Taxi business plan: how to open a taxi dispatch service. From a simple driver to a millionaire, the owner of a car empire How to open a taxi company

For an entrepreneur who decides to open his own taxi service, first of all, it is necessary to determine its future format. There can be two options here:

  1. Do all the work yourself: create a fleet of vehicles, hire drivers, form a dispatch service.
  2. Conclude agreements with third-party performers, shifting some of the functions to them.

How to start organizing a taxi service

For an entrepreneur who decides to open his own taxi service, first of all, it is necessary to determine its future format. There can be two options here:

1) Do all the work yourself: create a fleet of vehicles, hire drivers, form a dispatch service. 2) Conclude agreements with third-party performers, shifting some of the functions to them.

The first option is more suitable for entrepreneurs with substantial funds and the opportunity to work in the provinces: the regional taxi market, even in the largest cities, is still quite wild and unsaturated. Having created your own car park in the capital's saturated market, you can pay more attention to executive class services. Having a high-quality fleet, polite and competent drivers, the taxi service will be able to conclude contracts with large corporations, delivering employees of these companies to their homes, accompany them to airports, etc. Even a small fleet of 3-4 cars will cost at least a million rubles, and even then, on condition that cars are purchased under credit programs or on lease.

Becoming an intermediary is much easier and cheaper. In this case, it is quite possible to keep within 100 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur needs to buy equipment that allows him to take orders. Now there are many dispatching services that conclude contracts with taxi drivers who have the status of an individual entrepreneur. Dispatchers who have contracts with taxi drivers provide services like the Yandex.Taxi service. It should be taken into account that the competition among control rooms in the Moscow market is so great that it is rather problematic to become a part of it. Control rooms are among themselves in a kind of war, they do not disdain dumping, poaching drivers and other intrigues.

Both in the first and in the second case, the payback period of the business depends entirely on the market situation. In Moscow, it is generally accepted that, under favorable circumstances, a driver can earn up to 100,000 rubles a month. Car parks enter into lease agreements with taxi drivers, renting cars to them. Dispatching services take a commission from the completed order: on average, it is 15 percent.

How to choose a premise for starting a business

When equipping the control room, you will have to strictly adhere to the requirements of SanPiN governing the work with computer equipment. According to the norms of the organization of the working space, each dispatcher must have at least 1.5 square meters of space with non-permanent employment of personnel. With permanent employment, the area should be 4.5 square meters.

It is permissible to place a car park in industrial areas. Having rented parking spaces, an entrepreneur may well create a service center on the basis of a car park. If the creation of your own service center is not included in the plans, you need to be located near the existing one. The office space of the car park must meet standard technical requirements. It is imperative to equip a room in which taxi drivers will rest.

How to create a taxi fleet

The formation of a car park can be carried out in four ways:

  1. You can buy cars in the property by registering them for a company.
  2. Rent cars.
  3. Conclude contracts with car owners.
  4. Take a car on lease.

It is perfectly acceptable to combine these methods.

Leasing allows you to seriously reduce the costs at the start of the enterprise, stretch them for the duration of the contract. In addition, it makes it possible to save on taxes: cars may not be listed on the balance sheet of the taxi service, passing in the documents as the property of the lessor company.

The well-known analytical magazine "Counselor of a Lawyer" made a calculation using the example of a taxi service with an equipment cost of 12 million rubles. The calculation showed that leasing is more efficient than purchasing equipment at your own expense by approximately 3 million rubles. Compared to equipment purchased on credit, leasing is more efficient by at least 1 million rubles. Such savings can be achieved due to tax optimization.

However, leasing also has its drawbacks, for example, the cost of leasing exceeds the purchase of cars on credit: before concluding a contract, all benefits and losses should be carefully calculated. Another serious drawback of leasing: without cars on the balance sheet, the company will have nothing to pledge as collateral if such a need arises.

Leasing cars and buying them on credit assumes that the entrepreneur has an apartment or other assets, and he has an excellent credit history behind him. Otherwise, banks and leasing companies simply will not deal with the businessman. Creating a fleet through leasing or on credit involves a long-term involvement, if things do not go well, it will not be possible to return the cars in 3 months and wind down the business.

Renting a car and concluding agreements with car owners does not carry such risks, so these schemes should be recognized as the most suitable.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business in a taxi service

To register an individual entrepreneur or company, you must select the appropriate code in the classifier of business activity codes: 60.22 - taxi activity. When registering an individual entrepreneur and creating a small taxi service with a staff of no more than 15 people, you can get a patent, thereby saving a lot on taxes.

Do I need permission to open this business

On September 1, 2011, Federal Law No. 69 came into force, according to which all vehicle fleets and individual entrepreneurs must have a license to carry passengers. To obtain this license, the applicant will need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of the passport of the vehicle's technical equipment, a copy of the leasing agreement for the car, and the driver's passport. The permit is issued for one vehicle. Passenger transportation activities can only be carried out in one region.

The regions are making further adjustments to the law. For example, in the Northern capital, the purchase of cars is associated with the registration of the automobile industry.

For an entrepreneur who wants to create an intermediary firm between a taxi driver and a passenger, it is necessary to register as a legal entity and conclude contracts with drivers. In the contracts, taxi drivers are tax agents.

How to recruit staff for work

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, taxi drivers must have at least three years of experience. Before entering the line, a mandatory medical examination is carried out. Taxi companies and dispatch services have their own standards, which, as a rule, imply adequate behavior and a neat appearance of employees.

When working with taxi drivers according to the system, when drivers rent cars owned by a businessman, you will not have to spend money on the salaries of drivers. The salary of dispatchers depends on the regions, qualifications, workload, work experience. On average, the salary varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. The dispatcher, by the way, may well work from home: this reduces the cost of maintaining the office.

How much money is required for fixed costs

Over the past few years, many options for equipment for dispatch services have appeared on the market. For a relatively small subscription fee (20-30 thousand rubles per month), many companies are ready to install in the finished premises the equipment necessary for the functioning of the call center, to collect statistical data and track orders. For large firms, equipment is more expensive and "fancy". The software is provided with the hardware.

On average, about 4 thousand rubles a month are spent on servicing one new car.

Taxi business advertising

Promotion of your own taxi service can be very different: a website on the Internet, signs on the streets, distributing flyers in restaurants and bars, purchasing banners in social networks, spending on SEO promotion. Cooperation with Internet services (for example, with Yandex.Taxi) will slightly reduce profits (5 percent from each order completed by a taxi driver), but it will increase the number of trips and make the brand more recognizable. When I tried myself in this field in my college years, we printed out a ton of business cards and handed them out to passers-by, and by the way, this paid off.

How much can you earn in a taxi service

The revenue side is determined by the amount of passenger traffic. In a small town, it is recommended to introduce a subscription fee that allows you to acquire regular customers. As practice shows, the payback of a business comes after 6 months and depends on the intensity of using the service. For example, from an order worth 100 rubles. the taxi driver pays the service 20%. With more than 300 orders, the company's revenue is more than 265 thousand rubles. Net profit - from 70 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start

To start a business, you need to purchase a computer with an installed program - about 70 thousand rubles. Also included in the cost is:

To open a business without buying a car, you need about 200 thousand rubles. Of course, the taxi service cannot exist without cars. In this part of the business plan, the costs are determined by the brand and number of cars. It is recommended to purchase one model - this will help make the company recognizable.

What documents are needed to open

To open a taxi service, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required: taxation issues are resolved much more simply than a different legal form. All business requirements are laid out in the Federal Taxi Service Law No. 68. In addition, you will need to obtain a license for cars.

What taxation system to specify when registering

When registering a business, it is advisable to indicate the USN.

Business technology

The technology of doing business is as simple as the world: the dispatcher receives an order from the client and passes it to the driver on duty, and here the balance is extremely important, if you have a lot of drivers and few orders, it will not be profitable to work for you and you will not make a profit, and vice versa if there are a lot of orders, but you are not able to fulfill them, people will not call you again. Business prosperity depends on the quality of services provided. Not the last place is the serviceability of the car. Transportation safety comes first. Having won the trust of customers, the company will ensure its prosperity.

Thus, by expanding your own staff, creating even a full-fledged taxi fleet, you can significantly increase your income. How can a partner make money on drivers if the commission is only 5% and taxes are 7%? With such prices, a partner will not last long on the market, because by and large, he will be constantly in the red. The question is extremely incorrect and it is very difficult to assume that the intermediary will provide, by and large, preferential working conditions, which means that the matter is most likely something else. Rather, the partner will simply "throw" the naive driver and that's it. After all, think for yourself how a taxi fleet can function normally if it takes a “pathetic” 5% from the driver, and at the same time gives two percent more, that is, 7%, of tax. This is absurd, so we would strongly recommend that you carefully read the contract with this intermediary before signing it.

How to open a taxi fleet with Yandex Taxi?


You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of a trip, send a notification to drivers, show which driver took the order. It should also be able to store all information about the order in the database:

  • customer call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • trip duration
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you do not need to load your head much. Just rent the software for 10,000 rubles a month or buy it.

They have everything you might need and more. Communication with the driver Most software for taxi services assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You have to decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or give them away yourself.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner: affiliate program


It will cost you another 15,000 rubles. Considering that you do not plan to purchase your own transport in the first two years of work, you also do not need to hire drivers. It is enough just to find ten drivers with their own vehicles, who have the appropriate permits and are registered as individual entrepreneurs, so that you have the opportunity to cooperate with them by signing the corresponding contract. A project oriented like a taxi dispatch service will not require the creation of many vacancies True, it is important to consider that in such a situation you can count on approximately 30% of the income from each car.


If you get a taxi license, your share may increase up to 70%. Marketing The information given in the article will certainly help you in such a difficult task as opening a taxi. Step-by-step instructions should make the task as easy as possible for you.

Connecting SP to Yandex. taxi in 2018

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all minor issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts: Car fleet - organization of work with cars and drivers Dispatch office - organization of work with advertising and customers A full-fledged taxi service cannot work without these components, but it is not necessary must create and maintain them independently. There are options when the taxi fleet has only a control room, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, the fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers.

Then he can offer his cooperation to the taxi company with the control room and the flow of customers. Therefore, if you do not want to make big investments, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room. We open a car park in Yandex Taxi Investments Profitability Number of cars From 3 mln.

How to open a taxi depot, car park and taxi dispatch office

It is also worth noting separately that the rating of the taxi company with which you cooperate fully affects the number of potential customers. Therefore, choose your partner very carefully, having familiarized yourself with his current reputation, reviews, and the rating itself in Yandex Taxi. Requirements for drivers and cars Before becoming a Yandex-Taxi partner (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities), a number of requirements must be met.
The most important condition for work is that the driver has a license to transport. Without it, connection to the portal is impossible. If you have any problems with obtaining a license, then as an option, you can contact ROSGOSTAXI for help, where employees (for a fee, of course) will help you complete all the necessary documents.

How to become a partner

When the investment has not yet paid off, you yourself must monitor how things are going for you and, if necessary, make adjustments. For your business to pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.
Specialty ZP rub. per month 6 dispatchers 90.000 Accountant 15.000 System administrator 20.000 Cleaner 8.000 Total: 133.000 Advertising If you want to open a taxi service and earn at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions. The key to the success of an advertising campaign will be a catchy name and logo. It is recommended to use the word "taxi" in the title, as it immediately indicates your type of activity.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner? requirements for connecting "Yandex-taxi"

Your obligations to Yandex.Taxi First of all, your taxi fleet must be completely legal, and all drivers must have a special license. If you have any problems with the tax component of the company's work, or not all drivers are officially employed, then, for starters, you will have to solve all problems with your organization, only then turn to cooperation. In addition, a non-disclosure agreement with the service is concluded for the entire period of joint work, as well as five years after it.

Violation of signed clauses is prohibited. The number of cars in your fleet is determined by the size and population of the city. Not all cars will be included in the cooperation program. Questionnaire submission procedure If you are satisfied with the terms and nuances of working with this service, then you can submit the questionnaire on the Yandex.Taxi website.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner and connect drivers

You can also use the all-inclusive service there - you pay and they will do everything themselves: a license, an individual entrepreneur, a connection to the Yandex Taxi service. Also, before becoming a Yandex Taxi partner, you should know that some conditions for cooperation with a driver also apply to the condition of his car. Car requirements:

  • a foreign car not older than three years;
  • the presence of any device on the Android, iOS or Windows platforms that support the Yandex Taxi application;
  • the right to drive a car category "B";
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • availability of at least five drivers online (for taxi companies);

After all the requirements are met, and the documents are properly executed, you can safely get to work.

How to open a taxi from scratch: what you need for this, step by step instructions

People are becoming more and more accustomed to technology and, accordingly, to this method of ordering a taxi.

  • Business efficiency can be improved, in which Yandex Taxi undertakes to help.

Support from Yandex Taxi A reputable company always provides training and support to partners. Such a package of Yandex Taxi obligations includes:

  • Organization of educational webinars.
  • Consultations of a personal manager not only before, but also after the launch of the taxi fleet.
  • Support in the selection and hiring of qualified drivers.
  • A business plan is developed individually for each partner, taking into account the characteristics of the region.

Possible risks are questionable. Let's analyze them.
Usually, all these points should be analyzed at the stage of writing a startup business plan. Let's take an illustrative example. To organize a taxi in the format of a dispatch service, consider the following cost items:

  • solution of bureaucratic issues - from 15,000;
  • purchase of equipment - 506,000;
  • advertising - 50,000;
  • other expenses - 129,000.

Without purchasing your own fleet, you will spend at least 700,000 rubles to launch your startup. Now let's look at the level of annual investments in the business. Here the list would be:

  • office rent - 120,000;
  • radio wave sublease - 216,000;
  • staff salary - 2,148,000;
  • taxes and deductions - 300,000;
  • other costs - 216,000.

So, approximately 3,000,000 will have to be spent on the operation of the service. Now let's calculate how profitable the business will be.

How to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi from scratch

As mentioned above, all you need is to issue a certificate of sole proprietorship at the local tax office and obtain a license. If you are ready to invest in your future work, then it is better to shift all these troubles onto the shoulders of professionals (ROSGOSTAKSI, etc.) - quickly, efficiently, but expensively. This method eliminates the need to officially get a job in an existing taxi company, and cooperate with it under a concluded agreement, giving the organization a negotiated percentage of profits.

As for the license, the standard form is issued for only one car and is valid for no more than five years. To issue a document, you must have in your hands a certificate of registration with the tax office and paid for at least one month UTII (single tax on imputed income). Summing up, the minimum intermediary rate in Yandex Taxi is 9%.

Taxi service is a great business option for both large and small towns. With the right approach, the money invested in a taxi pays off in just six months and begins to make a profit. Let's figure it out: how to open a taxi from scratch, and what is needed for this.

Explore the Market

First of all, you need to study the market. Find out if there are working taxi services in your locality, find out how many trips one car makes on average per day, what average check collects and other useful nuances. To do this, just take a ride with a taxi driver and talk to him. You can collect information on city forums or social networks - people are happy to share information and recommend their favorite services.

Taxi from scratch - a profitable and interesting business

Think Concept

Most likely, there will already be several operating taxi services in your city. There is no need to be afraid of this. In order to effectively deal with competitors, you need to come up with a unique selling proposition. Offer your customers the best conditions: free car delivery, discounts, various promotions. Such proposals may include:

  1. Free kilometers for regular customers.
  2. Delivery of products from the store.
  3. Preferential service for events, weddings, corporate parties.
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Services of a children's taxi or a taxi for pensioners.
  6. Callback, ordering a car from the website or via SMS.

Think about what else you can offer your customers. Entering the transportation market is quite difficult, but in order to stay on it, you need really interesting offers.

How to register

Let's make it clear right away: you will not buy cars and hire drivers. It's not the best way. It is much more efficient to work as an intermediary, taking calls from customers and addressing them to free drivers. That is why it will be enough for you to obtain a patent of an ordinary private entrepreneur and provide classic information services.

You can also register an individual entrepreneur - in the future it will be easier for you to pay taxes. Also, be sure to study Federal Law No. 68, which regulates the activities of taxi services.

Note:this law describes all the requirements for cars, drivers and taxi services, but its requirements may vary in different regions.

Follow the changes and additions to this Federal Law: various changes are made to it regularly. Also, in some cases, you will need to obtain a license for cars. Usually it is issued at the local branch of the Ministry of Transport. The procedure is not particularly difficult - you will receive a license for about 5 thousand rubles for 5 years.

You do not need to buy new cars - look for good drivers with vehicles

Obtaining an OKVED code

To open a taxi dispatch service , you will need to get the code of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (abbreviated as OKVED). In total, it includes 17 categories, of which we are only interested in these items:

  1. 52.61.2. Allows the retail sale of various goods and services via the Internet and computer networks.
  2. 63.2. Allows you to engage in auxiliary transport activities.
  3. 72.6. Allows you to conduct various activities related to information technology and computer technology.
  4. 74.83. This OKVED allows you to provide editorial and secretarial services, as well as translation services.
  5. 92.4. Allows to engage in the activities of news agencies.

You can choose either one of these codes, or register them all, which will expand your capabilities somewhat.

There are plenty of ideas for business today, and the transportation of passengers (taxi) is one of the most promising. After all, even those who have their own car sometimes use taxi services. So those who decide to organize a taxi service have every chance of becoming a successful businessman. So, how to open a taxi and make money on passenger transportation?

Business Features

I must say that a taxi is a specific business in which the following are of great importance:

  • motor vehicle fleet and special equipment;
  • staff level;
  • service specifics.

Therefore, even at the stage of discussing the future business, it is worthwhile to clearly and distinctly formulate its essence, on which such issues as the need to attract additional staff, the size of the initial investment and the amount of equipment required will depend.

The thing is that you can organize a taxi business in different ways:

  • become a taxi driver - an individual entrepreneur and earn money on your own car, having received permission for this type of activity;
  • earn on their own, but at the same time use the services of a dispatch service, which acts as an intermediary between the taxi driver and consumers of services and pay a subscription fee for the service;
  • open a taxi service with its own fleet, its own dispatch service and employees;
  • organize a taxi dispatch service.

Having considered all the options, we can state that the first of them is the most time-consuming, since you yourself will be forced to search for customers and, therefore, spend time and money advertising your services. In addition, you will be both a taxi driver and a dispatcher at the same time, which is rather inconvenient. But on the other hand, choosing the first option, you will not pay anything to anyone (except taxes, of course) and you will be able to work only for yourself, using all the income for your own needs, as well as for servicing and refueling the car.

As for the second option, it is the most optimal for starting a career: you also work for yourself, paying taxes, but do not look for clients (this is done by the central dispatch service, which receives calls and transfers them to you), and you simply pay for mediation services dispatching service a certain percentage or a fixed amount.

The third option is the most profitable in terms of income and the most costly and troublesome at the initial stage. You actually create your own network of taxis, which means you have to rent or purchase cars, hire drivers, mechanics and dispatchers, rent (or buy) a parking lot with a garage where you can leave cars and carry out their maintenance, and also arrange a control room and provide all workers with reliable means of communication.

As for the creation of a dispatch service, there will not be huge expenses for cars, since you will only take orders and transfer them to drivers - individual entrepreneurs, with whom you will first conclude a service agreement. And your whole business will be reduced to renting a room for a control room and providing high-quality communications and advertising.

Having decided to engage in passenger transportation, it is worth remembering that a taxi as a business is far from a new idea and there are more than one taxi company or dispatch service already operating on the market, so you will have to come up with something new and creative to stand out from your competitors.

These can be, for example, original marketing moves: hiring female drivers, providing additional services, using cars of the same brand and color, reducing train fees, having WiFi in cars, and so on.

Registering a business

So, if you still decide to open your taxi, then you need:

  1. pass state registration as;
  2. choose a taxation system (taxi services fall under UTII -);
  3. rent or buy a room for a control room (parking lot, garage, repair shop);
  4. hire the necessary personnel (or conclude agreements with taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs who will work on their own or your cars);
  5. purchase or rent cars (if you do not plan to attract taxi drivers with your own transport);
  6. purchase communications equipment (it is better if they are walkie-talkies operating in the VHF band, and in order not to obtain a license to use the radio frequency, it is easier to conclude an agreement with the telecom operator who already has it and simply pay him a subscription fee);
  7. issue a transportation permit for each car (it is issued by special transport committees for five years on the basis of ownership or a lease agreement, and is valid only within the subject of the federation where it was received);
  8. purchase or rent the necessary furniture, repair and computer equipment, provide security for the facility (purchase video cameras and install a surveillance and alarm system).

Requirements for taxi cars

When providing taxi services, you should remember about the requirements of the law that apply to such cars, namely:

  • technical inspection and diagnostics must be carried out every six months;
  • the elephant must have a permit for the transport of passengers;
  • the car must have a taximeter;
  • outside, the car must be provided with a special lamp, and on the side of the body there must be color schemes - “checkers”.

Initial investment

Everyone understands that the size of the initial investment for starting a business depends on which option of this business you have chosen. Therefore, consider the costs of each of them. We will take the cost of the car as conditional, since each entrepreneur will choose a car based on his own preferences and financial capabilities.

Individual entrepreneurship and earnings on your own car in free "swimming". In this case, the initial costs depend mainly on the value of the car.

Individual entrepreneurship and earnings on your own car with the help of a third-party dispatch service. In this case, the initial costs also depend on the cost of the car and its maintenance, but they are somewhat lower than in the previous case, since the dispatch service will provide you with means of communication and additional equipment.

Opening your own taxi with its own dispatcher service and fleet. This is the most costly project, which will require not only the purchase of vehicles, but also the lease of premises for their repair, storage and organization of a control center. So, when drawing up a business plan for a taxi fleet, it is necessary to provide for all costs for equipment, and for its maintenance, and for personnel, and for consumables, and for security, and for communications.

To begin with, you can purchase (or rent) eight cars - this is a mandatory minimum, and then you can expand the fleet of vehicles. As for dispatchers, with a work schedule of a day after three and a 12-hour working day, eight people will also be required. In addition, you need to hire a mechanic to maintain cars, security guards and an accountant.

It is important to remember that the drivers you hire must not only have a driver's license with the required category, but also a total driving experience of 5 years or professional experience of 3 years (it must be confirmed by an entry in the work book).

As for the remuneration of drivers, then, working according to the schedule in two days (there will be three people per car), they will receive a rate and a percentage of the profit. And hired drivers of individual entrepreneurs working under a contract will deduct you a percentage of their income and pay taxes on their own.

How to open a taxi dispatch service?

Opening only a dispatch service will save the entrepreneur from the need to deal with equipment and take care of its timely maintenance, repair, obtaining transportation permits and other technical issues, since such a business involves only information services that you will provide under the contract to taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs or taxi companies who do not have their own control room.

In this case, you need to take care only of the means of communication, a suitable premises, software for such services and recruitment of personnel, as a rule, these are eight dispatchers.

Business profitability and income

If we talk about the profitability of the taxi business and how soon the initial investment will pay off, then everything is very subjective and depends on the demand for services, the level of services provided, the target audience for which your business is designed (this can be VIP transportation, budget taxi, ensuring transportation of passengers at events), the characteristics of the settlement, the quality of advertising. In addition, there are overheads:

  • Maintenance,
  • prevention,
  • diagnostics,

as well as unforeseen expenses: restoration of cars after accidents, independent examinations, repairs.

The number of cars used in the business also affects the profitability of the business (the more cars, the faster your investment will return). So, for example, if there are fifty cars, all costs will pay off in the first six months.

And if you decide to open a dispatch service, then its income from taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs will be approximately 15% of their earnings. In any case, with proper organization, such a business will be in demand and profitable.

Most often, 2 categories of people come to the taxi business: former drivers and entrepreneurs who start this journey from scratch. If you are a former driver, then it may be easier for you - you already have an understanding of part of the process. You know what is important for drivers, you understand how to attract and retain them, because you yourself have recently been in their place. On the other hand, an entrepreneur who enters this niche from scratch does not have stereotypes and labels. Regardless of which category of beginners you belong to, to succeed in that business, you will need to understand all the technical nuances and organize business processes. In this article, we will tell you what you should pay attention to in the first place.

How to open a taxi dispatch service: choosing a city and a niche

First, study the situation in your market. How many services are already working, what level of service and prices they offer, what they use to attract drivers and customers. The amount of investment will greatly depend on the size of the locality where you decide to start a business. Opening a taxi in a small town, village or town is now much easier - there is little or no competition. If you decide to go to a larger city, it is very important to determine your narrow niche. Perhaps these will be VIP taxis with executive cars, or special conditions for students and pensioners. Perhaps you can offer a unique bonus program. In a word, in settlements with an established competitive market, it is necessary to create a clear positioning and stand out from competitors.

How to open your own taxi company

Your own taxi fleet implies the presence of your own cars. If you decide to follow this scheme, then it is best to lease the cars. On average, a car will cost you about 600-700 thousand rubles. As brands of light, consider inexpensive foreign cars: Volkswagen Polo, Hyundai Solaris, Kia Ria, Skoda Rapid. In the case of your own fleet of vehicles, you have 2 options for earning:
  1. Hire hired drivers for salary and fixed shifts. In this case, you will earn the entire amount that the execution of client orders will bring you minus the salary fund.
  2. Rent cars to drivers who will earn money by fulfilling their own or your orders. On average, the cost of 1 day of renting a car is 1200-2000 rubles (depending on the locality).
There are also combined options when you work as a dispatcher and have an additional taxi fleet. As a rule, in this case, the monetization method is chosen - renting a car.

How to open a taxi: IP or LLC is better

If your service will work as a dispatcher and provide information services, then it is easier and faster to register the IP form: it can be quickly opened, quickly closed, and it is easier to keep records. Unlike an LLC, an individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property, but there are few risks in the case of a control room, because. services are actually provided by frequent drivers on their own cars.

If the service has its own taxi fleet, then it is responsible for all its cars and for all the actions of its hired drivers. With serious investments and turnovers, the registration of an LLC is more profitable, because in it the owner is responsible within the limits of the authorized capital. For example, the authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. There is nothing more to collect from the owner. In a taxi, the most likely risks are possible accidents with property damage and damage to health. If a hired driver crashed into someone else's car, and the insurance did not cover the damage, or God forbid, a person was injured, then the owner of the service is guilty. If you are registered as an LLC, then you can recover damages that were not covered by insurance only within the limits of the authorized capital. If the service with its fleet is registered as an individual entrepreneur, then its owner is financially liable within the limits of all his personal property and financial assets. In the case of such situations, they can take away a car, an apartment for debts, freeze a bank account, etc.

How to open your taxi and create a high level of service

You need to understand that it is important not only to attract a client, but to be able to keep him. Your main profit is repeat orders from already attracted customers. This is achievable if your service can create a high level of service. What is service and what is important for a taxi client:
  • Quick acceptance and processing of the order. Ideally, car delivery in 3-5 minutes;
  • Convenient notification system: SMS, callbacks with information about the car brand and delivery time;
  • Friendly and polite driver;
  • Transparent cost of the trip: ideally using a taximeter.