The gold of the Romanovs was taken out by them themselves. Gold of the royal family: who and why ordered the assassination of Nicholas II? Secrets covered in riches

Here's what's interesting: the royal family of the last Romanovs, it seems, knew in advance about the February Revolution. More precisely, the British knew, and with some half-hints they made it clear to Nikolai and Alex. Most likely, the tsar had to escape from Russia before the Revolution.
How else to explain a number of facts pointing to this version.

After the murder of Rasputin, Alix realized that it was necessary to immediately prepare for flight (the German woman understood whose hands this was, and that the British would not stop there). In early January 1917, 5.5 tons of gold were sent from Murmansk on a warship to London to the Bering Brothers Bank, which serves the royal family. These were 150 boxes of jewelry and personal belongings of the Romanovs. At the beginning of February - about 5 tons of gold through Japan to the USA and Canada. The third tranche of 2,500 boxes of gold bars and coins was intercepted by the Japanese and is still stored in the cellars of the Mitsubishi Bank.

From the British side, the delivery of gold to England was carried out by Sir Frederick Ponsonby. From the Russian - Sir Peter Bark (Russian Minister of Finance in 1914-17 - isn't it strange that this post was occupied by an Englishman-))))))). After the revolution, this very Bark settled, of course, in England, was warmed by King George and elevated to knighthood.

But a few months after the delivery of gold to England and Canada (English dominion), the English royal family rudely threw the Romanovs. The calculation was most likely made on the fact that the revolutionaries in Russia would deal with the Romanovs and the funds of this family, accumulated in the West, would pass, by kinship, to the British crown as escheated. There was one more consideration, the main thing - Alexandra Feodorovna had obvious preferences for her Hessian-Berlin relatives and did not like treacherous England. It is only strange that Alex fell for the English bait, and did not trust, for example, the same Germans or Danes. Although, obviously, when trying to smuggle gold and flee to these countries, the British would have dealt with it right in the spring of 1917, and not in the Ipatiev House.

Be that as it may, the jewels of the Romanovs are still kept in a Scottish castle, now the hereditary possession of Prince Charles. On the English Queen Elizabeth II, at her throne exits, a diadem shone, extremely similar to the one that until January 1917 was seen on Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. It is even said that members of the English Royal House from time to time secretly sell the jewelry of the Romanov family to private collectors. This, in particular, is even recognized by the chairman of the International Expert Council on the material and cultural values ​​of Russia abroad, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladlen Sirotkin.

Nicholas II died in 1958. Was there really no execution of the royal family?

Worth the fight for that kind of money

Today, some of the Russian elites have suddenly awakened interest in one very piquant story of relations between Russia and the United States, connected with the Romanov royal family. Briefly, the story is as follows: more than 100 years ago, in 1913, the US created the Federal Reserve System (FRS) - the central bank and printing press for the production of international currency, which still operates today. The Fed was created for the emerging League of Nations (now the UN) and would be a single world financial center with its own currency. Russia contributed 48,600 tons of gold to the "authorized capital" of the system. But the Rothschilds demanded that Woodrow Wilson, who was then re-elected as President of the United States, transfer the center to their private property along with gold. The organization became known as the Fed, where Russia owned 88.8%, and 11.2% - 43 international beneficiaries. Receipts stating that 88.8% of gold assets for a period of 99 years are under the control of the Rothschilds, six copies were transferred to the family of Nicholas II.

The annual income on these deposits was fixed at 4%, which was supposed to be transferred to Russia annually, but settled on the X-1786 account of the World Bank and on 300 thousand accounts in 72 international banks. All these documents, confirming the right to the gold pledged to the FRS from Russia in the amount of 48,600 tons (???), as well as income from leasing it, the mother of Tsar Nicholas II, Maria Fedorovna Romanova, deposited in one of the Swiss banks . But the conditions for access there are only for the heirs, and this access is controlled by the Rothschild clan. For the gold provided by Russia, gold certificates were issued that allowed the metal to be claimed in parts - the royal family hid them in different places. Later, in 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference confirmed Russia's right to 88% of the Fed's assets. According to one version, the special services added false remains to the burial places of members of the royal family as they died naturally or before opening the grave. Two well-known Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky, offered to deal with this “golden” issue at one time. But Yeltsin "did not understand" them, and now, apparently, that very "golden" time has come ... And now this gold is remembered more and more often - though not at the state level.

For this gold they kill, fight and make fortunes on it

Today's researchers believe that all wars and revolutions in Russia and in the world occurred due to the fact that the Rothschild clan and the United States did not intend to return the gold to the Russian Federal Reserve. After all, the execution of the royal family made it possible for the Rothschild clan not to give away gold and not pay for its 99-year lease. “Now, out of three Russian copies of the agreement on gold invested in the Fed, two are in our country, the third is presumably in one of the Swiss banks,” researcher Sergei Zhilenkov believes. - In the cache, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are documents from the royal archive, among which there are 12 "golden" certificates. If they are presented, then the global financial hegemony of the United States and the Rothschilds will simply collapse, and our country will receive a lot of money and all the opportunities for development, since it will no longer be strangled from across the ocean, ”the historian is sure. Many wanted to close questions about royal assets with the reburial. Professor Vladlen Sirotkin also has an estimate for the so-called military gold exported to the West and East during the First World War and the Civil War: Japan - 80 billion dollars, Great Britain - 50 billion, France - 25 billion, USA - 23 billion, Sweden - 5 billion, the Czech Republic - $1 billion. Total - 184 billion. Surprisingly, officials in the US and UK, for example, do not dispute these figures, but are surprised at the lack of requests from Russia. By the way, the Bolsheviks remembered Russian assets in the West in the early 20s. Back in 1923, People's Commissar for Foreign Trade Leonid Krasin ordered a British law firm to evaluate Russian real estate and cash deposits abroad. By 1993, the firm reported that it had amassed a $400 billion data bank! And this is legal Russian money.

Why did the Romanovs die? Britain did not accept them!

There is a long-term study, unfortunately, by the now deceased professor Vladlen Sirotkin (MGIMO), “Foreign Gold of Russia” (M., 2000), where the gold and other holdings of the Romanov family accumulated in the accounts of Western banks are also estimated at an amount of at least 400 billion dollars, and together with investments - more than 2 trillion dollars! In the absence of heirs from the Romanovs, the closest relatives turn out to be members of the English royal family ... These are whose interests may be the background of many events of the XIX-XXI centuries ... By the way, it is not clear (or, on the contrary, it is clear) for what reasons the royal house of England refused the family three times Romanovs in the shelter. The first time in 1916, at the apartment of Maxim Gorky, an escape was planned - the rescue of the Romanovs by abduction and the internment of the royal couple during their visit to an English warship, then sent to Great Britain. The second was Kerensky's request, which was also rejected. Then they did not accept the request of the Bolsheviks. And this despite the fact that the mothers of George V and Nicholas II were sisters. In the surviving correspondence, Nicholas II and George V call each other "Cousin Nicky" and "Cousin Georgie" - they were cousins ​​with an age difference of less than three years, and in their youth these guys spent a lot of time together and were very similar in appearance. As for the queen, her mother, Princess Alice, was the eldest and beloved daughter of the English Queen Victoria. At that time, 440 tons of gold from the gold reserves of Russia and 5.5 tons of personal gold of Nicholas II were in England as collateral for military loans. Now think about it: if the royal family died, then to whom would the gold go? Close relatives! Isn't that the reason why Cousin Georgie was denied admission to Cousin Nicky's family? To get gold, its owners had to die. Officially. And now all this must be connected with the burial of the royal family, which will officially testify that the owners of untold wealth are dead.

The Russian imperial family was the richest of all European ruling dynasties. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a huge number of mysteries around the mysteriously disappeared jewelry of the last Russian autocrat, which historians have not been able to solve to this day.

The innumerable treasures hidden by our ancestors on the seabed and in the bowels of the earth have at all times excited the minds of people. Captain Flint's chests, gold, the library and the Amber Room are just some of the world famous treasures that have not yet been found by treasure hunters. According to scientists, there are currently more than 900 billion dollars worth of various valuables in the ground and on the seabed. Among them are the legendary treasures of the Russian Imperial House, which no one has yet found.

The case of searching for the treasures of the last Russian Tsar was started almost immediately after the execution of Nicholas II, his wife and children. But the answer to the question - where is the gold of the royal family? — not yet.

The Russian imperial court has long been famous for its richest jewelry collection throughout Europe. The crown values ​​- the scepter, orb, imperial crowns, paintings, porcelain were forbidden to give, change or sell even by the decree of Peter I, issued in 1719. Therefore, for almost two hundred years, the royal treasury was only replenished. The Romanov family owned truly beautiful jewels… For example, a diamond necklace with a sapphire worth 3 million rubles, diamond pendants worth 5 million. These amounts are even more impressive when you consider how much these treasures are worth now. So, the Lily of the Valley Easter egg, which Nicholas II presented to his wife in 1898, then cost 6,700 rubles, and in 2003 it was going to be put up for 10-12 million dollars at the Sotheby's auction. The last Romanovs were among the richest families in the world, and the St. Petersburg court was, according to the head of the royal office, without a doubt, “the most luxurious court” of that time.

In August 1917, by order of the Provisional Government, Nicholas II was sent into exile. The place of exile for the deposed tsar and his family was the Siberian city of Tobolsk. The Romanovs took almost all the family jewels with them, which, according to some reports, were packed in several large chests. Valuable things left in the Alexander Palace were sent by the Provisional Government to Moscow, to the cellars of the Historical Museum. There is an assumption that in Tobolsk, the Romanovs secretly transferred some of the jewelry for safekeeping to local church ministers, nuns from the monastery and members of their retinue. When in April 1918, Nicholas II, together with Tsarina Alexandra and their daughter Maria, was sent to Yekaterinburg, the treasures were divided again: some were taken to the capital of the Urals, and some remained in Tobolsk.

In Yekaterinburg, on the night of July 17, 1918, Tsar Nikolai, his wife Alexandra, four daughters, the young heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, and four courtiers were brutally murdered. After the execution of the imperial family, it turned out that almost nothing was left of the huge collection of family jewelry. Only diamonds sewn into the clothes of the Grand Duchesses and the Empress and several dozen gold jewelry in three small boxes. Later, during interrogations, one of the maids of honor of the Empress testified: “I saw not only Alexandra Feodorovna, but also the Grand Duchesses, a lot of jewelry, diamonds and jewelry made of pure gold.” She admitted that some of the valuables were taken from the family by the Red Army, and some were stolen by servants. But the Romanovs managed to save the main part of the treasures. Where did all this disappear to?

Researchers have been struggling to answer this question for more than 90 years. One of the latest versions is presented in the Russian investigative film "The Gold of the Royal Family", filmed in 2008. It suggests that the most valuable part of the royal jewels was hidden in order to save them from the Bolsheviks who came to power.

In January 2009, the world press exploded with another sensation related to the mystery of the disappearance of the treasures of the last Russian tsar. The Los Angeles Times published a story by US resident Patt Barham, who is sure that the jewels of the Russian Imperial Court are buried in ... the Gobi Desert. “Diamonds, Faberge eggs, crowns and tiaras of Russian emperors, gem-encrusted gold frames, pearl, ruby, sapphire and diamond necklaces are hidden in seven coffins in a 7x10 foot pit in the middle of the Mongolian deserts,” says Barham. All this, according to her, on October 3, 1917, was buried there by her stepfather, the former Russian prince Georgy Meskhi-Glebov. He often talked about the treasure after he came to the US and married his mother, Patt Barham, a silver mine heiress. According to Patt, shortly before her death in 1960, her stepfather gave her a sealed envelope with a map drawn on it, which accurately indicated the location of the treasure. But he asked that no action be taken until the Russian government acknowledges the fact of the execution of the Romanov family and arranges an official funeral for the murdered (which happened in 1998).

However, according to P. Barkham, the map soon mysteriously disappeared, although the American claims that she remembered the coordinates of the treasure, as she personally rewrote the document for her stepfather. Now Barham plans to find the treasure and return it to the Russian people. She says, according to her stepfather, that he was an assistant to the custodian of the imperial treasury, and on February 28, 1917, Tsarina Alexandra instructed him to take the personal jewelry of the Romanovs to the China Bank in Beijing. “The valuables were hidden in 7 coffins, and two, for cover, also contained the dead bodies of children who were taken to China for burial,” says Barkham, referring to Meskhi-Glebov’s diary. In the Gobi desert, robbers attacked the caravan. Meskhi-Glebov repulsed the attack, but decided not to take any more risks and buried the treasure on the spot. A year later he moved to the USA. According to Barham, in the 1930s, he and her mother equipped an expedition, spending $ 300,000 on preparation, but the authorities did not let them go further than Turkey. In 1999, an American woman herself tried to organize an expedition to the Gobi, but there were not enough funds. As for the missing card, according to Barkham, there are versions that it is hidden in the coffin of Meskhi himself - Glebov, who was buried in the Hollywood Forever cemetery. She also does not exclude the possibility that the card accidentally fell into a pile of papers from the family archive, donated to some educational institution. Barham herself is confident that she will be able to recognize the right place from a bird's eye view, since her stepfather's map exactly matched the topographic map of Mongolia from 1912. The American plans to fly over the desert in a helicopter, fix the GPS coordinates of the alleged treasure, and then find it together with the Mongolian authorities.

Meanwhile, attempts to find royal treasures were made in the first half of the 20th century. The organs of the Cheka started searching for the missing jewels of the Romanovs several times, but for a long time only disappointments and failures awaited them. Secret agents of Soviet Russia conducted secret interrogations and investigations, but all their efforts were in vain. In total, the search for royal jewels lasted almost 20 years - from 1922 to 1941! To this day, materials on the search for the imperial treasure are stored in the archives of the FSB under the name "Romanov's Values". It follows from them that for quite a long time the authorities were unaware of the hidden royal jewels. But in 1922, the seizure of church property began in the country, in connection with which the Chekists turned their attention to the Ioannovsky Convent in the city of Tobolsk. During the confiscation of church valuables and interrogations of the nuns about the cult objects they had hidden, it unexpectedly turned out that the “Romanov” jewelry was also in the monastery, transferred to the abbess for safekeeping in 1918 by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna! This discovery marked the beginning of a large-scale search for the personal belongings of the king and his family.

Abbess Druzhinina, who hid royal valuables, died during the arrest without giving any evidence, but the Chekists learned that the nun Marfa Uzhintseva, who was found only in 1933, also knew the secret of the royal treasure. During the interrogations, she, remembering the order of the abbess to die, but not to betray the secret of the treasures, was silent at first, but in the end she told everything she knew. After the death of Abbess Druzhinina in 1923, Marfa Uzhintseva kept the royal treasures for 7-8 years, constantly hiding them. After the monastery was closed, it became unsafe to store valuables there, and Martha turned to the former Tobolsk fisherman V. Kornilov for help, who hid the jewelry in oak barrels and buried them under the foundation of his house. Kornilov left Tobolsk in 1928 and was no longer interested in the fate of the royal jewels left there. The Chekists forced Kornilov to point out the exact place where the treasure was buried. Thus, the richest and most valuable part of the royal family's treasures fell into the hands of the OGPU. The list of found valuables included 154 items, among which were diamond brooches, diadems of royal daughters, pendants, chains, watches, necklaces, necklaces, bracelets, crosses, pendants and similar items made of precious metals, decorated with enamel and studded with precious stones. A total of 8 kg of jewelry, including a 100-carat diamond and a crescent-shaped brooch received by Nicholas II in 1913 from the Turkish sultan on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the royal house of the Romanovs. It's a paradox, but the Chekists valued this find then at only 3,270,693 rubles 50 kopecks. But no matter how valuable the treasure found, it was just a part of the hidden treasures. After all, there were still the golden sword of Nicholas II, adorned with diamonds, a jewelry box and the crown of the Empress. However, further searches were not successful. Witnesses in the case were interrogated again and again, but the treasure was never found - the tracks leading to the treasures invariably broke off over and over again ...

As for the rest of the property of the Russian Imperial Court, including jewelry, for many years the requisitioned things of the royal family were brought to the Gokhran from all over Russia. They were sorted there - gold without precious stones and with stones, platinum and silver, pearls and gems ... Another commission dismantled the royal chests and described things in the Armory, where almost all the crown jewels were hastily taken out immediately after the start of the First World War. Interesting evidence has been preserved about how jewelry was sorted and the fate of treasures of world significance was determined, which are in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. “In warm fur coats with turned up collars, we walk through the frozen rooms of the Armory,” Academician Fersman, a member of the commission, later recalled. - They bring in boxes, there are five of them, among them a heavy iron chest, bandaged, with large wax seals. Everything is whole. An experienced locksmith easily, without a key, opens a simple, very bad lock. Inside, the jewels of the former Russian court, hastily wrapped in tissue paper. With cold hands we take out one sparkling gem after another. There are no descriptions anywhere, no order is visible. The things of the “former Romanov house” were divided into three categories, taking into account, first of all, the value of the stones and their selection, the artistry of the work and the historical significance of the product. The first category - the inviolable fund - included 366 items valued at 654,935,000 rubles, of which crown jewels adorned with selected diamonds and pearls cost 375 million. Products of the second category, which had historical and artistic value, were valued at 7,382,200 rubles; the third category (“not of particular importance”) - 285,524 rubles. Only a small part of the treasures of the Romanov dynasty has been preserved in museums to this day, the rest of the jewelry was melted down or sold for next to nothing to the West. As G. Bazilevich, the deputy of the specially authorized Council of People's Commissars for accounting and concentration of the values ​​of the republic, reported to Lev Trotsky, after evaluating the "Romanov" treasures, "with the pledge of these things abroad, the receipt of 300,000,000 rubles is guaranteed."

By the way, the Bolsheviks made their first attempt to sell the royal jewels back in May 1918. Then in New York, customs detained two visitors with jewelry worth 350 thousand rubles, which belonged to the daughter of Alexander III Olga. The following year, the founding congress of the Third Communist International was held in Moscow. Since that time, agents of the Comintern regularly exported gold jewelry and precious stones from Moscow. In their own countries, they had to sell them, and spend the money received on local communist parties and underground work. At first, control over agents was practically not exercised, so much more was stolen than was spent on preparing a world revolution. In order to stop the "lawlessness", in February 1920 "for the centralization, storage and accounting of all valuables belonging to the RSFSR, consisting of gold, platinum, silver bullion and products from them; diamonds, colored precious stones and pearls” and the Gokhran was created.

The famine that began in the summer of 1921 forced the authorities to look for funds to buy bread. In addition, it was necessary to pay off with Poland. According to the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, the western lands of Ukraine and Belarus departed to Poland, in addition, the Bolsheviks undertook to pay Poland 30 million gold rubles within a year. Here they remembered the crown jewels, most of which were masterpieces of Russian jewelry art. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks outlined a program for the sale of the so-called Romanov jewels as soon as possible. At first, the Bolsheviks only planned to pawn the treasures, but in the end they decided to sell the jewels abroad. In 1922, in London and Amsterdam, emeralds from the Gokhran were sold under the guise of being mined in the Urals. A year later, Gokhran pearls and diamonds were brought to Amsterdam. And in the future, diamonds and pearls from the Gokhran continued to be sold, but already in Paris. As for the debt to the Poles, they decided to pay it off with jewelry, selecting for this the best diamonds, pearls and colored stones.

In 1931, the items of the Romanovs, which the Americans purchased from a German antiques company, were put up at an auction in New York. The Grand Duchesses Xenia and Olga applied to the court with a request to prevent the sale of jewelry and works of art belonging to the Romanovs. According to one version, because of the scandal, the auction had to be curtailed, according to another, everything had to be quickly sold on the cheap. The following year, the Romanov jewelry appeared at an auction in Berlin. In 1932, royal treasures could be bought in Armand Hammer's American department stores. Later, he opened an antique shop that sold Easter eggs that belonged to the empresses, icons of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna in jewelry settings, a Faberge cigarette case made by order of Maria Feodorovna, her notebook with a monogram and a crown. Of the 773 items of the Diamond Fund, 569 were sold in the 1920s and 1930s. Today, only 71 items from the collection of Tsar Nicholas II can be seen in the Kremlin. Where did the Tobolsk “treasure”, which included 154 items, go, is still unknown.

V. M. Sklyarenko, I. A. Rudycheva, V. V. Syadro. 50 famous mysteries of the history of the XX century

Due to active manipulations with historiography, few people know that the United States of America was also created by the Romanovs... The United States was created simultaneously with religion... And in 1861, the Romanovs began issuing dollars in the USA... The Romanov scam is that they sold Russian Alaska to the Americans in 1867 for newly issued dollars!

After Alexander II formalized the USA, moved the Greenwich meridian and collected the lands of America, the Russian emperor proceeded to the next act of "geo-creation", or terraforming.

The anthem of the United States, that is, the melody and IDEA, expressing the spirit of the nation and the state, is written in a strange way to the motive of the Russian folk song "Beyond the island on the rod." About the Cossack Stenka Razin, his Persian campaigns along the Volga, as well as his attitude towards women of the lower caste: "And he throws her overboard ..."

We are not given an explanation for such a solution to the problem with the anthem of the distant outskirts of the world, back in the 19th century!

The Romanovs are a German Asian family that seized the Russian throne in an opaque way, negatively influenced Russian historiography and was involved in organizing the First World War, the 1917 Revolution, the Civil War, and the Second World War.

Modern collage: "Kirillovichi" as a project of the world behind the scenes

Some researchers attribute the occurrence romanticism- the era of the Romanovs - not to the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars, but to a slightly earlier years. With the beginning of romanticism And the emergence of the Romanov dynasty, the United States of America was also formed.

George Washington (George Washington; 1789 - 1797) not only became the first president of the United States, he also received the status of the founding father of the United States. Biblical tracing paper, like the ears of an unlucky donkey, sticks out of every "historical" "fact" about the United States.

It is easy to understand the mythology of this story. Even the name of George Washington literally means: George - "George", that is, the Red Knight, and Washington - "taken from the water", like Moses - caught by an Egyptian in a nearby swamp.

The USA was created at the same time as religion. At the same time (1787), by decree of Catherine II, the full text of the Koran in Arabic was first printed in the printing house of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Note, the Academy is literally "Like Deus (god)", i.e. the almshouse.

Until 1798, five editions of the Koran were published in St. Petersburg. Obviously German the Russian government intended to focus on the Koranic copy of the Bible. But then another decision was made, and already in 1801-1802. Islamites were evicted from Moscow, and the Arabic script was transferred from the printing house of the Academy of Sciences to Kazan. (And in order not to lose control over the territory and minds, Kazan University was established in 1804 RA)

It was with the beginning of romanticism - the era of the Romanovs - that three religions arose - Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam (Judaism arose later).

(Those who came across and angrily discarded this statement, see the vivid illustrations of a wonderful article "Hutzpa guarding the secrets of Atlantis".


At the same time, the mythological character named Immanuel Kant formulated the category of the SUBMISSION. It is she who is the central theme for Romanov's romanticism. Yes, and for religion in general. This is the topic of the new countdown.

It is no coincidence that Kant's name literally means "the border (Rome) of the reference", for example, goll. kant - “edge, edging, border, side”, German. Kante - “end, edge, edging”, sw. kant - “rib, edge, border, edge”, est. kant - "edge, side"; floor. kant - "rib". The mythologeme "Kant" marks the boundary of the countdown of the new worldview - this is Romanov's romanticism.

What can we say about religious inventors, even physicists in these years have radically changed their ideas. From March 30, 1791, METER began to be defined through the length of the Earth meridian: as one 40-millionth part of the Paris meridian. Physicists have somehow determined the PERIMETER of the Earth, starting from the fact that it is supposedly round.

Thus, by the beginning of the era of romanticism, all the main criteria for the world (universe) of the Romanovs were formed. The US has arrived. Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam, romanticism arose. Books on these teachings began to appear. The dimensions of the Earth were determined - as a spherical body.

It was this time - around 1813 - that is the beginning of the novel (literary history) of the Romanovs. They became the WRITERS of this novel - this fictional and now "real" story.

The formation of the US and "world" religions was followed by a wave of military escalation. In 1861 - 1865. - The American Civil War, and in 1854 - 1856. her rehearsal is the Kansas Civil War. These wars were caused by a religious event: according to the Church, in 1854 the term of the FIFTH messiah of the Carthaginian era came.

I remember the era of the fifth sun among the Indians of America - did the Romanovs catch the infection from them? And this time - the era became the era of the Romanov clan after as Rome conquered Carthage.

It was 1856 that became the new boundary for changing the worldview of earthlings. It came to replace Christianity and was formed, first of all, in the form of Freemasonry. The world began to reshape. India, as a Christian paradise, has ceased to be relevant. The Caucasus and Jerusalem, as the Centers of the World, have lost their role.

The Crimea also ceased to bear the sacred load. The refusal of the Romanovs from what they now do not need Crimea was described by historians as a fantasy novel, which describes mythological defeat of Russia in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Such “defeats” are not history at all, but fairy tales. Remember how Ivan dived into a cauldron of boiling water. In reality, he didn’t even try to get there, it’s just the image. For the same mythological reason, Denmark, after January 1, 1856, abandoned the Faroe Islands. Previously, they were in demand, because they fixed the most western limits of the Romanovs' possessions, but now they are simply not needed.

A new construction of world geography began to be established on the planet. under the leadership of the Romanovs. It was their geopolitical ROMAN. This is how their historical tale was formed. It turned into a romantic Romanov fiction. And it was a well-planned fiction, completely "sharpened" for America.

Now otherworldly land, mythological Hell, instead of all the old "Atlantis" at once - Carthage, Rome and Crimea (single-root concepts) - became AMERICA. It was presented to us by historians as another mythical Atlantis - the New World, where the new Noah led new people for a new better life. But this life just got better for them, and headed the American project by the Roman emperors Romanovs.

Nowadays, it has been established that a follower of Alexander II - also Emperor Nicholas II Romanov - has the same set of genes as Napoleon, Hitler, Einstein and many other "Spaniards"-Iberians.

Alexander II sent the gold treasures stolen in Russia to these "Spaniards". What Napoleon could not do with Russia was done by his successor, Alexander II.

It's the receiver! After all, Alexander II was awarded the Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece (1826) by Napoleon himself! Brother of the failed emperor.

Historian P. A. Zaionchkovsky wrote: the government of Alexander II carried out "Germanophile policy" that did not meet the interests of the Russian Empire. This was facilitated by the position of the monarch himself: “In reverence for his uncle, the Prussian king, and later the German emperor Wilhelm I, He contributed in every possible way to the formation of a united militaristic Germany.

The Russian non-Russian emperor, having risen to the throne of the Russian Empire, was engaged in outright sabotage in favor of Germany. Here is a manifestation of multiculturalism and tolerance for you - getting into a healthy organism, foreign inclusions begin to devour it. Imperial families are no exception.

So, in 1854, a mythological event took place- came the fifth messiah of the Carthaginian era. In reality, Alexander II ascended the Russian throne. The messianic disease regularly strikes the rulers, each of whom wants to adjust the calendar so as to receive messianic status. Alexander II was no exception.

The meaning of the messianic advances of Alexander II was to reshape the Earth. He moved the zero meridian to Greenwich and thereby cut off the American Hemisphere with its New Light from the Old Light. The earth split in two: This light is the Old world, That light is the New light.

Of course, this split is mythological, illusory. We must understand this. But its significance for civilization is enormous. Therefore, from the point of view of the consequences of such a reshaping of the Light, the activity of Alexander II was indeed messianic. After a lot of measurements, calculations and negotiations in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, it was decided to take the Greenwich meridian as the zero-point of the reference of longitudes throughout the globe.

It should be noted that the milestone year - 1854 - was by no means peaceful. In 1854, the Crimean War began between the Russian Empire and the Anglo-French troops. In the same year, 1854, the war began on the American continent. In the same year, 1854, the Republican Party, the party of war, was founded in the United States.

And in 1853, parts of the territories of the modern states of Arizona and New Mexico were bought, and the southwestern state border was finally established. Interestingly, for the first time the idea of ​​selling Alaska was voiced at the same time - in 1853.

Against the backdrop of his Germanophile suffering and sabotage in favor of Germany, in 1867 Alexander II sold Russian America - Alaska - to some United States. Justifying the imperial sabotage, helpful court historians defend: they say, the emperor did not have enough money.

But then a logical and quite intelligible question arises: what about the carts loaded with gold and sent to Spain? Does that mean they have enough money?

(Russia increased investments in US securities - July 2015 RA)

The sale of Alaska was not a sale in our modern understanding of the meaning of the word, but in a completely different way - in the transfer of territories to another country. The meaning of this program was that in America the Romanovs were creating their own Third Rome.

And in this regard, it seems strange that historians for some reason stubbornly spread rumors that, allegedly, in 1862, Alexander II became sharply impoverished. Moreover, he became so impoverished that, according to historians, he was even forced to borrow £15 million from the Rothschilds at 5 percent per annum.

Where did this loan amount come from? Why are the interest rates on the loan so high? What is the point of this loan? Historians do not give any intelligible answer to this.

But on the other hand, this invented debt turns into a “justification” for why the Russian Empire gave Alaska to the United States. According to historians, the same debt to the Rothschilds, possibly formed by his Jewish pseudo-wife Dolgoruky, had nothing to give to Alexander II.

But since talks about the sale of Alaska began as early as 1853, the question is: did Alexander II already owe the Rothschilds then? Or with their talk about the sale of Alaska, did the astute statesmen for 9 years foresee the formation of a debt with Alexander II? The actual sale of Alaska took place only in 1867, that is, 14 years after the first attempt to do so.

It is clear that Alexander II transferred Russian Alaska to the use of the United States free of charge.

Now let's answer the question: why? Since it is believed that the Earth is round, it was not enough to draw only the Greenwich meridian. It was also necessary to draw a meridian along 180 degrees, that is, on the opposite side of the Earth. So he passed through the Bering Strait and separated the Russian Empire from its Other possessions, the Other World, in which Alaska now finds itself.

It must be clearly understood: if the Russian Empire lost its lands in the form of surrendered Alaska, then the Romanov clan did not lose anything. He both owned both worlds, and continues to own.

As for Russian gold, Alexander II concentrated about 50 tons of this precious metal in the Crimea. Then this gold was transported to a special storage in the mountains of Iberia (Spain).

The events on the concentration of Russian gold by the German emperor in the mountains of Jewish Iveria (Spain) took place around 1863. Right in the middle of the American Civil War (1861 - 1865), which, in turn, was caused by the religious event of 1856 - the arrival of the fifth "Romanov" messiah of the Carthaginian era.

And now, when the mosaic of financial crimes of Alexander II begins to take shape, it should be clarified: criminal from the point of view of the Russian Empire, for the United States and the Jewish Iberian world, his activities were an unspeakable blessing.

After Alexander II formalized the USA, moved the Greenwich meridian and collected the lands of America, the Russian emperor proceeded to the next act of "geo-creation", or terraforming.

In 1861, the Romanovs began issuing dollars in the United States.. That is, since this year, the dollar has come into constant use. Interestingly, all US federal banknotes issued since this year are still legal tender today.

It turns out that since 1861 in the United States, some people, it is not clear for what means, began to issue local currency. What were these people? Where did they get the money to issue the currency? This is what we have to deal with.

Historians say that until 1861 the United States did not actually have a single banknote system. It turns out that the first president of the United States, who ruled the country from 1789 to 1797, was the head of something incomprehensible. The presence of a unified financial system is the main condition for the definition of "State" and the conditions for its existence.

Again, historians say that most monetary transactions in such a state - in the United States - were allegedly carried out through some private banks or through "specie", that is, cash, as well as gold and silver bars. There were also temporary quick redeemable Treasury Notes. They were issued by the US Treasury in 1793-1861. But they cannot be considered full-fledged banknotes.

That is, before the Civil War, no United States actually existed. There were specific principalities, each with its own currency. Only after the start of the Civil War - which was started to unite or even conquer the country - did both "warring" parties need gigantic sums of money. The same money. United. Money that could serve the unified state space formed as a result of the war.

Therefore, the date of the formation of the United States should be considered 1861. Then on July 17 - on the day of the proclamation of the House of Windsor and on the day of the "execution" of the royal family "- the US Congress adopted an act obliging the Treasury to issue new banknotes. What the “US Presidents” ruled until that time is not clear. Most likely, they were mythical. What is the "name" "George Washington" - "Yuri the Taken from the Water" worth. (Or, simply, Washed- Washed. RA)

New, or rather, the first real DOLLARS were issued for an astronomical amount for those times - 60 million pieces, that is, their own - dollars. Historians call this sum "astronomical". And not in vain!

Alexander II sold Alaska to the USA in 1867 for 7.2 million of the same dollars. This amount is 12 percent of the total issue of dollars. For comparison, in a recent interview with Michael Lambert, deputy head of the Fed's Banking and Payments Division, he gave these numbers. According to him, "at the moment there is 1.15 trillion cash dollars in circulation."

And 12 percent of that amount is $138 billion. This is exactly one third or 30 percent of the revenue part of the modern budget of Russia.

It's a lot, but it's not an astronomical amount at all. Today, it is easy to earn it - if you have access to business on blood, that is, if you have the right to start wars. Here is an example. According to The Financial Times, private contractors have earned $138 billion from the Iraq war over 10 years. The biggest winner was KBR, a former division of Halliburton, which in turn was formerly run by US vice president Dick Cheney under George W. Bush.

So the price of selling Alaska is ridiculous, and the 60 million dollars that were printed in the USA to start the American monetary system is not at all an astronomical amount even for those times.

In general, in terms of the amount of money issued, everything is already clear, and the amount of the issue is quite natural. After all, the order was commercial, that is, one that a commercial enterprise (and not the state) could implement. This order was sent to the New York printing company American Bank Note Co.

So, since 1861, the dollar began to be issued in the United States. More precisely, in July 1861, only the act of issuing dollars was adopted, and not their issue at all. It took time to print and prepare for it.

On the issue of Alaska, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire decided to time its sale to 1862 - allegedly, to the expiration date of the privileges of the Russian-American Company. And in the same year, 1862, Alexander II allegedly borrowed 15 million pounds from the Rothschilds at 5 percent per annum. The events on the concentration of Russian gold by the German Russian emperor in the mountains of Jewish Iveria (Spain) took place at the same time - around 1863.

Obviously these dates are too close!

But the scam of the Romanovs is that they sold Russian Alaska Americans for newly issued dollars!

These pieces of paper have not even been in circulation for a year and have not won any financial credibility. (Remember how long it took the new euro to gain that much credibility.)

Romanovs: from the creation of the United States to the golden billion

Rice. Soviet poster from the Great Patriotic War. The verses explain everything.

And it is also obvious that the Romanovs simply abandoned the Crimea they no longer needed, spat on the unnecessary Rome and the useless dead Roman Empire, which became Germany. Their views - both political and financial - rushed to the New World, to America, to the USA.

It was not at all that the Romanovs pumped up Spain with Russian money. Gold was transferred to the USA, where dollars were issued for it, and a new empire was created - the USA.

However, Abraham Lincoln was killed, and a few years later, Alexander II also died as a result of another assassination attempt. For everyone - the ends of the story with Russian gold drowned in the Atlantic Ocean.

But for the Romanovs, the story was different. Nicholas II Romanov turned into George V Windsor, and these Windsors now rule the United States - until now.

Just like the Great Patriotic War, the modern world campaign against Russia is organized and financed by the Romanov clan (with all sorts of nicknames and pseudonyms). Intertwined history and modernity in its activities Maria Hohenzollern (Romanova), who went to Russia last year.

But Russia remains the only country in the world where the Romanovs are still removed from the throne.. And that is why their establishment of a single world order for the golden billion is stalling. Project Zion is stalling.

And the Sword of Justice is already rushing at the Romanovs, cutting off the heads of their once cunning heads.

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper

Andrei Tyunyaev's article is vividly illustrated by the wonderful article "Khutspa on guard of the secrets of Atlantis".