Cooperation between family and school in modern conditions. Parent meeting on the topic “Collaboration between family and school is an important condition for student success” Since you are here...

Raising children is a common task of the entire community of parents, teachers and the public. By uniting, we will be able to achieve our goals - so that our children are well-mannered, educated, and have clearly formed civic positions.



Interaction between school and parents.

Very often you hear the opinion that everything comes from the family. This is true. The main character traits are either genetically determined or formed under the influence of parents in infancy. But this does not detract from the role of school in the formation and education of the individual. Those seeds that were sown by parents can equally die or germinate in the school environment under the influence of the class team, teachers and class teacher. It seems to me that everyone will agree with the formulation that education is one of the most complex social processes.

For a full process of learning, upbringing and formation of a child’s personality, an appropriate microclimate is required between: school and family, family and teachers, teachers and students, students and peers.

The ideal option for educational work is equal, friendly interaction between parents, children and school staff.
Interaction with parents is carried out through the involvement of parents in the educational process.

The need to organize work with parents is caused by concern for the individual development of each student: it is necessary that favorable conditions are created in the family and that family education is in harmony with the school education system, so that the educational results of the school are not “erased” by the family, so that there is no pedagogical opposition between the family and schools, which primarily affects the student and his development. Cooperation between family and school is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand.

The school offers the following types of work:

Educational - to teach parents to see and understand the changes occurring in their children;

Advisory - a joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on a child in the process of acquiring social and labor skills.

The essence of interaction between school and family is that both parties should be interested in studying the child, revealing and developing his best qualities and properties. Such interaction is based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, mutual support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other. This will help teachers and parents unite their efforts in creating conditions for the formation in the child of those qualities and properties that are necessary for his self-determination and self-realization, for overcoming difficulties and self-rehabilitation in case of failure.
Children, parents, and teachers are united by common concerns and problems, the outcome of which depends significantly on the nature of their interaction. Cooperation between school and family is the result of the purposeful and long-term work of the class teacher, which, first of all, involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of the child’s family upbringing.
The interaction of teachers with parents involves the development of uniform requirements for the child, the definition of educational tasks and the organization of joint activities of teachers and parents to implement these tasks.

The nature of interaction between teachers and families depends on the position of parents, who have different attitudes towards school, see their role in organizing educational work at school and in the classroom, raise a child in the family differently, and have different intellectual levels.
Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate work with families and parents, not imposing the same forms of interaction on everyone, but focusing on the needs, requests of parents, characteristics of the family and family upbringing, patiently involving them in the affairs of the school, class, and their child. The basis is group and individual forms of work with families and parents. At the same time, there are problems that concern all parents or are relevant to the educational activities of children in a given class. Such issues are discussed at general meetings.

Parent meetingsThey bring teachers and parents closer together, bring the family closer to the school, and help determine the most optimal ways of influencing the educational influence on the child. At meetings, parents are systematically introduced to the goals and objectives, content, forms and methods of raising and teaching children in the family and school. Parent meetings can be structured in different ways. Their main part - the communication of pedagogical knowledge - can be expressed in a lecture, report, conversation, dispute, discussion. This could be a seminar lesson, watching and discussing a movie, or a business game between teachers and parents.

Individual articles can be read, selections of excerpts from the works of classics of pedagogical literature, and problem situations can be posed. This technique activates the audience, stimulates the exchange of opinions, and the desire for pedagogical self-education.

Active formsinteractions between teachers and parents can include conferences to share experiences, question and answer evenings, debates, meetings with teachers, administration, specialists /doctors, psychologists, social workers, etc./
The teacher carries out targeted work to form relationships between children and their parents, creates situations for nurturing children’s respectful attitude towards their parents.

This can be facilitated by:
a) congratulations on holidays, birthday (gifts, surprises);
b) essays whose themes are related to stories about your loved ones;
c) stories about the professions of their parents;
d) creative meetings with parents, talking about their hobbies;
e) organizing exhibitions of the results of parents’ work.

Unfortunately, there are some parents who believe that they are obliged to clothe and feed their children, and education is the job of the school. These parents are wrong. The family is the basis of a person’s primary socialization; it is in the family that the foundations of personality are laid. Parents, by their example, help their child master such concepts as honesty, responsiveness, and integrity. To prevent a child from being two-faced, family and school must work in the same direction.
Education is a mutual and very important matter.

The ideal that the family, the school, and our entire society strives for is a comprehensively developed person, educated, healthy physically and morally, who knows how and loves to work. From this point of view, the main tasks of school teachers’ work with schoolchildren’s parents are determined: systematic, comprehensive pedagogical education of parents.

When building interaction between family and school, certain problems must be taken into account: raising one child in a family, the specific influence of an incomplete family on the child; lack of communication between parents and children due to the high employment of parents.

When giving advice, trying, if necessary, to make adjustments to the educational influence of parents on the child, one must remember that direct, tactless interference in the internal affairs of the family can cause protest and cause harm that is difficult to repair. After all, every parent raises their children as they see fit, based on their knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs. You should be very attentive to your parents' requests. You can refuse to fulfill a request only if its implementation could harm the child. Individual communication not only allows the teacher to influence parents, but also, in turn, greatly helps him in choosing the right approach to children.

Individual work with parents and other adult members of a student’s family is complex and varied.

The advantage of individual work is that, being alone with the teacher, parents tell him more openly about the problems of intra-family relationships, which they would never talk about in front of strangers. During individual conversations, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: the content of an individual conversation should be the property of only those talking, it should not be disclosed. Much about school and family depends on the first meeting. In the first conversation with parents, you should not talk about the difficulties of working with children. We must try to give parents confidence that qualified teachers will teach and raise their son or daughter and that all the necessary conditions have been prepared for this.

Raising children is a common task of the entire community of parents, teachers and the public. By uniting, we will be able to achieve our goals - so that our children are well-mannered, educated, and have clearly formed civic positions.

Parents of students are no less interested in the success of the school than teachers and their children. From all of the above, we can conclude that solving the problem of socialization of a child’s personality is impossible without close cooperation and active interaction between the school and parents.

Astezheva M. M.

Svetlana Sadovshchikova
Interaction between teachers and families: traditions and modernity

: tradition and modernity

“A child is a living person. This is not at all an ornament of our life, it is a separate full-blooded and rich life. In terms of the strength of emotions, the anxiety and depth of impressions, the purity and beauty of volitional tension, a child’s life is incomparably richer than the life of adults.”

Anton Makarenko

Interaction children's preschool institutions with parents in accordance with the current requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (federal state educational standard of preschool education) - as one of the most important aspects family interactions and a child care facility. Raising the younger generation means understanding between preschool and family. Often teachers and parents of children do not find a common language - they do not have enough patience, tact, and often time to hear and understand each other. The new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education strengthen the role of parents in the educational process, both at the level of each kindergarten and at the municipal level. The education system is faced with clear tasks: for the effectiveness of the educational process in each children's institution, responsibility is assigned to parents, since the quality of education and development of preschool children depends on the active position of the parent community (Federal State Educational Standards BEFORE Part I, clause 1.6, clause 9).

Collaboration between parents and teachers is based on equality of partnership positions, respectful attitude of the two interested parties. During interaction Individual abilities and capabilities must be taken into account. Active joint interaction between parents and teachers– an opportunity to better know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, the right system relationships, based on mutual knowledge, mutual trust, mutual understanding and mutual respect. Work on organizing active interaction The preschool educational institution with its parents is in a stage of dynamic development. And if just a few years ago it was quite difficult to attract parents to the work of a kindergarten, today the situation has changed dramatically.

Parents have become much more proactive and often offer new forms of communication themselves.

- Teachers became more professional and courageous, actively using creativity and imagination in their work.

The forms of communication between educators and parents have changed, and today interact not only with the active cell, but also with all parents. Despite the fact that when preparing for group events, the initiative most often comes from teachers, the good thing is that parents willingly support these endeavors.

Traditional forms are subdivided on:

Informational and visual (materials on stands, folders, recommendations, exhibitions of children's works, photo exhibitions);

Individual (conversations, consultations);

Collective (parent meetings, conferences, round tables, thematic consultations).

Leisure (joint leisure, holidays, exhibitions, excursions, fairs, school for a young parent);

Recently, new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in active participation, as in pedagogical process, and in the life of kindergarten.

Currently interaction with parents of pupils, occupies a worthy place among the priority areas of the educational process of preschool institutions. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in recent years a new philosophy has begun to develop and be implemented. family interactions and preschool. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are designed to support and complement their educational activities.

IN modern preschool educational institutions use new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents, allowing them to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child.

Word "interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", Where "inter"- This mutual, "act"- act.

Interactive means ability to interact or be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or anyone (for example, a person).

The most common task teacher in interactive technology is facilitation (support, relief)- directing and assisting the information exchange process.

Currently actively used non-traditional interactive forms of working with parents, based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents. In new forms interaction The principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented with parents. Plan ahead for conflicting viewpoints on parenting issues (punishments and rewards, preparation for school, etc.). The positive side of such forms is that a ready-made point of view is not imposed on the participants; they are forced to think and look for their own way out of the current situation.

Family clubs. Unlike parent meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest.

Discussion is one of the most important forms of activity that stimulates the formation of a communicative culture.

The following forms are distinguished: discussions:

The round table is the most famous shape; its peculiarity is that the participants exchange opinions with each other with complete equality of rights for each;

Symposium - a discussion of a problem, during which participants take turns making presentations and then answering questions;

Debate is a discussion in the form of pre-prepared speeches by representatives of opposing, rival parties and refutations, after which the floor is given to participants from each team for questions and comments.

Interactive play is an intervention (intervention) leading into a group situation "here and now", which structures the activities of group members in accordance with a specific learning goal.

Such interventions are known by other names - "structuring exercises", "simulation games", "role-playing games" and so on.

Term "interactive games", emphasizes two main sign: game character and opportunity interaction.

Thematic events are one of the interactive forms of working with parents. Promotions are aimed at cooperation families in solving problems of education and upbringing of children, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in the matter of civic education and upbringing of the child.

Thus, family interaction and kindergarten is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires teachers and parents patience, creativity and mutual understanding. In new forms interaction The principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented with parents. Variety of interactive forms interaction with parents, allows educators to significantly improve relationships with families, increase pedagogical culture of parents, expand children's understanding of various educational areas.

List of used literature

1. Arnautova E. P. We are planning to work with family. // Management of preschool educational institutions 2002, No. 4.

2. Antipina, G. A. New forms of working with parents in modern preschool educational institution [Text] / G. A. Antipova // Preschool teacher. - 2011. - No. 12. – P. 88 – 94.

3. Arnautova, E. P. We are planning to work with family. [Text]/ E. P. Arnautova. // Management of preschool educational institutions. - 2006.- No. 4. – P. 66 – 70

4. Antonova T, Volkova E., Mishina N. Problems and search modern forms of cooperation kindergarten teachers with family child // D/v 1998 No. 6

5. Bogoslavets L. G., Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A., “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” Preschool educational institution management 2008, No. 5

6. Borisova, N. P. Kindergarten and parents. Search for active forms interaction[Text] / Borisova N. P., Zankevich S. Yu. // Det. garden. control. – 2007. - No. 2. – P. 5-6

7. Eliseeva, T. P. Kindergarten and family: modern forms of interaction [Text] / T. P. Eliseeva. – Mn.: Lexis, 2007. – 68 p.

8. Khabibullina R. Sh. “System of working with parents of pupils. Assessment of the activities of preschool educational institutions by parents" // Preschool pedagogy 2007., №7.

9. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten.

10. Shatveryan T. S., Prishchepa S. S. “Technology for harmonization of parent-child relationships”.

Interaction between teachers and families: tradition and modernity

Cooperation between family and school in modern conditions.

Bolshakova M. P.

Krasnova S. B.


I would like to start our message with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who, with his characteristic enthusiasm and correctness, asserted: “The task of the school and parents is to give every child happiness. Happiness is multifaceted. It lies in the fact that a person reveals his abilities, loves work and becomes a creator in it, and in enjoying the beauty of the world around him and creating beauty for others, and in loving another person, being loved, raising children as real people . Only together with parents, through common efforts, can teachers give children great human happiness.”

The provisions of the Law “On Education”, proclaiming “the democratic, state-public nature of education management...” serve as the initial norms for ensuring cooperation between schools and parents (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992).
The new Federal State Educational Standard, defining the family as the most important institution of society, the basis and support of the state, responsible for the socialization of new generations, considers parents as equal participants in the educational process. “In order to ensure the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education in an educational institution, conditions must be created for participants in the educational process to ensure the possibility of participation of students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff and the public in the development of the basic educational program of primary general education, design and development intra-school social environment, as well as in the formation and implementation of individual educational routes for students" (Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2011).

The issue of interaction between family and school is very relevant, since changes in socio-political, socio-economic relations have entailed socio-psychological changes in interpersonal relationships.

Today, many families are concerned, first of all, with economic well-being; parents spend most of the day at work, and at home they prefer to discuss money problems, increasingly avoiding raising a child, shifting this mission to school teachers.

This also creates problems in the relationship between family and school. The educational institutions themselves and the general mental component of the family have changed. There was a sharp differentiation of families according to economic criteria, social status, and requirements for an educational institution. Traditionally, the nature of interaction between family and school was described as advisory and control and concerned mainly with issues of the child’s academic performance and attendance at school. Today, the range of aspects of interaction has expanded significantly: these include issues of academic performance and upbringing of children, issues of professional determination and specialized training, issues of assistance to the school and issues of school management through a state-public structure.

Thus, there are a number of contradictions that need to be resolved:

Between the new demands of the family, taking into account their differentiation towards the educational institution, and the insufficiency of mechanisms to satisfy these requests;

Between the problem of raising a communicative, tolerant, independent personality of a schoolchild and its successful socialization and insufficient integration of family and school.

In these conditions, when the principle of public and civil governance is being implemented, and taking into account the prevailing importance of the family in the formation, education and socialization of the individual, the relationship between the family and teachers must correspond to the concept of an “open” school.

The family is central to a child's upbringing, plays a major role in shaping the child’s worldview and moral standards of behavior.

Interaction between school and family in raising a child is necessary, because parents want to see their children as worthy citizens of our society.

Without each other's help, it is impossible to ensure high results in education.

Objectives of cooperation “Family and School”:

    Make school and family allies in raising children;

    Ensure mutual understanding and coordination of actions between school and family (implement an integrated approach);

    Neutralize possible negative influences on the child;

    Compensate and adjust family education through joint efforts: identify, support, develop

The foundations of a person’s personal development are laid in the family in early childhood.

Family education has a number of advantages:

    it is individual, affects directly a given person;

    love for parents ensures the fullness of the child’s feelings;

    the family as a social microgroup conveys diverse social experience to the younger generation and is the most important stage in the socialization of the individual

Responsibilities and rights of the family

From the Constitution and Family Code of the Russian Federation:

Raising children is the constitutional responsibility of parents. They are called upon:

    raise children in the spirit of respect and love for work,

    prepare them for socially useful activities,

    teach discipline

    take care of the development and strengthening of physical and mental health,

    encourage a conscious choice of profession.

Responsibilities and rights of the school

Bears responsibility for the life and health of the student during the educational process (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation)

Organizes the educational process at school

Provides the student with the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the scope of general education, with the issuance, subject to successful passing of the state final certification, a state-issued certificate (certificate);

Within the school, it creates the most favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the student’s personality, and the comprehensive development of his abilities.

Adequately applies the forms, methods and means of organizing the educational process to the age and psychophysiological characteristics, inclinations, abilities, and interests of the student.

Provides the student with additional educational services: electives, subject clubs, sports sections, social assistance.

Organizes (if necessary) various forms of pedagogical and psychological support to assist students who do not master the curriculum (for objective and valid reasons).

The effectiveness of raising a child depends on how closely the school and family interact.

The atmosphere of disagreement, hostility and nervousness creates a bad mood in children with which they go to school, where they cannot concentrate on the material and take out aggression on others.

Often, concern for material benefits for a child completely pushes the sense of responsibility and duty into the background and negatively affects the child’s personality.

Reasonable parental control helps children to be more responsible in fulfilling their responsibilities and to overcome negative temptations.

It is necessary and important for parents to monitor compliance with the daily routine, know who their children are friends with, where and how they spend their leisure time, and encourage them to carry out their school duties and help around the house.

For a long time, the school has been the center for the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents, and in a broad sense, of society as a whole, since each member of society directly or indirectly, fully or partially, carries out educational functions.

Currently, we have developed a system of events aimed at cooperation with parents: these are parent-teacher meetings; meetings of parent committees; organizing concerts for parents; school-wide and class events with parent participation; individual work; organization of joint excursion trips, etc. Parents' help plays an important role in the development of children's educational activities and the cultivation of cognitive interests. Exhibitions of children's handicrafts from various materials, made with the participation of parents, are regularly held. Adult family members help our students select and organize information for messages and projects in environmental and other lessons, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The projects “My Genealogy” and “Traditions of My Family,” which are implemented in grades 1 and 4, deserve special attention.

Union "SCHOOL-STUDENT-FAMILY" is aimed at the well-being and harmonious development of the student’s personality, at preserving the desire to learn, at strengthening self-confidence. This cooperation is the result of enormous efforts and creativity of both parties - schools and families.

School is a second home, a second family,

That's why they are connected.

After all, family plays a big role in education

Began to be assigned these days.

This connection is getting stronger and stronger,

And it grows and gets stronger every day.

And learning is easier and more fun

If we live in close friendship.


    Lizinsky V.M. “Practical education at school”, M, Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2002.

    Gutkina LD. Planning and organization of educational work at school. M. Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2002.

    Kuznetsova LV. Educational work at school. M. “School Press”, 2002.

    Semenov GS. Organization of educational work at school. M. “School Press”, 2002.

    Shchurkova NOT. Classroom management: working diagnostics. M. 2001.

    Stepanov E.N. To the teacher about the educational system of school and class: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. - 224 p.

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated 07/10/1992 N 3266-1 (as amended on 12/03/2011, with amendments and additions coming into force on 02/01/2012).

    National educational initiative “Our New School”. Bulletin of Education, No. 4, 2010.

    Sukhomlinsky V.A. Favorite prod. In 5 volumes - Kyiv, 1979 - 1980. family and school Minsk, " Modern word", 2003 - 280 pp. Abstract... the force of mutual gravity, the law- condition voluntary unity and cooperation), the basis of creation and harmonious...

  1. General principles of interaction between family and school


    How many children can he make? family. IN modern family have changed conditions performing its most important functions... the greatest of all human affairs. Cooperation families And schools. Job schools with my parents lately...

  2. Our meeting says “Family and school are partners in education.” In terms of their psychological status, school and family are opposite poles. In a family, everything is based on emotional connections and attachments. No matter what problems torment the child, parents


    Incomplete and having one child families. In these difficult modern conditions our children are growing up, and they... who spend school, and identifying problems and developing measures to organize cooperation teachers and parents...

  3. Teachers' Council "Ways and means of interaction between family and school in the development of a child's personality" slide 1 I. Opening remarks


    This is the necessary psychological and pedagogical information. Family V modern conditions cannot always come out of... to harmony and integrity. SLIDE 6 Social basis cooperation families And schools in raising children is to...

The family is the primary environment

where should a person learn

create yourself."


A child receives 90% of his educational influence on his personality in the family. However, sociological research shows that at present the family has sort of withdrawnot active, expedient pedagogical activity in raising your child. This resulted in an increase in child neglect, adolescent alcoholism, drug addiction, early onset of sexual activity, an increase in child crime, etc.

Therefore, coordinated, purposeful joint work between family and school is very important. The education system is currently developing various models of interaction between family and school. The process of such cooperation and its features are determined, first of all, by the type and type of educational institution and the activities of the teaching staff. To form cooperation between adults and children in an educational institution, it is important to present the team as a single whole, as a large family that unites and lives interestingly only inom case if joint activities of teachers, children and parents are organized.

The teaching staff faces the following tasks of working with parents:

implementation of information and educational work;

carrying out diagnostic work;

implementation of corrective work.

The set objectives determine the forms of work that need to be carried out with the family in order to prevent and correct deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents.

The school administration and all class teachers have an analysis of the composition of parents according to their educational and professional level, information about two-parent and single-parent families, the health status of the students’ parents, living conditions, opportunities for raising children, and their family traditions. Studying a student’s family allows us to understand the family’s way of life, what its social attitudes are, the system of moral and spiritual values, relationships with people around them and each other, family traditions, teachersological education of parents, the ability to organize the life and activities of children in the family in accordance with the goals of education and the age of the child. All types of communication, all contacts with parents in the process of joint educational activities provide new materials about family education, about the use of free time in the family, about the favorite activities of family members, about the depth of parents’ understanding of the process of formation of the child’s personality, which allows them to choose a pedagogically competent direction of work with family in the interests of the development of the child’s personality.

The forms of interaction between teachers and parents are the variety of organization of their joint activities and communication. Among them:

Parent meeting;

Roteachers' lecture hall;

Meetings of the parent community with the school administration and teachers;

Individual work, group forms of interaction between teachers and parents;

Participation of parents in student conferences and festivals, days of open lessons, knowledge holidays, subject weeks, etc.;

Forms of labor activity: decoration of offices, classroom corners, improvement of the school, collection of waste paper, etc.;

Forms of leisure: joint holidays, competitions, competitions, KVNs, excursion trips, etc.

But this does not give the desired result and teachers are faced with questions:

How to organize interaction between family and school so that the difficult task of education becomes a common task for teachers and parents? How to attract modern fathers and mothers who are so busy and far from pedagogical theory to school? How to argue for the need for their participation in the child’s school life? These questions of pedagogy can be classified as “eternal”.

Cooperation between teachers and families is the joint determination of activity goals, joint planning of upcoming work, joint distribution of forces and resources, the subject of activity in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals and objectives. The content of cooperation between the class teacher and parents and children includes three main areas:

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

Involving them in the educational process;

Participation in school management.

Teachers and parents complement each other as partners in raising children. Their union for the benefit of the child will reveal the strengths of each and give them the opportunity to correct their mistakes. Partnership relations presuppose equality of parties, mutual goodwill and respect.

On what basis should the relationship between teacher and family be formed in order to be successful in education? V.A. Sukhomlinsky convincingly answers this capacious question:

“As little as possible calling mothers and fathers to school for moral lectures to children, to intimidate sons with the father’s “strong hand” ... - and as much as possible of such spiritual communication between children and parents that brings joy to mothers and fathers...” And further: “... raise so that the child has joys that he brings home like the joys of his mother and father.”

SloThe teacher’s lived experience of working with a student’s family convinces of the need to work with parents in a differentiated manner. Parents' attitudes toward school and their children's education vary greatly. Work practice helps to distinguish approximately three groups of parents:

1 - parents are teacher assistants. As a rule, these are families with rich working traditions; parents are socially active and conscientiously treat all school assignments.

2 - parents are potential assistants to teachers and schools in raising children. They can help if they know what to do and how to do it. Parents of this group have a positive influence on the child with their spiritual qualities.

3 - parents do not understand or do not want to understand the requirements of the school. They have a negative attitude towards school and teachers. Only some people show their attitude openly, while others carefully hide it.

Parents of group 1 should be relied upon in creating a team of class parents, in forming public opinion, and in organizing collective affairs of students and their parents.

To the parents of group 2, the teacher explains the meaning and significance of the planned work, explains how it should be doneoor some other matter.

It is much more difficult for a teacher to work with parents of group 3; it is advisable to start working with them by involving them in specific activities of the class. Completed work must be approved at a parent meeting.

What forms of work with students’ families can a teacher use?

Individual forms of work. The teacher plans individual work with families for the entire school year, determines the priority of visiting the student’s families, and the days of parent consultations at school.

The first visit to the student’s family is for informational purposes: the teacher finds out the composition of the family, the nature of the work of each family member, the student’s workplace, and also finds out what books the student reads and what games he likes to play. The first acquaintance in the family will help to find out the child’s interests, his inclinations, and what he enjoys in his free time. In the presence of parents, the teacher finds out from the child what he can do, how he helps the family, what work responsibilities he has as permanent ones and how he relates to them. Then you can continue the conversation without the child. During the conversation, it is important for the teacher to feel the general cultural level of the family and the style of relationships in it. The final stage of the first visit to the family comes down to a frank conversation about the importance of a single line in education, mutual awareness of the student’s affairs. They agree on ways of cooperation between family and school, what specific assistance parents can provide to the school, which parents can be recommended as part of the teamoChildren's Committee.

When visiting the families of undisciplined or poorly performing students, great sensitivity of the teacher and the ability to conduct a pedagogical conversation are required. The conversation in the family must definitely start with the positive things that are in the child’s character, and then talk about the shortcomings and how to eliminate them through joint efforts.

Families where the student is an only child deserves special attention from the teacher. Such families need help to protect themselves from instilling selfishness, selfishness, callousness, and arrogance in their children. A properly established relationship between the teacher and the family will be a tax on success in the education and upbringing of the student.

A parent's diary is an ordinary notebook in which parents' records are kept. It starts at the first meeting between the class teacher and the parents. In this diary, parents make notes after parent-teacher meetings, their conclusions, wishes for teachers and give their recommendations to the class teacher on organizing communication with their child. The second part of the diary is devoted to parents’ thoughts about the future of their child, what they want to see him, what they want to develop in him, what they want to wish for him. A mandatory page for every parent diary and parent meeting is the Joy page. It is prepared for parents by the class teacher for each parent meeting. This page records the children's achievements related to their education and upbringing. For example, if a student in a class is modest, shy, a little withdrawn by nature, and he took part in some school-wide, and maybe even regional event, then this is a great success for this student and the parent should definitely know about this success. Or when a student enters school. Keeping a parent diary helps to see a positive change in the parental position, develops parental intuition and observation.

A very useful and necessary form of working with families isparent readings.

Individual consultations can be carried out on the initiative of parents or on the initiative of the class teacher. When preparing and conducting individual work with families, you must adhere to certain ethics of communication with parents. The possibility of such consultation should be discussed in advance. Parents should be invited to consultation in a friendly and calm manner. The time for consultation or conversation should be clearly stated. Parents should not wait at the door for their fate. It is advisable for both parents to attend the meeting. It is necessary to clearly formulate the goals of the consultation and its relevance. Parents should have the opportunity to speak out fully on the issue under discussion. All the arguments of the parents, their arguments for and against, must be listened to carefully. During the consultation, parents should receive clear recommendations and suggestions on the problem under discussion. If necessary, during the consultation parents have the opportunity to meet with specialists and organize additional counseling for the child. If the child’s presence during the consultation is mandatory, he is invited to the meeting. Visiting a child at home is a last resort. Not many parents are ready for their class teacher to bother them at home. But if school life together is just beginning, it is necessary to learn to be together in times of trouble and joy. The teacher can not only come and check the availability of the student’s corner, but also congratulate him on his birthday, visit a sick child with his classmates, and help with the housework together with the children, if necessary. Such techniques are possible only if they are associated with certain circumstances in the life of the student. However, lately we have encountered a situation where children in their own families are subjected to violence from adults, and mothers forget about their purpose. Children in such families feel like outcasts. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the families of such children more often, without leaving them without support and help. When working individually with parents, you can be guided by the following principles:

High ideological orientation of all work with the student’s family;

In the struggle for the success of teaching and raising children, the system of relations between parents and children, addressed to the consciousness and self-esteem of the child, is important;

Positive aspects in raising children noticed and supported by the teacher in a timely manner will help parents believe in the success of upbringing and gradually the correct system of it.

Collective forms of work between a teacher and a student’s family.

It is important for the teacher to form a team not only of class students, but also of their parents. The teacher will have to instill in each parent a concern for the academic success and behavior of the students of the entire class, to achieve a position where the life of each family and the life of the class merge into one whole. To do this, the psychology of parents must be changed; they must feel responsible for the students in the whole class. The teacher must help parents adapt to such collective responsibility. Class meetings can be a good school for the collective education of parents. They are usually carried out once every quarter, but if necessary they can be carried out more often. At the meeting, the teacher can give a lecture or conversation on a pedagogical topic. You can invite parents to solve pedagogical problems. This technique reveals existing points of view and contributes to the development of a common opinion on current issues of education. Joint parent-student meetings may also be held. Children can perform in front of their parents with a concert, ask interesting questions and tasks. This helps parents see their child from a different perspective. It is difficult to foresee all possible options for holding parent meetings. The nature of parent-teacher meetings is dictated by life itself, the work of the class team and the entire school. The topics and methods of holding the meeting are determined based on the general goals of education and the tasks facing the school. When preparing for a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher carefully analyzes the work of each student, thinks through ways to enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge and improve their pedagogical culture. You can also use a form of work such as seminars, where pedagogical problems can be solved and the public opinion of parents on current issues of education can be developed. Parents' conferences occupy a significant place in this system. Their topics may vary. For example, “Working upbringing of children in the family”, “Is it difficult to be an excellent student”, “Parental authority”. In preparation, it is necessary to study specific experiences using questionnaires among parents and children.

The content of all forms of work between the school and the family is to organize their active educational interaction, aimed at the comprehensive development of the younger generation.

Forms of interaction between the school and parents




1.1 School as coordinator of joint activities between school and family

1.2 Forms of interaction between the school and parents


2.1 From the experience of school teachers working with parents




The success of the educational process depends on how the relationships develop between teachers, students and parents. Parents and teachers are educators of the same children, and the result of education can be successful when teachers and parents become allies.

The family is rightfully considered the main factor and condition for the development and upbringing of a child. It is here that he is born, here he receives the rudiments of physical and spiritual development (positive or negative), the first knowledge about the world around him, here the first skills and abilities in all types of activities are formed, the initial criteria for assessing goodness, truth, beauty. Here most of his life activities take place, the foundations of his relations with the world are laid, i.e. the process of education begins.
The family and school create that most important complex of factors in the educational environment that determines the success or failure of the entire educational process.

The modern family is developing in a qualitatively new, contradictory social situation. On the one hand, there is a turn of society towards family problems; comprehensive targeted programs are being developed and implemented to strengthen and increase its importance in raising children. On the other hand, processes are observed that lead to an exacerbation of family problems. This, first of all, the decline in the standard of living of most families, the solution of problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, has strengthened the social tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child.

Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, families require systematic and qualified assistance from the school. The process of interaction between family and school is aimed at the active inclusion of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular leisure activities, and cooperation with children and teachers.

This aspect of pedagogical activity is of direct interest to us. And since at this time more and more attention is being paid to this aspect of pedagogical activity, and therefore the relevance is increasing, which is currently emphasized by prominent representatives of pedagogical science, such as I. F. Kharlamov, T. P. Eliseeva and others. In particular, T. P. Eliseeva in her article “Features of interaction between school and family in modern conditions” speaks about modern forms of interaction between teachers and parents, the need to improve their pedagogical culture, I. F. Kharlamov also speaks about the need to improve the pedagogical culture of parents , which will contribute to the unification of the educational efforts of family and school.

At the state level, this issue is reflected in such a normative document as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which created the prerequisites for equal, creative, interested interaction between the family and the educational institution.

The purpose of this work is to identify and study the most productive forms and methods of interaction between school and parents, promoting cooperation between family and school in modern, constantly changing conditions of public life.

The implementation of this goal became possible through setting the following tasks:

  1. Determine the theoretical foundations of the problem of interaction between the school and parents;
  2. Give an idea of ​​the forms of interaction between the school and parents;
  3. Consider the possibility of new approaches to actively involving parents in the process of raising children.
The object of research in our work is the process of interaction between the school and parents, the subject is the search and optimization of effective forms of interaction between the school and parents. The hypothesis of the work is that the success of raising children depends on the combination of joint educational efforts of the school and parents. And the more successful this cooperation is, the higher the effectiveness of educating the younger generation will be.

A more complete study of the topic of this work was facilitated by the use of the following methods: theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature, hypothesis construction, study of pedagogical experience.

Using these methods of scientific and pedagogical research, we revealed the main issues of this work, studied the work of the school in order to find productive forms of interaction between the school and parents, and noted the most effective forms of this interaction that promote cooperation between family and school.


1.1 School as coordinator of joint activities between school and family

The successful implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of training and education occurs only if the educational efforts of the school, family and community are combined. The school should be the organizing center for the joint educational work of the school, family and community. This is due to a number of factors.

Firstly, at present, only school provides the necessary level of education for students, which is determined by the requirements of modern production and ever-accelerating scientific and technological progress.

Secondly, the school has specially trained staff of qualified teachers, but the majority of parents do not have proper pedagogical training.

Thirdly, students spend a significant part of their time at school, its influence also affects their activities in the family, as they continue their academic work at home, completing academic assignments. At the same time, one cannot fail to take into account that the majority of parents are employed in areas of production activity, are engaged in self-education, and improve their qualifications, which weakens traditional contacts between parents and children.

The indicated factors associated with the determining influence of the school on the education of students retain their importance in relation to the influence of social conditions. That is why the school should be an organizing center that unites the educational activities of the family and the public.

Everything that has progressive development always faces certain obstacles that can be called problems. It’s the same in education: this process is continuous, progressive, has its own stages, and in each of them certain problems of education arise.

The most important of these problems can be grouped into three main groups.
The first group should include problems that are associated with understanding the goals and content of educational work of school and family. It is necessary for parents to realize that modern education is aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

The second group of problems of joint work between school and family includes skillfully stimulating the activity of students aimed at their personal development and formation.

The third group of problems of joint educational work between school and family includes taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students. As children grow older, they strive for independence and are burdened by excessive care from their parents, but their needs and requests in this regard do not always find understanding in the family.

In order to solve a number of problems, it is necessary to organize proper interaction between parents and teachers, based on the principles of humanism and partnership.

The interaction between school and family in solving the problem of overcoming school failure remains constantly relevant. A joint discussion of the problem allows us to establish the true reasons for the student’s poor performance. Only by understanding them can families and schools adjust their activities. If mutual understanding is not achieved, and the school and family remain at their points of view, the student’s life will only get worse.

It is difficult for a school to establish a dialogue unilaterally if the other family – the family – is either not ready for it or does not want to start it. However, systematic, consistent work leads to the emergence of a connection between the school and the family, which results in partnerships, provided that the family sees the school’s interest in the development of children and will strive for contact.

1.2 Forms of interaction between the school and parents

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication.
In the scientific pedagogical literature (T. P. Eliseeva, N. K. Stepanenkov) two main groups of forms of interaction between the school and parents are distinguished: traditional and non-traditional forms

According to experts (N.E. Shchurkova, F.P. Chernousova, T.A. Stefanovskaya), today it is advisable to consider a differentiated approach to all forms of interaction between the school and parents. Teachers need to try not to impose the same forms of interaction on all parents, but mainly focus on the needs, requests of parents, features of family education, patiently involving them in the affairs of the school and class.
It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction:

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents
collective group individual
  1. Parent meeting
  2. Parent lecture hall
  3. Experience sharing conference
  4. Questions and Answers Evening
  5. Debate-reflection on problems of education
  6. Meeting of parents with school administration, class teachers
  7. "Open Days"
  1. Interaction with the parent committee
  2. Interaction with creative groups
  3. Group consultations
  4. Practical classes for parents with the participation of specialists
  1. Conversation
  2. Home visit
  3. Consultation-reflection
  4. Execution of individual orders
  5. Correspondence
  6. Phone conversation

Let us briefly consider each group of forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.
A parent meeting is the main form of work with parents, where the problems of life in the classroom and parent groups are discussed.
The parent lecture hall introduces parents to issues of education, improves their pedagogical culture, and helps develop common approaches to raising children.
A conference for the exchange of experience is most often an event where you can discuss one or several issues of education, present positive experiences and traditions of family education.
The question and answer evening is held after the parent survey, when problems or various questions have already been identified on various aspects of the education of students.

Dispute-reflection on the problems of education - reflection on the problems of education that take place in an informal setting, involves the maximum inclusion of all participants in the debate.
Meetings of parents with the school administration and class teachers are held annually, at which the teaching staff introduces parents to their requirements, regulatory documents, goals and objectives of education, parents’ questions and opportunities for cooperation and interaction are clarified.

In the practice of schools, “Open Days” have become widespread, which are held in different ways. In some schools, this is a joint celebration of teachers and families, at which exhibitions of works by students, parents, creative reports from teams are organized, children, parents, and teachers are awarded for various achievements, competitions, competitions of teams and families are held. Another version of the “Open Day” is held for parents for the purpose of their direct communication with teachers, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, and in a number of schools it is organized several times a year.

Group forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

These forms of interaction are due to the identification of certain groups of parents according to various criteria (active parents; parents who organize the work of interest associations; parents who develop and solve any problems at school or in the classroom; etc.). Such associations have their own charters, regulations, and work plans.

A particularly important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent committee, which can be elected by the parent meeting for the entire school year. At meetings of the parent committee, which are held as needed, the teacher and parents develop ways to implement the ideas and decisions adopted by the meeting. Interaction of teachers with creative groups (action councils). In this case, the teacher interacts with various groups of temporary organizers of a specific activity, providing assistance, consulting, and, if necessary, engaging in active joint activities.
Group consultations, practical classes for parents with the involvement of specialists, for example, to help children master the skills of mental activity and fast reading. Group classes can be exploratory in nature. Thus, teachers and the class teacher invite to the lesson the parents of those children who experience typical difficulties in learning activities. Educators strive to structure their lessons around these students. After attending a number of lessons, teachers and parents together try to identify the causes of children’s difficulties and find ways to help them.

Individual forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

In each real case, the teacher chooses different forms of interaction with parents, taking into account their needs and suggestions. The main thing is to make your parents your allies.


2.1 From the experience of school teachers working with parents

The way we work with parents is constantly changing. Traditional forms of work, in which the main place was given to messages and reports, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. New, active forms of work with parents are increasingly being used, allowing parents to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child.

The use of interactive methods allows us to expand the range of methods for interaction between teachers and parents.
The word “interactive” came to us from the English language from the word “interact”, where “inter” is mutual, “act” is to act.
Interactive - means the ability to interact or is in a mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person).

Interactive parenting methods refer to education through participation and interaction. “I hear and I forget, I see and understand, I do and remember,” says a Chinese proverb. The methodology of participation and interaction fully involves in the educational process.

The use of interactive methods makes it possible to solve several psychological and pedagogical problems. First of all, interactive methods put parents in an active position. In a normal situation, this is quite difficult to do: calls from a teacher or psychologist to “express your opinion”, “offer your options”, as a rule, remain ineffective. Interactive methods make it possible to make parents active participants, as a result of which they begin to behave fundamentally differently.

In this direction, we tried to study and analyze the school’s experience in the work of school teachers with parents. And we came to the conclusion that from the variety of forms of establishing contacts between teachers and parents, we will present one of the options for interactive methods of interaction between teachers and parents - a business game. The school’s experience in optimizing the relationship between teachers and parents will be highlighted on the basis of the given scenario of a business game, which, in our opinion, reflects this experience in dynamics.

A business game is a type of mass, group games, which is an information-activity model of a problem situation, in the process of working on which the participants in the game need to identify a contradiction and, based on decision-making, find the optimal way out of the problem situation. The business game is also used to teach team interaction, skills of joint productive activities, work on individual project tasks and, in some cases, to assess the characteristics and potential of the participants’ personalities and their professional qualities.

A business game is characterized by the following main features: .

  1. The presence of a problematic situation that includes contradictions. Players need to formulate the goal of solving the problem and, based on it, choose the optimal one from a set of alternative options.
  2. The presence of common goals for the participants in the game. Thus, when solving the problem of developing one’s own production, the common goal may be to preserve a common source of resources.
  3. Availability of roles and assignment of business game participants to them. For example, each listener involved in the game can play the role of a production manager, or a foreman, or a workshop manager, etc.
  4. Differences in the interests of participants and taking into account the conditions of uncertainty in a game situation. The first may occur due to the different attitudes of the participants to the problem under consideration, the different state of resources and subjective assessments of their importance, and the unequal responsibility of the game participants for solving the problem.
  5. The adoption and implementation of a certain sequence of decisions during the game, each of which depends on the decision made by a given participant at the previous stage (step), and on the actions of other participants. In addition, there is a repetition of steps, and at each step, as in reality, a rather complex combination of various options for measures taken is possible.
  6. Objectivity in assessing the results of gaming activities. It is ensured by clear evaluation criteria and quantitative indicators on several scales.
The characterized features of business games make it possible to outline the area of ​​their most effective application. Obviously, these are organizational and managerial processes that require decisions.

Scenario of the business game “On the Path of Cooperation”

Target: optimization of interaction between teachers and parents.

Tasks: uniting parents and teachers, developing cooperation; awareness of the common challenges facing school and family; developing the ability to put oneself in another person’s place; realization of creative abilities.

Number of participants: 25 – 30 people.

Time spending: 2 – 2.5 hours.

Materials: two shoe boxes, markers, wax crayons, A 3 and A 4 paper.

Progress of the game:

Participants sit in a circle, holding hands. Each participant takes turns saying their name and talking about themselves. When performing the exercise, you must follow the rules: do not separate your hands. After meeting, teachers and parents need to be divided into 2 groups (each should include representatives from different countries). Groups are seated at tables.

Exercise “Box” (right - in one, left - in the other).

Invite 3 participants (optional). One puts their feet in the boxes, the participants on the side put their feet in the box towards the player in the center. In this position, they are asked to cross the room.

At the end there is a discussion:
- Was it convenient to move?
- Which of the participants has the most difficulty in moving?
- In what case is it easier and more confident for the player in the center to move - when the participants are on the side, help him and move in the same direction, or when each participant moves in his own direction.

Leading: In the position of the person standing in the center is a child. On the one hand there is a child with his own methods, and on the other - the family, parents with their own means of education, views, expectations. The child must meet the expectations of the school and family, fulfill the requirements of both parents and teachers. The success of raising and educating a child depends on mutual understanding and cooperation between parents and teachers.

We divided into 2 groups. According to the scenario of our game, each group is a separate kingdom.

Today the following kingdoms-states have formed:

  • Kingdom of Parents,
  • Kingdom of Teachers.
Each state has its own symbols, therefore, residents of the kingdoms need to create their own coat of arms.

Exercise “Royal Coat of Arms”

On sheets of A3, a participant in each group depicts their symbols. Presentation of each group.

Exercise “Our feelings”

Presenter: The Kingdom of Parents borders on the Kingdom of Teachers. Residents of the kingdoms often visit each other on economic and political affairs, and on excursions. Trips are sometimes interesting, successful, sometimes not very pleasant. It’s one thing when you are at home, on your native territory, and another thing when you come to a foreign country with your own views, rules, laws, and the mentality of the inhabitants. In different situations we experience different feelings.

Each group of players divides a piece of paper into two parts. On one half of the sheet they depict (in the form of images, objects, using certain colors) the feelings they experience while on the territory of their native kingdom, on the other half - the feelings experienced when visiting a stranger.

Discussion. Focus the attention of participants on the fact that the feelings of people from different countries are largely similar. On the territory of our native country we experience a feeling of security and calm, while in a foreign country we experience anxiety, fear of being misunderstood, etc.
Exercise "Expectations"

Presenter: Residents of the Kingdom Parents send their children to the Kingdom of Educators every day. The inhabitants of the Kingdoms constantly communicate with each other about the training and education of the little inhabitants of the Kingdom of Parents. Residents of each Kingdom-state have their own expectations. What do parents expect from teachers?

Players in each group write down their expectations.

Exercise “Unification of States”

Host: For many years, the kingdoms have existed side by side, sometimes they conflict, sometimes they make peace, sometimes they meet each other’s expectations, sometimes they make claims. Time flows, everything changes in the world, everything develops, everything improves. It becomes more and more difficult to survive alone. Some residents proposed creating a union of independent kingdoms-states in order to jointly solve common issues and problems. However, some citizens were categorically against such a union. To resolve the issue of creating an alliance of the state, a referendum was held in both kingdoms. Each resident was given the right to speak out for or against the association. Each player receives a piece of paper (“ballot”) on which they must write “for” or “against.” The “ballots” are thrown into the voting box. After all students have expressed their opinion by voting, a sociological survey is conducted.

What are the negative aspects of creating a union? Why shouldn't we unite into union states?
- Why is it better to create a union of independent kingdoms-states? What benefits will the union gain?
Summing up the results of the referendum.

Host: The majority of the inhabitants of the two Kingdoms spoke in favor of creating a union. From that moment on, a union of independent Kingdom-states was proclaimed. Each union state names its own governance structures. Now we have to choose the head of the newly formed union and form a cabinet of ministers consisting of these ministries. Ministers need to develop regulations on the activities of their ministry (in the document, open goals and objectives, rules, requirements, etc.). The regulations on the activities of your ministry can be drawn up in the form of a diagram, a drawing, or it can be in poetic form.
Done on A3 sheets.

20-25 minutes are given to reveal roles and develop documents. Participants are asked to either christen (name) their ministries themselves, or the facilitator names the following:
Ministry of Communication, Ministry of Education, or Health or Education.
Discussion of documents. Discussion of the employee in groups.

Sculpture “Union of School and Family”

Presenter: We proclaimed the creation of a union of independent Kingdoms of Parents and Teachers, elected a head, formed a cabinet of ministers, and approved a package of documents. So that our allied states are not formal (on paper), but demonstrate mutual trust and cooperation in real life. To do this, we need to create a joint sculpture “Union of School and Family”.
All players participate in the creation of the sculpture.

Pedagogical experience is valuable because it is real and works in practice. It is a reflection of the developed forms and methods of work of the school with students and their parents. Specific pedagogical experience can always be observed in the work of the teacher, which is presented in the scenarios he has developed for activities aimed at optimizing the relationships between teachers, students and their parents.


In the context of dramatic changes in the social life of our country, changes in the field of education, the problems of interaction between family and school are especially relevant. Parents and teachers are two most powerful forces in the process of developing the personality of each person, whose role cannot be exaggerated.

Modern approaches to organizing interaction between educational institutions and families are determined by the trends in the development of the education system of the Russian Federation, its orientation towards the needs of students, their parents, and the needs of society in the formation of worthy citizens. Implementing this requires combining efforts and integrating the interests of various social institutions, including schools and families.

The joint work of school specialists to implement the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of schooling, making parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child can only be successful if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better and see him in different situations.

There are different forms of interaction between the school and parents: traditional and non-traditional; collective, group, individual.

The use of interactive methods allows you to expand the range of interaction between teachers and parents.
Pedagogical experience is valuable because it is real and works in practice. It is a reflection of the developed forms and methods of work of the school with students and their parents.

In practical terms, I would like to note the pedagogical experience in the field of optimizing the relationship between the school and parents. Modern teachers approach this issue not from a formal point of view, but from the point of view of practical usefulness and value; they are interested in establishing contacts with parents. The better the dialogue between school and family is established, the more successful the process of educating the younger generation will be. And the success of raising children depends on combining the joint educational efforts of the school and parents. And the more successful this cooperation is, the higher the effectiveness of educating the younger generation will be.


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