Graduation party at school. Scenario. How prom is celebrated in different countries Graduation hairstyles for medium hair

I remember when my grandmother saw me in a fluffy ball gown, made especially for the prom, shed tears, and I proudly "carried" myself to the Ordzhonikidze Palace, where the long-awaited celebration was to take place.

Then my classmates were more beautiful than each other: girls in the same ball gowns literally competed: whose hem is more magnificent, the boys surprised with their impeccable appearance in strict suits. At the same time, relatives, including not only mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, but aunts and uncles, said affectionately: “In our time, this was not the case!”.

Almost 10 years have passed since then. Graduation parties are still held in all schools, yesterday's students with sadness and joy say goodbye to teachers and to each other. At first glance, nothing changes in this ceremony. But is it really so?

Rational celebration

… Happy smiles and tears of joy. Parents and teachers greeted the graduates with applause. Perhaps this picture is familiar to every educational institution. And in school # 13 everything is going according to a familiar scenario.

The school's assembly hall is decorated on the occasion of the celebration with balloons and paper white doves, parents took their places, graduates, and this year there are 47 of them in "13", ready to show themselves in all their glory. But before that - the opening and solemn speech of the class teachers of the children. Teachers speak without a microphone, because only by the middle of their speech, the parents stop whispering, and the content becomes clear. A moment later, holding hands, like 11 years ago, yesterday's boys and girls, and today already grown boys and girls, not without a share of shyness, go to their places. I immediately draw attention to the outfits of the graduates. Young people in traditional classic trousers and shirts, girls have a much wider assortment of dresses, but only a few people are in long ones, and, it seems, only a couple are in a truly evening dress. After that, one of the graduates, Masha Gayautdinova, will explain:

“I would like to wear some kind of fluffy dress, perhaps even with a corset, but in such an outfit it would be very hot. Yes, and it is not a hunt to stand out strongly, because such dresses are not for everyone. Therefore, I chose a more democratic option for graduation. Thanks to my grandmother who spent more than one hour shopping with me. "

Regarding the heat, Maria is right, during our prom we were terribly tormented in our outfits from the heat and inconvenience (crinoline, petticoats and corsets sometimes distracted attention from everything that was happening around. Many then, after the official part, changed into more comfortable clothes. Question: was there any point buy an evening dress to change before midnight?). The rational approach of the current graduates pleases the practical: after all, then such a dress can also be worn, if not in everyday life, then it will definitely come in handy for some significant event. And you can save the family budget (about it a little later, - ed.)

Get a certificate and leave

Meanwhile, the director of the school, Sukhova Lyudmila Fedorovna, addressed her children and their parents with traditional words in such cases, but there is no doubt about their sincerity, because each of the students becomes a part and a dear person for the teachers.

And now, the most important moment is the presentation of certificates. At a table covered with a red tablecloth, representatives of the school administration were comfortably seated. The director, calling the names of the guys, invites them to the stage. Happy they take turns replacing each other, receiving their "certificate of maturity." Here is someone's grandmother modestly wiping away a tear, and someone's younger sister happily clapping her hands when she heard a familiar name. It becomes stuffy in the hall, even open windows do not help. Everyone endures inconvenience - such an event happens once in a lifetime.

At this time, after the announcement of another name of the graduate, a young man runs out from the extreme row, dressed not at all ceremonially. It seems he was not even applauded. Having quickly received the document, the guy disappears from the audience: he will definitely not participate in the concert and banquet. What is the reason is not known. But once the then deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1 Vasilyeva Lyubov Vinerovna told us, her graduates: “You may have this wedding more than once, but your graduation ceremony is an event that happens once in a lifetime and you cannot miss it!”.

Ball, ball and more ball

Perhaps Lyubov Vinerovna adheres to the same opinion now, having become the director of the lyceum, because any 11-grader can envy the graduation in her educational institution.

By tradition, farewell to school years takes place not within the walls of the lyceum, but in the Ordzhonikidze Palace. And this is not at all a tribute to fashion. The assembly hall of the lyceum is not able to accommodate 1.5 hundred (and sometimes more) graduates and even their parents, and the lyceum students themselves are frequent guests of the palace. Once there were classes in the aesthetic course (the guys studied dancing, singing and acting), now the tradition of initiation into lyceum students has been preserved.

We still hold various Lyceum events here in the Palace, and therefore the graduation ceremony, as the final event in the Lyceum life, is also held here. It can’t be otherwise, ”says Lyubov Vasilyeva, director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1.

The graduation party of the lyceum students becomes a real ball. Even at the entrance to the Palace, graduates and their families are greeted by the sounds of music performed by a brass band, and the surroundings (a fountain, flower beds) create an even more festive mood. Perhaps the only thing missing is the red carpet: the graduates are one more beautiful than the other. Many, contrary to the prevailing fashion for cocktail dresses, are in evening dresses. Someone is not afraid to go even to experiments. So, for example, Sofia Galimova came to the prom in the form of Carmen. She says that when she saw a Spanish gypsy for the first time in Spain during a theatrical performance, she fell in love with this image. For the graduation, I specially ordered tailoring of a dress, which cost the girl's parents within 3.5 thousand rubles.

No one will give up comfort

Talking about the financial side of the event, the girl admitted that the entire prom had cost her family about 10 thousand rubles. By the way, the same amount was given to us by the parent of the children who graduated from a regular school.

One of the components of the total amount is the banquet, which traditionally follows the prom night. In the Soviet years, like the solemn part, it was held within the walls of the school. Typically, graduates were served in a local cafeteria or gym.

The tradition of organizing a banquet outside of school appeared in our country 10-15 years ago. Today it is already a familiar system for everyone: the presentation of a certificate and congratulations - at school, an informal celebration - in some cafe or restaurant in the city, - says the director of school № 55 Kon'kin Sergey Yurievich.

During 23 years of work as a director at this school, I have seen a lot. I am sure that today everyone is already accustomed to the comfort and hardly anyone wants to return to the banquet in the dining room. And yet Sergei Yuryevich noted that the whole initiative lies entirely with the parents and the children themselves. And therefore, where to spend the last school night, they decide for themselves. The main thing, I am sure, is the director: the farewell to the school should take place at the school.

The guys spend 10-11 years of their life here. School becomes a second home for them. Therefore, in order to preserve this holiday atmosphere, to extend the communication with teachers and classmates for a little more, the presentation of certificates and diplomas should take place here, - says Sergey Konkin.

And the students themselves agree with this. In "55", the first part of the graduation ceremony takes place within the walls of the school. The assembly hall here is not provided for by the project; a few years ago the stage was installed right in the large corridor. The assembly hall has become the second floor, where the primary school classrooms are located. And therefore the last day of school life becomes even more symbolic - the guys leave there, where they started.

PS: Perhaps, in the days of our parents, the prom was cheaper, but no less solemn and touching, and today not everyone can afford to send a child to the prom. At the same time, in most schools, 11-graders still come up with holiday concerts, and most moms and dads from year to year do everything to make their child happy on this day, because farewell to school happens only once in a lifetime.

There were two graduates in my family this year. My daughter graduated from the 9th grade, my son graduated from kindergarten. In both cases, at all 4 meetings, heated debates flared up on each item of the holiday. It took an insanely lot of time and emotional energy, and there was little sense.

In past years, when I received calls with a request to propose a concept for a prom, I always wondered why customers could not name the amount that they are ready to spend on the holiday and at least roughly express their wishes for the program.

After graduation, it became clearer to me what questions parents are concerned about, so I will try to tell everything in detail.

Financial question

You need to start by clearly listing the upcoming costs and scheduling payments, since not all parents can immediately deposit the required amount.

But you need to discuss the estimated amount at the first meeting, so that later you can correctly distribute finances. In September, they usually collect money not only for the last call and graduation, but also for running expenses during the school year, teacher's day, New Year's, March 8. And I also need sandwiches and water for exams.

At the first meeting, it's best to write this list and immediately estimate how much you are willing to spend on each item. More or less like this:

  1. Operating expenses (the parent committee knows how much the class usually spends a year on congratulating teachers, calendar holidays, excursions, going to the theater)
  2. The last bell (decoration of the hall, Graduate ribbons, flowers for teachers, excursion to the city or a walk to the park, tea drinking, etc.)
  3. Exams (purchase of pens, drinking water, sandwiches, flowers, etc.)
  4. Graduation party (in September it is difficult to name the exact amount, but you can ask the parents of last year's graduates how much they collected for their holiday and announce the average cost). This is exactly what we did in our class, then at the end of the year we added 2,000 rubles each, but the bulk of the questions had been resolved by that moment.

What will be the graduation

All sorts of things howled in my memory. Someone talked about a magnificent graduation ceremony within the walls of a famous entertainment complex, when 20-30 thousand rubles were paid for each graduate. Others enthusiastically shared the details of an insanely fun homemade school skit, which took place at minimal cost.

First, you need to clarify one fundamental issue with the school administration. The fact is that every year my parents call me and start a conversation with one of two phrases:

"We were strictly forbidden to celebrate graduation at school"
"We were strictly forbidden to hold our graduation ceremony outside the school"

And how are you?

After clarifying this point, it will become easier to select options. If we talk about costs, then in the school hall, of course, the holiday will be cheaper, because you do not need to pay for the rent of the hall.

What to talk about with prom companies

Many organizers offer a turnkey holiday and name a specific amount. After the discussion, the parents start to cross out the items and ask for a discount. We do not need a photographer, we will inflate the balls ourselves, banquet furniture does not need to be brought - we will bring desks, we will do without a fire show, etc. In such a trimmed version, the verified script ceases to be interesting for the organizers, since this offer was advantageous in its original form.

Discuss all major costs in the meeting. Here is a list for the case if the holiday will be held in the school building (prices are Moscow):

  • Hall decoration. These can be figures from balls, bright paper decor, fabric and fresh flowers. This can take from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, it all depends on the quantity and quality of jewelry.
  • Banquet. A school cafeteria can also throw a feast for the whole world, I know such stories. Someone invites a catering company with furniture, dishes and service (from 2500 to 4000 rubles per person). Add to the number of students the number of parents who will sit at the table. Don't forget that you need to treat the teachers. You can order delivery from the nearest cafe-restaurant. Well, or arrange a culinary duel between mothers and grandmothers, they do everything incredibly beautiful, tasty and surprisingly economical.
  • Musical arrangement. A good DJ will create a special atmosphere during the festive part of the event and at the party itself. If the school has good equipment, there are experienced presenters of discos, you can save about 15,000 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Most often it is one or a couple of presenters with time-tested scenarios, where there is an opportunity to laugh and feel sad, remember the best school moments and dream about the future. You need to meet with the presenters in advance and tell all the most important things that need to be mentioned during the prom. Each school has its own heroes, whose name evokes a storm of emotions. The cost of the work of one presenter is from 25,000 rubles. The couple works for 40,000 rubles.
  • Show numbers. There are beautiful performances of dancers with quick dressing, fire or light shows, bright circus acts and special effects. The average cost is 15,000-20,000 rubles.
  • Photographer and videographer. Beautiful repository photos and edited videos about the graduation are a very good memory of the holiday. It is better if all this is done professionally, but if it is difficult to pay a photographer 3500 rubles per hour, just appoint several parents who will take a lot of shots and post the result on Yandex Disk or a cloud mail.
  • Banner as a photo zone. Yes it's beautiful. The number of the school is written, the years of study are indicated, beautiful photographs. The cost with installation is about 15,000 rubles. Discuss whether it makes sense to spend that amount.
  • Graduation albums. The photographer should be invited already in the first quarter. It is better if it is a specialist who has experience in page layout for a photobook. Determine the number of spreads, ask for thick pages to print and a hardcover. All of this affects the cost of the finished photobook, so ask for examples at the first meeting and make a collective decision. If you drag out the discussion, photographers will refer to being busy. One album can cost from 1,700 to 3,500 rubles.
  • Graduate ribbons and other accessories. These are not very high costs, you just need to remember about them and buy all this beauty before the beginning of spring, otherwise then problems begin with a choice in online stores.
  • Flowers and gifts for teachers... One of the hardest questions for parents. Each region of Russia and even each school has its own traditions. Somewhere the congratulation looks symbolic, somewhere it is customary to thank with pompous gifts. Make a complete list of teachers and write down how much you are willing to spend on flowers and gifts for the class teacher and other teachers.

After you decide what services you will order and what you can organize yourself, contact the event organization company. It is better to start the discussion in the fall, since everyone has graduation on the same day and you may not have time to book a convenient date.

If the graduation ceremony takes place in a restaurant, discuss with the owners the possibility of installing decorations (it is often forbidden to attach decorative elements to the ceiling). Carefully study the menu, the conditions for renting the hall, the technical capabilities of the site, check the presence of sound and light equipment, etc.). Find out how to book a date and possible additional costs.

Write in the comments about your experience in organizing the 11th grade graduation, this is very important for all of us.

The graduation party is the very first serious holiday in the life of any person, then there will be graduation at the university, wedding, birth of a child, etc. But graduation at school is a special feeling and they will all be remembered for our whole life.

Therefore, holding and organizing a graduation party is a rather difficult task for teachers. Writing an interesting script isn't easy. We will help you solve this problem and offer you a classic scenario of the ceremonial part of the prom, we hope that it will help you.

Prom script

1st presenter.

Dear Colleagues! Dear guests! Today there is another graduation in our school. This event is joyful and sad at the same time. It is joyful because a new generation of graduates is entering an independent life, and sad because today graduates are saying goodbye to school.

2nd presenter

Seemingly the same thing

Which day, which year.

But again, as in his youth, he worries

Another day's arrival!

And do not hold back the excitement in the morning,

As if in these everyday life you

I'm waiting for the opening, and the revelation,

And dreams come true.

1st presenter

Any lesson, any meeting

All the treasures on earth are more valuable,

After all, every school moment is marked

Its uniqueness.

2nd leader.

School! How much is connected with her! Behind childhood, there are many roads ahead, the choice of a favorite thing. How exciting the first feeling of adulthood, independence! Gone are the exams, and with them years of carefree childhood. And ahead ... Ahead is a great life, everything that was dreamed of, everything unknown, exciting.

1st presenter.

School! For 11 years she met you, and now the time has come for parting, the last evening within her walls is graduation!

Song performed:

On the first fine September day

You timidly entered under the school vaults.

First teacher and first lesson -

This is how the school years begin.

School years are wonderful -

With a book, with friendship, with a song.

How fast they fly

You can't turn them back!

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget

School years.

1st presenter.

Today, from noon to evening, the birds were singing especially. The sun, calm, peaceful, slowly descended over the blue and some amazingly wide firmament. This memorable quiet summer evening seems to see you off as you enter adulthood into a clear and calm destiny. How you want it to come true! Good luck, happiness, love, dear graduates!

I now give the floor to the headmaster ...

The director of the school is speaking.

2nd presenter

Your year of study is over.

And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment

While you and the class are still around ...

And there is a long and difficult path ahead.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

To ask forgiveness ... for something!

1st presenter

May this evening before you again

The moments of the first meeting fly by

Both the first friend and the first love ...

Everything is performed on this farewell evening.

2nd leader.

Much is already in the past for you: the last school bell, and the lucky ticket for the final exams. Many things are remembered in these minutes. When you are 17, you can safely say: 11 years school was your life. The first teacher led you by the hand into the world of knowledge. Will you ever forget her wise smile and kind hands?

The word is given to congratulate the first teacher.

Graduate (referring to the first teacher) ... (name, patronymic),

Poems for the first teacher:

Do you recognize us? Look,

Your first graders are standing here!

We carried our big knapsacks,

Rulers, pens and notebooks.

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar

As a mother, you were for all of us,

And we were at home with you.

Thank you bow down

Accept from all graduates

And just as carefully, loving

Teach your disciples.

We will remember you like that

And we can't change our memory

Graduates are now in front of you

They want to kneel.

1st presenter.

And now some statistics. During the years of study, graduates received 3333 "two's", 3331 "dozens", 156 certificates of honor, 27 glasses were broken, 187 awards were won at olympiads and in sports competitions ... But the amount of efforts spent by teachers, the amount of kindness and patience cannot be counted !

2nd leader.

Dear graduates! For 11 years, teachers have been putting grades in your diaries. Today we give you the opportunity to assess your knowledge of your favorite subjects yourself (we offer you to get the numbers cut out of the cardboard from the bag without looking).

Happy holiday, dear graduates! May all the grades that you still receive in life be only excellent!

1st presenter.

And now a little history. The creative activity of the heroes of today's celebration began in ... year with the comprehension of the basics of reading, counting, spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were comprehended, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription of one of the then first-graders made on the primer: "Vovka is a fool." It was not possible to find out who this mysterious Vovka is.

2nd leader.

Having mastered the rules of grammar, future geniuses enthusiastically took up their application. The school carefully stores a table with a rock ... sorry, table drawing and an unforgettable inscription: "Sashka + Lenka = Love." Who this Love was, remained unknown.

1st presenter.

A large amount of used chewing gum was found at the excavations, most of it on the clothes of the teachers. A lot of running boots were found that had escaped from their masters, and a lot of invisible hats that were never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. Young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.

2nd leader.

11 "A", 11 "B" ... What do these numbers and letters mean to you sitting here? I am sure a lot. Because a school class is not just a group of students, it is a spiritual brotherhood of people who have become relatives, for whom someone's misfortune becomes common, but also joy is one for all. Life is so amazingly arranged: today they are still around - school graduates, they are still classmates; tomorrow their paths will go their separate ways. But today's joy, which is one for all, will be remembered for a long time.

1st presenter.

11 "A"! We are now ready to rejoice for you, the inimitable 11 "A". But first, you must tell a little about yourself. And you will do it with applause. I will name the epithets, and you, if they match the characteristics of your class, will clap. So your class:






Well, you have a wonderful class! A song sounds for you.

The song sounds.

2nd leader.

11 "B"! And now 11 "B" class will tell a little about themselves. This is a class




very modest,

worthy of all praise.

Wonderful 11 ​​"B", the song sounds for you.

The song sounds.

1st presenter. You learned that friendship is the most precious thing when you quarreled with a neighbor on your desk ... You used to cheat on your classmate's homework assignments, and as you matured, you expected advice from him when things were bad in your life. The first book you read is also a memory from your school years.

Today you say goodbye to school, but you will remember the school years dear to the heart of everyone, your native school, your native teachers.

Everything was: both roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes ...

I look into the past years

And with a warm feeling I remember you ...

I took an example from you, followed advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light

That is enough to warm up ten.

You give your life to great work,

You will awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

For your deeds and thoughts, beauty!

2nd leader.

The floor is given to the class teachers.

Class teachers are speaking.


Never again will I be a schoolgirl.

Do not rush to skip to lesson.

A mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but there is confusion in my soul,

Girls have tears. Why?

How we have been waiting for this moment

So many years preparing for it!

So many years! From such first graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so much older today

Those who taught us good things have become!

Gray strands are powdered,

A new wrinkle lay ...

Smart, beautiful, good,

My teachers are strict!

I give you all the spring flowers

All the love that is in the heart of the bank.

In life until the last moment

I am indebted to you.

It's hard to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I would like to find kind words for everyone.

Graduates congratulate their parents.

Congratulations and words of gratitude for parents at the graduation


If the son is the first everywhere,

Stars from the sky are easily enough -

It's all parenting nerves

The result is being pushed towards it.

If a daughter grows up to others for the joy,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

So it was mom who tried:

She was both a mentor and a close friend.

Here they are, beloved children:

Your boys and your girls

Your little ones, your little ones.

There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!


Who loved children, caressed,

Who did not sleep enough nights,

Who worried about them,

And sometimes he was grim?

Patiently day after day

Raised them ... with a belt?

Did you help the teacher?

Who is this? Parents!

1st presenter. The word to the parents of the graduates.

Parents of graduates are speaking. Then the robed Master appears.

I am a messenger from the Age of Enlightenment!

Greetings young talents

I came to see for myself

The fact that the fire of knowledge has not died out!

And being seriously concerned

The fate of science in current conditions,

I intend to take an oath from converts.

Do you swear, about the ignorant tribe,

To achieve unprecedented success in work,

Do you swear not to interrupt communication?

With the school, what knowledge did you give?

Do you swear when you leave from now on

In this sad hour, the abode of enlightenment,

Do not skip all knowledge and experience,

Received within these walls here?

Graduates answer: "We swear!"

Do you swear, young fools,

Throwing without looking back into the sea of ​​life

Do not forget in the future alma mater,

And most importantly - her teachers?

Graduates answer: "We swear!"

Do you swear, listening to strangers,

From now on with the words of godless

Mighty our tongue not clog?

Graduates answer: "We swear!"

And if you are suddenly lucky,

Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,

The last shirt from Versace

Will you give this monastery over?

Graduates answer: "We swear!"

Do you swear, young tribe,

Do not consume a drop of alcohol

And tobacco from today?

Graduates answer: "We swear!"

My friends! Hear today

You last call. Accept

From now on, wish you good luck!

May the heights of knowledge conquer you,

Storm them without fear - I wish you ...

1st presenter

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Fewer failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of all dreams and dreams!

So that you find something to your liking!

To meet true love!

2nd presenter

Forward, graduates, walk boldly,

We wish you happiness and good luck again!

Several ways to celebrate 11th grade graduation. Games and contests for graduation are considered.

The graduation party is an unforgettable event for children and parents. After all, you will have to say goodbye to people with whom you have communicated for 10-11 years. Girls begin to discuss outfits and shoes almost from the beginning of the school year.

How to organize 11th grade graduation? Organization and conduct of the prom

It is worthwhile at the beginning of the school year to discuss and find out how the graduation party will be held. Not so long ago, it was forbidden to arrange any celebrations with feasts and alcoholic drinks in an educational institution. Therefore, within the walls of the native school there will be a small solemn program with congratulations and the presentation of certificates. Next, the students and their parents should take care of the festive evening.

Also, don't forget about the important little things. You need to agree with:

  • Photographer
  • Hairdresser
  • Makeup artist
  • Purchase holiday outfits
  • Order a cafe or and organize a trip
  • Write a list of all those present at the holiday

Where to hold the 11th grade graduation ceremony? Prom location

Nowadays, many people do not want to celebrate their prom in a cafe or restaurant. Everyone is tired of boring drinking and partying. Many people want to spend time with benefit and have a lot of pleasure. Now many holiday agencies offer different scenarios for the celebration. They significantly differ from standard parties in a cafe and meeting the dawn.

Prom Celebration Options:

  • In the cafe. This is a standard place to be booked a few months before the big date. Usually in April and May all the decent clubs and restaurants are already booked. Better to book places 3-5 months in advance. Consider the menu with the whole class. It can be a buffet or a standard menu with hot dishes and snacks. Be sure to use the services of a DJ or toastmaster. All night long it will be very boring just to drink. A host is needed for the evening, who will come up with interesting contests and games, and will not let everyone present get drunk until morning
  • On the road. It can be a camp site or a guest house by the sea. One of the best options, although in this case you will have to pay rent for the houses and come up with a menu on your own. In addition, the most active will have to go to the market or supermarket and purchase alcohol and all the necessary food on their own. One of the parents will have to marinate the meat. The option is not an easy one, since it is important to take care of the little things and clearly assign responsibilities. So that each of the classmates is responsible for something
  • Excursion in another city or country. An easy way to celebrate from an organizational point of view, as travel agencies usually take on all the responsibilities of organizing transfers, hotel accommodation and feeding tourists
  • Water park, bowling. Recently, this type of celebration is gaining momentum. In entertainment centers, fancy feasts are usually not organized. Most often it is a buffet and outdoor activities
  • A holiday on the ship. This option is available in large cities with rivers. For the celebration you need a large motor ship with a dance and feast area. In some cases, the owners of the ship offer their food preparation services.
  • Outdoors. This is a wild vacation, when children with their parents go to nature with tents. In this case, you will have to write a list of products, for each classmate, so as not to forget anything.

How to choose a cafe for your prom?

This is a difficult question. So that the kitchen does not disappoint you, and you are satisfied with the service, find out the following subtleties:

  • How many people will come to graduation
  • What cuisine do the participants of the holiday prefer?
  • Event budget

After that, you can start choosing a place to celebrate. It is not necessary to immediately go to restaurants, it is advisable to just call and clarify:

  • The minimum order amount and what is included in this amount
  • Can I bring my own alcohol and other products
  • Paid or free rent
  • Is there a place for fireworks
  • Is there an extra refrigerator for a huge cake and alcohol
  • Does the restaurant have its own musicians and presenters and how much do their services cost?
  • Can I bring my host or DJ
  • Is there parking nearby and is it convenient to get there by public transport
  • Whether the account is fixed or not. This is necessary so that on the day of the celebration you do not pay one and a half times more due to price increases

If you have found out everything and after discussion with classmates decided that the institution is right for you, go to the cafe as ordinary visitors. Take a look at the interior, as almost all photos will be taken in this room. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilets and the sociability of the staff. You may not be happy with the sour-faced waitress, and the dishes will be dirty.

Grade 11 Prom Menu

The menu directly depends on the cuisine of the restaurant. If you are celebrating graduation in a grill bar, then of course, almost all hot dishes and meat dishes will be cooked on charcoal.

Sample Grilled Graduation Menu:

  • Pork shashlik with tomato sauce, onions and lavash
  • Baked potato
  • Meat salad with mayonnaise
  • Vegetable salad
  • Pickles
  • Lightly salted herring
  • Baked vegetables (second hot)
  • Binge
  • Juices and bread

Of course, this is the approximate simplest menu for an inexpensive cafe. If you decide to celebrate graduation in a chic restaurant, then the menu will look like this:

  • Julienne with mushrooms and chicken
  • Potatoes in cream
  • Sandwiches with red fish and caviar
  • Peking cabbage and scallops salad
  • Baked trout with vegetables
  • Cold cuts
  • Vegetable mix
  • Booze, juices and bread

The cafe does not participate in the preparation of cakes, so you will have to order dessert in advance at the bakery or at home.

Graduation contests in grade 11

During the celebration, you need to move a lot and have fun. Fun contests can cheer you up.

Graduation contests:

  • Guess. This competition is being prepared in advance. To do this, parents choose from the family photo album several of their photos and their child. It is necessary that the people in the photo are about the same age. Children are divided into two teams. They are given a stack of photographs each, and they have to lay out two cards each, a child and a parent. Whoever has more matches wins
  • Rewarding. A fun competition that is prepared in advance. You need to make custom-made prizes or medals. These are prizes in the nominations "Punctuality", "Heartbreaker of the Class", "Coquette of the Year", etc. Choose the appropriate music and give prizes to classmates
  • Fashion show. For this competition, 5 participants are selected. In 5 minutes they will have to collect as many units of objects with the letter "m" in the hall as possible, this is a mobile phone, an easel, a mannequin, etc. you can guess any letter. Then each participant will demonstrate their findings
  • Ship. Participants are divided into two teams, and each team is given a newspaper. In 5 minutes, participants must make a ship out of newspaper and fill it with treasures. These are car keys, money and jewelry.

11th grade prom games

No holiday is possible without games and contests. It is necessary that the games are active and fun. They will help maintain warm friendships after graduation.

Graduation Games:

  • Vocabulary. It is necessary to divide all participants into two teams: Children and parents with teachers. That is, you get an adult group and girls with boys. Each team is given a set of cards with letters. The facilitator reads the definition of the word according to the explanatory dictionary, and the participants must lay out the answer from the letters received. For example, who did the natives eat? (Cook), or a large branch on the trunk of a tree, located on the side (bough). Questions may not be from a dictionary, but some comic and funny
  • Roll call. This is a fun game in which absolutely all invitees participate. Moreover, each category of the hall will have to pronounce its own phrase. In this game, such participants are: Flowers (mothers), June (fathers), Summer (grandparents), Teachers, Girls and Boys. Everyone has their own phrase, for example, June says “they didn’t wait”, Summer “I’m already here”, girls “I’m so dumb”, boys “yes we are”, teachers “remember us”, flowers “we are very expensive now”. Further, the presenter reads a fairy tale: “June. The long-awaited summer has finally arrived
  • The first flowers appeared. Every summer in June there is a series of graduation parties. So we gathered in this hall together with our beloved teachers to guide our graduates: boys and girls into a new life. Look at our young men. They are smart and serious to begin with. And the girls. How beautiful our girls are in summer, like blossoming flowers. The same cannot be said about teachers yet. But now June will end, vacations will begin, and our young men by the middle of summer will not recognize their teachers, or rather they will confuse them with their girls. And, of course, to give touching bouquets of flowers to our dear Teachers who have become relatives over the years. " In this case, all Participants must pronounce their phrase in chorus

Songs for the 11th grade prom

Usually, the well-known songs "Teach in School" are used as musical accompaniment, but now many modern songs are remade, composing their own words. It turns out very harmoniously and fits perfectly into the holiday.

VIDEO: Songs for graduation

Script for Grade 11 Prom

There are a lot of scenarios, the most important thing is that they correspond to the main theme of the party. Often, a holiday is created in the style of the 60s or in a nautical style. In this case, interesting contests are associated with the main topic.

A sample scenario for a high school graduation:

  • Presenter: “Hello graduates and all guests. Today is a solemn day, our children are going on a great voyage called "life", let's applaud them. " Everybody claps
  • Presenter: “Let's ask the administration and the entire teaching staff, who brought a piece of their soul into the upbringing of children, to go on stage.” Teachers come out and congratulate children
  • Presenter: “The last bell rang, all the exams have been passed, but now our students are on the verge of new achievements and discoveries, they have to take important steps to decide on their future profession. Let's help them with this. " First-graders appear on the stage in the costumes of a locksmith, fireman, doctor, office worker. Kids dance to the music
  • Presenter: "Let's call our graduates to the stage." Children go on stage and are presented with certificates. Everybody claps
  • Presenter: “Now is the time to have some fun, let everyone in the audience play one interesting game. Fun and good mood are guaranteed. " The presenter explains the conditions of the "Roll Call" game (see above in the "Prom Games" section)
  • Presenter: “Now that everyone is warmed up, it's time for the guests and graduates to relax a bit, we invite the kids to the stage”. First graders go out and sing a song about school
  • Presenter: “Everyone received their certificates, but the awarding is not over yet. With your help, we have identified several nominations, and each will receive its own prize. " Competition "Rewarding" is held, during which each child is presented with its own award
  • Presenter: “Well, our evening has come to an end. Guys, we hope that you will bring your children to our school and we will be happy to teach them kindness and humanity. " The celebration ends with classical music. Graduates leave to celebrate graduation in a cafe or in nature

How to spend your prom at school?

Now the administration of many schools prohibits any graduation celebrations with alcohol and a buffet table. Usually a holiday within the school walls is limited to the solemn part and the presentation of certificates. To celebrate the graduation, children and parents go to a cafe or restaurant.

VIDEO: Graduation at school in the style of "Oscar"

How to organize an unforgettable 11th grade prom: tips and feedback

Initially, you need to talk with the school administration, whether it is possible to arrange gatherings with teachers at the table. If they turn you down, look for a cafe or restaurant.

Here are some tips on how to organize your graduation ceremony:

  • Write down a list of everyone who will be celebrating. Include absolutely everyone and parents and sisters if they want to go with you. Check with the cafe how many people they can accept. Some rooms have a maximum capacity of 50 people
  • Order a presenter or DJ
  • Take care of bubbles and fireworks if you plan to end the party with them
  • Explore the menu and write a list of products that you can buy. Usually alcohol and cold cuts
  • Order a cake in advance, for one person approximately 150 g of dessert. Consider shipping ahead of time. Better to order a rectangular cake
  • Don't forget to include in your list of invited teachers you would like to celebrate with
  • It is worth remembering gifts for the school administration and teaching staff
  • Some parents organize a separate buffet for teachers, as they do not consider it necessary to invite teachers to a restaurant or cafe with everyone
  • Don't forget the photographer and camcorder. Do not trust the filming to one of the parents.
  • Start collecting money for the celebration from the beginning of the year, respectively, you will have to calculate the approximate cost of a cafe, fireworks, a DJ and other costs

It is quite difficult to organize a holiday on your own, but if all the children and their parents participate, then everything will work out.

VIDEO: Graduation at school

The tradition of celebrating graduation with classmates in Russia was laid by the famous reformer, who during his reign managed to turn the usual life of Russians upside down - Peter I.

The first Russian graduates were students of mathematics and navigation schools, as well as military schools. In 1718, students of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow celebrated the first graduation ceremony in Russian history.

Yesterday's schoolchildren of that year were young people of completely different ages, since the institution accepted "children" from 11 to 23 years old, and education could last 10-15 years.

In 1719, the holiday was held in St. Petersburg. Then in the capital of the empire the first graduates of the Maritime Academy were having fun. At that time, graduation parties were combined with the ceremony, which is now called the last bell: first, graduates were issued certificates of graduation, teachers and the director admonished them with solemn speeches, and then a festive banquet for former students and teachers began.

Gradually, the ceremonial dinner turned into a real bachelor party: the graduates fraternized with the teachers, drank champagne, sang songs in chorus, and also arranged fistfights to show valiant prowess.

Over time, another tradition arose: to order identical rings, which became a symbol of belonging to a kind of alumni club. In adulthood, thanks to these rings, graduates of the same educational institution of different years could recognize each other as brothers.

The director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum presented the first graduates of the institution, among whom was Alexander Pushkin, cast iron rings made of fragments of the Lyceum church bells in the form of woven hands.

According to tradition, after the graduation act (this is what this holiday was called at that time), the bell, which had been gathering students for classes for several years, was broken.

The rings became a symbol of strong, brotherly love between lyceum students, who since then began to call themselves "cast iron".

At the farewell ball, friends-lyceum students promised to meet each other every year on the day of foundation of the lyceum, October 19. And they kept their promise. Alexander Gorchakov became the last lyceum student of the first graduation, who in 1882 alone celebrated the memorable day.

Rivers of milk, muslin banks

In the 19th century, the tradition of graduation stag parties changed radically, because now girls began to appear at the holidays. This was not due to the fact that girls received diplomas, because at that time education, especially higher education, was available mainly to men. Parents brought their daughters to graduation in order to find a suitable groom.

For the sake of such a serious matter - marriage, and not obtaining a certificate - the parents did not skimp. In order to equip their daughter on her maiden voyage at a secular ball, the fathers spent thousands of rubles, an unprecedented amount of money that was available only to the richest nobles. On average, one trip to a beautiful daughter took up to 3 thousand rubles, the amount could be more - 10-20 thousand rubles. It is scary to imagine how the heads of families were ruined, where the daughters were the same.

With the arrival of the girls, the tradition of ball and dancing, as well as innocent flirting and flirting, came to graduation. Of course, the parents were on the alert, and vigilantly watched the children. At that time, young people danced mazurka and cotillion at graduation balls. Later, in the time of II, graduates with young ladies began to dance the polka and waltz.

The last dance was considered more intimate, since the gentleman hugged his partner around the waist, and their hands touched, which, by the way, allowed them to exchange notes.

In the 19th century, cadets and cadets started another peculiar tradition of graduation - to swim in warm June evenings in fountains, climb on monuments and paint them over.

At that time, graduation balls were also held in women's educational institutions, for example, in the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, but such evenings could only be attended by invitation. Young graduates wanted to impress each other and their gentlemen at the main holiday, and therefore ordered dresses made of expensive and light translucent fabric - muslin, which is why the girls, many of whom were infantile and overly emotional, began to be called “muslin ladies”.

While the capital's graduates were having fun at balls, young people in the provinces celebrated graduation in their own way. For example, we are obliged to the graduates of the Male Gymnasium in Krasnoyarsk to meet the tradition of meeting the first day of adulthood on board the ship. Parents of the students chipped in and rented a steamer for their children, which rolled them along the Yenisei.

By the way, only three graduates were able to enjoy the river walk.

Of the 70 people in the first enrollment, only six made it to the last year. Half of them did not pass the exams, so those three chosen ones deserve not only the river walk and the meeting of dawn, but also that we will mention them as graduate trailblazers.

If in the 19th century they tried to make graduation balls as luxurious and rich as possible, then at the beginning of the next century the holidays became more modest. Most likely this was due to the fact that education became available not only to the richest nobles and noblewomen, but also to representatives of other estates. High school students and cadets wore the festive uniform of their school for graduation evenings. Schoolgirls also dressed up in identical and rather modest dresses. In addition, during these years, the institutes of noble maidens for the first time began to independently pay for "banquets with music." Prior to that, all material costs fell on the shoulders of the graduates' parents.

There was a war tomorrow

After the October Revolution of 1917, graduation parties became even more modest and strict. Needless to say, even the word "ball" was considered too old-fashioned and bourgeois and was replaced by "evening". Until the mid-1930s, graduation parties were held in the form of ceremonial rulers, at which the school director presented certificates to former students. However, over time, the desire of young people to properly celebrate the beginning of a new life took its toll and graduations began to take place with dance evenings.

On June 20 and 21, 1941, the country of the Soviets celebrated its last peaceful graduation before the Great Patriotic War.

“On June 21, 1941, we had our graduation party, we finished school ... the holiday was very merry, joyful, we were all very beautiful. Although the times were difficult, we put on the most beautiful dresses. When they got their certificates, the whole class went to Red Square. One boy had a portable radio, he turned on the music, and we danced a waltz in Red Square. It lasted quite a long time, we laughed joyfully, dreamed ... And when we danced to our heart's content, one boy went to see me off along the embankment.

He was in love with me since second grade. If he had stayed alive, then, probably, later on he would have become a great scientist, he was such an interesting boy! .. ", - recalls one of the graduates of the Moscow school.

For the next three years, Soviet graduates had no time for big holidays. At that time, mostly girls studied in the classes of high school - the boys went to the front. Therefore, in school photographs of the war years, you usually do not see male faces.

The tradition of farewell to school returned to the Soviet Union after the war. Even in those difficult years, the graduates tried to dress up for prom dances. For example, collars with lace ruffles came into vogue, which schoolgirls could independently sew to a dress.

At the same time, the students of those years were much older than modern schoolchildren. Former front-line soldiers who did not manage to receive a certificate during the war returned to schools and finished their studies.

At the same time, in addition to the certificate, graduates began to receive commemorative sheets made of thick cardboard with photographs of all teachers and professors. This is how albums appeared, which are now a mandatory attribute of graduation, and not only from 11, but also from 9 and 4 grades.

Graduation parties were held in schools, while policemen were on duty at the door, who did not let former students out of the building until six in the morning.

In addition to dancing, there was one more entertainment for graduates - skits. The guys staged excerpts from plays and humorous scenes of their own composition. And so-called "sweet tables" also appeared: the participants of the holiday could treat themselves to pies, sweets and soda, but no alcohol was allowed.

Interestingly, the school gave out the characteristics necessary for every member of the Komsomol only the next morning after graduation. Apparently, this way the schoolchildren had another incentive to keep themselves in hand, even at the prom.