What does the name of Valery Lera mean. What does Valery's name mean, character and fate. What will be the child named by Valeria


Valery's name comes from the Latin word "valere", like its male variation, and translates as "strong" or "strong in health." Considered Orthodox. At the same time, often during christenings, a synonym for Kaleria is used instead, which has also firmly entered our everyday life ...

Valery's female name is considered both Catholic and Orthodox. It is very popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, it is found in various forms in Western countries, promises many good qualities to the girl he calls it. Today this name is considered one of the most popular female names ...

Conversational options: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya

Modern English counterparts: Valerie, Valerie

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the female name Valery promises many important qualities to the carriers. Among them there are a large number of authority, self-sufficiency, the ability to adapt, self-confidence, the ability to defend a point of view, creativity and fantasy, greed, inability to control their own emotions, capriciousness and resentment, eloquence and talkativeness. From the bearers of this name, as a rule, excellent humanitarians are obtained: philologists, lawyers, lawyers, and not only. Also, Valery usually has a hidden creative potential, which is confirmed by the presence in today's stage of a huge number of famous personalities with this name.

In general, it is quite difficult to say what this or that Valeria should be, because, firstly, this name has a very unstable energy, according to experts, and secondly, astrological symbolism has too much influence on it: the sign of the Zodiac, year according to the eastern calendar and not only.

Advantages and positive features: sociability and sociability, justice and honesty, eloquence, imagination and creativity, initiative, hard work, the ability to notice what others do not notice, the desire to develop and improve.

Valeria treats badly people with bad imagination, boring, boring and sad. And Valeria also avoids communicating with people with a once tarnished reputation. If a person has already been noticed in a lie or self-interest, then she will definitely not communicate with such a person.

The name Valery today is considered one of the most popular in our country, and moreover, it is found in Western countries and even in Central Europe, but in modified forms.

The nature of the name Valery

The nature of the name Valery is such that throughout her life the bearer of this name grants unpredictability in actions, restlessness, committing many rash acts and a bunch of mistakes in assessing people. The character of the lady so named is complex in all respects, without exception - it may seem that behind her kindness and decency there is a vulnerable and good-natured nature, but in fact this is not so. She is capricious, does not like when something does not work out, loves to impose her opinion on others, and does not tolerate when they argue with her, such is her character.

And the nature of this name also promises many other qualities, among which are the inability to adapt to what is happening around, unwillingness to listen to other people's desires and ideas, excessive activity and the inability to convince her of anything. Although, again, this is just a theory, and it can be modified, depending, for example, on the season of birth of the girl named Valery's name.

Early childhood

In early childhood, Valeria is a mischievous, fidgety, naughty and very spoiled person. This girl, due to the influence that the name has, does not have enough patience, she is constantly on the move, indulges, runs, moves, does not sit still, always thinks up things for herself, plays pranks and at the same time imposes the same behavior on everyone around. Most often, the girl named after Valery has many friends, and she herself, although she is not an obvious leader, becomes a ringleader, an organizer, a person who constantly has a bunch of ideas. Not surprisingly, she has the same influence on many kids as her name does, and it’s also not surprising that the parents of all her peers complain about her behavior. But on the other hand, Valeria has such traits as resourcefulness, dreaminess, developed imagination, imagination, which can only be envied, efficiency, mobility, energy, activity and anxiety. It is usually very difficult for parents to cope with such a child - a girl named Valeria has no sense of responsibility at all, and in general, her life, at least at the initial stage, is full of rash acts, bad behavior, leprosy and parental punishment. But she is kind, fair, always ready to help someone in need of her - for all this, by the way, one should also thank the significance of the name itself ...


A teenage girl named Valeria is still the same spoiled child, always looking for adventure, not knowing how to live peacefully, inventing things for himself and always going against fate. It is quite simple to get along with such in one team, because she is cheerful and optimistic, and never loses heart, even in the most difficult situations. But the significance here can also have a negative impact, which is noticeable for several factors - firstly, Valeria is unreliable, secondly, this girl clearly lacks important qualities, such as responsibility, diligence, and commitment, and thirdly, she too restless and mobile, which has an extremely negative effect on her studies. In general, in their studies, girls named Valeria rarely achieve real success - well, the person named so is not able to live by the rules, study, concentrate at important moments and obey teachers unquestioningly. Parents will have a very, very difficult time with her. True, already at this stage, the influence on her nature of such a factor as the meaning of the name will begin to subside - the influence of the patron planet, the talisman stone and other factors will increasingly manifest itself ...

Adult woman

In the future, already at an adult stage, closer to maturity, Valeria may become a slightly different person - in the future she will give her meaning such traits as peace, kindness, justice, good nature, honesty, benevolence, integrity, friendliness, eloquence, attentiveness and orderliness. However, the meaning here is no longer as important as, for example, the sign of the zodiac, under whose patronage Valeria was born, or the sign according to the Chinese calendar. As for professional activity, Leramy usually chooses paths intertwined with raising children, with multiple contacts with people, with communication and movement. Such a person will never be able to live without movement, she is an adventurer, a person “without brakes,” as they say, but planned and only following the path of a personally drawn up plan.

The interaction of Valery's character with the seasons

Autumn - the autumn bearer of the name Valery, under the influence of the meaning of this season, will be balanced and calm, restrained, pragmatic, reasonable and logical. No one can piss her off - in any dispute she behaves calmly and confidently, answers to the point, and adheres exclusively to her own point of view, such is her character.

Spring - brings into this world a girl who is capricious and spoiled by the origin of the soul, easily getting used to everything good. Parental care will turn her into a sissy, wanting one thing - so that everyone will serve for her good. She loves to be in the spotlight, that everyone took care of her and served her - this leads to the absence of friends, but to the presence of boyfriends.

Summer - in three months of his reign, a cunning, cautious, mercantile, assertive nature is born, she has a complex character. It is impossible to be friends with such a person, it is better not to rely on reliability - he will easily betray or deceive if he sees the benefit. The thirst for profit and gain gives rise to self-interest in her - a bad quality, as for a lady.

Winter - under her patronage, Lera is born, proud and principled, but pessimistic and emotional. Any confusion drives her out of herself, she cannot withstand obstacles, is weak, rarely achieves her goals. This one needs a protector, a knight who can protect and fence her. She has a difficult character ...

The fate of the name Valery

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Valery in relationships with men, in love, in marriage, and in personal relationships, everything is complicated here. Not only is the fate in this case unpredictable, as is the character of the bearer of this name-form, but in addition to everything, Lera does not tolerate when they try to manipulate her, which, in fact, most men adore to do.

Another big minus that fate promises is that Valeria does not know how to trust men, she does not obey them, even being married to her beloved, secretive, too distrustful, and this can annoy the representatives of the opposite sex. Although, on the other hand, if someone can take root in her, then she will open herself completely and completely to that person, devote herself to that person, and moreover, she will do everything to make her other half happy.

And the last point - fate is such in this case, which suggests an ambivalent attitude towards family life. For example, Valeria can become a wonderful, responsible, serious, reliable mother and faithful wife, but she will never allow her husband to shoulder all family and household chores on her. Four walls and everyday life, this is not for her - she needs adventures, new impressions, otherwise she will begin to fade and eventually think about betrayal. Such is the fate ...

Love and marriage

As a rule, Valeria is in no hurry to get married and try to remain independent and free for as long as possible. But the amorousness of the bearers of this name, sooner or later, still makes itself felt. True, there is one "but" here too - according to statistics, Valeriya gets married two or three times ...

Valery's marriages are usually destroyed through their own fault. The reason lies in such traits as resentment, capriciousness, jealousy and picky. Valeria simply cannot help but pay attention to her man's sidelong glance at another woman. She immediately begins to be jealous, digging into her man, looking for a catch. Naturally, this leads to quarrels, scandals and scenes of jealousy, which not every man can tolerate.

But Valeria, for sure, in the future, next marriage, will take into account all her mistakes and mistakes. She will not allow herself to admit the same and will try to control herself. And if she also catches a man attentive, understanding, intelligent and tactful, then the marriage will be completely successful. Everything. what the bearer of this name needs for happiness is an understanding, kind and loyal husband, in whom she could be confident, if not one hundred, then at least ninety percent.

Valeria as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother a woman should be, who received the name of Valeria at birth, because in this case everything primarily depends on upbringing and on what kind of relationship Valeria herself had with her own mother. But one thing is for sure - she simply cannot be a bad mother. Well, how can such a sociable, kind, positive and optimistic woman be a bad mother? No way!

As for raising children, she will make every effort to him. She will always help her children achieve the desired result, always listen and try to understand, sympathize and prompt, never quit in a difficult situation. But the upbringing in children of the qualities that they will need in adult life, it is better for fathers to do it, because Valeria herself is not too adapted for a mature life ...

Responsibility, decisiveness, reliability, persistence and perseverance - all these traits in children are better brought up by a father. She will take care of the rest herself. She will try to make the life of her children as happy as possible, and at the same time she will treat both her son and her daughter equally.

Valery horoscope


Aries - a girl named Valeria, born under this zodiac sign, is scrupulous, but charming, domineering, but eloquent. This is an excellent boss, leader, not devoid of the ability to make friends and communicate. Knows how to manipulate people. Temperamental and devoted.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Valeria is scrupulous and calm, loves a monotonous life, has a complex character, hates frequent changes, is creatively developed, creative. Any business leads to the final whistle. Closed and shy - because of this, it is not popular in society. She is often lonely - she needs a companion-friend.


Gemini - this sign of the zodiac and its meaning give rise to a nature with the name Valeria, cheerful, restless, flirtatious, optimistic, striving for perfection and eternal development. Fickle and indecisive at the same time - this hinders her in promotion. He loves novels, but is often disappointed in the chosen ones.


Cancer is a well-mannered and graceful lady, a homebody, developed and stable, reasonable and intelligent. Such a first thing will weigh all the pros and cons, and then will act. Men are crazy about her, but when faced with her exactingness and severity, all charm disappears.

a lion

Leo is a closed, but overly envious woman, mysterious, hiding all dreams deep in her soul. Desires to lead and rule. Lack of patience and responsibility hinders life. She will rarely show sincerity and good nature - she tries to seem like a kind of vamp woman. An idealist at heart.


Virgo is gallant and balanced by nature, diligent, has creative potential, easily survives all adversity, knows how to communicate with people and rub into trust. Compatibility only with male slaves, those who know how to indulge their ladies, obey. The ideal spouse, but too domineering.


Libra is a charming lady, sociable and pleasant, enthusiastic, carefree. The minus of the one born under this sign and named Valeria is irresponsibility and inconstancy. Because of these qualities, a rare task can be completed, lazy and impatient.


Scorpio - promises the nature of irritability and emotionality. This woman will always be dissatisfied with something in a relationship, and therefore compatibility does not please with the opposite sex. But she will not be unhappy - the craving for adventure will do its job, she will not be bored.


Sagittarius - here from birth the named Valeria will be fidgety, and in adulthood she will become ardent, passionate, dreamy, energetic and frivolous. She never admits her mistakes - she can fall into anger if something does not go according to her plan. It's difficult with her - her mood is too changeable.


Capricorn is a pessimist by nature, a woman who is not able to simply enjoy life. In everything he will look for a catch or betrayal, and any joke about her will be perceived as an insult. She is strong and domineering, but a pessimistic attitude repels people, and gentlemen as well. It is difficult to please her, or rather impossible.


Aquarius is savvy and free-loving, narcissistic and confident in her own deeds. People respect her for her perseverance and reliability, she will complete any business to the end, but there is also a minus - she is not ready to accept help from outside. As a spouse, she needs an unpredictable and adventurous lover.


Pisces - this sign will make a lady named Lera talented and pleasant to talk to, hardworking and purposeful, successful, original and dreamy. Only a mystery man can interest such a person. She will be faithful to her spouse, she will become an ideal mother and an excellent housewife.

Male name compatibility

The question of the compatibility of the name of Valery with male names is very complicated and is fraught with many interesting factors, some of which have long been solved by researchers of this field ...

It turned out that the best connection in feelings is formed in a pair with such as Akim, Ostap, Taras, Fedor, Andrey, Kazimir, Ermolai, Pankrat, Panteley.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed with the likes of Abraham, David, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor.

And you shouldn't mess with Herman, Savva, Felix, Jan and Julius.

The name is the very first and surest key to luck and prosperity. The name often contains the best qualities of its owner. Knowing everything about the name Valeria, its owner will reveal the possibilities of her name one hundred percent and achieve everything in life that she wishes.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Valery is related to the male name Valery. The roots of both of these names go back to the Latin word meaning "healthy", "hardy." This name, based on its meaning, becomes a real talisman for Valeria. The owner of such a name is hardy, strong in spirit, and it is not so easy to convince her or get around her at long distances in our life.

The fate and character of Valeria

Since childhood, Valeria has been driven by impulse. In this regard, her name protects her and gives strength to lead that rich life to which she aspires. It is typical for Valeria to be in the center of events. When Valeria has been in solitude for a long time, it may seem to her that life is passing by, and then the owner of such a strong name can fall into a blues.

But in family life, Valeria may change somewhat: she goes to friendly gatherings less and devotes more time to the comfort of the family nest. But at the same time, Valeria rarely becomes a keen housewife: she seeks to surround her man with comfort, but is looking for a friend and companion in him, with whom her impulsiveness and impetuosity will be more harmonious. For a partner, Valeria will always remain a mystery woman who is difficult to fully understand.

In terms of career, the fate of Valeria can turn out well. When Valeria sets a goal, she can rein in herself. Starting climbing the career ladder with an assistant, Lerochka, Valeria herself will eventually become not the last person in the team. Valeria works best where interaction with people and movement is needed, for example, as a sports coach or tour guide.

The meaning of Valeria's name for a child: choose a name for a girl

Choosing the name of Valeria for a girl, it should be borne in mind that her energy is not only strong, but, to some extent, “boyish”. This means that a softer abbreviated form of the name, for example, Lera, will not harm her. In the future, a strong energy charge will help Valeria to get the best marks and take first places.

An important point for Valeria's parents and her loved ones: the girl should not be scolded for mistakes. She is quite impulsive, so criticism, instead of support, can lead to rejection and further deprive the father and mother of contact with their daughter. She is quite vulnerable and vulnerable, despite her outer armor.

Both in childhood and at a more mature age, Valeria is unpredictable and rarely sits still for a long time. This is a very energetic child who only lacks perseverance.

Characteristics of the name Valery

Energy named: The name Valery has a strong and strong energy, reminiscent of a man's. Because of this, the owner of such a name is often a kid in childhood and a little masculine afterwards. If this interferes with Valeria on the path of life, it is worth bringing femininity to both energy and lifestyle. Or, you can direct extra firmness to achieve your plan, having realized one hundred percent, and be puzzled by further plans - family, children and self-realization of the feminine principle.

Valeria's energy surges are often advised to be redirected in the right direction. Creativity is a great option. Valeria is very creative and can reveal a talent for expression and self-expression.

Valeria's birthday: Valeria's patroness is called Kaleria on Christmastide. The church celebrates her day on June 20.

What patronymic is the name of Valery: the most successful combinations are Valeria Alexandrovna, Valeria Evgenievna, Valeria Konstantinovna or Romanovna. The next is usually called Valeria Alekseevna and Vadimovna. However, the powerful energy of the name in any case will dominate the patronymic.

Patron animal: Valeria's talisman in the world of animals will be a hardy horse. And the scarab beetle, which came from Egyptian beliefs, will help protect against evil forces and negativity.

Zodiacal name: This name is best combined with the patronage of the Zodiac Sign Leo.

Name element: despite the riot of emotions Valery does not belong to the element of Fire. The variety of her moods is due to the significant influence of the Water element.

Stone amulet: pomegranate jewelry will be an excellent talisman for Valeria. Green stones are also suitable - emerald or cat's eye.

Metal: the name of Valeria does not like superfluous glitter for show, therefore, from metals, she is advised to use aluminum.

Colour: cool blues or purples help her calm her energies.

Planet: Valeria is credited with the patronage of Mercury and Venus.

Plant: Valeria is guarded by chestnuts and cherries.

Lucky number: Troika.

Notable representatives: Valeria Messalina (wife of the Roman emperor Claudius), Valeria (pop singer), Valeria Lukyanova (“living Barbie”).

The energy of the name, its origin and characteristics can greatly help out the owner of the name Valeria. But as a rule, she walks through life with a confident gait, making discoveries and not staying for a long time at the conquered borders.

Numerology of the female name Valery

Valery's name number three is a strong number that has a huge impact on a person. Three can be compared to a pyramid, and Valeria is always at its top. Readiness, intelligence, charm, self-development and a small amount of explainable pride are her distinguishing features. There are always people around who come for advice or simply to raise their morale, because the optimism of the troika infects ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names alphabetically:

Pavel Globa is a leading expert in the field of astro forecasting and astrology in general. His horoscope will tell ...

The name is given to a person once and for life. Together with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel spiritually rich and distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will make it possible to fully recognize the character of the girl and determine what fate awaits her.

Origin of the name

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and translates as "healthy", "strong", "strong". The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch back to the deep past. The name comes from the ancient genus Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered, taking as a basis the male name Valerian, which means "to be healthy", and the female Larissa - "pleasant", "sweet".

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real imp who needs an eye and an eye. She is cheerful, sociable, agile. Parents should pay attention to the girl's hyperactivity and educate her in severity. Otherwise, the baby, despite her young age, will start pushing them around, imposing her own desires and views. Moreover, to achieve her goal, little Lera, whose full name is Valeria, uses all methods: admonitions, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make a girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her how to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world revolves not only around her. The girl is not too neat, but she has a quick wit and a good memory, which covers her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera also left its mark here. Lera's health is, in principle, not bad, but there are problems with weight. This happens, as a rule, during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, the girl should be taught from childhood to proper nutrition and sports. Most often, since childhood, Valeria wakes up a craving for dancing and aerobics, however, other sports will be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl studies mediocre, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of Lera's name is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and high-speed element into the class, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly well. Valeria does not want to study just like that, but if this allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

The complex character of Valeria will not become easier even after the passage of years. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are visible at a glance. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl rarely lets an unfamiliar person close. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her "masculine" meaning - she is very careful and will study a new personality for a long time and only when she is convinced of her decency will she allow herself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a "frightened sheep" or too touchy. This character trait, most likely, should be defined as willfulness. Sometimes dissatisfaction with an unfamiliar person so overwhelms a girl that she becomes overly caustic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her similar behavior to others remains a mystery, which is understandable only to her.

By and large, the matured Valeria is not much different from the past eccentric baby. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several cases at once, but in the end she will not complete any of them. This is quite typical for her, however, after a while Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but already without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is beautiful, and it is simply unacceptable to spend it on boredom, so she always finds herself some new occupation.

The inconstancy of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to reach out to more balanced people who could have slightly restrained her.


In any team, thanks to a non-trivial approach to business, Valery is considered a valuable employee. The ideas given by the girl are almost always stunning in their simplicity and brevity. In addition, Lera has a very developed intuition, which allows her to make decisions quickly and accurately. Therefore, even some flaws in character do not prevent her from rapidly climbing the career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children, or in the field of sales. This allows her to be in the circle of people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be in the spotlight and to please men. Therefore, she carefully looks after her appearance, follows the latest fashion, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relationships with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards her partner can change in a matter of minutes, while the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be strikingly different. With one, she can have an intimate relationship within a couple of hours after meeting, while the other will not let herself in for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, this is also manifested in relationships with men. Therefore, if the partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for diversity on the side, which often leads to a break in the established relationship. Having cheated on a guy, Valeria rarely feels guilty, she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough, and one should have time to take everything from her. Despite her own inconsistency, Valeria is jealous enough and can arrange a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.

A family

Family in Valeria's life is in the first place. She is caring, economical, and will always help her husband with practical advice. She pays special attention to the comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the house. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they answer her in kind.

Lera name compatibility

Valeria will have a good union with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Cyril.

Valeria is a cheerful and energetic woman. She is responsible, takes all matters seriously, setting an example for others. Very organized. In emergency situations, a girl is able to sensibly assess the situation and make a decision in a matter of minutes. She does not tend to make hasty decisions, she carefully plans further actions, thinking through all the nuances.

Origin of the name

The female name Valeria has Latin roots. It comes from the Latin word valeo, which means "strong", "healthy", "strong-willed". Some researchers believe that the name is the female form of the male Valery.

In the ancient Roman chronicles, where they talk about the reign of emperors, the male name Valerius is often found.

Valentina is a related name for Valeria. This word also comes from the Latin valeo.

Forms of the name of Valery

Name abbreviation:

  • Lera;
  • Lerka;
  • Valya;
  • Valera;
  • Waka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Lerochka;
  • Lerusya;
  • Lerouche;
  • I'm falling;
  • Lerunya;
  • Valesha.

When writing poems about a girl named Valeria, you can use the following rhymes: empire, superstition, mystery, artery, artillery.

Valeria - the full form of the name Lera

The church name is Valeria.

Transliteration for international passport - Valeriia.

Table: name in different languages

LanguageIs writtenRead
Chinese瓦列里娅 Valelia
Korean발레리아 Ballelia
Japaneseバレリア Bararia
Arabفاليريا‎‎ Faliria
Yiddishוואַלעריאַ Valeria
GreekΒαλέρια Valeria
Spanish, Italian, GermanValeriaValeria

Middle names that are combined with this name

The following middle names are most harmoniously combined with the name of Valery:

  • Valerievna;
  • Gennadievna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Evgenievna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, an account on Instagram and other social networks, Lera can use the following nicknames:

  • lera;
  • va_leriya;
  • valery;
  • lerik;
  • valera.

Patron saints of Valeria, date of the name day

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • Valeria African;
  • Valeria Milanskaya;
  • Valeria Caesarea;
  • Valeria Limogskaya.

One of the most famous saints with this name was Valeria of Caesarea. The Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea was canonized in ancient Christian times. With her like-minded people, she adopted the Christian faith and preached it to people. The girl was repeatedly subjected to cruel tortures, demanding that Valeria of Caesarea accept paganism. But this did not break her faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Martyr Valeria - the patroness of girls with this name

Lera celebrate the name day:

  • March 31;
  • April 28;
  • the 6th of May;
  • July 6, 7 and 20;
  • 9th December.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • loyalty;
  • purposefulness;
  • honesty;
  • eloquence;
  • patience;
  • love of life;
  • frankness.

Negative qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • skepticism;
  • waywardness;
  • envy;
  • timidity.

How the name affects the character of the child

From the very birth Lera gets used to the fact that parental attention is entirely hers. Mom pampers the baby very much, because of this she grows wayward and capricious. He gets along badly with siblings, trying to win the love and attention of parents from them with whims and complaints.

The girl is very stubborn, she always knows how to get what she wants. Lera is quite lazy, cleaning the room is the last thing she will take on of her own free will. The girl believes that there are activities that are much more interesting than the tedious shifting of things from place to place. But if she does take to clean up, then she will do it perfectly. The baby loves bright fashionable things, can spin around the mirror for a long time, admiring her reflection.

Little Lerochka loves to dress up and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror

This is a very talented girl. Lerochka likes to take part in school creative competitions and attend all kinds of developmental circles. Studying is hard for the girl, although she is diligent and diligent. Due to inattention, Lera herself complicates her path to success. In the team, she always tries to establish justice. In moments of failure, she gets upset, takes offense and abandons unfinished business, which she began with enthusiasm. Lera is a sincere, friendly girl. A faithful friend, she is able to come to the rescue in difficult times. However, she has an unstable nervous system and mood changes often.

Lera the teenager

At a transitional age, Valeria becomes more sensitive, and her unpredictability sometimes alarms others. The girl often draws conclusions without properly understanding the situation, often gives in to feelings and gets into awkward situations. Lera's character is difficult, but those who have the patience to cope with him will be able to find a sincere and loyal comrade.

Lera tries to deal with difficulties, studies diligently, carefully chooses a higher educational institution for herself. She makes plans for her future profession quite intelligently. Having set a goal for herself, the girl confidently goes to its implementation. At this age, she is little interested in males. Valeria devotes most of her time to self-development and the educational process. Relationships in her life appear only if romantic dates do not interfere with preparing for a future career.

For Valeria as a teenager, it is more important not to have a romantic relationship, but to study and plans for the future.

This is a purposeful, attentive and prudent girl. In Lera's team, it is sometimes difficult to establish friendly relations, since she takes criticism towards her with hostility. She is straightforward enough, succumbing to feelings, can offend a person. Valeria does not tend to work on her mistakes, so you should not expect an apology from her.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult Valeria

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the emotional color of the name speaks of the broad outlook of its owner. Such a girl is distinguished by her love of life and the desire to achieve lofty goals. But Valeria's willfulness is capable of destroying everything on which she worked so hard. She often acts by relying only on her own beliefs and principles. Lera loves to dream, she is not particularly interested in household chores. When the bearer of such a name is in a good mood, the work burns in her hands. She does not like to do the same thing twice, so she tries to make every effort to do everything the first time with high quality.

Boris Higir claims that Valeria has a difficult character. She is wayward, unpredictable, prone to frequent mood swings. Literally every little thing can make a girl angry or upset. A person who manages to make friends with Lera realizes her vulnerability and sensitivity, hidden under irritability and the desire to constantly defend her point of view. The owner of this name is distrustful of people.

Valeria is distrustful of people, but a person who still manages to make friends with Lera realizes her vulnerability and sensitivity

According to Pavel Rouge, Valeria is a strong-willed, judicious and perceptive woman. She is used to an active lifestyle. Even when choosing a profession, Lera considers those areas of activity that make it possible to travel, spend working time on the move. Likes to act as an organizer of social events or a founder of creative associations. Such a girl is ambitious. She often breaks down if something does not go as she intended. Valeria is a warm and hospitable hostess. In any company, she feels confident and comfortable. The owner of this name is very successful, and often not so much in her career as in social status.

Talents and hobbies

Valeria is comprehensively developed, very talented. She always has a lot of ideas in stock that she can embody not only in professional activities, but also at home. Such a girl has no interest in the exact sciences, she is mostly interested in the humanities. Lera can excel in the study of foreign languages.

The bearer of this name loves to cook different culinary masterpieces, especially when she is in a good mood. She has many books in her library, from which the girl chooses the most exquisite recipes, delighting her family and friends with delicious dishes.

Valeria does not like to do household chores, but she enjoys culinary delights

Valeria in career and business

Valeria is characterized by responsibility, perseverance and patience. Whatever profession she chooses, the process itself, and not profit, will be important for the girl first of all. If the owner of such a name does not enjoy work, then she will not be able to reveal her potential in business and in most cases will prefer to change her place. Lera is perfect for professions:

  • educator;
  • the seller;
  • teacher;
  • journalist;
  • chefs, pastry chefs.

The bearer of this name can prove herself well in entrepreneurial activity. Valeria is an excellent conductor of conferences, knows how to successfully conclude important deals. She skillfully uses her knowledge of psychology and dialogue. In most cases, Leroy's contracts are successful and profitable.


Valeria is not particularly prone to any diseases. But she needs to monitor her diet and move more, since such girls tend to gain extra pounds. Also, in the absence of proper rest, problems with the nervous system may arise.

To maintain her figure in good shape, it is important for Leray to move more.

Valeria's love and marriage

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria's character. To win her heart, you need to be patient. Such a girl prefers strong, strong-willed and purposeful representatives of the stronger sex. And if he manages to win her love with long courtship, then Lera will answer her chosen one with devotion, care and tenderness.

An intimate relationship is important for Valeria. Her desires are almost impossible to predict. Either she acts as a passionate angry panther, then she shows indifference to her chosen one. Since the owner of this name prefers variety in sex, in her youth she often gives in to an impulse and often changes partners.

When she gets married, Lera listens to her inner voice. It is very important for her how the chosen one treats her and what feelings she has for him. Such a girl will marry for love, since she is a big opponent of marriages of convenience.

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria's character: to win her heart, you need to be patient

Valeria can become a wonderful housewife, caring and wise wife. She furnishes her home with taste. Lera also pays special attention to raising children, trying to instill in them the best qualities. She wants to receive understanding and devotion from her spouse. True, such a girl is very domineering, she often takes control of her husband. Because of this, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise in the family.

Table: compatibility with male names

SergeyIn this union, spirituality is in the first place, not material values. They do not conflict over the welfare of the family, they prefer to enjoy spending time together. The couple has a lot in common, but there is no stability in the relationship, and they do not strive for this. Partners respect and love each other, what else is needed for family happiness?
AlexanderBoth partners are independent, show their leadership qualities in the family. They have similar beliefs and characters, but this does not give stability. If the spouses learn to yield to each other, then their union can be strong and durable.
EvgeniyIn these relationships, the feelings and intimate preferences of the spouses play an important role. If the extravagant Valeria and the prudent Eugene fail to discern other qualities in each other, then soon their union will fall apart. The spouse will constantly express his dissatisfaction with the housekeeping. If Eugene can come to terms with his wife's shortcomings, he will get a caring, attentive and affectionate wife.
DmitriyAlthough a bright spark of passionate feelings may flare up between Dmitry and Valeria, it is likely that she will quickly lose her brightness. Both spouses are purposeful and freedom-loving people. The man in this relationship takes the initiative and wants to build a family, but Valeria does not share his zeal. Because of this, conflict situations often arise.
AndreyThe couple's relationship is bright and passionate. But a strong family cannot be built just on an intimate connection. Valeria and Andrei in marriage try to show their leadership qualities, but the stubbornness of both often leads to quarrels. Usually, such a union does not have a happy future. But if the spouses learn to understand each other and begin to solve all problems mutually, it is quite possible that their marriage will be very successful.
AlexeyAn idyll reigns in the family of Alexei and Valeria, they perfectly understand and support each other in any endeavors. They can be excellent business partners as their relationship is built on mutual loyalty, respect and trust. In a spouse, the girl appreciates courtesy, restraint and pragmatism. Such a union can last for a very long time, since the husband and wife complement each other.
VladimirA wonderful couple with an excellent sense of humor. They are interested in spending time together. Valeria and Vladimir set high goals for themselves and by joint efforts, overcoming all obstacles, achieve what they want. They practically do not have conflicts, they discuss all controversial issues in a peaceful atmosphere at the family table.
IgorThe couple is very harmonious. Spouses are connected not by sexual attraction, but by spirituality. They arrange surprises for each other, everyone knows the preferences of their half well. Igor and Lera are very creative. Their family is never bored. The bond is also held together by a feeling of sincere and mutual love.
OlegThis family is not used to relying on luck. The spouses decide their own destiny. They do not create illusions about the future, all their aspirations are quite real. Valeria and Oleg are slowly but productively making a difficult path to the goal, overcoming all obstacles.
YuriSuch a marriage cannot last long. Both partners are freedom-loving and independent individuals. Everyone does not consider it necessary to tell the other about their affairs. This couple has no joint plans, both are separately trying to create better conditions for themselves. Ultimately, due to the fact that it is meaningless to live together in the future, such a union falls apart.
novelLera's windiness and uncertainty often annoy Roman. During the first meeting, her ease and innocence charmed the man, but in family life these qualities become, rather, disadvantages than advantages. Since Roma wants to see a faithful companion of life next to him, disagreements and scandals will be frequent in the family.

Significant years of life

Important years of Lera's life:

Songs about girls with this name: "Valeria" by Valery Meladze, "Valeria" by the group "Aramis".

Table: name matches

PlanetMercurySuch people tend to show cunning, agility, activity. There is an ability for foreign languages. They often work as correspondents, politicians or marketers.
Zodiac signa lionIt is extremely important for these people to be in the spotlight, to receive praise and approval in their address. It is extremely important for them what others think of them, so they always try to show themselves in the best possible light. They strive to be the first in everything.
ElementWaterThey always rely on their inner instinct, and it never fails them. These people think carefully about their actions and anticipate all possible winning and losing situations. There is no problem for them that they cannot solve.
Number8 Extraordinary thinking, very smart. Purposefulness is inherent in them, they have a persistent, strong-willed character. In an emergency, they are able to think in cold blood and make informed and reasonable decisions. These people are very good-natured, with a sensitive heart. They are able to do good deeds not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for strangers in need of help.
ColourPurpleThey have a penchant for psychology and philosophy. Sensitive natures, they know how to feel the emotional state of people. They are loving, in a relationship they are guided only by feelings. Negative character traits - willfulness and selfishness.
Totem animalHorseSymbol of wisdom, clear mind, movement. A statuette with a horse is able to help out of any troubles, gives energy to life and brings prosperity.
WoodChestnutThe personification of wisdom, care and intuition.
PlantPionSymbolizes eternal youth, prosperity and happiness. The peony is believed to be able to heal. So, the tincture from the roots of this plant relieves stress and helps to find a healthy sleep.
StoneGarnetA symbol of loyalty, love, friendliness. They believe that a pomegranate is able to reconcile warring parties and strengthen family ties.
MetalAluminumRepresents serenity and peace. Serves as a talisman for finding the necessary acquaintances and building relationships in society.
Auspicious dayTuesday-
Bad dayThursday-

The meaning of each letter in the name

B - optimism, sociability, sincerity, attentiveness. She is always surrounded by male attention, but, as a rule, she has strong feelings for only one person all her life.

A - determination, energy. Such a girl is prone to continuous self-development. Shows initiative when interested in it. Always strives to be the first in everything.

The first letter of the alphabet adds determination and energy to the girl's character.

L is creative and talented, has a delicate taste, understands art. Always in search of beauty.

E - often imposes his opinion on others. Often, such a girl is left alone, not understood by society. But it doesn't upset her. She is sociable, always finds topics for conversation. Strives to gain universal recognition. Dreamy, strives for goals that are understandable only to her alone.

R is quite prudent, capable of calculating the situation several steps forward. Needlewoman. In communication, she shows courtesy and patience, but only if she is not touched in a conversation.

And - spiritually enlightened. Possesses exquisite manners. Has its own unique style, not only in clothes, but also in the manner of expressing thoughts. Negative qualities - distrustfulness, straightforwardness, irascibility.

I know my own worth. Such a girl needs constant sources of inspiration. Strives to gain universal respect.

Seven letters in the name mean that Valeria is a girl who adheres to the established rules. She is sincerely convinced that only this will lead to happiness and success. Because of this desire to strictly abide by the laws of society or the company, Lera often shows stubbornness and excessive intolerance.

When Valeria was born

Winter Valeria is very quick-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to a depressive state. Sometimes the perception of a girl is so dramatic that many people stop taking her worries seriously. Lera, born in winter, charming and temperamental, has a special charm. She has high self-esteem, will never allow herself to offend.

Valeria, who was born in winter, is very hot-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to a depressive state.

Spring Valeria is a wayward, sometimes selfish woman. Intractable, always true to her convictions. Often she imposes her opinion on others, because of this she has almost no friends. The spring-born girl knows how to achieve what she desires most with cunning and manipulation.

Summer Valeria is selfish, not devoid of treachery, always prudent and prudent. Achieves goals at any cost, especially if he sees personal benefit or satisfaction in her. She practically never thinks about her actions, she is ready to stubbornly go over her head in order to get what she wants.

Autumn Lera is well-mannered, patient, she has excellent manners. Calm, she always finds a competent and coherent answer to any question. She does not show her emotions in public, she is imperturbable and focused. Valeria, who was born in the fall, does not develop very well with men, her coldness repels the representatives of the stronger sex.

Autumn Lera can answer any question, does not show her emotions in public, calm and focused

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesSimple-minded and always positive-minded, she takes a responsible approach to the execution of any business. Has the makings of a leader, always aware of important events. She is very charming and graceful. She knows how to create unique images that so attract men to her. But just feelings for Leray-Aries are not enough, she is characterized by commercialism.
TaurusDiscreet and prudent. Appreciates consistency. Even if she feels discomfort, she would rather accept than decide to change something in her life. Patient and persevering, she easily copes with monotonous work. Lera-Taurus has no creativity and creativity at all. Slow but responsible. For whatever he undertakes, he will do everything conscientiously. For this she is respected by her colleagues and close people.
TwinsPlayful, graceful, energetic woman with an excellent sense of humor and excellent manners. He treats everything with extraordinary ease. Seeing Leroux-Gemini, you might think that everything is always great with her, since she can find good moments even in the most sad situation. Do not hesitate to joke with colleagues and sneer at himself. Negative qualities - frivolity, fear of making difficult decisions.
CancerCharming, with delicate taste and excellent manners. Always surrounded by men. Very homey, devotes most of the time to family and friends. She values ​​consistency in work and family life. However, sometimes he can drop everything and go on a journey.
a lionSecretive and silent, she is suspicious of everything. Doesn't like to talk about himself. In her dreams, she is a heroine who wins everyone and is bathed in glory and applause. Sometimes he envies her friends' successes. Talking about any events from his life, he can slightly embellish.
VirgoCalm, delicate, well-mannered. She applies her creativity in work activities. She is open and sociable, easily converges with people, builds strong friendships. Her sociability helps to actively move up the career ladder. He knows how to persuade people to his opinion, does it easily and unobtrusively.
scalesCharming and responsive, positive. Takes on everything with a twinkle, but quickly loses interest in the work and most often does not bring it to the end. Elegant woman. Her eloquence and demeanor attract the stronger sex.
ScorpionTemperamental woman. She often points out to people their shortcomings, but she herself is not at all perfect. He is extremely hostile to criticism in his own direction. She is very hot-tempered. He tries to always be in the very center of important events.
SagittariusEmotional, explosive woman. Valeria-Sagittarius is capable of starting from a half turn, and her anger is difficult to pacify. She does not admit her own mistakes, her behavior is sometimes devoid of morality. In men she values ​​courtesy, analytical mindset and social status.
CapricornStrict, mistrustful. Constantly dissatisfied with her personal life and the society in which she is. Very guardedly communicates with people, being wary of betrayal. Because of this, difficulties arise even with people who sincerely want to help her. He takes any criticism with hostility.
AquariusFreedom-loving, witty. He puts all of himself into his work, sparing no effort or time. For her diligence, Leroux is appreciated at work. Quite secretive, does not like to talk about her personal life. In men, she values ​​a sense of humor, perseverance and resourcefulness.
FishesCreative, charming and graceful. A workaholic, always sets high goals for himself, which he stubbornly implements. An interesting and creative person. She can only be interested in a single-minded and extraordinary man like herself.

Valeria Tsvetaeva - writer Valeria Savinykh - Russian tennis player Valeria Sokolova - Russian model

Video: Valeria - "Love and Pain"

Valeria is a strong and temperamental woman who often changes her mind. People are biased. Very vulnerable, criticism in her address can be perceived as an insult. Lera has a strong-willed character. She is able to achieve her goals without anyone's help. Appreciates loyalty and does not forgive betrayal.