October love horoscope for Gemini men. Love horoscope for the sign Gemini for October. Health and Leisure

In October 2017, Gemini will live in an antilogical way, absolutely honestly not understanding why people do not understand them ...

Gemini horoscope October 2017.

In October 2017, Gemini will live in an antilogical way, absolutely honestly not understanding why people do not understand them, and sometimes they are also offended. As in a situation when HE called Dasha at one in the morning, and she was asleep ... And Dasha yelled at him ... but then she calmed down, thought, and called him back at three in the morning to apologize ... That's about the same, Gemini will act quite logically in October 2017. Moreover, Gemini men.

You used to live according to your own separate twin "logic. But in October 2017, you will surpass yourself and you will live in some Lobachevsky geometry, and intersect not only parallel straight lines, but also right angles. And although in fact, parallel lines cannot intersect (in any geometry) by the definition of parallelism. The proximity to Gemini of Lobachevsky's geometry is precisely in the fact that in it it is possible to draw through a point that does not lie on a given straight line, infinitely many straight lines that do not intersect with it. This point (very often lying on someone's line), and through which an infinite number of other lines intersect and will be Gemini. What's not very clear? Do you think to others, your logic of actions is easier to understand?

In addition, judging by the horoscope, working and adult Gemini, in October 2017, they will try to combine the incompatible - personal life and work. Gemini, if you have such an irresistible desire, try to make sure that one does not interfere with the other. If you manage to correctly distribute the time, then in October 2017 you will be able to get there and there, if not an orgasm, then at least pleasure. As the horoscope shows, next month you will have only this one problem. In addition to the above, from time to time you will be haunted by a desire, slightly dull, to joyfully and happily rejoice for no reason. Since there will not be many real reasons to rejoice. But, this desire to dull a little and smile for no reason can save you from autumn depressions. True, the need to "turn on the brains" at work will return you to reality. Therefore, try to learn to be happy without turning off not only your brain, but also a carefree smile. In other words, in October 2017, Gemini should be able to correctly formulate their thoughts, regardless of their presence! And given that this is much easier to do than to simulate an orgasm, or the presence of money, in their complete absence, then this will already solve half of your problems. Well, at least with orgasms. By the way, Gemini men, the issue of orgasms in October 2017 may also affect you. If not yours, then the orgasms of your significant other. Especially if she has problems with orgasms, no, but you are at home at this time too.

But, in principle, the horoscope for October 2017 for Gemini does not predict any special problems for you. True, it is likely that your old friend, Laziness, will crawl under your blanket again, affectionately hugging her neck. And autumn laziness is especially sweet. And if she kisses and hugs tightly, then it is difficult for her to refuse. And yet, try to pay less attention to her in October 2017, leaving her time only for the weekend, and then in the company of your loved ones. Indeed, in fact, Laziness is the fence behind which your dream is located. And in October 2017, you can become much closer to her, so do not miss the favorable period!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini auspicious days - 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 24, 25 and 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini unfavorable days - in fact, in most cases unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who just need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini work, career and business. The main obstacle to Gemini's success in October 2017 is yourself. Your doubts or long hesitation (well, where is the Gemini without them) can lead to mistakes. Don't look for contradictions in solutions - just choose the right ones! Life is full of contradictions, but more often than not, simple decisions are the most correct ones! For example, you cannot drink tap water - it is dirty, but vegetables and fruits can be washed with tap water - they will be clean! So don't look for logical solutions - look for the right ones.

And try to do work at work in October 2017, and not as usual - “I am sitting, working. It turns out that you cannot open more than 91 windows of the Windows calculator at the same time! " And this applies even to those Gemini who do not have a computer at work, but, for example, only have a steering wheel, or a shovel. Although it is difficult to imagine Gemini with a shovel. But with the steering wheel you can.

The main thing to remember is that in October 2017, no one will push and stimulate you, much will depend only on you. You want so much money so that you can hide books in them, and not as usual, then do not hide from work and bosses in October 2017 - this month they will not do anything bad to you!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini Finance. There are 3 simple ways to cheer yourself up: 1. Good music or a favorite song 2. Chocolate or alcohol 3. Money. In October 2017, the Gemini will choose the third option, which they can even happily inform their superiors or loved ones about.

The name horoscope for October 2017 Gemini. Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini Love... Gemini, Happiness is when your happiness is happily next to you, and not somewhere out there ... on the Internet. In October 2017, even lonely Gemini will feel it, happily rejoicing in their reflection. Well, some married Gemini in October 2017 will find out that how much, it turns out, interesting things can be found around, if they stupidly "score" on the Internet, on their experiences and start living. That is why you, most likely, will try to change something in your personal life or in relationships. But no matter what happens in them, you will not leave the feeling that everything is going for the better. So much so that you will readily say, thank you to those people who came into your life and made it wonderful! And yet, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better!

In any case, October 2017 is a good time for Gemini to work on their personal life and relationships. The horoscope for October 2017 for Gemini in the amorous sphere repeats the same advice as in professional affairs - the main obstacle to your success is yourself. Your doubts or long hesitation can lead to mistakes. Do not look for contradictions in decisions, and most importantly, do not look for logic in people's actions. And certainly don't look for logic in your actions. Just choose the right solutions! And do not think about someone else's opinion, who will think what - formulate your own. Try to do what children do - they quickly distinguish between good and bad. In childhood, no one cares about someone else's opinion. You just don't give a damn, sprinkled the "freak" in the sandbox, sand and that's it, and then let the adults swear and find out whose child is worse brought up.

Lonely Gemini in October should pay special attention to the second half of October. It is during this period that Fate can bring you to a new interesting person. And you will have a chance to be amazed once again how with the arrival of one new person in your life, you can change your musical taste, behavior and even the way of thinking.

So Gemini - live in October according to your antilogy, and run away from the autumn depression with your head held high. Especially Gemini women. After all, every girl should always walk with her head held high ... And if she should put her head down, then only to admire her new boots!

Feelings can turn out to be stronger than the arguments of reason and overwhelm the Gemini head. October promises to be an emotionally intense month, rich in various perspectives and fateful decisions. The main thing is not to lose touch with intuition and not to rush. Impulsiveness will not lead to anything good.

Gemini will again find themselves on the wave of love and attention of the opposite sex. If earlier feelings were restrained by the mind, now you will be in a pool of feelings, committing completely insane acts for the sake of love. It seems that the hobby will be fraught with many mysteries, forcing the Gemini to show their potential and previously unrevealed abilities, which will later be useful to you in business life. The main thing is to stay active and behave freely, without trying to curb your feelings. Otherwise, many opportunities and prospects in your personal life will bypass you.

Family representatives of the sign will have two feelings. On the one hand, in relations with your soulmate, conflicts and unforeseen changes may begin, for which both partners were not ready. On the other hand, you decide to keep the relationship and prove to your loved one how you love him and want to keep him.

Be patient and don't act quickly and impulsively. Otherwise, the situation will get out of your control and you will no longer be able to manage it. The only feeling worth curbing in October is jealousy. It is she who will cause many conflicts and can ruin even the best relationships.

Gemini Woman October 2019 Love Horoscope

You will feel interest in yourself again. Men will pay more attention to you if you are more likely to be in society, dress beautifully, and are able to correctly prioritize relationships.

October will force the free representatives of the sign to reconsider their requirements for men and choose behavior tactics that are appropriate in your situation. This will also affect the change in your external style, which will contribute to a change in relationships with the opposite sex.

Most likely, men who showed a lot of attention to you will fade into the background, but new doors and acquaintances will open in front of you. Try to evaluate your fans correctly in order to make the right choice. It is possible that the novel that awaits you in mid-October will become fateful.

Family twin women will decide to reconsider their relationship and correct the mistakes that were made earlier. This will contribute to good changes in family relationships and the establishment of relationships, both with the spouse and with his relatives. Romance may return to your life, provided that you yourself surprise your husband. He will appreciate them, especially made with love and from the heart. Try to please your chosen one more often, and not demand increased attention from him to yourself.

Gemini Man October 2019 Love Horoscope

Free representatives of the sign will decide to reconsider their requirements for the opposite sex. This will contribute to positive changes in life and will allow you to notice a woman with whom you can have a promising relationship in the future, even if she did not stand out from your environment.

New acquaintances will be successful only if you do not try to play and show yourself not who you really are. Otherwise, a fake relationship will only bring disappointment and will not develop into a beautiful romance in your life.

Fortune will contribute to family representatives of the sign in almost everything, even if the relationship with the second half left much to be desired. You will become charming and romantic, which will make the woman next to you jealous.

Men in love will have to be patient. The other half can behave unpredictably, which will cause you a lot of anger and dislike. However, it is better to restrain these feelings, but draw conclusions for the future, because it is impossible to remake an adult. Think about what will happen if you are still together. It is possible that this is not the woman you have dreamed of for so long.

What is October 2017 preparing for the Gemini Man?

Representatives of this sign will go through some tests in October. They will need to gather all their willpower and be patient. Mistakes, then correcting them and listening to the dissatisfaction of colleagues regarding this will act depressing and annoying on the Gemini. Lonely men of the air element, because of their frivolous behavior, will not start a relationship, and family representatives will finally be disappointed in their marriage.

Gemini Man love horoscope

Representatives without a pair will become very proactive. After meeting several girls, they will try to start several novels at the same time. The stars will not like this behavior, so everything will be limited only to flirting and communication.

The relationship of married men will hang in the balance. They will constantly doubt their choice regarding a spouse, and frequent skirmishes and constant misunderstandings will only intensify this feeling. The meeting with old love, which will literally turn their thoughts around, will also add fuel to the fire.

Love horoscope for October 2017: Gemini A man will feel that this month he should not make serious plans for a relationship with one of the girls he knows.

Finance and work

No intensive work is expected this month. In professional activities, the strong half of the Gemini sign will make many mistakes, which will lead to confusion at work. Their incidents will lead to a deterioration in relations with colleagues. The horoscope does not recommend making enemies among colleagues, thereby creating even more problems. Try to find a compromise and admit your mistakes with dignity. In order to increase their material condition, Gemini men need to trust their inner voice. He will tell you where it is most profitable to invest money.

Health and Leisure

In October, representatives of the air element will be susceptible to colds and heart diseases. There may also be problems with the digestive tract. If they suddenly feel painful, unpleasant sensations, then you should not wait until the disease worsens. See your doctor and start taking the medications you need. The stars recommend switching to proper nutrition this month. The twins never aspired to this, but it is better for them to try to wean themselves from fast foods and junk food, because this does not benefit health, but, on the contrary, harms.

  • Auspicious days for Gemini in October 2017: October 3, 6, 11, 22, 24, 30.
  • Difficult days for Gemini in October 2017: October 2, 9, 18, 28.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini woman

Love horoscope

October 1 - October 10. Venus and Mars can complicate your already uneasy relationship. Your partner will show that their career is most important to them. If you are ready to come to terms with this, you should leave romantic dreams for a while and, roll up your sleeves, rush to his aid. If not, move away from him a little, take a break in the relationship.

October 11 - October 20. You will want to reconsider your views on your personal life. You suddenly decide that communication with the chosen one brings you only disappointment and unnecessary problems. It may seem to you that you are constantly annoying him, and he is constantly looking for an excuse to cling to you and start teaching you about life.

October 21 - October 31. Venus will help you find common topics for conversation with your loved one, you will often meet, travel somewhere, attend various events. Basically, the initiative will come from you - because now you really want to get closer to this person. As long as you are active and move this relationship forward, he will support you.

Romantic date. You may have many meeting opportunities this month, but you may not use all of them, as something about your partner will annoy you. Dating is possible on a trip, at your home, in some cozy restaurant or in an old park.

Family horoscope

In family life, you may have to make some pretty tough decisions. You may feel like you are being pressured by your spouse or elderly relatives. You won't like it. Various showdowns and clashes with one of the relatives are likely. Moreover, in a relationship with your husband, you will be most worried about romance, love, old feelings and the possibility of their revival. You can demand increased attention, show jealousy. You will be less addicted to children, it is just possible excitement and worries because of their problems.

The secret of happiness. More ease of communication. Try to communicate more often with people who cheer you up. The charge of cheerfulness received from these contacts should be carried to the family.

Rest horoscope

If your child urgently needs a break or a personal relationship requires privacy, you immediately drop everything and hit the road.

Place of power. You will love places related to childhood. This could be your school, art houses, in which you or your child studied. Visiting such places will cheer you up, you are pleased to communicate with people who work with children and devote their lives to their upbringing.

Horoscope of work and money

In the work you will be attracted by its creative component. If you have routine duties, that is, you just “pull the strap,” work will annoy you. But right now they will make high demands on you and expect creativity from you.

Purchase of the month. It is good to buy something for children or a loved one. Procurements for future use of products and various little things for the home will also be successful. And your ability to find the right product at the lowest price will help you save money.

Health horoscope

The position of Saturn will bring tension and self-doubt into your life. You will want to rely on someone else's opinion and make a decision based on serious expertise. Then the tension will subside, and you can devote more time to your appearance.

October 2017 horoscope for Gemini men

Love. Your beloved is not at all as rationally cold as your friends may imagine him to be. During this period, he will show that he is capable of deep feelings, experiences and wants you to respond to his love emotionally and with full dedication. He will prove himself to be a real romantic - he will make gifts, present flowers. Your pride will be satisfied.

Tone. Your chosen one will need your support. Take long leisurely walks with him instead of sitting at home or in a restaurant. This will be useful for both you and him, you will better open up to each other and really get closer.

Finance. In financial matters, your loved one is able to get lost in three pines. He makes good money, but he does not know how to spend money at all. In this you must help him. He will appreciate your advice and may even entrust you with his business budget.

Hobbies. You may notice that during this period it will be completely impossible to communicate with your partner on serious topics. He, like a child, will begin to perceive everything exclusively in a playful way. He may even get carried away with computer games, crosswords, sudoku, playing cards.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini child

0-6 years old. The Gemini baby can be in the spotlight due to his sociability and kindness. He will have more friends, and you will only have to be proud of him. Praise him in public more often, raise his authority.

7-12 years old. Gemini children will try to combine study and numerous interests, but they are unlikely to succeed. Most likely, your child will start to be late everywhere and find an excuse not to do the hated lessons. It will be difficult for you to do without strict educational measures.

13-17 years old. Twin teenagers will begin to maneuver between the restrictions that adults impose on them and the desire for a life free of responsibilities. Talk to your child, the main thing is that he does not deceive you, you can forgive the rest. Talk to him frankly and try to help him solve his problems.

Read the horoscope for October 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In the middle of autumn, representatives of your sign treat love as a game. Throughout the month, you are easy-going and optimistic. You are driven by the desire to love and share feelings with your beloved.

In October 2017, the Sun, Mercury and Venus pass through the house of love of Gemini, so a lot of variety and new impressions are expected in their personal lives. Cupid's arrow can hit you at any moment, and the goddess of love Aphrodite invites you to try from her bowl of temptations.

New Moon October 20, 2017 takes place in the house of love of Gemini, under its influence a new love affair may begin. If you're not in a relationship right now, you might meet someone special and feel like this is the person you've been waiting for. Be open, even if it turns out to be different from what you imagined.

Family life becomes dynamic, because energetic Mars is located in the sector of the Gemini family. Perhaps you and your spouse will be busy with active work or start renovating your home. In family relationships, sociability and the ability to compromise play an important role. Moreover, you can rely on the help of family members in solving personal problems.

Gemini career and finance horoscope for October 2017

The month opens up new perspectives, because Jupiter enters the Gemini's house of work on October 10, 2017. The influence of this beneficial planet will have a positive effect on the professional field. It will be easier for you to establish business contacts, find support for your ideas and suggestions from your bosses and influential people.

Not only success will come, but also money. The material reward for your work promises to be generous. In addition, the time is favorable for looking for a part-time job, a new place of work. At the same time, it is important to use the earned money wisely.

October 2017 is a good time to promote your image, talents, services, products. You can be successful in any artistic, creative activity, in sports, there are also good chances of excellence in other areas.

The second half of the month, when Mercury enters your home of work and then the Sun, will be a dynamic period. The impact of Mercury activates issues related to documents, establishing ties, concluding contracts, negotiations.


Jupiter in the health sector will help you maintain good health. You will notice how your well-being and mood improves. If there are any health problems, you can expect relief. The time is right for starting a course of treatment, diet, cosmetic procedures, for the formation of healthy lifestyle habits. When you are in good physical shape, your self-esteem increases, which will not go unnoticed by the opposite sex.

Try not to mix love and friendship with work or business!