Examples of works on mirror psychology. Mirror effect. The whole world is a reflection. Look in the mirror and draw conclusions

Only by carefully analyzing your own behavior and the actions of other people, you can understand how the law of the mirror works in practice.

The law of the mirror - what is it and what you need to know about it?

Regardless of your personal situation, it will be useful for you to know what the law of the mirror is. Firstly, what you see in other people is, first of all, a reflection of yourself, that is, if someone looks at things around him, they are a reflection of what is in himself.

Understanding this principle will help you use the law of the mirror to your advantage. This law helps to solve simple and complex problems with close friends and acquaintances. It can be colleagues, family members, friends and acquaintances. Be that as it may, one can begin to understand this law only by understanding oneself.

What is the Law of the Mirror?

The basic principle of the law of the mirror - our individuality underlies our relationship to the world around us.

We react to the opinions and actions of others that are related to us. Pay attention to how people around you react to other people's words and actions. In one person, many different feelings can be hidden.

Our reaction to the world around us depends on how we feel and how we feel. You can also notice what makes others angry and upset and how you can stop doing it.

By understanding this law, you can learn to respond to situations more calmly and free your mind from obsessions.

Analyze other people's behavior

The law of the mirror must be taken into account in practice.

The people who are in our environment constitute an essential part of our life and influence the development of our personality. Usually they are worried about a huge number of things, and this is completely normal. Lies, attempts to control our lives and unsolicited advice can turn into annoying torture.

Let's analyze these ideas in order before reacting to the world around us.

Analyze your behavior

Positive and negative things in life affect not only us, but also other people whom we can please and annoy. To analyze your behavior, try learning how to criticize yourself constructively.

As human beings, we should not get used to an aggressive pattern of behavior and should not look for excuses for everything.

Answer honestly whether you always treat people around you well and try to correct mistakes in your behavior.

How does the law of the mirror work in practice?

Enough theory. Put this law to the test as soon as possible. As we mentioned above, we will be able to analyze other people and ourselves, and only then will we understand how this law works in practice.

Here's what you need to do:

Pick one person who hurt you a lot and who you absolutely cannot empathize with.

Try to be patient with him.

Say out loud what bothers you about this person, alone with yourself.

To go beyond the law of the mirror, we need to build relationships with the people around us. Then our heart will allow us to put aside destructive thoughts, and our ability to empathize will gradually blossom.

You will learn to think positively and, if necessary, ask for forgiveness.

What is a Mirror? That's all we meet on . These are people, situations, events… Everything that we have an attitude towards is not important, with a “plus” or “minus” sign. For example, when we walk down the street, we meet a lot of people. Most of them we don't even notice. BUT suddenly someone something draws our attention. At this point, we have an attitude towards this person. What it is depends on what we ourselves are filled with. We noticed a radiant smile, were delighted - it means that the joy inside us got into resonance with the joy of this person. And we saw our reflection in it.

Or we watch a movie. And there the villain attacks the defenseless hero. And a wave of indignation is born in us: “Yes, how could he! It's disgusting!" or something like that. This means that we again entered into resonance, and noticed the qualities that, for sure, are in ourselves. Perhaps we do not sneakily attack sleeping people with pistols, but we quite allow sometimes sarcastic jokes, or pick a loved one when he is upset with a phrase like: “I told you (a)! You're always doing it wrong." Why not attack the defenseless?

So, back to the main point:
everything that SURROUNDS us, REFLECTS us

drawing by Tatyana Zadorozhnaya http://tavlla.livejournal.com/

If we take it and become a CREATOR, and not a victim of circumstances, then Life itself becomes an amazing, wonderful place where everyone and everything helps us to become better! Then in our life there are no more problems, but there are OPPORTUNITIES. The opportunity to change, improve your life, reach a new step in development. The opportunity to live joyfully, happily, in love and harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Listen to yourself. Listen to . And you will understand why you attracted this or that event into your life. Your attitude is your reflection. After all, different people can have completely different attitudes to the same circumstances. There is no "True" or "False" here. Here, no one gives you a “deuce” for a “wrong” attitude. Because there is only your attitude, and it consists of what you yourself are filled with.

Working with a mirror is one of the most fruitful psychotechnical techniques. You can even say that this is a whole “bush” of technicians.

First of all, it is necessary to separate psychotechnical and pneumotechnical work with a mirror. Today we will talk only about psychotechnical work. It is assumed that it is carried out in a normal, and not in an altered state of consciousness. For this, in particular, it is important not to fix the gaze for a long time - this is just a means of changing the state of consciousness.

I intentionally showed you during the “warm-up” today that you can see a lot in each face. This corresponds to the basic theoretical concepts of Gestalt psychology: different gestalts, different figures are formed on the same material. Accordingly, looking at yourself in the mirror, you can see the features of "yourself" very different: to see your father and mother in yourself, to see yourself as small, to see yourself as young, to see yourself as old. This is worth practicing. It is especially useful to see the traits of parents in yourself.

Just don't confuse this with making faces at yourself. In all this work, you should not make faces at all. You can only slightly adjust, tune in, rebuild, and then more spontaneously than intentionally “doing” something.

However, this is not actually work, this is just a warm-up.

In our culture, everyone looks in the mirror all the time. Fix your hair, put on a scarf, you never know what else. But seldom is the one thing done that is necessary in order to start working with your reflection. Namely, you need to see yourself eye to eye, i.e. let myself in the mirror to understand that I see myself.

This is a special moment of self-remembering - by the way, one of the possible "alarm clocks". But of course, as an alarm clock, it will not work for long, like any alarm clock, and then, on the contrary, you will have to use a lot of different other alarm clocks in order to bring yourself to this place and really meet with yourself in the mirror. This is where all the work begins: with meeting yourself in the mirror.

Question. Should all work with a mirror begin with a meeting with yourself?

M.P. If we are talking about psychotechnical work, then it is necessary.

Now we come to the most important point. Regardless of the role playing, almost everyone almost always has a strange effect: a very acute feeling that "this is not me." Then a person can “take a closer look”, get used to himself in the mirror, then this effect shifts somewhat to the side: “well, yes, this is how I look.” There is always some confusion and alienation. It is similar to how a person hears himself from the inside differently than in a tape recording. And the point is not only in bone conduction, in the inaccuracy of the tape recorder and other usual explanations, but, above all, precisely in the fact that our self-expression is always somewhat different from our self-image.

So, seeing myself in the mirror, I first of all see some kind of image, which I realize as "not me." And this, in particular, means that I have some means to feel it. Although at the same time, God forbid you ask yourself the question, "what am I" or "what am I really like." There is no "case itself", it is a fiction. This is not the point, but the fact that in the mirror we discover how we are represented in the outside world.

Question. And if the question “what am I really like” arises, where does it belong?

M.P. It is rooted in the naive assumption that the self has a direct objective expression. And this is not so, although the question is complicated, because, in particular, as I have already said, we strangely have the means to detect that the objective expression that we see in the mirror is “not right”. But the question of what would be "that" does not make sense. However, we will return to this in the second part of the lecture, when we talk about the person.

So, there is some objectivity that is presented to me when I look at myself in the mirror with the same look that I look at other people. I don't recognize myself. And thanks to this, many different psychotechnical possibilities can arise.

I will name some typical tasks.

The first task is to recognize, to accept what I see there, even if it does not suit me. Opportunities for change will come only after I agree that "this is me." Those. Of course not me, but that's how I am expressed in this world. Then I can start saying that I would like to be (look!) thinner or fatter, kinder or more impudent, etc. But I need to start by noticing myself, because a lot of mental breakdowns come from the unwillingness to notice oneself - disagreement with cash, attempts to pretend that none of this exists, somehow get around the cash. Now, the first obligatory task is to notice this. Saying, "This is what I look like, and that's what most people seem to see when and if they look at me."

There are separate topics on which it is worth dwelling and on which it is worth working specially. One of them is indicated by the previous passage. In the mirror, I can see how other people see me. If I want to specifically work with this, I need to change the type of gestalt formation. Because if I, for example, am busy with the fact that my physiognomy is fuller than I would like, then this forms the figure, and everything else goes into the background, so that I see myself differently than other people see me. And in order to see myself the way other people see me, I need to look at myself “from the side”. This is a special look, giving a certain specific image.

Question …

M.P. With an attitude of calm acceptance. Again, this is an occasion to once again exercise in relation to calm acceptance of different people. More pleasant, less pleasant, including yourself.

Question …

M.P. In the process of repeated lapping. This is of course not done all at once. But in the end, I suddenly notice this "Mikhal Palych" as they see him (me). Which does not prevent me from continuing to feel more or less acutely that this is “not me.”

Having taken this image for granted, then you need to try it on and start learning to “wear”. Despite the fact that this is “not me”, I express myself in a social, psychological and even intimate space with different people only through this. They see me that way. By learning to “wear” it, I can further learn to express myself through it. I can gradually adapt to this “not me”, and to the extent that I have accepted it (not identified, saying that this is me, namely, I have accepted it in its own capacity), I can express “myself” through “ him." (…)

So, I accept my image, which I see in the mirror, as my means of expression. I have this remedy, I obviously have no other in my life. If I want to change it, this can be done in two ways: you can force yourself into some kind of framework from the outside, or you can change it from the inside.

Here is the third type of exercise that can be done with a mirror. You can, moving yourself to the position of a psychotherapist, or, let's say, to the position of a kind understanding person, look at the one who is in the mirror and try to understand him. But this is possible only after a lot of work has been done in the previous modes. When what I see in the mirror takes on the status of my own existence for me, then I can wonder how this person lives. This could turn out to be a very interesting move.

Let me remind you that we have a distinction between the image of ourselves and the model of the image of ourselves. The model of the image of oneself is always made in some means, this is awareness. It always changes the image of itself - that "I" that is conscious of itself - me - as I am, and with respect to which a completely different attitude is now being clarified. That me, in relation to which I “do not recognize myself” in the mirror, that model of the image of myself that I have for myself.

And the real one, whom I see in the mirror, is different. If I have taken the position of a kind and understanding psychotherapist, I can set myself the task of getting to know this other, seeing how he really lives, and not in my somewhat altered imagination.

Structurally, this can be described by distinguishing three positions. (1) In the mirror I see an image, looking at which - if I can look at it from a distance - I see through the person a certain Ego, somehow living. (2) I have a model of my self-image, - something distorted to some extent, transformed to fit my imaginary ideals - this is how I would like to see myself, how I can afford to see myself (I talked about this more than once with reference to Rogers). (3) And if I have managed to disidentify both with one and with the other, if I have taken the position of an independent psychotherapist, I can see how the first differs from the second.

If I stand at the mirror in the third position, the position of the psychotherapist, I look at myself-in-the-mirror as "that person" and I can understand him deeper and better - who he is and how he lives. And this I can see flashed in his eyes. So I can learn a lot about myself, about my psyche, a lot of new and interesting things.

If you understand the purpose of a person in life, it will become easier for you to learn to love him, because there will be an understanding that a person in my life is a teacher, and I am grateful to him for that.

No wonder this man came into your life! After all, our whole life is a big school, and the subject of study is one - love. Through men, the most important and sometimes the most difficult lessons come to us, and there is only one specialty - Love and self-acceptance.

We can give love to another person only when we ourselves possess it. We cannot give to others what we ourselves do not have. Your man is always your mirror, remember this! It only reflects what is in you. Recently I heard from one woman that I am ready to try only for a worthy man ... Do you hear yourself? What is a worthy man?

Any man who was attracted to you, attracted and will still be attracted, is a man worthy of you. The concept of "worthy" is very relative, because everyone deserves his own. You deserve exactly what attracts you. If only weak-willed mattresses or sissies are attracted to you, this is neither bad nor good, it's just a fact. A fact that shows what you are ready to accept in your life today and now. A man who comes into your life mirrors all your inner problems outward. And you can use this knowledge to look at yourself with new eyes, eyes from outside.

Let's look at the most common situations.

If a jealous man has come into your life, you should learn to redirect your sexual energy into creativity, since a jealous man will never appear in the life of a girl who has worked out the issue with her sexuality.

What lesson does a man who opens his arms bring with him?

If a tyrant has come into your life, then it's time for you to learn to listen to yourself, because women who live with tyrants are women who have completely erased the understanding of what boundaries are, and this turned them into victims. They feel miserable, lonely and abandoned by everyone. "The husband is a tyrant, the weather is bad, and others have joy in life, but I was cheated, apparently, my fate is to endure and suffer." Accordingly, a man either puts a woman in her place with his behavior, or teaches this woman to respect herself, restores the structure of her personality, highlights the “victim” program, teaches her to defend boundaries and the ability to stand up for herself. Another man simply will not be able to teach such a girl to start listening to herself. The victim needs to experience severe pain so that she finally wants to change something in her life.

If an alcoholic, addicted man comes to you, then he is attracted to your life for a reason. And you chose him for something. To pass some important lesson. What is this man teaching? Let's imagine how a woman behaves in such a pair: she either constantly "saws" him and thereby kills all his masculinity in the bud, or is in a state of "poor thing", who is the most unlucky in life, and everyone owes her. And the husband drinks, and there is little money, and the children are slobs. Sheer sadness. Accordingly, such a man teaches her in the first situation - femininity, "signals" her that - just as she killed her feminine nature or some important part of herself, so he kills himself with alcohol / drugs, and leaves reality; or, in the second situation, he teaches her self-love, respect, first of all, herself, growing up, the ability to take responsibility for her life and for the events taking place in it.

If in your life there is a sissy, a weak-willed, spineless gentleman, then you clearly belong to the category of girls who do not know how to give the reins of power into the hands of the stronger sex. You decide everything yourself, you know everything better than anyone, and you change everyone. You do not notice, but most often your scandals arise on the basis that you want to change a person, but never listen to him. And, yes, now you will deny it.

If a person came into your life who feeds you with promises, and he always hangs out with friends in the most party places of the city / planet, who speaks beautifully, and you are in love with his style, his style, his way of life and revel in grief, " Well, when will you calm down, and we will live together and live in peace". Answer: never. Such a person came into your life to tell you: "Start to appreciate yourself! Why are you satisfied that we play by my rules, and you are ready to adapt all the time? I disappeared for two months, and you still accept me, because I fed you beautiful words? You are not appreciated here. If you are adjusting to me now, then even when a worthy man comes into your life who loves you with all his heart, after a while he will stop appreciating you, because you have a habit of adjusting in your head.

There are many more such relationship scenarios, but let's go back to the beginning of the article. What means - "I will try only for a worthy man"? A priori, you should try not for someone and not for someone else, because your own development is at stake, you are trying in any relationship only for yourself. If there is a man in life, honestly ask yourself, do I deserve another? And for what kind of qualities can I now present a prince on a white horse? You understand that the prince will also not be with a girl who has a lot of complexes, cockroaches and manias. All this needs to be worked out. People do not learn to drive a car behind the wheel of a Ferrari.

There is such a thing as the "shadow part of the personality" - these are the qualities that we do not realize in ourselves, do not see, do not accept, they are in us, but for our consciousness they are shrouded in shadow. Thus, mirrors are direct and reverse.

Direct mirror: the quality that annoys you in someone is in yourself. Only you don't see it, you don't want to notice it. For example: the husband is lazy, lies on the couch and does nothing. It just brings you to a boiling point, which means that this same laziness is in you. You are also lazy, and you really want to lie down and lie on the couch and look at the ceiling, but you just can’t afford it, because you were taught as a child to be strong and not to wallow just like that, or you never did it at all, live in terrible stress and an endless race - work, home, children, school, cleaning, etc. What does it say? This does not mean that you need to lie down with your husband and drop everything, just accept: " yes, somewhere deep I am that lazy and even worse than my husband", and let this quality manifest itself at least sometimes: arrange a rest for yourself, just lie down, go for a massage, consciously be lazy and relax.

Reverse mirror: we find the quality that annoys you in a man, and see if it is in you with the opposite sign? For example: a man is a weakling, which means you are strong, you have taken on a lot, and you need to learn how to be weak. The man is irresponsible, which means that you are hyper-responsible, control everything and cannot relax, trust; man liar - you are fixated on the truth, and you constantly need evidence and confirmation, there is no faith; a greedy man - you are too stingy, first of all, to yourself, stingy with love, emotions, time ... do you understand the principle?

When you realize all this in yourself, you, firstly, will accept these qualities, or at least begin to accept them, and secondly, you will simply become higher than this, realizing that you are something more. When we recognize these qualities in ourselves, then men change, or their behavior ceases to offend us. In general, everything in the world is arranged according to the principle of a mirror. Our entire environment is our reflection. With the help of other people, you can easily see what is in you. If you are dissatisfied with your surroundings, work, you are dissatisfied first with yourself. Our attitude towards ourselves coincides with our attitude towards the people around us. And people, in turn, reflect our idea of ​​ourselves.

What is in me is also outside. Our inner world attracts the inner worlds of other people. Therefore, if everyone around you feels bad, everyone is sad, depressed, then the same thing happens inside you. And if you are surrounded by bright, kind, loving people, then you yourself are the same, everything is very simple! Work on yourself - both the world around you and people will change.

All this is written not in order to feel like the heroes of the occasion, but to feel how a woman can change everything on her own if she wants to. And even betrayal - they are not pathology and gigolos, this is not a taboo. This is what will help a woman to reconsider herself and eventually do something if a woman wants it.

You have already understood that at the heart of all the lessons that men bring us is a return to our feminine nature. Because most women have such distortions (in fact, these are malicious virus programs transmitted to women from generation to generation): either we go into male energies, and any man next to such an "Iron Lady" lies down on the sofa, sits on his neck, inactive, becomes an inveterate drunkard or starts to walk. Or we are in the position of a victim and sigh about our hard lot, and a man acts as a domestic tyrant or commits vile deeds.

In fact, the Universe is trying to reason with you through it. Through all these (and other) types of men, the Universe says: "Become a woman! Learn to love yourself, begin to appreciate life, because you did not come here at all to suffer! You are a Woman! Where is the fluidity of water and the acceptance of a man? Where is the flame of passion? Where is the warmth of the hearth? Where is the reverence and respect for a man? Where is wisdom and become? Where is beauty, tenderness, lightness, joy? Where is Vera? Here, keep a man to match you - this is your "simulator for revealing femininity", please learn."

But we don’t hear this, we break off relations, we meet a new man, and then the same thing happens again, it happens even worse, and so on in a vicious circle. I will always be for the fact that changes must begin with the Woman. Everything starts with her, because she is space. Before shifting responsibility to a man, look at yourself, he is only your reflection. The Internet is full of popular pages about how to manipulate a man and get gifts from him. I do not mean it. I'm talking about self-respect and love, about faith and acceptance of a man, about the joy and light of life!

Yes, it hurts, it hurts to change yourself, and even more painful to realize that "I" through my installations, virus programs only destroy my life ... But, oddly enough, we need "Pain". I realized this when I started to grow and develop myself. And relationship pain is an essential companion of two adult partners building relationships and starting a family.

I know a lot of men and women who can't stand the pain, and as soon as the relationship gets difficult, they can't stand it and choose to end the relationship, and soon "jump" into a new relationship, thinking that everything will be different there and not will have to worry! But it was not there! At first, everything goes chocolate and fine (the stage of falling in love), and then invariably comes the stage of quarrels, grinding, criticism, abuse, and again comes the very pain that they ran away from in the last union. So does it make sense to run in circles?

Always ask yourself: What is this situation teaching me? Why did it happen? What do I need to bear for myself? Then you will not receive an outflow of energy, but will take away your resource.

So why do we run from pain or believe that it should not be? Very often, in order to continue life, including the life of a family, you need to go through fire, and water, and copper pipes, this will be hardening for relationships and your growth. You don't have to be afraid of it. Any relationship is difficult. And if you start a relationship with the thought that you can finally relax and enjoy, then disappointment will be inevitable. You need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult, but to meet these difficulties as a chance to get closer, to help each other, to become comrades-in-arms.

A loved one is not someone you can enjoy 100% of the time with. A loved one is the one for whom you are ready to overcome difficulties and change.

The one you accept completely, without a trace!

» Mirror perception

© Ramil Garifullin

In search of a mirror. Psychology of the mirror phenomenon.
I and proto-I as a product of a neural mirror

The question of which our image is true: the one in the mirror or the one in the monitor has now become relevant. The monitor shows something as in reality, that is, as we would see this something with our own eyes. The fact that this something is right remains right.

In the mirror, what is right becomes left. Due to the fact that the level of development of mankind was low, the first object reflecting us was a mirror, which apparently inadequately reflects, changing right to left. Now, with the development of information technology, mirror monitors have appeared, that is, zerkamons (the term was introduced by the author back in 1995), which adequately reflect us and create our true image. Thanks to this, we can now see ourselves the way others see us. Our real image is how Others see us! Reality and objectivity are formed only on the basis of Others, otherwise subjective perception arises, which can be dangerous from the point of view of our survival!

When we imagine ourselves, that is, reflect on ourselves, we usually see our image from the mirror. We are accustomed to and adapted to this image. Others see the real you, that is, non-mirror, and build relationships with you based on your non-mirror image. You yourself, build relationships with yourself on your mirror image, that is, not on the real image! Such a paradox! Such a false identity!

In your mirror image, your right eye becomes your left eye and your left eye becomes your right eye. And the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of your soul! It turns out that you see your soul in the mirror upside down by 180 degrees! Fortunately, in your eyes from the mirror, not your whole soul is yet visible, but only its components, but at the same time, alas, they are essential!

The right half of your face in the mirror becomes the left half. The right half of your body becomes the left! And it would seem that all this is not relevant for you, since you are accustomed to and adapted to this inverted image of yourself and this does not negatively affect you in any way? You use this false image of yourself in yourself, although you carry the real you in your body. Does this discrepancy really affect you in any way? Moreover, when you see the true, that is, non-mirror image of yourself, you understand that this is a different being, although it is you, that is, the being that others see! You can get to know this creature if you ask the photographer to take a photo not based on a mirror image of you, which you have already known all your life. By the way, photographers often make mistakes and make the photo non-mirror and the client does not recognize himself so much that he returns the photo back to get his usual image from the mirror in his hands. We do not accept our true, non-mirror image, as we are already used to and use a fake mirror image in ourselves. And our real image is the one that others see, and not the one when we see ourselves in the mirror. Alas! It so happened historically that our image from the mirror became the basis in the phenomenon of our self-perception and self-attitude! Or maybe this is not relevant, they say, what difference does it make for us and there is no need to let the real image of ourselves into the soul, that is, one that is not from the looking glass! Isn't it time to throw away mirrors from our apartments and install zerkamons (mirror-monitors), in which you will see the right as the right, and the left as the left! Perhaps at the beginning it will be unusual, because when you raise your right hand, it will already rise from the other side of the mirror, but when you pick your teeth or cut your hair, it will be more convenient and you will not confuse the direction of movement hands. And in general, in the soul you need to keep the true image of yourself, which is more conveniently perceived by your body. And this is the image from the mirror.

Large-scale introduction of zerkamon into everyday life will be when the quality of its image is the same as in an ordinary mirror. I wrote about this in my book Encyclopedia of Bluff in 1995.

I am sure that in tens of years, when mankind will give up simple mirrors in their apartments and look at themselves only in zercamons, many problems caused by centuries of false self-identification through a simple mirror will be solved!

Thus, an objective self-perception and self-attitude based on our true image of ourselves should be! Therefore, it is necessary to let into the soul a true and not a mirror image of ourselves, which we still perceive as an alien being that we do not recognize, but it corresponds to our true corporality. Moreover, there is such an opportunity now, since many mobile phones already have zercamons, which allow you to see yourself not as a mirror. If this is not possible, then you need to take two mirrors and look at the reflection of the reflection of yourself. It takes getting used to seeing this other being. Let this creature begin to compete with your original and familiar image from an ordinary mirror!

The point of view that our psyche is initially programmed for a mirror image of yourself and, they say, there is no need to introduce your true and non-mirror image, is a delusion. We should not make the truth what we are simply used to! We must break out of the world of habits if we want real and useful knowledge about ourselves and the world!

Biochemists have already proven that if mirror milk was synthesized, that is, milk consisting of DNA molecules, the structure of which is mirror to the original, then such milk would be poison for the human body. We'd be poisoned if we drank this looking-glass milk! Therefore, the question arises: “Does our soul not “poison” the mirror image of ourselves, which is represented in our psyche? Perhaps this is the origin of some of our psychological and mental problems?

Approach a loved one when he looks at "yourself" in the mirror and also look at his mirror image. Take a closer look! You won't recognize him! There will be another creature in the mirror!

Look at the mirror image of the clock hands and try to tell the time quickly! Will not work! This clock image is meaningless! You will not recognize the numbers and the positions of the arrows!

When you pick your teeth with a toothpick while looking in the mirror, you get confused and lead the toothpick in the wrong direction, but when you close your eyes, you are no longer mistaken in the direction of movement, since the truth comes from the body! But at the same time, you manage to be in harmony with yourself, keeping in your head the image of yourself, which is from the looking glass! This certainly has a share of disinformation indignation on your psyche. On ambulances, this disinformation has long been eliminated. They have inverted signs painted on them, allowing you to recognize this car when looking in the mirror!

Do not forget that our self-consciousness and the phenomenon of "I" opens in us without the influence of a mirror. The child is aware of the existence of Himself and His Self not thanks to the mirror. Otherwise, it would be enough just to bring him to the mirror to cause a sharp jump in the development of his psyche and consciousness! Although at a certain stage the mirror may cause such a jump, it is still a controversial topic.

Thus, self-attitude and self-perception should be built only on an adequate image of the Self! Therefore, it is time to return to Yourself! It's time to look only in the mirrors! This is a serious problem, the resolution of which can change Humanity, since it begins with each of us!

Take a close look at the looking-glass World: the world of “your” apartment, house, street, Nature, people. Learn to see the essential difference between this World and the real World. Realize that you do not need to perceive this world behind the mirror, since you have the opportunity to look at the real World, except when we just need to detect an object behind us without turning our heads in the opposite direction. At the same time, you cannot extend these reasonings to the visions of Yourself in the mirror and refuse this vision, since you cannot see “yourself” otherwise. And yet, let into yourself the thought that this vision of oneself in an ordinary mirror must be abandoned, since there is no need in it, just as in the case of the outside world behind the mirror! Look at yourself only in the mirror.

Apparently, we are looking for ourselves and cannot find ourselves, including because initially, due to the misinformation influence of an ordinary mirror, there is no true image of ourselves in us!

I have already told enough about the psychology of the mirror phenomenon, and now let's move on to a more complex level and talk a little about the philosophy of the mirror phenomenon.

Let's raise the above reasoning to the level of the philosophy of the phenomenon of the Mirror, that is, the mirror effect, which can be at all levels of the Existence of the World and the Soul. Then it can be assumed that if a mirror effect appears in the mental processes of animals, reflecting thoughts, due to which the thought of thought arises, then this animal has the opportunity to acquire consciousness. And if a second mental mirror appears, which can survey a thought, that is, observe a thought as an object, that is, as if from the outside, then a condition arises for cognizing the Essence of thinking. Alas! Usually, if we have one thought, then the previous thought immediately disappears. A normal human brain is not capable of holding two thoughts at the same time, that is, holding one, and at the same time, with the other thought, the first thought is “courting”. He can only change them. And yet, my research has shown that there are people who have this ability to observe a lingering thought. These are some individuals with schizotypal disorders. They have in their psyche not one psychic mirror, but two. And we can only be content with one mental mirror, which misinforms us, creating the illusion that the thoughts that come to us and do not belong to us are ours, although this is not so! We cannot view our thoughts from the side, just as we cannot see ourselves from the side and turn to a physical mirror. But a person with schizotypal disorders can. She, having a second psychic mirror in herself, sees the Essence of Thought so much that she understands that she is not his and does not belong to him. There is a phenomenon of alienation of a person from His thoughts and from the body so much that all this Own is perceived by Someone Made, turning into Other and Alien! Thought in this case is perceived as an external Object! This is called depersonalization in psychopathology. It is this perception that often becomes a necessary mental condition for the emergence of the phenomenon of genius!

Thus, studies of the psychology and philosophy of the mirror phenomenon have a great heuristic potential for the emergence of new knowledge about the World and the Soul.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin

© R.R. Garifullin, 2016
© Published with the kind permission of the author