Recording the goal on the subconscious to have to be able to be. How our subconscious prevents us from achieving our goals. Success is an internal struggle

Our consciousness is not something permanent. It is flexible, it can be changed, improved, rebuilt. Another thing is that it can take a different amount of time, but here we are almost powerless.

Psychologists say that the subconscious of each person is unique. Our inner world is bottomless, endless and beautiful for everyone in their own way. One way or another, but many of our victories are impossible without the right attitude. It is imperative to program yourself for success, if only because otherwise your mind can be captured by negative viral programs that will pull the rope in the other direction - towards failure, poor health, depression, and so on.

Success is an internal struggle

Have you noticed that successful people are successful in almost everything? The reason lies in their attitude, and not just in the genes. They won their inner struggle when they dismissed the possibility of failure. Most famous athletes say that they saw their victories long before it became a reality.

Fight negative thoughts so that they do not translate into defeats and failures. No one says that it is easy to go through life with confidence in your victory, but you should at least try. Nothing happens by itself - every success implies at least a small one, but a war inside each of us. Consciousness builds the world around us. Thoughts are material, so we seem to draw with them on a clean canvas of life. Thoughts are paints, and reality is a piece of paper.

Without effort, you will have nothing. You need to properly tune yourself and not forget that only by transforming your consciousness you transform your life.

5 ways to influence consciousness

Specialists in bioenergetics and psychologists identify only 5 main and most effective ways for a person to influence himself. Each method can be used by you separately, but if you use a combination of these techniques and techniques, then there will be even more chances for success.

Method One: Affirmations. This is the longest, but very simple way. Its essence consists only in the constant repetition of special motivating phrases. When you tell yourself that you are successful, money luck finds you. Of course, it will take a lot of time to turn negative programs into positive ones, but it will be worth it. This is a flexible way, because you can tell yourself whatever you want.

You can use affirmations from Natalia Pravdina, Louise Hay, or any other specialist in bioenergetics or psychology. There is also an easier option - you can come up with affirmations yourself, in accordance with your requests. Need love? Tell yourself that you are beautiful and worthy of love, attention of the opposite sex. If you want to lose weight, then tell yourself that you are strong and your strength is enough to become slim and beautiful. It will come with time. The main thing is not to give up. The only downside to affirmations is that you won't be able to see success clearly, because the transition from an unhappy life to a happy one is a long and continuous process.

Method two: meditation. This is no longer psychology, but pure work with the subconscious, the bioenergy of your body. The point is to dive deep into yourself. It's like hypnosis, trance. You force yourself to go inside the subconscious and look at your life as if from the outside. Meditations can be very different. Audio meditations, for example, can be used directly while running, walking or walking. These can be thematic dives in order to find a way out of a difficult situation, improve mood, gain calmness, self-confidence, understand something complex. They are also best used as often as possible.

Method three: positive thinking. There are a lot of sub-points in this methodology. For example, you need to get rid of any use of the word "no". It robs you of positive energy, preventing you from connecting with the abundance center of the universe. Also, positive thinking involves the use of several postulates, rules that are similar to affirmations. Their only difference is that they do not require repetition. You just need to accept them for the truth:

  • you can always achieve whatever you want;
  • you are your own masters;
  • Everyone creates their own happiness.

Think more about what you want to achieve. If you want to win in a sports competition, then think as if it has already happened. If you need a good job, then do not stop looking for it, because there is such a job. You seem to be already happy, but you just haven’t reached it yet. You are on the way. You can.

Method four: sports. You might think that this has nothing to do with the subconscious, but it is not. It is not necessary to try to set records or become the strongest. It is enough just to run in the mornings or evenings, do exercises and not be afraid of physical labor. According to statistics, people who are obese or have health problems due to a sluggish lifestyle are 80% less likely to succeed than active individuals. This also includes bad habits such as smoking or alcohol abuse. You can drink, smoke too, but you can’t raise it to the degree of necessity. Everyone wants to relax sometimes - there is nothing wrong with that, but you don’t need to make the habit control you and pull money out of you.

Method five: hobby. Remember that only busy people have a chance of success. Your mind is tuned to the positive when you do something pleasant. Let it be embroidery, reading books, watching movies or something else. It can be anything. Follow your dreams and give your subconscious what it wants without harming you.

Success in any area of ​​life depends on many factors, but the most important thing is your attitude. Live as if there is no one else in this world except you, but do not forget about loved ones who need your warmth. You can change your destiny right now, because you have a desire. May your life be different from now on. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The paradox is that whether we have a goal or not, we still achieve something in life. After this thought, another thought came to my mind: “If I don’t have my own goal in life, then I will have to work for someone else’s.” The question is, how to distinguish someone else’s from yours and how to achieve it? 4 years, 4 years I achieved my first results, I can boast of some of them, 4 years, every day I searched for methods, tried, looked, studied.Only after 4 years of experiments on myself did I get the first result.


★ Film "SECRET" result 15-20%
★ "SPIRITUAL CHOICE" method result 0-3%
★ Method for achieving HARD-TO-REACH goals result 3-10%
★ Simplified goal specification (GOAL TO HAVE) result 40-60%
★ Goal specification using DILT LEVELS (HAVE, CAN, BE) result 80-95%
★ "Way to achieve the desired GOAL" result 2-5%
★ Method "LOTSMAN" result 15-25%
★ TRANSERFING reality result 18-25%


A goal specification is a way of structuring unconscious behavior, a way to get your subconscious to work for you, to get you to do things you enjoy, and your subconscious to work towards your goals.


★★★ ILLEGAL WORDS. Which of the words is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to use when specifying a goal.
★★★ CHECK FOR MOTIVATION. As Billy Wilder said: "You must have a dream so that you can get up in the morning."
Do you have a DREAM?
★★★ SCALE. At this point, our task is to figure out how ready we are for this goal in terms of the availability of resources. Do not take on an unbearable burden if you do not want to break your back. We will take adequate steps towards the Great Goal.
★★★ We also need to understand the aspects of ECOLOGY OF THE GOAL, CONTEXT, SECONDARY BENEFITS, CORRELATION WITH LIFE POSITION (whether this goal contradicts your internal beliefs), etc.

10% of the people who watched my webinar on GOAL SPECIFICATION have quit drinking. This does not mean that the technique works, it already works. This suggests that the PURPOSE has a DREAM and motivation for which a person can stop drinking alcohol.


(which many successful businessmen and politicians talk about)

(R. Kiyosaki sometimes mentions this at his events, but we will analyze it in detail)

★ 1st type Aim to BE. At this stage, you need to determine your life position.
★★ 2nd type Purpose TO BE ABLE. Here our task is to define a set of skills and competencies to achieve these goals.
★★★ 3rd type Purpose TO HAVE. Here, we define a set of physical resources to support skill achievement.

This technique is quite DETAILED and MOST IMPORTANT SPECIFIC.

VIP DAY (analysis of YOUR specific GOAL) +++


We can WRITE goals of all three types directly into the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. Those. whatever you do, all your actions will be aimed at achieving your goal. Sometimes it is very much like a magic pill for freeloaders. I wrote down my goals in the subconscious and nothing else needs to be done. This is wrong. You will still be doing things. It's just something that will lead you to your goals.




Much has been said and written about the power of the subconscious. We, the goal-achievers, are interested, respectively: how to use this powerful weapon in achievement ?

(Of course, I must warn you that the subconscious mind is in my mind, and the article according to this is not a genie from a bottle, fulfilling our every whim at the snap of a finger. It is a powerful force, but it has only two hands, and they are ours).

How to make the subconscious work to achieve the goal (dream)

1. Check for compatibility

First, you need to check how compatible your dream (goal) is with you. If the goal is far from yours: it’s either inspired by fashion, or parents wanted it that way, or fell under the influence of another guru, then the subconscious mind will choose any path, but away from such a “desired goal”.

I offer two ways to check: for this you need your imagination, and if your imagination is tight, then the second option is a verification action.

My goal?

Imagine that you have achieved your goal. Detailed to the smallest detail. As if you are already living with it (with a purpose). How to change the way of life, the attitude of your environment towards you, what will you have to give up, what will open the door, and what will close, what will be deleted from life?

Any negativity that you feel when answering these questions is the wall that will stand in front of you and your goal. If small walls are not a problem, but a sports obstacle, then the “Chinese wall” (too many obstacles) is, alas, an indicator that the goal is either beyond your reach or not yours.

Another great option, not for the lazy, is to take a step towards the goal. If after one micro step in her direction you observe positive changes (joy, good emotions, an increase in salary, an improvement in relations) - it is yours. Otherwise, at least not now.

2. We program ourselves

Those. let the subconscious work.

  • A very simple way to make the subconscious work . Most likely, the goal will begin to haunt you (in the head). Before going to bed, before you close your eyes, think about your desire.
  • More advanced. You will not only from time to time think about the goal, but also about how to get it. Before going to bed, write a full sentence with your hand three times(for example, I am healthier every day, or money flows into my pocket).
  • The most difficult. Keep a goal diary. Before going to bed, in two stages: describe what you have done to achieve the goal today, giving yourself an assessment and what you will need to do tomorrow. First thing in the morning, read.
  • 100% method that the subconscious will start working. All of the above methods together, within 30 days.

(How to write? All list).

3. Report

If you are walking on the road, how do you know that you are moving in the right direction? When you know the beginning and end of the path and where you are now. The same applies to the movement towards the goal: consciously, planned or with the help of the subconscious.

Unlike a real road, where the landmarks are quite tangible, in achieving - everything is sometimes blurry. Therefore, from time to time you need to set benchmarks yourself, look back and look forward, but now in a figurative sense.

When planning, this is already clear, but on autopilot, so that the subconscious itself seems to move you towards the goal, an intermediate positive result is very important. This is a signal for him.

Something like this happens: the subconscious mind began to work towards achieving the goal, as a result, something came out. If it turned out what he needed, close to what he wanted, he needs a hint: “Well done. Move on." Otherwise, the result is ignored, the actions are changed.

(The subconscious mind is also a person, it wants to be well done - to do only those actions for which they are praised).

How to practically tell him that he's done well? Record the first shifts at every step. Then you can fix for a larger amount of work.

Any of the methods below will work for this:

  • Keep a diary of success. Every day write in it what good you have done towards the goal.
  • Buy a big calendar. It is a wonderful event to celebrate with emoticons and a couple of lines (I passed 5, closer to my dream).
  • Give yourself a point for every good action. Calculate points at the end of the week. Reward for a certain amount (pizza, chocolate, etc.).
  • Find a target mate. Once a month, report to him for the work done.

Briefly. The subconscious at the service of the goal

  1. Take the goal, the one that reaches you.
  2. Program yourself for the night during the entire journey to the goal (minimum 30 days).
  3. Reinforce positive steps (any positive development should be noted, with a smiley face, a crossed out task, a chocolate bar…).

This way of programming the subconscious can be called "Before going to bed" and the laziest, minimum effort, but maximum result. However, all these are words until you try it yourself ...

group program

56 participants

Duration 1 day


Hello! Thank you for showing interest in this event. And by the way, we have common interests. More on that later)

To understand what this event is and why you should take part, watch the video or read the text below. After watching the video, you will immediately get acquainted with the host;)

Hi again!

My name is Kirill Frolov. I am 28 years old. I am a certified personal growth coach. I am proficient in DST and NLP techniques. I run my own center for personal growth. I am the leader and founder of the "Win with Love" community. I conduct classes on managing my emotions, the art of communication, oratory and a club for personal growth and achieving goals.

In simple words, what I do is helping people get out of difficult situations in life, so much so that they "become a plus" greatly. To be better than before in every area of ​​life. I use different methods from psychology for this. In each case, selecting those that work for a particular person. Previously, I myself went through a lot of trainings, as a participant and I know both the pros and cons.

I am engaged only in training people through the Internet and nothing more. I am also the author of the book "How to survive a breakup with a loved one and start living again" (170 pages). Sometimes I speak at Internet business conferences as a speaker. I am writing this not to brag, but so that you have any reason to trust what you read. Because now there are a lot of "experts" and "gurus". And every second says that "he has a unique technique"))


↓↓↓ Read below ↓↓↓

What it is?

Joint goal setting is when many people (more than 100 people) simultaneously write down their goals, including being in different parts of the planet. It just doesn't matter if you're in the same room or thousands of miles apart.

What is the point, why is it cool and useful? 7 reasons to participate

1. Prescribing goals, the participants in parallel with this mentally wish each other to achieve them. It turns out something like a joint meditation.

Understand correctly:) I am very pragmatic about psychology. And then it seems like metaphysics went ... But it really works :)

Confirmation: does it happen that you thought about a person and he called? Does it happen that you told someone about your plans and they fell through? Maybe it happens the other way around - you told someone about your difficulties and everything was decided very quickly in your favor?

Despite the fact that you and I cannot yet explain exactly how it works, one thing is undeniable - when many people wish you success at the same time, something appears in your life that is commonly called LUCK.

2. Before you start working on goals, you will receive from me a simple and understandable instruction on WHAT and HOW you need to do in order not only to write down your goal or goals on paper, but also write them down on your subconscious. There are powerful techniques that will help us with this. The result - you will believe that you are able to achieve your goal. You will know how to do the same for any other purpose.

3. You will finally make time for a really IMPORTANT thing)) Often we put off working with goals on the back burner. And we know that it would be good sometimes to sum up intermediate results. We are holding this meeting for the second time and will continue to do so. You can sum up your results once a month. What is done. What happened. What should be changed, added, improved.

4. Your mood will be such that you will be ready to move mountains)) If you are a girl, then the next morning you will be amazed at how differently people react to you. You will go and rejoice, smile)

5. You will meet interesting people, some of whom will become good friends. And they will not look askance at the word "joint meditation"))) On the contrary, they will support you in every possible way.

6. Participation is free

7. You can participate from anywhere in the world, because everything is completely online

Why do I want you to participate?

Because the more people simultaneously participate in this joint goal setting and meditation, the stronger the effect for each participant. These words do not need to be believed, it should just be checked and convinced :)


Kirill Frolov


If you are reading this, you are wondering who I am, why can you trust me and what exactly I can help you. If so, be sure to read this particular text, because many participants in my classes noted that they found information about them quite by accident.

I don't think it's random. Rather, it's a chance. They took advantage of theirs. Now it's your turn. Let's get acquainted:)

*** Certified Personal Growth Trainer(I help you become what you have long dreamed of becoming)

*** NLP Practitioner(certified by Frank Pucelik, founder of NLP)

*** NLP Master(Frank Pucelik)

*** DST practitioner(Dissociation State Therapy)

*** Author and presenter of the program THINK DIFFERENTLY(managing emotions, getting rid of fears, blocks and phobias, eliminating limiting beliefs. This leads to absolute self-confidence, a sense of happiness and the ability to enjoy life in any situation. I think it's important to be the source of your own happiness :) And you start setting and achieving goals;)

*** Author and presenter of the program ART OF COMMUNICATION. We pump your ability to influence the thinking and actions of other people when communicating one on one. Useful for parents, executives, leaders, entrepreneurs, professional salespeople and even for personal life it works great too :)

*** Author and presenter of the program ORATORY. Developing your ability to influence the thinking and behavior of a group of people who are lucky enough to listen to you :) Useful for teachers, parents, executives, professional salespeople, leaders, coaches, mentors and trainers

*** Author and host of the master class HOW TO ACCEPT AND LOVE YOURSELF. Get rid of self-criticism, self-pity, self-sabotage. You find peace in your soul, calmness, joy and desire to live life to the fullest: love, work, create, dream, achieve :)

*** Club founder for relationships and personal growth. This is an amazing program!!! One of the key in Win Love. Without further ado, I just advise you learn more about it. You can write me a PM on this topic. Password: "tell me about the club"

*** Community Creator Win Love in which each person gets a chance to create in a short time the life of his dreams. You get the inspiration and self-confidence you need at the start, you get the necessary knowledge and self-management tools to stop preventing yourself from being a happy and successful person. You receive constant help and support. Answers to questions, communication with those who have already achieved what you are striving for now. And the story of how exactly they did it.

Of all the names that can be given to what I do, the most appropriate is Coach. Only not in sports, but in relationships. With yourself and with other people. Relationship with yourself - how is it? Answer in the next paragraph ;)

My friend, I want you to know something about me before we start meeting at events.

1.You may not like what you learn is simple because it will not always coincide with what you already know. At times like these ask yourself Are you satisfied with your past performance? And maybe you should give yourself a chance to check what you learned from me?

2. Change in your life is ours JOINT WORK. In no case can I guarantee that everything will be cool with you. Because it's up to you to act. But from me - inspiration for you, knowledge and skills, support and accompaniment. BUT - the actions themselves are with you.

3. From among the participants, we create a community. It's called Win Love. The community is very important for you, because in fact no training in the world gives a result if there is no support and support after it. Win by Loving this community, in which learning does not stop for a day and a person in a short time creates amazing changes for the better in different areas of life and no rollback. Community is the best guarantee that you avoid rollbacks.

4. In the first year of working online, out of 300 participants, only two applied for a refund. And do you know why? Because the money was needed)) But there was one case when I myself returned the money. Because the new member was being rude to the other members. Therefore, keep in mind that there are certain rules of communication. This is a big plus for you. You enter the SAFE TERRITORY. You are not judged, but supported.

So, for now, this is all you need to know about me in order to decide whether to participate in one of the events. If you want more details, then read here.

Paradox. We turn to the subconscious in the hope that it will help us achieve the goal (after all, it is through the subconscious that we are connected with the Mind of the Universe), but it can also prevent us from approaching the dream. It often happens that we sincerely want something - but no matter how hard we try, we just can't get it. You can sit for hours and practice such popular visualizations, go to courses, draw maps of desires, but for some reason, desires do not want to become a reality. So what's the deal?

Why does someone absolutely effortlessly get all the best in life, and someone is forced to simply watch other people's successes, remaining exactly at the point where they are?

One of the main secrets is that you need to be internally prepared in order to achieve this. And here we are talking about subconscious processes.

Our unconscious mind identifies the goal according to seven main criteria. And so it is arranged that if at least one of the components does not satisfy it, the goal will be rejected and not achieved.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that at an unconscious level your goal is accepted unconditionally.

> First: the goal must be desirable (that is, on an unconscious level, you really want it).

> Second: the value of the result you want. Deep within yourself, you must evaluate the result that you get as a worthwhile achievement.

> Third: belief in the achievability of the goal.

> Fourth: a deep conviction that the actions you need to take are adequate and environmentally friendly. That is, you do not have to saw off your leg, bite off your arm, or give up something very important and valuable in the process of achieving your goal. At this stage, many “break down”, because here the well-known story about the comfort zone is connected. The most popular contradiction is this: you want something very badly, but some part inside you says “no, you don’t need to go there, we are fine here, because we know what is happening here.”

> Fifth: the environmental friendliness of desire. If you achieve what you want, then it will bring something good into your life, and not vice versa.

> Sixth: confidence in their ability to achieve the goal.

> Seventh: confidence in the merit of achieving the goal. In the conditions of our Russian realities, this is a very important moment for almost everyone. We often, for various reasons, simply cannot allow ourselves to be happy. The concept of suffering is written both in religion and in the history of our country. Most of us are already born with a deep conviction that we deserve nothing, and if we do, it is only after much suffering and incredible effort.

If at least one of the seven points the subconscious considers not fulfilled, then the goal will not be realized. That is why you can trample on one place for a very long time, visualizing and refining the wording of your desires for years.

Consciously, you may want (to get married, to have a good relationship, to build a new business). But subconsciously, in the depths of your soul, you simply don’t need it (the goal is not yours), or it’s not worth it, or you don’t believe in attainability, or the achievement process breaks some deeply necessary part of your Self. Or intuitively you understand that you it is not necessary, it will not bring joy, something else. Either there is no faith in your abilities, or you think that you do not deserve such happiness and you still have to suffer. Options - a great many.

There is only one conclusion from all this - you should form an unconscious readiness to achieve goals, that is, convince your subconscious mind that it needs a goal. To do this, psychologists have come up with dozens of techniques, and you will have to make some efforts, but they are worth it.

Your subconscious supercomputer has all the resources to achieve absolutely any goals. But this law works only when this goal is approved by the subconscious on seven points, and with the help of a small exercise you can easily find out whether this is true or not.

Write down your goal on a piece of paper, try to relax as much as possible, imagine your desire in colors and details and repeat it mentally or out loud, adding the following statements at the end:

This goal is desirable;
- this goal is worth it to achieve;
- this goal is achievable;
- what I need to do to achieve this goal is normal and natural;
- how I will live after achieving this goal is normal, natural and even pleasant;
- I have all the necessary abilities to achieve this goal;
- I deserve to achieve this goal.

If on any of the statements you have unpleasant sensations, emotions, memories or thoughts, then most likely this is precisely the inner belief that prevents the desired from appearing in your life. This means that for some reason, your subconscious mind is not quite willing to accept your task for the time being, and it needs to provide some arguments. It, in turn, will consider these arguments and, very likely, will change its point of view. The solution to most problems ultimately comes down to working on yourself, changing yourself, your character - it doesn’t matter how you do it. Whether you work with stress, with self-organization, it is always an effort aimed at the formation of new habits, new character traits of a new self.