Self defense burning hearts. Front near Gorlovka: no truce happened. Video from a local resident and a message from military correspondents



A friend's old dog died. Born from a puppy. Darling. Half of my heart, consider, died, and my friend fell ill from grief: she fell ill so that she was about to die. And her children are in shock, of course. Mothers are getting worse and worse, but what can be done to help? Doctors only shrug their shoulders, saying that she is tormenting herself ... But she really leaves! Lies, stares at the wall, does not eat, and does not even get up anymore

It was then that the daughter of her friend went to that place under the birch in the garden where the dog was buried, burst into tears, talked with the dog as if it were alive, and let's reproach her: what are you doing? How we loved you! Mom is still so young - live and live ... How can we live without her? Don't take her with you, be a man! In the evening, she tells me everything on the phone and says that since she herself went to the dog’s grave with persuasion, then she, too, goes crazy. Well, what about me?
Duty phrases of sympathy ... What else can we do?

A few days later, a little light - daughters doorbell. Who's there? Mom - in person: cheerful, businesslike, cheerful, she suddenly changed her mind about dying ...
So, he says, children, Evochka came to me in a dream last night. She said that she was coming back to us. She said that in a month she had to go to the bird market every Sunday and look for a woman with puppies. The woman's name is Emma and her bitch is Eva. Breed? Did not say. The main thing: the hostess is Emma, ​​and the bitch - what was our name, the same nickname ...

My friend threw all this out to the children, changed clothes, got ready, and rushed about, as if she was not sick, and was not fond of suicide ... The children are again in shock! My daughter is calling me: help her mother persuade a psychiatrist to show up ... she obviously went crazy: a dead dog in a dream distributes Central Control ... And by that time I had heard the whole story about a dream first-hand, I saw my friend with my own eyes - alive and healthy , thank you Lord! Well, I say to the girl: you will not please! Mother dies - bad. Worn like a shoe - again not good. Decide already! Normal your mother, calm down! It's no worse than it's been all my life...

And then, as the month flew by, every Sunday a friend walks around the bazaar ten rows from morning to night. When alone, when with me, when with my daughter ... There is no such combination of Emma / Eva, even if you shoot yourself ... Again, she began to become limp, and I told her: why are you ahead of time? .. did the person say to you in Russian: wait! Do you think it's so easy to return from the other world? ..

On that day, we went with her to the last round, at the end of the bazaar. All the same ones are standing, and the time for lunch has long passed ... I dragged my friend for a bacon and dragged her into a cafe. Sat down, I stuck in the menu. I raise my eyes, and my friend looks behind me and her face changes. God, did you see a ghost? Look, behind me on the wall is a notice pasted: a preliminary appointment for Eva-Erita's puppies, and two more lines of all sorts of names through the dash. And below is the phone number and name - Emma. We were thrown. What's lunch there? We call there immediately: Emma? Answer: Emma. - And the dog Eva? Exactly. Do you already have puppies? No, he says, everyone has already been sold.

Here the girlfriend really starts to get hysterical:
How sold? And I? There was my ... my dog ​​told me in a dream ... my puppy ... from the other world ... And sob out loud.
I got scared and grabbed the phone. I say: excuse me, don't pay attention: we have a mystical story here, and in the announcement the names - yours and your dog's - coincided like in a dream ... and the dog in the hospital had a dream and said ...
Well, you understand - I also clarified! Negotiator, man.

And the receiver paused, and then suddenly says: write the address, come. There is one puppy. They left themselves...

God! Not feeling our feet under us, we jumped into the car and rushed to the address. Found. Come in. There is a lady one and a half meters high and the same one and a half meters wide - such a square-nested aunt !, on her neck a gold chain, three fingers wide, in a wig and dark glasses. Yep, in an apartment. No hello to you, no other curtsy. Silently she pointed her finger towards the room. There was a table and chairs in the room. We sat down.

And then interrogation began with passion: who are they, where from, why? The aunt runs around us in circles and yells: Tell the truth! I know who sent you!
I had already begun to slowly glance towards the front door, when my aunt, noticing my look, barked a word, and a huge dog came out of the next room and silently lay across the doorway into the corridor. I realized that we won't get out of here alive...

And when for the hundredth time in the smallest detail we, each in turn, retold the whole story, including a dream, and described the bird market from the inside with topographical accuracy, the square hostess got up, made one movement, and the huge dog also silently left, as it seemed to me, with some disappointment.

With the second movement, the aunt took out a bottle of cognac from the bar, poured us a glass each, poured half a glass to herself and said that although she does not believe in God or in hell, there is no other explanation for this.

In short: the owner's Eva turned out to be a dog of terribly expensive bloodlines, which can be counted on the fingers of the whole world. It always breeds with only one male, who has all the kings, princes of the blood in the pedigree and there is no one below the duke, even the servants.

Especially for a lot of money, this dog is brought to her from ... and everything is always ideal! All the puppies are like a selection, each one is worth a fortune, all the bests are bests, a record for a year in advance... And, as expected, three months ago the dog whelped, and..⠀
Tadaam: among all the dark puppies, suddenly there was one white girl. What is it like? It's impossible! No way! Science refutes!
With their blood, there can be no white color anywhere, even if they are turned inside out...

What to do? If anyone finds out that this happened, the dog will be stripped of all titles and excluded from breeding, puppies of her past too. We decided to remain silent. But what to do with this white?

Aunt again waved half a glass of skate, like I had forty drops of Corvalol, and repented: she wanted to put her to sleep, she even called a trusted veterinarian ... Yes, only at night I have a dream:
I am walking along an empty street with many doors. And they are all closed. Suddenly one opens and a dog stands in the opening - not mine, I don’t know this one. She looked at me, bared her teeth terribly and disappeared, and from that place a white puppy jumped out onto the road towards me, with a ball in its mouth. The puppy put the ball in front of me, sat down and looked at me seriously, like an adult. At that moment, that door slammed shut, so loudly that I woke up ...

Morning already. The whole day the dream does not go out of my head. And I myself am waiting, the horseman should be here just about. And then the door from the next room opens and this blond miracle slaps me, wags its tail, carries a ball in its mouth, puts it right in front of me, sits down and looks into my eyes. One on one, like in a dream. And the look is the same - not a puppy. Frost tore through my skin, I was already pounding all over, I can’t remember any prayer, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest ...

I grabbed the puppy, took it to the back room. Well, I think, come what may. I feel like you can't put a puppy to sleep.
No wonder that strange dog grinned its teeth in a dream. She paid Verinaru for a false call, she spun something, fortunately, there was no previous conversation about euthanasia.
Well, I think, okay, I'll decide tomorrow morning.
And then in the evening your call ... Well, how about this one - a nod in the direction of a friend - she began to sob that she should get a puppy, but about a dream, but about her dead dog ...
It became clear to me - here the voice of the hostess fell upon us like Niagara Falls - It became clear to me that it was because of you that they put my marriage into my beauty there (with a finger to the sky!)

The woman splashed herself more cognac with a sharp movement and barked:
- You are now taking the puppy and forget about me forever.
Especially since I'm leaving in a few days with the dog and I definitely won't be back here.
Everything that I told you, consider your nightly delirium about your dead dog. The aunt slammed her fist on the table and yelled:
Will you meet?
Or just pick up your parcel from the other world?

She poured the remaining cognac into herself in one fell swoop and rushed out into another room.
My friend and I are dumbfounded
looked at each other. Now I know what standing hair looks like. What he heard did not fit into any gates, but from the point of view of a friend’s dream, everything was quite logical, especially the color of the puppy. This was a guarantee that they would not sell it to anyone or even show it to anyone except us ...

At that moment, a puppy entered the room - absolutely white, which, indeed, is simply incredible for this breed. The puppy stood in front of us on the threshold of the room and for some time carefully examined both of us, looking from one to the other, then boldly moved towards his friend and lay down at her feet. A friend looked at the puppy in bewilderment, in which there was not even a remote resemblance to her dead dog, then she looked up at me and smiled timidly...

The hostess came out with a box placed in a bag. She looked at the puppy, at her friend, swore under her breath, but carefully put the baby in a box with holes already made on the sides, silently handed the bag with the box to her friend and gestured towards the door. A friend tried to thank, to which the hostess let out such a roar that we rolled head over heels out of the apartment, and the door slammed shut behind us...

We got into the car, we were driving, and the box opened, the puppy got out and let's whine, so loudly! She's crying, she's shedding tears! It's kind of a shame she didn't recognize her. Then a friend will grab her in an armful and let's kiss her, too, cry. I stopped the car, because it’s dangerous to drive with so many tears, and these two fools are already laughing, or rather, my friend is laughing and crying at the same time, and a white puppy of an incredible breed is wiping her tears with her tongue. Well, what, I say, girls, met? And you did not believe me that they always return to those they love ...

The situation at the front in Donbass worsened by Tuesday evening. Military correspondents and local residents report heavy fighting in the vicinity of Gorlovka and Donetsk. Shelling and clashes were also recorded in other directions of the front. During the shelling of the village of Spartak on the outskirts of Donetsk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used 122-mm artillery.

Video from a local resident and a message from military correspondents:

“Powerful battles go on all evening near Gorlovka. The whole of Golma shudders from the powerful blows of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Haven't had fights like this in a long time! Residents descend into the basements!”

From the militia: “GORLOVKA is on fire! Golma, take cover! Plus, very close. The shards flew by. Don't wait for warnings! Dolomite, the fight doesn't stop. Used for both small arms and heavy weapons. By the way, the Minsk horse racers arranged gatherings there today, so we grab them. Everything is as usual. The High Side rumbles. From the side of the "unprofitable Metalworker" small arms. The battle continues in the direction of Dolomite. The enemy uses small arms and mortars. Golma is under attack from small arms and BMP1. Dill is shelling Dolomite. Explosions are coming closer and closer to Golma.

From military correspondents: “North of Gorlovka (Golm) under artillery fire. Rifle and small-arms machine guns in the areas: Novoazovsky district, Trudovskie (Petrovka Donetsk), north of Gorlovka and Kalinovo LPR. Small arms and mortars go in the areas: nuclear warheads and districts, Debaltseve-Svetlodar bridgehead, Bakhmutka highway (Slavyanoserbsky district).

“I was sitting in the house when four shells fell. I went deaf as a stump. And then they started with drones "...

An elderly woman, straying again and again, talks about how shells of the Armed Forces of Ukraine flew into her house. And as if that weren't enough, after the mortar shelling, the yard began to be bombarded with converted AGS charges from drones, preventing firefighters from putting out the fire.

The broken and burnt roof, glass and frames pierced by fragments, yesterday a cozy house, today became another victim of the war.

- “I earned everything with my own hands, and now, in my old age, I am left without a stake and a yard” ....
Sobs Nadezhda Filippovna.

Interview from Yuri Kotenok:

Aleksey Sosonny ("Viking") - head of the apparatus of the Union of Volunteers of Donbass, a native of Gorlovka, a marine, commander of a battalion of the Armed Forces of the DPR - about comrades-in-arms, reliable and cheerful; about "Motorol" - a marine, a hero of Donbass; on combat coordination and the transformation of the militia into an army.

Anna Petrovna sat on a bench in the hospital park and wept. Today she turned 70, but neither son nor daughter came to congratulate her. True, the neighbor in the ward, Evgenia Sergeevna, congratulated her and even gave her a small gift. Moreover, the nurse Masha treated me to an apple in honor of my birthday.
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The boarding house was decent, but the staff was generally indifferent. Of course, everyone knew that old people were brought here to live out their lives by children, to whom they became a burden. And Anna Petrovna was brought here by her son, as he said to rest and heal, but in fact she simply interfered with her daughter-in-law. After all, the apartment was hers, it was then that the son persuaded him to write a deed of gift. When he asked me to sign the papers, he promised that she would continue to live as she lived at home.

But in reality it turned out differently, they immediately moved with the whole family to her and the war with the daughter-in-law began. She was always unhappy, cooked the wrong way, left dirt in the bathroom and much more. At first, the son interceded, and then he stopped, he began to shout. Then Anna Petrovna noticed that they began to whisper about something, and as soon as she entered the room, they fell silent. And then one morning, the son started a conversation about the fact that she needed to rest, to receive treatment. His mother, looking into his eyes, asked bitterly: - Are you handing me over to the almshouse, son? He blushed, fussed and answered guiltily: - What are you, mom, it's just a sanatorium. Lie down for a month, then back home.

He brought her, quickly signed the papers and hurriedly left, promising to return soon. He only appeared once: he brought two apples, two oranges, asked how things were going and, without listening to the end, rushed off somewhere. This is her second year living here. When a month passed and her son did not come for her, she called her home phone. Strangers answered, it turned out that the son sold the apartment and now it is not known where to look for him. Anna Petrovna cried for a couple of nights, but she still knew that they would not take her home, that now she would shed tears. After all, the most offensive thing is that it was she who at one time offended her daughter for the sake of her son's happiness.

Anna was born in the village. She also got married there, for her classmate Peter. There was a big house, farm. They were not rich, but they did not go hungry either. And then a neighbor from the city came to visit his parents and began to tell Peter how good life is in the city. And the salary is good and housing is immediately given. Well, Peter caught fire, let's go, let's go. Well, he persuaded me. They sold everything to the city. As for housing, the neighbor did not deceive, they gave me an apartment right away. The furniture was also bought by an old Cossack. It was on this Cossack that Peter had an accident. The husband died on the second day in the hospital. After the funeral, Anna was left alone, with two children in her arms. In order to feed and clothe, it was necessary to wash the floor in the hallways in the evenings. I thought the children would grow up to help. But it didn't work out.

The son got into a bad story, she had to borrow money so that they would not be imprisoned, then for two years she repaid her debts. Then daughter Dasha got married, gave birth to a child. Up to a year everything was fine, and then often the son began to get sick. She had to leave work to go to hospitals. Doctors could not make a diagnosis for a long time. It was later that they found some kind of sore in him, which is treated only at one institute. But there is such a line.

While the daughter went to hospitals, her husband left her, it’s good that he left the apartment. And so, somewhere in the hospital, she met a widower who had a daughter with the same diagnosis. They liked each other and began to live together. And after five years, he fell ill with her, they needed money for an operation. Anna had money, she wanted to give it to her son for a down payment on an apartment. Well, when her daughter asked, she felt sorry for spending on a stranger, because her own son needed money more. Well, she refused. The daughter was very offended by her, and in parting she said that it was more that she was no longer her mother, and when it would be difficult for her not to turn to her. And now for twenty years they do not communicate. Dasha cured her husband and they took their children and went to live somewhere by the sea. Of course, if it were possible to turn everything back, Anna would have done differently. But you can't bring back the past.

Anna slowly got up from the bench and slowly went to the boarding house. Suddenly he hears: - Mom! Heart pounded. She turned slowly. Daughter. Dasha. Her legs buckled, she almost fell, but her daughter ran up and grabbed her. - Finally, I found you ... Brother did not want to give the address. But I threatened him with a court that I sold the apartment illegally, so I immediately split up. With these words, they entered the building and sat down on a couch in the hall. Forgive me, Mom, for not talking to you for so long. At first I was offended, then I put it off, I was ashamed. And a week ago I dreamed about you. It's like you're walking through the woods and crying. I got up, and my heart became so heavy. I told my husband everything, and he went to me and make peace. I arrived, and there are strangers, they don’t know anything. For a long time I was looking for the address of my brother, I found it. And here I am. Come on, come with me. Do you know what house we have? Large, by the sea. And my husband punished me, if the mother is ill, take her to us. Anna gratefully clung to her daughter and began to cry. But they were tears of joy...

Represented by various groups. One of them, the most numerous and popular, is "Typical Gorlovka". The public has more than 12,000 subscribers and boasts of having its own website, whose content repeats the content of the group on the social network.

On the community wall you can find headings of the following format:

  • News from the life of the city;
  • Political events of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the world;
  • Reports from the battlefields of the DPR;
  • Entertaining content and helpful tips.

In the comments, subscribers actively discuss the broadcast events, post a variety of photo and video materials.
"Self-defense Gorlovka" Vkontakte is a community where real political events and relations between the two countries are actively discussed. The main topic of the VK public is the political news of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Donbass in particular. Participants actively share their opinions, relevant materials are posted on the wall. However, sometimes they alternate with requests for help finding something, or vice versa, with reports of a find, as well as beautiful photographs of the city.

The creators of the community position their group as an opportunity to find the right specimen of the plant inexpensively, because due to the difficult situation, the price of flowers has increased significantly. Also, participation in the community is an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and have a good time on the Internet.

On the wall of the group, they not only hold roll calls and post military news. Here, readers share funny stories and images, and help each other, whether it's searching for lost items or posting useful tips and articles.

Material from the resource "Army of Burning Hearts of Donbass". ============================ “Glorified Donbass. Georgy Beregovoy (1921-1995). Georgy Timofeevich Coastal pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. He received his first Star in the fiery year of 1944, and the second - for a feat in space exploration. He spoke very modestly about himself: “I am a pilot. Profession man. It was as a pilot, as a private in my profession, that I had the opportunity to fight in the Patriotic War, to test new aircraft in the post-war years, to participate in space exploration. The title of one of Georgy Timofeevich's autobiographical books "Three Heights" is very symbolic. Attack pilot, test pilot, cosmonaut - three goals that our countryman set for himself at different times, three heights that he mastered. Having become a lieutenant general of aviation, Beregovoy transferred his experience and knowledge to young space argonauts for a long time, working as the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Georgy Beregovoy never forgot about the land that gave him a ticket to heaven. He always returned with great joy to his beloved Donetsk region, supported his countrymen. Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy was born on April 15, 1921 in the village of Fedorovka, Poltava province of the Ukrainian SSR (now the Karlovsky district, Poltava region, Ukraine) - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (the only one who was awarded the first star of the Hero for the Great Patriotic War, and the second for space travel). Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Lieutenant General of Aviation, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, USSR Cosmonaut No. 12. G.T. space flights on the X-15 in 1963 and who died in 1966, before Beregovoy's flight). Having made a space flight at the age of 47, Beregovoy for several years was the oldest person to have been in orbit (in 1974 he was surpassed by Lev Demin). Soon after the birth of Georgy Timofeevich, the family moved to the city of Enakievo in the Donbass. While studying at a secondary school in Enakievo (1928-1936) he was an instructor, then the head of the aircraft modeling section at the city Children's Technical Station. After graduating from the eighth grade, he began his career as an apprentice electrician at the Yenakievsky Metallurgical Plant. He studied at the Yenakievsky flying club. In 1938 he graduated from the Enakievsky flying club and was drafted into the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Voroshilovgrad School of Military Pilots named after the Proletariat of Donbass. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1942. He was an ordinary pilot, then - a flight commander, deputy squadron commander. He fought on the Kalinin, Voronezh, 1st Ukrainian and other fronts. From March 1943 he was deputy, and from September he was commander of the squadron of the 671st assault aviation regiment (from May 1943 - the 90th guards) as part of the 4th guards assault aviation division (5th assault aviation corps, 5th I am an air army), first as part of the Voronezh, then the 1st Ukrainian, and later the 2nd Ukrainian fronts. During the war years, he made 186 sorties on the Il-2 attack aircraft. Was shot down three times. For heroism, courage and bravery shown in the air battles of the Great Patriotic War, on October 26, 1944 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By April 1945, the squadron commander of the 90th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (4th Guards Assault Aviation Division, 5th Assault Aviation Corps, 5th Air Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front) Captain G.T. 108 sorties. He bombed and stormed enemy tanks, artillery batteries, river crossings and echelons, was shot down 3 times, burned 3 times in an airplane, but always returned to service. For courage and courage shown in battles with enemies, on October 26, 1944 he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1945 he graduated from the higher officer courses, and in 1948 he also graduated from the test pilot courses. In 1948 - 1964 he worked as a test pilot. Mastered more than 60 types of aircraft. Without interruption from the main work in 1956 he graduated from the Air Force Academy (now named after Yu. A. Gagarin). April 14, 1961 was awarded the title "Honored Test Pilot of the USSR". In 1948 he graduated from the higher officer courses and test pilot courses. In 1948-1964 he worked as a test pilot. He tested more than 60 types of aircraft, including: MiG-15 (1949), MiG-19P (1955), SM-12 (1957), SM-30 (MiG-19) (1956), Yak-25 (1949 ), Yak-27K (1956), Su-9 (1958), Tu-128 (1962). He was the first to master the GSh-4 pressure helmet in practice. In 1949, while testing the MiG-15 fighter with a swept wing, he first mastered piloting a jet aircraft in a spin. Trained pilots in spin entry and spin recovery on Su planes. In 1956 he graduated from the Air Force Academy (since 1968 named after Yu. A. Gagarin). In 1961 he was awarded the title of Honored Test Pilot of the USSR. In 1963 he was enlisted in the detachment of Soviet cosmonauts (Air Force group No. 2 - additional recruitment). In 1963 he was enrolled in a detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. He completed a full course of preparation for flights on Soyuz-type ships. On October 26-30, 1968, he made a space flight on the Soyuz-3 spacecraft. In flight, an attempt was made (unsuccessful) to dock with the Soyuz-2 unmanned spacecraft in the shadow of the Earth. The flight lasted 3 days 22 hours 50 minutes 45 seconds. On November 1, 1968, he was awarded the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union for space flight. For the space flight on November 1, 1968 he was awarded the second medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1972 - 1987 - Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. In 1987 he retired with the rank of Lieutenant General of Aviation. On January 22, 1969, during a solemn meeting of cosmonauts in the Kremlin, officer Viktor Ilyin fired at the car in which Beregovoy was traveling, mistaking it for Brezhnev's car (a certain external similarity between Beregovoy and Brezhnev also contributed to the mistake). The driver sitting next to Beregovoi was mortally wounded; Beregovoy himself was slightly wounded by fragments of the windshield. In 1972-1987 - head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. He had scientific works in the field of astronautics and engineering psychology. He defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and received a PhD in Psychology. In 1987 he retired with the rank of lieutenant general. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th-10th convocations (1974-1989). He did a lot of social work. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981). Author of the books "Earth - Stratosphere - Space", "Space - to Earthlings", "Three Heights", "The Edge of Courage", "The Sky Begins on Earth", "At the Call of the Heart". Died June 30, 1995 during heart surgery. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (site No. 11). Awards: Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 2271 (October 26, 1944) Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 48 (November 1, 1968) 2 Orders of Lenin 2 Orders of the Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree Order of Alexander Nevsky 2 Orders of the Patriotic War War I degree 2nd Order of the Red Star Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree Medal "For Military Merit" (1949) Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (1945) Medal "For the Capture of Budapest" (1945) Medal "For the Capture of Vienna" (1945) 11 commemorative medals Hero of Socialist Labor NRB Order "George Dimitrov" (Bulgaria, 1970) Medal "25 Years of People's Power" (Bulgaria) Medal " 100th Anniversary of the Fall of the Ottoman Yoke” (Bulgaria, 1979) Medal “100th Anniversary of the Birth of Georgy Dimitrov” (Bulgaria, 1983) Order of the State Banner (Hungary, 1985) Order of the Red Banner with Diamonds (Hungary) Gold Medal “For Combat Commonwealth” (Hungary, 1980) Cross of Grunwald III degree (Poland) Order of Tudor Vladimirescu V degree (Romania) Order of the People's Hero (Yugoslavia) [source not specified 1570 days] Gold medal of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR - VDNKh of the USSR (1969) Gold medal named after K . E. Tsiolkovsky Academy of Sciences of the USSR Gold Medal named after Yu. A. Gagarin (FAI) State Prize of the USSR (1981) Commemoration: G. T. Beregovoy on a stamp of the USSR Post Commemorative silver coin of the National Bank of Ukraine. 5 hryvnia. 2011 Honorary citizen of the cities of Kaluga, Shchelkovo (Russia), Lugansk, Enakievo, Vinnitsa (Ukraine), Telavi (Georgia), Pleven, Sliven (Bulgaria). The bronze bust of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General G. T. Beregovoy on the Alley of Military Glory in the Park of Eternal Glory in Kiev was solemnly opened by the Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Azarov on May 1, 2013 (the author of the idea of ​​​​creating the Alley of Military Glory - Guards Aviation Colonel Oleg Guk ). A bronze bust was erected in Yenakiyevo. A memorial stele to an honorary citizen of the city was installed in Enakievo. In Yenakiyevo, a avenue, a park and a square are named after Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy. The bell in memory of G. Beregovoy is the largest of the nine bells installed in 2009 on the bell tower of St. George's Church, located in the park named after. Coastal in Enakievo. The inscription "In memory of Georgy Beregovoy from the Yanukovych family" is carved on the bell. In Enakievo there is a museum of cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoy (former museum of local lore). Memorial plaque at the school in Yenakiyevo, where G. Beregovoy studied from 1928 to 1936. A memorial plaque was installed on the house in the village of Chkalovsky (Shchelkovo), in which the Hero lived. A memorial plaque with sculptural portraits was opened on May 9, 2015 at house No. 2 in Star City in memory of three pilots - participants in the Great Patriotic War: G. T. Beregovoy, N. F. Kuznetsov and P. I. Belyaev (sculptor Andrey Sledkov). In the city of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), a street is named after Beregovoy. Donetsk Planetarium in 2011 was named after Georgy Beregovoy. On April 8, 2011, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a 5 hryvnia silver coin dedicated to Georgy Beregovoy. On April 15, 2011, the Southern Railway solemnly launched a new train No. 92/91 from the Karlovsky railway station on the Poltava-Moscow route under the name Georgy Beregovoy. In 2012, the name of G. T. Beregovoy was given to the Donetsk Lyceum with enhanced military-physical training and the educational complex to the school-lyceum "Open Space Lyceum" of the Simferopol City Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. It is the prototype of the cosmonaut General Krutogorov from the novel by Alexander Kazantsev "Faetes" (1974). Presumably served as the prototype for the title character of "The Song of the Test Pilot" Vladimir Vysotsky.