Born in August: character, destiny, names! Names of boys and girls born in August according to the church calendar and horoscope Sashenka born in August what they are like

Boys born in August carry a huge charge of positivity, enthusiasm and vitality.. Such children have remarkable willpower, perseverance, and originality. These are real perfectionists who always try to achieve what they want at any cost, to bring things to perfection and, thereby, gain the approval, respect and admiration of others. Community praise is very important to August children. They need to be noticed and admired.

Despite a certain amount of egocentrism in their character, August boys are generous and sensitive to the problems of other people. They will always come to help and lend a shoulder.

August children know how to show themselves. They have an innate style, charisma, and rapidly developing communication skills. These are born speakers. Such children are already the most noticeable, popular, active and talented in the sandbox.

Many scientists involved in astrology and beyond are confident that not only the stars, but also the season of a child’s birth itself makes adjustments to his character. For example, summer is a bright, eventful, sometimes carefree time, and August itself is a generous and warm month. Therefore, August children are generous, kind and attentive to others, although sometimes they are too emotional and prone to rash actions.

A negative character trait of the August boy can be called excessive pride. Such a child cannot stand ridicule of himself. Being easily excitable, August children can rebel because someone has encroached on their freedom or refused their request. They take the word “no” hard and practically do not know how to admit they are wrong. But such children do not know how to be offended for a long time. They quickly move away.

If we talk about the astrological characteristics of August children, then this month two zodiac signs reign - in the first half of the month Leo and in the second half Virgo. Leos love to be the center of attention, they crave praise and recognition, and they easily lose control and become angry. Virgos are more balanced, reasonable and cold-blooded. August is ruled by the planets Mercury and the Sun. This combination helps August children easily achieve fame and success.

What to name a child born this month?

There are so-called lucky names that are most suitable for children born in the last month of summer.

Experts who characterize names recommend giving August boys names that contain soft sounds. This helps soften the baby's tough temperament. For example:

What are the male names according to the Orthodox church calendar (saints)?

Popular wisdom says that you need to talk to children about God, so that you don’t talk to God about children all your life. That is why the heavenly patron saint is a significant figure in Orthodoxy.

Choosing a name according to the calendar is an ancient Orthodox tradition. It was believed that if a baby was named after a saint, then this saint would become the child’s patron and protect him from future difficulties and misfortunes in life. The name according to the calendar is given either based on the child’s birthday, or based on the date of the child’s baptism, or is selected based on the date between the birth and baptism of the child.

It is interesting that our ancestors considered the day of naming a child to be the 8th day after his birth, and baptism took place on the 40th day from the date of birth. From the table below you can find out when, according to the church calendar, the days of the angel, or name day, occur for popular male names of saints in order to choose what to name a child born in the beginning, middle and end of August.

date Name Meaning of the name Patron saint celebrating name day (Angel's Day)
1.08 Dmitriy "belonging to Demeter" Saint Demetrius of Rostov, Metropolitan
2.08 Alexei "protective" Holy Martyr Alexy Znamensky, Archpriest
3.08 Fedor "God's gift" Holy Martyr Theodore
4.08 Michael "godlike" Holy Martyr Mikhail Nakaryakov, priest
5.08 Vitaly "vital" Saint Vitalian of Rome, Pope
6.08 Afanasy "immortal" Holy Martyr Athanasius of Ikios
7.08 Makar "happy" Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk
8.08 Sergey "venerable" Holy Martyr Sergius Strelnikov, Archpriest
9.08 Hermann "half-blooded" Venerable Herman of Alaska
10.08 Ivan "God's grace" Holy Martyr John Mileshkin
11.08 Konstantin "constant" Saint Constantine of Constantinople, Patriarch
12.08 Valentine "healthy" Holy Martyr Valentine of Interam, Italian, Bishop
13.08 Arseny "courageous" Saint Arseny of Ninotsminda, bishop
14.08 Elizar "God helped" Holy Martyr Eleazar
15.08 Plato "shouldered" Holy Martyr Platon of the Mountains, priest
16.08 Vyacheslav "great glory" Holy Martyr Vyacheslav Lukanin, deacon
17.08 Semyon "hearing" Holy Martyr Simeon Vorobyov
18.08 Efim "complacent" Saint Euthymius of Constantinople, Patriarch
19.08 On this day, no saints are venerated.
20.08 Peter "block of stone" Holy Martyr Peter Tokarev, priest
21.08 Joseph "God will increase" Venerable Martyr Joseph Baranov
22.08 Matvey "given by the Lord" Holy Martyr Matthew
23.08 Savva "old man" Venerable Savva of Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod, abbot
24.08 Basil "royal"

Holy Martyr Vasily of Pechersk, hieromonk

But like all leaders, they are often very vulnerable to comments, jokes and barbs addressed to them (even harmless ones). And this must be taken into account when choosing a name for your future baby.

The best option is to name your son so that no teasing nicknames can be chosen for his name. There are the following options: Dmitry, Alexander, Stepan, Fedor, Trofim, Sergey, Roman, Evgeny, Ivan, Boris, Rodion, Mikhail, Pavel.

A boy born in the last month of summer can be called August. This name means "majestic". And it will give its owner balance and self-confidence, which is what a true leader needs.

Do you believe in horoscopes?
If yes, then you can name the boy according to his zodiac sign. In August, Leo (23.07-23.08) and Virgo (24.08-23.09) have birthdays. The best names for brave Leo boys are Lev, Valery, Artem, Leonid, Vladlen, Rostislav, Kirill, Arnold, Vissarion, Lazar, Kondrat.

For a softer and calmer Virgo boy, you should choose one of the following names - Mark, Adrian, Efim, Semyon, Khariton, Peter, Konstantin.

According to the calendar, August boys are called like this: Varlaam, Stepan, Gregory, Afanasy, Alexander, Alexey, Polycarp, Roman, Makar, Nikolai, Platon, Gleb, David.

What to name a girl born in August

Girls born at the end of summer are strong, independent, artistic individuals. They love increased attention to their person and praise, performances on stage, everyone’s attention, but they do not tolerate loneliness well.

For an August girl, you can choose absolutely any name, with the exception of those from which you can come up with an offensive nickname - the future “artist” will not like it.
Pay attention to the following name options: Alina, Evgenia, Anna, Milena, Anastasia, Karina, Arina, Irina, Raisa, Sofia, Elvira, Margarita.

A girl born in August can be called Augusta or Augustina, which means “majestic”, “strong-willed”. This is a great name for such a “big” personality.

If you believe the horoscopes, then for the purposeful Leo girls Suitable names are Angela, Veronica, Raisa, Nonna, Regina, Ulyana.

And for such a gifted Virgo girls It is worth choosing the following names: Agnessa, Inga, Camilla, Elizaveta, Daria, Vasilisa, Alevtina, Albina.

Referring to the church calendar, for the August girl according to the calendar you can choose the following names: Evgenia, Militsa, Anna, Maria, Angelina, Angela, Lucia, Daria, Evdokia, Alena, Anastasia.

Names for those born in other months:

Almost the entire month of August, Leo reigns in the star arena, and only at the end of the month does he transfer his rights to Virgo. Leo and Virgo give those born this month an independent and proud character and a kind soul. Read about what qualities the representatives of these signs have in this article.

People who celebrate their birthday in August are under the protection of the constellation Leo, and from the 23rd - Virgo. These signs are ruled by Mercury and the Sun, which make their wards bright and charismatic personalities. Fame, recognition and success await many of them.

  • People born in August have irrepressible energy and are strong in body and spirit.
  • They are born leaders and good speakers.
  • They have a kind heart, they are open and sociable.
  • They are very talented and gifted.
  • They look at the world optimistically; they do not tend to fall into depression and despair.

People born in August have bright charisma and strong energy. This is what makes them unusually attractive to others. They always have a lot of friends and fans. They are generous and not vindictive; they are the first to seek reconciliation.

August people go through life easily and find a way out of the most dead-end situations. They do not tend to give up and become discouraged. They are always full of enthusiasm and new ideas.

The main drawback of people born in August is pride and vanity, and an inability to accept criticism.

Leo is the main zodiac sign in August

The king of beasts enters the starry arena on July 21, but the first seven days are a transition period from the previous sign. From July 28, his full dominance begins, and after August 20, the influence of Virgo begins to be felt.

The zodiac sign Leo is considered the House of the Sun. Therefore, representatives of this sign have special properties:

  • Leo people are very ambitious and love to be in the spotlight.
  • They are constantly driven by the desire to “rise above the crowd.” For this reason, even those Leos who come from humble origins usually rise very high on the social ladder.
  • The king of beasts tends to strive for leadership. He tries to constantly control both his own life and the lives of those around him. As a rule, Leo turns out to be a talented and generous leader who is valued and loved by his subordinates.
  • Leo is very sociable - he has a wide circle of friends and associates. But he allows only a select few into his inner circle, honoring with his precious attention only the most faithful and reliable people.
  • The main priority for Leo is the career field. A proud and ambitious disposition makes representatives of this sign conquer more and more heights on the path to success.
  • Leo is very sensitive to praise and approval from others. It is important for him to feel his importance and greatness. But Leo has a good understanding of people, so it is not difficult for him to distinguish sincere feelings from empty flattery.
  • Leos have a generous nature, are kind and generous.
  • They value their independence and will never tolerate other people's dictates and control.
  • Leos are purposeful individuals with a strong will.
  • Leos are very active and full of energy. And if they suddenly find themselves in forced inaction, they fall into a state of depression.
  • Leos are straightforward, unrestrained and impatient. They speak their minds openly and hate intrigue.

People born during this period have the magical gift of influencing the crowd and arousing boundless trust in people. Therefore, among them there are a lot of political and religious leaders, generals, artists and musicians.

The essence of Leo's soul is determined by the energy of the sun's rays that penetrate this sign. Therefore, most representatives of the Leo sign are spiritually rich people with high ideals and thoughts. They are honest, decent and noble and expect the same from others. This often leads to severe disappointment in people who did not live up to their expectations.

Types of Lviv

Representatives of the sign can be divided into two types:

  1. The high type is a noble and highly spiritual person, possessing all the best qualities of this sign.
  2. The low type is a petty, angry and envious character who hides his true essence behind a mask of external representativeness and prosperity. But in fact, he turns out to be a narcissistic tyrant and a coward.

Fortunately, in life there are more often people who have a predominant sunny side of the zodiac sign Leo.

Virgo is the zodiac sign that ends August

People who were born after August 23 are classified as Virgo. But for another 10 days, the royal Leo continues to have a strong influence on them.

Nature has endowed representatives of the Virgo sign with the following positive qualities:

  • They are rational and practical, have a logical mind.
  • Virgos are pedantic and responsible, they always finish what they start.
  • These are great workers, capable of achieving high skill in any matter, especially where it is necessary to pay attention to detail.
  • Virgos are loyal and loyal friends who can be trusted.
  • They are calm and reasonable, endowed with a sense of harmony.
  • They never lose their composure and know how to control their emotions.

But people born under the sign of Virgo are also characterized by negative traits:

  • They are too picky, demanding and prone to criticism.
  • They are often hypocritical and insensitive.
  • Sometimes they are characterized by stinginess, pettiness and greed.
  • They are intolerant of others, vindictive and vindictive.
  • They pay attention to unimportant and secondary things, without noticing the main thing.

Virgos of the first decade - character traits

Representatives of the Virgo sign, born between August 23 and September 2, have the following qualities:

  • They are outwardly calm and prudent, although violent emotions boil inside them.
  • They are very capable and have developed intelligence.
  • These are sociable and charming people who know how to please others.
  • Their behavior is always guided by reason, not feelings. Therefore, they never lose control of the situation.
  • Virgos are thrifty, practical, and spend money wisely.
  • They are punctual and love order in everything.
  • Their main drawback is criticality and intolerance to other people's opinions.

The Virgo man born during this period is a little prone to sentimentality. He is a kind and slightly shy person, a faithful and devoted husband.

The Virgo woman of this decade is dreamy and sensitive. She needs material and spiritual support from her loved one. She is a great housewife, an exemplary mother and wife.

Virgos of the first decade have a penchant for intellectual activity. They love to learn and constantly feel the need for new knowledge. The fields of medicine and pharmacology, psychology, accounting and journalism are best suited for them.

Watch a video about zodiac signs in August:

» the site talks about those who have made an undeniable contribution to science, art, culture and other areas of life. This review includes a cult jazzman, a famous Russian artist, an engineer whose last name is known to everyone, and other significant people born in August.

Louis Armstrong (1901 – 1971)

Louis Armstrong birthday: August 4

American jazz trumpeter and talented singer who made a tremendous contribution to the jazz genre of music. Known for his improvisational skills, Armstrong could command melody and lyrics into inimitable combinations. Despite the popularity of racist views in America during this period, Louis' talent as a performer was highly valued by people of all skin tones. The musician is considered by many to be the founder of the jazz movement in America. Armstrong was born into a poor family in New Orleans. His childhood was not easy, and he found solace in music. As a teenager, he began playing musical instruments and thereby earning a living. As a result of his career, Louis became one of the first stars of the 20th century.

Carl Bosch (1874 – 1940)

Carl Bosch birthday: August 27

Yes, this is the same Bosch, the founder of the company of the same name, whose components are now installed on almost every production car. German chemist and engineer. Winner of the Nobel Prize for the invention of the Haber process (together with Fritz Haber) - the synthesis of ammonium under high pressure. Also among his achievements is the production of synthetic fuels methanol and gasoline from coal and oil, respectively. Bosch was one of the founders of IG Farben, one of the largest chemical companies in the world. In addition, Carl Bosch had an excellent private observatory, being also an astronomer.

Georgy Danelia (1930 – present)

Georgy Danelia, birthday: August 25

Georgian, Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor. In 1955 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. In 1959 - Higher Directing Courses. In the same year, Danelia began working in cinema as a production director at Mosfilm. Danelia’s 1964 film “I Walk Through Moscow” becomes a cultural event during the Thaw period in the USSR. The film “Thirty-Three,” released in 1965, is the debut for the future master of comedy. Until now, such films as “Afonya”, “Mimino”, “Autumn Marathon” and “Kin-Dza-Dza!” are of genuine interest. They have become truly iconic for several generations of film lovers. Georgy Danelia is an academician of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia, an academician of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika". Since 1987 - President and artistic director of the Rhythm film studio of the Mosfilm film concern. Since 2003 - President of the Georgy Danelia Foundation for the Preservation of Traditions and Development of New Cinema.

Charles Rolls (1877 – 1910)

Charles Rolls birthday: August 27

English aviator and motorist from London, one of the first in this field. Together with Henry Royce, he founded the Rolls-Royce automobile company. In 1894, young Rolls entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied mechanics and applied science. At 18, he already went to Paris to buy his first car. It was the Peugeot Phaeton. At the same time, the young engineer joined the Automobile Club of France. It is believed that his car was the first in Cambridge. In addition, Rolls was seriously interested in cycling. After graduating from college in 1898, the enterprising young man, with the support of his father, opened the C.S. Rolls & Co. auto dealership in 1903, where he began selling French Peugeot and Belgian Minerva. The historic meeting between Charles Rolls and Henry Royce took place on 4 May 1904 at Manchester's Midland Hotel. The first car under the joint name was born at the Paris Motor Show in December 1904. Soon the legal registration of the joint company took place. Rolls was also an avid flyer. He made more than 170 balloon ascents. In 1903 he won a gold medal for the longest solo flight. At 32, the bright life of Charles Rolls was cut short when his plane crashed. The first in Britain. Here he was also the first.

Arkady Strugatsky (August 28, 1925 – 1991)

Soviet writer, translator. Screenwriter. In collaboration with his brother, Boris Strugatsky, he created works in the genres of science and social fiction, recognized as classics of 20th-century literature throughout the world. Arkady's father is the editor of the Batumi newspaper "Trudovoy Adzharistan", his mother is a school literature teacher. In 1942, the war overtook the family in besieged Leningrad, from where Arkady and his father were evacuated along the “road of life,” while his mother remained with his brother Boris, who was ill, in the city. Later, Arkady managed to take them out of captivity. He graduated from the Berdievsky Infantry School, then from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​with a degree in translator from Japanese and English. Later he worked by profession in the army, teaching languages ​​at the Kansk officer school. He has been a member of the USSR Writers' Union since 1964.

Signature works:“Monday Begins on Saturday”, “Roadside Picnic”, “It’s Hard to Be God”, “Inhabited Island” and others.

Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 – 2009)

American pop artist, considered No. 1 in this genre. Jackson, as a true music enthusiast, changed the way millions of people view the performing arts. His albums and individual compositions have remained popular for decades, sound unusual and make the heart beat to the beat of the music. Jackson borrowed a lot from famous musicians in the genres of hip-hop, post-disco, R&B, pop and rock, creating his own unique and fascinating style. Michael Jackson is the owner of such titles as “King of pop”, “Artist of the Decade, Century and Millennium” and others. He is recognized as the "Most Successful Artist of All Time". Creator of the famous moonwalk and robot dance. This is the very case when it’s worth watching the videos for the author’s songs, because in them Michael revealed himself as a talented choreographer.

Ilya Repin (1844 – 1930)

Talented Russian painter. Representative of the direction of realism. Ilya Repin was first trained by I.N. Kramskoy, then he studied artistic craft at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In his works, the master reflected a wide range of Russian life of an entire era, using stylistic techniques from various painting schools. Repin achieved his greatest rise in the 1880s. Many portraits of his contemporaries, historical and everyday themes - a rich heritage that is admired in art halls to this day. In the time of Ilya Repin, photography was not as widespread as it is today. That is why the paintings painted by the master amaze with their photographic accuracy. Thanks to them, people a century later have the opportunity to touch the past, as if frozen in amber, the true past of the country called Russia.

Ilya Repin, birthday: August 5

From the instructions of I. E. Repin:

Look more, draw longer, write easier.

Expression is more valuable than anything.

Nothing extra.

Look for the meeting of large planes.

Knowing of limits! Knowing of limits!

The body must be a body, water must be water.

As it happened, stop.

Text: Ivan Natanov