Graduation party at school: take everything into account, do not forget anything. Graduation party What will be the graduation

I remember when my grandmother saw me in a fluffy ball gown, made especially for the prom, shed tears, and I proudly "carried" myself to the Ordzhonikidze Palace, where the long-awaited celebration was to take place.

Then my classmates were more beautiful than each other: girls in the same ball gowns literally competed: whose hem is more magnificent, the boys surprised with their impeccable appearance in strict suits. At the same time, relatives, including not only mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, but aunts and uncles, said affectionately: “In our time, this was not the case!”.

Almost 10 years have passed since then. Graduation parties are still held in all schools, yesterday's students with sadness and joy say goodbye to teachers and to each other. At first glance, nothing changes in this ceremony. But is it really so?

Rational celebration

… Happy smiles and tears of joy. Parents and teachers greeted the graduates with applause. Perhaps this picture is familiar to every educational institution. And in school # 13 everything is going according to a familiar scenario.

The school's assembly hall is decorated on the occasion of the celebration with balloons and paper white doves, parents took their places, graduates, and this year there are 47 of them in "13", ready to show themselves in all their glory. But before that - the opening and solemn speech of the class teachers of the children. Teachers speak without a microphone, because only by the middle of their speech, the parents stop whispering, and the content becomes clear. A moment later, holding hands, like 11 years ago, yesterday's boys and girls, and today already grown boys and girls, not without a share of shyness, go to their places. I immediately draw attention to the outfits of the graduates. Young people in traditional classic trousers and shirts, girls have a much wider assortment of dresses, but only a few people are in long ones, and, it seems, only a couple are in a truly evening dress. After that, one of the graduates, Masha Gayautdinova, will explain:

“I would like to wear some kind of fluffy dress, perhaps even with a corset, but in such an outfit it would be very hot. Yes, and it is not a hunt to stand out strongly, because such dresses are not for everyone. Therefore, I chose a more democratic option for graduation. Thanks to my grandmother who spent more than one hour shopping with me. "

Regarding the heat, Maria is right, during our prom we were terribly tormented in our outfits from the heat and inconvenience (crinoline, petticoats and corsets sometimes distracted attention from everything that was happening around. Many then, after the official part, changed into more comfortable clothes. Question: was there any point buy an evening dress to change before midnight?). The rational approach of the current graduates pleases the practical: after all, then such a dress can also be worn, if not in everyday life, then it will definitely come in handy for some significant event. And you can save the family budget (about it a little later, - ed.)

Get a certificate and leave

Meanwhile, the director of the school, Sukhova Lyudmila Fedorovna, addressed her children and their parents with traditional words in such cases, but there is no doubt about their sincerity, because each of the students becomes a part and a dear person for the teachers.

And now, the most important moment is the presentation of certificates. At a table covered with a red tablecloth, representatives of the school administration were comfortably seated. The director, calling the names of the guys, invites them to the stage. Happy they take turns replacing each other, receiving their "certificate of maturity." Here is someone's grandmother modestly wiping away a tear, and someone's younger sister happily clapping her hands when she heard a familiar name. It becomes stuffy in the hall, even open windows do not help. Everyone endures inconvenience - such an event happens once in a lifetime.

At this time, after the announcement of another name of the graduate, a young man runs out from the extreme row, dressed not at all ceremonially. It seems he was not even applauded. Having quickly received the document, the guy disappears from the audience: he will definitely not participate in the concert and banquet. What is the reason is not known. But once the then deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1 Vasilyeva Lyubov Vinerovna told us, her graduates: “You may have this wedding more than once, but your graduation ceremony is an event that happens once in a lifetime and you cannot miss it!”.

Ball, ball and more ball

Perhaps Lyubov Vinerovna adheres to the same opinion now, having become the director of the lyceum, because any 11-grader can envy the graduation in her educational institution.

By tradition, farewell to school years takes place not within the walls of the lyceum, but in the Ordzhonikidze Palace. And this is not at all a tribute to fashion. The assembly hall of the lyceum is not able to accommodate 1.5 hundred (and sometimes more) graduates and even their parents, and the lyceum students themselves are frequent guests of the palace. Once there were classes in the aesthetic course (the guys studied dancing, singing and acting), now the tradition of initiation into lyceum students has been preserved.

We still hold various Lyceum events here in the Palace, and therefore the graduation ceremony, as the final event in the Lyceum life, is also held here. It can’t be otherwise, ”says Lyubov Vasilyeva, director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1.

The graduation party of the lyceum students becomes a real ball. Even at the entrance to the Palace, graduates and their families are greeted by the sounds of music performed by a brass band, and the surroundings (a fountain, flower beds) create an even more festive mood. Perhaps the only thing missing is the red carpet: the graduates are one more beautiful than the other. Many, contrary to the prevailing fashion for cocktail dresses, are in evening dresses. Someone is not afraid to go even to experiments. So, for example, Sofia Galimova came to the prom in the form of Carmen. She says that when she saw a Spanish gypsy for the first time in Spain during a theatrical performance, she fell in love with this image. For the graduation, I specially ordered tailoring of a dress, which cost the girl's parents within 3.5 thousand rubles.

No one will give up comfort

Talking about the financial side of the event, the girl admitted that the entire prom had cost her family about 10 thousand rubles. By the way, the same amount was given to us by the parent of the children who graduated from a regular school.

One of the components of the total amount is the banquet, which traditionally follows the prom night. In the Soviet years, like the solemn part, it was held within the walls of the school. Typically, graduates were served in a local cafeteria or gym.

The tradition of organizing a banquet outside of school appeared in our country 10-15 years ago. Today it is already a familiar system for everyone: the presentation of a certificate and congratulations - at school, an informal celebration - in some cafe or restaurant in the city, - says the director of school № 55 Kon'kin Sergey Yurievich.

During 23 years of work as a director at this school, I have seen a lot. I am sure that today everyone is already accustomed to the comfort and hardly anyone wants to return to the banquet in the dining room. And yet Sergei Yuryevich noted that the whole initiative lies entirely with the parents and the children themselves. And therefore, where to spend the last school night, they decide for themselves. The main thing, I am sure, is the director: the farewell to the school should take place at the school.

The guys spend 10-11 years of their life here. School becomes a second home for them. Therefore, in order to preserve this holiday atmosphere, to extend the communication with teachers and classmates for a little more, the presentation of certificates and diplomas should take place here, - says Sergey Konkin.

And the students themselves agree with this. In "55", the first part of the graduation ceremony takes place within the walls of the school. The assembly hall here is not provided for by the project; a few years ago the stage was installed right in the large corridor. The assembly hall has become the second floor, where the primary school classrooms are located. And therefore the last day of school life becomes even more symbolic - the guys leave there, where they started.

PS: Perhaps, in the days of our parents, the prom was cheaper, but no less solemn and touching, and today not everyone can afford to send a child to the prom. At the same time, in most schools, 11-graders still come up with holiday concerts, and most moms and dads from year to year do everything to make their child happy on this day, because farewell to school happens only once in a lifetime.

The prom is called “ Prom"- from the word Promenade - stroll. They are trying to make this event as memorable as possible, and therefore here you have chic suits, and limousines, on which yesterday's shkolota ride, and of course the ball itself is the crown of the celebration. Alcoholic beverages, by the way, are prohibited at such an event, but this does not prevent young Americans from getting drunk in private at some party (and if you are 30 years old, I am sure that it will start to play in your head Scotty Doesn’t Know=)).


There are almost no graduations in France. And this is due to the fact that in high school, which our grazing friends call lycee(yes, lyceum, what did you want? The whole world borrowed words from the ancient Greeks, yeah), where classmates change every year (they are so fickle, these Frenchmen).

True, sometimes at school, a hundred days before a single final exam, students are given the right not to go to classes and arrange a holiday for themselves. I don’t know what’s going on there (there is no exact evidence), but I think the wine flows like a river, and the baguettes are eaten in tons.


In Scotland, prom parties are also not held. But not because classmates change every year, but because young Scots very often ... fail exams. And this is the best way to explain creativity. Irwin Welch.


That's really who breaks away as best they can. Of course, the ball and the official ceremony are quite prim and decent (well, England, after all), but then ...

Yes, college graduates in England get poured. And many of them clearly do not calculate their strength. They also say that Brits are boring, yeah ...

However, this phenomenon cannot be called permanent. There are also "quiet" graduations. But very rarely.


The Japanese are always very serious. If it is a graduation party, then by all means in school uniform, with congratulations from the director and his solemn speech.

No carnivals, dresses with rhinestones or, God forbid, discos! Everything is very strict and restrained.

After receiving the coveted crust, the graduates go home to have tea with their parents. And that's it. This is how they are, the mysterious Japanese. However, perhaps they are really doing the right thing.


After graduation in China, cities are like garbage dumps. Traditionally, graduates throw out from the windows everything that may remind of school - notebooks, pencil cases, pens and diaries.


In Poland, graduation is replaced by stodniowka. This is a kind of ball that is held sometime in late January. It starts with a traditional polonaise, and the first pair must be accompanied by a director. After that, speeches and toasts with champagne are made, then it is the turn of dancing and merry skits.


The fun starts early in the morning. Girls wear white, boys wear formal suits. Graduates climb into a lorry decorated with flowers and drive around the city, greeting passers-by.

They also sew white hats for themselves, on which it is customary to write a congratulatory text. Happy dads and moms always give gifts to the graduate.

Due to the fact that after eighteen (the age of leaving school) the Swedes begin to live separately from their parents, these same gifts should be useful and functional. It is customary for a graduate to give a food processor, mixer, or, say, an iron.


In Cuba, everything takes place officially: the general lineup, the presentation of diplomas and the solemn speech of the school director. But then everyone goes to the beach and have fun until the morning.


In Australia, the main feature of the prom is the transport on which you arrive at the ball. Limousines for Australians are a sign of simplicity. It's another matter if you managed to rent a rare convertible or an ambulance in general.

But after the holiday, the puzzle begins. The fact is that on the green continent it is allowed to drink a little in honor of receiving a certificate of maturity. How then to get behind the wheel?

There were two graduates in my family this year. My daughter graduated from the 9th grade, my son graduated from kindergarten. In both cases, at all 4 meetings, heated debates flared up on each item of the holiday. It took an insanely lot of time and emotional energy, and there was little sense.

In past years, when I received calls with a request to propose a concept for a prom, I always wondered why customers could not name the amount that they are ready to spend on the holiday and at least roughly express their wishes for the program.

After graduation, it became clearer to me what questions parents are concerned about, so I will try to tell everything in detail.

Financial question

You need to start by clearly listing the upcoming costs and scheduling payments, since not all parents can immediately deposit the required amount.

But you need to discuss the estimated amount at the first meeting, so that later you can correctly distribute finances. In September, they usually collect money not only for the last call and graduation, but also for running expenses during the school year, teacher's day, New Year's, March 8. And I also need sandwiches and water for exams.

At the first meeting, it's best to write this list and immediately estimate how much you are willing to spend on each item. More or less like this:

  1. Operating expenses (the parent committee knows how much the class usually spends a year on congratulating teachers, calendar holidays, excursions, going to the theater)
  2. The last bell (decoration of the hall, Graduate ribbons, flowers for teachers, excursion to the city or a walk to the park, tea drinking, etc.)
  3. Exams (purchase of pens, drinking water, sandwiches, flowers, etc.)
  4. Graduation party (in September it is difficult to name the exact amount, but you can ask the parents of last year's graduates how much they collected for their holiday and announce the average cost). This is exactly what we did in our class, then at the end of the year we added 2,000 rubles each, but the bulk of the questions had been resolved by that moment.

What will be the graduation

All sorts of things howled in my memory. Someone talked about a magnificent graduation ceremony within the walls of a famous entertainment complex, when 20-30 thousand rubles were paid for each graduate. Others enthusiastically shared the details of an insanely fun homemade school skit, which took place at minimal cost.

First, you need to clarify one fundamental issue with the school administration. The fact is that every year my parents call me and start a conversation with one of two phrases:

"We were strictly forbidden to celebrate graduation at school"
"We were strictly forbidden to hold our graduation ceremony outside the school"

And how are you?

After clarifying this point, it will become easier to select options. If we talk about costs, then in the school hall, of course, the holiday will be cheaper, because you do not need to pay for the rent of the hall.

What to talk about with prom companies

Many organizers offer a turnkey holiday and name a specific amount. After the discussion, the parents start to cross out the items and ask for a discount. We do not need a photographer, we will inflate the balls ourselves, banquet furniture does not need to be brought - we will bring desks, we will do without a fire show, etc. In such a trimmed version, the verified script ceases to be interesting for the organizers, since this offer was advantageous in its original form.

Discuss all major costs in the meeting. Here is a list for the case if the holiday will be held in the school building (prices are Moscow):

  • Hall decoration. These can be figures from balls, bright paper decor, fabric and fresh flowers. This can take from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, it all depends on the quantity and quality of jewelry.
  • Banquet. A school cafeteria can also throw a feast for the whole world, I know such stories. Someone invites a catering company with furniture, dishes and service (from 2500 to 4000 rubles per person). Add to the number of students the number of parents who will sit at the table. Don't forget that you need to treat the teachers. You can order delivery from the nearest cafe-restaurant. Well, or arrange a culinary duel between mothers and grandmothers, they do everything incredibly beautiful, tasty and surprisingly economical.
  • Musical arrangement. A good DJ will create a special atmosphere during the festive part of the event and at the party itself. If the school has good equipment, there are experienced presenters of discos, you can save about 15,000 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Most often it is one or a couple of presenters with time-tested scenarios, where there is an opportunity to laugh and feel sad, remember the best school moments and dream about the future. You need to meet with the presenters in advance and tell all the most important things that need to be mentioned during the prom. Each school has its own heroes, whose name evokes a storm of emotions. The cost of the work of one presenter is from 25,000 rubles. The couple works for 40,000 rubles.
  • Show numbers. There are beautiful performances of dancers with quick dressing, fire or light shows, bright circus acts and special effects. The average cost is 15,000-20,000 rubles.
  • Photographer and videographer. Beautiful repository photos and edited videos about the graduation are a very good memory of the holiday. It is better if all this is done professionally, but if it is difficult to pay a photographer 3500 rubles per hour, just appoint several parents who will take a lot of shots and post the result on Yandex Disk or a cloud mail.
  • Banner as a photo zone. Yes it's beautiful. The number of the school is written, the years of study are indicated, beautiful photographs. The cost with installation is about 15,000 rubles. Discuss whether it makes sense to spend that amount.
  • Graduation albums. The photographer should be invited already in the first quarter. It is better if it is a specialist who has experience in page layout for a photobook. Determine the number of spreads, ask for thick pages to print and a hardcover. All of this affects the cost of the finished photobook, so ask for examples at the first meeting and make a collective decision. If you drag out the discussion, photographers will refer to being busy. One album can cost from 1,700 to 3,500 rubles.
  • Graduate ribbons and other accessories. These are not very high costs, you just need to remember about them and buy all this beauty before the beginning of spring, otherwise then problems begin with a choice in online stores.
  • Flowers and gifts for teachers... One of the hardest questions for parents. Each region of Russia and even each school has its own traditions. Somewhere the congratulation looks symbolic, somewhere it is customary to thank with pompous gifts. Make a complete list of teachers and write down how much you are willing to spend on flowers and gifts for the class teacher and other teachers.

After you decide what services you will order and what you can organize yourself, contact the event organization company. It is better to start the discussion in the fall, since everyone has graduation on the same day and you may not have time to book a convenient date.

If the graduation ceremony takes place in a restaurant, discuss with the owners the possibility of installing decorations (it is often forbidden to attach decorative elements to the ceiling). Carefully study the menu, the conditions for renting the hall, the technical capabilities of the site, check the presence of sound and light equipment, etc.). Find out how to book a date and possible additional costs.

Write in the comments about your experience in organizing the 11th grade graduation, this is very important for all of us.

Recently, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate their prom. Has he become a relic of the past for them and does not mean anything? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

It is generally accepted that prom Is a special event in the life of every student. This was the case under Soviet rule. Therefore, mothers, fathers, older brothers and sisters with lyrics tell modern graduates about their farewell to school. For most of them, it was a real celebration, which they had been waiting for for many years and for which they had been carefully preparing for several months. The graduation ceremony marked not only goodbye to school, but also the beginning of a new stage in life, independence ...

But recently, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate their prom. Has he become a relic of the past for them and does not mean anything? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

The prom night through the eyes of modern teenagers

On various forums, there are more and more messages from worried parents who write that: “My child is finishing 11th grade, and is preparing to enter the university. We all remember our school graduation day, farewell to school, teachers and childhood. This is a ritual. Therefore, I did not even have doubts whether my child would want to celebrate graduation or not. But then one day my son comes home and says that they consulted with the guys from the class and decided not to celebrate the graduation. I am in a slight shock and confusion, as well as our class teacher, who urgently gathers parents for a meeting. The agenda can be guessed without further ado. "

Psychologists explain this situation by the desire of adolescents to reject everything traditional and ordinary, as well as by the desire to declare themselves and their independence. Modern schoolchildren are not at all what their parents and older brothers and sisters were. They live in a different age - the age of information technology. Their interests and goals in life have changed accordingly. Very often, emotions, lyrics, spiritual qualities give way to dedication and the desire to achieve high goals. At the same time, many quite consciously consider graduation celebration an outdated tradition that has long outlived its usefulness.

In this case, parents need to have a frank and heart-to-heart talk with the child, find out what is in his heart. Quite often, the child justifies his refusal with such reasons that make it possible to find an alternative option. For example, sometimes the reluctance to celebrate prom is due to tensions in the classroom. In this case, a possible solution to the problem would be to invite an outside party organizer (a specialist from an event management agency) who will be able to offer an option that can unite all teenagers. And maybe the children don't need a pompous celebration, they just want to wander through the school corridors, sit in their class and have a fun chat with their classmates for the last time. In this situation, it is quite possible to get by with a ceremonial part at school and a collective trip, for example, to a bowling alley.

Today, among schoolchildren, there is also such an opinion that a graduation party at school is boring and not fashionable: everyone will just eat, dance and go home. Even some parents believe that the significance of this holiday is greatly exaggerated today.

But the soul of the holiday is not in the assembly hall and restaurant, where graduates, their parents and teachers will gather, but in the special atmosphere of the event, positive emotions from communicating with friends, in the ritual farewell to school... In addition, holding the informal part of the graduation ceremony in a cafe or restaurant is far from the only option for a holiday. Note that even money plays a dominant role in organizing the graduation ceremony (although it will not be possible to organize anything worthwhile without it). The main thing is the desire of graduates and their parents to organize the last meeting with the school in a beautiful and fun way.

Non-standard options for holding a prom

In Soviet times, there were not many opportunities for organizing original and memorable celebrations at school. And it was not accepted at that time to stand out from the general mass. Therefore, all proms were held according to the standard scenario: girls in ball gowns, boys in formal suits, a solemn ceremony, awarding diplomas, presenting diplomas, a farewell waltz, dinner with dancing in a dining room, restaurant or cafe and meeting the dawn on the embankment (or in the city center ).

Fortunately, in our time, the situation has changed dramatically. Today, there are practically no restrictions on the organization celebrations at school(naturally, within reason), and the abundance in shops and services opens up unlimited opportunities for the embodiment of a bright and unusual holiday. We offer you some of the most popular alternative prom options among modern schoolchildren.

  • The ceremonial part of the prom on the ship + restaurant.
  • A celebration in an old estate with dressing up, performances and competitions (for example, in the Derzhavin mansion).
  • Hollywood-style graduation ceremony with awards, a photo session, including a press wall (a special background wall, like at conferences), filming a video about the class and graduation.
  • The Chicago-style prom night (played on the Chicago theme of the 30s of the 20th century) includes themed outfits. The concept of such celebration at school implies the division of the celebrants into groups: parents, teachers - the mafia, students - fighters against gangsters).
  • Celebration in the "Hipsters" format (variant of a stylish party).
  • Celebration at the Russian Museum in the Benois room (the program includes dinner, entertainment and a boat trip).
  • Country quest game (for example, on the topic of finding a secret message).
  • Graduation party in the format of the game "Mafia" (also includes a walk around the city in a beautiful retro car and a photo session).
  • A holiday on the theme of adventures in a country format. The entertainment program includes not only dancing and music, but also a visit to a shooting gallery, horseback riding, quad biking, fun games, relay races.

It is important to understand that everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of "graduation party" (it is not for nothing that they say "How many people, so many opinions"). therefore organization of non-standard graduation it is better to entrust special agencies that not only have the experience and material and technical base for high-quality preparation of the holiday, but also know how to find compromise options that can satisfy the requirements and wishes of each and every one. The presence of an activist entertainer among the parents will be an additional advantage, since he will be able not only to offer interesting ideas, but also to talk about the characteristics of the class and the relationship between children.

But in any case, no matter how you decide to organize a graduation, magnificently or modestly, originally or traditionally, the last evening at school, with classmates who have been around for 11 years or just with friends, will definitely leave special memories in the soul of every student.


Organizing a prom is a very time-consuming and complicated process, because in one place it will be necessary to gather so many young people. It is important to consider a lot of main points: the number of graduates, the number of accompanying adults, the preferences of the heroes of the occasion, the budget of the event, and much more. And for the graduation to be successful and memorable, it is extremely important not to forget anything. And for this, you can, for example, have a special notebook in which important details will be recorded. By the way, it is worth noting that you need to start planning your graduation day long before its expected date, because there are a huge number of schools in the city, each of which graduates a large number of eleventh graders. If you do not take care of everything in advance, you will have to be content with what is left (although there are many cafes and restaurants in every city, but not all of them will meet the basic requirements).

Graduation venue.

In general, each graduation ceremony consists of an official part - the presentation of certificates (a concert in honor of the graduation is possible) and an unofficial part - a buffet table and a disco. Here it is important to immediately think about where which part will take place. Usually the official part is held in the school itself, for example, in the assembly hall or, if there is none, in the cafeteria or in the gym. Many organizers decide to hold both parts at the school. The advantage of this solution is that you don't have to deliver students to a restaurant or cafe. But there is also a minus: everything will fall entirely on the shoulders of the organizers. They will have to purchase food, deliver them to the venue, find chefs and a place to cook. In addition, you will need music (and for high-quality music you need special equipment) and a DJ. Of course, in this case it will be possible to save money, but you will need to spend a lot of energy. If the unofficial part is held in a cafe or restaurant, then all the worries will fall on the shoulders of the employees of the establishment. It is possible to rent a motor ship, but before making such a decision, you need to make sure that the ship meets all safety requirements and has sufficient space. Important! When choosing a place for a graduation ceremony, some peculiarities must be taken into account. So, first you need to find out what is the capacity of the room. But we must not forget that prom is fun, so you must definitely provide a place for dancing.

Delivery of graduates to the venue of the banquet.

If you decide to hold the official part in one place, and the banquet in another, then you need to think about how to get everyone to a cafe or restaurant. It would be advisable to transport everyone together, for example by renting a minibus. Then no one will be left behind and lost.

Room decoration.

To remember the prom, you need to decorate the room. This can be done with the help of balloons, garlands, posters. It will be great if someone makes a collage of school graduates' photos. In general, everything should be beautiful and original.

Arrangement of tables.

Usually at the graduation, in addition to the graduates themselves, there are also accompanying persons (teachers, parents). In order not to embarrass and embarrass young people, it is better to divide the tables into two zones: for students and for adults. So the heroes of the occasion will be able to communicate more relaxed, but at the same time they will be in sight in case of force majeure situations. Tables for students can be connected so that everyone has the opportunity to have common conversations (after all, this may not happen again). You can divide tables into groups by class, or you can place each table separately so that groups of graduates of the same interest can sit at it. But in any case, there should be free space between the tables so that you can easily get to your place from the dance floor. In addition, everyone should be comfortable, so it is not worth seating 20 people at one small table.


After preparing for the holiday and the official part, all students will probably get hungry, so it is necessary to provide for this. But since in addition to the meal at the holiday there will be many more interesting things and there will simply be no time to eat a lot, one hot dish will be enough (it is necessary, since graduates will consume alcohol, and with hot dishes it is better absorbed) and one salad. Since the graduation ceremony will take place in the hot season, the dishes should not be too fatty and heavy, it is better to include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In addition, it is imperative to provide as many different snacks as possible so that the heroes of the occasion have the opportunity to have a snack without interrupting the dancing. As snacks, you can offer sliced ​​sausages and cheese, sandwiches, chopped vegetables and fruits, canapes. It is best to make one menu for all to avoid confusion when serving dishes. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and preferences of the students. Perhaps the best option would be the so-called buffet. Then everyone will be able to put on the plate what they want and in the required amount. The rest of the food can be taken with you by placing it in containers. And be sure to stock up on a large number of drinks: mineral water, juices, soft drinks (mobile dances provoke thirst).


Whatever adults think about alcohol, you can't do without it at prom. After all, all graduates consider themselves adults. But there should be no permissiveness! Therefore, it will be enough to put wine and champagne on the tables, while stronger drinks should be discarded. As for the quantity, it is better to proceed from the calculation of 2 bottles (champagne and wine) for 3-4 people.

Script and program.

The prom program is a very important part of the organization. The script should be rich and interesting. So, you can envisage all kinds of competitions, riddles about the school, rebuses and team games (of course, taking into account the age of the students). Since the teachers have already managed to get a little tired of the graduates (there is no getting away from this fact), they will definitely not be suitable for the role of the leader. It is best to hire someone from the outside. And this is a separate issue. The function of the presenter at the graduation is to cheer the people up, make the graduates move, communicate, and have fun. And it is best for this role to choose a candidate of a younger age, since it will be more pleasant and interesting for young people than if the holiday is led by a lady or an older man. The prom program should be thought out in such a way that agile contests or dances alternate with more calm and intellectual ones. As much time as possible should be devoted to dancing, as young people love it very much.

The highlight of the program.

In order for the graduation party to remain in the students' memory for life, it is necessary to come up with some feature, the highlight of the program. It will be great if the graduates are shown a film about their school life from the very first days. You can make such a masterpiece from individual photos or videos in the form of a presentation with captions. All graduates will surely like such a film, because it will be so pleasant and funny to remember everything that happened during the entire period of school life. You can also come up with a lot of other interesting ideas. For example, at the end of the celebration, you can arrange fireworks in honor of the graduates. Students can also launch balloons or air lanterns into the sky. And before starting, you can write your desires on pieces of paper and tie them to the balls. And the obligatory tradition, which has been loved by everyone for a long time, is meeting the dawn. This symbolizes for graduates the beginning of a new adult, interesting and fulfilling life.

Photo and video.

Of course, if the holiday is a success, then it will certainly remain in the memory of graduates for many years. But surely everyone who studied at school sometimes wants to refresh their memories and look at everything from the outside. So it is worth ordering a photographer and videographer who will shoot everything from the official part with the presentation of certificates to dancing and fun at the unofficial part of the celebration. Yes, it may cost a lot of money, but you can always find a cheaper option or some workarounds (perhaps the parent of one of the students is a professional photographer).

Dangers and pitfalls.

For students, graduation is a holiday and fun, and for teachers and parents it is another reason to worry. After all, for sure, each class has its own ringleaders and hooligans who can provoke others to some not entirely thought out and adequate actions. So it is extremely important to keep the situation under control throughout the event. What does it mean? The first and decisive point is alcohol. Even if there is not a lot of it on the tables, all the same, especially cunning graduates will think over this moment in advance and decide to bring a certain amount of strong drinks with them. This must be followed. Of course, it will not work to search all the students at the entrance to the cafe, but still it will be necessary to seize at least part of it. Parents should help to accomplish all this. After all, a student's mom or dad may well ask his child to show his bag and ask him to give alcohol in an amicable way, if there is one. But still, some of the "smuggling" will end up inside the restaurant. To keep this part from being used, you need to keep the students under supervision. It would be useful to warn the waiters and other employees of the cafe or restaurant about everything. Another important point: for sure, every graduate at some point, for whatever reason, wants to go out into the open space and fresh air, that is, outside. But since the responsibility for all students lies on the shoulders of the accompanying persons, they must ensure that young men and women do not get into unpleasant situations. So the maximum travel distances should be determined immediately. It is possible (and even necessary) to hire a security guard for the duration of the celebration, which will monitor all movements, stop attempts to "escape" from the holiday and identify strangers who may be trying to get to the prom. But it is important not to go too far, because total control will simply ruin the mood of the heroes of the occasion.
It only remains to add that the prom is a very important holiday. But it will remain in the memory of graduates and will leave a lot of positive impressions only if you plan everything in advance and devote maximum time and effort to preparation and organization. After all, such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime, so it's worth giving one hundred percent for the sake of graduates.