Love horoscope for October

Luck is our everything, especially when it comes to the love sphere. Many people can live their entire lives without having a happy relationship, while others use key astrological guidelines and win over and over again on their personal front.

It's time to take a fresh look at your relationship. September is coming to an end, but it will still have time to please the representatives of the zodiacal circle with success in amorous affairs. This week, it is worth forgetting about defeats, so that later you do not waste energy on taking out negative emotions. Believe in the best. For the most part, your luck in love depends entirely on your mood.


Impulsive and hot Aries, this week the love sphere will be a key link for you to achieve success in all other areas. Weakened Venus, without changing its position for seven days, will rule the ball and will. The consequence of astrological phenomena will be increased sexuality and a desire to take risks for the sake of sensory experience. You should succeed in everything that you have planned, since no one can stop you from being at your best.

Astrologers advise lonely Aries to avoid harshness when dealing with the opposite sex. The family representatives of this Star Sign are given a tip: speak out and clarify all disagreements with your loved one. The partner will fall before your charm and charm, which means he will be ready to make any concessions that you dictate to him.


It is unlikely that this week's situations will bring harmony to the relationship of Taurus in love, rather the opposite. Jupiter will appear in the field of view, along with its all-crushing energy. This turn of events will not make you the master of the situation. It will seem to you that everyone is against you. Even the right to independence and independence of decisions will have to be fought back.

It is in the power of Jupiter to embroil you with your loved one and even with yourself. Only the care and attention from your partner can help maintain your self-confidence. Therefore, the next week is best spent away from scandals, showdowns and voices of dissatisfaction. Be a meek Sign so you don't waste all your energy and cripple your love.


Gemini, your ways of getting rid of problems are outdated - not only the stars are hinting at this, but also your relationship with your partner. This week you are going to struggle with idealizing your loved one. The sun is enemy number one for you, it has always been and will always be so. Fortunately, over the course of seven days, it will be weakened, which will help to reflect the blows and even ask for revenge.

The sun will not disturb you, which means that it is time to reconsider your requirements for your significant other. It is advisable to lower the high level of your hopes and give your loved one the right to make mistakes. If you're single, it's worth considering a new romantic connection.


Problems in personal relationships should recede into the background, at least this week. This is the will of the planets. The Universe will help by putting Jupiter and Pluto to help you. Only the negative double aspect of Jupiter with Uranus and Mercury, which will take place on Thursday, the 28th, will be dangerous. At this time, you should not be led by your emotions. You may have a desire to achieve your own in a relationship by any means, but you should not do this.

Everything is calm about Pluto. His presence in the constellation of Capricorn will have a positive color and will help you to overcome all barriers in relationships, finding a unique way to confess your love. Single and family Cancers, get ready to make your dreams come true.

a lion

Leo, this week your personal success will directly depend on your hidden abilities, especially on your natural magnetism and your ability to resolve conflicts. Your patron, the Sun, will not change his character, giving you complete freedom of action. His position has weakened, and this means that you have to personally defend your right to happiness.

At the beginning of the week, the actual topic will be the protection of your union from the envy and intrigues of people close to you. Lonely Leos will tend to be introspective, bordering on self-blame. Don't try to find the reasons for your loneliness. It's just not your time. Family Leo, if the events of the week show that you and your partner look at the same things differently, try not to get excited ..


The ability to distinguish signs of fate from simple coincidences is more useful for Virgos than ever. The universe will signal to you with all its might about the upcoming changes in the relationship. Uranus will be the guiding star. It will be retrograde throughout the week, which will push you towards the realization of the new and the unusual. It will start on Monday, when the positive aspect of the planets occurs. On September 25, you will be the best in the eyes of the opposite sex.

On Wednesday, Virgo will not hurt to be careful. Astrological conditions will color your mood with suspiciousness, which can cause passion in a relationship. Astrologers report that suspicions may be justified. Trust your instinct.


This week Libra should take into account that the destructive energy emanating from the Sun will bring discord into your usual life, depriving you of the most important thing - harmony. Everyone knows that without balance you are like without arms. Energy should be increased by any available means. Do what brings you maximum pleasure. This will serve as an occasion to release the accumulated tension within yourself and the family union.

Having lost almost half of your vitality, you will feel uncomfortable. However, do not be too intrusive and demanding of your companion, hinting at signs of attention. The stars give you time to get even closer to your partner. But for this it is not enough just to take - love requires dedication. Protect each other from difficulties. If your heart is still lonely, Saturday conjunction of the planets will help you fix it.


Your negative thoughts will scare anyone away, including love and luck. Be discreet, think the best. For example, that Mars among all the planets will come to the fore for you. His creative energy will help to free himself from a number of misunderstandings and disagreements in relationships, as well as to pull the rope to his side. Having taken a leading position in a love union, do not forget that the responsibility for joint happiness will also increase.

It is possible that the disclosure of the secrets of a loved one will become an urgent topic. Astrologers report that you may have to learn not quite pleasant things about your companion's past. You can find the strength to come to terms with it.


The coming week is marked with a special astrological phenomenon: your patron Pluto will cease to be retrograde on Friday. This will help to fully feel his support in love affairs. Until September 29, personal relationships will not develop in the best way. You should be more patient and gentle. Do not get excited, otherwise you will drive your relationship into a dead end.

Throughout the entire period, you will ask yourself the question more than once. Only a positive attitude will clarify the picture and help relieve tension in the current relationship. Lonely Sagittarius should be pleased with the little things.


Capricorns should be more careful, entrusting their secrets to unfamiliar people, even if they are your potential partner. Luck in love this week will depend on your antagonist, Luna, who remains moderately active. So that your connection does not develop into a love affair, now is the best time to declare yourself, your independence and bring equality to the relationship.

Under the influence of your constellation, the Moon will be weakened on Thursday and Friday. You will finally be able to feed on her energy as she feeds on yours. Noticeable shifts in personal affairs are outlined, especially for lonely Capricorns. Don't be afraid to sound reckless, the surprise and pleasant surprise of your partner is your key to success.


Energy adversary Jupiter this week will negatively affect your biofield. Do not be surprised by the wave-like mood - it always accompanies this planet. The stars advise against surrendering to the will of the senses and changing your decisions every five minutes, rushing from one extreme to another. Remember: your perception of the world and relationships is now skewed.

The period from September 25 to October 1 will be the end of the streak of problems in his personal life. You, together with any person, will be ready to cross the line and rush towards each other, trying to improve relationships. On Thursday, the favorable aspect of the planets will push you to the crucial step that you have been putting off for a very long time.


Pisces in love, if this week you do not like some words or actions of your soul mate, do not rush to express your claims. Perhaps it is in you, more precisely, in the influence of the planets, which has power over you. The impact of Saturn is on the agenda of the week. This planet will put all its energy into knocking the ground out from under your feet.

Women's horoscope for October 2017 from for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Lions, Taurus, Aries, Scorpions, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. In October 2017, the stars are advised to increase self-esteem, be filled with confidence and not lose heart over trifles. Carefully allocate your energy to the planned activities. For those who want to learn star predictions every day, we recommend that you follow our daily updates in the section.


For Aries, mid-autumn will turn out to be quite stable and balanced. At the same time, the period will be generous with news and events. If you are not lazy, you can count on success. The stars invite you to take your will into a fist and take action. If, in October 2017, you still sit out of work, then then do not regret the missed opportunities. Also, if possible, keep your distance from those people who in the past cheated you or let you down in business matters.

Aries' personal life in October 2017 will not become a priority for you. Many will understand that it is better to spend time in a warm home, avoiding rains and gloomy weather, than looking for adventure at various events. At the same time, the love horoscope says that October is a good month for marriage and wedding.


The middle of this autumn for Taurus will be marked by disappointments and will force many to plunge into the abyss of sadness. You will notice with displeasure that none of your previously launched projects has even the slightest upward trend. However, even a ride to switch your attention to something else will repeat the situation - most likely, you will again have to admit that the plans are quite far from being realized. The stars advise women of this zodiac sign to reduce their ambitions to reduce their appetites. Otherwise, you will easily destroy what you have been creating with such difficulty.

Love horoscope says, if the main task of Taurus at this moment is to find a suitable second half, then autumn will make you accept the fact that you are completely unpopular with the opposite sex. In October 2017, new romantic acquaintances are almost excluded from your life, so loneliness is unlikely to be brightened up. Perhaps with friends. If you're in a relationship, your number one concern will be your routine. Try to brighten up the gray days, otherwise every day spent with your loved one will be the same as yesterday.


Gemini's life in October 2017 will be exactly as it should be, the second month of autumn - with both positive sunny days and depressive torrential showers. The main thing is to calm down mentally and not rush things. If Gemini goes to extremes, they will receive only losses and grief. Nevertheless, for many representatives of this zodiac sign, mid-autumn will help to completely get rid of old problems. If you also learn to forgive the mistakes of those around you, and begin to find something positive in everything that happens around you.

Concerning relationship horoscope, then the stars for October 2017 promise Gemini women a month in which there will be a place for both romance and unbridled passion. If you still suffer from loneliness, October October will dramatically change this situation. This does not mean that a person you could call your soul mate will appear in your life with lightning speed. You will simply change your attitude towards your loneliness. And yes, many will be so lucky that even gloomy autumn will seem like a hot summer!


The middle of this autumn will repeatedly meet Cancers with rather difficult situations. But do not seek support from someone from the outside, do not share your inner fears with anyone. Make all decisions on your own, ignoring other people's recommendations. According to the Cancer horoscope, the main problem this October will be focused on your own inner world. It is possible that you will suddenly lose interest in something that previously piqued your interest or passion. Also, the stars say that during this period Cancers should not keep negative emotions in themselves. Find constructive uses for them.

V relationship mid autumn will not be the most favorable period for Cancers. They can remind themselves of old problems. If you are in a relationship, beware of the temptation to get off track that you used to follow slowly and quietly.


The horoscope for October 2017 for women Lviv warns that not every representative of this zodiac sign will be able to preserve her "royal" splendor in the middle of this autumn! Indeed, it is quite difficult to live up to the status of "queen" when problems are pouring down on you like autumn showers. Overcoming all these obstacles, you must admit that not everything in this world is under your control.

Personal life of representatives of the Leo sign in October will be filled with surprises. Once you feel like your most cherished dream is about to come true, a sudden and absurd incident will destroy your dreams of success.


The horoscope for October 2017 promises women born under the constellation Virgo an incredible amount of creative inspiration. Are you used to standing firmly on the ground, and your head in the clouds is something completely outside of your character? Well, in this case, you will be doubly pleased to learn new traits of your own personality! And most importantly, such an unusual creative component will help you brighten up your gray autumn weekdays.

Personal life of Virgins in October will resemble a river that burst its banks and is not going to return to normal life again. If you're single, the middle of this fall can completely change your daily routine. There is a high probability that a person with a rather extraordinary attitude towards life will appear in your life.


Either this autumn makes itself known, or life troubles, but many Virgos during this period will be in a terrible depression. The horoscope for October 2017 does not advise Libra to go into battle with adverse circumstances. You must understand and accept that life does not always go the way you planned. Learn to "navigate" the vicissitudes of life, try to be more flexible, and then everything that happens to you will no longer seem so scary.

October 2017 love horoscope for Libra says that in the middle of autumn, many women of this sign will completely lose their balance and calmness in their personal lives. Prepare that members of the opposite sex will show you signs of attention. But do not delay flirting, immediately "sort out" the intentions of your fans.


The horoscope for October 2017 promises to Scorpios a good time when you can finally take a break from the hustle and bustle, meet with family people and pamper yourself with shopping. But don't relax too much! Don't even think about stopping at this stage, and after a while start moving towards new ambitious goals!

Scorpio women love horoscope advises to be more realistic, especially when it comes to relationships. If you have come up with the image of a man, this does not mean that it is he who will appear at the door of your house. In addition, your personal relationships can suffer due to the overuse of Scorpio.


For Sagittarius, the horoscope for October 2017 recommends showing individuality in everything, no matter what you do. You should not imitate and listen to those who are unpleasant to you. Mutual distrust with a business partner can lead to protracted conflict. Also, the stars warn that in the middle of autumn, many Sagittarius will suffer from a lack of professionalism. This could backfire on you.

As for relationships, in October, lonely Sagittarius should postpone the beginning of the romance. First, find out about the past of your gentleman, and only then plan some future with him. But there is a risk that you will be led by the first impression and will be deceived again.


The horoscope for October 2017 for Capricorn women warns of excessive openness when communicating with others. Take your time to open your heart even to close people, as you can never know the exact consequences. This will be your main trend this month - lack of confidence in everything.

In love, Capricorns also face difficulties. It will be difficult to focus on your personal life, you will not understand who or what is stopping you from fully enjoying friendly feelings. People you have always considered your friends will act pretty cold towards you in October. It is possible that negative rumors and gossip behind your back will be the reason for this.


The positive September trends for many Aquarius will continue in October. You are not expected to have any problems, difficulties or disagreements, which means that you have every right to relax a little.

In October 2017, Aquarius has an emotional upsurge, which means that you will be happy with what is happening in your personal life. You will not have to suffer from longing and loneliness, as life will be full of other exciting events.


Pisces, the middle of this fall will not allow you to avoid the worries and worries that accompany you literally everywhere. The most amazing thing is that you will accept these many trials with dignity. But after this October you will become much stronger, and more resilient to circumstances.

The relationship horoscope says that in October 2017 you are unlikely to be able to relax. First of all, the aspect of personal attachment will be very annoying for many of you. So, some Pisces will look with curiosity at people, but, unfortunately, they themselves will not be able to feel “loved”.

Today you dream of riding the fortune in one fell swoop, like a true Aries. But heaven will limit your initiative. When communicating face to face, avoid nervousness and talkativeness. Think carefully about the questions and answers, do not throw words down the drain. Consensus in dialogue will be achieved faster if there is mutual sympathy or a common creative hobby. Do not be afraid to use traditional courtesies (flowers, compliments) at the right time. It's not a bad day for an interview, an engagement, and joint intentions.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Taurus

Household chores will be the source of positive emotions today. Promises to become pleasant communication with children or with the female part of the family clan. Your main weakness may be the inertia inherent in many Taurus. Try not to get nervous when discussing current affairs and looking for the necessary information, but also do not hesitate when it is time to act. You can also run into minor troubles (for example, being late, missing someone, mistakes in papers). Don't worry, the obstacles will be short-lived.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Gemini

The day is suitable for discussing serious topics with a friend, loved one or relatives. Give up today the frivolity inherent in most Gemini, take a more sober look at the plans and relationships that are important to you. A difficult conversation will end successfully. After a work meeting or an important meeting, an informal continuation (short party, walk) will not hurt. If a conversation with a child is on the agenda, help him not to get hung up on standard paths, suggest an alternative solution to the problem.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Cancer

Show composure. Like all Cancers, you are very emotional, but your thoughts must remain realistic. Do not indulge yourself with unrealizable dreams, only then you will find a constructive way out of this situation. Today is the right time to clarify your plans for your career and other cornerstones of your life. A pleasant event related to personal income, love, creativity, children will help you to defuse the situation and get a charge of positive emotions.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Leo

Despite the sobriety of thinking, in your soul you are still a romantic and are ready to see the good in everything. The information received may turn out to be contradictory, but this will not prevent you from finding exactly what you were looking for in it. A dispute with a representative from another city or country (including legal action) will not cause you much harm. Today, minor problems are possible associated with submitting documents, passing an exam, and applying for a visa. In matters of aesthetics, show the qualities of a real Leo, do not be afraid of fashionable lines and bright colors.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Virgo

Today it is better to start any business with constructive dialogue and realistic reflections. You may have to limit yourself (for example, in money spending, communication, any pleasures). Doubts, to which most Virgos are inclined, should be preferred decisiveness. Professional conversations can get painful, but at the same time give you a latent creative impulse. In matters related to earnings, taxes, stocks, debts, loans, seek a compromise and use hidden resources.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Libra

On this day, disputes and misunderstandings will arise more on someone else's initiative than on yours. But it is you who will have to look for balance, because you belong to the solar Libra by birthright. To achieve mutual understanding, do not insist on your own opinion and try to analyze the point of view of the other person. The most positive promises to be a dialogue with someone who is your friend or just like you. A relaxed, bright, festive atmosphere will contribute to productive communication today.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Scorpio

Prove to others that Scorpios are capable of positive thinking. Hide your gloomy thoughts, and be sure to share your joy and enthusiasm with others. Don't ignore harsh office instructions, but be prepared to step back from them sometimes for the good of the cause. Today, you shouldn't be involved in intrigues, but it can sometimes be helpful to listen to what your colleagues are saying behind your back. A woman will help you perform difficult duties (regardless of whether she is your boss or subordinate).

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Sagittarius

Believe in your star. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Thanks to being born under the sign of Sagittarius, on this day you are able to show not only activity, but also wisdom. Do not forget to combine ardent feelings and bright creative ideas with a sense of proportion and sobriety of thinking. An employer will favor you if you demonstrate professionalism along with enthusiasm and talent. A loved one will adore you, but at the same time wait for guarantees of decency and reliability.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Capricorn

Both domestic and professional affairs are important today. Self-criticism inherent in Capricorn will help you take a sober look at the results of the work done. Nervousness and fuss are not excluded. Family disputes are possible, proceeding according to the familiar hackneyed scenario. In this case, be calm, do not rush to pick up the glove thrown to you. Do not give up hard-earned status for the sake of a duty to your loved ones. Look for a compromise that balances work and family realities.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Aquarius

Today, Aquarius will not be embarrassed by the difficulties in obtaining information and establishing contacts, nor will they be discouraged by travel delays. Thanks to your ingenuity, many obstacles will turn out to be good. You can get to know an attractive object of the opposite sex by getting caught in a traffic jam or by mistaking a phone number. Having received a refusal or a reprieve in business, you will get an extra minute for fun, love or creativity. Solve all disagreements, including legal ones, amicably.

Horoscope for October 1, 2017 Pisces

On this day, it is pleasant to buy something fashionable, beautiful, pleasing to the eye. But first, you should calculate soberly the possible profits and losses, and not rely on the famous intuition of Pisces. Today is a good time to buy baby clothes. Do not hesitate to pay for treatment. If you want to make money from building an intelligent product (for example, a computer application), test it. Don't overlook issues related to taxes, loans, copyright, common property.

Lunar calendar 1 october 2017

11-12 lunar day
Growing Moon in Aquarius
On this day, it is not advisable to do something and start. It is good to pay off debts, keep promises, especially for children. Refrain from visiting big shops and places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.
Haircut - cut your hair, do the styling and you will be lucky for a long time.
Hair coloring - refrain from hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails after sunset and you will become more attractive to the opposite sex.
Facial care - anti-aging treatments.
Body care is a good day to start a diet and health regimen.

Name days October 1

Ariadne, Arkady, Evmeniy, Euphrosinia, Irina, Castor, Sophia, Teresa.

Folk calendar October 1

Irina (Arina) - crane flight.
"A backward crane pulls on Arina for the warm sea."
Children and adults, noticing the cranes from a distance, shout: “Drive the road! The road is a wheel! ". They are sure that this cry turns them away from flying over the warm seas, and together - brings back the winter as well; tried to postpone winter with this means. At this time, there is the first winter.
If the cranes fly to Arina, to Pokrov (October 1/14) you have to wait for the first frost, and if they are not visible, then until Artemyev's day (November 2) the slush will stand and winter, respectively, will come later.
Rosehip Arina: Rosehip fruits are harvested on Arina, dried.
Arina is a barn stoker.
If the weeds are very tall, there will be a lot of snow.

Signs October 1

The sun at sunset seems to be flattened towards rain.
Light crackles were heard from the cabinet - to the rain.
As a rule, the east wind does not bring rain.

Love. The picture is illustrative.

During the first two decades of October, those who are still free will willingly get to know the opposite sex on the street, and through social networks, and on specialized sites, and through friends. Communication skills will significantly increase, and the search for a second half will become a priority.

True, the desire to establish a personal life will not guarantee that people who like each other will immediately start romances. Doubts, hesitation, uncertainty about their attractiveness to a potential partner will slow down the development of amorous relationships, many will decide to check compatibility not through love interaction, but with the help of non-binding friendship, writes

After October 22, suspicion will wake up in those who are in search, so they will not let strangers approach them, but with those they have known for a long time, they will act boldly and even assertively. The number of spontaneous rapprochements will increase, many, having felt the interest of their counterpart, will allow themselves not to hide behind a mask, but to show their true face. In addition, a deep love feeling will arise in many, but they will have to fight for reciprocity, and those who fall in love with each other at first sight will face some trials.

Those who have already found a love partner, for the first two weeks of the month, will strenuously seek out flaws in the second half, find fault with trifles, refuse sex if something does not suit in interpersonal communication with her (with him) or in her (him) behavior. Selfish motives will speak loudly. And at the same time, many will try to make amorous relationships more ideal.

But after October 13, you will no longer want to wag the nerves of those who are dear. Partners will often make compromises, delight each other with smiles and gifts, go together to visit the cinema, to various cultural and entertainment events. The first place will come to the achievement of harmony in the relationship. And although hysterics will not be complete, they are unlikely to be public - many will prefer to “let off steam” alone with themselves, so as not to anger and upset their lovers (spouses).

At the beginning of the month, a rich imagination and a well-developed imagination will benefit personal life, but reflections on it, on the contrary, can seriously harm it. In mid-October, it is important to adequately and objectively assess both real and potential partners. At the end of the month, we will be desperately jealous even of those who do not yet belong to us.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered "pure" signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Free Aries in October can fall in love unrequitedly. And although at some point you will most likely have the opportunity to corny sleeping with this person, any serious relationship with him is unlikely to develop. So you have to make a choice - take what they give and not pretend for more or stop communicating altogether and try to heal from your love (well, or quietly suffer far from the subject of dreams).

If you are already married (married), then in the first half of the month you will try to make the marital relationship the way you dreamed of when the marriage was just concluded. And if the efforts do not give the desired result, then after the 13th, you will obviously seriously think about divorce or defiantly distance yourself from your spouse.

In early October, you will idealize a real or potential partner. In the middle of the month, a new sexual experience can be frustrating. At the end of October, do not give vent to negative emotions.

Free Taurus in October can become close in love with someone whom they have long considered their friend or business partner. However, the first stage of a new relationship with this person is likely to be very difficult, and grinding in will be painful and will drag on for several months. If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to October 13, you will significantly strengthen the marriage, implement many plans aimed at improving the quality of married life, lay the foundation for some important changes. After the 13th, doubts about the loyalty of the second half are likely and your attempts to enhance her (his) sexual interest in your person.

At the beginning of the month, much will depend on a timely initiative. In mid-October, the experience of past amorous relationships will play an important role. At the end of the month, do not look for problems and reasons for frustration where they do not exist.

Free Gemini in October can meet someone who will balance their existence and at the same time make it richer and more diverse. Chances are good that you will almost immediately go for an intimate relationship. Non-binding meetings are expected for the sake of joint entertainment and sexual contacts, which subsequently either melt into friendship or grow into mutual love.

If you are already married (married), then the period from October 1 to 13 will be difficult due to the constant nagging of the second half and your response. But then the relationship will be leveled, they will give more pleasure, conflicts will come to naught. By the way, thanks to you, your family may have new friends.

At the beginning of the month, sex will give you more than usual. In mid-October there will be many vivid impressions related to personal life. At the end of the month, sexual activity will increase significantly, as a result of which you will learn something new about yourself.

Free Cancers in October can at some event get to know someone who will later become for them both a love partner and a kind of healer of the soul. Most likely, this person will feel and understand you very well, always find the right words for you, push you in the right direction and protect you from unnecessary worries. And in sex, thanks to him, you will open some new facets.

If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to October 13, marital relations will be a source of positive emotions, will push you to some feats for the sake of your family and your significant other, and will help you achieve some important goal. But then you can break the established harmony with your emotional outbursts.

At the beginning of the month, confidential conversations with a real or potential partner will play a significant role. In mid-October, this person will solve a problem for you. At the end of the month, some aspect of the relationship may need to be rethought.

Free Lions in October can unexpectedly get closer to someone with whom they were previously connected only by a "nodding" acquaintance. It is possible that you will meet with this person at some event or at someone's place, talk, understand that you have a lot in common, and continue communication in a more intimate atmosphere. Probably the beginning of a novel, which has a good chance of developing into family life.

If you are already married (married), then some conclusions made by you during the period from October 1 to October 13 based on your relationship with your spouse will help you harmonize your marriage in the second half of the month, deal with controversial issues, save your husband ( wife) from any doubts, instill in him (her) confidence in the future.

In early October, you should carefully listen to what your real or potential partner will say. In the middle of the month, there will be an opportunity to realize some kind of sexual fantasy. At the end of October, do not give in to provocations.

Free Virgos in October can get acquainted with those whom they want to teach - and some worldly wisdom, and the art of carnal love. It is possible that this person will be younger than you, you will become an undoubted authority for him, take his fate into your own hands and initiate first a romance, and then, possibly, marriage.

If you are already married (married), then some actions you committed during the period from October 1 to October 13 will significantly strengthen the marital relationship, although not all of them will be favorably accepted by your soul mate. After the 13th, you will have to surround your spouse with increased care and not give him (her) the opportunity to reflect and doubt your feelings.

At the beginning of the month, you have a lot to do for the well-being of your personal life. In mid-October, an intimate environment created on time will help you get what you want from a real (potential) partner. At the end of the month you will have to play babysitting.

Free Libra in October will have an excellent chance of finding a real soul mate. Chances are good that you will meet a person who is literally a mirror image of you and at the same time perfectly complements you. If you do not fall into reflection and start looking for a catch in all his statements and actions, you will start a delightful and very promising romance filled with mutual love.

If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to 13, try not to overreact to the claims of your spouse and refrain from radical decisions such as: I will give up everything and leave. And then, after the 13th, married life will present you with a lot of wonderful and joyful surprises.

At the beginning of the month, do not cling to what you are used to. In mid-October, it will depend on you how your personal life will develop in the future. At the end of the month, a real (potential) partner will make you some kind of luxurious offer.

Free Scorpios in October can admit to the body of someone who has licked their lips for a long time. It is highly likely that a relationship that began with spontaneous sex will eventually develop into a mutual deep feeling and into a strong union. And although it will not be easy, you will get from this relationship what you are missing now.

If you are married (married), then in the period from October 1 to 13, obviously, you will actively "build" a soul mate, pushing her (him) to those actions that, in your opinion, she (him) needs for self-development. But then the spouse will recoup you, and already you will have to dance to his (her) tune.

At the beginning of the month, the desire to do something for a real (potential) partner will give interesting results. In mid-October, you will learn something new about this person. At the end of the month, sharp emotions are expected, which in some way will change you or some of your plans related to your personal life.

Free Sagittarius in October, most likely, will "try" more than one representative of the opposite sex. It is highly likely that you will "test" all those you like in bed, and only after a few similar experiments will you choose a new love partner.

If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to October 13, you will obviously have to prove to your second half that you have the right to personal freedom and do not have to be in the family all the time; accordingly, scandals are expected. But then either you will be left alone, or you will find an activity that is equally exciting for you and your spouse, and you will voluntarily spend a lot of time with him (her).

At the beginning of the month, the thirst for novelty and thrill will push you to all sorts of escapades. In mid-October, you will have to explain to someone in order not to make an enemy for yourself. At the end of the month, you have an important choice to make to improve your personal life.

Free Capricorns in October can, through one of their friends, get to know someone who, with all their restlessness and carelessness, turns out to be a subtle and extremely interesting person. Most likely, you will take this person under your wing, and he, in turn, will help you more than once in your work and in the fight against some of your secret fears. The union promises to be very strong, fruitful and long-term.

If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to October 13, obviously, you will try to give your soul mate what, as it seems to you, you have not given her (him) recently. It will bear excellent fruit, and after the 13th you will bathe in love and gratitude; conception of a child is not excluded.

At the beginning of the month, your attitude towards a real or potential partner will be intuitive. In mid-October, don't discount past experiences. Numerous emotional outbursts are expected at the end of the month.

Free Pisces in October, perhaps, will let someone who can surprise them with something. It is highly likely that some person has been studying you for some time, looking for an approach to you, interested in what you like, so he will be able to do something that will intrigue you and set you in a love mood. The beginning of a novel is not excluded, which will turn out to be very unusual and will reveal something unexpected in you.

If you are already married (married), then in the period from October 1 to October 13 you will have to make a lot of efforts to avoid a crisis in family life. If you succeed, then after the 13th, you and your spouse will move to a new level of relationship, and if not, then, obviously, you will think about divorce.

At the beginning of the month, a lot will depend on how well your real or potential partner knows you. In mid-October, do not allow yourself negative thoughts about this person. At the end of the month, personal life can change radically.

The period of constant luck and good luck in October will go away, and therefore everyone will have to try to keep what is already there. And don't think that everything will be easy. No, there are many challenges and trials to overcome. But do not lose heart, because difficulties are given in order to become stronger, and also to learn to appreciate what is already there. What lies ahead of us? We will now learn about this from the horoscope for October 2017.

Since Uranus will be retrograde this month, October will not pass calmly and carefree - there will be abrupt changes and surprises. At first, it may seem that everything is crumbling, that only failures are pursuing you, and so on. But over time, you will understand that such turns in life were only for the better. Some of these changes will teach something, while others, having lost one, will gain much more in the future. The main thing is that these circumstances do not make you angry with the world and those around you, because then you will remain in one place.

Neptune will also be retrograde this month, which will affect the sensory sphere of our life. Some will get bogged down in themselves, trying to become better, adjusting their character traits, others in fantasies about a better life, in dreams of creating something new. There is nothing wrong with this, if you do not plunge into dreams with your head and forget about the world around you.

Career horoscope for October 2017

Quite a good period for workers in the aviation industry, psychology, medicine, chemistry. In these industries, dramatic changes are expected and for the better. Everything favors your success, and therefore implement your best projects, show initiative and promotion will not make you wait long.

However, the rise is not expected for everyone, since Neptune is also responsible for the sphere of fantasies and dreams. Therefore, many can strongly succumb to this mood, and therefore, during interviews and business negotiations, every now and then they will be distracted by extraneous thoughts, which will negatively affect the common cause. Therefore, try to pull yourself together, and it is better to fantasize and dream alone with yourself.

A tense period in relations with colleagues, all the fault is the negative influence of the planets, which will, as it were, push you into conflicts and quarrels. Disagreements will arise out of nothing, from scratch. Any careless statement and quarrel is guaranteed. In this case, the main thing for you is not to lose your temper and stay calm, otherwise this conflict will not be forgotten quickly.

Family horoscope for October 2017

A tense period is also coming with children - it will be a month of protests, rash actions, attempts to stand out and prove something. There is no need to show aggression in response, try to find out what caused this behavior. But excessive loyalty will not be a good tactic, you must find a balance between strictness and liberality. This is the only way to find a common language with your children.

Other family members will also be difficult to get along with. It will seem to everyone that little attention is paid to them. Parents will begin to get upset that they do not come to them as before, spouses because there is no way to be alone. And everyone will try to drag you to them. In this case, try to explain to everyone calmly and without nerves that you cannot break, try to find a compromise that suits everyone.

Love horoscope for October 2017

Singles will begin a rather difficult period, since many will want not just love and romantic adventures, but a serious relationship. So that a person appears who would just be there in moments of great joy and success, and in sorrows and failures. But, in the near future this is not expected, and for this reason they will be overcome by the autumn blues and melancholy. If you suddenly manage to get to know someone, then it is better that this happens precisely in the second half of the month. Since until October 14, Venus will be in Virgo, which is why acquaintance during this period will very disappoint you in a short time. It will not turn out to be what you wanted and your value system will be very different, which will eventually lead to a rupture. If the acquaintance happens in the second half of the month, then it will be a long and strong relationship. Such couples do not have the heat of passions and storms of emotions, but does this bring happiness. In quiet and peaceful evenings with a cup of tea or coffee, there is more love and understanding, you must agree. It is in such families that an atmosphere of harmony and peace reigns, and what could be better.

For married couples, yes for any couples, October will be a test of your love. It will seem that you no longer feel anything for this person, then on the contrary, emotions will go off scale, and even periods will appear when you will feel some kind of dislike for your partner. It will be difficult, but you need to try so that these differences do not affect your partner in any way, he will be very unpleasant. To remedy the situation, it is better to do something pleasant, for example, cook a romantic dinner, or a quest where your partner will look for a small present. This will distract you from quarrels and conflicts, and at the same time will replenish the piggy bank of your memories.

Health horoscope for October 2017

Everyone is also prone to colds and viral diseases. Therefore, the practice of various health systems is more relevant than ever. Alternatively, try breathing exercises, which are a great way to prevent respiratory diseases. But do not forget also about the generally accepted precautions. These include warm clothing, draft avoidance, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle.

Also, you may experience frequent headaches. In this case, remember the main rule - migraines should by no means be ignored and tolerated. It is better to drink a pain reliever, and if such pains are permanent, then you should not delay with a trip to the doctor. Such symptoms may simply indicate that he lacks any vitamins, or maybe more serious illnesses.