Truthful fortune telling on the cards. Fortune telling on the cards. Fortune telling by Aces

Sometimes, you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to guess on desires!

To find answers to your questions and find out whether fate will help you to fulfill your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. Simple and accessible fortune-telling for desires can help us in this.

How to guess at a wish

Anyone can tell fortunes. However, in order for divination by desire to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But fortune telling should be before sunset, not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and ceremonies, and not fortune-telling.

When you need to guess at a desire

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday, you can guess absolutely any desire.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday, you should look for answers to difficult, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, it is not customary to guess at a desire.

The meaning of the days of the week in fortune telling

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday is auspicious for getting answers to questions about whether your wish will come true.

Wednesday is a suitable day for fortune-telling if you are interested in studying, career and any development at work.

Thursday is worth asking questions about money. Pay off loans, repay debts, receive premiums, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune-telling to make dreams come true should be carried out on Monday. Conflict and health issues are worth guessing on Tuesdays. Addressing the Universe on Friday must be sincere to get what you intended.

Divination by desire. The ways

Try to take your fortune-telling seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Fortune telling is usually carried out using cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling with the help of a book

Fortune telling with the help of a book is one of the easiest ways. It also has a beautiful magical name - bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book, make a wish. Now, without opening the book, conceive any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. By the meaning of this line, you can understand whether a wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling with the help of cards

An equally popular way of fortune telling is cards. To do this, you should not go to a fortune teller or learn complex layouts, because there are simple fortune-telling on the cards. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now remove a card from the deck. If a red suit fell, then the wish will come true, but if it is black, it will not.

Fortune telling on the cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle the large deck of cards and place 15 cards suit up in one row, discarding aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If all the aces come out during the deal, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling with coins

You can also guess on a wish with the help of coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will gladly reveal all the secrets to you if you take fortune-telling seriously. Take a handful of coins in your palms, make a wish and toss them up. Count the number of coins that fell tails and heads up. If more coins lay heads, then the wish will come true, but if tails - no.

Here is another fun way of fortune telling using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write your wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in each and put it under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the first piece of paper that comes across with your left hand. If you come across the largest coin, your wish will come true. The average coin indicates that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if you come across a small coin - the hidden one is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling with the help of a mirror

A very interesting fortune-telling can be done with a mirror. Light a candle and wax the round mirror. Write desire on the wax with charcoal and remove the mirror to a cold place. After a couple of hours, sprinkle the mirror well with cold water. If the inscription disappears, then the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

Fortune-telling on dice has become very popular lately. After making a wish, put two bones in a cup, stir and toss on the table. While doing this, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the bones counterclockwise. Now look at the dropped combinations.

If it falls out 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4, the wish will certainly come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 will most likely come true, fate gives a lot of chances.

And if the roll is 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1, - alas, the wish will not come true.

What kind of fortune-telling do you know? Write to us!

You can make one of these layouts when some desire has matured in your soul, but no one can give you an answer whether it will come true or not. Free fortune telling online, the most accurate, on Tarot cards, playing cards and runes will tell you what awaits you in the near future! People often turn to various magical tools, which are some of the best tools for communication, both with their subconscious mind and with the Universe.

A selection of online fortune telling: on Tarot, playing cards

Fortune-telling for any desire requires preparation. You need to tune in to the situation you are asking about. Close your eyes, imagine the desired "picture", that is, your desire - exactly what you want to happen. Try to make this picture as realistic as possible in your imagination.

The following questions will help you tune in to the desired picture:

  • What sounds do you hear?
  • What do you see?
  • What do you feel?
  • What are you doing in the desired future?
  • What are others (family, friends, acquaintances) doing?

This is a kind of meditation that will help you understand well what you really want and conduct 100% truthful fortune-telling online for free.

Fortune telling "On a wish" on tarot cards

Then formulate your question: "Will this happen in my life: ...", for example, "Will it happen that he comes to me today?" Remember, the more accurate the question, the more accurately the fortune-telling will answer you for the fulfillment of desire. Basically, if you want more accuracy, you can even specify the time and place of the situation you are thinking.

Fortune telling online "Will it happen ...." consists of only three cards. The first card will explain what can prevent your desire from being realized. The second card will tell you what can help to make everything come true. The third card will give the answer, how realistic is what you have guessed.

Online version

If you do not have the time or opportunity to make the layout "live", you can try to make it online completely free of charge, without registration and SMS.

Meaning and interpretation of cards

  1. First card: what interferes with the fulfillment of desire;
  2. Second card: what will help you fulfill your desire;
  3. Third card (central): will the wish come true?

The most accurate online fortune telling on playing cards

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling, in which the values ​​of the cards are not taken into account, but only their color. If you are playing live, shuffle the deck carefully. Then, you can make your wish, focus on the question, and only then you can ask the cards to provide you with truthful and accurate information about whether it will come true or not.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

Check out the value of the combination you dropped out:

  • Four red cards: your wish will be 100% fulfilled;
  • Three red and one black cards: your wish will most likely come true;
  • Two red and two black cards: the probability of being executed and not being executed is the same;
  • Three black and one red cards: Your wish will most likely not come true;
  • Four black cards: Your wish will not be 100% fulfilled;

Fortune telling "On 4 Aces"

This fortune-telling is similar to the previous one, but it is done even faster. To conduct fortune telling on Aces online, you will need a deck in which you can distinguish between the top and bottom of the card. This can be done with just about any deck by paying attention to the position of the center symbol.

This is quite important, since it is the direct or reverse position of aces that speaks of a negative or positive result of fortune-telling, and as a result, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of your desire. Before the start of fortune-telling, all four aces are selected, thoroughly mixed and laid out in one line.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

  • 4 inverted aces fell: your wish will definitely not come true;
  • 3 inverted and 1 straight ace fell: the wish will most likely not come true;
  • 2 inverted and 2 straight aces fell: the probability of a wish being fulfilled is 50/50%;
  • 1 inverted and 3 straight aces fell: the wish will most likely come true;
  • 4 straight Aces fell: the wish will definitely come true.

Online divination "Wish tree"

Wish tree: divination online for the fulfillment of wishes for 9 Tarot cards. However, it is more complex, both in calculation and in interpretation. However, if you want to understand in more detail the prerequisites for the fulfillment of desire, contributing and not contributing factors, we recommend you this particular alignment.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

The tree of desires should be interpreted without haste, with feeling and sense. We recommend that you familiarize yourself, in addition to the abbreviated one, with the additional interpretation of the cards.

  • Maps 1 and 2. The trunk of the tree of desires: the reasons that led to the emergence of desire;
  • Cards 3 and 5: Right branch of the tree: that which contributes to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Cards 4 and 6: Left branch of the tree: something that does not contribute to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Cards 7 and 8: What will your wish lead to if fulfilled;
  • Card 9: Top of the Tree: Advice of cards for making a wish come true;

Wish Fulfillment Solitaire

This is a fairly simple online fortune telling solitaire that does not require any complicated preparation or tedious interpretation. Just guess any of the 36 playing cards you wish and click on the deck.

The interpretation is extremely simple:

  • First row: Your wish will be granted;
  • Second row: The desire will be fulfilled, but with certain difficulties and not soon;
  • Third row: The desire, most likely, will not be fulfilled soon, or will not be fulfilled at all;
  • Your card did not fall: your wish will not be fulfilled, unfortunately.

Online version

Fortune telling "Will a wish come true or not?" on Runes

This is the last online fortune-telling in this article. Will it come true or not, what you have wondered in the near future. It is performed only on Three runes - this is a rather popular formula for laying out runes in fortune-telling, both the direct and inverted position of the rune should be taken into account.

The simplified interpretation of this alignment takes into account only the position of the upper rune in the alignment. Direct position - a wish will come true, inverted - no.

Online version

The meaning and interpretation of the runes

The interpretation is also quite traditional:

  • The third rune: what interferes with the fulfillment of your desire;
  • The second rune: what contributes to the fulfillment of your desire;
  • The first rune: the result - your wish will come true or not;

Site Visitor Comments

    I love solitaire games in any form. I had no idea about online. Thank you very much. Not to mention the fact that with the help of solitaire you can guess. There was a difficult situation, I could not figure it out on my own. I tried it and liked it. My wish will come true, which cannot but rejoice! I highly recommend all fans to try it. Simple and affordable.

    I always wanted to try fortune telling on the runes, even tried to make it myself, got confused in the symbols and abandoned it. And here everything turned out to be so simple and accessible. The online version is just some happiness) I was tormented by the question of choosing a profession, the runes suggested in what area to expect good luck and how it would turn out with the plan.
    Interesting and exciting. I liked the result.

    I have Tarot cards. Once I was not bad at drawing and out of boredom I tried to draw a tarot card with its unforgettable ornament and bright picture. As it turned out, I liked it and I made myself personal tarot cards. But all hands didn’t get to guess with their help. And the interpretation seemed difficult to me. In the online version, everything is simple. I liked it. I run here to try my luck.

    It is very rightly written about the mood for fortune-telling. I consider this moment very important and correct. Without the right mood, nothing will work. Of course, it is important that nothing distracts, concentrates on the problem and delves into the actions. Without such preparation, any fortune-telling will be correct only partly . I love to guess on ordinary playing cards, but it takes space. The online version was pleased with the availability.

    Sometimes it is critically important to know in advance the development of the situation and the possibilities to influence it. And what is better than fortune-telling on the cards to answer the questions that have arisen? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to spread cards or throw runes. The online version is very helpful in such cases. Fast and simple. And the main thing is not accessible to prying eyes. I tried to guess in parallel on maps in real life and on maps in online. The results agreed.

    There were doubts about what to do. I didn’t know if I had a trip to tell the guy about it or not. We were planning an excursion to another city with an overnight stay. The company picked up not only girls. Although I didn’t plan anything, I still doubted. I tried to ask for advice in online mode. the tarot cards and the runes. Strange, but the answers agreed. Both of them said go for it. An interesting page. In controversial issues I will come back here again.

    I have been familiar with fortune telling on simple playing cards since childhood. Remember you dabbled with girlfriends secretly from your parents. I still have a habit of resorting to a spread. I especially like a quick deal on four aces. But as they said above, it is not always possible to carry cards with you and lay out when crowded. The online version is a great help in this case. The result is the same but does not attract attention.

    I believe in fortune telling and listen to the advice of cards. My friend always wondered, she did great. A month ago, she moved to a new apartment and now we can only communicate in VK. Sadness happened to me (((I call her on the phone to ask, so nothing doesn’t work, she says I need to either guess myself, or that I’d be there. I don’t come out with the cards myself. She threw me a link to that page and hurray! I did it. Thanks to the site and my beloved Ksyu!

    Dad's health problems led me to professional fortune-tellers. I went to her as if to work. How much money I left is scary to imagine. Of course it helped, but really expensive. I started looking for an alternative. I asked a question in the search engine. He brought me here. There was no joy. It turns out the same advice / answers can be obtained for free. Thank you for this version. Very helpful in controversial issues.

    It's strange to see your destiny on a computer screen. I used to always guess by hand. I really like fortune-telling the tree of desires, it seems that everything is simple in the layout and shows a lot. Of course, real cards are more familiar and it is more pleasant to hold them in your hands than to poke a mouse, but situations are different and sometimes ordinary cards are not at hand. Here then online is very straightforward! What's not so important I tried for the sake of experiment to simultaneously lay out both the cards at the table and the cards here in online mode. Of course, the cards did not match 100%, but in the interpretation the meaning turned out to be the same.

Fortune telling "Paired cards".
You need to make a wish and take a deck of 36 cards. Lay out the deck one card at a time and remove all paired cards (for example, seven and seven, queen and queen). Moreover, you can remove the cards only if they lie side by side, either through one or two cards from each other, all the others remain. Placing new cards, see if it is paired with the previous ones. If it's a steam room, remove it.
If there is not a single pair left (all the cards are out), then the wish will come true, if not - alas.

Fortune telling "A simple question".
Shuffle the deck and remove it with your left hand towards you. Now make a wish or ask a question that can be answered unambiguously. Now draw a card from the deck. If she turns out to be an ace or a king, then the wish will come true. If you pulled a queen or jack, then you have to work hard to realize your dream, or find someone who can help you.

Fortune telling "Four aces" -1.
Take a regular deck of 36 cards, shuffle them well. Arrange, face down, into 4 equal piles. From the first, remove the cards until an ace appears. Look, if there is another ace behind him, connect it with the first one and open the next card: send the ace to his “colleagues”, and send any other to the “bat” (you will no longer need it). Your task is to find aces in the pile, following each other. Let's say, first the ace was caught, followed by another card, and then again the ace. You only need the first one. All other cards and aces not following it are sent to the "bat".
Similar to how you disassembled the first pile, process the other three as well. As a result of the search, you may have one ace, two, three, four. The made wish is fulfilled by the owner of four aces, three aces foreshadow a quick fulfillment of the wish, two aces, on the contrary, do not come soon, and one says that there are no hopes.

Fortune telling "Four aces" -2.
Take four aces from the deck and place them in a row. Make one of them and make a wish. Then shuffle the deck and remove it with your left hand towards you. Start placing cards under the aces, when this is done, look at the ones under your card. If five of them turn out to be of the same suit, then the desire will certainly come true.

Fortune telling "Pyramid".
This method of fortune telling is more suitable for a small company. The main condition is that there are no skeptics in it. If there are any, ask them to go to another room. Take a deck of 32 cards. Select 5 pieces from the deck in any random way. This can be done by those present, removing the deck, calling the card number in order, or in some other way.
Turn these cards over and invite one of those present to make their wish come true on any card that is not among these 5.
Then, from the remaining cards, lay out a pyramid or "tail", that is, lay the cards, opening them, according to the following scheme: the top of the pyramid - one card, then the second row - 2 cards, under it there are 3 cards, then 4 and so on up to 6 cards in last row. If the intended card is in a pyramid, then the answer is determined according to the following principle:

the top of the pyramid - this will not happen;
the second row is hardly possible;
third row - a favorable outcome is very doubtful;
fourth row - the desire is quite feasible;
the fifth row is "yes" with a high degree of probability;
the sixth row - almost certainly.

If the conceived card still has not come out, then the remaining cards are opened with the following words: "wait", "be patient", "rejoice: he is yours", "be strong", "angry", "wave your hand." The word on which the intended card falls out is the answer.

Divination "Eight desires".
In this card fortune telling, 8 wishes are made, but only some of them come true.
For fortune telling, use two full decks of 52 cards, for a total of 104 cards.
A horizontal row of eight open cards is laid out on the table. After that, make one wish for each card.
Then, leaving room for the second row, lay out a row of eight face-up cards below the first.
Next, you need to see if there is an opportunity from the third row to put cards under the cards in the first row in ascending order of the seniority of the card.
For example, in the first row there is a four, which means that you can put a five under it, if there is a nine, then you can put a ten under it, a two goes under an ace, provided that there are such cards in the third row.
According to this principle, transfer all possible cards from the third row to the first. When all possible movements are made, then remove the remaining cards from the third row to the side. Then lay out the fourth horizontal row of eight cards again. Place cards suitable for moving to the third row, etc. until the deck runs out.
Those vertical rows in which the complete sequence of cards turned out - the wish will come true.

Fortune telling "Three piles".
For fortune telling, we take an ordinary deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle, remove with our left hand to ourselves, and make a wish. Next, we lay out the deck, one card at a time, into three piles. After finishing the alignment, take out 3 cards from each pile: bottom, top, and at random from the middle.
In total, we have 9 cards. We lay them out on the table in the following order: first row - 3 bottom, second - 3 top, third - 3 cards from the middle.
We evaluate which cards of which value are more: aces, figures (jack, queen, king) or small ones (6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Next, we look at the interpreter.

If 4 aces fell or 2 aces and two cards of a figure lay down in a row, then the wish will come true. (Of all)
In any row, all cards are small (up to 8) - the wish will not come true.
Ace, king, queen, jack, small cards - ordinary life. (Of all)
4 jacks - vanity, chores, stupid work. (Of all)
4 ladies - love is at stake. (Of all)
4 kings - success. (Of all)
3 aces, one piece - you will or already have strong enemies. (Of all)
2 aces, two pieces and small cards - the spouse is unfaithful to you. (Of all)
One ace, one card is a piece, and the third is a small card, then this is a complication in the family, troubles. (In any row)

Fortune telling on cards is one of the most widespread in the world. However, not everyone can correctly interpret its results.

In the article:

Fortune telling on playing cards

In order to make fortune-telling on the cards, you need a new playing deck. You cannot guess on the cards that have been played before at least once. If you don't have one, start by purchasing one.

Most of the fortune-telling on the cards for the fulfillment of wishes is quite simple and does not require any special skills. Make a wish first and then shuffle the deck carefully. Set the first fifteen cards aside, face out. Lay out aces from them and set them aside. Then shuffle again and play aces out of the next fifteen. Repeat this one more time.

If after these three hands all the aces are out of the deck, the answer to your question is yes. Your wish will most likely come true. If there are no aces, then there is no chance of its execution either. In other cases, it is better to make a more accurate alignment, which will allow you to find out about the obstacles that stand in your way. For example, it can be a situation, relationship or financial situation.

Fortune telling on the cards "Pyramid"

In order to guess at a wish on the cards in this way, you will need the usual one. Remove all sixes from it and put them aside, they will not participate in this prediction. Shuffle the deck and draw any four cards at random. Now make a wish on any of the cards except these four, and put them aside.

Lay the rest of the deck in a pyramid. This means that there will be six cards in the first row, five in the second, and so on, until you reach the sixth row, which will consist of one.

Now see if the map you have conceived is among those that formed a pyramid. If it is not there, your wish will not come true, try to find out the reasons with the help of other layouts that can give you more details. If she is among them, read the interpretation below.

First row- will not come true.

Second- you have a chance, but the likelihood of your dream coming true is extremely small.

Third- the chances are higher, but still small, the fulfillment of a desire is possible if you put a lot of effort into it.

Fourth- the probabilities of success and failure are equal, any of the two options can happen.

Fifth row- your plans have a high probability of coming true.

The intended map has become the only card of the sixth row- your wish will come true, do not even doubt it.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards "three cards"

This fortune telling on Tarot cards cannot be classified as difficult. It is available to beginners who have just discovered the world of predicting the future and have already managed to acquire a suitable deck.

Imagine your desire. Try to concentrate on it, this is very important in order for your fortune-telling to be as truthful as possible. Reflect on this topic, if time permits. What will change in your life if you get what you want? And in the life of your loved ones? Imagine what needs to be done for this, and how exactly your dream can come true.

Now take three cards from the deck. The first means your desire, attitude towards it, or how you see it, or what your dream really is. The second is the problems that will stand in your way to your dream, and the third will show what the result will be. Perhaps you will be successful, or maybe your wish will not come true.

Fortune telling on the Tarot

Divination by a wish on the Tarot

With the help of this fortune-telling for desires, they will tell you everything that you wanted and, perhaps, did not even want to know about your dream. Now you will be aware of what is opposed to you, and what helps, what your desire really is and how to act to make it come true.

As with all fortune telling, getting the right mindset and focusing on what you are about to learn plays an important role. You may need to sit in front of the deck for a while to fully prepare for divination.

Now place the first card on the table. Put the second to the right of it, the third to the left. Lay out the fourth above the third, the fifth to the right of it, and the sixth at the very top, above all the others. You should get a small pyramid. Flip the cards face up and begin to interpret them.

  • The first is the driving force that drives your dream to come true and work towards making it a reality. This is the source of help you need.
  • The second is what can be used to achieve the goal, what will help you, but what you do not know yet.
  • The third is trials, obstacles in the way and your vulnerabilities. Now that you are warned of what might be in your way, use this information as directed.
  • The fourth and fifth are what you need to do on the way to your goal.
  • The sixth is what you get in the end. It symbolizes the end result, what you get after your desire is fulfilled. If it doesn't meet your goal or expectations, consider whether it's worth working on something that might harm you at all. Perhaps you did not interpret all the signs too correctly, try to take some time to think about the meaning of the cards, because guessing the desire on the cards is not always easy.

Fortune-telling solitaire on a wish "Drunkard"

Perhaps everyone knows the drunkard card game. It is simple and understandable even for a child, therefore it is loved by the people. But few people know that "The Drunkard" is not just a game, it is solitaire and at the same time. It is very easy to learn it, with the help of this fortune telling solitaire you can easily find out whether what you dream about will come true or not.

Start by making a wish and concentrating on it, because without it nothing will work. It will be best to do this on time. Then shuffle the deck, which can be 36 or 52 cards. During this time, you can say out loud what you want to achieve if no one hears you. It is better that no one bothers you at this time.

After that, lay out the cards in two columns, in turn. When paired cards will come across, for example, two jacks - put them aside, they will no longer participate in this prediction. After you have laid out the entire deck, collect two columns into one and, without shuffling the decks, repeat the laying out in two columns, removing paired cards.

Fortune telling on cards is the most popular way to open the door to the future, to find out fate. Fortune-telling will help you get an answer to an exciting question, and will even calm you down by telling what will happen.

The most accurate fortune telling on playing cards

Eight wishes

We write down 8 wishes on a piece of paper, only 3. We mix two decks of 52 cards each.

  1. We shuffle, then we lay out 8 cards on the table in one row, face down. Each will have one wish assigned.
  2. Further below row number 1 (in advance we leave room for row number 2), lay out row number 3 of eight cards with the front side.
  3. We are looking for matches in ascending sequence from # 3 to # 1. Let's say the first card from # 1 is a four, so we put a five under it. Or if the second of No. 1 is a queen, then a king is placed under her. A deuce must be placed under the ace. We shift the cards if there are matches.
  4. After that, remove the remaining cards from number 3 aside. We lay out eight cards again, but this time in # 4. We transfer the suits that will be suitable for moving to No. 3.

We distribute the whole deck in this way. In the vertical rows, where the suits from ace to king are formed, the plan will come true.

☞ Another simple fortune telling

We take a deck and stir it well, thinking about our question. We take out the cards and put them face down in 9 piles. When finished, open the ones located at the top of the stacks. If those that coincide in value fall out, we remove them to the side. We open those that lay below. If all the suits are completely removed to the side, the plan will come true, if not, it will not come true.

☞ Video plot

Black Rose

We use a standard playing deck. When shuffling, think about your desire. After a while, without hesitation, we draw out any card. The value will answer the question asked. The meaning is described in the table.

AcePositive responsePositive resultThe plans won't come trueThe plans won't come true
If you make an effort, then the execution will beExecution will be, but not soonPlans not implementedNegative answer
After a while, the dream will come trueThere will be problems, but everything will come trueLittle chance of a positive resultSmall chance that a wish will come true

The most detailed fortune telling

The layout will help determine whether the wishes made will come true and predict the near future. You must use a deck of 36 cards. During the shuffle, we concentrate on the conceived. We begin to lay out the cards with the front side, pronouncing for each “6-ka”, “7-ka”, “8-ka” and so on to the ace. We postpone those whose meaning coincides with the word. We repeat the action 3 times. The suits left will give meaning to the question asked.

The values ​​are shown in the table.

AceStrong loveThe plans will be fulfilledLuck will turn awayFamily support
KingYour plans will come trueDeceivedNeed to rush to make a decisionA pleasant surprise
LadyDo not give vent to feelingsExpect to be insultedGet a reward for your effortsPlans will come true soon
JackThey remember you and want to meetJealousy is unfoundedA loved one will bring sorrowEmpty chores
10 Unexpected joyWork will help you find happinessDon't make new acquaintances anytime soon.
9 Someone loves you very muchAdversity will soon passReceiving sad newsDon't reveal your secrets to anyone
8 A new important person will appear in lifeGood News AheadThe news of a relative's illnessThe danger is near
7 Need to be vigilantLife will change for the betterEnemies are plotting something behind your backTroubles
6 Plans can failBetrayal awaitsA pleasant surpriseDon't be rash

Some combinations have additional meaning:

  • K + D - insidious woman;
  • 10 + 10 + D - declaration of love;
  • 7 + Ace of Spades - trouble for a loved one;
  • 8 + D - gossip;
  • 10 + K + T - moving up the career ladder;
  • 10 diamonds + Ace of Spades - betrayal;
  • 10 + D + K (one suit) - mutual love;
  • 4 Aces - a dream come true;
  • 4 Kings - will be accepted by the new team;
  • 4 Ladies - empty talk is expected;
  • 4 Volts - chores;
  • 4 Dozens - wedding organization;
  • 4 Nines - changes will come soon;
  • 4 Eights - get the long-awaited news;
  • 4 Sevens are big trouble;
  • 4 Sixes is a long road.

Nine cards

We make a wish and concentrate on it while shuffling the deck (36 cards). We begin to lay out in turn into 3 piles, face down. From the first pile we take the top one, one - from about the middle, another one - the last one from the bottom. We repeat the same with the second and third piles.

The result is 9 cards. We divide them into those that were below, those that were taken from the middle, and those that were taken from below. The meaning should be interpreted in a row, taking into account which card was drawn from the deck for which.

  1. If all Aces or two Aces come out in a row and two suits are higher than Ten - the implementation of all plans.
  2. Ace, picture (King, Queen or Jack) and suits below Ten are troubles in personal life.
  3. Three Aces, one picture - an enemy will appear who is plotting against you.
  4. All Kings are unexpected luck.
  5. All Ladies are a love quarrel.
  6. Ace, King, Queen and suits without pictures are routine life, but without failures.
  7. At first, there are only cards without pictures - the desire is not destined to come true.
  • Before you start fortune-telling, consider the following recommendations.
  • Better to use a new playing deck (it cannot be played, not even).
  • Not (there is an inscription "satin" on the box). For each method of fortune telling, it is better to take a separate deck.
  • During the alignment, strangers should not be present in the room, except for the person to whom you are guessing.