The Minister for the Destruction of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, casts a shadow over the fence. Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva on what awaits students and schoolchildren Minister of Education Vasilyeva on education

The attack of systemic liberals on the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, launched against the backdrop of the presentation of a new federal educational standard (FGOS) for the Russian language and literature, continues to gain momentum. The company's customers, the Higher School of Economics and the Aleksey Kudrin Center for Strategic Research, no longer even consider it necessary to hide their "ears", as well as their goal of "leaving" Vasilieva and putting in her place a person controlled by the globalists, for example, the director of the Sirius Center, Elena Shmeleva -which will continue the line of Fursenko and Livanov on the "variability" of education, adjusted for the total digitalization of education and "individual development trajectories". The other day, the media even published a draft of another education reform from Kudrin and the Higher School of Economics worth 8 trillion rubles.

The battle for the future of Russian children is entering its final phase. At a meeting of the public council under the ministry, held two days ago, Vasilyeva made it clear that the mandatory minimum of classical works with the task of educating patriots, with the key role of the Russian language and Russian culture, will be introduced into our schools in the near future. The new Federal State Educational Standard, among other things, is designed to deal a powerful blow to the notorious "variability", serving to restore the unified educational space destroyed by the liberals.

Despite the persecution launched by the liberals, Vasilyeva did not dwell on the Federal State Educational Standard on Russian and Literature. The other day, she encroached on the holy of holies of our globalist "elite" - the digitalization of all spheres of life, calling it "game": "It is impossible to introduce a "digit" at school without knowing how it will affect children of a certain age. This cannot be done. It is impossible to do this without knowing how it affects children at an early age,” Vasilyeva said. A little more, and Olga Yuryevna will begin to cancel the “variability” of teaching history and then, God willing, she will get to the exam.

Citizens of the Asmolovs and other Fursenks, of course, could not endure this: it was not for this that they faithfully served the interests of the American metropolis for 20 years so that Vasilyev and Co. would take and destroy all their “conquests”.

It is no coincidence that Telegram channels specializing in political insiders have been full of rumors about Vasilyeva's imminent resignation for several months. Someone writes that by June of this year the Ministry of Education and Science will be transformed into two departments, the Ministry of Education (primary and general education) and the Ministry of Science (higher education), and Vasilyeva’s candidacy as their head is not even considered. And someone directly says that Olga Yuryevna in the new government in May of this year will be replaced by the director of the Sirius Center, Elena Shmeleva. Shmeleva is a 46-year-old sociologist, a graduate of St. Petersburg State University, head of the Talent and Success Educational Foundation, which oversees the innovative educational center for gifted children Sirius in Sochi. At Sirius, selected children receive education according to Western "modular" standards (for example, combining classical ballet classes with an English lesson), while the territory of the camp center is carefully guarded, and a prerequisite is sending children aged 10-17 alone there , without the possibility of visiting parents. The board of trustees of Sirius includes Vasilyeva's predecessors, former Ministers of Education Andrey Fursenko and Dmitry Livanov (which in itself says a lot), and Shmeleva herself has recently been increasingly seen at official events next to the President ...

In such a situation, the conservative forces of Russian society are trying to unite in order to come out in support of Olga Vasilyeva. Katyusha has already reported on a letter from academicians from the Civil Committee for the Revival of Education and Science, on speeches by representatives of parent organizations, etc. The other day, a similar appeal was sent in support of Vasilyeva by the secretariat of the Union of Writers of Russia

“Literature (as well as history, by the way!) Was excluded from the mandatory final exams, the number of hours for studying this subject was reduced to a minimum, removing a huge number of classical works from the compulsory reading of literary works,” the workers of the pen are outraged. - And today, when for the first time in many years, documents began to appear in the Ministry of Education and Science that return the meaning to the word “education” itself, in particular the new Federal State Educational Standard in Literature, to the initiator of these processes, O.Yu. Vasiliev was hit by a flurry of criticism bordering on hysteria.

So what is behind these claims? It seems to us that this is an attempt at liberal revenge in a strategic area - education. For decades, educational policy has moved in only one direction: modernization, pluralization, formalization, technologization, segregation and pragmatization. In many ways, the deplorable current state of Russian education is the fruit of just such a policy. Now a specific reason has been chosen (an addition to the Federal State Educational Standard) and an important political moment (on the eve of the formation of a new cabinet of ministers) in order to prevent real steps to be taken to correct the situation.

Behind these claims and behind the organized indignation of the "professional community" are those who have been at the helm of all educational reforms in recent decades: the liberal "public" associated with the Higher School of Economics and the Federal Institute for the Development of Education. On behalf of "ordinary teachers" is a small, but very active in the public space "Guild of Literary Workers". In fact, the vast majority of ordinary language teachers support the idea of ​​a single list of literary works that are required for study. And the writers who speak to schoolchildren are well aware and feel this,” reads the statement of the Union of Writers of Russia.

Ordinary educators join the writers, and they do it at the call of their hearts, and do not take it under the hood, like the Guild of Language Writers, which works in close conjunction with the Higher School of Economics. One of them created a petition in support of Vasilyeva on the change org website, which, at the time of writing, was supported by more than 11 thousand people. It would be appropriate to quote the full text of this open letter addressed to the President of Russia:

“Dear Mr. President of the Russian Federation, dear deputies of the State Duma and members of the government!

We, teachers of secondary and higher schools, categorically disagree with the letter distributed today by a number of language teachers protesting against the introduction by the Ministry of Education of new standards for literature proposed by Minister Vasilyeva. In our opinion, the introduction of these standards is as timely as possible.

First, the argument about overloading children is invalid here. Many teachers note (and practice has long shown) that overload arises not so much from the amount of knowledge, but from a violation of the didactic and methodological principles of education, which is what modern Federal State Educational Standards, which constantly replace each other, sin.

Secondly, the extremely beneficial and irreplaceable influence of serious classical literature on the formation of not only the general culture of the younger generation, on its civil and moral education, but also on the development of thinking, speech, memory, is well known, which has already been confirmed by many studies.

Thirdly, the “polyvariance” of educational programs, which has been affirmed in recent years, must nevertheless, like a solid building, rest on an unshakable foundation. Otherwise, instead of "polyvariability" we get chaos and lack of system. For literature as an academic discipline, it is the works of the classics that serve as such a foundation. Let us recall in this connection that even Hegel called classical that state of society in which a balance between the individual and the public is achieved - and from these positions one can call classical the art that contributes to this goal. Therefore, it cannot “become obsolete”: it is timeless.

Based on the foregoing, we earnestly ask you to support the initiative of Minister Olga Vasilyeva to recreate the once unified educational space with the high quality of the content of school curricula in Russia.”

Meanwhile, the media has already got a description of the strategic plans of Vasilyeva's opponents. According to RBC, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and the head of the "Human Capital" direction at the Kudrin Center for Strategic Research Liliya Ovcharova (who is currently writing a section on education in "10 Years of Childhood" as part of a working group under the government of the Russian Federation), presented a report "12 solutions for new education”, which proposes to create an early development support system for all children from zero to three years old, to introduce learning complexes based on artificial intelligence in schools and to build 40 new learning centers on the Sirius model.

Experts estimated the cost of this program at 8 trillion rubles.

The essence of the proposals, if you think about it, is quite cannibalistic. The "Early Development Support System" proposes nothing more than the introduction of compulsory juvenile patronage over all families by creating an escort service for all children from zero to three years old - who must observe the child monthly and consult parents (any normal person understands that in such at an early age, children do not yet know how to speak and do not need supervision from Mr. Kuzminov and his ilk, but motherly affection and love) The purpose of this system is to draw up the same “individual development trajectory”. Some girl from the Higher School of Economics will appoint your child as a street sweeper at the age of three, and that’s it, she will be a janitor - all roads outside the “educational trajectory” outlined by the globalists will be ordered to him ...

No better and other proposals from Kuzminov associates. The total digitalization of the educational process is a very doubtful “joy”. If only because replacing normal paper textbooks with monitors (as well as replacing paper diaries with electronic ones) deprives the child of visibility and demotivates him. We are not talking about replacing live communication with a teacher with “tutors” and “communication” with artificial intelligence ... As for the construction of quantoriums and Sirius, this may not be bad, but this is a drop in the ocean. Moreover, a drop that systemic liberals can only raise at the expense of the vast majority of other children who are not included in the number of "chosen ones". Katyusha recently talked about the true authors and customers of this ideology: the World Bank, the Soros Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and others.

In general, it's time for patriots and all sane people to unite and openly oppose the HSE experimenters - and it's easier to do this by supporting Olga Vasilyeva. Activists of parental organizations in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg and other cities are preparing pickets and rallies in support of the minister's state initiatives and against the continuation of liberal experiments on children. While the process of coordinating dates and places with the authorities is underway. RIA Katyusha will definitely report on these promotions. In the meantime, we invite our readers to write letters and telegrams to the President on their own, taking, if desired, the same letter from the VOIN Civil Code as a model.

Andrey Tsyganov, Ivan Vaganov

The name of the future Minister of Education became known to FederalPress. This is Elena Shmeleva, head of the Sirius Center for Gifted Children, according to agency sources in the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The department responsible for public education appears to be on a path of reform. Who and why is moving Shmeleva to a ministerial post and what place has been prepared for the current minister - in our material.

On the threshold of reforms

Elena Shmeleva rose to prominence earlier this year when she became more than just a confidant Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections, and co-chairman of his campaign headquarters. Before that, she was known only as the head of the Sirius Center for Gifted Children in Sochi.

According to our sources, Shmeleva already has several projects for the development of domestic education, including school education, in her hands. The plans include the opening of centers for gifted children throughout the country, the development of inclusive education, which opposes itself to the principle of uniform standards. And in this sense, Shmeleva is an ideological opponent of the current Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva.

The potential successor Vasilyeva looks more progressive against her background. Her experience of working with gifted children at Sirius is in line with the Kremlin's youth policy in recent months. The trend of this policy is the selection of the most talented representatives of the youth and their integration into the system of state power. A lot has been written about Shmeleva's track record.

There is also a version that after the inauguration of the President, the Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into two departments: the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and High Technologies. According to this theory, Shmeleva will lead the first.

Who is Elena Shmeleva?

If you look closely at the biography of Shmeleva, a lot will fall into place. Her closeness to Vladimir Putin is too obvious. She studied at the same university (St. Petersburg State University) as the president. She graduated from the Faculty of Sociology in 1995. One of her teachers and curators was the legendary political strategist Dmitry Gavra, who worked side by side with Vladimir Putin in the team of Anatoly Sobchak in the early 90s. Rumor has it that Gavra is still advising Shmeleva.

But the connections between Shmeleva and Putin are not limited to this. The actual founder of the Talent and Success Foundation, which established the Sirius Educational Center, is cellist Sergei Roldugin, one of the President's closest friends. Recall that Shmelev headed Sirius in 2015. So Elena and Shmeleva and Vladimir Putin are old acquaintances, and in this sense, her coming to the Ministerial chair is logical.

Discord chair

But will she cope with the new powers? After all, the chair of the Minister of Education in Russia in recent years has become a “execution”. If Vasilyeva really leaves, then it turns out that she lasted less than two years in her post, and her predecessor Dmitry Livanov not much more than four years.

The Ministry of Education and Science is one of the departments for which there is a constant struggle between the Kremlin towers. This is not a struggle for the control of financial flows, although the Ministry of Education and Science controls fairly decent budgets. The first reason is political, says the director of the Center for Political Science Research at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Pavel Salin.

“Livanov represented the same group as Fursenko, so we can say that the liberal clan in education determined policy for more than 10 years. When Vasilyeva began to take the first steps in changing the policy, the groups that forced the Ministry of Education wanted to return this department under their control, ”the political scientist notes.

Experts believe that due to her closeness to Vladimir Putin, Shmeleva can become a compromise figure for federal players fighting for power in the ministry. And her image may suit the spirit of protest groups who are not satisfied with the current education system in Russia.

“The stage of reforms in Russian education ended with the Unified State Examination, which almost everyone is dissatisfied with, since its format involves the training of performers, and not creative, non-standard-minded individuals. The society expects that such a mechanical approach to learning with a huge set of unnecessary variability will be corrected. And in such a situation, the positive image of Shmeleva is more appropriate than the conservative image of Olga Vasilyeva, ”the expert of the Crisis Institute believes. Alexander Asadchy.

Failures Vasilyeva

Vasilyeva, indeed, being a very conservative minister, wanted to carry out unpopular reforms that did not suit a number of federal players. We are talking about the introduction of unified textbooks for a number of subjects: the Russian language, literature, history, and so on. Vasilyeva was opposed by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, who earlier this year criticized the Ministry of Education's initiatives.

There is a high probability that Olga Vasilyeva will leave the post of minister for the position of presidential adviser on religious denominations. According to our sources, she is the creature of Vladimir Putin's confessor, Bishop Tikhon. Vasilyeva is the author of a number of theological works. She never hid her religiosity, which caused rejection among the more liberal members of the government.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Guneev

A year ago, the President of the Russian Federation appointed Olga Vasilyeva Minister of Education. Theologian historian, certified choirmaster and former employee of the presidential administration replaced the theoretical physicist Dmitry Livanov in this post. "Actual comments" highlighted the most important areas in which Olga Vasilyeva managed to make changes.

Beginning of transfer of schools from municipalities to regions

The minister lamented that "44,000 schools are in no way subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science (...) and are not subordinate to the region." According to her, the current system is inefficient and needs to be changed. As a solution to the problem, she decided to carry out a massive reform of school education. Schools are proposed to be transferred from municipal authorities to regional ones.

The reform will be tested in 16 regions. It has already started in Samara, Astrakhan regions and St. Petersburg.

The study of religion and theology

Vasilyeva suggested increasing the number of hours for studying the foundations of religious culture and secular ethics in schools. She stated that the foundations of religion is a subject that strengthens the foundations of morality. She is not embarrassed by the fact that schoolchildren in central Russia most often choose Orthodoxy and secular ethics, while in Muslim regions they choose Islam. She believes that this discipline is not aimed at religious education.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education and Science has already increased the number of budget places in the specialty "theology". This year 475 state employees are studying the science of religion, next year 632 students are planned.

Astronomy lessons

Until recently, astronomy was the main outsider among all school subjects. The science of the stars, at best, was left as a short section in a physics textbook and taught on a residual basis, at worst, it was pretended that it did not exist. Vasilyeva decided to make astronomy "great again" - the subject will appear in the syllabus for the 2017/18 academic year.

Oral interview for ninth graders

The minister considered that the GIA was not enough for ninth-graders, and decided to create an additional filter for admission to certification exams.

Vasilyeva suggested introducing an oral interview in the Russian language. The innovation will work next year. It is also planned to introduce the oral part of the exam in Russian in 2019.

Reducing the number of textbooks in all subjects

The minister has already taken care of the fact that history and geography textbooks tend to be hopelessly behind the times. She suggested "bringing in line with the times" textbooks of geography and history. “Now we can do it electronically. Because it is unlikely that paper carriers will be able to come to school in September,” Vasilyeva said.

In the near future - a reduction in the line of textbooks in all subjects. She considers 400 textbooks for elementary grades unacceptable and suggests leaving 2-3 rulers for each subject.

Support for a hijab ban in schools

After the scandal with the ban on wearing hijabs in one of the Mordovian schools, Vasilyeva sharply spoke out in favor of the ban. She stated that true believers do not try to emphasize their faith with their paraphernalia. “Several years ago, the constitutional court ruled that hijabs, as emphasizing national identity, have no place in schools. Therefore, I believe that this issue was resolved by the constitutional court several years ago,” Vasilyeva said.

Labor education in schools

Following astronomy, Vasilyeva shook off the dust from another educational artifact of the Soviet era - labor education. She "with both hands" supported the legislative initiative of the State Duma on the introduction of labor education in schools. “Without diligence, without the skills that we owe first of all to the family and school, without the skills to work every hour, every second, to get success from work, we cannot live,” the minister believes.

The law on labor education was submitted to the State Duma, but the parliamentarians did not dare to adopt it right away: the draft was sent for revision.

Reduction of budget places in graduate school

Vasilyeva considered that the departments "should have two or three graduate students." So, in her opinion, graduate school "really educates researchers." The minister is dissatisfied with the fact that only a third of graduate students defend dissertations.

Vasilyeva proposed to abolish accreditation for postgraduate educational programs, make research a priority for postgraduate students, and make the defense of a dissertation mandatory after graduation. However, this year there was no reduction in budget postgraduate places.

The emergence of speech therapists, psychologists and chess circles in schools

Worried about the "groups of death", Vasilyeva intended to return psychologists to schools. “Now my main task (I talk about this all the time) is to return psychologists to school. Today we have one psychologist for 700 children. It's about nothing. As for the kindergarten, one speech therapist or psychologist per 400 people,” she said.

The head of the Ministry of Education also said that chess circles should be returned to schools. She noted that “every school should have a chess club. Nothing develops the population like chess. It doesn't cost anything." True, there has not yet been a massive influx of chess coaches, psychologists and speech therapists into schools.

school television

The Ministry of Education is going to launch a unified school TV.

“This school television will be the following: news of the country and the world ... news in all areas that can be done, of course, taking into account age. And the second part is school television, their local television, which they develop. This is what ideally should be,” said Vasilyeva.

Vasilyeva again made a reference to the Soviet past, considering school TV a logical continuation of school radio. She believes that this will not cause large costs and is generally feasible, because many schools already have their own TV.

So far, the minister's actions do not greatly affect the perception of the educational system among Russians. Over the year, the FOM recorded a decrease in the assessment of the quality of domestic education: 36% of Russians (+4% per year) rate it as poor, and 40% (-4% per year) as average.

The number of those who disapprove of the USE also increased sharply (from 49% to 66%). The areas in which Vasilyeva is taking active steps suggest a long-term effect, but so far there has been no visible success in improving the quality of education and its perception.

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The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, in an interview with Izvestia correspondent Alexandra Krasnogorodskaya, spoke about the basic foundations of education, the transfer of schools to the regions and human values. The material was published on August 2 on the website of the Izvestia newspaper.

Passing the Unified State Examination even under cameras is easier than 6-7 exams the old fashioned way, astronomy is returning to the course of the school curriculum, in the near future 55 thousand new study places will appear in Russia, and schools from municipal subordination are moving to the regional. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva spoke about this in an interview with Izvestia.

Olga Yuryevna, August 19 marks one year since your appointment as Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. What could you mark as achievements and, conversely, what could not be solved yet?

The year was very difficult and interesting. I managed to figure out what happened and understand where to move on. For example, the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of 2004 were very vague, they lacked the most important thing - the content of education. Therefore, the key task was to fill the standards with the basic foundations of education.

They differ from the previous ones in that they contain content. I want to note that on July 24, the ministry completed a two-week public discussion of draft new standards. We saw great interest from the expert community and an understanding of the need for change. Users could look for each subject, what basic content the child should know in each grade from the first to the ninth. More than 7 thousand people joined the discussion, almost all the feedback was positive, and we received almost 200 specific proposals. Now these proposals are being worked out in detail, after which the projects will be submitted for anti-corruption expertise. This is important for teachers, and for parents, and for the child himself.

If we create a unified educational space, then we must create a conceptual vision, standards, on the basis of which we write textbooks. 1423 textbooks on the federal list is an unthinkable number. There were many discussions about the historical and cultural standard, nevertheless, this year our children are going to study using textbooks written on the basis of the historical and cultural standard. I emphasize that we are talking about two or three lines of textbooks, among which there must be basic and advanced textbooks.

Here are the main tasks in school education that faced me in the first year.

- Are there any tasks that you would like to solve, but have not yet succeeded?

Being an emotional person, I still try to soberly evaluate what I do. Of course, not everything works out. I have enough opponents, I always invite them to dialogue. If you think that something is bad, come and prove it, explain, together we will do better.

My most important concern is pedagogical education, teacher training, otherwise we will not be able to solve all the problems. There will be no revolutions - I'm only for the evolutionary path. Everything new is well-forgotten old, but in new technological realities.

These are the issues of preparation of subject certification of teachers. We have a great idea that will be implemented very soon - a national teacher development system. First of all, we are talking about building a system for improving the quality of teaching and training the teaching staff.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the instruction to develop a system of teacher growth following a meeting of the State Council on improving the system of general education, held on December 23, 2015.

In particular, it is necessary to form a national system of teacher growth, which will determine the levels of professional competencies of teachers, confirmed by the results of certification. It is also supposed to take into account the opinions of graduates of general educational organizations, but not earlier than four years after their graduation from such organizations.

There are more tasks ahead than we managed to do.

Critical remarks have been addressed to you regarding the resubordination of schools to regions. Opponents say that in this case municipalities will not be motivated to raise additional funds for institutions.

We already have two regions that work according to this scheme - Moscow and the Samara Region. In this matter, the numbers speak for themselves.

For example, in the Samara region, the changes made it possible to reduce the share of expenses for the maintenance of educational authorities. From 8.2% to 3.1% of the industry budget. And such a remarkable indicator: over the past six years in the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" three winners and one absolute winner are representatives of the Samara region.

According to the results of 2016, Moscow took the sixth place in the international rating of educational systems PISA, which is considered the largest international study of the quality of education. This system assesses the literacy of schoolchildren at the age of 15 in reading, mathematics and science.

The advantage of regional subordination is that the content is built up more rigidly and clearly, and the financial side becomes more transparent. I see many advantages of transferring schools to regions. When my opponents say that it will be bad, I invite to discussion.

- Can the program of consolidation of educational institutions be called successful?

Everything is individual. In Moscow, for example, consolidation in the overwhelming majority of cases is absolutely justified. This is the optimization of management, the number of managers from education has decreased by 3%, the salaries of teachers have risen, the quality of education has become higher. But we cannot do this in every region. In the Pskov region, for example, there is a school on an island with three students. There can be no talk of any enlargement there. The nearest school is too far away, we can't take the kids that far.

- Can I sum up the results of the exam this year? And what changes are planned to be introduced in the near future?

The results of the exam this year are better than last year. And this is the merit of Rosobrnadzor. For four years, the perception of the exam has changed, the realization has come that this is a state final certification, and not coaching for passing the test.

This year, 703,000 people took the USE, of which 617,000 were 2017 graduates. Violations recorded one and a half times less than last year. It is especially gratifying for me that this year, almost twice as many children as compared to last year in all subjects have overcome the lower score. In the Russian language, the number of students who did not overcome the minimum threshold decreased by 2 times, in history - by 2 times, in physics - by 1.6 times, in literature - by 1.5 times, in basic mathematics and geography - by almost 1.5 times, in social science, computer science and English - by a quarter.

The tests remained only in the oral part of the foreign language exam. We are currently discussing in which regions next year we will introduce the oral part in the ninth grade in Russian as a pilot project. In two years, we plan to distribute this throughout the country, and the necessary recommendations have already been prepared.

Experts are sounding the alarm because, according to various estimates, 25-45% of our children have lost functional reading. The child reads the text and cannot retell the content. I fully agree that this is a big problem that needs to be addressed.

- What would you say to the opponents of the Unified State Examination, who note the incredible nervous tension in children during the exam?

People either forgot how many exams they took or they are younger than those who took 6-7 exams. I am sure that asking a country to pass six exams will be even more difficult.

- They say that it's hard to pass under the cameras ...

In order to stop throwing cigarette butts past the trash can in Singapore, there were cameras on the streets for ten years. We have had four years of a new format for passing the exam. I believe that we have made great strides.

Most importantly, the content is changing. The main thing is to change the attitude to the exam as to coaching. We teach children, they are not afraid, because they come to take exams on the studied material. This is how we were once taught. There was no wild fear. We returned the essay as admission to the exam. Russian oral will be a pass to the GIA in the ninth grade.

Many refer to the experience of past years, preparing for three exams causes fear, but how are we going to pass six exams? It is necessary not to engage in coaching, but to teach in such a way that the student can pass the exam. It's the same exam, just in a different form. But when we were in school, we didn't have that fear of exams.

- What is the difference between Soviet and Russian graduates of the school?

It is hard to imagine a Soviet graduate with such informational potential, surrounded by such a huge base of omnipotent gadgets.

Of course, the possibilities of modern children were not available to a graduate twenty years ago. But those children were, in my opinion, more inquisitive, more interested, because they had to make more efforts to get an answer to their question. It was necessary to find a book, look, analyze. There was no such volume of ready-made essays and all kinds of answers.

I am completely for the "figure" in education, but I stand up primarily for the head. Everything has accelerated, but the head has remained and should remain with any instrumentation. The most important task of a teacher is to develop and instill a desire to learn.

Do local teachers understand this?

If a person believes in what he is doing, then he will definitely get a result, even if he does not have materials at hand, but there is a charge that he will convey to the child. If you are indifferent, you are not interested, you are a bad subject teacher, nothing will work out.

This year, teachers in 15 regions are ready to undergo subject certification - for knowledge of the subject. It will be the Russian language and mathematics. This is not "USE for teachers", by no means. The goal is to analyze the situation together with the regions and build a system of advanced training for those who need it. I believe that every teacher must improve their qualifications: subject or in another area, but every three years, in order to grow constantly. Then there will be a result.

Today, the regions are actively working on the creation of large educational centers, and their creation and work are reflected in the level of education of the entire subject. These are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Kirov, Tyumen, Leningrad and Moscow regions, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg. There, the results of appraisal work, including international ones, are very high.

In addition, our students show high results at the international level. We are talking about international Olympiads: in physics - five gold, in chemistry - 3 gold and 2 silver, in mathematics - gold, silver and bronze. This suggests that a lot has been done to support talented children. And I want to give more. It is necessary to remember about optional and circle work.

- What subjects are missing in the school curriculum?

Many experts state the redundancy of items. Talk about increasing or decreasing the burden on a child naturally evokes a reaction in society. But there is a subject that, in my opinion, should not cause much controversy and doubt - this is astronomy. From September 1, 2017, she triumphantly returns to the school curriculum with a course of 35 hours. It's a paradox: the country that was the first to fly into space does not have astronomy in its schools, but our young men have been taking first places in international astronomy Olympiads for several years in a row.

In addition, I am convinced that chess should be played at school. It's hard to argue with statistics. In our country and abroad, the performance of children who play chess at school is 35–40% higher. This intellectual game develops the child. The important thing is that the techniques are so good that a primary school teacher can quite easily learn to play chess himself and teach children. Children should play chess at school outside school hours for free. And also must be free sports sections, literary circles, music. It turns out a classic set of five directions. You can also talk about entrepreneurial skills.

There are extracurricular activities - mandatory 10 hours to be used. The point is small - you need to want. Recommendations will be sent to the regions. By the way, 42 schools play chess in the Samara region. The Tyumen Region is playing, the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug is playing. Huge regions in which they play everywhere. Interest in chess in society is returning.

You are listing what formed the basis of Soviet education, which was lost in the 1990s along with the educational basis.

That's right, education is education and training. You can educate in the lessons of literature, history, extracurricular music classes. Valuable things are still carried by the humanitarian block, although the teacher of chemistry and physics will always bring them into the lesson - that's why he is a teacher. It is very important with what the child goes into life.

- To what extent does this correspond to the challenges of today - the new technological revolution?

I wholeheartedly support new technologies. But how does digital change human values? Love, mercy, compassion, pity, the ability to rejoice, laugh, love of work rarely directly correlate with the "figure", but are directly related to the school. It is there that one can talk about human values ​​if the family does not talk about them. The deep foundations are laid in the family, but the school has always helped and will help her in this. I am proud to say that in Russia there are more than 9.5 thousand free psychological and pedagogical centers for parents, where you can get advice from a psychologist, a teacher-psychologist. The number of such centers is growing and will continue to grow.

- Any teacher always has a stick and a carrot. What can be a whip at school?

My deepest conviction is that a whip is not needed with babies. A small person should not have chaos. There should be a change of activity and a clear idea of ​​what he is doing now, he will do in 10 minutes, in 15. To explain what is good and what is bad, we start from birth, so I don’t see hard whips here. And most importantly, love.

In adolescence, you need to explain, talk about situations that may be. This is a very difficult period in life. A teenager is like a crystal vessel.

- And in a corner to put on peas?

As a parent, I can say that peas are probably not our method. But there should be restrictions. What is possible and what is not, a small person should know from the very beginning. You have to constantly explain. Understanding doesn't come from nowhere.

Let's return from educational issues to urgent ones. Where is the problem of building schools particularly acute?

Problems in those regions where there is a third shift. This is Dagestan, Chechen Republic. This problem needs to be solved this very second - there should not be a third shift. The government allocates 25 billion rubles for the construction of new schools. And this year we will have 55,000 new places. 57 regions are participating in the program this year. We hope that this year will end as well as the last.

We were additionally allocated 3.8 billion from the reserve fund for schools in the regions of the North Caucasus. We hope that we will build additional schools under the program for the development of the North Caucasus. It is very important that schools have modern equipment and excellent laboratories. It will not be just buildings, not just chairs and tables. They build huge schools for 1.2-2.2 thousand people and very small rural schools.

How do you assess the level of education of modern university graduates? According to many experts, it is not so easy for them to find a job. Employers think they don't know anything.

Even 20 years ago young people were told that they did not know anything, it was just that the times were different. The level of preparation is not as bad as one would like to imagine. Of course, we will do our best to make it better. You need to change the legal framework so that the company or enterprise does not say that you need work experience to get hired. There are already developments that will enable the guys to start working. This includes support for the most talented, student innovative enterprises, and laboratories that already exist. Innovative enterprises that are created at universities can continue to work after students graduate. There are many forms of work within the NTI. We have a good experience that can be repeated in the new realities.