Shade-tolerant tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse. Choosing the best greenhouse varieties of tomatoes. The most productive varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Among the whole variety of tomato varieties offered for cultivation in the middle zone, and in particular in greenhouses, it is difficult not to get lost. On the one hand, it seems that growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is quite easy, but at the same time, quite a lot of nuances need to be taken into account, starting with organizing irrigation in the greenhouse, creating a suitable microclimate for tomatoes, and ending with the fight against diseases and pests. Currently, the choice of varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses is very diverse, how to choose the best?

How to choose the right variety

Each gardener, choosing varieties of tomatoes for growing in polycarbonate greenhouses, is based on criteria established from his own experience. First of all, this is productivity, resistance to diseases and pests, fruit sizes, different heights of bushes, resistance to variable weather conditions. A very important sign for selection is the possibility of long-term storage and preservation, and, of course, the most important criterion is taste.

Bush size

There are only two groups of tomatoes:

  • mainly indeterminate varieties are grown in polycarbonate greenhouses. They require constant pinching and garters, grow to the very roof of the greenhouse;
  • determinant varieties of tomatoes should be chosen for growing in greenhouses in the northern regions.

Some gardeners believe that the higher the tomato, the greater the yield it gives. Tall varieties with large fruits - "King of Kings", "Miracle of the Earth", "King of Giants", "Uncle Styopa", "Khokhloma", "Scarlet Mustang", "Chukhloma". If you need varieties with even dense tomato tassels, then it is better to plant such as Mon Amour, Santa Claus, Octopus.

Tall "Cherry Ira" and "Cherry Kira" are very good - these are not cherry babies, but even medium-sized tomatoes, striking in the number of tomatoes in the brush - up to 25-30 pieces. It looks luxurious in greenhouses made of polycarbonate "Bull's Heart", weighing 250 g; and in a brush, 5-7 pieces each - pink tomatoes "Spam" and "Elephant". I would like to try new varieties, because breeders are on the alert, creating various hybrids.

Small-sized bushes include such varieties of F1 hybrids as "Morozko", "Gulliver" (fruits elongated like bananas), "Golden mother-in-law", "Extremal", "Good fellow", "Kindergarten". These are very strong, low bushes, they amaze with productivity, excellent presentation and early maturity. All tomatoes are smooth and even, beautiful, like a selection, give a rich harvest.

Choosing a variety for conservation

Not all varieties grown in a greenhouse are suitable for conservation. For example, large-fruited tomatoes "Beef" will not decorate your workpieces: they will spread over the jar and crack. Good in harvesting varieties such as "Peter the First", "Empress", "Empire", "Russian Empire" - these are all F1 hybrids grown in greenhouse conditions.

These varieties are not susceptible to diseases, their care is simple: timely watering, garter of the main stem and constant removal of stepchildren. These "royal" varieties are ideal for harvesting and storage. They can be transported over long distances and stored for up to one and a half months.

Low varieties, which are grown in polycarbonate greenhouses, also behave well during conservation - these are the F1 hybrids "Princess" and "Iron Lady". Their dense brushes contain up to 12 hard fruits perfectly suitable for harvesting.

Varieties with excellent taste

The selection of great tasting tomatoes grown in polycarbonate greenhouses is huge. For example, you can grow varieties of "sunny tomatoes":

  • "Honey Spas" - yellow fruits of amazing taste, but they are very tender and are not stored for a long time, therefore they are rarely found on sale. There are five fruits in the brush, each weighing up to 400 g. The pulp is fleshy without sourness. They make excellent homemade preparations - ketchups and salads - bright and tasty. Bushes up to one and a half meters high, the fruits do not crack, the variety is resistant to blossom end rot;
  • "Golden Bull" is also a very tasty variety, the fruits are round, slightly elongated, weighing up to 300 g. The taste improves after the appearance of pink stains. One of the first to begin to ripen in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The fruits are very tender, not suitable for harvesting, used in salads;
  • "Yellow Sugar" - the variety is very tasty, without sourness, bushes 80 cm high, if properly cared for, up to 7 brushes with large fruits weighing up to 1 kg ripen in a greenhouse on one bush;
  • "Healing" - an indeterminate variety, up to 1.7 m high, powerful bushes. One bush, with proper care, gives up to 10 kg of tomatoes, is an ornament to greenhouses. He showed himself perfectly in salads;
  • Delicious one-bite tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, or cherry tomatoes are also excellently grown in polycarbonate greenhouses. Children especially love them, these “berry-tomatoes” are sweet in taste, they are served not as vegetables, but as a dessert. They are used in restaurant cuisine to decorate exotic salads. Cherry tomato preparations are very tasty and aesthetic - they can tightly fill jars with pickles. These varieties are Red Cherry, Amber Cherry, Cherry Cocktail, Pink Cherry, Pomisolka, Valentine. There are 20-40 small bright fruits on the brush, which greatly decorates the greenhouse.

Choosing a variety of tomatoes according to the speed of ripening

Breeders offer varieties of ultra-early hybrids that can ripen 80-100 days after planting in a greenhouse. These are varieties "Alpha", "Don Juan", "Benito F1". In the conditions of a short and cold summer, varieties such as "Bullfinch", "Taimyr", "Winter Cherry" are offered - these are super-early varieties with excellent taste.

Control of diseases and pests of tomatoes

  • if suddenly bushes without flowers appeared in the greenhouse, these are the mistakes of the gardener - the windows did not open, the bio-cocktail was not sprayed;
  • top rot appeared on the tomatoes and the ovaries crumble - the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not have enough moisture. If snow did not get into the greenhouse in winter, there is no moisture reserve in spring, the soil in the greenhouse is not thickly mulched, then micro and macro elements are not absorbed due to lack of moisture;

Advice! You need to do drip irrigation: uniform soil moisture and mulch on the soil will help you get an excellent harvest.

  • late blight is a serious fungal disease of tomatoes, which, if it has already begun, cannot be defeated by any folk remedies. To prevent phytophthora in a greenhouse, ash can be added to the soil, it alkalizes the soil, and mushrooms love an acidic environment;

Attention! Top dressing with ash provides the plant with potassium and a complete set of trace elements, this has a positive effect on the health of tomatoes and their resistance to diseases.

  • if phytophthora has already begun its development, then only chemical methods of influencing it can help. Apply Bordeaux mixture, Hom, Oksikhom and others.

Agricultural technology to increase the yield of selected varieties

To ensure a high yield in the greenhouse, it is necessary to correctly fulfill all agrotechnical requirements for the care of tomatoes.

If you provide the right care for the tomatoes in the polycarbonate greenhouse, then there will definitely be a good harvest, regardless of the variety.

Attention! If you stepchild correctly, then growing indeterminate tomatoes in a greenhouse will not be difficult.

One summer season has ended, the crop has been harvested, the results have been summed up in the correct choice of varieties of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse this year. Time flies by, the new gardening season is coming soon. Its main task is not to repeat last year's mistakes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse: video

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse: photo

Greenhouse cultivation of vegetables today is not only convenient, but also profitable. In an ordinary film greenhouse, it is not possible to grow a full-fledged fruit-bearing plant. While equipped with all necessary conditions. The best vegetables that grow successfully in such an environment are tomatoes. The main thing is to decide on the choice of variety before planting. After all, the yield of a tomato depends on it.

Before planting seeds for seedlings, you need to purchase high-quality planting material. Do not be fascinated by the beautiful packaging with mouth-watering fruits. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for choosing seedlings:

Thus, choosing the right seeds, you can confidently expect a good harvest, endowed with excellent qualities.

Tomatoes for planting in a greenhouse are full of variety and a large selection. For cultivation, you can choose both high and low-growing plants, both with large fruits, and with small or medium ones, as well as at different ripening dates.

Gardeners distinguish the following varieties:

  • Undersized (determinant) - the bush grows to a certain height, then the upward pulling stops, active fruiting begins. It does not require the removal of stepchildren, but when they are neutralized, the yield increases even more, since the plant directs all its forces to the production of new fruits, and not to growth. The most valuable specimens: Doll Masha, Bourgeois, Spring of the North, Openwork, Eleanor, Bear in the North.
  • Tall bushes (indeterminate) - have the ability to bear fruit under good conditions even in winter. Very productive, but ripen much later than undersized representatives. For them, it is necessary to form supports and carefully care for them, not forgetting about timely feeding. The best varieties: Black Prince, Major, Elephant, Great Warrior.
  • Large-fruited - the mass of such fruits can vary from 300 to 800 gr. Gardeners distinguish varieties: Bull's heart, Pink elephant, Two-color, Scarlet sails, Alsou.
  • Medium size - fruit weight reaches 100-150 cm maximum. Such tomatoes are suitable for eating in the form of salads or for canning. They have firm flesh and hard skin. Types: Golden Queen, Balcony Wonder, Watercolor.
  • Small-fruited species - a small round or oblong shape. Not subject to cracking and disease. (Cherry Blossom, Parrot, Yellow Cherry, Butterfly).
  • Early varieties - have their differences and are divided into ultra-ripe (Junior, Joy of Summer), early-ripening (Renet, Ox's ear) and early-ripening (Blagovest, Ilyich).

The main thing is to choose the best option for yourself and enjoy the results, in the form of fresh, high-quality, homemade tomatoes.

In order for the greenhouse to fulfill all the requirements for plant growth, it must be properly prepared. The best coating option is durable polycarbonate material. Be sure to pay attention to high-quality lighting, equip the greenhouse with a ventilation system.

The main point is to prepare the ground.

The first stage is carried out even after the last harvest. It is required to remove all remaining roots, sprouted weeds, as well as all kinds of sticks, pegs and garter material from the ground. The soil must be dug up well, while breaking up clods of earth. It is not necessary to water or compact the soil after. It is recommended to let him get oxygen - "breathe". In this state, it is required to let the earth rest for at least 7 days (or more) before repopulating the seedlings.

In the spring, the room should be disinfected. Be sure to check the soil for the presence of green plaque. The structure of the substrate should be homogeneous, loose, without extra roots. Thoroughly pour boiling water over each area of ​​fertile soil. This method is enough to neutralize introduced infections or settled pests.

After the process, the greenhouse is fully prepared for a new planting:

  • The entire coating is washed from the inside.
  • All doors and windows are closed.
  • All possible gaps are clogged and clogged.

In this state, it should be kept for another 1 week so that the air heats up to the required temperature. After that, you can start planting crops again. Proper preparation of the greenhouse provides an opportunity to get a high-quality and rich harvest in the future.

The main stage in the cultivation of tomatoes is the preparation of seeds for seedlings:

  1. First of all, the seeds of the selected variety should be sorted out. Carefully consider each grain - it should be large in size, not deformed, symmetrical in shape. It is this planting material that will give good, strong fruitful seedlings.
  2. After the seeds are soaked in a cool solution of potassium permanganate. Keeping time in water - no more than 15 minutes. With longer disinfection, seedlings can significantly reduce the quality of germination. After removing the seedlings from the solution, they are washed in warm water.
  3. The next stage of preparation is fertilizer with wood ash ("Ideal" or "Humate" preparation). In prepared water, the seeds can withstand no more than 12 hours, then remove and rinse again. After that, they need to be placed for a day in a warm place.
  4. The last action is to carry out the process of hardening the seed - place it in a cool place (basement, cold balcony) for 2 days at a temperature of + 1 + 2 C. After this event, the seeds are sown in prepared containers.

Thanks to the processes carried out, the plants are strong, strong and viable.

The prepared planting material is planted in containers in which small streams are made. With tweezers or other devices, the seeds are laid out in pre-moistened soil.

The distance between seedlings should not exceed 2 cm.

Such placement is required for the good development of not only the root system of the plant, but also for the convenience of further seedlings in the greenhouse. After the general placement of the senets, they are sprinkled with a small layer of dry earth. At the moment, planting does not require watering. Flowerpots are covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a warm place. In this state, they are not recommended to be touched for 7-10 days, until the first shoots appear.

When pecking green shoots, the film is removed, and the container is placed in a well-lit place (windowsill). If possible, it is advised in the first 72 hours to continuously illuminate young seedlings with the help of. In the future, for good growth of young animals, up to 14 hours of daylight are needed. Watering young sprouts should be very careful because of the possibility of damaging the leaves. If the substrate is not completely dry, then irrigation is canceled. If necessary, moisturizing, the soil is sprayed from the spray gun. Water for humidification is suitable at room temperature (20 C), settled or thawed.

Transshipment of finished seedlings is usually carried out in early to mid-May. This is the optimal time frame for the normal development and growth of young animals.

It is necessary to first check the plant - is it ready for transplanting:

  • The thickness of the stem should correspond to the size of the pencil, it should be dense and stable.
  • There are 6-7 fully developed leaves on the stem.
  • The height of the stems is at least 25 cm high.
  • Buds are already present on the bush or the flowering period has already begun.

The main thing, before transplanting bushes, it should be remembered that for a young sprout - this is a huge stress. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a seedling before planting:

  1. Before transshipment, seven-lobed leaves, yellowed and damaged greens are removed on the bush. When removing leaves, leave a 2 cm stump. The last action is necessary so as not to damage the delicate stem and not provoke a crack when it dries.
  2. The prepared planting material is carefully watered so that it can be conveniently removed from the incubated container.
  3. The soil in the greenhouse is loosened and slightly moistened.
  4. The holes are dug out of such a size that they are almost completely (2/3 to accommodate a tomato sprout), pre-moistened. Each of the dug holes should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other, so that 4 seedlings per 1 meter are obtained.
  5. The young are pulled out of the flowerpot and placed in a hole in an upright position, while gently sprinkled with earth. On the surface, it is required that only 1/3 of the entire height of the tomato remains. This is necessary for the stem to give adventitious roots, thereby strengthening its root system.
  6. After that, a small amount of humus or soaked manure is placed in the hole for fertilizer.
  7. The contents are again covered with earth and already tightly crushed (tamped) so that there are no hollow spaces left in the earth.
  8. Each bush is watered with copious amounts of moisture. But watering should be carried out so as not to hurt the tender leaves.

The last preparations after planting is the process of mulching the soil under the seedling. For example, grass, straw or sawdust. Planting tomatoes is best in the evening. So the bushes during the night will have time to gain moisture and rise.

Tomatoes, although not a very capricious culture, require planting care. Be sure to water, fertilize, loosen and form young bushes:

  • The first watering after transplantation is required only for 10 days. Only after 5 days should the irrigation process be repeated. At the same time, the water temperature should not exceed + 20 + 23 C. It is recommended to water in fixed volumes: before the period of throwing out the buds - 4 liters per m2, and at the time of active formation of the ovary, the volume increases to 10 liters per m2. During irrigation, pour water carefully so that moisture does not fall on delicate greens. The remaining droplets on the leaves can contribute to the formation of burns.
  • It is imperative to remove stepchildren growing from the axils of the leaves. They pull nutrients and reduce the number of fruits. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse every day. Stale moist air is an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. In addition, pollen is saturated with moisture. And when it is wet, pollination of the flower cannot occur, which entails the absence of fruits.
  • The temperature should be controlled - during the day it should not exceed +25 C, and at night it should not fall below +15 C.
  • 21 days after transplantation, the first top dressing is required.

With good care, tomatoes respond with lush growth and a rich harvest.

Diseases of tomatoes

Although greenhouse seedlings have a high yield, they, like ordinary tomato bushes in the open field, are not protected from viruses and pests.

The following ailments that can affect tomatoes and the fight against them:

  • Mosaic is a viral disease. It is accompanied by the acquisition of leaves of a variegated pattern, in which there are various colors. Yellow spots may appear in vegetables. The cause of the disease is infected planting material. Be sure to disinfect before sowing seedlings. Affected bushes are removed from the site as soon as possible.
  • Spotting (brown or gray) is a disease provoked by a fungus. The entire perimeter of the bush is affected. The first to fall under the disease are the lower leaves. Round spots of different colors are formed on them. They tend to combine, which leads to the death of the sheet. The reason for the appearance is a sharp increase in temperature up to + 300C. The fight is carried out by spraying the bush with preparations containing copper.
  • - the most widely known disease. The reason for the appearance is increased dampness and an increase in temperature. Leaves and fruits turn black and dry. To prevent the appearance, it is recommended to spray the bushes with whey, as well as Barrier, Fitosporin or Barrier.
  • Gray rot - spots of brown color, weeping composition appear throughout the plant. A similar disease most often appears in late August - early September, when the temperature begins to gradually drop and condensation forms on the walls of the greenhouse. At the first appearance, it is recommended to immediately remove the affected leaf or fruit, in order to avoid spreading to all shrubs.
  • Black leg - blackening appears at the base of the bush, the leg decreases in volume and dries out quickly. Naturally, the supply of nutrients stops and a full-fledged bush stops its vital activity. Appears from the soil, which was previously affected by the disease. Progresses at the moments of jumps in temperature and humidity. For prevention, it is imperative to often ventilate, loosen the soil, shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Thus, greenhouse plantings are no less susceptible to a variety of diseases than tomatoes in the open field. The main thing is to carefully monitor the development and growth of the shrub. At the first moments of the development of the disease, it can be quickly neutralized.

Planting tomato seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse is a better option than just planting in open ground:

  1. It should be noted that when planting in greenhouse conditions, the sprouts begin to develop earlier and, accordingly, bear fruit at an earlier date.
  2. Having planted seedlings, you can not worry about the shrub during the last spring rainfall or the first autumn. A carbonate greenhouse reliably protects plantings.
  3. During the period when, at the end of spring - the beginning of summer, the rainy period begins, the greenhouse does not allow the humidity to rise to the maximum limits, thereby protecting the tomatoes from the manifestation of various fungal or viral diseases.
  4. The most important advantage is the aspect that the fruits in any weather (rain or first frosts) fully ripen and reach readiness on the bush. This is not something to worry about, as the room maintains a constant optimum temperature for efficient growth and fruiting of tomatoes.

Thus, planting tomatoes in seedlings and growing them in greenhouse conditions is a profitable and easier option in obtaining a bountiful harvest of ripe red fruits.

More information can be found in the video:

In recent years, polycarbonate greenhouses have firmly taken their place in the areas of summer residents. Unlike standard film greenhouses and glass greenhouses, polycarbonate has better thermal conductivity, high impact resistance, diffuse light transmission, withstands strong temperature changes and does not transmit harsh ultraviolet rays that have a detrimental effect on plants.

Variety selection rules

Being engaged in the choice of tomato seeds for greenhouses, it is sometimes difficult not to succumb to the temptation and not to buy a package of delicious tomatoes or give in to the recommendations of the seller, who does not always have sufficient experience in this matter. So that the purchase of seeds does not end with disappointment from the result, and the beautiful tomatoes from the photo on the bag turn into a generous harvest, you should consider a few rules. The best tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse are recommended to be selected according to the criteria:

  • yield and maturity;
  • fruit size and appearance;
  • appointments;
  • compliance with the climatic and weather conditions of the area or region;
  • resistance to diseases and pests - many plant diseases develop in the warm and humid microclimate of the greenhouse;
  • taste properties.

For most gardeners, the priority criterion is the yield of tomatoes, which is easy to calculate. Traditional tomato varieties usually produce no more than 15 kg of vegetables from 1 sq.m, and hybrids that are more resistant to microclimate changes and unpretentious in care, labeled F1, can bring from 20 kg and more.

The best varieties

Tall indents, reaching several meters, are best suited for growing in a greenhouse. They are characterized by long fruiting until cold autumn and a bountiful harvest. They have no restrictions on growth and in a heated greenhouse they can bear fruit all year round, forming up to 14 brushes. No more than three plants are planted per square meter with the obligatory formation of a high stem and pinching. Indeterminate species are located in the center of the greenhouse, the first inflorescences begin to form after 7-12 leaves.


Breeders and professional gardeners annually delight with interesting novelties for greenhouse cultivation, which deserve the attention of summer residents. In our review today:


Undersized varieties of tomatoes are placed around the perimeter of the greenhouse. They are unpretentious in care, bear fruit somewhat earlier than their tall counterparts and bring several crops a year. Determinants are planted 4 - 5 plants per 1 sq.m with a single-stem formation of a bush and no more than 3 bushes - with a two- or three-stem formation. Undersized tomatoes give the bulk of the fruit from the first two to four brushes.

  1. A bright representative of large-fruited tomatoes is the Pink Honey variety, whose low bushes bear slightly flattened fruits up to 700 g, resistant to cracking. These tomatoes are suitable for salads and processing into juices or tomato paste.
  2. The Ballerina variety will decorate the greenhouse and delight the hostess with wonderful tomatoes for pickling, on the compact bushes of which small pink fruits appear in abundance, really similar to a dancing beauty.
  3. Versatile early ripening tomato Seagull produces small, rounded tomatoes that are not susceptible to disease.
  4. Remarkable taste, fast ripening on low bushes and good keeping quality - these are the main advantages of Riddle tomatoes with sugary bright red fruits.
  5. An excellent offer for those who do not want to mess with seedlings is the mid-season variety Eleonora, the seeds of which are sown immediately in closed ground. An unpretentious determinant in care brings small, even fruits with a dense skin.
  6. Tomatoes for growing for sale, resistant to frost and with good keeping quality - mid-late Dama variety with red barrel fruits.
  7. Asteroid is a universal early ripe tomato with rounded red fruits, weighing up to 300 g.
  8. Convenient oval tomatoes for pickling - mid-early Triumfator variety with small bushes up to 40 cm.
  9. Velvet season - a variety of medium ripeness, small erect bushes of which bear sugary fruits with a dense skin, weighing up to 300 g.


Greenhouse tomatoes are characterized by different ripening periods. As already noted, determinant tomatoes ripen much faster than indents than gardeners who want to harvest the first crop as early as possible are guided. Early varieties are divided into ultra-early, early and early ripening tomatoes.

Ultra-early tomatoes include:

  • Junior - the first fruits appear after 80 days from the start of germination, a compact bush is dotted with bright red tomatoes, weighing up to 100 g, resistant to cracking, gives up to 2 kg of tomatoes from one plant;
  • the Amber variety, unpretentious to weather conditions, small bushes of which up to 35 cm in height do not require pinching and tying, are hung with beautiful yellow or golden fruits, weighing up to 56 g;
  • one of the best varieties for canning - Joy of summer with flat, elongated red fruits, weighing up to 120 g;
  • Bear in the north - tomatoes with a strong low bush and sweet red fruits that have a good taste and retain their presentation for a long time.

Among early ripening tomatoes, gardeners prefer:

  • high-yielding hybrid Samara F1, the fruits ripen together, they can be picked with brushes, dense rounded tomatoes have an unusual taste;
  • Renet - fruits are tied in any weather, weigh up to 100 and are suitable for canning;
  • Thick Jack with low bushes up to 50 cm tall, which bear large sweet fruits up to 300 g in weight;
  • fruitful variety Cow's ear with elongated fleshy tomatoes, weighing about 100 g.

The best early ripe varieties are:

  1. Disease-resistant tomato Ilyich F1 with large fruits up to 150 g, which are distinguished by high yields and good keeping quality.
  2. Hybrid Verlioka F1 with excellent taste and yield up to 18 kg per square meter, rounded smooth fruits weigh about 100 g, can withstand long-term storage and transportation.
  3. A tomato with an upright, weakly leafed bush up to 50 cm - Semko-Sinbad F1, resistant to tobacco mosaic and Fusarium, brings smooth matte red fruits with a friendly yield.
  4. One of the best greenhouse hybrids is Blagovest F1, a very productive and unpretentious variety. Up to 5.5 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one plant. Spreading shrub with a large number of rounded fruits, weighing up to 200 g, which are excellent for use in salads, marinades, pickling and canning.


Tomatoes with large fruits usually give a later harvest and require a more careful approach to maintenance. Such tomatoes are often used fresh, they are distinguished by a beautiful presentation and an indescribable sweet taste, which makes them a favorite ingredient in dishes of different cuisines of the world. The following varieties are most in demand among farmers and gardeners:

  1. Scarlet Sails is a disease-resistant variety that gives a stable harvest throughout the season, is not afraid of temperature changes, the fruits are round and even in shape.
  2. The Great Warrior is an early harvest Siberian tomato, round, slightly ribbed raspberry-colored fruits do not crack, weigh up to 500 g and have an exceptional taste.
  3. Mid-season variety Miracle Garden, the first fruits of which can reach a weight of up to 1.5 kg, there are few seeds.
  4. The eagle's beak is a productive tomato with sweet pink-raspberry heart-shaped fruits, weighing within 1 kg.
  5. Favorite holiday - with a relatively low bush up to 80 cm, the mass of fruits can reach 1.3 kg.
  6. An excellent variety for sale - Alsou, with large fruits up to 800 g, has good keeping quality and excellent taste.


Small-fruited cherry tomatoes have long gained popularity among both restaurant chefs and housewives. These tasty and sweet tomatoes are distinguished by the taste of berries and fruits, they are great for decorating dishes and complementing many salads, the variety of colors from yellow to purple looks attractive in salting. The smallest variety has fruits up to 10 g, and the largest ones reach a weight of about 30 g. In a heated greenhouse, cherry tomatoes produce a crop all year round.

The best varieties of cherry:

  • Yellow cherry - a small-fruited and early ripe variety that should be grown with a garter to a support, forms a brush with 20 - 40 fruits;
  • Parrot - the plant is strewn with abundant tassels, where each contains at least 20 red tomatoes;
  • Ferri - original dense tomatoes resembling a barrel, a variety originally from Spain, ideal for both conservation and fresh consumption, has a high yield and long storage;
  • The sun is a medium-sized variety with oval yellow tomatoes, weighing up to 20 g, children will like the sweetish candy taste, they grow in clusters and are not susceptible to disease;
  • Sweet bunch is an ultra-early variety with long fruiting, tomatoes are quite large in size and weigh up to 30 g, up to 50 tomatoes can be tied on one brush.

Video "Which variety to choose?"

Informative video that will help with the choice of varieties for planting.

Which tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse depends on the result that the grower wants to get. Different varieties of tomato have their own ripening periods, sizes can be from a small plum or even reach 1 kg, they taste sweetish or with a pleasant sourness. But there are other criteria that will be fundamental in the choice made.

What tomatoes are better to plant in a greenhouse? The best tomato seeds for a greenhouse should be selected based on some important parameters. The culinary purpose, the degree of comfort in the greenhouse, the level of yield, the timing of the collection of berries, the strength of resistance to diseases are necessarily taken into account.

In the greenhouse, you can choose varieties and hybrids. The latter are obtained in the process of crossing varieties. But from them it is impossible to collect seeds for a future planting. While from varietals, the seeds may be suitable for subsequent sowing.

Breeders regularly develop new greenhouse varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. They are distinguished by high yields, they endure bad weather and insufficient care much better. The most popular new varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, judging by the many positive reviews of vegetable growers, are Druzhok F1, Tornado F1, Empire, Snow Fairy Tale.

Druzhok F1 tomatoes ripen early. The crop ripens at the same time, is well stored and transported. It does not grow high, up to 60 cm, but due to the large number of fruits it must be tied to a support. The roundish-red fruits weigh 110 g. Everyone will surely enjoy the sweet, sugary taste of the fleshy inside.

Experienced vegetable growers annually in their garden plots, in addition to proven favorite tomatoes, try to plant new varieties. For lovers of the new, the following best varieties of tomatoes for 2018 for greenhouses can be noted: Kronos F1, Alsou, Banana legs, Sprinter.

To plant a tomato bush in a greenhouse, you must also take into account the height of the structure. Some varieties need additional strengthening of the stem, as their growth can be more than 2 meters.

The best varieties of greenhouse tomatoes can have different stem heights.

The low best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are distinguished by the fact that the height of the stem is not more than 75 cm. The stem is powerful and thick. They require minimal care. The following species can be attributed to undersized: Lionheart, Piglet, Alaska, Donut F1, Peach.

Growth-limited varieties stretch up to one meter and stop their growth. At the bush, it is necessary to form a stem, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of pinching. The well-known medium-sized tomatoes of the greenhouse include: Pink honey, Sultan F1, Lady, Baby F1.

Tall species often give large fruits. They cannot boast of high resistance to diseases, grow up to two meters and it is recommended to take the time to form the stem. Be sure to build a support for tying and regularly cut off side branches.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with a bush height of up to 2 meters: Mushroom basket, Madam, Pink Tsar.

Unique taste

How to choose the right and suitable variety, the taste of tomato plays an important role. Not everyone likes a sour tint. Therefore, sweet varieties of tomatoes have been created that will attract with their fleshiness with a low content of seeds.

The sweetest varieties of vegetables, according to experienced experts in this matter, are: Eldorado, Pink honey, Honey Spas, Bear clubfoot, Cardinal. These varieties not only have an incomparable taste, but are also hardy. They tolerate heat or cold well, lack of trace elements in the soil, and also resist viruses and bacteria.

Eldorado can grow up to 90 cm, it is recommended to form two stems at the bush. Each bush has 5 branches, on which yellowish-orange fruits weighing about 400 g are formed. Sweet, juicy pulp is covered with a thin but dense skin on top. The plant needs to be watered, loosened and fertilized in a timely manner.

Variety Honey Spas is characterized by medium borders of fruit formation. Up to 5 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush. In height, the stem stretches up to 175 cm, so tying is required. The fruits ripen gradually, throughout the summer. Yellow ripe tomatoes are stored for a long time, the appearance of cracks is not typical.

The clumsy Bear variety will be remembered not only for its sweet, pleasant taste, but also for a large number of berries. It exhibits high resistance to many pathogens and has medium ripening limits. The color can be different, and the weight sometimes reaches 900 g. Mature berries have a high sugar content.

Sugar cream can be tasted early, already after 83 days. The bush can grow up to 140 cm. The fruits have a yellow tint, look like a plum, are rich in carotene, weight is only 18 g. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, retaining their taste and shape.

The F1 handbag pleases with burgundy-red fruits, weighing 245 g and has an average border of ripening berries. The shape is also unusual, in the form of a cube. The bush grows up to 185 cm, requires a garter, cutting side branches and forming a stem. Dense, but delicate skin protects from cracking and contributes to good keeping quality of tomatoes.

Disease resistance

The closed space of the greenhouse contributes to the rapid spread of diseases. Since the composition of the soil remains constant, it can be difficult to get rid of fungi and bacteria. Be sure to disinfect the room, regularly ventilate it.

Most often, plants get sick due to a violation of the irrigation regime, sharp temperature fluctuations, dense plantings in the beds and insufficient care. Therefore, if there is not enough time for care, there is no experience or other reasons, you need to choose disease-resistant seeds.

The best varieties for greenhouses, which have distinguished themselves by persistent, high resistance to many common tomato infections.

Vegetable growers have good impressions about the mid-early variety Virtuoz F1. Up the plant can reach up to 185 cm. Care includes the formation of the stem. The fruits ripen after 105 days, have a burgundy-reddish hue, flat-round shape, weighing approximately 145 g. They tolerate adverse weather conditions well and do not allow infection by many viruses.

If you choose the seeds of the Golden Bead F1, then already on the 94th day you can harvest a high yield. Ripe fruits of spherical shape, bright orange hue. About 20 sweet, juicy tomatoes weighing 15 g can be located on the brush.

Cardinal in a greenhouse can grow up to two meters. The bush requires the formation of a stem, which is strengthened. Raspberry-pink fruits are placed on brushes of 8 pieces and can weigh up to 650 g. The variety tolerates cold, rarely gets sick.

The orange giant will please not only with its high resistance to many pathogens. The name can rightfully be attributed to the productive varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse. The formation of fruits will please in 103 days. Upon reaching maturity, they become orange with a mass of about 450 g.

Delicate shade

Most pink greenhouse tomatoes differ from red ones in that they contain more nutrients. They also need to be taken care of in a special way. Pink tomatoes need more soil moisture and respond more readily to fertilizers. Tall stems need to be strengthened and rid of side branches.

For planting in a greenhouse, you can select the following best and most popular varieties of pink tomatoes.

Pink honey is the best productive variety of tomatoes for the greenhouse. Large oblong berries have a raspberry-pinkish hue, their weight reaches 1 kg. Begin to ripen after 104 days. Bushes grow up to 1.5 meters, so tying and pinching is required. Sweet tomatoes do not even have a hint of sourness. Thin skin does not cope well with protection from cracking, so the fruits are not stored for a long time.

Pink raisins are remembered for their red small fruits, up to 45 pieces per branch. Stretches up to 1.5 meters. The variety resists diseases well, develops even in bad weather. Oblong berries weigh an average of 75 g, while ripening they acquire a pink color. Ripe vegetables can hang on branches for a long time and not crumble, and the harvested crop can be stored for a long time.

The pink miracle F1 will appeal to vegetable growers for its appearance and taste. Bright raspberry-pink fruits weigh about 110 g. Up to 5 pieces can hang on one branch. As a disadvantage, vegetable growers note a short shelf life.

rich gifts

Reviews of the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse made it possible to identify the most prolific varieties that have other good qualities. High-yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be determinant (regular side shoots need to be cut) and indeterminate (bushes that grow high and need to be formed).

What varieties of tomato are the most productive for greenhouses, the rating with a brief description of the species will help you figure it out.

The snow leopard is characterized by an average fruit formation time and after 107 days it will be possible to harvest. The plant is low, about 55 cm, resistant to hot or cold weather. Be sure to install a support. Fruits of a crimson-reddish hue, with a smooth, round surface, weighing about 250 g. Since it ripens early, it does not have time to catch the spread of most types of diseases.

Rio Grand matures from the day of disembarkation in 116 days. In height, the stems are stretched to about 1 meter. Require pinching and tying. The fruits are plum-shaped, orange in color, weighing approximately 125 g. The most delicious fruits of the studied variety, the pulp is remembered for its juicy, sweet aftertaste. Can thrive in dry, hot climates and without regular watering.

The bushes of the Eternal Call variety grow up to 75 cm in height. The yield is extremely high. On the branch are fruits of red color, weighing about 600 g, which begin to be harvested after 85 days. The shape of the berries is flattened with a characteristic ribbed surface.

Intuition F1 begins to form fruits already 112 days after sowing the seeds. If you do not pinch the top, it can reach up to 2.6 meters. Red-colored, round tomatoes have a thin, but fairly strong skin. They are not prone to cracking. The pulp contains a lot of sugar, so they give the dish a special taste and aroma.

The Ivanhoe F1 variety can please with a high yield. The stem grows large and powerful, fits on itself a large number of brushes with red vegetables of the same size. The vegetable is resistant to most types of viruses and fungi. The reviews note that when growing it is not necessary to use chemicals.

High-yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses require additional care and a lot of attention. Be sure to carry out foliar and root top dressing according to the scheme. Even if the bushes are small, they need to be strengthened. Every two weeks it is required to carry out the pinching procedure. It is recommended to loosen the earth, water and weed in time.

Various dates for collection

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with late ripening boundaries are most often intended for dishes for winter harvesting, early vegetables can be eaten fresh or added to salads.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with early boundaries of fruit formation, chosen by most vegetable growers.

Druzhok F1 begins to ripen after 87 days. The bushes are not too branched, they grow about 60 cm in height. You can also plant them in open beds, but the tomato feels better in the conditions inside the greenhouse. Red tomatoes with an orange tint weigh about 105 g, they are stored for a long time due to their dense structure. The variety is distinguished by unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil or weather conditions, tolerates temperature fluctuations and rarely gets sick.

In the greenhouse, the tomato variety Ilyich F1 will give a rich harvest, rarely get sick, and reddish fruits with an orange tint can be tasted after 87 days. Tomatoes in a greenhouse can grow up to 155 cm in height. The mass of each vegetable is 110 g. The shape is slightly compressed with a noticeable ribbing near the stem. In the greenhouse, it is often subject to blossom end rot.

My love F1. Bushes can stretch up to 120 cm. To increase the amount of fruit formation, it is recommended to carry out pinching. The fruits grow large, their weight can reach 210 g, the shape is elongated, with a small spout at the base. Bright red smooth thin skin underneath hides a sweet, sugary inside.

Greenhouse tomatoes of the Pervoklasska variety are short-growing, early-ripening varieties. The stem grows no more than 90 cm, but there is a need for tying. To collect the largest possible crop, it is recommended to form in three stems. Ripe fruits of a bright pink color weigh approximately 170 g. The shape is slightly flattened.

Aphrodite will allow you to enjoy the first vegetables in 78 days. The height of their stem reaches only 55 cm, but it is better to tie it to a support, since a thin stem can break under a mass of fruits. Each branch can hold 7 round, red-scarlet tomatoes weighing about 95 g.

The De Barao tomato variety is known among gardeners for its excellent qualities. It belongs to the productive varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. From one root it will be possible to remove up to 9 kg of vegetables. The land on which the species is supposed to grow must be characterized by fertility. The plant is resistant to many viruses and bacteria.

Tomatoes of the Andreevsky surprise variety can be recognized by a powerful stem that requires formation and strengthening. Vegetable growers note not a very large number of fruit formation on such a tall plant. Red berries with a pink tint weigh about 350 g, have a rounded flattened shape. The culture tolerates the lack of light well.

The miracle of the market belongs to the middle-late ripening group, it retracts up to 130 cm in height. The red-colored fruits have a rounded, slightly elongated shape. The mass of berries reaches 350 g. These are high-yielding tomatoes. Often subject to decay.

A variety of greenhouse tomatoes Sugar brown will attract attention with its unusual, brown-brown color. It is characterized by late maturation, tolerates cold air and staunchly does not allow disease. In the greenhouse grows up to 2.5 meters. The fruits are not very large, weighing about 110 g. The taste is excellent, the inside is fleshy, sweet with sufficient juice content.

Large-fruited species

Large-fruited tomatoes can become a real decoration and pride of the greenhouse. Their weight can sometimes exceed 800 g. The harvest is large, of high quality. It is pleasant to grow large varieties of tomato and it is convenient to let it not be processed for juices, sauces, salads for winter storage.

The most popular varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, which are distinguished by large, tasty berries.

The orange miracle is distinguished by large vegetables weighing more than 155 g. It belongs to the sweet varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. Singing starts early. On the brush, 5 orange-yellow berries of an oval-elongated shape are formed. The skin is thin, dense, but not hard and prevents cracking.

Varieties of tomato for the greenhouse are not complete without mentioning the name Pink Elephant. Subject to the rules of watering and fertilizing the soil, each bush will give a large, plentiful, sweet harvest. The stem can grow up to 1.5 meters, so you need to tie up tightly and pinch.

The average weight is 500 g, but can reach 1 kg. Dark pink fruits have a flattened shape with ribbing near the stem. Tasty tomatoes are distinguished by a sweet aftertaste without sourness.

Large-fruited varieties are headed by Bull's Heart. Red-scarlet heart-shaped tomatoes are popular among vegetable growers. The weight of one tomato on the lower branches can reach up to 1 kg. On the upper branches, the weight of the berries decreases. The fruits ripen after 125 days, therefore they are classified as mid-ripening varieties.

The stem is powerful, sprawling with strong brushes that can withstand up to 5 tomatoes. These greenhouse tomatoes require careful and careful care. It has poor disease resistance and needs constant feeding.

Large-fruited varieties will not do without mentioning the type of Monomakh's Hat. It is famous not only for large fruits. This is the most productive variety. It has medium ripening limits. Tomatoes are disease-resistant, delicious in taste, tolerate drought well and ripen almost at the same time. Red-burgundy fruits are round in shape, weight is approximately 450 g, but can reach 900 g.

Tomatoes for greenhouses King of the Market are early-ripening hybrids, and have a lot of positive properties. Red-scarlet tomatoes are resistant to diseases, temperature changes, and can tolerate a lack of moisture. Vegetable growers note that it is possible to grow a variety only in the southern regions.

At the moment there is a large varietal diversity in the seed market. Some of them are intended for growing outdoors, other varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses or film shelters, there are even for sowing at home. Greenhouse cultivation has become very popular, all thanks to good and practical materials. And in order for the greenhouse to give its harvest, the best varieties must also be selected. So, what kind of tomatoes to plant in such conditions?

Harvest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Before talking about different varieties of tomatoes, the following should be noted - a greenhouse is a place where very comfortable conditions are created for plants, but even here you can lose your crop by choosing the wrong varieties. The fact is that insects are needed to obtain fruits, but there are no or very few of them in greenhouses. Therefore, varieties of tomatoes need to be chosen self-pollinated. Hybrids are best. There is very little trouble with them, and the result is worthy.

Refers to tomatoes with early ripening, gives high yields. Tomatoes have round contours, with a slightly flattened shape. One brush can form up to five tomatoes. The taste of the fruit is sweet, the flesh is fleshy, while the fruit itself is not loose.

A very popular tomato. Its strengths are its excellent disease resistance, while the fruits do not crack. The plant can reach one and a half meters, requires a garter. The yield of one bush is 5-6 kg. The fruits have a large mass, a yellow tint of the skin. Taste is excellent.

It has fruits weighing half a kilogram or more. Their color is red. The plant reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Need a garter. The fruits have ribs on the surface, their taste is good. The variety has an average ripening time.

For lovers of everything unusual, this variety is what you need. After all, tomatoes have a dark color, which may seem strange at first. But this does not affect the yield and taste of these tomatoes. Plant up to one and a half meters high. The fruits keep very well and are often used for sale in the market.

Tomatoes are classified as mid-early ripening varieties. One brush can pick up 7-8 fruits. Their color is scarlet, the shape is round. The pulp is nutritious, fleshy, and also one of the best varieties of tomato for greenhouses with resistance to late blight.

Another highly disease resistant variety. But it has a long maturity period. The fruits are round, red, slightly flattened.

Variety "Fantasy"

It can reach a height of almost two meters. The aerial part is very strong, one bush gives 10 kg of fruit. Good eaten fresh and even better in salads. We are very fond of gardeners.

Tomatoes with early ripening. Tolerates very hot weather well. At the same time, the fruits are very tasty, there is sweetness in them. The color is bright, scarlet. Perfectly stored, which makes it possible to grow a hybrid for sale. Whips are high.

These were tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. Now let's move on to the next.

Low growing polycarbonate greenhouse tomatoes

Belongs to a variety with early fruiting. The color of the tomatoes is red, the shape is rounded. The taste and aroma are pleasant. Best for eating fresh and making fresh salads.

This variety is already good in conservation. The bushes are compact, the fruits are scarlet. Tomatoes are covered with a dense skin, juicy, fragrant and fleshy pulp is hidden under it. In a jar, they do not burst during heat treatment. But you can eat these tomatoes fresh.

One of the highest yielding tomatoes. It produces small fruits, such compactness is an excellent option for conservation. The skin is dense, the color of the tomatoes is red. It forms a lot of fruits on one cyst. Plus - excellent resistance to all adversities, including diseases.

To many, this variety resembles Cherry, which is due to the fact that the variety produces small-sized tomatoes that abundantly cover the brushes. Good in any form - in conservation, in salads, to decorate the festive table.

This variety has shown itself well in greenhouse cultivation. Suitable for preservation, the skin does not crack during processing. Very well forms fruits, excellent taste and aroma. The color of the fruit is red, slightly elongated into an oval.

The fruits look very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing, which is good for sale. They are red in color and uniform in shape. Refers to varieties with early ripening, gives few stepchildren. Does not require special attention. The taste is very good.