Libra horoscope for May. Love horoscope for Libra Women

Throughout May 2017, those born under the zodiac sign of Libra will be in a good mood. There will be a lot of new opportunities to declare yourself to the whole world and prove that you are worth something. During this period, Libra needs to be patient and control himself. While some of the results of your efforts will be instantaneous, most of them will have to wait. The stars advise the representatives of your zodiac sign to rejoice at every moment they have lived, every meeting with friends, every new acquaintance, and even the bright sun outside the window. Libra is full of strength and self-confidence, and this is the most important thing.

The first decade of May 2017 for Libra is a favorable period for the development of new abilities, the discovery of new talents and the search for hobbies. The more active you lead your life, the greater your success and general acceptance. Now there will be many like-minded people who will gladly support any of your ideas and help bring them to life. Do not refuse help, laurels will still be yours. Your behavior from the outside will seem as if you are in some completely different world, where you feel good and calm. Libra will simply radiate powerful energy and optimism. Everyone who will be close to you will experience a sea of ​​positive and will receive a strong energy charge, so be prepared to be in the spotlight all the time. For Libra, during this period, everything will simply burn in their hands. Whatever they touch, everything will turn into a real masterpiece, which will amaze others. New perspectives will open before you, use this chance to completely change your life. Just try to be prudent about any criticism and advice. Nobody wants to hurt you, they only want good for you. Take into account any comments and suggestions, ponder them, and then make your final decision or draw the appropriate conclusions. Stay true to your principles and moral convictions, be kind to others, be sympathetic and selfless. Soon you will see how the world around you begins to change dramatically.

Some walk, others work. So the movement of Saturn in the second decade of May 2017 will affect the sphere of professional activity of Libra, and in the best way. Many of your zodiac sign representatives will receive tempting offers and lucrative contracts that will dramatically improve wealth and ability to pay. Try to prioritize correctly and not take on the work for which you have no heart. It is also worth paying attention to short-term business proposals. They will help you quickly and efficiently solve financial problems and make it possible to pay off your credit debts. The middle of May will present you with profitable and effective offers, but you still have to choose, and this is at your discretion. The stars promise the unemployed representatives of your zodiac sign that they will be able to find suitable vacancies, and for some, fate will smile and they will open their own small business. For everything to go as it should, you should change your image to a more business-like one. Do you remember the proverb: "They are greeted by their clothes, escorted by their minds"? Also, plan your business and appointments well in advance. This will help you stay afloat and get everything done.

In the third decade of May 2017, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign will spend all their free time from work in the tender arms of their soulmate, and for those who have not yet met her, the horoscope promises several romantic acquaintances, one of which will become fateful. Some Libra will meet their former great love, and the faded feelings will rise again. You will feel in seventh heaven with happiness. You will spend the end of May quite interesting and varied, you hardly want to sit at home when life is raging outside the window. Libra will be drawn to crazy actions all the time in order to surprise your chosen one, but try to avoid all sorts of adventures so as not to bite your elbows later. You may be drawn to love adventures, but remember that you have your happiness in the person of your significant other. Take care of it! Libras have remarkable organizational skills, and there will be many opportunities to showcase that talent in this final period of May. Be more condescending to your family and friends who are directly involved in your destiny. Listen to their opinion, respect it, and life around you will become bright and cloudless.

In May 2017, the stars are supportive of Libra. This is a positive and energetically powerful time when all your dreams can come true. Although personal life is capable of presenting surprises, the bottom line will be positive. Even a negative situation, if this happens, will be surmountable and will turn out to be good for you.

This month, the influence of Mars, the ruler of your partner's house, is favorable. Mars promises romantic travel and invites attention to how important a community of intellectual and spiritual interests of a couple is to love. This is what will help you get closer to your lover and add more warmth to the relationship.

In the first decade of May 2017, many of you will have to make a serious choice. For some, it will be associated with new relationships, for others with those problems that were not solved in due time. In the second decade, lonely Libra may be lucky, fate will send you a romantic meeting and a bright romance will begin. Throughout the month, travel love stories and those that begin at a distance are possible.

Family Libra can count on good news. In the family, some important event is possible, rather, of a positive nature.

Libra career and finance horoscope for May 2017

In May 2017, representatives of your sign will be successful in the professional field. Dynamic Mars is in a good position for you, providing energy and drive.

When it comes to work, the ability to act quickly will be the key to high achievement. At certain moments, even quality can be sacrificed for speed, but only within objectively acceptable limits. For many Libras, this will be a real test, because those born under this sign are used to not rushing. In addition, the ability to navigate a changing environment and be creative will come in handy.

The time is right to start implementing new projects. On May 4, 2017, Mercury completes its retrograde period, so after that date, the business environment will develop more predictably. If you decide to start your own business, use May. You will not find a better time (in the perspective of the coming months, of course).

Mars in the ninth house of Libra intensifies interaction with foreign partners, and also gives more interest in legal issues. Such a planetary position is favorable for the career development of those who work in the field of higher education, science, culture, research, and travel a lot.

The financial outlook looks promising as Mars, the ruler of your money house, forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter. In addition, on May 11, 2017, a full moon will take place in the Libra house of money, which can bring you a sudden awareness of new earning opportunities.

Among the lucrative areas of activity - cooperation with people from afar, interaction with organizations from other countries and regions. However, the stars warn you against unplanned expenses that can happen under the influence of the moment. Curb your extravagance, and then by the end of the month you will come with a positive balance.


May 2017 does not bode well for serious health problems. At the same time, excessive activity can lead to overwork. Take care of yourself, find time for a good rest. Libra women can delight themselves with cosmetic procedures, the effect will be excellent. The second half of the month will require more attention to health than the first.

Learn something new that will be useful for your professional growth!

You can't do without adventures and small adventures in May. Interesting meetings, unusual acquaintances and refined signs of attention - all this will cheer you up and give you even more self-confidence. Just don't let pretty words cloud your head. Sometimes they can hide complete emptiness and indifference.

It is not easy for you to find a truly close and kindred soul. You need a person who will not only admire your physical data, but also a rich inner world. This is extremely important to you. But finding just such a partner is difficult. However, in May, you will have several opportunities to meet someone close to your ideal. Moreover, such acquaintances will be completely spontaneous and unexpected.

To avoid possible disappointment, you should initially cut off all unpromising acquaintances. Your time will be wasted. Instead, use your energy to seduce someone who is truly breathtaking.

If you want to strengthen your relationship with your partner, try to find an activity that you can do together. It can be studying a foreign language, painting or cooking. In a supportive environment, you can show even more feelings towards each other.

Libra Woman: Love Horoscope for May 2019

Be careful with gossip and intrigue behind your back. Without expecting a trick and being in a relaxed state, you run the risk of facing a severe shock. Someone from your inner circle, envious of your personal happiness, will want to slander you. And it will be difficult to prove the opposite, since everything will be thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, be careful and try not to make any mistakes that could later be used against you.

If you are comfortable with being alone for the time being, then you shouldn't try to pretend that you are on the road to a serious relationship. Stop worrying about what others think of you. You have the right to enjoy free connections that do not require any commitment. And remember, you don't have to explain anything to anyone.

In marriage, everything will be calm exactly until the moment when you become too curious and suspicious. This will start to unnerve your partner, who will perceive this behavior as distrust. And this can offend and hurt a loved one. The relationship will start to deteriorate, and your innocent suspicion will lead to serious family strife.

Libra Man: Love Horoscope for May 2019

You shouldn't show your jealousy every time. In May, you will cross the line with this feeling, which will acquire destructive power. The partner who is next to you will get tired of being the object of your claims and will decide to break off such a relationship. As a result, you will personally push her to do this.

An acquaintance held this month can develop into a rather strong union. But for this you have to work a little. To achieve the location of the woman you like, you will need to make an effort and try to charm her with your intellect and sense of humor. But it is better to restrain your barbs.

At times, your emotions will go off scale, and if you cannot find a way out for them, then all the negativity will pour out on your spouse. You will loudly sort things out, not embarrassed by hurtful words and insults. This behavior will in an instant destroy everything that you have built so carefully over time. To prevent this, try to pour out all negative emotions and anger during sports or through other physical labor.

The horoscope for May 2017 for Libra predicts a stream of some incredible events that will make your head spin. You are absolutely not ready for many changes, but accept something with joy. In May, Libra will have to pay with some principles, as well as reconsider their environment. If your self-esteem is low, then work in this direction. Libra will be informed about the good news regarding the salary.

The horoscope for May 2017 for Libra promises women a short-lived, but still depression. It is possible that the reason for such a state of mind will be unrequited love, or a deplorable financial situation. The main thing is not to lose heart in May 2017, but to take yourself in strong hands. The idea of ​​a new profession is haunted by Libra, so it urgently needs to be implemented. Learn and learn again!

Horoscope for May 2017 Libra advises men to listen less to those who give "good" advice. You yourself, as they say, with a mustache, so you can do whatever you want. In May, Libra will find a new exciting activity that will bring income. If there is a desire to criticize a loved one, then it is better to keep him with you. So you will maintain a warm and strong relationship with the person for the entire 2017.

Children's horoscope for May 2017 Libra

Children are promised an entertaining and varied month. You will not only want to walk and have fun, but also learn something new. It is possible that the Libra child will lose his appetite, so parents should pay attention to this. If health problems arise in May 2017, then do not treat little Libra with folk remedies. See a specialist doctor so that there are no complications after the disease. If parents are going to give a child a game, then it must be developing and intellectual. Keep Libra busy in May.

Health horoscope for May 2017 Libra

Libra in May 2017 needs to beware of colds and viral diseases. Seasonal allergies and malaise are possible. If you establish nutrition and follow the regime, then there will be no special health problems. Libra in May needs to eat foods that will not cause heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms associated with the stomach.

Libra women in May 2017 need to think more about how to fill the body with energy, and not waste it on trifles. To distract yourself from gloomy thoughts, get busy. At the end of May, a short-lived depression is possible, but Libra will easily cope with it.

Auspicious days - 3, 6, 9, 15, 20 and 30 Unfavorable days - 8, 10, 12, 18, 21 and 25

Finance horoscope, career for Libra for May 2017

Horoscope for May for other signs of the zodiac:

For Libra in May, the stars promise a series of unpleasant events. For some, they may not last long, but for others they will cause despair, so the representatives of this sign will get tired of the black stripe. But you should be upbeat and treat failure as temporary. They will help Libra get stronger and make you stronger.

Do not despair even when it seems to you that there is no way out.

Seek help from loved ones. But you yourself can overcome temporary troubles, Libra is a strong sign - they are full of internal energy and self-confidence.

You will soon begin to remember these events as a new experience. All the same, nothing can be radically changed in this situation. It remains only to extract the maximum benefit from everything.

The situation will be aggravated by the fact that you practically will not have time for yourself. The reason for this is work and the need to solve piled-up problems. You may need to help family or friends. But soon everything will work out. The representatives of this sign are required to be able to stoically endure difficulties.

Remember that they will soon become a reason for pride in not falling into despair.

Libra's family life and personal relationships in May 2017

Libra's personal life promises to be bright and eventful. You will be ready for a new relationship. Regular partners will start surprising with changes in behavior, so Libra will definitely not get bored. Loud clarifications of relations, violent manifestations of feelings, discord and reconciliation ... All this awaits you in May.

Think about it, maybe you should try to smooth out some corners on your own in communicating with your loved one. You depend on your other half, so you cannot be alone for a long time. Even a temporary separation Libra tolerates quite painfully, therefore such drastic decisions should be avoided.

Now Libra will often have to give up positions in relation to the second half. This is not the most favorable period for defending your own position.

You are open to new relationships, which in a fairly short period of time can develop into a whirlwind romance with further prospects.

But soon feelings can come to naught. If you feel like there is no mutual respect and trust in a relationship, then they should not be continued.

Try not to delay the parting, the partner can take advantage of your temporary weakness.

In your relationship with your parents, take the position of a little boy or girl. Perhaps you should stop defending your position and get closer to your family.

Libra's professional activities will change significantly:

  • change of activity;
  • transfer to another position;
  • new job.

Something has to happen even if you are not ready to change your life so drastically. Libras should not argue with their superiors and react too violently to events. Even if you are very worried about this, others do not need to know about it.

The most correct position in this case is to go with the flow. But you shouldn't relax. Remember, too, that this month you will be faced with various kinds of problems. Try to avoid blunders at work. Be considerate of your colleagues, even if you are used to trusting them completely.

Avoid making big purchases this month as your financial situation dictates you be more careful with your spending. Although no serious problems are planned for the month of May, it would be better to play it safe. Don't expect big incomes yet.

Refrain from investments, even if they seem profitable to you, you may have to wait for some time with monetary manipulations. Past trades can bring you long-awaited profits this month.

Libra Health May 2017

In May, Libra will feel somewhat depressed and tired. This is not surprising: the events of this month will affect. Do not overwork yourself even more and try to jump above your head. So you can only undermine your health, and such sacrifices are unlikely to be reflected in the external environment.

You may be prone to being overweight. Monitor your daily routine and diet. Move more and spend time outdoors.

Go swimming: This activity will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental well-being. Be careful while driving and on long journeys.

If you have vision problems, be sure to visit an optometrist to avoid serious consequences. Pay attention to the condition of the cardiovascular system. Engage in physical exercise, sport will be very favorable for you this month.