Cancer horoscope as he study at school. How do representatives of different zodiac signs learn? How Taurus learns

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Children's academic performance is influenced not only by their interest in school subjects. You can endlessly love geography, but for homework you only get triples. Certain signs of the zodiac often become excellent students at school. Their ability to achieve outstanding results has long been noticed by astrology.

Curiosity itself

There is no zodiac sign more curious than Gemini. The eyes of these children glow with an eternal flame of interest. They really enjoy learning, learning new things. There is a feeling that they can absorb absolutely everything. Any subjects are easy for them, and exams are written at once. The natural mind is conditioned by the influence of Mercury. It is an intelligent planet, distinguished by its rotational speed. That is why information is perceived by Gemini instantly. Children may even be teased at school with a “walking encyclopedia”. And even if erudition is not a 100% guarantee of further success in life, their knowledge in various fields cannot but amaze others. Gemini likes to explore, look for patterns, paradoxes. Hence the ease in passing all kinds of tests.

A typical excellent student

They are also called botanists. Despite the fact that the ruler of Virgo is the same Mercury as that of Gemini, the nature of the manifestation of the properties of this planet in children is completely different. Virgos absorbed from her a love of working with data, the ability to immerse yourself in the dry numbers of mathematics, the ability to structure large amounts of information. The same Gemini often cannot. But Virgos manage to concentrate on difficult subjects, become the best in class performance. They meticulously and scrupulously do their homework, demonstrate their loyalty to the teacher. The latter is impressed by the diligence and accuracy of the guys. Unless other students can laugh at the diligence of the Virgin. However, this is a latent feeling of envy - they a priori cannot act so rationally.

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Luck or charisma

It is not known what helps Sagittarius the most. But one thing is clear for sure - the guys are capable of the impossible. They can easily "catch up" with their classmates in the last quarter. To do this, they only need to set a similar goal for themselves. Sagittarius are excellent at concentrating on the subject, they quickly delve into the very essence. Teachers are only amazed at how these inveterate bums suddenly become obedient and good, and, most importantly, smart. At the same time, a natural sense of humor does not leave successful children: they still remain the soul of the company and retain their authority until the very graduation from school. Friends like absolutely everything in the character of Jupiter's protégé: love of truancy, cheerful disposition, the ability to gather at the last moment, a sense of excitement, friendliness, charisma. And also Sagittarius can be very well-read. As a rule, the guys avidly read adventure novels, mystical detectives. Since childhood, they have been interested in travel.

The very purposefulness

Capricorns from early childhood begin to conquer the peaks. Representatives of the earthly element are distinguished by their stubbornness, purposefulness, and high intelligence. Even toddlers in elementary school do not look childish as adults. They are demanding of themselves, set ambitious goals before each semester. Capricorns do not like learning or interesting subjects so much as the topic of leadership. They are turned on by the very thought that they will be the first in something. That is why there are so many honors among these children. Capricorns always hit the maximum. Any failure only spurs them on to decisive action. They can sit over their lessons at night in order to raise their GPA even higher the next day. However, parents should remember one important condition: Capricorns should not be scolded for poor grades. If you instill in them a sense of guilt, then they will become afraid of decisive action. And this is absolutely abnormal for the protégé of aggressive Mars and disciplined Saturn. Capricorns, on the contrary, need to be spurred on in every possible way and provoked to achieve. In this case, they can easily achieve the desired result.

Astrologer Evgeny Nazarov

Aries at school age are distinguished by their activity, stubbornness and perseverance in achieving their goals. Aries are proactive and responsible. If someone needs their help, they will definitely share the acquired knowledge.

Astrologer's advice: For most individuals, manifestations of non-inherent properties are likely. This is due to the fact that the majority have a dependence on celestial phenomena, here are some of them - the retrograde of the planets, the parade of the planets, etc.

For Aries study and education no problem. Here he is at his best. This is exactly the case when excellent in all subjects, but not in behavior. The problem is the lack of perseverance. He cannot sit still, what are the rules of conduct. Moreover, every comment made to him is perceived as a call to action. For him, silence is perceived as the calm before the storm.

Astrologer's advice: Often, a good chance for a global change in personal life for the better appears only once in a lifetime. Don't miss it - sign up to and find out how soon to expect it!

Aries have a lively mind: they literally grab everything on the fly, but just as quickly forget everything. This is their main property as students.

Aries is independent. His place is always ahead. They will never follow the flock. Often, teachers can understand them. Aries will not bow down just because the teacher is older and more powerful. But the teacher who inspires and encourages will turn into his idol.

Aries loves to prove their abilities, but at the same time they are very impatient, they quickly rush to a conclusion, so they sometimes look funny. He needs to restrain himself and only after thinking, give the result.

Aries needs a quality education, since they are not adapted to low-skilled work. To interest him, you need to arrange a competition. Here Aries will not be equal in studies and education... He will crawl out of the skin to be the first. You need to give him the opportunity to shine, to stand out. He's just not interested in working for grades.

Astrologer's advice: In order to understand and understand well the nature and features of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from different angles and the heading will help you with this.

Aries needs a goal, for the sake of achieving it, he is ready for anything. He will sit and tirelessly delve into, understand, even open books, outside the school curriculum - this is what he needs. Otherwise, this is superficial knowledge and nothing more. It is difficult to force him to study, but he is one of those who will not sleep the night before the exam, and will pass in the morning ahead of everyone. He will not worry at all, because he owes a bonus for courage.

Aries is the leader in life and if he is the leader in the class, he will run to school ahead of the rest. Otherwise, he becomes disappointed, begins to be lazy and capricious. This state can only be overcome with the help of parents and teaching staff. After all, the ability to adapt to others is so lacking in Aries in the future.

Growing up, Aries don't change. They are so full of energy that there is only one Aries in the lecture hall, this is already too much. Their behavior is as positive as it borders on extremism.

Astrologer's advice: Good quality and useful. Go to the category of horoscopes. We suggest you read for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issue.

Aries can excite a crowd in just a couple of minutes. If an Aries student is present in the classroom, the teacher needs to have one more pair of eyes. Moreover, it is better if they are behind the back.

From time to time I would like to invite the student - Aries to run to relieve stress and calm down. The teacher must remember that these are the children of Aries, who always had five subjects in school, and two in behavior. Take off you always have to be in full readiness.

The given data on Aries and his manner study and education will allow parents and teachers to determine their line of behavior with students and to achieve good assimilation of knowledge from Aries.

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The Aries student has one big drawback: he is very restless, it is difficult for him to sit through the lesson without being distracted by a neighbor on the desk and not spinning in place like a whirligig. If it were not for this restlessness, there would be no price for such students, since they are usually very smart and grasp all the educational material on the fly. True, they forget most of the information just as quickly (by answering in a lesson or by passing an exam). For the rest of their lives, Aries remember only that information that evoked an emotional response in them, turned out to be really interesting for them.

How do Taurus learn?

One of the most diligent students is Taurus. Moreover, regardless of gender. Taurus assimilate information slower than other signs, for assimilation they need a calm and harmonious atmosphere. But what was once learned, Taurus will remember for a very long time. Again, unlike representatives of other signs of the zodiac, Taurus is able not only to assimilate information, but also to immediately apply it in practice. So, for example, having learned the rule in the Russian language, a typical Taurus student will immediately write down several examples in order to better remember the material.

How do Gemini learn?

The Gemini student is the favorite of the teachers. In its ability to easily assimilate information, Gemini cannot be compared with any other sign. It seems that he was born to keep in his head a huge amount of different knowledge. At any moment, he is able to quote something from what he has heard or read, like a walking guide. The perseverance of the Gemini is no more than that of the Aries students: they are just as easily distracted in the lesson by everything. However, thanks to their excellent memory and ingenuity, they are able to navigate in time and, simply by looking through the lines from the textbook, immediately tell the whole lesson.

How do Cancers learn?

The Cancer disciple is not too fond of mentors for instability and changeable mood. Today he readily and thoroughly learns the lesson, and tomorrow he sits with pewter eyes and his whole appearance makes it clear that he is absent from the classroom. Today Cancer easily solves tasks and gets "excellent", and the next day he will be completely unprepared for work, because on the eve of the mood to memorize the material was not. And it is difficult to achieve stability here. The moon, the planet that rules Cancers, is known to change very quickly, and it brings the same quality to the character of her wards. They learn information easily when there is emotional involvement in the subject. And in the absence of an emotional component, they are not interested in learning anything.

How do Leos learn?

The Leo student is the second favorite in the ranking of all teachers after Gemini. Leo tries very hard to impress the teachers, and if he is praised, he will easily give out everything that is written in the textbook, and maybe even what is given additionally in the reference material. Leos are always happy to show off their knowledge and impress a mentor who loves his subject (and after all, any mentor is partial to the subject that he teaches). For the sake of praise, Leo is capable of many feats, for example, to memorize the entire lesson almost by heart, so that the next day, with the whole class, the teacher will appreciate his knowledge at its true worth. Therefore, among students-Lviv, the percentage of excellent students and medalists is much higher than among other signs. In general, Leos are really good at absorbing information and love to learn in order to look the smartest and most knowledgeable.

How do Virgos learn?

The typical Virgo student is very thorough and punctual. He tries to memorize information in detail and not overlook anything. Sometimes this detail looks superfluous from the outside, and sometimes frankly boring, but for Virgo it is very important. Of course, such diligence and perseverance cannot but arouse respect among teachers, so the Virgo students are very much appreciated by them. You can always count on them, they will not forget and will not lose sight of even small details of the subject.

How does Libra learn?

The Libra student tries to win the teacher's sympathy with beautifully presented information, yes, that's right! In a typical Libra, even an ordinary lesson should be told beautifully and smoothly. However, Libra is hard to bear information overloads, it is difficult to assimilate too much information at once. They need to sort out everything new on the shelves, and it is difficult to do this at a fast pace, therefore, when there are too many lessons or subjects, Libra is easily tired and may even get sick. They need to dose mental stress.

How do Scorpios learn?

Scorpio students are usually very scrupulous, and those subjects that are of interest to them are studied thoroughly and comprehensively, with a lot of additional information, which gives the impression that they know the subject fundamentally. But the Scorpio students have a big drawback: those subjects that are not interesting to them, they will ignore altogether, which can become a big problem in a general education institution. And getting Scorpio to learn something that he is absolutely not interested in is actually difficult. If at all possible. Therefore, there are not so many excellent students among Scorpios. They are too selective and unwilling to conform to general teaching standards simply because it is so accepted.

How do Sagittarius learn?

Typical Sagittarius students are quite curious and love to learn. They really enjoy the learning process itself. Teachers value them for their desire to learn and interest in knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Sagittarius are inclined to scientific research and careful study of any question that interests them. Therefore, there are quite a few scientists, doctors of sciences and professors among Streltsov - people engaged in fundamental sciences. In addition, many Sagittarius later become teachers and mentors who know how to awaken an interest in knowledge in their students.

How do Capricorns learn?

The Capricorn disciples are like the Virgo disciples. They are also quite assiduous and try to carefully assimilate information. The peculiarity of Capricorns is their determination. They always need to know why they are getting knowledge. Once the goal is found, learning becomes a daily necessity for them, and the word "must" is the most important word in the dictionary. Despite the fact that Capricorn students do not absorb information as quickly as other signs, they usually remember what they learned for a very long time due to their thoroughness.

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How do Aquarians learn?

Aquarius students are usually the most careless students among all the zodiac Signs. They are quite smart, and among the boys there are a lot of people who are keen on technology and computers, but the eternal lack of assembly prevents them from being good students. Therefore, they learn unstable and unstable. Uninteresting subjects can be ignored altogether - just like the Scorpio students. But Aquarius study interesting subjects with ease. Such students require a special approach, and often only an experienced teacher can awaken their interest in knowledge and achieve good results in their studies.

How do Pisces learn?

Pisces students are often mood-addicted and unstable in their learning. In addition, the emotional atmosphere in the classroom is very important for Pisces. It is also important for them to understand from the side of the teacher. When it is not possible to establish emotional contact with a teacher, they can withdraw into themselves and, even if they have good abilities in the studied subject, begin to shirk from study. Therefore, they cannot be called easy pupils. If there is sympathy for the teacher who managed to interest them in his subject, Pisces will be a very assiduous and diligent student.

Best Subject in School: Mathematics

The patron planet Mars and belonging to the fire element are signs of active, motivated, prepared, but a little restless, sloppy and impulsive schoolchildren. They brilliantly show themselves at the beginning of the year - for Aries this is a new start, an opportunity to prove themselves. They are only interested in a particular subject until a more intellectual and exciting occupation appears on the horizon, to which they give themselves with all passion. But Aries should show a little patience, and impressive results will not be long in coming.


Best Subject in School: Fine Art / Drawing

Wards of Venus and representatives of the earthly elements - in their studies, at least, one can expect perseverance and diligence from them. The Taurus plan is as follows: set a goal (a certain grade in a quarter) and achieve it by any means. The only thing that can interfere with the "bull" in the study - natural laziness. In the morning, you can't push such a schoolboy. Teamwork, with the whole class - for Taurus is a real salvation. They can become great musicians and artists as well as outstanding engineers.


Best Subject in School: Physics

Some of the smartest kids in the class. The brilliant results in the quarter are the merit of the natural curiosity of the wards of Mercury, they are simply devilishly interested in learning. They grasp and assimilate all the necessary information on the first try. They enjoy research activities - hence the increased interest in natural sciences. These schoolchildren are said to be just a “walking encyclopedia”. Over time, there is a reassessment of values, Gemini can devote themselves to music, cinema or any other form of art.


Best Subject in School: Biology

As you know, the wards of the Moon are very emotional and sensitive persons. They will never leave a classmate in trouble - usually it is from Rakov that a good half of the class amicably cheats, because of which their personal academic performance can be greatly affected. Such schoolchildren should definitely start a hobby from the sphere of art (playing musical instruments, dancing ...), thanks to this Cancers will learn to better express their feelings and will be able to get out of the emotional "shell". A favorite outlet will have the best effect on their studies and on relationships in the team.

a lion

Best Subject in School: Programming

Leader's sun sign. Lions are school favorites: they are adored by both teachers and classmates. Usually, representatives of this sign are the most popular in the team, all girls from parallel classes "dry up" for such boys. As for specific subjects - Leos are more likely to be inclined towards exact sciences, which are easy for them: such children are very fond of analyzing everything and building cause-and-effect relationships.


Best subject at school: Russian

At first glance, these cheerful and spontaneous schoolchildren may seem overly careless and frivolous. But this is a deceptive impression - Virgos learn just fine! Wards of Mercury are able to perfectly concentrate on the subject and focus on the tasks set. They want to give the correct answer by all means and will scrupulously work on the most difficult problem until they solve it themselves. In addition, they are very neat - teachers are always impressed by this.


Best Subject in School: Chemistry

Like other representatives of the air element, Libra schoolchildren by nature have a very high IQ. Usually, studies are given to them quite easily, while Libra is not always ready to put in the necessary efforts for a higher grade. They are quite satisfied with the average result in school, although they are capable of more. If the representatives of this sign are able to overcome the inconstancy of their interests (today they like one thing, tomorrow they give it up and are carried away by something completely different) - they will become number one in the class.


Best Subject in School: Foreign Language

In this sign, two planets are combined at once - Mars and Pluto. Advice to parents: do not even try to "bribe" such a student. He will not study well for the sake of reward or reward. By nature, these are one of the most passionate signs, so only a sincere interest in the subject can captivate a child. (In the future, this is how they choose a job.) In life, Scorpios are very impulsive, but it is in childhood that they know how to brilliantly concentrate on the task at hand and do even more than asked of them. Psychological comfort in the team is of great importance, Scorpios can sting painfully if someone decides to offend them.


Best Subject in School: Geography

This sign is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of all adventurers. In childhood and adolescence, they do not pay much attention to books and study, rather they tend to find something to do outside the classroom. They skip a lot, it will be difficult for parents and teachers to seat them at their desks. At the same time, Sagittarius get quite high marks - at school they are amazingly lucky. Their cheerful disposition makes them the soul of any company; they have many friends in the class.


Best Subject in School: Literature

The patron planet Saturn, combined with earth, makes Capricorn the most stubborn and picky zodiac sign. These students seem to have wisdom that goes far beyond their age. These children are extremely demanding and do not allow themselves to fail. And Capricorns are also very kind, and this quality becomes their main sweetness - more cunning classmates use them in their own interests. In no case should such children be pressured or criticized at school - this knocks the ground out from under Capricorn's feet.


Best Subject in School: Astronomy

It can be difficult for adults to cope with the rebellious moods of Aquarius schoolchildren. These are the main troublemakers and ringleaders: classmates look at them with undisguised admiration, but problems may arise with teachers. Parents of Aquarius more often than others are called to the director. However, these little revolutionaries should be given their due, they very often fight for justice. Character can spoil their picture of academic performance, because by their nature they are very quick-witted and (especially with regard to tests) quickly solve the assigned tasks.


Best Subject in School: History

The attitude of the representatives of this sign to learning can be described in two ways: they either, like sponges, absorb all the necessary information; or they feel like a fish in water in their favorite lesson. Often such children use their intuition, which rarely fails them. Therefore, if the task requires a sensitive solution, they will cope with it brilliantly. Despite the tacit symbolism of the sign, Pisces needs constant communication in life, including in the lesson. Teachers give them constant remarks for talking.

Hello, friends!

Today the "ShkolaLa" blog presents a school horoscope to your attention. What are the main school qualities of the twelve signs of the zodiac? What subjects do they prefer? How do you build relationships with classmates and teachers? We'll find out now.

Lesson plan:


A brave and resourceful Aries does not have to be a class head at all to receive the title of leader of the children's team. Restless by nature, he behaves accordingly at school. If there was some kind of scuffle in the school corridor, then, most likely, in the thick of events you will find at least one Aries, who, in fact, made all this mess himself.

The tremendous amount of violent energy contained in a small child requires an outlet. And therefore, it would be better for parents to immediately enroll him in some section. To find peaceful uses for this energy.

Aries will be able to surprise parents with a variety of ratings in the diary. Basically, learning is easy, since "catching on the fly" is just about a little ram. But only if the subject is of interest to the student. And interests change at the speed of light. Today he is interested in how a butterfly is arranged, and tomorrow he will suddenly like solving problems.

In the end, Aries will decide on their interests and give preference to any areas of knowledge in which they will understand very well, which will delight the teacher. But it won't be right away.

Aries also lacks patience and perseverance. A strict and dynamic daily routine will help you cope with this.


"Quiet ride - you will continue!" - This is the motto of the student of Taurus. He's in no hurry. Doesn't grasp knowledge on the fly. He needs to make sure that he understood everything correctly and therefore, if there is a reason in the class, bombarding the teacher with questions, then this is most likely Taurus.

Do not learn? Or not to learn it to the end? No, this is not about him. Taurus will finish off any topic, though not quickly. But on the other hand, the quality of his knowledge will amaze both parents and teachers, if, of course, the child can show the teacher how well he knows everything, but this may cause problems.

Parents need to help the little Taurus learn to express their thoughts clearly. If we talk about the attraction of Taurus to any subjects, then most likely they will like the humanitarian disciplines.

Taurus does not participate in brawls or school "dumps". He doesn't like being overly active at all.


Even the elusive Figaro, who is here and there, will not be able to compete in mobility with a schoolboy born under the sign of Gemini. An extremely lively mind makes the student in the classroom listen not only to what the teacher says, but also to what the neighbor on the left says, and also the neighbor on the right, and notice what is happening on the back desk, and outside the window, of course, too.

This little meteor goes to school with pleasure. Still would! There are so many interesting things going on there! In addition to lessons, there are also a bunch of circles and different communities of interest, in which the student will definitely sign up.

The Gemini child knows very, very much, though only a little. Therefore, the entrance to his diary is open to both good grades and bad ones. Also, on the pages of the diary of the student - Gemini, the remark "I talked in the lesson" is often found.


Who will never qualify for a seat at the first desk?

Who would never voluntarily volunteer to go to the board?

Who wouldn't agree to host a school event for any price?

Who would happily remain invisible to the teacher and some classmates?

It is he - the Cancer student! And this is not at all because he is such a shy or cowardly. But because Cancers cannot stand unnecessary fuss and try to avoid it in every possible way.

Cancer students can study well, but only if they feel comfortable. If the relationship with the teacher will be good, if classmates will not pester with or without. If at least the semblance of order reigns in the team, then little Cancer will be quite comfortable.

Rachok will delight teachers of literature or history with his successes rather than mathematics and physics. After all, Cancer is a philosopher from birth, and it is in humanitarian subjects that he can show his ability to reason beautifully.

a lion

Every class has its own "star"! And most likely this star will be the disciple Leo. After all, from an early age he was used to being in the center of attention of others. He just needs it! Therefore, your little Lion Cub will do everything to be noticed and recognized as a leader.

Perhaps he will try to distinguish himself with excellent studies, but this is a last resort. Rather, he will try to show off his attractive appearance, and maybe his high-society manners, then how it goes.

Moreover, classmates themselves are happy to recognize the leader in Leo. Everyone wants to bask a little in his royal radiance. And the student - Leo treats his “admirers” a little condescendingly.

As for teachers, most often they also fall under his influence. Often a student is in the top ten or even in the top three most beloved. Especially if he also manages to enroll in a school drama studio.

In addition, Leo will never refuse to go out to answer to the board. He likes it when the attention of the class is drawn to him alone. And the Lion Cub will try to perform as it should. Even if the lesson is not learned, it will try to get out. Since getting a scolding from a teacher in front of everyone is perhaps the most terrible punishment.


“Accuracy is the courtesy of kings!” - the pupils born under the sign of Virgo are absolutely sure of this. No, they do not strive to become leaders, they do not grab the stars from the sky, but often it is from them that round honors are obtained.

Parents are proud of them, teachers do not get enough of them. Especially the teacher of mathematics so beloved by the little Virgins. It is difficult to find a student more diligent and more accurate.

Schoolchildren - Virgos always know exactly where their notebooks and textbooks are, they are sure of exactly what and in what places is in their pencil case, they remember exactly what was asked at home and they will definitely not forget to complete their homework on time. Therefore, they often hear from classmates the hackneyed school phrase - "Let me write it off."

Parents of little Virgos can be advised to enroll the child in the section, but not for the sake of great sports achievements, but for the sake of maintaining health.


“Who is the loveliest in the world?” - asks a student born under the sign of Libra before going to school. These are very nice, lovely, adorable schoolchildren. Little Libra likes to go to school. But if you think that for them the main thing in school is the lessons, then you are deeply mistaken. Lessons are secondary. The main school events have nothing to do with mathematics or literature.

Libra has time for everything: to study, and make friends, and participate in amateur performances, and attend different circles. By nature, little Libras are big imaginations, they love to be admired.

They also hate violence. Therefore, in school conflicts they act as peacemakers. They are trying to reconcile everyone.

They learn easily, somehow even happily. Prefer liberal arts to exact. Two things that can greatly reduce their academic performance are: firstly, laziness, and secondly, coercion. There is no point in making Libra do something. Therefore, parents need to explain to the child why he needs all this.


"The most important thing is the weather in the class!" And who makes the weather in class? And he does - Scorpio. These little schoolchildren are great psychologists. This is innate in them. An excellent understanding of the motives of the actions of classmates allows Scorpios to easily and simply manipulate others.

Parents of little Scorpions can be advised to carefully approach the choice of a teacher for their child. You need a real professional. And not a "green" graduate of a pedagogical university. Because if your kid feels that the teacher is incompetent, then it will be almost impossible to force him to learn and fulfill the teacher's requirements.

Scorpio is generally difficult to force to do anything against his will. Perhaps he will follow your lead, but he will harbor resentment for such treatment for a long time. Harassing a Scorpio is dangerous to health. He will not quietly torment on the sidelines, he will not shed tears, he will simply give his abuser a good spanking.

Little Scorpio studies well, shows an extraordinary depth of knowledge, which pleases teachers. Excellent memory contributes to this. Prefers exact sciences.


The best class leaders are, of course, Sagittarius. They are the first teachers' aides and protectors of the weak and unjustly wronged. If Sagittarius does not have enough social work at school, then he will easily find himself a "job" himself and become a noble disgrace.

Excellent organizers, Sagittarius students always try to explain to their classmates how to do the right thing. And this is not because they are so stupid, they are acting out of good intentions trying to help others.

Little Sagittarius have a high-speed mind, they do not really like to spend precious time preparing homework, because there are so many interesting things in the world. If something happens, they will be in time at the break before the lesson.

Sagittarius schoolchildren rarely give preference to any one school subject, except physical education, where you can show your activity or works that allow you to feel the joy of creativity, use their special location. Sagittarius do not like to go to the board. Better to write an essay or answer from the spot.


Do you have a Capricorn schoolboy in your family? Congratulations, you can breathe out! Most likely, you will not see the twos in the diary and the disappointments for the behavior. These children behave just like adults. Moreover, at school, they prefer to communicate with teachers to communicate with their classmates.

Don't do your homework? Get a deuce? Skip a lesson? This is not about Capricorns. They understand very well why they need to go to school, why they need to learn their homework, and why they need good grades.

They see school as the first step to the heights that they are going to conquer.

Students - Capricorns do not need to have natural abilities for science. Their responsibility, perseverance and self-confidence help to achieve very good results.


Nobody loves vacations as much as little Aquarius schoolchildren. At school, they study well, with a strong desire, they can become excellent students. But to be honest, these children do not feel completely happy within the walls of the educational institution. Pupils - Aquarians of a freedom-loving personality. And what kind of freedom is there if school discipline and responsibilities press on all sides?

They are very quick-witted and often excel in one subject that they like more than others. But whether Aquarius will love this or that subject depends on the teacher.

The teacher should give little Aquarius at least some freedom. For example, offer to learn a verse of your choice or draw a picture on a free topic.

Aquarians behave exactly with classmates. They are sociable and can find a common language with almost everyone. They are popular among their peers.


The person scattered from Basseinaya Street was most likely a Fish by horoscope. Disciples - Pisces are very scattered, endowed with great fantasy, imagination and imaginative perception of the world. Even in the classroom, they are in the world of their own rainbow dreams, so they often ignore the teacher's words. But if you suddenly have to answer the teacher's question, then the powerful intuition of Pisces comes into play and they brilliantly answer.

Among small schoolchildren - Pisces, it is easy to find excellent students and good students. Everything is going well with my studies. But the active public school life strains them, causing discomfort. Since by nature Pisces are very shy.

The parents of Pisces kids need to look after them, as the child can very quickly pick up various bad habits.

They, like a sponge, absorb everything that surrounds them, so it is important for little Pisces to be in a friendly environment, and not in a bad company.

Here we have such a school horoscope. A is a personal matter for everyone.

I wish you that the stars will always show you the right path)

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.