How to punish your husband for wrongdoing? How to teach and punish your husband How to punish your husband for drinking

Svetlana Rumyantseva

And seemingly ideal families cannot do without quarrels. What can we say about young couples? Misunderstanding on the part of partners leads to scandals and stormy showdowns. Representatives of the fair sex come out of family conflicts more difficult than men. The quarrel ends in resentment, which turns into hidden anger at the husband. Revenge is a natural desire, born of hurt pride. And the more a woman thinks about the cause of the offense, the stronger the desire to teach her husband a lesson becomes. How and why to take revenge on your spouse? Is the result worth the effort?

Revenge is the path of destruction

How I want in the heat of the moment to repay my negligent husband for his mental suffering, to hit him harder, to let him feel the dark range of emotions. How could he offend his beloved wife? When he was courting, he swore his love, gave gifts, promised to protect. And in marriage, heroism evaporated. How to teach him a lesson? Leave home? Pack up the kids, go to mom’s… Go on strike and not cook for a month? Don't talk? Or maybe arrange a “serious conversation” and put pressure on your conscience?

Stop! The man hurt you, offended you, upset you. This doesn’t make him a hero, but it’s too early to label her husband a villain. By choosing the path of revenge, you repeat the action of your spouse. The desire to hurt a loved one will lead the relationship to a dead end. Remember what marriage is built on:

mutual respect,
common interests,

This is the dream of every woman.

But what kind of mutual understanding and respect can we talk about when one spouse intentionally hurts the other? Having a plan of revenge in your head, get ready for the imminent breakdown of your relationship.

If you have nothing to lose, then we offer you reliable tactics for women’s responses to men’s misdeeds.

Women's "punishments"


Ladies' favorite means of torturing men. But how effective is the result? What does a woman hope for? She will be silent for a day/week/month, making a pouty, offended face. A worthless husband must think about what he has done wrong. In the process of mental searching, insight will descend on him, he will realize his guilt, repent, make a sincere apology and realize the value of his wife.

The man will think about it, it’s true. First, the thought flashes through the husband’s head: “Again!” Then he will experience irritation, complain about women's logic and accept the conditions of war. Men don't like the feeling of the unknown. They are unable to delve into the secrets of a woman’s soul. The stronger sex is structured differently. 99.99% of husbands do not have extrasensory abilities. Empathy is also not one of the strengths of men. So what is he thinking about? About the sad fate of the stronger sex, forced to endure women's whims.

Every day the pressure on the man will increase and cause discomfort. An apology is a way to bring comfort and simplicity back into life. At this moment, the spouse is ready to repent of anything, without experiencing remorse. For him, “silence” is just another woman’s problem. Since the reason is unknown, it means there is none at all.

Having gathered his strength, the man comes to ask for forgiveness. In most cases, if the reason has not been clearly stated, he selects neutral words, listens to his wife’s angry tirade, receives generous forgiveness and moves on with his life.

The more often a woman keeps silent, the more a man gets bored with her. One fine moment, he labels his wife, enrolls her in the club of “brain-eating birds” and goes in search of a better life: nights at work, a mistress, friends, a new wife...

Abstinence torture

Blackmailing a man with sex - what could be more effective? Intimate life for males is a serious issue.

Terrible events begin when a woman discovers weakness in her husband’s sexual desire. This is a state of dissatisfaction, and the ladies know it.

The husband, accustomed to daily bed marathons, lives without sex for a week. Guess where his thoughts are directed? At work he thinks about sex, on the way home he thinks about the same thing, when he sees his wife he imagines... don’t even try to guess what a man fantasizes about during a long period of abstinence. In addition to scattered thoughts, the spouse experiences physical discomfort and struggles with a bunch of prejudices, and at the same time, a feeling of shame and awkwardness when physiology reminds itself at an unnecessary moment. Wonderful revenge. The man will remember her for a long time.

When things get really hard for my husband, he will come to apologize. He will do it with taste: all your whims for the sake of a stormy reconciliation. Once this trick may pass. But think about it, what is the likelihood that a man will have a mistress? Or will he go and pick up the girl for the night? After such entertainment, you yourself would not suffer; no one is safe from STDs.

And if you look at the husband’s forced abstinence from an ethical point of view, then sex becomes a currency. The husband behaves well - he receives a reward, poorly - he remains “hungry”. And then the fair sex complains that sex is losing its color. The bed turns into a place of payment, and you into a simple accountant: “Receive and sign.”

Repeating mistakes

Reception "mirror". Has your husband returned from a party? Go for a night out with your girlfriends! Turn off your phone and warn your friends not to answer your spouse’s calls. What if he changed? Find a lover for the night! Or for a day, whatever suits you. To respond to rudeness with rudeness, forget promises and generally behave inappropriately in the image and likeness of a husband.

A man will receive a sea of ​​negativity in full; he will become angry, jealous, twitchy, and offended. But what will this give? What solution can two people who are offended by each other offer? It’s one thing if a husband is serving a sentence for rudeness and inattention, and another if for treason and deception.

Trust is a fragile thing. Once you drop it, it won't stick together again. Cracks will leak in unexpected situations.

Small dirty tricks

This is the worst option of all. Yes, you can ruin your husband's favorite thing, throw out his collection of football cards, break his laptop or scratch his car. But how will a man react to this? If property damage occurs secretly, then what is the point? It won’t be a lesson to her husband; it will only make him angry and spoil his mood. It will also hit the family budget (if the spouses have a joint budget).

What if we act openly? A scandal is inevitable. The previous revenge options do not damage property. After a long silence, nothing prevents you from speaking, after abstinence, a man does not refuse intimate relations, and even his wife’s rude behavior can be forgiven. But a damaged item will remind you of what you did for a long time.

If you unbearably want to spoil your husband to calm your soul, bathe his brush in the toilet. Both unnoticed and pleasant. But just remember that you will still have to kiss this man when he deserves sex, as a form of forgiveness.

Any revenge will affect family relationships. If you have nothing to lose, go ahead! But if your plans are to live together for many years, have children, raise grandchildren, stop now. This does not mean that the situation should be forgotten. But it also needs to be solved using other methods. First, find out whether the offense was far-fetched.

Contrived grievances

Women are vulnerable, tender, touchy creatures. What are they offended by? Most often the cause is misunderstanding. The main goal of a woman who values ​​relationships is not to teach a lesson, but to teach a man. Think how your husband will react to silence or another scandal from the tiresome series “You don’t love me!” For a woman, this phrase means: “You don’t pay attention to me, you don’t kiss me, you don’t hug me, you don’t take me to the movies, you don’t whisper kind words in my ear.” For a man, the meaning is one: “I feel bad with you.”

The stronger sex has a different idea of ​​love, different from the female one. He's a man. He brings money to the family, sometimes helps with housework, conducts educational lectures for children every six months, and tries hard in bed. Everything is stable and good in the family. He brought flowers for March 8th, gave him a washing machine for the New Year, what else do you need for a woman’s happiness? Men don't understand ladies' tenderness until you say so directly. And not in a mysterious phrase, but clearly and to the point: “I want to receive kisses after work, a bouquet of flowers once a month, give tenderness in the evening, hugs, whispers...” - and then in order.

The reasons for “misunderstanding” are the same: lack of open dialogue. You scolded your husband because he is lazy. But did they explain the reason?

He didn’t take out the trash, didn’t wipe the dust, didn’t clean up the trash in the room after himself. Everything must be stated clearly, then the spouse will meet you halfway. Men are not friends with abstract concepts; they need clear claims. What if we talked and it didn’t work? The husband firmly insists that everyday life, raising children and solving housing issues is a woman’s business. He doesn’t understand that fragile ladies’ shoulders are not made for such an unbearable burden. Then leave him at home alone with the children, alone with everyday life. Come up with a reason to leave for a couple of days: to help your mother, a friend, your grandmother. Go on holiday quietly and peacefully. Half a day is enough for a husband to appreciate his wife’s work. Didn't understand the first time? Repeat again.

Men's "sins"

People make mistakes. If you value your marriage, but resentment haunts you, try to resolve the problem peacefully.


This male “sin” hits a woman’s heart the most painfully. Taking revenge on your spouse for cheating makes sense if you have decided to separate. Then feel free to use the points described above. Make leaving unexpected. In the morning he went to work, and in the evening he returned to an empty apartment, where not a single thing of yours was left. The phone is unreachable, there are no contacts, friends are silent. The man will be very nervous.

If you decide to stay, . Find out why, what is missing. Dialogue is the main method of solving problems.


A disrespectful attitude on the part of the spouse appears if the woman initially allowed such behavior. First jokes, then an awkward story from an intimate life told to friends. Diligent housewives who pamper their spouses face disrespect. He, returning from work, proudly walks to the sofa, computer, TV, and his wife runs around, performing endless “give and fetch” routines.

Talk to the man. Explain that personal life should not become public. Tell him that you don’t like it when he openly jokes or tells stories of an intimate nature about you. Remember an unpleasant story from his past and threaten that you will tell it to your friends if your spouse does not meet you halfway.

When your husband is rude, say what exactly you consider unacceptable: a commanding tone, grinning, or rolling his eyes during a dialogue. The more clearly the problem is defined, the faster you will find a compromise.


He didn’t see the new hairstyle, forgot about your mother’s birthday, didn’t notice the change in image. Yes, men are bad at remembering details. You will be surprised, but many representatives of the stronger sex do not remember what their parents, children, and wives look like. Your husband knows that you have dark hair, gray eyes, he can imagine the size of your breasts and butt, he will tell you in which part of your back the mole is located, but he will not be able to put together the whole image. This does not mean that he does not love you, this is how male memory works. Not all representatives of the stronger sex have such a sad life, but in general, men tend to remember only general details of appearance. Punishing someone who is guilty without guilt is not a good idea.

If you have done your hair, tell your husband about it. If you change your style, show it off to your spouse. He will understand what to do and say.


Lying ruins relationships. But women are to blame for men’s deceptions. Representatives of the stronger sex lie to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the truth. Regular punishment will not rid a man of this habit. The only way to correct the situation is to create conditions in which a man will not be afraid to tell the truth. How to do it? Accept what you hear without hysterics and scandals. In this case, the carrot and stick method will work: punishment for lies, reward for sincerity.

Before you take revenge on a man, think about whether it’s worth putting your marriage in danger? It is easier to destroy a relationship than to build one again. To educate representatives of the stronger sex, there are softer and more effective methods that are available in the arsenal of every wise woman.

25 April 2014, 09:19

Many women are interested in how to teach their husband a lesson for drinking so that he no longer wants to even touch alcoholic beverages. After all, there are times when the head of a family gets drunk rarely, but, as they say, aptly. Unfortunately, today the problem of alcoholism in families is relevant. Most often, it is the representatives of the stronger half of humanity who abuse alcoholic beverages. Women, in turn, do not want to sit idly by and are trying to find a way to wean their loved one from drinking.

Psychologists advise wives to remain calm and not start a scandal every time the head of the family comes home drunk. Alcoholism is a terrible disease that must be fought with the mind. Abuse of alcoholic beverages causes a person to become psychologically dependent on alcohol, so he will not be able to get rid of the bad habit if his wife yells at him. Here you need to act more tactfully. Initially, you need to determine the reason why a man drinks too much, even if this does not happen often, and he is not dependent on alcohol. This will help in the future to avoid repeated drinking and protect him from a bad habit. There can be many reasons. A woman can try to determine why drunkenness flourishes in the family on her own or seek help from an experienced psychologist.

Causes of alcohol abuse

The main factors in the development of alcoholism include:

A woman needs to forever remember that drunkenness has a basis. A person will never simply abuse alcoholic beverages. Hysterics, a ban on drinking alcohol or communicating with friends who drink will not bring a positive result. If partying occurs frequently, you need to try to persuade him to start treatment for addiction to a bad habit.

Tips to help a man get rid of a bad habit:

Punishing a man for alcoholism means pushing him to continue drinking. The husband needs to be helped to get rid of a bad habit, even if he does not accept the fact that he has problems with alcohol.

Dealing with alcoholism in a family on your own is very difficult. It is better to seek help from a drug treatment clinic. Only a doctor can conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe treatment. You need to remember the advice of narcologists and psychologists and follow all the recommendations of specialists. Only in this case can you get rid of a bad habit quickly and forever.

It is very important to determine the causes of alcohol abuse.

Trying to fight alcoholism with magic means delaying the patient’s recovery process indefinitely. A man must himself realize the global nature of the problem, accept the fact that he has an addiction to alcoholic beverages and decide to fight the disease. A psychologist can convince him of this, but not a magician.

Factors that will make a man quit drinking

You can also convince your husband to quit a bad habit using the following methods:

When a husband wants to get rid of a bad habit, a woman needs to give him strong support. In the fight against alcoholism, doctors usually prescribe medication, diet, and a healthy lifestyle. The man will be advised to completely stop drinking alcohol. Therefore, there should be no alcohol in the house to avoid the temptation to drink. A woman should also give up a bad habit to show how much she supports her man in this situation.

The wife should also help her other half start a healthy lifestyle. You can sign up for a gym or swimming pool together. But you don't have to play sports together. He can go to the gym on his own or with his friends, the main thing is that he does something useful. A man will notice how his physical condition improves and over time he himself will not be able to understand how he organized parties.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Revenge or a well-thought-out plan to teach your husband a lesson?

You should not swallow grievances, but spit them out, even if you were offended by your own husband! But family life of two different sexes is mutual respect, mutual love and, of course, hatred. Spouses cannot live shoulder to shoulder without disagreements and resentments, but sometimes our men cross all sorts of boundaries. And so you suffer - the phone is silent, the dishes are unwashed, and you spent your salary somewhere. The human mind tells you that you need to think sensibly, but a woman’s gut and instinct scream and desire revenge, building a plan to teach her husband a lesson for offending him.

There are situations when there is no reason to be offended. And your husband does not always deserve your attention, even if it seemed to you that he wanted to touch a nerve. There are several rules when there is no point in preparing delicious cold revenge:

    He didn’t have time to answer your call - your husband works, meets people, drives a car. It's rare to find the right moment to talk, especially when you just need advice on the color of your dress. Yes, this is important to you, but your husband likes you in almost any outfit.

    He didn’t notice a banal change - you see the new hairstyle or earrings yourself. Your husband perceives your entire image. It seems to him that something has changed in you, but he cannot understand what exactly. This is not a reason for offense - men assess the situation as a whole, and women take pieces out of context.

    He didn’t meet your mother or forgot to pick up the child from kindergarten - yes, it’s a shame. A mother is sacred, but a child doesn’t even need to be said. You need to refer to his workload. If this is so important to you, check and remind him to do all the things you planned in his diary.

Let's say you bought beautiful lingerie, lit candles and waited a long time for your husband to get home from work. He came tired, nervous, or just wants to sleep. You have agreed in advance to spend the evening together. Alas, the body cannot rest while working, and remember, your underwear can be bought with its salary.

Don’t forget about the children, if you like to celebrate each of their birthdays, any teething, first trip to the potty, etc. A man is a breadwinner, it is important for him to create the ground for your holidays and guests. It is not at all necessary to quarrel because of the lack of help around the house or on the farm. He didn’t buy the gift on time, forgot to withdraw money from the card, or simply didn’t have time. Believe me, these are all the little things in life. There are situations when a woman really should put her husband in his place and accept all his misdeeds.

The office goldfish finally got hooked, and you noticed some changes in your husband - his behavior changed, his work schedule increased, his pocket expenses increased. He probably has a mistress. Or maybe he found a reason to flirt via the Internet. You know, every second man, according to statistics, has been caught at least once in virtual and mental infidelity. This is a reason to take revenge, and don’t say that an affair on a social network is just a need that he copes with every day during lunch.

Do you remember he said that borscht was not tasty?! Little salt, a lot of pepper, and no sourness at all. The food you prepare is an inviolable contribution to the family. Revenge, of course, will come immediately, but it will be enough to teach him a lesson for harsh statements. After all, you don’t know for sure whether borscht is actually edible. However, he must understand that your food smells delicious in the house, and if you don’t praise it, he can eat lunch in the dining room.

Don't forget that your husband has a mother. And the mother who raised the man should share the secrets of his peculiarities in upbringing. Prepare yourself for a long conversation, smile and listen carefully to everything she says.

They carry water to the offended

In order not to experience the role of a filly, you need to keep the resentment inside. If you want to teach your husband a lesson for your tears and bad mood, be patient. The plan needs to be built gradually.

    He forgot something. Take out the trash, go get baby food, etc. Don’t remind him of anything, keep quiet until he remembers. During this time he will tell you a lot more.

    Regarding food, don’t set the table and don’t heat up his lunch if last time he thought the borscht was unsalted and the croutons were overcooked.

    Your spouse was late for a meeting with you, was late at work or at a corporate party. Teach him a lesson with the same actions, but first tell him that you are going to meet with a client or friend. Then you can turn off your phone.

    An ageless topic is maternity leave. Your husband is very tired at work, and you managed to give him another child in order to rest during the entire free day. Tell him that he will have an unforgettable experience this weekend. Leave the children to him for his rest, and go for a walk. It's better to charge your phone well.

    If your family has signed, even a comical, marriage contract, follow all the points. If he offended you, let him pay or buy a gift. This, of course, is not a reason to look for the source of quarrels every time, but sometimes it will be a useful method in raising someone else’s adult son.

    “From now on, I will have sex every day at 4 pm! And I don’t care whether you’re at home or at work.” This way of teaching a husband a lesson is considered controversial if a comic timbre in the voice is not set in advance. The husband may regard this as a threat or a naive joke. In the latter case, only you will be offended - he doesn’t even believe that you are capable of cheating on him!

There is no need to prove your abilities on the side; it’s better to give him spa treatments. Place rose petals on the bed, light candles, and curtain the windows. Dim lighting will create an intimate atmosphere. Invite him to relax after work in the company of yourself. Let him know that you are sincere and he can trust you. Tie him tightly, but not tightly. Give affection and care, and then blindfold. Tell him that the evening is dedicated to water procedures, put nice warm napkins on his ankles. And then pull them against the direction of hair growth!

A cruel way to teach you a lesson for your suffering, but your husband will understand how much you are offended. It is possible that he will suspect something is wrong when he feels something wet and quickly cooling on his feet. Remember, there must be a good reason for such a lesson show.

Let's not rule out the fact that you occasionally check your phone and his email. Social networks and communities are a place where people look for people to talk to. You look through his pages, phone book and notebooks. It’s not on purpose that a couple of women’s numbers can be written out on a separate piece of paper if they seem suspicious to you. Ask him directly - who they are, what connects with them. If in the future you come across one of these unobtrusive contacts, try to teach your husband a lesson for close communication or flirting:

  • Create a new page on behalf of one of the girls.
  • Try to strike up a conversation with your husband and ask him out on a date.
  • Have an evening for two at a restaurant by booking a table.
  • Come there instead of that same “colleague” and give him a bouquet of flowers.

This psychological move will help your husband understand that you see and notice everything perfectly. And he will regard a pleasant surprise for inappropriate behavior as a stone in his garden. You will hurt your pride, but the result is worth it.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any problems in your relationship at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

Different situations happen in families, but it happens that you don’t want to sort things out, so as not to run into another scandal, but you can’t just let everything take its course. For example, how not to teach your husband a lesson for cheating?

Often you want to teach a man a lesson because he does not at all appreciate everything that his wife does for him, in addition to making complaints, saying that the soup was not salted enough or that she lost her socks. Sometimes it seems like he’s working alone, and you’re wasting your time all day long. Just think, he said something, but sometimes it’s so offensive.

How to teach your husband a lesson for disrespect?

Has your man stopped noticing that you are trying with all your might to please him, and also often forgets about holidays and important dates? This is offensive for any woman, but you can teach him a lesson. And there are several ways to do this:

  1. Did your husband forget to congratulate you? Or take out the trash? There is no need to shout and swear, meet him with silence, let him think about what he did not accomplish.
  2. Your husband promised to come home for dinner, but instead he went to a cafe with friends and didn’t tell you anything? On any other day, do the same, but warn him before that, and you can turn off the phone. Let him be in your place.
  3. Your husband has stopped thanking you for your culinary masterpieces, but at the same time, simple scrambled eggs have become too ordinary for him. Try not serving anything at all for dinner. Sit on the couch and watch TV. He constantly says that you are not doing anything. Let him see what real doing nothing looks like.
  4. Very often, men think that during maternity leave a woman rests all day and doesn’t get tired at all. Doesn't sound familiar, does it? You can leave him to babysit the child for the whole day and go for a walk with friends or visit his parents.
  5. Some families discuss the punishment system in advance. Your husband offended you - let him pay.
  6. Some women, harboring a grudge against their husband, deny him intimacy. And they don’t allow him to see the body until he admits that he is guilty. But this is a rather controversial punishment and the consequences may be unexpected.

Punishment for treason

My husband cheated. At this moment, the woman experiences a huge number of emotions - resentment, disappointment, anger, desire for revenge. What can be done in this situation?

  1. If you don’t have enough determination to take tough revenge, do minor dirty tricks - cut your tie, paint your trousers, tear the buttons off your shirt. But know that after reconciliation you will have to wash your trousers and sew on buttons.
  2. Don't cook his food or do his laundry. Revenge is revenge, but this should not last long, otherwise he will go to dinner with someone else.
  3. If it comes to divorce, then you can slightly cast a shadow on the reputation of the faithful. Tell him that in family life this person is unreliable, and in bed he behaves simply disgustingly. If they ask: “why did you live with him?”, then you can answer that you were pursued by monetary interests.
  4. There is a joke - take original revenge on your unfaithful husband by having an affair with his mistress! Of course, there is no need to bring it to this point, but you can make a close friendship with a woman of non-standard orientation. Take her shopping, to cafes and clubs. Show that you are better off with this woman than with an unfaithful husband.
  5. There is a certain type of woman who is responsible for betrayal in the same coin. Moreover, they cheat not with just anyone, but with their best friend, for example.
  6. The best way to punish an unfaithful person is to break up with him forever. Although this will not always be a punishment.

How to take revenge on your husband for drinking?

If you want to teach your man a lesson for drinking, then you need to take into account the current circumstances. If your man violated any plans with his drunken state, you can think about punishment. But if this situation repeats itself almost every day, you need to seek treatment. Alcoholism is a serious disease.

If our case is milder, we can come up with a punishment. The purpose of all this is to show how stupid a drunk person can look and what he can do while heavily intoxicated. You can come up with anything.

Paint his fingernails and fingernails with red polish, and give him nail polish remover only when he asks for forgiveness. Use a bright marker to write an obscene word on his face or other exposed parts of his body. Cut up the clothes you came in, and in the morning ask him where he went that he could have ruined his clothes like that.

There are no ideal men, everyone has their own shortcomings, one of them is alcohol abuse. Even if the husband doesn’t drink often, it can be very annoying and ruin plans.

Of course, the husband’s sprees that happen every now and then can be tolerated indefinitely. However, it is much better to teach him a lesson by trying to make him realize that he is wrong. In this case, revenge should be bright and memorable, but in no case cruel. Therefore, you need to know how to teach your husband a lesson for drinking, so that he remembers this lesson forever.

Of course, the simplest ways of such revenge are to send your husband to sleep on the floor, not talk to him for a couple of days, deprive him of sex for 1-2 weeks, etc. However, you can act much more subtly and witty. The purpose of revenge is to show a man that alcohol abuse makes him so helpless that anyone can do whatever they want to him.

One of the most effective ways is to paint his nails with bright polish while he is unconscious. It’s very good if your husband has to go to work the next day, then you need to set his alarm clock for a later time. In the morning, when the husband starts getting ready in a hurry, being late for work, he will be on his knees begging for nail polish remover. You can take advantage of this moment and demand anything from him in exchange for the treasured liquid, from forgiveness and an oath not to drink, to an expensive gift.

The matter is not limited to bright varnish. You can use brilliant green, iodine, or a marker. You can draw something on his body, write a bad word on his forehead, which will convey all the emotions and feelings of the offended girl. The choice of form and content is limited only by the avenger’s imagination. Of course, you should be more careful with indelible inscriptions, since the husband may consider that the punishment is excessively cruel and incommensurate with the crime. In this case, he will be very offended and may even try to take revenge in the same way.

Some resort to a slightly different form of revenge - they shave their husband (including private parts) while he is unconscious, and in the morning they declare that everything fell out on its own and that this happens from alcohol abuse. The man will definitely be shocked by this and will forget about alcohol for at least a few months.

Another way you can teach your husband a lesson is to tear or stain the things he came in with, and in the morning present him with a claim that it was he who showed up home like that yesterday. He will be very ashamed, but this method should be used only if the husband constantly does not remember what happens to him when he drinks, then there will be confidence that he will not suspect a trick.

Many women are less graceful and slip a laxative into their husband’s food in the morning. When a person spends half a day in the toilet after this, they explain to him that all this is due to alcohol. It’s better to do this if the husband often allows himself to abuse, then the arguments will be more plausible and the man may really think that he has some kind of specific body reaction to alcohol.

Another method of revenge comes from pioneer childhood. It is necessary to sew your husband by his underpants and undershirt to the mattress, then when he gets out of bed in the morning, he will be quite surprised why he cannot move. As a rule, this method has quite a strong impact; a man may even be seriously scared.

Some women approach revenge for drunkenness with special imagination and humor. I would like to give an example of a girl whose husband did not drink very often, but enough that she eventually got tired of it. Having waited for the next corporate event, from which her husband, as usual, came very under his best suit, she bought herself a sheepskin coat, and one whose sleeves were a little longer than necessary. In the morning, when her husband woke up, she threw herself on his neck with kisses and thanks for the fact that he bought her a sheepskin coat, and it didn’t matter that the sleeves were a little long, they would hem them in the studio.

The husband, of course, didn’t understand anything, but he didn’t show it. He pretended that this was how it should be, and he deliberately gave his beloved such a magnificent gift. The next time she did the same thing, but with gold earrings. After the second time, the husband apparently became thoughtful and began to drink much less and no longer comes home drunk to the point of unconsciousness. Thus, the girl managed to teach her husband a lesson and acquired things for herself that her husband would hardly have allowed her to just buy. She came out of the situation in a very original way, and this gave her the desired result.

It is clear that there are no limits to imagination in how to teach a husband a lesson. You can come up with the most unusual revenge that a man will remember for many years. This is the only way to wean your spouse from alcohol abuse.