Methods of intervention in the market economy. “State intervention in the operation of the market mechanism of the economy. Market economy - main features and signs



Department of General Economic Theory


on the topic: "The state in a market economy"

Completed by: 1st year student

economic faculty gr. 1.6 B

Checked by: Ph.D., Assoc.

Introduction……………………………………………………………………3 p.

1. The need for state intervention in the economy ... 4 - 7 pp.

2. Goals, directions and methods of state regulation of the economy………………………………………………………….…….……8 – 14 pages

3. Features of the modern economic policy of the Russian state…………………………………………………………….15 – 26 pp.

II. Practicum……………………………………………………...…27 – 30 pages

III. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….31 p.

IV. Literature……………………………………………………………..32 p.


In real economic life, a huge number of economic entities (people, firms, enterprises) operate in the market of each country. Coordination of the activities of these entities, organizationally unrelated, in order to achieve a general positive effect in the development of the national economy is a fundamental problem of the society of any economic system.

The study of the economic role of the state is an integral part of economic education. It is unlikely that today anyone will try to prove that a modern market economy can develop without state intervention. At present, it is difficult to imagine a society where the state does not pursue an active fiscal policy, where it does not regulate the sphere of financial relations, and does not deal with social and other important problems.

The relevance of this topic is undeniable, because the modern development of market relations in the economy provides for the active participation of the state as a regulatory and governing body. The state acts as the subject of regulation and management of the economic system in the person of individual bodies endowed with appropriate powers. In my opinion, the state must constantly balance, either increasing or decreasing the degree of intervention. The market system is, first of all, flexibility and dynamism in decision-making, both on the part of consumers and producers. State policy simply has no right to lag behind changes in the market system, otherwise it will turn from an effective stabilizer and regulator into a bureaucratic superstructure that hinders the development of the economy.

The purpose of analyzing the role of the state in a market economy is to find out the reasons, goals and boundaries of state intervention in a market economy.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

1. find out the reasons for state intervention in the market economy;

2. determine the methods, functions and goals of state regulation of the market economy;

3. show the features of state regulation of the market economy in Russia at the present stage.

1.1 Reasons for state intervention in the market economy

There are many reasons that cause the objective need for state intervention in the market economy; among these reasons, existing monopolies can be distinguished; the presence of numerous goods that are either not offered by the market or are offered in small quantities; the presence of external effects; overly commercial distribution of income.

First of all, the role of the state in preserving and maintaining the market environment itself should be recognized. It is the state, through legal regulation, that ensures the establishment and observance of the "rules of the game" of the main economic agents, legally defines and protects the rights of owners, promotes the preservation of competitive principles in the economy, suppresses forms of unfair competition, regulates many aspects of economic activity, etc. The state ensures the normal functioning of the monetary system, which is especially important in the face of the abandonment of the gold standard. The elements of coercion that are inevitably present in legal regulation, at first glance, limit the freedom of realization and the primacy of private interests, which are reasonably considered the foundation of a market economy. In fact, coercion turns out to be a way to reduce transaction costs (R. Coase) - the costs of negotiating, obtaining reliable information, the costs of risky actions of private structures, which would be extremely high in the absence of state control and guarantees. Such coercion is carried out by the state in the interests of all major economic actors and society as a whole.

The next important reason for state intervention in the market system of self-regulation is the inevitable tendency for the market to monopolize, arising from the laws of competition, concentration and centralization of capital. The ambiguity of the consequences of monopolization (on the one hand, rising prices, costs, reduction in production volumes, irrational distribution of resources and income, in some cases, immunity to scientific and technical progress; on the other hand, cost reduction due to economies of scale, interest in scientific research and financial opportunities for conducting the latter , the ability to break into world markets) also creates a very contradictory attitude of the state to the assessment of the activities of monopolies. It is to the extent that a monopoly is destructive to the economic system that it becomes an object of state influence - through legislative restriction and suppression of monopoly activities (price regulation, division of firms), through the promotion of competition, the promotion of the creation of new enterprises, the implementation of an open economy policy.

The reason for the participation of the state in the economic life of society is also the problem of external effects (externalities). Their essence is that the activities of market-type enterprises can have both negative and positive consequences that do not have, but really affect the well-being of other members of society. Such, for example, are external effects associated with environmental pollution as a result of production activities, the depletion of natural reserves due to their increasing involvement in economic turnover, the emergence of regional and structural imbalances in production, and so on.

Of course, the market mechanism "by itself" is not able to neutralize these negative consequences, because it focuses the economy solely on the ever-increasing effective demand. Therefore, the regulation of external effects must necessarily be undertaken by the state. It does this by measuring them and organizing the redistribution of revenues through the state budget in order to offset negative externalities or fairly redistribute the benefits received from positive externalities (for example, irrigation works initiated by one producer, and many benefit from positive results).

Elimination of negative external effects is also possible through direct administration, i.e. a ban on the exploitation of a part of irreplaceable natural resources, the use of harmful technologies, the production of goods and services that are harmful to human health, etc. Those guilty of violating such prohibitions are subject to fines, the amount of which many times exceeds the possible benefits of the manufacturer. In its fight against negative externalities, the state is not alone. He is assisted by numerous consumer protection societies, a free press, and institutions of representative democracy.

All this makes it possible to significantly correct the operation of the market mechanism, mitigate or completely eliminate the negative consequences of the blind play of market forces, manifested in external effects.

Another justified reason for state intervention in the economy is the need to produce so-called public goods. Public goods in economic theory are goods that have the following basic properties: non-excludability - benefits cannot be provided to one person so as not to make them available to other people, non-rivalry - being provided to one person can be provided to others without additional costs. The production and supply of such goods by private firms turns out to be unprofitable, if at all possible: most people will use such goods for free, there will be a problem of "hares". The "pure" public goods, for which these properties are fully applicable, include national defense, lighthouse services, street lighting, etc. Some benefits are characterized by a partial absence of exclusion and competitiveness properties - these are "quasi-public" parks, roads, etc. Sometimes such goods also include education, medicine, and cultural sectors, although these are rather private goods with high positive externalities. Public goods, by virtue of their properties, are produced either by the state or by state contractors and are provided for use free of charge, financed from the state budget. But at the same time, it is a very difficult problem to determine the volumes of production of goods and the corresponding costs of resources; the traditional market mechanism for identifying equilibrium volumes and prices does not work here.

The problem of income distribution also requires the participation of the state. The market mechanism, as you know, is very cruel and is not capable, and indeed should not, address issues of social justice, guarantee a certain standard of well-being in accordance with the requirements of a modern democratic society. The state corrects this situation with the help of fiscal policy instruments: taxes, transfers, etc.

There are other problems that require state intervention, which the market is also unable to solve. These include large investment projects that do not promise quick profits and are associated with great risk, uneven regional development, the need to fight inflation and monopoly, and much more.

So, on the one hand, the market is the best, i.e. the most effective method of economic organization of all known history, and on the other hand, it has very significant shortcomings that can and must be neutralized or mitigated with the help of various forms of intervention by the state, political and public organizations. That is why a regulated market economy is everywhere considered a normal economy, in which the task of combining the self-regulation of market relations with their adjustment in accordance with social priority values ​​is more or less successfully solved.

It is no coincidence that an integral property of the market system is its multi-sector nature, i.e. variety of forms of ownership and economic activity. The share of each form is determined only by market efficiency and is not the same in different countries.

In a planned economy, the state plays a decisive role in determining all economic proportions. When building a system of state regulation of the economy, the principle of "maximum opportunity" dominates here: all economic processes that, in principle, lend themselves to centralized regulation, should be controlled by central authorities. Common to all countries with planned economies is that the system of state administration appears as the main regulator of economic proportions, while in countries with market economies it always performs auxiliary functions.

There are important limitations to government regulation of the economy. Any actions of the state that destroy the market mechanism (planning, absolute control over prices) are unacceptable, and the state should not limit competition in the market by its actions.

1.2 The minimum necessary and maximum allowable boundaries of state intervention in the market economy

Obviously, the modern market system is unthinkable without state intervention. However, there is a line beyond which deformations of market processes occur, production efficiency falls. Then, sooner or later, the question arises of the denationalization of the economy, ridding it of excessive state activity. There are important limits to regulation.

The functions performed by the state in organizing money circulation, providing public goods and eliminating the consequences of external effects constitute the maximum limits of its intervention in the free market economy. At the same time, these functions form the minimum necessary boundaries for regulating the real market. There is no unregulated market at all, because even an ideal free market needs some influence from the state.

If we turn to a real competitive market, then new areas of economic life will be revealed, where the market mechanism is limited, which makes it necessary to have a wider participation of the state in economic processes. The totality of such areas determines the maximum allowable boundaries of state intervention in the economy. Let's define these areas.

Redistribution of income. The market recognizes fair income received as a result of free competition in the markets of production factors, the size of income depends on the efficiency of investment factors. There are people in society who own neither land, nor capital, nor labor. They have nothing to present to the markets for factors of production, they do not participate in competition, they do not receive any income. These people include children, the unemployed, the elderly. Even for people who claim this or that factor of production, market distribution does not guarantee a minimum income that provides a standard of well-being. In all these cases, the state has the right to intervene in the redistribution of income. Here, the minimum limit of state intervention is flexible, it is influenced by the current state of the economy, the standard of living in the country, which determines consumer stereotypes. And the maximum limit is determined by the following: the amount of social payments, which must be consistent with the capabilities of the state; tax rates should not undermine the economic incentives for the owners of factors of production; when determining the volume and timing of social payments. benefits need to take into account the negative effects of the labor force and the market mechanism in general.

Employment. The market mechanism does not automatically realize the right to work for those who can and want to work. For the efficient operation of the market, an optimal labor pool is required. For a number of reasons, unemployment is inevitable in a market economy, which poses many complex problems for the state. It becomes his duty to regulate the labor market in order to maintain a certain level of employment, material support for people who have lost jobs or failed to find them.

The development of basic scientific research and related large investments with long payback periods, high risk and uncertainty about profits is almost beyond the power of the market mechanism. Here one cannot do without the participation of the state, which stimulates structural policy and scientific and technological progress. On the contrary, the market works effectively in the development of promising types of new equipment and technology.

The implementation of national interests in the world economy involves the conduct of an appropriate foreign trade policy by the state, control over the international migration of capital and labor, influence on exchange rates, management of balances of payments, etc.

These are the upper maximum allowable limits of state intervention in the market economy. This framework is wide enough for a reasonable symbiosis of state regulation and an efficient market mechanism to solve the main socio-economic problems of modern society.

If the state tries to do more than it is measured by the market economy - continues to distribute production resources, maintain administrative control over prices, forgive enterprises for credit debt, retain jobs in technologically backward industries, tries to provide high social protection for the population without taking into account the real possibilities of the economy, then In the national economy, the backward structure of production and the low quality of products are conserved, and the lag behind developed countries in scientific and technological progress and the standard of living of the people is increasing. Then, sooner or later, it becomes necessary to rid the economy of excessive state activity, which is accompanied by negative consequences. So-called flaws or "failures" of the state appear. The defect of the state is its inability to ensure the effective distribution of resources and, accordingly, the socio-economic policy of the ideas of justice accepted in society.

1.3 Methods and functions of the state regulation of the market economy

The implementation of state regulation is carried out using a large set of methods. Methods of state regulation are a system of ways and norms by which the state regulates economic relations. They are usually divided into economic and administrative.

Economic methods prevail. They are a set of special tools with the help of which the government indirectly regulates economic processes. These are methods that stimulate the development of individual subjects of the national economy or their industries (indicative planning, tools of the monetary, tax and budgetary system, etc.), i.e. they are economic stimulants or deterrents.

Among the economic methods, monetary policy is primarily singled out. The main instruments of monetary policy are the required reserve ratio, the interbank interest rate, the discount rate, the Central Bank's operations with government bonds in the securities market. These tools allow the state to adequately resist inflation, regulate interest rates, and through them the investment process, production and employment, have a tangible impact on the movement of stock prices.

A significant role is given to tax policy, without which it is impossible to establish effective stimulation of economic growth and organize the distribution of income. The policy of public spending joins tax regulation, helping to carry out structural transformations of production, smooth out regional disproportions, and alleviate the problem of involuntary unemployment. Economic methods of state regulation do not limit the freedom of entrepreneurial choice.

An important place in the impact of the state on economic processes is occupied by state entrepreneurship. The essence of this method is that the state acts as a major entrepreneur. The sphere of state entrepreneurship is quite wide, but it is mainly developed in industries where the payback period and capital intensity are relatively high (energy, transport, communications, mining, i.e. industries that are less attractive for private entrepreneurship). The reasons for the growth of the public sector in the economy are the need to maintain national defense, infrastructure support for macroeconomic processes, population growth, urbanization, environmental protection, etc.

As the market economy develops and becomes more complex, the role of state programming increases. Governments began to form their main tasks at certain stages in the form of state programs. For their implementation, economic centers are being created with the involvement of scientists, representatives of central banks, unions of entrepreneurs, trade unions. Such programs are approved by the parliament, where reports on the progress of their implementation are deserved.

Economic methods of state regulation are aimed mainly at the national economy. At the same time, the state has at its disposal other, no less effective regulators that influence the country's position in the world economy. Their significance is the greater, the deeper the country is integrated into the system of world economic relations.

To stimulate exports, the state uses a variety of economic methods: provides exporters with tax incentives; undertakes guarantees of export credits, uses trade and economic agreements. A strong means of encouraging exports is the regulation of the exchange rate and the export of capital.

Administrative methods of regulation are a set of measures established by public authorities to permit, prohibit, coerce and restrict the activities of economic entities. Such methods include the support or restriction of private business, the provision of certain areas (enterprises) with benefits, subsidies and preferences, or, on the contrary, the establishment of severe or restrictive sanctions for certain areas and firms.

In addition, state regulation of the economy can be carried out through state orders to individual firms or corporations for the production of certain socially important products or services. These may be orders for the production of military equipment, for the construction of roads and housing.

Administrative methods of regulation are widely used in foreign economic activity. By regulating export-import operations (by setting quotas and customs duties), the state regulates the import and export of goods and thereby contributes to the restriction or, conversely, the development of certain industries in the country.

Administrative methods of economic regulation include direct state control over the monopoly market.

Administrative regulation is necessary in the development of strict standards that guarantee the population life in conditions of environmental safety, in the establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage and unemployment benefits. And also in the development of regulations aimed at protecting national interests in the system of world economic relations. The use of direct methods here is considered economically justified and generally does not contradict the principles underlying market relations.

The distinction between economic and administrative methods is somewhat arbitrary. In order to use any economic method, a prior administrative decision of the relevant state authorities is necessary. In this case, any economic methods bear the stamp of administration. At the same time, any administrative method, directly forcing economic entities to perform certain actions, at the same time has an indirect impact on a number of interrelated processes. Any administrative methods carry the features characteristic of economic methods.

The state should use only those methods, the application of which at the moment can bring only a positive effect.

The role of the state in a market economy is manifested through its functions. The activities of the state are aimed at achieving the general goal - the good of man, his moral and physical well-being, maximum legal and social protection of the individual.

The economic functions of the modern state are quite diverse and complex. Each function of the state has a subject-political characteristic. Its content shows what is the subject of the state's activity, what means it uses to achieve a particular goal.

There are two groups of regulatory functions of the state:

a) The functions of ensuring the legal basis for the functioning of the market, as well as the function of stimulating and protecting competition, as the main driving force in the market environment;

b) Functions of income redistribution, adjustment of resource allocation, ensuring economic stability, economic growth

The main regulatory functions of the state are as follows:

· promotion of balanced economic growth;

providing employment;

regulation of prices;

creation of a legal framework;

distribution of resources;

· provision of social protection;

regulation of the labor market;

preservation and improvement of the environment;

· regional policy;

implementation of national interests.

The list of functions of the state is by no means exhausted by this. The state, trying to solve problems beyond the control of the market, implements an antimonopoly policy in order to maintain competition, ensures freedom of entrepreneurship, law and order in economic life, stimulates business activity and the use of existing scientific and technical results. The state always retains the organization of monetary circulation and social insurance, carrying out deep structural transformations of production, solving issues of fundamental science, producing public goods, providing assistance to unprofitable but important industries for the economy, ensuring the stability of the national currency, controlling foreign economic activity, including the organization of the customs system and a lot others.

Thus, the main directions of economic activity of the state are:

1. Ensuring normal conditions for the operation of the market mechanism, which implies regular demonopolization of the economy, its anti-inflationary prevention with the help of a stable monetary policy, maintaining a deficit-free system of public finances, etc. In countries that have embarked on the path of restoring a market economy, the state also has to form a links of administrative and command management, to form an effective system of economic regulators and much more.

2. Fulfillment of functions outlined by the minimum necessary and maximum allowable limits of state intervention in the economy. In solving these economic problems, the market mechanism reveals its failure or inefficiency.

3. Development, adoption and organization of the implementation of economic legislation, i.e. legal basis of entrepreneurship, taxation, banking system and others.


2.1 Analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators of Russia for 2007-2009

In the context of the global crisis, when the cost of oil falls, Russia's export earnings are significantly reduced, which, in turn, changes the situation with the budget and the dynamics of GDP changes.

At the end of 2008, the cost of oil began to actively decline, in December it fell below $40. per barrel. The prerequisites for the continuation of the crisis are already visible. The drop in industrial production in November 2008 compared to November 2007 was 8.7%. As a result of a reduction in the volume of construction work, the output of building materials decreased by 4.1% in October and by 14.9% in November. Stagnation is expected at the end of the year.

The main decrease is noted in the export-oriented raw materials industries: the chemical complex (74.2% - November 2008 to November 2007), metallurgical (86.7%), wood processing and production of wood products (81.4%), pulp and paper production (85%).

In December 2008, GDP decreased by 0.7% compared to December 2007. According to experts, the main reasons for the decline in GDP are the fall in incomes of the population and investments in the country's economy. At the same time, economists note that it was possible to slow down the fall in GDP in December 2008 only due to an increase in budget expenditures.

In December 2008, as compared to December 2007, investments in fixed assets decreased by 2.3%, whereas in November they had grown by 3.9%. The main reason for the reduction in investment is the unavailability of bank financing against the backdrop of rising interest rates and a shortage of liquidity, largely provoked by the gradual devaluation of the ruble. Following the fall in investment, the real disposable income of the population in December 2008 decreased by 11.6% (in November 2008, the reduction was 6.2%, and in 2008 - an increase of 2.7% after an increase of 12.1% in 2007). year). However, according to Dmitry Belousov of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting, it is difficult to estimate the reduction in real spending. Rosstat considers income from expenses. That is, expenses minus savings plus gains in cash and currency. The increase in cash currency is estimated by Rosstat very poorly, so it is better to build on the dynamics of real wages. Real wages in December 2008 decreased by 2%, while in November 2008 it grew by 3.9%. In 2008, real wages grew by 9.9% against a growth of 17.2% in 2007.

According to most analysts, 2009 will be the most difficult year for the global economy. The recession in the leading countries of the world will lead to a drop in energy demand, which is not compensated by the planned reduction in supply.

The State Duma has already adopted the 2009-2011 budget, the full execution of which requires the following indicators: GDP growth rates in 2009 should be at the level of 7.5%, in 2010 and 2011 - at the level of 8.0%, the price of oil Urals in 2009 - $95 per barrel, in 2010 - 90 dollars. per barrel, in 2011 - 88 dollars. per barrel, the ruble against the dollar in 2009 - 24.7 rubles, in 2010 - 26.0 rubles and in 2011 - 27.3 rubles. It is already clear that these indicators are unattainable. At the end of the year, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin demanded that the economic departments recalculate the main budget indicators based on the changed economic conditions. Thus, the new budget will include a lower oil price - $41 per barrel. The main items of expenditure in the budget will remain unchanged, which means that it will face a deficit. According to Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, “in 2009, not only will there be a budget deficit, but its size will be significant, given the need for anti-crisis measures. In 2010, the deficit should not exceed 5% of GDP, and in 2011 - 3% of GDP.” According to preliminary calculations of the Ministry of Finance, budget revenues in 2009 will amount to 6.5 trillion. rub. Two scenarios are presented: spending - 9.6 trillion. rub. (deficit - 7.6% of GDP) and 9.4 trillion. rub. (7% of GDP). According to the Ministry of Finance, the Russian budget deficit in 2009 could reach up to 4 trillion rubles. rubles if the price of oil drops to $32 per barrel.

According to most experts, based on an analysis of the current situation in the Russian and world economy, the peak of the crisis in Russia will be in the first half of 2009, a decline in production is expected, as well as a decrease in investment and consumption. In 2010, the economy will begin to recover, with recovery beginning in the fourth quarter of 2009. During the recovery period, the growth rates of the economies of the leading countries of the world will be lower than before the crisis.

In order to analyze the behavior of the Russian economy in 2009-2010, it is necessary to predict changes in energy prices, in particular oil. Many experts give different estimates. While optimistic forecasts appeared in November, some participants in the oil industry hoped that the average cost of oil for 2009 would be over $70. But with the course of trading on the world oil market, the deterioration of the situation in the American and world economy, observers do not count on a price above $50, while they see $30-40 as the most optimal estimate. Thus, earlier Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin predicted the average oil price in 2009 at $50. per barrel, but already in January the government considered the price of 41 dollars as the main one for recalculating the budget parameters, while the authorities are also considering the possibility that the price will drop to the level of 30 dollars.

Economists' assessments of the future dynamics of GDP also changed from optimistic to pessimistic as the crisis developed. Back in October-November, estimates by independent experts and officials varied within 3-6%; in December, more and more observers expect a drop in the growth rate of the gross product. There are also radical estimates, for example, Mikhail Delyagin, director of the Institute for Globalization Problems, promises a 15% drop in GDP in 2009 according to a pessimistic development scenario.

Table 1

Dynamics of GDP growth rates, inflation, real disposable income and consumer demand, %, 2003-2010

Industry will suffer the most from the crisis in the structure of future GDP. All experts predict negative growth rates in industrial output. The basic forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, released at the end of December 2008, included a 3.2% drop in industry, but already in January the government announced that in 2009 production would fall by 5.7%.

In recent years, there has been a trend of active development of trading activities. During a crisis, the trade sector, unlike the industrial one, will continue to grow. Against the backdrop of falling GDP in December 2008, trade increased by 4.4% compared to December 2007. In 2009, the growth rate of trade should be about 4%.

2.2 Main trends and forecasts of state regulation of the market economy in Russia

At present, Russia adheres to the raw material development model. Moving along this path is associated with significant economic and political risks, not only due to the possible fall in carbohydrate prices. Measures taken by the government to mitigate these risks, such as the creation of financial reserves, can only have a short-term effect, and in the event of a serious change in world market conditions, the country will sooner or later find itself in a difficult situation. In Russia, it is necessary to use a model of socio-economic development based not on cheap labor, but on a high standard of living (model of a socially oriented market or social market economy), successfully implemented in Germany and other European countries, Japan and partly in the USA. It relies on stimulating domestic demand as the main factor in the growth of national production, and its priority tasks are to improve the quality of life of the population, the formation of social programs and democratic institutions.

The main goal of the socio-economic policy of the Russian state should be tripling the incomes of Russian citizens by 2020 based on accelerated GDP growth at the level of 10-12% per year and exceeding the average European (EU-15) GDP per capita. But such a goal can be achieved only if a significant part of domestic demand is reoriented from growing imports to products of the domestic processing sector, and barriers to the development of non-raw materials business are eliminated. To do this, the economic policy of the state must be concentrated on the following areas, which are combined in the “Business Russia 5 + 5 Program”, which contains five main areas of activity and five priority blocks of measures.

1. Building an effective social market model. The effectiveness of the social market model is based on three components:

mass competitive market, business, which takes on most of the social burden in society; creating jobs, it ensures the material well-being of workers; by paying taxes, he fills the state social system through the budget, the goal of which is to provide a decent standard of living for those who are not able to do it themselves;

social institutions, which include systems of public-private pension provision, general and vocational education, social and medical insurance, independent trade unions, etc.;

charity institute.

In Russia, most of the jobs are still created by the state and super-large business, market institutions are not yet sufficiently developed.

The development of a market social system is a complex strategic task, but the priority measures on the way to its implementation could be:

· further implementation and improvement of national projects, gradual restructuring of their individual areas in the form of public-private endowment funds managed by an independent public council and a professional management company;

· development and adoption of measures for the development of primary and secondary vocational education, including the permission to deduct from the taxable income tax base 50% of the cost of the company's costs (but not more than 10% of profit before taxes) for training specialists in licensed educational institutions;

Return from tax (at the expense of the UST) to insurance forms of replenishment of the Pension Fund and social insurance funds, the simultaneous introduction of state benefits for old age and full or partial disability to ensure decent living conditions for the non-working population at the expense of the budget;

· changing the procedure for placing assets of the State Pension Fund: expanding the list of securities and allowing PFR assets to be invested in SFID securities and shares of Russian companies, forming a PFR supervisory board with the participation of representatives of public organizations, holding a tender to select a management company to manage PFR assets;

· increasing the resource base and increasing the financial stability of non-state pension funds, developing alternative mechanisms for pension savings, including using corporate schemes;

gradual increase in the retirement age;

· Completion of the monetization of benefits, including within the framework of the Federal Program for Additional Drug Provision for Beneficial Categories of Citizens (DLO);

· Gradual bringing of the minimum wage to the subsistence level, full transfer of the right to set the minimum wage in the regions to tripartite commissions (state - trade unions - employer);

· fair, efficient and non-inflationary use of super-revenues from natural rent in the interests of all citizens and the national economy, including income from the allocation of funds from the National Welfare Fund;

· tax incentives for charitable activities, the adoption of the law "On Charity".

2. The development of a competitive mass market. The main sources of taxes, investment and economic growth in the Russian economy remain two dozen large companies, although according to the laws of the market, the economy should develop on the basis of private entrepreneurial initiative of millions of people, in the face of competition from hundreds of thousands of small ones. Medium and large companies. This will largely determine the potential for economic growth, the possibility of solving social problems and the development of civil society, as well as the future stability of democracy and guarantees of the country's sovereignty.

Given the massive nature of the subjects of such a policy, it is impossible to apply a selective approach to them, as in the case of super-large companies. This requires a comprehensive system of measures of a general economic nature. First of all, it is necessary to remove the barriers that stand in the way of business development in Russia.

a) Creating favorable conditions for doing business through the demopolization of the economy, ensuring freedom of competition, protecting property rights, establishing a fair judicial system and implementing the following priority measures:

reduction of the tax burden to the level of 30-35% due to the transition from offset to the direct method of calculating VAT on the actual value added created by the company, reducing the rate of this tax from 18 to 12%, as well as by reducing the rate of the unified social tax from 26 to 12 % with the simultaneous abolition of the regressive scale for its payment - benefits for the rich; reduction by 50% of the tax on profits reinvested in the development of production, including the purchase of foreign technologies;

· modernization of the tax administration system: transition from quarterly to annual accounting system; abolition of tax accounting and cardinal simplification of tax reporting; implementation of all checks more than one, including counter and cameral, only by court order. Transition to a new accounting system that meets international standards.

b) Reducing the administrative burden on business from both tax and other administrative authorities. As a first step, it is proposed to introduce a system of mandatory declarative accounting for the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation of all inspections of commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as individuals by any state bodies other than law enforcement; granting the right to refuse to conduct an audit in the absence of such registration.

v) Helping businesses to secure affordable investment resources and defense capital through the implementation of the following priority measures:

· Giving the Central Bank the function of financial assistance to economic growth by law; stimulation of credit activity of banks through the maximum development of the refinancing system; establishing, as a temporary measure, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank at a level below inflation; recognition of the volume of loans issued to them in the refinancing system as one of the main indicators of the work of the Central Bank; significant simplification for banks - recipients of loans in the refinancing system; expanding the lists of assets accepted as collateral for loans;

creation of mutual guarantee pools, when the Central Bank undertakes to provide any of their participants with a loan secured by assets from the list formed by the pool, and its participants undertake a consolidated obligation to repurchase the collateral from the Central Bank in the event that the borrower does not repay the loan;

· further development of SFID: Development Bank, federal and regional investment funds, regional guarantee agencies, Russian Venture Company, etc.; creation of an agency for the provision of state guarantees for a part of the cost of equipment purchased by Russian consumers and leasing companies;

· Stimulating the development of the stock market by abolishing the tax on dividends on shares purchased during the initial offering; expanding the presence of institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies) on the stock market; development of the stock market infrastructure: creation of a central depository, consolidation of professional market participants; streamlining the system of regulation of the stock market based on the coordination of the activities of the Bank of Russia, the Federal Financial Markets Service, the Federal Service for Social Insurance, as well as delegating part of the supervisory functions to an authoritative self-regulatory organization; adoption of laws “On Insider Information”, “On Securitization of Assets”, “On Holdings”;

· Introducing amendments to the tax code of the Russian Federation, partially exempting from taxation income directed to non-state pension funds (in order to accelerate the development of NPFs as the most important sources of "long money" in the economy).

G) Protection of the national producer through the implementation of a new customs and tariff policy:

· Simplification of the system of import customs duties: the introduction of five groups of goods with a single rate of customs taxation within each group, while the duties should increase as you move along the technological chain (the first two groups are duty-free): raw materials, licenses, information goods and services; investment goods (equipment, means of production); food and intermediate raw materials; consumer goods; luxury goods and discount goods;

· In order to stimulate the processing of raw materials, the establishment of export duties on raw materials and goods of the first level of processing (roundwood, metals, basic types of mineral fertilizers) using the mechanism that applies to oil and oil products.

3.Innovation and industrial policy. It is an integral part of the state economic policy and is aimed at stimulating the development of industries, regions and projects that can have a cumulative impact on other sectors of the economy and ensure an increase in the supply of domestic goods and services, diversify the economy and rapidly modernize fixed assets, and solve social problems. Thus, this policy contributes to the capitalization of the comparative competitive advantages of the Russian economy.

To give the innovation-industrial policy a systemic character, it is necessary to determine its main directions, including using the methodology of foresight (Foresight). According to most preliminary assessments, at present, the “growth point” in the Russian economy should be primarily identified in the following areas:

· processing of raw materials (oil and gas chemistry, advanced timber processing);

· science-intensive industries and the military-industrial complex;

Housing construction and housing and communal services;

agro-industrial complex;

· transit communication between Europe and Southeast Asia, which will contribute not only to obtaining additional income, but also to the accelerated development of the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

In order to expand existing and form new territorial production complexes, stimulate the development of regional and local industrial clusters, it is necessary to implement specific projects within the framework of innovation and industrial policy, using the tools of state co-financing of investment projects through the SFID system and public-private partnership mechanisms. For these purposes it is necessary:

· introduction of an encouraging depreciation rate of up to 150% of the cost of purchased equipment, using accelerated depreciation rates;

· full or partial exemption of newly created enterprises from the payment of certain types of taxes (tax holidays and credits), the establishment of guarantees against an increase in the tax burden;

· introduction of additional benefits on property tax on newly acquired equipment.

4. Development of infrastructure. When implementing relevant programs, it is necessary to take into account high corruption risks and the inefficiency of the existing management system. Today, the government recognizes the need for large-scale infrastructure projects. In this case, the mechanisms of public-private partnership should play the main role.

5. Modernization of the control system. Public and private investments create significant risks of corruption and inefficient use of funds, therefore, the introduction of new modern non-corrupt management methods is required. The world has created mechanisms based on the methodology of project management, which can largely neutralize corruption risks. If there is an appropriate will on the part of the government, they can be successfully applied in the implementation of state economic policy.

It is possible, without destroying the old system, to create new management centers operating on the principles of focusing on the final result, non-corruption, professionalism and personal responsibility.

We should start with the organization of a management system for individual areas of national projects. Their implementation should be carried out within the framework of the Unified Action Plan. Each target project must be implemented according to the project management methodology, have clearly defined goals, a plan focused on a clear result that can be expressed in specific indicators.

Professional Russian and foreign management companies should be involved in the organization of management on a tender basis. The implementation of each target project should be controlled by the state and society (supervisory boards).

The proposed 5+5 Program will require significant financial and organizational resources. At the same time, the violation of macroeconomic stability and destabilization of the budgetary system should not be allowed. The program can be financed from the following sources:

· effective budget planning, stopping the inflation of the state apparatus, rationalizing military spending, reducing corruption in spending budget funds, improving the efficiency of managing accumulated reserves, including investing a certain share of them within the country;

Issue and placement of government securities both on the international and domestic markets;

· attraction of private (Russian and foreign) investments, including under government guarantees.

The government of the country needs to understand that positive economic indicators often hide problems that seem insignificant today, but will certainly manifest themselves during the next electoral cycle.


The questions considered in the course work are devoted to the problems of state regulation of the economy, the role of the state in market relations.

The market is a well-established, despite its spontaneous nature, mechanism capable of solving the main economic problems facing society. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, state regulation of the market is necessary. The following mechanisms of state regulation are used: production of public goods, minimization of negative and encouragement of positive externalities, intersection of asymmetric information, protection of competition, smoothing of macroeconomic fluctuations, income maintenance policy.

Active intervention in the economy is a normal phenomenon in the life of any state. As the social division of labor grows and economic relations become more complex, the economic role of the state grows. The period of opposing the market to the state, and the state to the market, is over. Today it is obvious that the market effectively solves the problem of allocation of limited resources, but it cannot satisfy all human needs, especially his social needs. Therefore, the state cannot be regarded as a force that opposes the market. Both the market and the state are capable of expressing the interests of society and the individual, they ultimately serve the needs of people.

Both the state and the market are two parallel developing and interacting forms of social development. Therefore, when deciding on the implementation of economic activity, it is necessary to compare both the advantages and disadvantages of the market and state mechanisms for regulating the economy.

The state is called upon to exercise control over the activities of all structural links of the market infrastructure and to promote the efficiency of their work.

The main areas of state intervention are the formation of the legal and institutional market environment, the economic, business and investment climate, as well as the organization, support and control of the market infrastructure.

List of used literature

1. Aganbegyan A.G. Socio-economic development of Russia // EKO. 2007. No. 1. S.2 - 19.

2. Biryukov V.A. Factors of economic growth // The Economist. 2009. No. 1. pp. 3 - 14.

3. Borisov E. F. Economic theory. Tutorial. 2nd edition revised and enlarged. M. 2007

4. Bykova N.I. The concept of a market economy and the fundamental principles of public welfare / N.I. Bykov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2002. - 16 p.

5. State regulation of the market economy. Ed. Kushlina V.I. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: RAGS, 2007. - 834 p.

6. Mankiw N.G. Principles of macroeconomics: 2nd ed., C - Pb.: Peter, 2007. - 576 p.

7. National product and problems of its measurement: Educational method. allowance / A.V. Roschenko. - Minsk: BSEU, 2008. - 42 p.

8. The main directions of the unified state monetary policy for 2010: Options for the development of the country's economy // Financial business. - 2009. - No. 11. - P.2-13.

9. Theory of transition economy: Textbook / Ed. I.P. Nikolaeva. - M.: UNITI, 2007. - Ch. 1-3, p. 4-70.

10. Stankovskaya I.K., Strelets I.A. Economic Theory for Business Schools: Textbook. M.: EKSMO, 2007. 448s.

11. Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary. Under. ed. Gryaznovoy A.G. - M .: publishing house "Finance and Statistics", 2008.

12. Fisher S., Dornbun R., Shmalenzi R. Economics: Per. from English. from 7th ed. - M.: Delo, 2007. - 864 p.

13. Shevchenko I.V. Prerequisites for economic growth in the modern Russian economy // Finance and credit. 2008. No. 9. P.12 - 21.

14. Shevchenko I.V. System of factors of economic growth in the Russian Federation // Questions of Economics. 2007. No. 12. P.8 - 17.

15. Shishkov Yu.A. Demographic transition and economic growth // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 2007. No. 8. C.3 - 10.

16. The Russian economy in the mirror of statistics: 2004-2007. // Economy. - 2008. - No. 2. - P.31-57.

17. Economics: Textbook / Ed. Assoc. A. S. Bulatova. 10th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house BEK, 2008. - 816 p.

18. Economic theory. Express Course: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Gryaznova, N.N. Dumnaya, A.Yu. Yudanov. M.: KNORUS, 2007. 608s.

19. Economic theory: Textbook / N.I. Bazylev, M.N. Bazyleva, S.P. Gurko and others; Ed. N.I. Bazyleva, S.P. Gurko. 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Minsk: BSEU, 2007. - 752 p.

Project within the framework of innovation and industrial policy

There are two main forms of state intervention in the economy:

1) direct intervention through administrative means, which are based on the power of state power and include measures of prohibition, permission and coercion;

2) indirect intervention through various economic policies and priorities.

The implementation of the goals of state regulation of the economy in practice is ensured using various methods. Depending on the selected criteria, there are several options for classifying the methods of state regulation of the economy.

Direct Methods state regulation have a direct impact on the activities of economic entities, they force them to make decisions based not on independent economic choice, but on the instructions of the state.

Indirect Methods state regulation of the economy provide for the use of tools and methods of state influence on private business in terms of ensuring macroeconomic proportions of expanded reproduction. The advantage of indirect methods is that they do not violate the market situation, and the disadvantage is a certain period of time that occurs between the moments when the state takes measures, the reaction of the economy to them and real changes in economic results.

According to the organizational and institutional criterion, there are: administrative and economic methods of state regulation.

Administrative Methods based on the power of government. The set of administrative methods covers regulatory actions related to the provision of legal infrastructure and aims to create a legal environment that is most favorable to the private sector. The functions of administrative methods are: providing a stable legal environment for business life; protection of the competitive environment; guaranteeing the right to property and freedom to make economic decisions. The degree of application of administrative methods varies depending on the sphere of the national economy. They are most actively used in environmental protection, in the field of social support for poorly provided and relatively poorly protected segments of the population by creating minimal living conditions. Administrative methods are divided into prohibition measures, permit measures and coercive measures.

Economic Methods are measures of state influence, with the help of which certain conditions are created that direct the development of market processes in the right direction for the state. These regulatory measures are associated either with the creation of an additional financial incentive, or with the risk of financial damage. The most commonly used economic measures are:

Means of financial (budgetary, fiscal) policy;

Means of monetary policy;

Forecasting, planning and programming of the economy;

The impact of the public sector of the economy, which is an independent complex instrument.

TOPIC 13: Incomes of the population and social policy in a market economy

1. Incomes of the population and sources of their formation

2. Measuring inequality in income distribution. Lorenz curve. Living standards indicators

3. Social policy and ways of its implementation

3.1 Ways of state intervention in the economy

First of all, it is important to distinguish between two main forms: direct intervention through the expansion of state ownership of material resources, lawmaking and management of industrial enterprises, and indirect intervention through various economic policies.

The direct intervention of the state is the adoption of legislative acts designed to streamline and develop relations between the elements of the market system. An example of state regulation of the economy through the issuance of legislative acts is the provision on cooperation in France.

indirect intervention. Depending on the purpose of the intervention, economic policy measures can be aimed at:

Stimulation of investments;

Ensuring full employment;

Stimulating the export and import of goods, capital and labor;

Impact on the general price level in order to stabilize it;

Support for sustainable economic growth;

Redistribution of income.

To carry out these various measures, the state resorts mainly to fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is budgetary policy. It can be defined as a policy pursued by manipulating government revenues and spending. Monetary policy is a policy pursued by regulating the money supply in circulation and improving the credit sector. Both these areas of public policy are closely related to each other. However, this connection in a market and centralized economy differs significantly.

Countries with a market economy are constantly looking for the optimal combination of state regulation and the functioning of a naturally formed market mechanism.

In a market economy, taxes play such an important role that it is safe to say that without a well-established, well-functioning tax system, an efficient market economy is impossible.

What exactly is the role of taxes in a market economy, what functions do they perform? Answering these questions, they usually begin with the fact that taxes play a decisive role in shaping the revenue side of the state budget. It is, of course, so. But the first place should be given to the function, without which it is impossible to do without in an economy based on commodity-money relations. This function of taxes is regulatory.

The market economy in developed countries is a regulated economy. It is impossible to imagine an effectively functioning market economy in the modern world, not regulated by the state. Another thing is how it is regulated, in what ways, in what forms.

State regulation is carried out in two main directions:

Regulation of market, commodity-money relations. It consists mainly in defining the "rules of the game", i.e. development of laws and regulations that determine the relationship between persons operating in the market, primarily entrepreneurs, employers and hired workers. These include laws, regulations, instructions of state bodies that regulate the relationship between producers, sellers and buyers, the activities of banks, as well as labor exchanges. This area of ​​state regulation of the market is not directly related to taxes.

Regulation of the development of the national economy, social production, when the main objective economic law operating in society is the law of value. Here we are talking mainly about the financial and economic methods of state influence on the interests of people, entrepreneurs, in order to direct their activities in the right, beneficial direction for society.

In market conditions, the methods of administrative subordination of entrepreneurs are reduced to a minimum, and the very concept of "superior organizations" that have the right to manage the activities of enterprises with the help of orders, commands and orders is gradually disappearing.

Maneuvering tax rates, benefits and fines, changing the terms of taxation, introducing some and canceling other taxes, the state creates conditions for the accelerated development of certain industries and industries, contributes to solving problems that are urgent for society. Thus, at the present time there is perhaps no more important task for us than the development of agriculture, the solution of the food problem. In this regard, collective farms, state farms and other agricultural production are exempted from income tax in the Russian Federation.

Another example. It is well known that a well-functioning market economy cannot be imagined without the development of small businesses. Without it, it is difficult to create an economic environment favorable for the functioning of commodity-money relations. The state should promote the development of small business, support it by creating special funds for financing small businesses, preferential lending, and preferential taxation.

Another function of taxes is stimulating. With the help of taxes and benefits, the state stimulates the technical process, an increase in the number of jobs, capital investments to expand production, etc.

The next function of taxes is distributive, or redistributive. Through taxes, funds are concentrated in the state budget, which are then directed to solving national economic problems, both industrial and social, financing large intersectoral, comprehensive targeted programs - scientific, technical, economic, etc.

With the help of taxes, the state redistributes part of the profits of enterprises and entrepreneurs, the income of citizens, directing them to the development of industrial and social infrastructure, to investments and investments. The redistributive function of the tax system has a pronounced social character. A properly constructed tax system makes it possible to give a market economy a social orientation, as is done in Germany, Sweden and many other countries.

State intervention in market relations: objective necessity and limits

The attitude to state intervention in the market economy was different at different stages of its formation and development...

State regulation of the market economy

The need for state intervention in the market economy is due to the fact that with the help of one market mechanism, deep structural changes in production, strategic breakthroughs in the field of science and technology are impossible ...

State regulation of the economy

First of all, it is the correct organization of money circulation. Equally important is the provision by the state of various public goods. The mechanism of the free market allows to satisfy almost all needs...

State regulation of the economy

The boundaries of the necessary state intervention in the economy are areas where the mechanism of market self-regulation ceases to operate effectively and urgent state intervention is required. Firstly...

State regulation of the economy, its means and methods

Consider the boundaries of the necessary state intervention in the economy. First of all, these are areas where the mechanism of market self-regulation ceases to operate effectively and urgent state intervention is required. Firstly...

State regulation of economic growth

Consider the boundaries of the necessary state intervention in the economy. First of all, these are areas where the mechanism of market self-regulation ceases to operate effectively and urgent state intervention is required. Firstly...

Let us single out the main forms and methods of state intervention in the economy. First of all, it is important to distinguish between two main forms of this process: direct intervention through the expansion of state ownership of material resources...

The boundaries of state regulation in the Russian Federation

Tasks of state regulation of the economy in modern Russia

First of all, it is the correct organization of money circulation. Equally important is the provision by the state of various public goods. The mechanism of the free market allows to satisfy almost all needs...

Methods of state regulation of the economy

Large-scale production, which began to take shape in the modern world since the advent of machines, is unthinkable without the presence of developed economic ties and specific economic relations...

State intervention in the economy is a set of state measures by which it affects the socio-economic development of society. The primary purpose of government intervention is...

Methods, means and boundaries of state regulation in the Russian economy

First of all, the boundaries of state intervention are such areas where the mechanism of market self-regulation is no longer able to effectively carry out activities, and thus urgent state intervention is needed ...

State regulation of the market economy

The market mechanism of free competition has many advantages, its possibilities are great, but still not unlimited. There are areas where the mechanism of free competition does not work and government intervention is required. Firstly...

The role of the state in a market economy

The market economy is a complex and constantly evolving mechanism, representing a self-regulating and self-developing system. All processes in the economy are subject to uniform, fairly rigid laws...

A business is a business enterprise that operates for the purpose of generating income (profit). It presupposes an investment in the business of own or borrowed capital, the income from which is spent not simply on personal consumption, but for the expansion of productive activity. A business is a supplier of goods and services in a market economy.

The government is provided mainly by various budgetary organizations, which do not aim to make a profit, but implement the functions of state regulation of the economy.

The same person (an adult member of society) can be part of a household, a business, or a government agency. For example, employed by a government official, you are a representative of a government organization; by owning the securities of a corporation, you represent a business; spending your income for personal consumption, you are a member of the household. Accordingly, the modern market economy is a whole system of markets: goods and services, labor, loan capital, securities, foreign exchange markets, etc.

The most important conditions for the emergence of the market are the social division of labor and specialization. The first of these categories means that in any more or less numerous community of people, none of the participants in the economy can live on the basis of complete self-sufficiency with all production resources, all economic benefits. Different groups of producers are engaged in separate types of economic activity. This means specialization in the production of certain goods and services. Specialization, in turn, is determined by the principle of comparative advantage, i.e. the ability to produce at a relatively lower opportunity cost. This category is one of the central concepts in economic theory. Producers have different skills, abilities, are provided with limited resources in different ways. The principle of comparative advantage explains both the processes of specialization within an individual enterprise and internationally.

The condition for the emergence of the market is the so-called economic isolation of the subjects of the market economy. After all, the exchange of goods, created on the basis of the social division of labor and specialization, is completely independent, autonomous in making economic decisions, producers. Economic isolation means that only the manufacturer decides what to produce, how to produce, to whom and where to sell the created products. An adequate legal regime for the state of economic isolation is the regime of private property.

For the emergence of a market for any product, the value of transaction costs is also important. Transaction costs determine the conditions and boundaries of market activity.

And, finally, an important condition for the emergence of the market is the free exchange of resources. After all, the social division of labor, specialization and exchange can also exist in hierarchical systems, where the Center determines who and what to produce, to whom and with whom to exchange resources and manufactured products. Only free exchange, which exists in spontaneous (spontaneous) corridors, allows the formation of free prices, which will prompt economic agents in the most effective directions of their activity.

No one denies the need for the state to perform certain functions in the economic sphere. However, on the issues in what proportions state and market regulation should be combined, what are the boundaries and directions of state intervention, there is a fairly wide range of theoretical views and practical approaches corresponding to them - from complete state monopoly in the management of the national economy to extreme economic liberalism, when it is argued that The economy can be efficient only in conditions of unrestricted private enterprise. There are a number of intermediate options between these extreme options, for example, the Chinese version of a combination of market and state regulators, the so-called socially oriented market economy of Germany and Austria, the Swedish model of a mixed economy, etc.

A kind of economy in which there was an extremely high degree of state monopoly was built in our country by a centrally controlled economy. It was based on comprehensive directive planning, i.e. centralized solution of questions about how much and what to produce, what resources should be used, how much labor and capital should be spent, what wages should be, etc. The task of drawing up a balanced plan, linked in all respects, is practically unsolvable due to its colossal dimension and static nature.

But even in the unlikely event of a balanced plan, the system, where all the actions of economic entities are signed for five years in advance, turns out to be inactive, poorly adapting to changes. One of the reasons is that private initiative was excluded from the sphere of economy. All economic agents acted on the basis of the planned targets, orders and instructions.

In addition, any viable system presupposes the presence of forward and backward links. Such links underlie the market mechanism of self-regulation. The balance between supply and demand is established in the presence of direct (from production to the market) and reverse (from the market to production) links operating through a viable, flexible price system.

In the planned economy, there were, although deformed, direct links, but the reverse ones practically did not work. The absence of feedback at fixed and distorted prices made the system insensitive to the dynamics of consumer demand. One consequence of this is overproduction in some industries and shortages in others. Scarcity was the hallmark of a planned economy.

In any economic system, including a market economy, the state acts in a certain sense as an economic agent that has the right and the possibility of coercion, for example, in the field of tax policy, state legislation. Coercion, if used extensively by the state, nullifies all the advantages of free enterprise based on competition and market pricing.

The attitude to state intervention in the market economy was different at different stages of its formation and development. During the formation of market relations in the XVII-XVIII centuries. the dominant economic doctrine - mercantilism - was based on the recognition of the unconditional need for state regulation, for the development of trade and industry in the country.

With the development of market relations, the class of entrepreneurs, which gained strength, began to consider state intervention and the restrictions associated with these as an obstacle to their activities. It is not surprising that those who came at the end of the 18th century. to replace mercantilism, the ideas of economic liberalism, which negatively assessed state intervention, immediately found a huge number of ardent admirers.

Regardless of the prevailing economic doctrines, no one has ever relieved national governments of responsibility for the economic situation of the country. Everyone agrees that the invisible hand of the market must be complemented by the visible hand of the state. An important stage in the theoretical understanding of the role of the state in a market economy was associated with the name of the outstanding English economist J. M. Keynes. The ideas put forward during the "Keynesian revolution" revolutionized the classical views on the market economy. They proved the impossibility of self-healing of the economic downturn, the need for state policy as a means capable of establishing aggregate demand and aggregate supply, and bringing the economy out of crisis.

The classics proceeded from the thesis about the need for the state to perform traditional functions, realizing that there are areas that are beyond the reach of the competitive market mechanism. This primarily concerns the so-called public goods, i.e. goods and services that are consumed collectively. Obviously, the state should take care of their production and organize joint payments to citizens for these products.

Among the problems that the market competitive mechanism does not solve are externalities, or side effects. When the production of any product leads to environmental pollution, then, as a rule, additional costs are required. At the same time, this may not affect the price of the product, which entailed such side effects. Externalities, or side effects, can be controlled through direct state control.

Economic practice revealed in the XIX century. and confirmed in the 20th century that there are situations, the so-called fiasco of the market, when market coordination does not ensure the efficient use of resources.

It should be noted that he "came down" to the problems of justice and equality. Unrestricted market distribution, fair from the point of view of the laws of the market, leads to a sharp differentiation of income, social vulnerability. When market distribution does not suit the majority of the population, it ends in extremely serious social conflicts. It is up to the state to adjust the distribution provided by the market. State intervention requires another market problem - unemployment. Conditions are necessary to reduce it or mitigate its consequences, if it is nevertheless inevitable

1.2. The functions of the state and the main instruments of state regulation

Regardless of the prevailing economic doctrines, no one has ever relieved national governments of responsibility for the economic situation in the country. In other words, everyone essentially agrees that the “invisible hand” of the market should be complemented by the “visible hand” of the state. The state is called upon to correct those "imperfections" that are inherent in the market mechanism. Accordingly, it assumes responsibility for creating relatively equal conditions for the mutual rivalry of entrepreneurial firms, for effective competition, for limiting monopolized production. The state also needs to direct economic resources to meet the collective needs of people, to create the production of public goods and services. The participation of the state in economic life is also dictated by the fact that the market does not provide a socially just distribution of income. The state should take care of the disabled, children, the elderly, the poor. As a rule, the market is not aimed at developments in the field of fundamental sciences, because this is associated with a high degree of risk and uncertainty, with huge costs. And in this area the intervention of the state is required. Since the market does not guarantee the right to work, the state has to regulate the labor market and take measures to reduce unemployment. Foreign policy, the regulation of the balance of payments, exchange rates also fall on the shoulders of the state.

In general, the state implements the political and socio-economic principles of this community of citizens. It actively participates in the formation of macroeconomic market processes.

The role of the state in a market economy is manifested through its functions, the most important of which are the following:

Creation of a legal basis for making economic decisions. The state develops and adopts laws that define property rights, regulate entrepreneurial activities, aimed at the production of high-quality products and medicines, etc.;

Economic stabilization. The government, using fiscal and monetary policy, seeks to overcome the crisis, the decline in production, reduce unemployment, smooth out inflationary processes;

Socially-oriented distribution of resources. The state organizes the production of goods and services that the private sector does not. It creates conditions for the development of agriculture, communications, transport, urban improvement, etc., determines spending on defense, space, foreign policy, forms programs for the development of education and healthcare;

Ensuring social protection and social guarantee. The state guarantees a minimum wage, old-age pensions, disability pensions, unemployment benefits, various types of assistance to the poor, indexes fixed incomes due to rising prices, etc.

The state influences the market mechanism through:

1) your expenses,

2) taxation,

3) regulation,

4) state entrepreneurship.

Government spending is considered one of the important instruments of macroeconomic policy. They affect the distribution of both income and resources. Large items are spending on defense, education, social security.

An essential element of expenses is transfer payments. This, as already mentioned, includes various types of benefits (for unemployment, for disability, for a child, for income support), old-age pensions, and war veterans.

Another important instrument of state policy is taxation. Taxes play a significant role in the redistribution of income.

State regulation contributes to the formation of economic relations and proportions, the coordination of economic processes and the linking of private and public interests. State regulation is carried out in various forms - legislative, tax, credit, subvention. The legislative form means that special legislative acts are adopted that provide relatively equal opportunities for competition, expand the boundaries of competition, and prevent the development of monopolized production and the setting of exorbitantly high prices.

Antimonopoly (antitrust) legislation is aimed at counteracting the monopolization of the economy, at stimulating competition. In particular, in the Russian Federation in March 1991 the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted the law "On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities in Commodity Markets". This law provides for measures against the formation of large companies such as trusts and concerns, as well as against unfair competition. A social body has been created - the RSFSR State Committee for Antimonopoly Policy and Support for New Economic Structures. This Committee is instructed to exercise control over the fact that the formation of associations, corporations, concerns does not lead to monopolization in the market. It has the right to give permission for the registration of new large economic structures and for the re-registration of existing large organizations.

At the international level, competition is regulated by special interstate agreements, documents of the UN Commission on Industry and Trade, the European Economic Community and other organizations.

Tax and credit forms of regulation provide for the use of taxes and credits in order to influence the national volume of production. By changing tax rates, benefits, the government influences the narrowing or expansion of production, investment decisions. By varying the terms of credit, the state affects the decrease or increase in production. By selling securities, it reduces bank reserves, thus raising interest rates and consequently reducing production. By buying securities, the state increases bank reserves, while interest rates fall and production expands. The subvention form of regulation involves the provision of state subsidies or tax incentives to certain industries, enterprises (mainly such industries as agriculture, mining, shipbuilding, transport). The share of the subvention in the GNP of developed countries is 5-10%. By allocating subsidies, lowering tax rates, the state thereby changes the distribution of resources, and subsidized industries are able to recover costs that they otherwise could not cover at market prices.

Some Western economists believe that subventions disrupt the operation of the market mechanism, hinder the adequate distribution of economic resources, and hinder the market's response to changes in demand and income on the demand side and to changes in costs and output on the supply side.

Public enterprise tends to take place in areas in which management is contrary to the nature of private firms, or in which huge investment and risk are required. State enterprises occupy significant positions in such sectors as energy, ferrous metallurgy, transport, and communications. The share of state entrepreneurship varies in different countries, but in these industries it is quite significant, as evidenced by the data.

2. State regulation of the market economy: necessity and opportunities

2.1 The main stages of interaction between the market economy and the state

For a better understanding of the need for state regulation, let's take a short excursion into the past - into the history of interaction between the state and the market economy. This is all the more interesting because the emergence of the state in time coincides with the emergence and development of commodity-money relations.

History shows that the interaction between the state and the market economy has gone through a number of stages.

At the first stages, which were quite long by historical standards, the state interfered little in market relations and acted as a political, rather than economic, institution. For its existence, it taxed certain subjects with taxes or tribute. For foreign merchants, duties were usually introduced. In a word, the state, being a superstructural institution, was not yet part of the economic basis.

Only at the stage of formation of capitalism as a social system based on market relations, the state begins to actively intervene in the economy, acting as the most important factor in the initial accumulation of capital. Thus, it played a crucial role in the formation and strengthening of a new mode of production. Let us note the main manifestations of this role.

1. The state waged wars in order to obtain indemnities, to create the most favorable external conditions for the economic activity of the national bourgeoisie.

2. In accordance with the recommendations of the representatives of mercantilism, the state established duties that protected the national market from the dominance of foreign goods, fought for the abolition of such duties in countries to which national producers sent goods.

3. In order to accelerate the accumulation of capital, legislation was used, such as the laws "On vagrancy", "On the working day", "On wages" adopted in England in the 18th century.

4. The state gave private companies the right to monopolize the sale of certain highly profitable goods: vodka, tobacco, tea, coffee, salt, etc.

5. Profitable government, primarily military, orders were placed at private enterprises.

6. With the help of the army and the police, the state ensured internal order, protection of property rights in accordance with the principle "private property is sacred and inviolable."

At the stage of capitalism of free competition, when the economy is dependent on the regulatory role of the market, state intervention in it noticeably weakens. The state pursues a policy of laissez-faire, that is, a policy of non-intervention in the economy. Its activity is reduced to maintaining external and internal conditions for the smooth functioning of the market mechanism.

The state is engaged in protecting national borders (here, figuratively speaking, it plays the role of a “night watchman”), maintaining internal order through the use of a judicial and repressive apparatus, levying taxes on the maintenance of the state apparatus, issuing paper money and certain types of securities. According to the postulates of modern liberalism, the role of the state should be limited to such activities even today.

At the stage of monopoly capitalism, there is a noticeable increase in state intervention in the economy.

First of all, such intervention was due to the policy of colonial conquests and preparations for wars for the redivision of the world. In this regard, the state was engaged in placing military orders, the share of which in total demand grew noticeably, provided by military-political and diplomatic methods favorable conditions for the export of capital by national monopolies, regulated the working and living conditions of workers.

The great crisis of 1929 - 1933, which occurred simultaneously with the accelerated development of the planned economy of the USSR, laid the foundation for the modern stage of interaction between the state and the market economy. There was an increase in state intervention in the economy, and an anti-crisis policy began to be pursued. In the 1930s in the United States, the "new course" of F. Roosevelt, which included the centralization of the banking system, a ban on the export of gold from the country, state control over prices, state lending to agriculture, helped bring the country out of the crisis. Thus, in the United States (and in parallel in Sweden), a system of state regulation of the economy began to take shape. After the Second World War, this system also emerged in other countries with market economies. On the basis of this system, a "social market economy" began to take shape in European countries, in which the state becomes a necessary and active subject not only of economic, but also of social life.

1. The presence in each country of public and mixed goods that cannot always be brought to the population through the market in full, especially those that are characterized by non-rivalry and non-excludability. These are personal and national security, transport services, education, healthcare, culture, etc. Such benefits should be provided by state law enforcement agencies, the country's army, the public road network, public education, health, culture, environmental authorities, etc.

2. Strengthening the social nature of the production of commodity goods. As a result, the economy becomes very vulnerable in the face of cyclical economic development, especially during times of crisis. There is a need for centralized public regulation of the economy. Moreover, the state is the only bearer of a conscious principle at the macroeconomic level. Other subjects - the population, firms, banks - are such only at the micro level. Their behavior as subjects of macroeconomics is often at odds with the public interest.

For example, we know that people in times of crisis tend to save more, rather than spend, in preparation for even worse times. This reduces aggregate demand and further aggravates the economic situation in the country. Firms behave in a similar way, nullifying investment spending during a crisis. Banks that increase the rate of interest when the economy enters a phase of crisis also contribute to this behavior. It can be seen that all these subjects behave rationally from the point of view of microeconomics, but not macroeconomics. The only entity capable of behaving rationally at the macrolevel is the state.

3. The emergence of negative external market effects, called externalities. External effects (externalities) are characterized by the occurrence as a result of market relations between some persons of damage or additional costs for other persons who are not the subjects of these relations.

The emergence of external effects is due to the fact that the economy exists in the external environment - social and natural, through which these effects manifest themselves. Accordingly, social and environmental externalities arise.

Social externalities include such phenomena as poverty, crime, unemployment, covering that part of the population that is outside the framework of market relations: the sick, the elderly, those with many children, and those who are professionally unsuitable. The state is forced to deal with all of them, providing them with material assistance. This ensures the necessary social instability in society for the development of the economy.

Environmental externalities are due to the fact that the market mechanism forces enterprises to reduce production costs, including environmental costs. As a result, the production of marketable products is accompanied by pollution of the natural environment and the occurrence of corresponding environmental damage, which is imposed on the whole society. Here, too, there is a need for a state environmental policy that forces enterprises to comply with certain standards for emissions of pollutants into the natural environment.

4. An important factor in state regulation of the economy is scientific and technological progress (STP). The implementation of many achievements of scientific and technical progress requires huge capital, which only the state is able to mobilize, especially since the return on the introduction of these achievements is not always fast. Scientific and technical progress requires more and more qualified labor force, which, again, can only be prepared on a large scale by the state, by developing a system of general and vocational education. Scientific and technological progress also imposes increased demands on people's health, which the state is forced to take on.

5. The state needs to intervene in the economy and in connection with the tendency to monopolize its most important areas, which violates the perfection of the market.

The market is becoming more and more imperfect and the state, through antimonopoly policy, seeks to prevent this trend.

6. Finally, state regulation is also developing under the influence of fierce international competition. Even large companies are not always easy to survive in this competition without government support.

In general, state regulation is necessary for a more sustainable economic, social, environmental and political development of society. It is ensured by maintaining the necessary macroeconomic proportions (primarily the ratio between aggregate demand and aggregate supply), ensuring social stability in society, maintaining a healthy environmental situation and, finally, maintaining a balance of political interests in society and ensuring confidence in the government from various parties, public movements.

2.3 Possibilities of state regulation of the market economy

By the middle of the twentieth century. the need for state regulation of the market economy was provided with appropriate opportunities.

These opportunities, first of all, include the expansion and strengthening of the public sector in the economy. This sector generates state property and funds that the state has.

The public sector itself arose with the advent of the state. The state has always had land, buildings, structures, equipment (primarily military), etc. There has always been a budget that was formed and used by the state and had an impact on the economy. However, the size of this sector was insignificant for a long time and did not have a significant impact on the economy. Thus, before the First World War, the share of the state in the national income of most countries with a market economy was 3-10%.

There were no radical changes after the war, except for the USSR, where the economy became planned. The situation changed radically after World War II. Many industrial and transport enterprises, communications, banks, scientific and educational institutions, healthcare institutions, part of the housing stock, public utilities, land, and forest land have become state property. True, if we take the state's share in the total means of production, then in different countries it is different: in the USA this share (without the Pentagon's property) is approximately 2%, in England -8 - 10%, in Germany - over 20%, in Japan and France - about 30%. The high proportion of state property was one of the reasons for characterizing the economies of many Western countries as mixed.

The expansion of state ownership was facilitated by the Second World War, which led to the emergence of many large military factories. In some countries, after the war, nationalization took place, that is, the transfer of a number of private enterprises to state ownership.

A significant role in the expansion of state ownership was played by the scientific and technological revolution, which led to the emergence of new and rather capital-intensive industries with a low rate of capital turnover. In addition, these industries required significant funds for R & D, which did not promise a quick return in the form of profit.

We are talking about nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing, rocket science, the development of which was provided by the state.

Since the scientific and technological revolution required a new workforce, the state had to take over the development of education, health care, and social services. The aggravation of international competition led in some countries to the bankruptcy of entire industries that were of national importance: the coal and gas industry, metallurgy, and rail transport. The state was forced to take care of their preservation and development.

In addition, the state had to go for the nationalization of some enterprises that had a natural monopoly: railway transport, energy, communications.

The state budget played an important role in the formation of the public sector. Thanks to him, the public sector received funds for its development. The nationalization of private enterprises was carried out at the expense of the state budget by means of a buyout, new enterprises were created, including infrastructure-type enterprises designed to serve the private sector.

The state budget became the basis for public procurement of goods from private firms. For example, in the US, about 20% of GNP comes from government purchases.

Significant opportunities for the state to influence the economy are associated with the redistribution of national income. In a number of countries over 50% of the national income passes through the state budget. The impact on the economy is carried out both in the process of forming the state budget through tax policy, and in the process of its use through budget policy. If in 1870 government spending in 14 OECD countries was only 11% of GDP, in 1913 it was 13%, then in 1960 - 28%, in 1980 - 42%, in 2000 - 45%.

An integral part of the public sector are state-owned banks, which in a number of countries have become the head of the banking system. It became possible to purposefully influence the state on the money supply, on the credit activity of private banks.

In general, the presence of the public sector in the economy allows the state to use economic methods of influencing the private sector as the basis of a market economy.

Significant opportunities for state regulation are associated with the formation of a powerful administrative and legal system in countries with developed market economies. Not only theory, but also practice has shown that society does not need a market in general, but an organized market operating within the framework of certain laws and rules. In this regard, economic law has been developed, a system of legislative regulation of the national economy has developed.

The administrative-legal system made it possible to exercise control over monopoly markets, external market effects, and ensure the protection of national interests in international markets.

The possibilities of the state have also expanded due to the strengthening of its nationwide character as a superstructural institution. If before the state acted as an instrument of the political power of the ruling class, then in modern conditions it is called upon to be an instrument for balancing class and social interests, ensuring national harmony and social peace. Understanding the need for such a role for the state makes the ruling classes more tolerant of its intervention in the private sector.

The strengthening of the national character of the modern state was also facilitated by the formation of the so-called middle class - a rather significant part of the population with average incomes, which became a kind of balancer between the poor and the rich.

It is also impossible not to note the role of science, especially economic science, in the theoretical support of state regulation of the economy. Of particular importance are economic and mathematical methods that make it possible to model economic processes and thereby foresee the consequences of political and economic decisions being made.

2.4 Contradictions of state regulation of the market economy

State regulation of the market economy after the Second World War gave good results. In the 50s - 60s. they even began to talk about the fact that the Western countries had entered the "golden age" of their development, the "age of prosperity." There were the following grounds for such statements:

The noted decades were a period of almost crisis-free development, especially for the countries of Western Europe and Japan;

Relatively high rates of economic growth were observed;

Employment was maintained at a consistently high level;

Income and standard of living of the population increased relatively quickly and steadily.

But by the end of the 60s. serious problems began to emerge, the roots of which began to be seen in state regulation of the economy. Scientists began to talk not only about the "defects" and "failures" of the market, but also about the "failures" and "defects" of the state.

Thus, the causes of inflation were found in the application in the post-war period of the Keynesian model of regulation, with its emphasis on fiscal policy measures. Indeed, in order to stimulate economic growth, the state often spent more money than was received in its budget in the form of taxes. The state budget deficit in many countries has become chronic and the main means of combating it has become the issue of money and government securities (government borrowings). All this could not but contribute to the growth of inflation.

Inflation was also associated with a policy of full employment. This policy assumed the involvement in production of all factors of production, including insufficiently efficient ones, but requiring remuneration at the level of efficient ones. Accordingly, the owners of efficient factors of production, primarily labor, demanded a higher price for them than for inefficient factors. The result was an "inflationary spiral". By the beginning of the 70s. inflation from creeping began to move into galloping.

The aggravation of the problem of inflation largely contributed to the fact that in the 70s. in countries with market economies, changes began to occur in the practice of regulating the economy. The Keynesian model was replaced by supply policy models. However, not without the impact of this policy, many countries faced such new problems as slapflation and stagflation.

Slapflation is characterized by a combination of economic recession, rising unemployment and high inflation, which is clearly contrary to the Philipps curve. Periods 1973 - 1975 and 1980 - 1982 characterized by a significant decline in production in almost all countries with market economies while maintaining inflationary processes.

Stagflation is characterized by a combination of economic stagnation, high unemployment and inflation. The unilateral movement of prices upwards, despite the unfavorable economic situation and even the decline in production - what has been called the "ratchet effect" - a phenomenon characteristic of stagflation.

In general, state regulation has encountered a number of contradictions.

1. The contradiction between the goals of state regulation. For example, it is necessary to simultaneously contain inflationary price increases and ensure full employment, which, as we have seen, is not always compatible. The contradiction between social justice and economic efficiency is highlighted, which is manifested in the fact that the desire of the state to achieve greater social justice through a more even distribution of national income leads to a decrease in the efficiency of production of the same national income. As a result, the "national pie" is not growing as fast, limiting the opportunities for increasing the incomes of the poorest part of the population.

2. Contradiction between models of state regulation. Basically, this is a contradiction between models that involve active state intervention in the economy, and models that involve very moderate intervention. As a result, in the policy of the state in the 70s - 90s. there was a kind of pendulum between dirigisme and liberalism, reflected in the successive replacement of representatives of dirigisme and liberalism in state power.

3. The contradiction between the instruments of state regulation.

For example, stimulating aggregate demand through fiscal policy can raise the interest rate and dampen net exports.

Narrows the possibility of exports and the policy of "expensive money". Excessive bank reserves, formed under the influence of government policy, do not always turn into loans, since banks limit them during a recession, taking care of their liquidity.

4. Contradictions caused by the presence of a time lag between the identification of problems existing in the economy, decision-making and the implementation of specific activities. The economy often reacts to these measures with a delay, and sometimes this reaction no longer corresponds to the economic situation that has changed since the decision was made.

All these contradictions appear as objectively inevitable, in connection with which the problem of choosing the optimal variant of state regulation arises. Economic science begins to play a large role in this choice. Its practical function is getting stronger and stronger.

3. State intervention in the economy and the problem of limiting such intervention

3.1. Ways of state intervention in the economy

First of all, it is important to distinguish between two main forms: direct intervention through the expansion of state ownership of material resources, lawmaking and management of industrial enterprises, and indirect intervention through various economic policies.

The direct intervention of the state is the adoption of legislative acts designed to streamline and develop relations between the elements of the market system. An example of state regulation of the economy through the issuance of legislative acts is the provision on cooperation in France.

indirect intervention. Depending on the purpose of the intervention, economic policy measures can be aimed at:

Stimulation of investments;

Ensuring full employment;

Stimulating the export and import of goods, capital and labor;

Impact on the general price level in order to stabilize it;

Support for sustainable economic growth;

Redistribution of income.

To carry out these various measures, the state resorts mainly to fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is budgetary policy. It can be defined as a policy pursued by manipulating government revenues and spending. Monetary policy is a policy pursued by regulating the money supply in circulation and improving the credit sector. Both these areas of public policy are closely related to each other. However, this connection in a market and centralized economy differs significantly.

Countries with a market economy are constantly looking for the optimal combination of state regulation and the functioning of a naturally formed market mechanism.

In a market economy, taxes play such an important role that it is safe to say that without a well-established, well-functioning tax system, an efficient market economy is impossible.

What exactly is the role of taxes in a market economy, what functions do they perform? Answering these questions, they usually begin with the fact that taxes play a decisive role in shaping the revenue side of the state budget. It is, of course, so. But the first place should be given to the function, without which it is impossible to do without in an economy based on commodity-money relations. This function of taxes is regulatory.

The market economy in developed countries is a regulated economy. It is impossible to imagine an effectively functioning market economy in the modern world, not regulated by the state. Another thing is how it is regulated, in what ways, in what forms.

State regulation is carried out in two main directions:

Regulation of market, commodity-money relations. It consists mainly in defining the "rules of the game", i.e. development of laws and regulations that determine the relationship between persons operating in the market, primarily entrepreneurs, employers and hired workers. These include laws, regulations, instructions of state bodies that regulate the relationship between producers, sellers and buyers, the activities of banks, as well as labor exchanges. This area of ​​state regulation of the market is not directly related to taxes.

Regulation of the development of the national economy, social production, when the main objective economic law operating in society is the law of value. Here we are talking mainly about the financial and economic methods of state influence on the interests of people, entrepreneurs, in order to direct their activities in the right, beneficial direction for society.

In market conditions, the methods of administrative subordination of entrepreneurs are reduced to a minimum, the very concept of “superior organizations” that have the right to manage the activities of enterprises with the help of orders, commands and orders is gradually disappearing.

Maneuvering tax rates, benefits and fines, changing the terms of taxation, introducing some and canceling other taxes, the state creates conditions for the accelerated development of certain industries and industries, contributes to solving problems that are urgent for society. Thus, at the present time there is perhaps no more important task for us than the development of agriculture, the solution of the food problem. In this regard, collective farms, state farms and other agricultural production are exempted from income tax in the Russian Federation.

Another example. It is well known that a well-functioning market economy cannot be imagined without the development of small businesses. Without it, it is difficult to create an economic environment favorable for the functioning of commodity-money relations. The state should promote the development of small business, support it by creating special funds for financing small businesses, preferential lending, and preferential taxation.

Another function of taxes is stimulating. With the help of taxes and benefits, the state stimulates the technical process, an increase in the number of jobs, capital investments to expand production, etc.

The next function of taxes is distributive, or redistributive. Through taxes, funds are concentrated in the state budget, which are then directed to solving national economic problems, both industrial and social, financing large intersectoral, comprehensive targeted programs - scientific, technical, economic, etc.

With the help of taxes, the state redistributes part of the profits of enterprises and entrepreneurs, the income of citizens, directing them to the development of industrial and social infrastructure, to investments and investments. The redistributive function of the tax system has a pronounced social character. A properly constructed tax system makes it possible to give a market economy a social orientation, as is done in Germany, Sweden and many other countries.

3.2. Limitation of state intervention in the country's economy

Obviously, the modern market system is unthinkable without state intervention. However, there is a line beyond which deformations of market processes occur, production efficiency falls. Then, sooner or later, the question arises of the denationalization of the economy, ridding it of excessive state activity. There are important limits to regulation. For example, any actions of the state that destroy the market mechanism (total directive planning, all-encompassing administrative control over prices, etc.) are unacceptable. This does not mean that the state absolves itself of responsibility for the uncontrolled rise in prices and should abandon planning. The market system does not exclude planning at the level of enterprises, regions, and even the national economy; however, in the latter case, it is usually “soft”, limited in terms of time, scope and other parameters, and acting in the form of national targeted programs. It should also be noted that the market is largely a self-adjusting system, and therefore it should be influenced only by indirect, economic methods. However, in some cases, the use of administrative methods is not only acceptable, but necessary. One cannot rely only on economic or only on administrative measures. On the one hand, any economic regulator carries elements of administration. For example, the circulation of money will not be affected by such a well-known economic method as the central bank lending rate until an administrative decision is made. On the other hand, there is something economic in every administrative regulator in the sense that it indirectly affects the behavior of participants in the economic process. By resorting, say, to direct price control, the state creates a special economic regime for producers, forces them to revise production programs, look for new sources of investment financing, etc.

Among the methods of state regulation, there are no completely unsuitable and absolutely ineffective. Everyone is needed, and the only question is to determine for each those situations where its use is most appropriate. Economic losses begin when the authorities go beyond the bounds of reason, giving excessive preference to either economic or administrative methods.

We must not forget that the economic regulators themselves should be used with extreme caution, without weakening or replacing market incentives. If the state ignores this requirement, launches regulators without thinking about how their action will affect the market mechanism, the latter begins to falter. After all, monetary or tax policy in terms of the strength of its impact on the economy is comparable to central planning.

It must be borne in mind that among economic regulators there is not a single ideal one. Any of them, bringing a positive effect in one area of ​​the economy, will certainly have negative consequences in others. Nothing can be changed here. The state using economic instruments of regulation is obliged to control them and stop them in a timely manner. For example, the state seeks to curb inflation by limiting the growth of the money supply. From the point of view of combating inflation, this measure is effective, but it leads to an increase in the cost of central and bank credit. And if interest rates rise, it becomes more and more difficult to finance investments, and economic development begins to slow down. This is how the situation is developing in Russia.

State intervention in the economy requires quite large expenditures. They include both direct costs (preparation of legislative acts and control over their execution) and indirect costs (on the part of firms that must comply with government instructions and reporting). In addition, it is believed that government regulations reduce the incentive for innovation, for the entry of new competitors into the industry, since this requires the permission of the relevant commission.

According to American experts, the state impact on economic life leads to a drop in growth rates by approximately 0.4% per year (Lipsey R., Steiner P., Purvis D. Economics, N. Y. 1987, P. 422).

Due to certain imperfections, government intervention sometimes entails losses. In this regard, in recent years, the issue of deregulation of the economy and privatization has become more acute. Deregulation involves the removal of legislative acts that hinder the entry of potential competitors into the market, set prices for certain goods and services. For example, in the United States in the 1980s, deregulation affected trucks, rail and air transport. As a result, prices have dropped and passenger service has improved. The deregulation of freight, air and rail transport has brought benefits to American society estimated at $39-63 billion, $15 billion, and $9-15 billion, respectively. in year

Privatization - the sale of state-owned enterprises to individuals or organizations - is aimed at increasing economic rationality. It is caused by the fact that state-owned enterprises are unprofitable and inefficient. Western economists emphasize that the public sector does not provide such a powerful incentive to reduce costs and make powerful profits, as does private enterprise. For an entrepreneur - one of two things: profit or loss. If a private enterprise suffers losses for a long time, then it is closed. A state-owned enterprise is assisted, so it may not seek to increase its profitability.

This once again proves that state intervention is needed only where it is vital. In all other cases, the market will more effectively solve the set economic tasks.

State regulation in agriculture. In the modern Western economy, agriculture is one of the most important areas of active intervention. In this area of ​​production, the main principle of the free market, namely the play of supply and demand, turns out to be practically inapplicable. True, state intervention is far from a panacea. For example, in Western Europe, governments traditionally pay great attention to the problems of the agricultural market, but neither producers nor consumers are satisfied with the state of affairs in the agricultural sector.

The source of the problems is that in developed countries, due to high labor productivity, the production of agricultural products significantly exceeds the needs of the population.

The goals of state regulation in the field of agriculture include:

a) increasing productivity through the introduction of technological progress and rationalization of production, the most efficient use of all production factors, especially labor;

b) ensuring employment in the agricultural sector and an appropriate standard of living for the rural population;

c) stabilization of markets for agricultural products;

d) guaranteed supply of the domestic market;

e) concern for the supply of agricultural products to consumers at "reasonable prices".

The state establishes and annually reviews the minimum prices for the most important agricultural products. Thus, producers are protected from a sharp drop in prices. At the same time, the domestic market is protected from cheap imports and excessive price fluctuations through a system of additional import duties. Therefore, in the EU countries, food prices are noticeably higher than world market prices. Expenses in connection with the implementation of the agrarian policy shall be borne by the state budget.

The functioning of this mechanism can be illustrated by the example of the grain market. The starting point is the approximate price recommended by the state. It somewhat exceeds the market price, which not only guarantees the income of farmers, but also creates incentives to expand production. As a result, supply exceeds demand. When the market price drops to a certain level, the grain offered by farmers is bought up by the state at the so-called "intervention price" in unlimited quantities.

Thus, although each producer must bear the marketing risk himself, in practice this rule does not apply to producers of many agricultural products.

There are also mechanisms to protect against cheap imports and encourage exports. This means that an import duty is imposed on imports, equating the price of the product with the domestic price. When exporting, the state pays the exporters the difference between the domestic price and the world market price.

It should be noted that this policy provoked many problems. On the one hand, huge stocks of food have been accumulated, on the other hand, the discontent of the peasants, who believe that their subsistence minimum is not provided. In this situation, large agro-industrial enterprises receive decent incomes, while small producers barely make ends meet.

Thus, agriculture remains a weak point of state regulation. However, apparently, the state of affairs in agriculture will remain unchanged.

3.3. Features of state regulation of the economy in Russia

In order to explain the reasons for the current state of affairs regarding the level of economic regulation in Russia, let us consider the events taking place in the country quite recently, 25-30 years ago, when:

In Russia, a command-administrative system of government was practiced, imperative planning, and the state form of ownership prevailed;

There was a low efficiency of the public sector in the economy, encouragement of the so-called planned unprofitable enterprises;

The inability of the state to provide the necessary rates of economic growth was revealed;

This order of things gave rise to dependency and inertia of both the consumer and the producer;

Excessive state intervention led to the undermining of the market, its natural laws.

Protesting against these postulates, it was proposed to carry out cardinal reforms.

First of all, they abandoned the idea - the practice of the country as a single factory, one nationwide trust, the primacy of the state in the economy. The ideas of liberalism, monetarism, privatization, freedom of economic agents in production and exchange became topical.

During the period of reforms carried out after 1991, the previously dominant structure based on public property was transformed into other structures with a clear increase in the share of private entrepreneurship.

The paternalistic model of relationships that existed between the state and the enterprise was finally destroyed by 1996. Businesses have lost confidence in state bodies and often refused to pay taxes. In 1993, there was still a consensus of interests between the state and the enterprise, that is, the state gave privileged loans, and in exchange for this, the enterprise paid taxes.

The ugly nature of the reforms undertaken has led to rampant criminality on an unprecedented scale. Massive criminalization of all spheres of public life accompanied the process of ill-conceived privatization, in fact, the seizure of public property by a few. The emergence of thousands of joint-stock companies and the mandatory legal requirement to buy back part of the shares using vouchers exclusively gave a powerful impetus to the development of the stock market with all its negative consequences. Most of the fraud was associated with circulation, theft, forgery of vouchers, falsification of privatization documents, underestimation of the residual value of funds of privatized enterprises, and so on.

The inefficient activities of the state at that time can be judged by the following indicators: as of 2000, compared to 1990, Russia's GDP was less than 59%, industrial production - 54.5, agricultural production - 61.2, investment in fixed assets - 27.5% .

It is clear that the government should, first of all, take care of reforming and democratizing state property itself, and only then move on to privatization.

Turning to modern aspects of state regulation of the economy, we can say that a modern market economy, as a rule, is built on a contractual basis. Under such conditions, both the object and the subject of national economic influence fundamentally change. The subjects of influence are the federal government, administrations of the subject of the Federation, industry and intersectoral associations and enterprises.

Many economists note that in the Russian economy there is a need for the state to influence:

Sphere of production;

Scope of circulation;

the field of management;

social infrastructure;

To preserve and increase the scientific and technological potential of Russia, a set of carefully designed measures is required. First of all, the development and implementation of the state scientific and technical policy. This is one of the most important tasks facing state administration bodies at the present stage. The main criteria should not be the formal pace of reforms, but the minimization of the loss of national wealth, the achievement of a real improvement in the life of the population.

There is a position that modern Russia will not be able to “get out” of the rather difficult economic situation that it is now facing only by attracting financial resources and ensuring their circulation in the country, but by creating a proper and appropriate production base. The country's economy cannot stay afloat only by exporting natural energy resources. Thus, one of the main functions of the state at the present moment is the creation of capacities for the processing, food, technology, and machine-building industries.

One can give an example of the successful action of the government of our country in relation to the automotive industry.

Using the example of protectionist measures, one can show the role of state regulation in the Russian Federation. During the formation of market relations, foreign automobile companies began to penetrate the Russian market to form their own distribution network. While domestic automakers were doing very badly: production costs were growing catastrophically, quality was dropping rapidly, prices were becoming prohibitive - there was an overstocking of products, demand was falling. The prices of domestic cars approached foreign ones, while the quality of foreign cars was much higher. In the end, under pressure from domestic automakers, the government was forced to impose state duties on imported motor vehicles in the amount of more than 100%. On the one hand, in order to prevent enterprises and allied enterprises from going bankrupt, this is correct, on the other hand, the state put them in a virtual state of monopoly headed by AVTOVAZ, since, in fact, there was no serious competition between domestic automakers, because they occupied different industrial niches.

Well, I know from my own experience that they didn’t buy less foreign cars, but we didn’t lose such an important industry as the automotive industry.

As for price fixing, over the past three years the government of the Russian Federation has repeatedly fixed prices for the products of various imaginary monopolies. Such measures cannot be called a wise response to the problems of competition in the formation of market relations. First, the government did not have clear criteria and a reliable methodology for identifying monopoly enterprises, and as a result, hundreds and even thousands of enterprises fell into this category. It also underestimated the ability of international competition or the freedom to start new companies to limit the power of real monopolies. Secondly, price control strikes quite competitive industries and does not lead to competitive prices, but to a shortage of goods. And thirdly, state price fixing can encourage enterprises to develop an unspoken common monopoly strategy. Thus, by setting high official prices for this or that product, the government may inadvertently promote the emergence of a monopoly where there used to be one. State prices actually become not a ceiling, but a price threshold for enterprises in the industry, contrary to the good intentions of the government.

Of course, when forming market relations in Russia, it is necessary to pursue a policy of protecting domestic producers from imports of foreign goods, but not to the extent that was stated above and as our government did in principle.

It is now clear that the objects of close attention of state bodies should be:

The problem of choosing a strategy for national development, the main component of which is to strengthen the unity of the state;

Problems of rational development of areas rich in natural resources; economic and social development of the North, Eastern Siberia; energy supply for the eastern part of the country, etc.;

Major regional socio-economic and environmental problems, such as economic recovery and increased employment levels in depressed areas, resettlement of forced migrants and refugees.


In the course of this work, we considered some of the tasks we set at the beginning of our study.

First, we studied the role of the state in the country's economy and the functions of the state. No one denies the need for the state to perform certain functions in the economic sphere. However, on the issues in what proportions state and market regulation should be combined, what are the boundaries and directions of state intervention, there is a fairly wide range of theoretical views and practical approaches corresponding to them - from complete state monopoly in the management of the national economy to extreme economic liberalism, when it is argued that The economy can be efficient only in conditions of unrestricted private enterprise.

Secondly, we considered the state regulation of the market economy.

The market system is, first of all, flexibility and dynamism in decision-making, both on the part of consumers and producers. State policy simply has no right to lag behind changes in the market system, otherwise it will turn from an effective stabilizer and regulator into a bureaucratic superstructure that hinders the development of the economy. Very often, the state is the root cause of changes in the economic behavior of entrepreneurs. Decisions made by the government influence decisions made (or not made) at the micro level. Government policy achieves its goal only when it encourages and does not dictate. When creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, their private interest will coincide with the interest of the state, that is, society. Consequently, the state should simply make more accessible to entrepreneurs that sector of the economy, which is the highest priority for it.

It should be noted that the state should not interfere in those areas of the economy where its intervention is not necessary. This is not only unnecessary, but also harmful to the economy.

Thirdly, the task that we set and completed was to study state intervention in the economy and the problem of limiting such intervention. The state intervenes in economic processes in various ways, both direct (issuance of legal acts regulating certain relations) and indirectly. Obviously, the modern market system is unthinkable without state intervention. However, there is a line beyond which deformations of market processes occur, production efficiency falls. Then, sooner or later, the question arises of the denationalization of the economy, ridding it of excessive state activity. There are important limits to regulation. For example, any actions of the state that destroy the market mechanism (total directive planning, all-encompassing administrative control over prices, etc.) are unacceptable.

We also examined the features of state regulation of the economy in Russia. There is a position that modern Russia will not be able to “get out” of the rather difficult economic situation that it is now facing only by attracting financial resources and ensuring their circulation in the country, but by creating a proper and appropriate production base. The country's economy cannot stay afloat only by exporting natural energy resources. Thus, one of the main functions of the state at the present moment is the creation of capacities for the processing, food, technology, and machine-building industries.

In general, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the state in the economy. It creates conditions for economic activity, protects entrepreneurs from the threat of monopolies, provides for the needs of society in public goods, provides social protection for low-income sections of the population, and solves issues of national defense.

Thus, we can conclude that the purpose of this work - to study the issue of state regulation of the economy - has been fulfilled.


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Agapova T.A., Seregina S.F. // Macroeconomics: Textbook / Ed. Sidorovich A.V. M.: Business and Service, 2006. - 279 p.

Porokhovskiy A. Phenomenon of the "new economy" and the functions of the state (materials for lectures) // Russian Economic Journal. - 2006. - No. 9. – p. 10

Macroeconomics: Theory and Russian practice: textbook / Ed. A.G. Gryaznova and N.N. Duma. M.: "KNORUS", 2006. - 181 p.

Nikolaeva M.A., Makhotaeva N.Yu. Evolution of the state economic policy of Russia / World economy and international relations. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 18

First of all, it is important to distinguish between two main forms: direct intervention through the expansion of state ownership of material resources, lawmaking and management of industrial enterprises, and indirect intervention through various economic policies.

The direct intervention of the state is the adoption of legislative acts designed to streamline and develop relations between the elements of the market system. An example of state regulation of the economy through the issuance of legislative acts is the provision on cooperation in France.

indirect intervention. Depending on the purpose of the intervention, economic policy measures can be aimed at:

Stimulation of investments;

Ensuring full employment;

Stimulating the export and import of goods, capital and labor;

Impact on the general price level in order to stabilize it;

Support for sustainable economic growth;

Redistribution of income.

To carry out these various measures, the state resorts mainly to fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is budgetary policy. It can be defined as a policy pursued by manipulating government revenues and spending. Monetary policy is a policy pursued by regulating the money supply in circulation and improving the credit sector. Both these areas of public policy are closely related to each other. However, this connection in a market and centralized economy differs significantly.

Countries with a market economy are constantly looking for the optimal combination of state regulation and the functioning of a naturally formed market mechanism.

In a market economy, taxes play such an important role that it is safe to say that without a well-established, well-functioning tax system, an efficient market economy is impossible.

What exactly is the role of taxes in a market economy, what functions do they perform? Answering these questions, they usually begin with the fact that taxes play a decisive role in shaping the revenue side of the state budget. It is, of course, so. But the first place should be given to the function, without which it is impossible to do without in an economy based on commodity-money relations. This function of taxes is regulatory.

The market economy in developed countries is a regulated economy. It is impossible to imagine an effectively functioning market economy in the modern world, not regulated by the state. Another thing is how it is regulated, in what ways, in what forms.

State regulation is carried out in two main directions:

Regulation of market, commodity-money relations. It consists mainly in defining the "rules of the game", i.e. development of laws and regulations that determine the relationship between persons operating in the market, primarily entrepreneurs, employers and hired workers. These include laws, regulations, instructions of state bodies that regulate the relationship between producers, sellers and buyers, the activities of banks, as well as labor exchanges. This area of ​​state regulation of the market is not directly related to taxes.

Regulation of the development of the national economy, social production, when the main objective economic law operating in society is the law of value. Here we are talking mainly about the financial and economic methods of state influence on the interests of people, entrepreneurs, in order to direct their activities in the right, beneficial direction for society.

In market conditions, the methods of administrative subordination of entrepreneurs are reduced to a minimum, and the very concept of "superior organizations" that have the right to manage the activities of enterprises with the help of orders, commands and orders is gradually disappearing.

Maneuvering tax rates, benefits and fines, changing the terms of taxation, introducing some and canceling other taxes, the state creates conditions for the accelerated development of certain industries and industries, contributes to solving problems that are urgent for society. Thus, at the present time there is perhaps no more important task for us than the development of agriculture, the solution of the food problem. In this regard, collective farms, state farms and other agricultural production are exempted from income tax in the Russian Federation.

Another example. It is well known that a well-functioning market economy cannot be imagined without the development of small businesses. Without it, it is difficult to create an economic environment favorable for the functioning of commodity-money relations. The state should promote the development of small business, support it by creating special funds for financing small businesses, preferential lending, and preferential taxation.

Another function of taxes is stimulating. With the help of taxes and benefits, the state stimulates the technical process, an increase in the number of jobs, capital investments to expand production, etc.

The next function of taxes is distributive, or redistributive. Through taxes, funds are concentrated in the state budget, which are then directed to solving national economic problems, both industrial and social, financing large intersectoral, comprehensive targeted programs - scientific, technical, economic, etc.

With the help of taxes, the state redistributes part of the profits of enterprises and entrepreneurs, the income of citizens, directing them to the development of industrial and social infrastructure, to investments and investments. The redistributive function of the tax system has a pronounced social character. A properly constructed tax system makes it possible to give a market economy a social orientation, as is done in Germany, Sweden and many other countries.