Prepared documents are submitted to public authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund, Social and Medical Insurance Fund. For settlements with legal entities, you need to open a bank account.

Taxation system

To conduct this business, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system, the simplified tax system - “Income minus expenses”, since in the production of blocks there is a constant cost for raw materials. The only requirement in this system of taxation is proof of expenses. The tax will be from 5% to 15%.

Permissions to open

To open the production of aerated concrete, a business license is not required. But you need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you must provide the following documents:

  • constituent and registration documents;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • copies of documents for equipment.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire department, the sanitary and epidemiological service, and environmentalists. The lease agreement for the premises must be drawn up for a long period.

Aerated concrete is a building material. An artificial stone with spherical air pores. Beginning entrepreneurs think about creating a business, which includes the creation and implementation of a product. But first you need to draw up a business project for the production of aerated concrete.

Nowadays, this project is in great demand. Aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to launch this project to create quality material. It is attractive in that the payback period is short, because many people use this type of stone during construction. Aerated concrete parameters: 10 * 30 * 60 cm and 20 * 30 * 60 cm. It has a large number of positive qualities:

  • unpretentiousness to the base of the house, high strength, low weight;
  • retains heat well, does not let in cold, protects from external noise;
  • easy to lay, allows you to quickly erect a structure;
  • easy to process, to achieve the desired shape of the material;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • earthquake resistant;
  • fire-resistant stone, with high fire safety.

Therefore, consumers choose this product. The product contains the following components:

  • cement;
  • sand (quartz is perfect);
  • blowing agent (it can be: aluminum powder, paste, lime, ash, gypsum).

Stages of organization

Determine how large your enterprise will be, what type of products you will produce. There are two types of material production:

  • autoclave;
  • non-autoclave.

In order to produce aerated concrete according to method 1, it is necessary to harden it in an autoclave with steam. To make material according to method 2, it is necessary to dry aerated concrete using heating.

What you need:

  • rented or private premises;
  • line for the production of gas blocks from scratch;
  • workers.

From the data on how much production will be and what type of material is suitable, you can determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the amount of equipment and the number of employees.

If you plan to produce up to 30 meters of cubic blocks per day, work an 8-hour shift, a room of 70 square meters will be enough for you. In the manufacture of 100 - 150 cubic meters, working around the clock, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 600 square meters will be required. It is necessary to have warehouses for storing products, although it is allowed to leave the blocks in the open.

To produce 1 cubic meter of blocks you need:

With such data, it turns out that the cost is 1,500 thousand. It turns out that the minimum price for 1 cubic meter is 2,500 thousand.

Business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks:

  • registration of an organization - from 7 to 10 days;
  • location of rental premises - a month before the start of the enterprise;
  • purchase of equipment - two weeks before the opening;
  • installation of equipment and connection - before the start of activities;
  • purchase of the necessary raw materials - a week before the start;
  • recruitment of employees - before the start;
  • the beginning of the production process - after registration of registration papers;
  • finding buyers, establishing sales - from the moment the work on the project begins;
  • material sales;
  • stock creation.

Finding Clients

Manufacturers and buyers are pleased with the fact that the building material is suitable for all climatic zones. It is commonly used when constructing buildings:

  • low-rise residential premises;
  • industrial;
  • agrarian;
  • administrative;
  • social.

The product is in demand both among large organizations involved in construction, and among individuals who have the right to build.

You can sell goods to construction trade warehouses, markets. Distribute price catalogs to stores. Send business proposals to developers. Publish ads for private clients.

Necessary equipment

If you have a small organization with a small capital investment, use non-autoclave aerated concrete equipment (drying of the manufactured blocks is carried out naturally). In this case, you will need molds for pouring and a professional mixer.

If an autoclave discovery occurs with a more powerful production line, you will need an autoclave in addition to the usual fixtures (for the purpose of increased heat treatment). Also required:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • compressor;
  • dispenser;
  • cutting devices;
  • conveyor line.
  • steam generator;

A vibrating sieve is needed for sifting sand. The dispenser precisely determines the amount of the required components. The steam generator provides steam for the processing of aerated concrete blocks.

With such a set, the production speed will increase, but a larger amount of money will be required to open.

Based on a capacity of 60 cubic meters daily, the cost of the minimum set is 790,000 rubles. The price of delivery, VAT of installation, adjustment and connection of equipment to utilities is not taken into account.

Costs and profits

You will spend three months on starting a business, you should think about opening in early spring. The amount of your investment during this period will be 4,378,000 rubles.

Costs in rubles:

All this is required to start a business. Every month you will spend certain amounts in rubles:

It turns out about 1,100,000 rubles every month.

Profitability at a high level. Payback period from 4 months to a year.

Possible income level

Income depends on productivity. You can have 3 predictable development options: pessimistic, realistic, optimistic.

With option 1 (download capacity - 30%), your proceeds are 331,200 rubles per month:

Option 2 (download capacity - 60%) assumes an income of 662,400 rubles per month:

Efficiency is up to you. Also influenced by the factor that the demand for this product is seasonal. It is advisable to start production during this period and have time to sell all the goods.

Registration and registration of business

You need to register your organization in the form of "IP" or "LLC". It is necessary to draw up a business plan for production, analyze the situation on the market, and identify competitors. Here is a step by step guide:

  • Enterprise resume;
  • Marketing project;
  • Organizational plan;
  • Financial plan;
  • Risk analysis.

If you understand that you cannot deal with all the subtleties in the registration process, we advise you to contact specialists.

Costs and payback period

You will need to invest about 5 and a half million in the project. With an average capacity of aerated concrete production (30 - 60% of the potential), the payback period for your production will take from 7 to 12 months from the start of the production line. It is possible that this period will be reduced, with the condition that the implementation of the material reaches 90%.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business.

The positives are:

  • demanded goods, the demand for which is constantly growing;
  • low production costs;
  • high profitability, short payback period;
  • not a very large amount of initial capital is required;

The flaws are seen in the following:

  • increasing and serious competition in this market;
  • demand for goods is seasonal;
  • the need for storage facilities;
  • You need to constantly attract new customers.

Each region has its own specifics. When opening a production, be based on data from your region.

Useful video

First, get to know the market. It is advisable to find buyers in advance, this will save you from the fact that the finished product will be idle.

Organize your venture in the spring so that by the time construction usually begins, the vases have a stock of finished product.

If you are going to produce non-autoclaved concrete up to 10 meters of cubic material daily, then you will spend about 200,000 thousand on equipment, if from 25 - 30 cubic meters, then about 450,000 thousand, if 75 - 150 cubic meters, then from 2,000,000 thousand . Decide how much product you can sell in your area. From this data, decide how much to produce.

It is profitable to create an organization for the production of aerated concrete. A novice entrepreneur needs to expand their knowledge in this area. Follow all the instructions of the business plan before opening a business. With the right organization of the project, success awaits you!

How to start producing aerated concrete: business plan, financial calculations

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The non-autoclave aerated concrete production method, in which the products are dried in natural conditions, is the best option for a small aerated concrete block business.

The characteristics of this material are attractive for both the consumer and the manufacturer, and it is possible to establish the production of aerated concrete at a minimum cost.

Opening a business for the manufacture of gas blocks requires investments in the following items:

  • documentation (permits and registration);
  • rental of premises (production workshop, warehouse for finished products, premises for staff);
  • equipment for the production of aerated concrete;
  • wages of workers who monitor the lines, as well as loaders and a driver (the presence in the staff of employees occupying the last positions, as well as the number of workers, is determined by the scale of production);
  • consumable.

The company "Zlatoust Concrete Technologies" offers ready-made solutions for the business of producing aerated concrete blocks of non-autoclave hardening - complexes for the manufacture of cellular concrete. The equipment is represented by low-performance, medium-performance and high-performance lines: Felix (up to 20 m3/day), Antey (up to 60 m3/day), Atlant (up to 100 m3/day).

Product parameters

Non-autoclaved aerated concrete is made on the basis of cement and is mainly used in the monolithic construction of low-rise buildings.

The main form of aerated concrete blocks is a parallelepiped. The size of the products is determined by the molds used for pouring and must correspond to the typical values ​​​​established by GOST.

Other sizes can be used individually. Aerated concrete is easy to process, making aerated concrete products suitable for the implementation of any design solutions.

For most of its parameters, aerated concrete has advantages over other building materials and is valued by buyers for the following properties:

  • undemanding to the foundation and minimal load on the building structure;
  • high strength with low weight;
  • excellent heat and sound insulating properties;
  • fire resistance and fire safety;
  • ease of self-laying and high speed of erection of aerated concrete structures;
  • ease of processing, the ability to give products any shape;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • seismic fitness.

Production cycle

The availability of raw materials required for the manufacture of blocks is a weighty argument in favor of starting a business for the production of aerated concrete.

The main components that make up the aerated concrete mixture are:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand (work on the ZBT production lines provides for the possibility of replacing sand with fly ash);
  • water;
  • blowing agent (as a rule, it is a suspension of aluminum powder; less commonly, slag or gypsum is used).

The production technology of aerated concrete blocks includes the following steps:

  1. pouring water into the mixer;
  2. mixing chemicals;
  3. pouring chemicals into the mixer, mixing components;
  4. draining the mixture into prepared forms;
  5. disassembly of forms;
  6. array cutting;
  7. package;
  8. warehousing.

In addition to the concrete mixer, the technological process involves special molds for casting blocks, a conveyor, equipment for processing and supplying raw materials, etc.

The equipment of plants for the production of concrete depends on their productivity.

Sales policy

Aerated concrete can be used for the construction of internal and external walls of buildings, partitions, chimneys, ventilation ducts, fences, retaining and recessed walls, the construction of walls of pools and baths, subject to waterproofing. This building material is almost universal, which makes it popular with private developers and construction companies.

The main sales channels for aerated concrete blocks are:

  • construction markets, trading bases and shops;
  • directly to construction companies;
  • private clients.

Sales promotion methods:

  • distribution of price lists;
  • distribution of commercial offers;
  • publishing ads.

Sales planning should be carried out taking into account seasonality, the productivity of the equipment used and the specifics of the manufacture of aerated concrete products, the full readiness of which occurs 30 days after the start of production.

Business features

All of the above characterizes the business of manufacturing aerated concrete blocks as a profitable and sought-after business.

Indeed, the low cost and excellent physical and technical characteristics of aerated concrete make it possible to minimize the costs of manufacturing building materials and reduce the payback period of investments.

The main arguments in favor of starting a business in this segment:

  • demand for products;
  • low production costs;
  • high level of profitability;
  • profitability and quick payback;
  • relatively small start-up capital.

When deciding to open an aerated concrete production, one should take into account the high level of competition in the building materials market, the specifics of individual housing construction in the region, and take into account the seasonality of demand for these products.

When organizing production, it is important to choose the right equipment: it is important to maintain a balance of quality and price; not to sacrifice the interests of clients to their own interests and vice versa.

Equipment from ZBT is the key to the success of your business.

Aerated concrete complexes manufactured by Zlatoust Concrete Technologies are complete lines for the production of high-quality building materials. Equipment from ZBT is the key to the success of your business.

You can get acquainted with the characteristics of the lines and leave a request for a consultation with a specialist in the selection of equipment on our website.

Business plans for aerated concrete enterprises in Moscow

Ready-made proposals for creating your own business cannot go unnoticed by people with entrepreneurial dexterity. Naturally, the building materials market has always been considered quite profitable for small and large businesses, but not everyone was able to invest a huge amount of money in starting and developing their enterprise. For the convenience of the entrepreneur, created aerated concrete business plan production in Chelyabinsk, which makes the purchase of equipment more based.

Business plans

Any person knows that in order to create their own business and successful development, a business plan is needed, which is needed to determine the rationality of the business. The same business plan is also required for presentation to the bank in order to obtain a loan for the purchase of equipment. A correctly drawn up document contains all the necessary expenses, and the calculation of profits when selling finished products to various consumer markets.

On the rationality of creation business for the production of aerated concrete blocks there is no doubt. Even in the capital, houses and cottages constantly under construction require the most practical and inexpensive raw materials, and aerated concrete has all the necessary qualities that a developer requires.

In Moscow, they have long decided on the choice of the best material, so infusion into the general sales system will not be difficult. Whether you earn on volume sales or on increasing retail prices, there is no difference, the created business plan will definitely show you how profitable and profitable it will be to start a business.

Compliance with GOST will surely attract the attention of developers and wholesale markets to you, who will gladly agree to sell your product. The market is not fully saturated with building materials. Basically, companies that keep the brand at the proper level are constantly developing and increasing turnover. You can get a business plan for an aerated concrete enterprise, and, depending on the desired result, create a large or small production.

Rational sales

Having a large company, you will definitely be left with a good profit, since large-scale production always involves sales not only in the local market, but also at the regional or country level. With sufficient production space, a full staff and of course special equipment, an aerated concrete block business can generate income around the clock, without holidays or weekends.

For the convenience of entrepreneurs, a business plan before purchase will allow you to get acquainted with the payback period and the estimated future modernization of production, because the greater the turnover of goods, the greater the profit from the building materials market.