How to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse. How to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse: how and when to fertilize plants. Temperature and humidity

Cucumber is a healthy and beloved vegetable by many. There are many varieties of it, for growing in the open field and greenhouse. To get a good crop of cucumbers, the plant must receive a large amount of minerals and vitamins from the soil. When grown outdoors, the problem of fertilizing the soil is solved in a natural way (rainfall, earthworms, etc.). In a greenhouse, the fertile soil layer is depleted over time, and greenhouse plants need to be fed, cucumbers are no exception. In this article, we will consider the main types of feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse.

By growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can achieve high yields by creating favorable artificial conditions. The main secrets of the yield of cucumbers in the greenhouse are fertile soil and plant nutrition.

Initially, to prevent plant disease, it is necessary:

  • Disinfect the soil and structures of the greenhouse with a solution of bleach.
  • The production of these works should be done in the fall.
  • In the spring, the soil is additionally disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, organic matter is introduced into the soil. This contributes to the active and abundant formation of inflorescences. To prevent burns and plant death, care should be taken to ensure that organic matter does not get on the plants themselves and their root system.

Do you think that if the soil is fertile, then cucumbers do not need any fertilizer?


Top dressing of cucumbers is best done after sunset or early in the morning, this will help prevent various fungal diseases.

For abundant growth and fruiting of cucumbers, the following chemical elements are necessary:

  1. nitrogen;
  2. potassium;
  3. phosphorus;
  4. calcium;
  5. magnesium.

To replenish the vitamin-mineral composition in the soil, top dressing is used:

  • mineral fertilizers;
  • organic fertilizers.

According to the method of feeding, they are divided into:

  • root;
  • foliar.

Feeding cucumbers for the season can be divided into four stages:

  1. At the stage of seedling preparation.
  2. When landing.
  3. During flowering plants.
  4. During fruiting.

Seedling preparation stage

The best way to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse is seedlings:

  • A month before transplanting, seeds are sown in a greenhouse on a separate plot of soil, in plastic pots or boxes.
  • Before sowing, compost or cow dung and a little ash are added to the soil.
  • Seeds are not laid very deep, otherwise the cucumbers will germinate for a long time. After the emergence of shoots, it is possible to fertilize the plant with special ready-made fertilizers.
  • Plants are planted on beds in a greenhouse, after the formation of several pairs of leaves and the growth of shoots of about 30 cm.

Only old rotted manure is introduced into the soil. Fresh cow dung and bird droppings can burn the root system of a plant due to the high concentration of urea and nitrogen in it.


The first top dressing can be done immediately after planting the plant. But it is worth holding out for several days (from 3 to 7) so that the plant tolerates the transplant well and takes root. After planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can fertilize them with top dressing, which consists of superphosphate, chicken or cow manure, ammonium nitrate.

Ammonium nitrate increases the amount of nitrates in cucumbers, when using it, you must strictly follow the instructions and concentration.

The best top dressings for seedlings of cucumbers when transplanted in a greenhouse are special fertilizers that are designed for this type of plant and practically do not contain nitrate nitrogen.

During flowering

For abundant flowering, cucumbers need phosphorus. Potassium, in turn, helps minerals move more actively through the plant. Before flowering and immediately during it, a mullein solution is used, to which superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for over 30 years

The frequency of this top dressing is every two weeks. It is possible to replace the mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate with nitrophoska. Ready-made specialized fertilizers are also well suited for this.

During fruiting

During fruiting, cucumbers take all the nutrients from the soil and special attention must be paid to top dressing. After the ovary of the first cucumbers, it is necessary to increase the amount of magnesium and potassium in feeding, and reduce nitrogen. Potassium nitrate and nitrophoska are considered the best fertilizers during this period. Many gardeners recommend alternating mineral complexes with organic matter.

Store dressing for cucumbers in the greenhouse

How to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse? The most popular ready-made store dressings are:

  1. "Agricola";
  2. "Spring";
  3. "Vegetable";
  4. "Good power";
  5. "FERTIKA Cucumber crystal".

Agricola is a water-soluble mineral fertilizer for feeding cucumbers.

The main characteristics of the fertilizer "Agricola":
Consumption rate 25 g per 10 l of water per 10-25 m2
Chemical characteristics
Release form powder
Operation (application)
Usage method 25 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The prepared fertilizer is enough for 10-25 m 2 of soil, depending on the method of processing. The first top dressing is carried out when the second pair of leaves appears during the sowing method of planting or 5-7 days after planting the seedlings. The treatment interval is 1 time per week.
Weight 50 g
Add. substances NPK 13:20:20 + MgO + trace elements

"Rodnichok" is a specialized mineral fertilizer for feeding cucumbers.

"Vegetable" - mineral fertilizer for feeding cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash.

"Good Power" - a mineral preparation for fertilizing cucumbers, zucchini and squash.

"FERTIKA Cucumber Crystal" is a mineral fertilizer for growing pumpkin crops.

Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies

The main folk remedies for fertilizing cucumbers are the following folk remedies.

Yeast top dressing

For cooking, take 10 g of dry yeast, 0.5 kg of ash, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 9 liters of settled water. All components are mixed in a container and infused - 3-5 hours. Before use, top dressing must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 and applied 1 liter under each bush. It is advisable to carry out yeast top dressing 1-2 times per season, with an interval of 1 time in 14 days.


Ash is a universal fertilizer due to its high content of potassium, phosphorus and trace elements. Before planting seedlings, take 100 g of ash and pour it into the holes, after mixing it with the ground. Subsequently, before watering, the following fertilizer composition is applied: 2 kg of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Up to 2 liters of solution are poured under each bush. Such top dressing is used with an interval of 10-14 days.

Manure and bird droppings

Cucumber is very fond of fertilizer based on manure and bird droppings. They are rich in all the nutrients necessary for the full growth and development of the plant:

  1. To prepare fertilizer, take 10 kg of manure or bird droppings and 30-40 liters of water and insist 5-7 days.
  2. During fermentation, decomposition of uric acid occurs, which can burn the root system of the plant.
  3. The resulting fermented infusion is diluted with water in the proportion: mullein - 1:10, litter - 1:20. Top dressing is done once every two weeks, pouring up to 2 liters of fertilizer under each bush.

onion scales

Top dressing from onion peel can be used both for watering under the root and for spraying the plant. Spraying will additionally protect cucumbers from diseases. For cooking, take 20 g of husk and 5 liters of warm water and insist 4 days. Strain before use.

Bread infusions

To prepare a bread infusion, a bucket is half filled with bread or crackers and filled with water. Infused 12-14 hours. After the time has elapsed, the bread is kneaded, 10 ml of iodine is added to the infusion. Cucumbers are sprayed with the prepared solution by diluting it in a ratio of 1:10.

To obtain root dressing, bread is insisted for a week. Pre-moistened wells are watered, diluting the infusion 1 to 3. 1-1.5 liters of solution are poured under each bush. The interval is no more than once every 14 days.


You can also watch a video where an experienced gardener will talk about the recipe for effective top dressing for cucumbers grown in a greenhouse.

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, do not forget about top dressing. Each gardener independently chooses what kind of fertilizer it will be: mineral or organic. By choosing the right amount, type and alternation of dressings, favorable conditions are created for the growth of the plant, which will allow you to harvest a large crop of cucumbers.

Cucumber is a healthy vegetable rich in nutrients. It's no secret that fruits need to be nourished with vitamins and minerals from the soil. Unfortunately, over time, soils are depleted and therefore need to be maintained and restored. Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse is especially important. It is the key to their successful growth and rich harvest. Read about it in our article.

Signs of deficiency and excess of minerals

The greenhouse crop is negatively affected by both deficiency and excess of minerals. Fortunately, thanks to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, this process can be recognized.

A sign of a lack of potassium can be fruits that grow in the form of bulbs or hook cucumbers, as well as the presence of a light stripe along the edge of the leaves and their lethargy. You can restore the balance of the macroelement with the help of extraordinary watering with ash. With such a solution, you need to water the bushes under the root, and for each you need to spend at least a liter of fertilizer. You can use a remedy consisting of potassium phosphate in the proportion of a teaspoon per liter of water.

The lack of nitrogen is manifested in the narrowing of the tips of the fruit and the expansion of the peduncle. In addition, cucumbers may require nitrogen if their vines are depleted and the leaves become small.

A thin stalk of cucumbers is a sign of a lack of phosphorus. In addition, multi-colored shades may appear at the bottom of the leaves. The flowering period in plants that require phosphorus, as a rule, is delayed, and the fruits are tied very poorly. There is no excess of phosphorus in cucumbers.

Many gardeners who grow cucumbers in a greenhouse observe yellowing of the leaves of plants. Most often this is due to a lack of nitrogen or phosphorus. Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves may be high air temperature.

Damaged tops of the bushes, dying off of the tips of the lower leaves are signs of a lack of calcium.

Cucumbers with spotted leaves require top dressing with microelements.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the poor growth of cucumbers and the mineral with which they have a "problem", you can carry out a complex fertilizer containing various nutrients.

Top dressing schedule

There are certain schedules and principles of feeding, depending on the species. The main thing is to observe them and not to fertilize the plants too often.

Top dressing of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse under the root of the plant is carried out with several leaves on the stem. Saltpeter is an ideal fertilizer for cucumbers during this period. Three weeks after the first feeding, the next one occurs. At this time, cucumbers begin flowering and the formation of the first ovaries. Therefore, it is necessary to saturate the soil with ash and potassium using a mixture of chicken and mullein droppings.

Mineral fertilizers are a great alternative to organic fertilizers. Properly nourishing the soil means reducing the percentage of nitrogenous substances and increasing potassium.

After a couple of weeks, it is necessary to carry out the next feeding of greenhouse cucumbers with a solution of mullein (2.5 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The last feeding of vegetables occurs after half a month with the same solution. The effect of top dressing will increase if they are combined with watering.

Foliar top dressing is carried out differently, but it is no less important. With its help, you can increase the yield. In this case, you can feed both complex substances and individual elements. Solutions for plant nutrition are both chemical (which you can buy) and more natural, prepared at home (for example, urea diluted with water).

It is necessary to carry out top dressing of foliar type in four stages:

  • two weeks after planting cucumbers in the soil;
  • when inflorescences appear;
  • with the beginning of stable fruiting of the plant and during the ripening of cucumbers;
  • to extend the period of productivity and increase its volume.

Types of fertilizers

There are two main types of fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse with organic matter or minerals:

  • foliar;
  • root.

For good fruit growth for the whole summer, it is enough to spend three to four foliar top dressings. Fertilizers have some common features, but also differ in certain points.

One or another type of top dressing can be productively applied depending on summer weather conditions. So, for a cloudy summer with precipitation, the foliar method of fertilization is excellent, for hot and dry summers - the root method. At low temperatures, the plant cannot absorb nutrients through the root, so it is better to fertilize cucumbers by spraying.

Foliar fertilization is best done at night or during periods of high cloudiness. It is better to spray cucumbers with a good sprayer, as small drops are absorbed faster through the leaves.

Cucumbers are fed under the root during the period of good development of the root system of the plant. It is best to fertilize vegetables in this way immediately after watering.

A specific type of fertilizer by the root method is a yeast infusion. This diet is ideal for cucumbers. Fertilization with yeast promotes the growth of the plant and its fruits. It is this fertilizer that enriches cucumbers and soil with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Therefore, many gardeners use yeast infusion and recommend it to others. It should be borne in mind that you need to feed the yeast carefully. Otherwise, the plant can be harmed. It is best to fertilize with yeast in the dark or on a cool day.

Greenhouse cucumbers are fragrant, healthy and fresh. By following all the rules of feeding with organic matter, mineral fertilizers and yeast, you can nourish the plant with useful substances and get a rich harvest.

Video "Potassium fertilizers for cucumbers"

This video explains in detail what a lack or excess of potassium in the soil leads to. You will learn how to feed cucumbers with the mineral in sufficient quantities.

To get a good harvest of greenhouse cucumbers, it is necessary not only to clearly maintain the temperature and humidity conditions in the greenhouse, but also to provide the plants with all the nutrients they need for their life and fruiting. Cucumbers are plants with a very high growth and maturation rate, but at the same time, their root system rather weak, which is why the price of most mistakes is quite high - a loss in the quality and quantity of the crop obtained. The following minerals are most important for optimal growth and fruiting of cucumbers:

  • nitrogen; potassium; phosphorus.

Before moving on to consider the top dressings needed for cucumbers grown in a greenhouse, let's look at how to prepare the soil in a greenhouse for growing this vegetable crop.

Soil preparation in the greenhouse

Autumn preparation

After the crop has been harvested in the fall, it is very important to thoroughly clean the greenhouse from plant residues and dig up the soil. For disinfection, all metal, wooden parts, glass in greenhouses must be treated with a solution of bleach, which is bred 300 g per 10 liters of water, after which they insist about 3-4 hours. The aqueous part of the solution is used for spraying, and the sediment is used for treating cracks. Then the soil must be dug up, adding 1 bucket of rotted manure, humus or compost per square meter. After that, on 1m2, add 300-500 g dolomite flour or fluff lime, to reduce the acidity of the soil.

spring preparation

In the spring, the soil in the greenhouse is dug up again, bringing in for digging:

  • 20-30g of ammonium nitrate; 20g of potassium sulfate; 20-30g of superphosphate.

Fertilizers must be applied at least a week before planting cucumbers in the greenhouse. (See How to choose the right fertilizer for cucumbers) After the soil in the greenhouse has been fertilized and dug up, it must be carefully shed with warm water, it is possible with a small amount of potassium permanganate ( 1-3g per 10 liters of water), then cover with a thick transparent film, which is removed only before planting. Let's take a closer look at when and how to feed the cucumbers in the greenhouse so that the crop at the end of the season will please with its quality and quantity.

Top dressing of greenhouse cucumbers

Cucumbers grown in a greenhouse are fed 4-5 times during the summer season. During the development of shoots and leaves, this vegetable crop needs nitrogen fertilizers.

In the phase of flowering and fruit set, cucumbers need to be fed with fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. During active fruiting, cucumbers need potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

Based on the nutritional needs of cucumbers, it is necessary to plan and carry out fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse with various types of fertilizers. Important: any fertilizing in a greenhouse or greenhouse should be applied in small quantities, since cucumbers do not tolerate excess fertilizer. Cucumbers are best fed with aqueous solutions of fertilizers, which are more easily absorbed by plants. It is better to underfeed this crop than to overfeed with fertilizers.

Root top dressing

Cucumbers with third and fourth true leaves The first dressing of cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out when the plants already have 3 and 4 true leaves. For this top dressing, dilute in 10 liters of water:

  • 20-25 g of double superphosphate; 15-20 g of potassium sulfate, or 10-15 g of potassium chloride; 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate.

The resulting working solution is used to feed 10-15 plants. The next top dressing of cucumbers in a greenhouse or greenhouse is carried out 15-20 days after the first fertilization, since it is at this time that the plants begin to bloom en masse and form ovaries. For this top dressing, it is better to use organic fertilizers such as bird droppings or mullein. 0.5 liters of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska is dissolved in 10 liters of water. It is desirable to add to this solution:

  • 1 glass of ash or 50 g of potassium sulfate; 0.5 g of boric acid; 0.3 g of manganese sulfate.

Water the plants according to 3l working solution for each 1m2.Advice: if you do not have any organic fertilizers, then the second top dressing can be carried out with mineral fertilizers: you just need to increase the amount of potash and reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers. A couple of weeks after the second top dressing, the third top dressing is carried out. For her dissolve 1-2st. spoons and spoons of liquid mullein in 10 liters of water.

The prepared solution is consumed at 7-8 liters per square meter. The fourth top dressing can be carried out after 14 days with the same solution. Throughout the growing season, you need to continue fertilizing cucumbers, preferably combining watering (See. Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse) and top dressing, at least 1 once a week. Top dressing of cucumbers in greenhouses can be carried out with both organic and humic fertilizers, for example, sodium humate.

Foliar top dressing

Thinking over how and how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is worth considering a system of foliar top dressing. In addition to complex fertilizers, you need to add a complex of trace elements to solutions for foliar top dressing. You can use both ready-made complex fertilizers, and cook them yourself.

  • superphosphate - 60g;

Cucumber is a crop that places very high demands on soil fertility. In order to form a good crop of cucumbers in a greenhouse, you will need abundant and varied feeding with nutrients. Let's consider how such feeding is performed at different periods of development of cucumbers.

Stages of feeding cucumbers depending on the periods of their growth

There are the following stages of feeding for cucumbers:

  1. Top dressing at the stage of seedling germination: preparation of soil for seedlings; after the appearance of the first leaf on the sprout; after the appearance of the second leaflet on the sprout; two weeks after the first top dressing. Top dressing before transplanting seedlings into beds. Transplantation is a strong stress for immature cucumber plants, therefore, a few days before this procedure, it is advisable to spray them with a solution of trace elements and feed them. Top dressing during growth and flowering. Top dressing during fruiting.

Before transplanting into the beds, seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of trace elements and fed. At each of the above growth periods, feeding cucumbers has its own characteristics.

Feeding cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seedlings are grown in boxes for a month, and then the sprouted seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. But if the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate and is well heated, then it is not necessary to plant seedlings beforehand.

It is planted directly in the greenhouse, highlighting a certain area, and then distributed among the beds. To ensure the most comfortable conditions for seedlings, the crops are additionally covered with a PE film. Cucumber seedlings are fed with solutions of a mixture of superphosphate, cow dung and ammonium nitrate. Since cucumber seeds are planted at a not very deep depth, the substances necessary for plant growth hardly reach it from the soil.

Therefore, for the top layer of soil for seedlings, you need to prepare good compost. It’s also a good idea to add ordinary manure to the ground for seedlings at the rate of 6 to 8 kg per 1 sq. M with the addition of one glass of ash to this volume. Cucumber seedlings are fed with solutions of a mixture of superphosphate, cow dung and ammonium nitrate, which, although very useful for the plant , but is a source of nitrates dangerous to humans.

There are special fertilizers for cucumbers, which do not contain nitrate nitrogen. In general, sprouted cucumber seedlings are fed only three times in accordance with the above division into periods of its growth.

Top dressing during the growth and flowering of cucumbers

Not yet flowering and not fruiting cucumbers need to be fed with both nitrogen and phosphorus and calcium fertilizers, as well as potassium fertilizers to some extent. Greenhouse cucumbers should be fed up to five times over the entire growth period. during all periods of their development and growth, but especially in the initial period of vegetation, so that leaves form. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out in three ways:

  • the method of root top dressing by watering, the method of foliar top dressing by spraying, the method of drip irrigation of plants.

Cucumbers are fed with phosphorus little by little, but constantly, because without it the root system does not grow normally and does not function, the green mass does not grow and the fruits do not normally set and ripen. Proper and timely application of phosphorus in fertilizers helps the formation of cucumber flowers. Potassium is necessary for cucumbers, because with its lack of nutrients, nutrients do not move well from the root system to other parts of the plants and normal vegetation does not occur. If cucumbers develop well, then they can only be fed twice Hothouse cucumbers it is supposed to feed up to five times during the entire growth period. The first before the start of the flowering stage is fertilizing with a solution of mullein in the volume of a glass per bucket of water, with the addition of superphosphate, as well as potassium sulfate in the mixture, in the amount of one teaspoon per glass with dissolved mullein. The subsequent stages of feeding are done at intervals of up to two weeks. The proportion of mullein per bucket of water is reduced to half a glass, and instead of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, nitrophoska is taken in a glass of mullein solution in a volume of 1 tbsp. spoons. If cucumbers develop well with a healthy appearance and abundant fruiting, then you can feed them only twice: for the first time - before flowering, for the second time - at the beginning of the fruiting period. Instead of mullein (bird droppings), you can take ready-made fertilizers, like “Breadwinner”, “ Ideal "and" Fertility ". When cucumbers are actively bearing fruit, they increase the amount of potassium applied with fertilizers, while simultaneously reducing the amount of nitrogen

Feeding during fruiting

Cucumbers with fruits already need a completely different composition of top dressing, it should contain more magnesium, nitrogen and potassium (for example, based on potassium nitrate). It is when cucumbers are actively bearing fruit that they increase the amount of potassium introduced with fertilizers, while simultaneously reducing the amount of nitrogen. The most valuable fertilizer for cucumbers during the fruiting period is potassium nitrate.

In addition to the fact that feeding it favorably affects the growth and development of the whole plant, it also improves the taste of cucumbers, removing bitterness. The latter mainly appears due to the small amounts of applied mineral fertilizers. Cucumbers are bitter and if there is an excess of potassium and phosphorus with a lack of nitrogen in the soil. It is desirable to introduce dressing compositions after all measures have been taken to destroy pests of cucumbers. An excess of phosphorus leads to general yellowing, the appearance of bright necrotic spots and leaf fall

Consequences of violations in the dosage of fertilizers

An excess of fertilizers, along with their lack, leads to the fact that the nutrition of cucumbers is disturbed. Signs of an overabundance of any fertilizer are very similar to external signs with a lack of other elements.

  • With an excess of nitrogen, delayed flowering is observed. A cucumber plant overfed with nitrogen fertilizers is characterized by a thick stem and many dark green dense leaves. An excess of phosphorus leads to general yellowing, the appearance of bright necrotic spots and leaf fall. An excess of potassium interferes with the flow of nitrogen and leads to the fact that the growth of the whole plant is delayed. Excess calcium causes pale necrotic spots on the leaves? interveinal chlorosis.

Top dressing cucumbers (video)

As you can see, fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse is an urgent need. The main thing in this matter is to know what and when to give cucumbers, and then their generous harvest will surely please you. Cucumbers are capricious plants.

Therefore, when growing and caring for cucumbers, protected ground is most often used - a greenhouse or greenhouse. Under these conditions, it is possible to provide the necessary temperature and humidity for favorable crop growth and a rich harvest.

Experienced gardeners practice planting cucumbers in open ground, and many of them achieve excellent results. Familiarize yourself with the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse and in the open air in order to choose the most optimal method for your summer cottage.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse or greenhouse

When growing cucumbers in greenhouses and hotbeds on biofuel, seedlings are planted in the first half of April. When growing cucumbers in solar-heated greenhouses and in trenches, planting dates are shifted to the first decade of May. Soil preparation.

Preparations begin in the fall. The soil is disinfected with a solution of bleach. 40 g of lime are dissolved in 12 liters of water, insisted for 2 hours and filtered.

In spring, the soil is shed with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate (3 g of a substance per 10 liters of water). If cucumber seedlings are grown under a film, then it must be periodically removed so that insects can pollinate the flowers. Otherwise, you will not get a good harvest.

Sowing seeds. When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, only germinated seeds are sown. They are placed with a two-line tape. Grooves 4-6 cm deep are drawn on the bed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

The grooves are watered with warm water and seeds are laid in them every 4-5 cm. From above, the grooves are covered with a 2-3 cm layer of soil and mulched with peat. After the formation of the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out.

Between the bushes of early ripening varieties they maintain a distance of 10-15 cm, between mid- and late-ripening - 15-25 cm. Transplanting. Seedling bushes are distributed at the rate of 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

Cucumbers are usually planted with a two-line ribbon. Between rows leave 15-20 cm, between plants in a row - 10-15 cm. The holes are placed in a checkerboard pattern.

In the garden, a hole is formed a little more than the height of the peat pot in which the seedlings grow. The bush is lowered into the hole directly with a peat pot. After planting, the cotyledon leaves of the cucumber should be located at soil level.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse and greenhouse

Temperature regime. On sunny days, when caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse, the temperature is maintained at 25-30°C, on cloudy days - 20-22°C. Watering. Before fruiting, cucumbers are watered every 2-3 days, with the onset of fruiting, they switch to daily watering.

When watering cucumbers in a greenhouse, the water temperature should be 20-25 ° C. On sunny days, the required air humidity is 85-95%, on cloudy days - 75-80%. To achieve this, water the side paths of the greenhouse and the central passage. After watering, the greenhouse or greenhouse is ventilated. Loosening.

At the initial stage, cucumbers are loosened after each watering. But after the plants grow to half the row spacing, loosening is stopped. Fertilizer and top dressing.

The first time cucumbers are fed 7-10 days after thinning seedlings or planting seedlings. When feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt are diluted per 10 liters of water. This dose is enough for 10-15 bushes.

After 15 days, re-feeding is carried out, doubling the amount of fertilizer. During the fruiting period, cucumbers are fed 1-2 more times with mineral fertilizers. 15-20 g of urea or 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and 40-50 g of superphosphate are added per 1 m2.

In addition, 0.5 g of magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate are added to the fertilizer solution. In order for female flowers to form faster in a cucumber, it needs a lot of carbon dioxide. Therefore, when caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is recommended to cover the plants with mullein.

However, fertilizer should not come into contact with the plant itself, as it can cause a burn. Formation of bushes.

In protected ground, it is recommended to grow cucumbers on trellises up to 2 m high. In order not to damage the lash, it is tied to the trellis with a double slip knot. The length of the main lash should be 0.5-3 m. The growth of the stem is limited by pinching the apical shoot when the lash reaches the top of the trellis.

Pinching is done over the 2nd-3rd leaf behind the last fruit. In the phase of the 6th-8th leaf, all flowers are in the first 2-3 axils and the shoots are pinched at the beginning of formation. In the axils of the next 4-5 knots, lateral shoots are pinched on one leaf and one ovary. If few ovaries form on the bushes after harvesting, then it is necessary to feed, and at night to ensure ventilation of the greenhouse and reduce the air temperature in it to 18 ° WITH.

If a lot of ovaries are formed, but they do not grow well, then feeding with mullein is necessary. With the growth of bushes and weak flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Agrotechnics for planting and growing cucumbers in the open field

The agrotechnics of cucumbers in the open field dictates different rules for planting seedlings - the dates are shifted until the beginning of summer. Site selection. Cucumbers are planted in well-lit and heated areas, protected from the wind.

It is good if there is a reservoir near the garden with cucumbers. For growing cucumbers in open ground in the middle lane, southern slopes are allocated for these plants. In the southern regions, on the contrary, they cannot be planted on the southern slopes.

Cucumbers do not grow well in the hollow and in areas with a high level of groundwater. If the soil is waterlogged, arrange beds with a height of 30-40 cm or more. Wind protection. To protect from the wind, rock plants are sown: beans and vegetable peas.

Their seeds are planted in late April - early May, with a three-line tape with a row spacing of 22-25 cm. In heavily blown areas, two tapes are sown at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. So that the crops do not fall, they are tied to trellises.

Soil preparation. Preparations begin in the fall. In the garden allotted for cucumbers, they dig a trench up to 70 cm wide and 25 cm deep. A second trench is dug in the center of the first trench, 30 cm deep. A 15-centimeter layer of grass, leaves, scrap, sawdust and peat is laid on its bottom.

In this form, the bed is left until spring. At the beginning of May, a 25-cm layer of manure is laid in the trench and the bed is poured with boiling water with the addition of 3 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.

A 20-centimeter layer of fertile soil is laid on top. Experienced gardeners recommend planting dill or basil along the path in the garden with cucumbers, as these plants repel aphids from cucumber bushes. Dill is removed from the ground when it reaches a height of 15-20 cm.

The seeds can be planted again at this place. Then, up to 5-6 kg of humus, a liter jar of wood ash, a handful of lime, 10 g of potassium salt and 20 g of superphosphate are added per 1 m2 of area. The nutrient mixture is stirred and poured over with a hot pink solution of potassium permanganate.

After that, the bed is immediately covered with a film to keep warm. Preparing seeds for sowing. Use 2-3 year old seeds. In the middle lane and more northern regions, dry seeds are sown.

When sown in warm soil, the seeds are soaked and germinated in wet sawdust, moss or sand at a temperature of 20-30 ° C. Germinated seeds are those that have formed a root half the length of the seed. For reliability, a mixture of dry and germinated seeds is usually sown. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will be plentiful.

In the event of frost, the germinated seeds will die, but with the establishment of warm weather, dry ones will sprout. Sowing seeds. Seeds are sown when the soil at a depth of 6-10 cm warms up to 16-18°C. Sowing is carried out along or across the beds.

In both cases, two furrows are drawn with a depth of 6-8 cm at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. The seeds are laid out in grooves in increments of 2-3 cm, after which they are sprinkled with a 2-3 cm layer of soil and the same layer of peat. Seeds are sown on the ridges in one row. Cucumbers can be sown in squares.

The bed is divided into squares measuring 80 x 80 or 90 x 90 cm for early varieties and 100 x 100 or 120 x 120 cm for late ones. At the intersection of the grooves, holes are formed with a depth of 10-15 cm, 2-3 kg of manure or peat mixed with a pinch of complex mineral fertilizers are laid in them, then they are thoroughly mixed with the soil.

5-6 seeds are planted in each hole. After the emergence of seedlings, two of the most developed are left. The rest are removed, but not pulled out, but pinched off. An early harvest of cucumbers in the open field can be obtained on warm beds.

Such beds rise above the soil, are better illuminated, rich in organic matter. To create them, an embankment is made of straw, sawdust, cut branches, leaves and other organic raw materials with a height of 50 cm and a width of 80-90 cm. Art. l. nitrophoska, 1 tsp copper sulfate, 1 kg of mullein and 10 liters of water.

For every 1 m2 of beds, 5-6 liters of the resulting fertilizer are poured. Then from above it is evenly sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour. A furrow 40-50 cm wide and 15 cm deep is made along the length of the beds.

Soil is poured into it from a mixture of soil, peat and humus. Then the bed is watered with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, 1 tsp copper sulfate and 10 liters of water at a temperature of 50 ° C (4-5 liters per 1 m2). After 1-2 weeks, in early or mid-May, you can plant seeds or seedlings of cucumbers, and cover them with foil at night.

Cucumber care in the open field: watering and top dressing

When watering cucumbers in open ground, warm water is used. Watering frequency - 2-3 times a week. Loosening. It is carried out in the same way as when growing in protected ground.

Before the growth of the lashes, loosening is also carried out after each rain. Fertilizer and top dressing of cucumbers in open ground is carried out according to the same scheme as when grown in protected ground. Formation of bushes.

In open ground, cucumbers are grown in spreading, evenly distributing the growing stems over the garden, or tied up on trellises. Pinching is usually not done.

When grown in spreading, the lashes are pinned to the soil between rows with a bast or twigs bent with a fork. Frost protection.

When caring for cucumbers in the open field, portable shelters made of cardboard, lutrasil or other synthetic material are used to protect against prolonged cold snaps and frosts. In the mornings, it is recommended to spray cucumbers from a watering can with a shower head with warm, clean, settled water. This is necessary to wash off the dew containing harmful chemicals from the plants. Such spraying is especially useful in areas with unfavorable ecological conditions.

Harvest and storage conditions for cucumbers

Harvesting cucumbers begins within 1-1.5 months after germination. At first, the fruits are removed every 2-3 days, and during the period of mass fruiting - every 1-2 days.

Picking cucumbers is carried out in the morning or in the evening. It is impossible to overexpose cucumbers on a bush: if they turn yellow or turn white, they will become tasteless, and the skin of the hearths will coarsen. Be sure to look for and remove ugly, diseased and overgrown fruits, as they slow down the formation of new ovaries. in no case should you shift from place to place or turn the whips. This leads to a decrease in yield, and in the worst case, to the death of the lashes. Cucumbers are not plucked, but cut the stalk with a knife or break it by pressing the thumbnail. To store the cucumbers, they are put in a plastic bag and, without closing it, put in the refrigerator.

In this form, they can lie for 2 weeks. The same amount of cucumbers can be stored at room temperature if each fruit is wrapped in thin polyethylene. Fresh cucumbers can be stored in a jar of horseradish. The fruits are washed with warm boiled water and dried on a towel.

The horseradish root is cut into small pieces and placed on the bottom of the jar with a layer of about 2 cm. Cucumbers are also laid there and covered with a plastic lid, previously soaked for several minutes in boiling water.

A necessary condition for storing cucumbers is to provide a cool, dark place. For longer storage, cucumbers are placed dry, without prior washing, in plastic bags and a piece of horseradish root or a peeled garlic clove is added to them so that putrefactive bacteria do not develop. The bag is tied up and placed in the refrigerator. Ground cucumbers with a dense skin are kept fresh at low temperatures longer than hothouse ones that ripen quickly.

Cucumbers should not be stored near fruits that release ethylene, such as apples and bananas. Cucumbers for stocks for the winter are preserved in various ways - salted, pickled, added to vegetable salads and snacks.

Cucumbers are a vegetable that is especially rich in vitamins and minerals, and you must understand that it needs to take all these valuable elements from somewhere. Naturally, everything comes from the soil, and therefore feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse is very important. But there is no universal recipe for how much specific feeding is needed and which one exactly: it all depends on what variety you grow, in what conditions, how rich the soil is and how much fruit will be tied on each bush. Let's talk about all this in more detail now.

There is no universal recipe for exactly how much greenhouse cucumbers need to be fed - it all depends on what variety you grow, under what conditions, how rich the soil is and how much fruit will be tied on each bush.

How to make a schedule for feeding greenhouse cucumbers

In the most different growing seasons of a cucumber, it needs certain vitamins and minerals:

  1. At the beginning of the growing season, the cucumber absorbs nitrogen most intensively.
  2. When lashes grow, he needs a sufficient amount of potassium.
  3. With a new growth of shoots and the beginning of fruiting, an additional need for nitrogen appears.

In total, the optimal ratio of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a cucumber is conceived by nature in the following ratio: 2:1:3.

So, and now in more detail. During flowering, these three types of top dressing are used:

  1. For 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea.
  2. 1 cup liquid mullein mixture.
  3. 1 tablespoon of sodium humate per 10 liters of water.

And cucumbers experience the greatest need for nutrition and watering during the fruiting period. Moreover, it is important to carry out both root and foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, and apply organic fertilizers immediately under the root. So, during fruiting they feed as many as three times:

  1. One glass of mushy bird droppings or one tablespoon of nitroammophoska per 5 liters of water.
  2. 10 days after the first feeding, dilute 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water, or 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate for the same amount of liquid.
  3. 12 days after the second feeding, again 0.5 liters of mullein for the same 10 liters, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitroammophoska, or 1 glass of mullein.

In order for the cucumbers to pour better, carry out additional foliar feeding with preparations such as Zircon or Epin. On sale you will also find special fertilizers specifically for cucumbers: Ideal, Giant, Breadwinner, Fertility. All of them need to be taken one tablespoon per 10 liters of water, and 5 liters of such a solution per square meter.

Natural fertilizer for cucumbers

If the fertilization is done incorrectly, or it is not enough, even and healthy fruits can not be expected. That is why experienced greenhouse growers even draw up detailed schedules of what and when to contribute. As for the nourishment itself, here's what your homemade cucumbers will love:

  • Herbal tea made from garden grass.
  • Water extract from mullein.
  • Chicken manure fertilizer.

If you are not a fan of store-bought liquid fertilizers, you can prepare homemade herbal dressing, which will also be useful for greenhouse cucumbers: chop 1 kg of a bouquet of plantain, nettle and quinoa, pour 12 liters of hot water, stir well and leave it for a day. Then we filter and water the beds 2-3 liters per meter.

There is another scheme for feeding a cucumber if it grows in a greenhouse: an infusion of grass and a little chicken manure every week. Dilute the infusion 10 times, and water the bushes carefully, only under the root, so that nothing gets on the stems. But with a weak solution of manure, cucumbers are fed more often in cases where something has attacked the plants and it needs additional strength to fight. Let's just say: this top dressing is very strong, and when fertilizing with fresh manure, you can overfeed the plants with nitrogen. This will be noticeable by the sharply yellowed fruits that have just begun.

Alternate root top dressing with foliar. Do the first on sunny days, and the second on cloudy days.

Interesting "grandfather" tricks of a good harvest

Here is one of the "grandfather" methods to grow good strong cucumbers - add steamed peas to the holes. The secret here is that legumes improve soil quality and allow seeds from other crops to grow easier and faster.

Help to achieve a good harvest and nitrogen fertilizing. So, if you have mullein, then do this: put a fresh cake in a bucket, add a little water and stir so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. We dilute it in a ratio of 1:10 with water and add one liter under each bush. And, finally, we complete the process with abundant watering under each root. You need to feed the mullein at least twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon.

Here is another unusual way to feed cucumbers. We put the shells from under the eggs in a three-liter jar and periodically add hot water there. Shake everything well before watering, and serve with a spoon to the seedlings. The stem will grow strong and healthy. Only one minus: the smell of this drug is strong and unpleasant.

How to understand what the plant lacks?

If the plant began to lag behind in development, poorly sets fruits and changes the color of its leaves, this is how it “signals” you that it needs additional nutrition. And such signals will help you understand how else to feed your cucumbers in the greenhouse and at the same time not overfeed.

About what your cucumbers may be missing, the very land that you used in the greenhouse will tell you:

  1. On soddy-podzolic soils, a lack of nitrogen and phosphorus is not uncommon.
  2. On light sandy and sandy loam soils - potassium, boron and copper.
  3. On peaty, alkaline and carbonate soils - deficiency of manganese.
  4. Upland and lowland peatlands are usually deficient in copper.

But the lack of watering gives the following picture: the underdevelopment of the fetus at the base and swelling at the end. The fetus appears, as it were, a “waist” - you will notice it.

potassium deficiency

If the fruit is narrowed near the stalk, this is a lack of potassium. The deficiency of this element negatively affects the process of regulation of the water regime in the plant. All this affects the turgor of cells, the ability of stomata to close and open. In the general picture, fruits with a lack of this element are prone to withering.

Another potassium deficiency causes burns of old leaves - they quickly turn yellow from the borders of the leaves to the center between the veins. It is on the leaves that the “diagnosis” is made: if there are still green areas of the leaf around the main veins, then the deficiency is not yet pronounced. Further, brown burns appear in the yellow areas, which lead to the death of the entire leaf. And so - throughout the plant, which is facilitated by hot weather. Note that potassium is quite mobile and quickly moves to young leaves, even if its supply is seriously limited. This is why cucumber growth may remain the same, but the crop will suffer.

To replenish potassium reserves, make root and foliar feeding of plants with an aqueous solution of potassium sulfate. If this was not at hand, just dilute wood ash in water (a wonderful tool that has been tested for centuries).

You will be interested to know that with a lack of potassium, nitrogen metabolism is also disturbed, which leads to yellowing of the tissues along the edges of the sheet. After that, the leaves twist down and wrinkle. The internodes of the cucumber become shorter, and the veins seem to be pressed on the leaves. Where is the connection? The fact is that with a lack of moisture, beneficial microorganisms cannot actively deliver nitrogen to the roots, and therefore do not rush to immediately increase the dose of top dressing - start with watering. Did you see changes for the better? So that was just the point.

nitrogen deficiency

If your fruits turned out in the form of a hook, the plant lacked nitrogen all the time. And its lack in the soil affects the growth of plants. The first sign is the light green color of the leaves and light pointed fruits. Further, the leaves are already turning yellow, the roots turn brown and die, and the entire bush slows down growth.

A lack of nitrogen can still be determined by thin, hard lashes that quickly become woody. The leaves are small, directed upwards. There are few side shoots. The ovaries crumble, and some of the flowers die. If during this period you do not save the cucumbers with top dressing, then even the fruits will begin to acquire a pale yellow color, become shortened in size and acquire a pointed tip.

If you have identified a clear lack of nitrogen precisely during the fruiting period of a cucumber, do not rush to water it with chemicals - it will all come to fruition now. It is better to prepare the so-called "greenery": collect various weeds from all over the garden, finely chop them and fill with water. For 10 liters you should get up to 2 kg of green mass. Leave this herb for a week until it ferments, then feed it to hungry plants in the greenhouse.

magnesium deficiency

If you have acidic soil in the greenhouse, also make sure that the cucumber does not lack magnesium. The first sign is light green spots on the leaves, which then turn yellow (this is already partial chlorosis), become brittle and even fall off. And here the plant stops its growth. Magnesium deficiency can also arise from an excess of potassium. From the lack of this substance, the leaves become variegated: between the veins, the color can be yellow, red and purple.

calcium deficiency

Acidic soils can also be deficient in calcium. This will be noticeable by light yellow spots on young leaves, slow growth of the bush and rapid aging of the root system. It is easy to solve this problem by ordinary liming, which will add another element of boron. With calcium deficiency, the apical buds with roots gradually die off. The leaves not only become smaller, but also curve, becoming fringed along the edges. The color of the leaf also changes: dark green above, with pale edges, and purple below. The fruits are small, rough and completely tasteless.

Boron deficiency

Boron deficiency leads to the fact that the roots and growing points die off, the stems are noticeably shortened, and the fruits are deformed.

Another lack of boron leads to the fact that the leaves take a spoon shape and become brittle. The flowers are no longer capable of fertilization and fall off - all due to the suppression of photosynthesis and the outflow of carbohydrates. The fruits no longer develop, and their shape is distorted.

Phosphorus deficiency

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves become dark green, even bluish, then purple hues appear on them. When dried, such leaves become dark, almost black. The shape of the leaves is small, dense, twisted down, with purple-red veins. In acute starvation for this element, the leaves become covered with watery spots, even young ones.

To solve the problem with phosphorus, use solutions of ammophos and diammophos. Alternative: 1 tablespoon of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

Molybdenum deficiency

But if a plant lacks such a valuable substance as molybdenum, it will quickly become noticeable by chlorosis and curved edges like tubes. The veins on the leaves will turn pale, the flowers will grow small. And an excess of ammonia nitrogen and heavy metals leads to a lack of molybdenum.

iron deficiency

Iron deficiency in cucumbers manifests itself as follows: the plant stuns growth, the leaves become light green, even almost white, growth points do not develop. It is the lack of iron that is the main reason why the process of chlorophyll formation does not occur in the leaves. And he, as you remember, gives a characteristic green color.

With progressive deficiency, the leaves become lemon-colored, and then yellow-white. Moreover, iron in the roots can actually be enough, it's just that it is almost not absorbed - due to a lack of potassium, or an excess of phosphorus, calcium, copper or zinc.

Deficiency of copper, zinc and manganese

Seriously delays fruiting and reduces the yield of the lack of such important elements: copper, zinc and manganese.

Fertilizing with manganese is valuable in that it increases the intensity of plant respiration and helps them absorb carbon dioxide more efficiently. And the lack of this substance can also be recognized by the chlorotic color with spots on young leaves. Over time, the plants already acquire a brown or yellow tint.

Zinc deficiency always starts with young leaves that turn brown, translucent and die. And the first signs can be seen by brown spots on the petioles.

From a lack of copper, the tips of the leaves turn white first, first on young ones, then on all. The leaves show a characteristic blue-green coloration, and the edges curl like a tube. Internodes become short.

But still, remember one simple rule: it is better to underfeed a cucumber than to overfeed it. And all other feeding problems are always easily solved!

Gardeners often plant cucumbers in a greenhouse for an earlier harvest. Under these conditions, in terms of ripening speed, they are probably second only to radishes. Care for such plants needs a kind. Under shelter, they are protected from the cold, wind, but at the same time completely dependent on human care. It is necessary to know exactly the subtleties of feeding these vegetables, the timing of application and types of fertilizers.

It is not recommended to use fertilizers during planting in the greenhouse. Under shelter, it is required to observe the dosage of substances most accurately. As a rule, in greenhouses, greenhouses, food is needed less than in open ground.

How to understand what is missing cucumbers?

Cucumber bushes can suffer both from lack of nutrition and from excess.

If the fruits taste bitter, turn yellow, rot, the bush grows poorly, the ovaries fall off, this may be due to a lack of calcium. It is recommended to use recipes with the addition of eggshells or 0.2% calcium nitrate.

A sign of nitrogen starvation is the pale color of the leaves, fruits. They can get pointed at the end. Plants can be helped with mullein.

Potassium deficiency is manifested by the curved shape of cucumbers (take the form of a hook). As a treatment, you can use recipes using wood ash.

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves of the bushes may turn yellow. It is worth feeding them with a solution of superphosphate.

General feeding rules

All fertilizers are applied to pre-moistened soil. Cucumbers absorb aqueous solutions better, so they need to be preferred. It is better to underfeed the bushes than to introduce an excess amount of substances into the soil. Such errors in care can affect the taste of the fruit. The frequency of procedures should not exceed 1 time in 2 weeks.

For these vegetables, preparations containing nitrate nitrogen, chlorine should not be used. Experts do not recommend using ammonium nitrate to fertilize cucumbers. This substance can cause an increased content of nitrates.

Land preparation in a greenhouse for cucumbers before planting

Before sowing cucumbers or planting seedlings, the soil must be prepared. A few days before landing, it is covered with a film to warm it up. Prior to this, the soil is disinfected. For example, water with a solution of potassium permanganate (1-3 g per bucket of water). Sulfur bombs are also kindled in the greenhouse.

To enrich the soil with nutrients, during the digging of the earth, fertilizers are applied to it. It can be both mineral substances and organic matter. You can use the following fertilizers:

  • superphosphate - 20–30 g;
  • carbamide - 10–30 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 20 g.

Supporters of organic farming can take advantage of:

  • bird droppings;
  • horse, cow manure;
  • compost.

Spring fertilizers should contain a large amount of nitrogen.

Autumn soil preparation for cucumbers involves:

  • greenhouse processing;
  • digging the earth;
  • fertilization.

Mineral fertilizers

Various types of mineral fertilizers are used to feed cucumbers. The main criterion for their selection is the presence or absence of NO 3 and Cl. Some sources claim that preparations with the presence of these substances for cucumbers should not be used.

The most famous mineral fertilizers used for cucumber bushes:

  • superphosphate;
  • nitrophoska;
  • urea.

Superphosphate is used to feed bushes with phosphorus. It can be applied both to the soil in a dry form, and used to prepare a solution (20 g / 10 l). It is recommended to add it to the soil when digging in the fall.

Nitrophoska is a complex fertilizer that contains 3 main vital components - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as trace elements.

In dry form, it is brought underground to a depth of 8 cm. To prepare a solution, 40 g of granules are dissolved in a bucket of water. Each plant requires 300-500 ml of liquid.

Urea (urea) is a mineral fertilizer with a large amount of nitrogen. It can be applied or watered under the root, used to feed on the sheet. It is recommended to embed it in the ground only in spring (5–10 g per 1 m 2). However, it works better in the form of a solution - 20–30 g / 10 l under the root, 50 g / 10 l along the leaf.

Organic fertilizers for the growth of cucumbers

Organic is the best option when growing cucumbers. It is better absorbed by plants and makes it possible to grow healthy products. The most common recipes are mixtures of mullein and bird droppings.

To prepare the solution, rotted litter is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, fresh - 1:20. At the end of the season, add when digging. Watered under the root.

Cow dung is also used in fresh, rotted, semi-rotted form. Fresh manure can only be used in autumn when digging. For irrigation, you can prepare a mixture of 1 liter of mullein and 2 liters of water. The resulting mass is kept for 1 week. Then, for application under the bushes, dilute 500 ml with 1 bucket of water.

In the video, the author tells in detail how greenhouse cucumbers can be fed with chicken manure fertilizer.

Folk remedies

To increase the fruiting of cucumbers, there are time-tested folk remedies for feeding. The most famous of them:

Types of dressings

Nutrients for cucumbers contribute:

  • under the root;
  • by sheet.

At the beginning or end of the season, fertilizers on the site for future cucumber bushes are laid in the soil during digging.


For root dressings, minerals and organic fertilizers are used. In stores, there are complex preparations designed specifically for this crop. Also, we must not forget about the "grandfather's" natural recipes.


Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying the leaves. It is convenient to do this with a spray gun. The essence of the procedure is that the leaves of cucumbers should be covered with small drops of a useful mixture.

Feed the bushes in the evening or early in the morning. Solution options:

  1. 10 g carbamide / 10 l water;
  2. 1 tsp boric acid / 10 crystals of potassium permanganate / 1 liter of water;
  3. 100 g ash / 10 l water.

Foliar top dressing is an additional nutrition and cannot completely replace fertilizers applied under the root.

Scheme for feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse

Greenhouse plants are fed according to the scheme up to 4–5 times. The number of procedures depends on the condition of the soil and the plants themselves. If the plants have succulent leaves, they grow well, form flowers, bear fruit well, the number of procedures should be reduced. Excess fertilizers can not only adversely affect the condition of the bushes, but also affect human health.

Seedling feeding

The first top dressing for cucumbers is brought in during the seedling period. At this time, the plants should form strong roots, the aerial part. Like all types of plants, they most of all need NPK - a complex (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). You can, following the instructions, use complex preparations for seedlings.

Fertilizer after transplant

If fertilizers were not introduced into the soil during planting, the seedlings are fed 2 weeks after transplanting to a permanent place of growth. To do this, you can prepare a solution from:

  • 1 bucket of water;
  • 15 g of urea and potassium chloride;
  • 20–25 g of double superphosphate;
  • 15-20 g of potassium sulfate.

The solution is watered under the root. It is enough to feed 10-15 bushes.

Top dressing of bushes during the flowering period

Plants begin to bloom about 2-3 weeks after transplanting seedlings. The next top dressing should fall at this time. It is recommended to use organic matter during this flowering period.

  • Recipe number 1.

In 1 bucket of water, dilute 500 ml of cow manure, 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. Add 100 g of wood ash, 0.5 g of boric acid, 50 g of potassium sulfate, 0.3 g of manganese sulfate.

  • Recipe number 2.

1 liter of chicken manure is added to 15 liters of water. Fall asleep in a solution of 150 g of ash. Watered under the bushes.

To water 1 m 2 of the plot, 3 liters of liquid are required.

If the gardener decides to add minerals, you can use ammofoska, azofoska (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water).

What to do if cucumber bushes do not grow well?

Growth retardation may be due to a lack of nutrients. If the lack of one or another substance could not be recognized, it is possible to feed the plants with complex preparations. First, it is recommended to try it on several bushes. If a few days after watering there are changes in a positive direction, the procedure can be performed for other plants.

Fertilizers during fruiting

During fruiting, you can use the same recipes as during the budding period. There are other feeding options:

  1. carbamide - 5 tbsp. l. / 10 l of water;
  2. cow manure - 1 l / 5 l;
  3. potassium nitrate - 1–1.5 tbsp. l / 10 l;
  4. ash - 1 l / 5 l.

7-8 liters of solution can be watered 1 m 2 of the bed.

How to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter?

Winter plants are fed every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic substances. Fertilizers in winter can be used the same as in spring: mullein, bird droppings, wood ash, complex preparations, etc.

What to do if too much fertilizer is applied?

When feeding cucumbers under cover, it must be remembered that an excess of substances is as harmful as a deficiency. Summer residents should not get carried away with chemicals, it is better to focus on organic substances.