What essential oil to use to strengthen nails. Essential oils for strengthening nails Base oils for nails

Many are wondering what to choose to strengthen nails; oil in this case will be the ideal solution. Regular procedures will give your hands health. Essential oils are very rich in vitamins. They will be able to strengthen nails, restore tenderness to the skin. There are a huge number of recipes from which you can choose the best option.

Daily nail care

It is recommended to use essential oils for nail strengthening daily. The skin of the hands and the nail plate are exposed to detergents, temperature changes, which negatively affect their condition. Under such conditions, daily hand care is needed. For these purposes, it is recommended to use oils:

  • roses;
  • fennel;
  • grapefruit;
  • geraniums;
  • leuzea;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • tangerine;
  • neroli;
  • bergamot;
  • peach;
  • macadamia;
  • pumpkin;
  • almond;
  • ylang-ylang,
  • lavender.

The oil must be applied every evening to the nail plate and rubbed in with massage movements. Before the procedure, you should remove the varnish from the nails, otherwise the effect will be small. The first results can be obtained within 2 weeks. Hands will look more well-groomed, there will be no burrs, and nails will become stronger. If there is a goal to strengthen nails or restore their structure after building, then oils are best suited for this:

  • myrrh;
  • lemon;
  • rosemary;
  • almonds;
  • chamomile;
  • tea tree;
  • sandal.

They should also be rubbed in every evening. The effect will be visible after 3 weeks. It is very important not to paint your nails with varnish during the treatment, then the recovery process will take place much faster.

For nail care, you can make a universal remedy. To prepare it, you need to mix 100 ml of base oil (macadamia, avocado, chamomile, almond, apricot) and 3 drops of essential oil (rosemary, bergamot, geranium, tea tree).

The product must be applied with massage movements every night. If there is a suspicion of a fungal disease, it is best to add tea tree oil to the product. It will help to cope with this disease at an early stage, since it contains bactericidal components that help fight various infections.

From a mixture of oils, you can prepare an agent that has a strengthening, regenerating effect. A mixture of sage, chamomile, lavender and lemon will help restore healthy nails. The ingredients are taken in equal amounts and mixed with 5 ml of the base. The product is recommended to be applied to the nail plate every evening for 2 weeks. The condition of the nails will improve markedly.

A remedy made from frankincense, patchouli and nutmeg oils has a good regenerating effect. They should be added to the base oil in 2 drops. The mixture is applied to the nails with massage movements before going to bed.

You can make oil compresses. They will help to restore the nail plate in a short time. Such procedures are shown for those whose hands and nails are damaged. First you need to make a sea salt bath. Then an oil mixture is applied to the tampon, it is applied to the nails for 15 minutes. The procedure is best done at night. After the procedure, you should wear cotton gloves on your hands to consolidate the effect.

Baths for strengthening nails

To keep the nails always healthy, it is recommended to do baths twice a week. 3-5 drops of any essential oil should be added to the water. It should be no more than 40 ° C. This temperature will allow the oils to “open up” and maximize their beneficial properties.

It is also recommended to add 10 g of sea salt to the bath. Keep your hands in water for no more than 20 minutes. After the procedure, you can use a cream or rub any oil into the nail plate. Baths are necessary when carrying out a manicure, it will be possible to quickly put your hands in order, and they will look more well-groomed.

If the skin of the hands has become rough, then in this case, contrasting procedures can be used. For them, you need to prepare 2 trays with a few drops of oils. First, you should dip your hands in cold water, and then in hot water. You need to repeat such actions 10 times. Then you can dry your hands and apply a nourishing cream.

Essential oil creams

Essential oils will help improve store-bought creams; you can independently prepare a vitamin product that will transform your nails and skin of your hands.

If you want to improve an existing cosmetic product, you just need to add a few drops of any oil and mix everything well. It is recommended to use the product daily, applying it with massage movements on the nails and skin of the hands. After a few weeks, the result will be visible, moreover, it is very easy to do a manicure after using such a cream. There will be no burrs, and the cuticle will become soft.
You can also make a homemade cream, the effect of using it will be even better. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 50 g butter;
  • 10 ml of chamomile infusion;
  • 10 g of honey;
  • 10 ml of base oil;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang, geranium and hyssop oils.

You will need to combine honey, infusion, butter and base oil in a container and heat everything in a water bath. Then the mixture is cooled, the remaining ingredients are gradually introduced into it. The cream is ready to use.

Do not forget that brittle nails are often the result of a lack of vitamins, so oils alone cannot solve the problem. You need to include in your diet more dairy products, vegetables, fruits. It is advisable to take a course of calcium-containing preparations. If you act on the problem from the inside, you will be able to solve it much faster.

To look like a real lady, you need to have good taste and choose a complete stylish image, hairstyle, makeup, fragrance. You should also take care of many nuances: posture, gait, facial expressions, gestures and manners. In addition, great attention must be paid to the beauty and health of hair, face and body skin.

Hand and nail care is equally important. Often it is the hands that give out the woman's age, and overgrown cuticles, hangnails and peeling nails will not add charm to the image. Experts in the field of fashion, style and beauty agree that well-groomed hands are the hallmark of any woman, regardless of her age.

Comprehensive hand care should not be limited to the use of creams, masks, scrubs and visits to the manicure office, especially if the nails are naturally fragile or weakened due to other reasons.

There are a lot of them, ranging from the impact of external aggressive factors (hard chlorinated water, chemical detergents, decorative varnishes and liquids for their removal) and ending, perhaps, the most common - a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, which play a key role in maintaining health and beauty of nails.

In this case, special complexes designed to strengthen the nail plates will come to the rescue. In addition to taking vitamin preparations, an important part of the care is cosmetic procedures: baths, masks and care products, for example, oil for cuticle and nails "Opi". There are two types of cuticles:

  • Dead is a keratinized and dead layer of skin cells. It is she who is carefully removed without harm to the nails at home or in salons during sessions of classic edged manicure.
  • A live cuticle is a thin section of skin located at the base of the nail plate and pressed tightly against it. It performs an important function of protecting the nail growth zone from bacteria, infections and foreign bodies. She needs careful care.

Special products nourish, soften, heal and moisturize the cuticle, prevent the appearance of hangnails. They also help to strengthen the nail plates, eliminate brittleness, prevent their delamination and cracking.

The benefits of vitamins and minerals for nails and cuticles

The caring products contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth of nails, giving them strength, maintaining a healthy color, structure and attractive appearance. These products have strengthening, healing, moisturizing and softening properties due to their rich vitamin composition:

  1. Vitamin A stimulates the formation and growth of nails, maintains their healthy structure, prevents thinning and curvature of the nail plate.
  2. Vitamins of group B are important for almost everything, but especially B1, B2, B5 and B9. They regulate metabolic processes, the growth rate of nails and their strength. Vitamin B1 is involved in the synthesis of keratin, the main component that makes up the nail plate.
  3. Vitamins C and E strengthen nails, protect them from aggressive external influences, prevent dryness, brittleness and changes in the structure of the nail plate.
  4. Vitamin H prevents splitting of nails, discoloration and cracking.
  5. Vitamin PP promotes the regeneration of the nail plate and its plasticity.
  6. Vitamin D promotes the formation of nails and supports the absorption of calcium, an element essential for the mineralization and growth of bones, teeth and nails.

In addition to calcium, other minerals are needed for the beauty and health of nails:

  • Iodine and fluorine ensure optimal metabolic processes.
  • Zinc prevents cuticle inflammation and promotes the growth of the nail plate.
  • Iron prevents brittle nails and makes them stronger.
  • Silicon and magnesium are part of the nail tissue.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant.

Lack of trace elements and vitamins can cause serious malfunctions of the body, as well as lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to the lack of vitamins, the nail plates become dull, brittle and fragile, begin to exfoliate and deform.

Today on sale you can find a wide variety of nail care products, which differ in their composition. But quality products certainly contain natural vegetable oils that are good for nails and cuticles.

What oils are most beneficial?

Both the cuticle and nails are constantly growing, therefore, their care should be regular. Natural oils with a rich vitamin and mineral composition are effective means of caring for nail plates, live cuticles and skin of the hands. These products provide targeted action:

  1. Make weak and dull nails strong and shiny.
  2. Eliminate inflammation of the nail fold.
  3. Strengthens thin and brittle nails and promotes their growth.
  4. Protects against the negative effects of chlorinated water and detergents.
  5. Restores nails and returns shine to the nail plate.
  6. They have a calming and antiseptic effect.
  7. Nourish and moisturize the live cuticle.
  8. Microtrauma heals after a trim manicure.
  9. Prevents the appearance and development of fungus.

Typically, care products are composed of plant base oils and essential oils with added vitamins. Most often, manufacturers use burdock, almond, cedar, olive, coconut, jojoba, avocado, as well as peach, apricot or grape seeds as base oils.

If we are talking about healthy nails, maintaining their condition, moisturizing, softening and nourishing, then all of the above base oils can be used in their pure form, applying to the nail plate and rubbing with light massaging movements into the bases of the nails and cuticles.

Burdock and olive oil are perfect for your daily basic care. The most effective emollient is apricot kernel oil and sweet almond oil. They moisturize and soften dry, rough cuticles and promote hangnail healing.

Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails are lemon, petitgrain, myrrh, rosemary, tea tree, bergamot. In addition to them, vitamins A and E may be included in the composition of the funds.

Essential oils are very concentrated substances and cannot be applied neat to nails. In industrial products, they are included in a certain percentage of the base oils. The dosage indicated by the manufacturer should also be adhered to when preparing products from oils for the care of nails and cuticles on your own.

Making nail oil at home

The caring composition can be made by hand. It will not take much time and will not require large material costs. In addition, using natural ingredients, you will be sure of the naturalness and quality of your own product.

In order to make oil for the care of cuticles and nails, firstly, you need to decide on its composition. The beauty of handmade cosmetics is the individual approach. You can make for yourself a product that is right for you and will have the required functional load:

  • moisturize, soften and nourish the cuticle;
  • strengthen brittle and weak nails;
  • heal the formed barbs;
  • whiten nail plates;
  • heal the cuticle after a trim manicure;
  • prevent brittle and flaking nails.

When choosing oils that you will include in your own means of making, consider the beneficial effect that they have:

  1. Castor oil promotes nail growth and softens the cuticles.
  2. Jojoba oil protects nails and skin from damage and aggressive exposure to chemicals (varnishes, solvents, detergents).
  3. Coconut nourishes, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with vitamins.
  4. Wheat germ oil, rich in vitamin E, protects the cuticle from drying out, restores its elasticity, and also prolongs the shelf life of the oil product.

Essential oils are highly concentrated. They should be added to the mixture in a small percentage: 1 drop of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of base oil - for prophylactic agents and 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of basic oil - for medicinal formulations. In addition, they have a narrower focus:

  • Tea tree oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic component in the care of inflamed cuticles.
  • Rosemary oil promotes cell regeneration and repair of damaged skin.
  • Grapefruit will help relieve redness and inflammation.
  • It is recommended to use lavender and eucalyptus oil for burrs and infectious lesions.
  • Thyme oil is one of the best products for softening the cuticle and increasing its elasticity.
  • Cedar, pine and sandalwood have a strengthening effect.
  • Ylang Ylang Oil repairs and strengthens fragile nails.
  • Citrus whitens the nail plate and gives it shine.

Essential and base oils in the blends complement and enhance each other's action. Taking into account the beneficial properties of each of them, as well as the condition of the nails and cuticles, you can make an individual product that performs the necessary tasks. Or use one of these basic recipes:

  1. For daily care: 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon of grape seed oil, 3 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 capsule of liquid vitamin E.
  2. To repair damaged cuticles: 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  3. To heal cuticles and strengthen nails: 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of peach seed oil, 1 teaspoon of almond oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil, 1 capsule of liquid vitamin E.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications to the use of natural oils for nail and cuticle care is an individual intolerance or allergic reaction to one of the components. To make sure that there is no allergy to the composition, a tolerance test must be performed.

To do this, a drop of the product is applied to the area with the most sensitive skin (the bend of the elbow or wrist). In the absence of discomfort, redness and itching, the product can be used for its intended purpose, lubricating the nail plates and cuticles with it. It will not be superfluous to follow simple rules and recommendations:

  1. When purchasing a product of industrial production, pay attention not only to its composition, but also to the packaging - a bottle with a dispenser or a brush, like Eveline nail oil, is more convenient to use.
  2. To make the oil mixture at home, use high-quality natural ingredients with a good shelf life.
  3. Store your own preparation in a glass container in a cool, dark place.
  4. Apply cuticle and nail oil 1-2 times a week or daily in courses of 3-4 weeks.
  5. Do not add too much of the mixture right away. 10-15 ml will be enough - this will last for about 3 months.
  6. Do not apply the composition to your nails before polishing them or before building them up.
  7. Do not use the mixture if you have skin wounds or deep cuts.

Regularly applying natural oils, "factory" or homemade, in two to three weeks, you will begin to notice positive changes in the condition of nails and cuticles. In combination with vitamin preparations, natural oils will strengthen the nail plate, make it strong and shiny, and the cuticle elastic and healthy.

The woman decided to give up nail polish for a while, which means that this is “zhzhzhzh” for a reason, as the cartoon character reasonably said. This means that there are problems with the condition of the nails, and they need rest. But you should not do with one rest, when there is an opportunity for effective treatment.

Causes of nail problems

Painful phenomena - fragility, delamination, dullness, roughness - can be caused by various factors:

  • - exposure to the same varnishes and enamels, nail polish removers, detergents, nail extensions;
  • - metabolic disorders;
  • - lack of vitamins.

First of all, it is important to find out the reason for the unwanted changes. If the problem lies in the medical plane, with proper treatment, the condition of the nails will also normalize. If you suspect vitamin deficiency, it is enough to take a course of vitamins for nails and hair, while switching to the so-called “smart” medicinal varnishes, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies.

Often nails "fly" after pregnancy, after intensive treatment of any disease, after prolonged use of hormonal drugs. Here vitamins and time will help - you need to wait until the body recovers.

In the case when the nails have lost their structure, shape and color due to excessive chemical exposure, there is nothing more effective than essential oils for strengthening nails in any form - baths, applications, rubbing.

Choosing an essential oil

The easiest and shortest way to heal is to regularly rub in pure aroma oils or mixtures of them into your nails. Eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, rosemary, and ylang-ylang oils are called among the most effective "healers" for nails and hair. Basic, or transport, oils are:

  • - olive;
  • - almond;
  • - jojoba.

Usually 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil are added to 10 ml of the base. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it until it is completely absorbed. This is both rubbing and massage at the same time: let's not forget that many active bio-points are concentrated at the fingertips, which are responsible for vital organs.

It should be borne in mind that different nail strengthening essential oils are used for different problems. For example, in case of fragility, it is recommended to focus on oils:

  • - eucalyptus;
  • - chamomile;
  • - patchouli;
  • - sandal;
  • - bergamot;
  • - tea tree.

For layered nails, lemon, rosemary, myrrh will help. 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base is the standard ratio. There is an excellent universal recipe for a mixture that can be prepared for future use, for one course of treatment, and for a course of prophylaxis: for 50 ml of jojoba oil - three drops of rose, fir and lemon oils, use the mixture until it ends. Apply it like a varnish with a soft brush every day. The effect will exceed all expectations.

Since each of the essential oils has its own universal properties, it will not be superfluous to know which oil to use in a particular case.

Ylang Ylang will help to cope with the thinning of the nail plate. Bergamot helps wonderfully when nails become weak, break, seemingly for no reason. If you regularly use grooming masks and rosemary baths, you will soon notice that your nails begin to grow faster.

Geranium oil will affect not only the nail plate itself, but also the cuticle. When doing a manicure, we either cut or move the cuticle. However, we can only treat this way with its surface layer, which contains already dead cells. Deeper layers "lie" behind the nail socket. They need care and regular hydration. The cuticle plays the role of a "protector" from the penetration of pathogens and bacteria. Therefore, you also need to "look after" her. Celandine oil has antiseptic properties - this is exactly what we need. Geranium oil moisturizes well.

Burdock and castor oils stimulate the growth of marigolds, make them stronger and more resistant to external influences. And if you start using orange oil on a regular basis, you will notice that your nails began to shine, and without the use of any "special means".

Effective recipes

Masks for marigolds can be done at home often, because they do not require the purchase of expensive funds and do not take much time. While you are sitting, immersing your fingers in the nutrient mixture, you can dream and relax: so a mask or bath will have a double effect, strengthening both the nails and the nervous system.

An excellent mask is obtained using three components - oils:

  • - red pepper;
  • - lemon;
  • - myrrh.

To them you need to add a teaspoon of sea salt (or ordinary, if there is no sea salt) and rub the composition into the marigolds for 3 minutes. A couple of times a week will be enough to strengthen your nails.

You can take a ripe tomato, knead it, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. Sit with your fingers in the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Is it boring to sit just like that? Then we will give our nails a mini-massage: take a pinch of sea salt and start rubbing it into the nails. Then we melt a piece of beeswax and, combining it with 4 drops of grape seed oil (more is possible, because this is a base oil, it can be used in its pure form), we continue the massage. This procedure can be done every 15 days.

Essential oil baths

Women who take proper care of themselves regularly pamper their nails with baths with the addition of aromatic oils. There are a lot of recipes, here is one of them. Pour a tablespoon of almond oil into a bowl and add 2-3 drops of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and bergamot. Hold your fingers in this mixture, then put on cotton gloves and do not remove for two hours. It can be even easier: dip your fingers into warmed olive oil and sit for half an hour. Nails will be grateful for such care.

You can make a sour cream bath. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of any oil (depending on the problem that needs to be dealt with) in fat sour cream. After holding it in the hand for about 15 minutes, rinse off, apply the cream.

You can make baths with sea salt. They have a firming and healing effect.

To make your nails transparent, even, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into a spoonful of olive oil and hold your hands in the mixture for a while.

In your daily routine, nail strengthening essential oils can simply be found in your favorite hand cream. One of the options: add three drops of lemon and eucalyptus and five drops of lavender to a jar of cream, mix and use as usual in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When planning your grooming procedures, try to choose a time when no one bothers you, because you need to stand for at least 15 minutes so that the beneficial components of the mask or bath can be absorbed and begin to work. Before using the masks, it is imperative to remove the varnish, treat the cuticle, prepare a moisturizing cream, with which you will lubricate your hands after the caring procedure.

And a few more tips for every day.

Poor nail condition often signals a malfunction in the body. Malnutrition is bound to leave its mark. In case of problems with nails, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, milk, cheese, natural gelatin is very useful - these are everyone's favorite aspic, jellied meat, jelly.

Foods with a high content of iron, iodine, silicon, sulfur, vitamins A and B are vital - these are absolutely all green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, liver, vegetable oil, egg yolk. Tasty and healthy, and most importantly - nothing special, this is a familiar set of products for our table. Cheers.

Health indicator - the condition of the nail plates. All negative changes in the body are reflected in their quality. Avitaminosis, hypervitaminosis, chronic and infectious diseases in the acute stage, hormonal changes - pregnancy and lactation - the nails weaken and become soft or brittle.

But even after the immunity is stabilized and health comes to relative well-being, it is necessary to deal with nails for a long time. Oil mixtures help to cope with problematic capricious nail plates in a short time. Applications, impregnations and masks with oils strengthen the “hand decoration”, soften and tone.

What are the best remedies for strengthening and growing nails faster?

Burdock oil for nails is used for increased fragility and dullness of the plates, prevents their separation, strengthens the cuticle, protects against the introduction of fungal flora and stimulates growth.

  • To get rid of brittleness, you need to rub 2 drops of oil daily into problem areas and wear rubber gloves for 15 minutes so that the product is completely absorbed.
  • It is no less effective to make baths based on the base product, heating it in a water bath and adding sea salt. 15 minutes a day of quiet relaxation with your fingertips dipped in the tub and your nails to be envied.

Castor oil

Castor oil is used for the care of hands and nails, it has antioxidant, rejuvenating and tonic properties, and is a natural antiseptic.

To protect the cuticle from irritation, it is enough to use the following tool: mix burdock and castor oils in equal parts, apply generously to the fingertips, and leave for 5-7 minutes. In the future, the manicure will be absolutely painless - even if the master is not experienced enough, it will be possible to move the cuticle away without difficulty.

The nail growth mask can be combined with oil hand wraps using the following ingredients:

  • castor and burdock oil in equal amounts, for example, 1.5 tablespoons;
  • aloe gel in the amount of a teaspoon or a tablespoon of fresh juice of this plant;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

The mixture is applied to the hands, first put on cotton gloves, then latex gloves for insulation. After 20-30 minutes, the remainder of the unabsorbed product is washed off with warm water, and a few drops of castor oil are again applied to the brushes instead of cream.

Need to whiten a nail plate that has turned yellow after handling chemicals or due to regular smoking? Castor oil will come to the rescue again. A tablespoon of sea salt, 10 drops of iodine and 2 tablespoons of castor oil are added to the juice from a medium lemon. Daily 15 minute baths for 2 weeks, and you can safely do a French manicure.

Almond oil

Almond oil is so useful for strengthening nails and eliminating cuticle irritation that it can often be found in cosmetic stores along with manicure devices - varnishes, fixatives and other products - already packaged in a bottle with a brush.

Under its influence, the cuticle becomes thinner, becomes more delicate and obedient, the nail plate acquires a healthy shine and stops cracking. If the manicure is done frequently, the nails and fingertips need regular nourishment.

Almond oil hand bath:

  • 1 tablespoon base;
  • a teaspoon - oil products - castor and wheat germ;
  • 3 drops of essential oils - lemon and calendula.

Mix with 300 g of warm water and make a 10-minute bath - the skin on the hands will be like silk.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil for nails is used in case of inflammation of the nail fold. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, helps to stop the development of inflammatory processes.

To cure a pronounced inflammatory process, the base product - 1 tablespoon - is mixed with an essential product - 2 drops of tea tree or chamomile.

Is the cuticle red and swollen, and the nail plate brittle and flaking? Mix a tablespoon of avocado oil with 3 drops of ylang ylang or lemon essential oil. Apply daily for 10-12 days, and after fixing the problem, after each manicure.

Linseed oil

Is linseed oil used to strengthen nails? Yes, but only inside. If the nail plate is far from perfect, exfoliates, is too soft, then linseed oil is the best medicine.

This natural product contains an easily digestible complex of vitamins and acids, its chemical composition is very rich:

  • oleic, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids (Omega-3);
  • vitamins A, E, K and F;
  • fatty acid.

An additional bonus of a two-month regular daily intake of the drug is weight loss, an increase in the tone of the walls of blood vessels, a decrease in the possibility of hemorrhoids and its treatment, an acceleration of intestinal metabolism, and a decrease in cholesterol.

If it is more convenient to take a fortifying medicine in the morning, drink 1 tablespoon, during the day - 3 times a teaspoon.

It is irrational to use flax oil as an external remedy. It quickly loses its beneficial properties under light and releases phenol, a very dangerous compound that has a detrimental effect on living cells of all organic systems of the human body.

Jojoba oil

Pure jojoba oil has no effect on the health of nails. However, when combined with vitamin E, the effectiveness increases so much that it has a beneficial effect not only on the outer part of the nail plate, but also on its base.

First, the fingertips are covered with a brush with an oil product, and then a thick layer of vitamin E is applied to them - you can buy it in liquid form or extract it from capsules. The composition should not be washed, it is perfectly absorbed. After such treatment, damaged nails grow back healthy.

Essential oils for nail growth

For the growth of nails, such products are not used in their pure form. They evaporate quickly, have such an active effect that, if they come into contact with the skin, they can cause irritation, as from a burn, and injure the nail plate.

Essential oil is not used as a medicine; it is an activator of beneficial properties that enhances the effect of beneficial ingredients.

Moreover, it itself has a healing effect, so you need to know in which case which etheric product is used:

  • brittle nails and the inflammatory process of the cuticle are stopped by the essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree or lavender;
  • an increase in the hardness of the nail plate - essential agents of grapefruit, lemon, calendula, eucalyptus;
  • you need to whiten and give a healthy shine - lemon, orange, myrrh, lime, rosemary;
  • relieve fungal infection - sandalwood, rosemary, tea tree, chamomile;
  • for prevention, it is enough to use ylang-ylang, bergamot, chamomile, roses.

One drop on a nail file, and the surface to be cut is sterilized, as if under the action of an alcohol-containing antiseptic.

Every woman of the fair sex has at least once faced the problem of brittle or peeling nails. This problem especially torments us with vitamin deficiency. But there are other reasons. In this article, we will discuss why nails become weak and brittle and find out which nail oil is suitable.

We will also consider the stages of nail care and easy recipes so that the manicure remains perfect. Using the recommendations, you will not only make your nails beautiful, but also the skin of your hands.

By using oils, you will get rid of nail problems. But knowing the reason for the fragility, the use of popular councils will be much more effective. In addition, the reason may lie in internal diseases. Remember, treat not the symptoms, but the cause.

  1. The first reason is vitamin deficiency. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, the nails exfoliate, become weak, lose color. This often happens in the spring and fall.
  2. Diseases are the cause. This topic is extensive, the shape of the nails, color, relief, foliation indicate problems with organs, hormonal imbalance.
  3. Exposure to the nail plate with chemicals, acetone. This can be nail polish remover, detergent, dishwashing detergent, etc.
  4. makes nails brittle, lifeless, yellow. As corny as it sounds, smoking is also harmful here.
  5. Permanent coating with bright varnishes, gel varnishes, acrylics negatively affects the nails.
  6. Improper or insufficient care will create many problems for you. This includes the wrong file, nail care products. Don't forget to take care of your cuticles. And you don't need to do this.
  7. Heredity is the cause of brittle nails.

Nail care oils

Use oils in their pure form or as an additive to creams, masks, c. Know that each oil is famous for its effect and solves certain problems. There are a lot of oils used in cosmetology.

Let's dive into this fragrant and healing world of oils. There are essential oils that strengthen the nail. These are oils of tea tree, myrrh, rosemary, verbena, lemon, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood.

Tea tree helps to get rid of nail fungus and other diseases. Lemon whitens the nail, gives shine, has an antibacterial effect.

Bergamot restores thin nails, nails after extensions and other procedures. Rosemary aids growth and is an antiseptic. Eucalyptus retains moisture in the nail and has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to essential oils, vegetable oils are used. In addition to strengthening the nail, these oils provide many more beneficial effects:

  • Olive fights nail flaking.
  • Castor oil moisturizes and softens the cuticle.
  • Jojoba oil will save from delamination and brittleness, fights against unevenness of the nail plate.
  • Lemon protects the nail.
  • Almond oil nourishes marigolds with vitamins and fights flaking.
  • Burdock restores nails.
  • Hazelnut restores, fights brittleness, lamination, gives protection and stabilizes the growth of the nail.
  • Peach protects, nourishes and regenerates the nail. In addition, the nail immediately acquires a shine and healthy appearance.
  • Orange nail oil - protects against fungus.

Essential oil is rarely used in its pure form, it can cause burns, as it penetrates deep into the tissues. Therefore, they are often used with vegetable oils, which are called base oils.

As we have already said, the oil is rubbed in its pure form into the cuticle and nail plate. Take any oil that suits you and massage it into the nail itself, cuticle and growth zone.

Baths for nails with oils

Do hand baths with oils on a regular basis. You will need a little oil, 3-5 drops of any essential oil from the list will be enough for a bath.

Remember that the water temperature is about 40 degrees, and do the bath for 15 minutes, then you will achieve a good effect. In addition to strengthening nails, hands will become velvety, soft and pleasant.

Such baths are done 1-2 times a week. The course lasts 3 months, because the nail plate is renewed during this time. Check ingredients for allergic reactions before the procedure.

After the bath, apply a moisturizing cream to the nails and skin of the hands, this will enhance the effect.

Iodine baths are also popular. Add 5 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine to vegetable oil. The liquid should be warm. In no case do not use iodine in its pure form, it will only harm, and so it will be beneficial.

Add vinegar to the vegetable oil. Take a quarter cup each of oil and apple cider vinegar, stir, and dip your nails into the mixture. Do the bath for 10 minutes.

For a bath for brittle nails, take 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, a glass of water and 2-3 drops of essential oils from the list.

Remember that if you have cuts, abrasions or wounds near your nails, do not take a bath with salt or fruit juice.

Compresses with oils

Use mashed potatoes to make the compress. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and 5 drops of essential oil to it. Apply the mixture to a napkin and apply to the nail, hold for 15 minutes. You can remove potatoes from such a compress.

Ointments and creams with oils

The cream is prepared quickly at home. The creams are tested and the ingredients are easy to find.

  • For the cream you will need 50 grams. butter, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tsp. base oil. Melt the ingredients in a water bath. When the cream has cooled, drip 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium oils. You need to store such a cream in the refrigerator, and use it 2 times a day.
  • For the second recipe, mix 1 tsp. petroleum jelly and 0.5 tsp. olive oil, mix and add 5 drops of vitamins A and E to this mixture. Rub the ointment into the base of the nail 3 times a day. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. Such a mixture will strengthen nails, accelerate growth, and eliminate flaking.

Nail masks with oils

  • Remove the pulp from one tomato and add 1 tsp to this mass. almond oil and 1 tsp. l. olive oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mask to your nails and rinse off after 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a cream mask. To do this, boil the egg, you only need the yolk. Melt some beeswax in a water bath. Add the crumbled yolk and peach butter until a thick paste. You need to rub your nails before bed.

Nail care rules

  • The first rule is regularity. It's like in a gym, if you do it at random, there will be no effect.
  • Don't choose iron nail files. Glass or ceramic nail files will do. You need to file the nail in one direction, otherwise it will begin to exfoliate.
  • Keep track of the length of your nails. Reaching a certain length, they break and exfoliate, every girl notices this. Trim your nails in a timely manner, and smooth sharp corners with a file.
  • Pay attention to the color of your nails and bleach regularly, but not more than 7 days in a row. For such purposes, a lemon is suitable.
  • Do the nail baths and procedures we talked about today.
  • Monitor the condition of the cuticle, lubricate with oil and massage. It is not recommended to move the cuticle aside, let alone cut it, because it protects the nail from infection.
  • Let's take a break from nail polish and build-up.
  • Exercise with your fingers. This will improve the blood flow and nutrition of the nail, accelerate growth. If you are typing on the keyboard, this is great, if not, tap your fingers on the table.

When you talk to someone, come to an interview, or go to the store, people pay attention to your hands and nails. I bet that you yourself felt uncomfortable more than once when you realized that you forgot to get a manicure. Take care of the nails in a timely manner, and the oils will help you in this.