Larisa Vasilyeva in contact. Biography. Brief Biography Facts

A famous writer, a talented cultural figure, a kind person, Larisa Nikolaevna Vasilyeva, died on February 27, Tuesday. Katerina Rozhdestvenskaya reported this on March 1 on social networks. This is a journalist and family friend. She said that she had recently seen Larisa Vasilyeva. We remembered Catherine’s father and talked. And when Katerina left, the poetess gave her a book and they said goodbye. They didn’t know then that it would be forever.

The causes of death have not yet been announced. When and where the farewell to the writer will take place is also not known. It is assumed that the funeral will be organized by Larisa Nikolaevna’s friends. She is remembered as a good and sympathetic person, an excellent leader.

Larisa Vasilyeva, writer and poet, died: daughter of the inventor of the legendary tank

Larisa Nikolaevna was born in Kharkov, October 23, 1935. She grew up as a cheerful and active girl. Then the war began, which the writer recalled as a terrible tragedy and pain. The only good thing was that Larisa’s dad was not taken to fight. And all because he was an engineer. And they were needed as weapon creators. And Vasilyeva’s father worked on this. He is the creator of the famous T-34 tank. Larisa Nikolaevna was proud of her dad and, having matured, she wrote a book about how her father worked. Even later, she will open the “History of the T-34 Tank” museum.

The talent of a poet awakened in the girl while still at school - she writes beautiful poetry. He also reads a lot of different literature. Her first verse was published in Pionerskaya Pravda. After graduating from school, Larisa entered college at the Faculty of Philology in Moscow.

Writer and poet Larisa Vasilyeva has died: the poetess in her youth dreamed of becoming an actress

Many girls at that time watched the movies in fascination and dreamed of playing roles in the same way. And Larisa Nikolaevna was no exception; she also wanted to become an actress. But she was dissuaded from this intention. This was done by Vera Maretskaya, People's Artist. She convinced Larisa that she had a completely different gift. The gift of writing, and not teaching what others write. And so the young talent chose the Faculty of Philology. While studying, she writes poetry and novels.

The most famous of her novels was “The Kremlin Wives.” Many wondered why Larisa chose this particular topic for her novel. And she answered that all her works have one theme - about women and their destinies. And Vasilyeva also wanted to open the veil of mystery: what was hidden by the walls of the Kremlin, also to show the role of a woman in a man’s life, the influence on his fate, her difficult lot.

Writer and poet Larisa Vasilyeva died: the personal life of a talented woman

The writer met her future husband while studying at the university. The young man reciprocated her feelings. Their relationship developed rapidly. She understood that Oleg was exactly the person with whom Larisa wanted to live her whole life. The guys didn’t wait long and soon got married. It was 1957, in January, on Epiphany. A year later they graduated and together walked the road of life, where glory awaited.

And fame came in 1957. Larisa was sure that it was the wedding and her husband that played an important role in her creativity. Since marriage gave her a lot of emotions and new perspectives on life. All this was reflected in her poems. They quickly spread throughout the country, making Larisa Vasilyeva famous.

Name: Larisa Vasilyeva
Date of Birth: 23.11.1935
Age: 82 years old
Date of death: 27.02.2018.
Place of Birth: Kharkov city, Russia
Activity: poet, writer
Family status: Married

Another best representative of humanity has passed away, an incredibly gifted woman with high moral principles, a correct, unclouded perception of life, a kind, sympathetic and empathetic personality. The famous poetess and writer-publicist of the Soviet era was in demand for her professional qualities even today.

Interest in such people, whose fame came in the “great sixties,” is only growing, especially in our soulless days. The greatness of time left its mark on many gifted people, gathering them into the category of those respectfully called “sixties.” A prominent representative of the Russian intelligentsia of those times was Larisa Vasilyeva, who recently left this world.

The cause of death, the facts of a vivid biography and the personal life of the famous poetess are of interest to many caring and thoughtful people around the world. We provide very brief information for initial reference in this article.


Despite the fact that the poetess and writer wrote many creative literary works, books such as “Albion and the Mystery of Time”, “Kremlin Wives” and “Children of the Kremlin” brought her unprecedented fame and demand.

Tatyana Karpova: cause of death, biography

After resounding success in journalism, Larisa Vasilyeva wrote two more bestsellers, “Kremlin Wives” and “Children of the Kremlin.” Again, in addition to undoubted talent, the author’s proximity to Kremlin life contributed to the appearance of these incredibly popular books that are still in demand.

Brief Biography Facts

It is no secret that a person as an individual, as well as his entire life path, is greatly influenced by the environment and the time of growing up and developing character. This statement is more than clearly applicable to the biography of Larisa Vasilyeva, after reading which it becomes clear where such a powerful potential for high human qualities and strength of character comes from.

Larisa Vasilyeva as a child with her parents
Biography and personal life of political scientist Dmitry Nekrasov

All these studies, accumulated life and writing experience formed the basis of Larisa Vasilyeva’s books; the following bestsellers were written:

"Meetings in Britain";
“The Book about Father”, a novel - a memoir;
"Albion and the Mystery of Time";
"Kremlin Wives";
"Kremlin Children";
"Children of the Kremlin";
"Soul of Moscow";
"Tales of Love";
"Wives of the Russian Crown";
“In sight - Prokhorovka”;
“Target”, a novel about love and hate, the prototype of the heroes were Akhmatova and Stalin, between whom there was a difficult relationship.
A special flowering of creativity occurred in the nineties; it was at that time that the best works were written that glorified the writer both in the country and abroad.

Other activities

In addition to creativity, Larisa Vasilyeva had other areas of application of her knowledge and special poetic worldview.

So, for 6 years, living in England, the writer gave lectures and conducted seminars for students at the University of Nottingham. When asked why she didn’t stay there, she answered that she respected herself too much to agree to the role of a lifelong “stranger” in a foreign country.
For her activities, L. Vasilyeva was awarded many state prizes

In recent years, Larisa Vasilyeva was the president of the state “Museum and Memorial” complex “History of the T-34 Tank”. The idea for its creation came naturally after a large number of documents and photographs related to this topic began to arrive in her name. All these documentary facts needed to be made public; the beginning of such a popular action was Larisa Vasilyeva’s book about her father.

In addition, Larisa Vasilyeva also spoke on television with bright, interesting stories, sharing known and unknown facts and her attitude towards them.

For her creative work and civic position, she was repeatedly awarded many government and public awards; a star in the constellation Sagittarius was even named after her.

Cause of death

Until her last days, Larisa Vasilyeva, a person with a strong and courageous character, led an active creative life; on February 24 she met with museum visitors, talked with them, telling interesting episodes.

Larisa Vasilyeva died from cancer, which she fought for several years

At 82, she was quite active and looked good, consciously putting a lot of effort into it. Her beloved husband left her in this life with their only son when he was 68 years old.

The famous writer suffered a serious illness, the scourge of our time, and she died while fighting cancer. The death of Larisa Vasilyeva was reported by her close friend and daughter of her best friends, journalist Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya.

Vasilyeva Larisa Nikolaevna is a famous Russian poetess, writer and public figure. Over her long life, she managed to publish more than 20 books, many of which became bestsellers in Russia. However, what do we know about this woman? What is her fate? And what prompted her to take the path of a writer?

Vasilyeva Larisa Nikolaevna: childhood of the poetess

The future poetess was born on November 23, 1935 in Kharkov. Her parents were engineers, which later played an important role both in the life of the girl herself and in the fate of her native country. After all, the first difficulties began even before Larisa had time to grow up - the roar of a terrifying war was heard throughout the world.

The only joy was that the head of the family was not taken to the front, since his talent was needed elsewhere. He, along with other engineers, worked to create new weapons for the Soviet troops. By the way, they did it well - Larisa Vasilyeva’s father helped design the T-34 tank. Later she will describe in detail the entire process of creating this powerful weapon in one of her books.


After the end of the war, life gradually returned to normal. After graduating from school, Larisa Vasilyeva entered the Moscow State Institute. Lomonosov, to the Faculty of Philology. It was here that she met her future husband Oleg Vasiliev.

Their relationship developed rapidly. As the poetess herself admitted, she fell in love with the slender young man at first sight. She was well aware that she wanted to live the rest of her days only with this man. Therefore, in January 1957, right on Epiphany, the young couple got married. A year later they received their diplomas and began a long journey to the walks of fame.

The birth of the poet's talent

When did Larisa Vasilyeva create her first work? She began writing poetry in early childhood, which greatly pleased her parents. As for the first memory associated with poetry, it dates back to the age of six. Then, while still a very little girl, she wrote a poem that became an adornment for one of the pages of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper.

Later, the parents decided to send their daughter’s works to the poetess Anna Akhmatova, so that she would give them a fair assessment. Alas, the woman’s criticism was very harsh, but, as the writer herself assures, very motivating. And indeed, despite the failure, the girl continued to work on improving her writing talent.

But the accomplished poetess Larisa Vasilyeva became famous only at the beginning of 1957. Perhaps the impetus for this was her marriage, which brought a flurry of new emotions into the girl’s life and forced her to take a fresh look at the world. At the same time, the writer’s poems instantly spread across the pages of publications known at that time. For example, her works were published in the magazines “Yunost”, “Moscow”, “Young Guard” and so on.

If we talk about the nature of her works, then first of all they are focused on the inner world of a person: his experiences, aspirations and struggles. In addition, Vasilyeva Larisa often writes about her love for Russia, its nature and those people who live on its wonderful lands. In total, more than 20 collections of poems came out of her hand, which were published both in Russian and in English.

Larisa Vasilyeva: books

The writer's first book was published in 1985. It was a collection of stories about English history called Albion and the Mystery of Time. Her next work was the autobiographical story “The Book about Father. Novel-memory." It was she who brought fame to Vasilyeva, as she found a response in the hearts of thousands of people.

However, Larisa Vasilyeva herself believes that the turning point in her career was the era of perestroika. It was during this period that she retrained from a poetess to a historical writer. Her main bestseller was the book “The Kremlin Wives,” which was published in 1994. The success was so overwhelming that the writer was soon inundated with letters from fans urging her to continue this series.

Vasilyeva listened to the request of her readers and soon published several more similar books: “Tales of Love” (1995) and “Children of the Kremlin” (1996). The latter has been translated into many languages ​​and is in demand not only in Europe, but also in Asia. After such a furor, Larisa Vasilyeva finally switched to journalism, leaving poetry to young talents.

February 28, 2018

At the age of 82, the writer and president of the museum complex “History of the T-34 Tank” Larisa Vasilyeva passed away.

photo: still from the program

The death of 82-year-old writer Larisa Vasilyeva was reported by her close friend Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya on her social network page.

“Larisa Vasilyeva, poet, writer, friend of my parents, has passed away. She was from that galaxy, from the sixties, and besides that she was also a good, kind and correct person. Just recently we talked to her about my father, reminisced, joked about something, and as a farewell gift she gave me her books. Farewell... I didn’t even think that this farewell was so close...” wrote Ekaterina.

Fans express their condolences to Larisa’s family and friends. Let us recall that Vasilyeva largely became known thanks to the books “The Kremlin Wives” and “Children of the Kremlin.”

“Until the last days of her life, the President of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow “Museum and Memorial Complex “History of the T-34 Tank” Larisa Nikolaevna was actively involved in her brainchild. Her last meeting with visitors took place on February 24. The memory of an extraordinary person who had a very active position in life will forever remain in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to come into contact with Larisa Nikolaevna Vasilyeva in life,” says the Moscow City Hall website.