Firefighter security device Vers PC. Reception and control device vers-pk4p. Firefighter tactics

VERS-PK 4M-02 provides autonomous and centralized security against intrusion and fire protection at sites, organization of warning systems and control of technological equipment:

VERS-PK 4M-02 monitors the state of alarm loops (AL) with security or fire detectors connected to it;

VERS-PK 4M-02 issues notifications FIRE, ALARM, FAULT on 3 output relays of the monitoring station;

VERS-PK 4M-02 controls sound, light, voice annunciators, “EXIT” displays connected to the notification outputs;

VERS-PK 4M-02 monitors the serviceability of siren connection lines;

VERS-PK 4M-02 transmits notifications to the device connected to the device event recorder and on output relay block .

Features and Features VERS-PK 4M-02

Flexible programming of up to 20 device parameters and AL using the device itself.

Consolidation of alarm systems into sections for general management;

Alarm control with electronic keys (up to 250 keys);

Built-in redundant power supply with 4.5 Ah battery, protection against deep battery discharge;

Possibility of connecting external RIP;

12 V outputs and outputs to sirens with electronic protection against short circuit and overload, protection against power supply overloads, protection against impulse noise via AL;

Execution VERS-PK 4M-02 in a metal case.

Shs tactics

1. Security alarm tactics:

Entry and exit delay;

- "Silent alarm";

Auto return to security mode;

Reactivation of the siren;

Remote reset.

2.Tactics of fire fighters:

Fire alarms with increased load capacity up to 2.85 mA

Fire alarms with detection of the FIRE event based on two triggered detectors and re-interrogation.

Programming the fire detector recovery delay when re-querying the states of fire detectors in the alarm loop.

Technical data VERS-PK 4M-02

1. Number of alarm loops connected to the device VERS-PK, PC.:

2.Device power supply VERS-PK 4M-02:

From AC mains frequency (50+1) Hz, V - 220+10%25%

From battery, V - 12+15%

3.Maximum power consumed by the device VERS-PK 4M-02 from AC mains, VA, no more: - 12

4.Maximum current consumed by the device VERS-PK 4M-02(without taking into account the external load on the 12 V circuit and remote sirens) in standby mode from the internal backup battery (AB) in the event of a power failure, A, no more than: - 0.15

5.Device operating time VERS-PK 4M-02 from the battery in case of loss of mains voltage, hour, not less:

In standby mode without external load on the 12V circuit - 30

In alarm mode at full load on the 12V circuit - 5

7.Maximum current of external load of the device VERS-PK 4M-02 along the 12V circuit (if there is a battery or external RIP) A, no more: - 1.2

8.Device VERS-PK 4M-02 provides automatic switching to power from the internal backup battery in the event of a loss of mains voltage and reverse switching when the AC mains is restored without issuing false notifications. In this case, the “POWER” LED:

Lights up continuously green when there is a 220 V network and there is a battery;

Flashes green at a frequency of 2 Hz when there is no network and the battery is normal;

Flashes red when there is no network and the battery is discharged.

The main loads are turned off - 10 ..10.5

Battery terminals are disconnected from the load - 9.5+0.3

In standby mode - 17+1.7

When the AL is open, it is 20+3

11.Maximum current at the ShS terminals, mA:

For current-consuming detectors - 3+0.2

When the loop is closed - 20+3

12. Leakage resistance between AL wires, kOhm, not less

For security alarm - 20

For a firefighter ShS - 50

13.Resistance of remote resistor, kOhm - 7.5+5%

14.Maximum resistance of the loop without taking into account the resistance of the remote element, Ohm, no more: - 220

15.Reaction time VERS-PK 4M-02 for loop violation, ms, not less: - 300

16. PI recovery delay when the fire alarm supply voltage is reset, sec (optional) 20, 40, 80, 120

17. Delays for security alarm loop, sec (optional):

Arming delay for the “with delayed arming” and “with” tactics open door"; - 15, 30, 45, 60

Delay in turning on an external sounder (siren) in case of alarm zone violation; - 0, 15, 30, 60

18. Duration of sounding of the internal sound alarm and remote sounder in the “Attention”, “Alarm/Fire” and “Fault” modes, min - 5

Note: if the device VERS-PK 4M-02 is in the “Attention”, “Alarm/Fire” or “Fault” mode and information has been received about the violation of another alarm system, then the countdown of the duration of activation of the alarm and siren is carried out from this moment (again).

19.Maximum number of TM keys recorded in the device VERS-PK 4M-02, pcs: - 250

20. Output switching parameters of the monitoring station opto-relay:

AC voltage, no more, V - 220

DC voltage, no more, V - 24

Current, no more, A - 3

21.Device VERS-PK 4M-02 is resistant to the effects of electromagnetic interference propagating through wires and conductive structures (conducted interference) and complies with UK1-UK5 standards with a severity level of at least 2 according to GOST R 50009 with quality of operation in accordance with GOST 29073 and GOST 29280.

22.Interference voltage generated by the device VERS-PK 4M-02 in wires and conductive structures, does not exceed the value of the IR1 standard according to GOST R 50009.

23.Field strength of interference generated by the device VERS-PK 4M-02, does not exceed the value of the IP1 standard according to GOST R 50009.

24. Operating conditions VERS-PK 4M-02:

Operating temperature range (without battery), °C; - -30....+55

Relative humidity at ambient temperature 40 °C, % - up to 93

25. Overall dimensions of the device VERS-PK 4M-02, mm, no more - 350x140x105

The device is designed to monitor alarm loops (AL) with security and fire detectors installed in them, and issue notifications:
– FIRE / ALARM using the monitoring station relay;
– FAULT using the electronic key (O.K.),
as well as on-site sound and light control

Main characteristics

  1. All ALs are divided into groups. Each group can be programmed with security or fire functions, which allows you to equip the facility to protect not only from intrusion, but also from fire. In VERS-PK2-4-8 devices, the loops are grouped into 2 groups, and in VERS-PK16-24 devices into 3 groups.
  2. Each AL group has its own relay output to the monitoring station, which is important when organizing several security lines at a facility.
  3. Transmission of separate notifications by each group relay of the monitoring station:
    – for firefighters AL NORM / FIRE;
    – for security alarms NORMAL / ALARM.
  4. The first alarm system (if it is a security alarm) operates according to tactics with a programmable delay, that is, the object is armed 60 seconds after this alarm is turned on in security mode; If this alarm system is violated, the sound notification is activated with a delay of 15 seconds.
  5. Each loop is controlled separately.
  6. The loops are powered with a constant voltage of 12 V, the current through the loop in standby mode is 3 mA. The final element is a 7.5 kOhm resistor. Each loop provides power to current-consuming detectors with a current of up to 3 mA, which allows you to connect up to 60 IP212-41m type detectors to it.
  7. Selection of input signals (in AL) by duration, noise-resistant signal processing algorithm.
  8. Increased reliability of fire detection (re-querying the state of fire detectors when a FIRE notification is received), which allows you to generate a command to control alerts of types 1, 2, 3 according to NPB 104 from one fire alarm (clause 13.1 of NPB 88-2001).
  9. Control via one two-wire loop of two independent control zones, i.e. when one fire detector is triggered, the device issues an ATTENTION notification, and when the second detector is triggered, an ALARM is issued.
  10. Remote sound and light alarm electronic keys:
  11. Outputs:
    – relay (monitoring stations) by the number of AL groups;
    – 12V for powering detectors.
  12. Built-in backup power supply. In the version for 1 controlled loop, a battery with a capacity of 1.2 Ah is installed inside the device; in versions with 2-4-8 controlled AL 4.5 A*h; in versions for 16-24 shs 7 A*h. In standby mode, the control panel operates from a backup source for at least 24 hours, and in alarm mode for at least 5 hours.
    Automatic switching to power from the built-in battery when the 220V mains voltage is lost, and when mains voltage is available, ensuring its charge. The transition is carried out with the corresponding indication turned on and without issuing false notifications to external circuits. When the battery is discharged to a voltage of 10V, the load from the battery is disconnected (BATTERIES ARE SUPPLIED UPON ORDER).
  13. Preservation of all information when the device is completely de-energized and restoration of issued notifications when power is restored.
  14. Diagnosing the performance of the device (“TEST”), except for the versions “VERS-PK1”, “VERS-PK2”.
  15. Protection of controls from unauthorized access by unauthorized persons (“LOCKING”).


Number of loops connected to the device, pcs.:

          • - VERS-PK2
          • - VERS-PK4
          • - VERS-PK8
          • - VERS-PK16
          • - VERS-PK24

Device power:

          • from AC mains frequency (50±1) Hz, V
          • from battery, V

Maximum power consumed by the device (excluding external load via the 12 V circuit and remote sirens) in standby mode and “ALARM/FIRE” mode from the AC mains, VA, no more than:

Maximum current consumed by the device (excluding external load via the 12 V circuit and remote sirens) in standby mode from the internal backup battery, A, no more than:

"VERS-PK16", "VERS-PK24"

Voltage supplied by the device to an external load, V

Total external load current of the device along the circuit 12 V, A, no more


“VERS-PK8”, “VERS-PK16”, “VERS-PK24”

Maximum load current of outputs (electronic keys) of all versions of devices for connecting remote sirens (operating voltage 12V), A, not more than:

Sound alarms ( Must have a built-in battery!), Oh, no more:

FAULT key + warning light key

incl. key FAULT, no more

Discharge time of the battery (charged to a voltage of 13.8V) to a voltage of 10V in the event of a power outage, hours, not less than:
- in standby mode without external load
- at full load

The device provides automatic switching to power from the internal backup battery in the event of a loss of mains voltage and reverse switching when the AC mains is restored without issuing false notifications. In this case, power from the network is indicated by the “NETWORK” LED, and the presence of a charged backup battery is indicated by the “12V” LED.

Battery voltage at which the discharge indication turns on (the “12V” LED blinks and the LEDs go off), V

Voltage at the terminals for connecting the ShS, V:
- in standby mode
- when the loop is open

Leakage resistance between AL wires, kOhm, not less

For security alarm

For firefighter AL

Remote resistor resistance, kOhm

Maximum resistance of the loop without taking into account the resistance of the remote element, Ohm, no more

Response time to loop violation, ms

In security version:
The device ensures the operation of the first alarm system using the “closed door” tactic with a delay of arming the first alarm system for a period of 60 s. During this time, multiple changes in the state of the first AL (norm / violation) are allowed.

When the first alarm is violated, the device provides a delay of 15 s for turning on the remote sounder.

Duration of sounding of the internal sound signaling device and external sound signaling device in the “Attention”, “Alarm/Fire” and “Fault” modes, min

The alarm loops of the device are under operating voltage and are automatically de-energized when a channel is turned on, the AL of which at the time of switching on does not correspond to the state of the standby mode, for a period of 3 s. In this case, current-consuming detectors included in the AL circuit switch from the triggered state to the standby mode

In the event of a complete power failure, the device remembers information on all channels and, when power is restored, ensures the resumption of notifications.

The device remains operational and meets the requirements of paragraphs. 3.5 – 3.19 after influencing the connection terminals of each AL:

  • sinusoidal voltage up to 50 V, frequency (50 ± 1) Hz and duration up to 20 s
  • a single pulse with an amplitude of up to 300 V and a duration of up to 10 ms.

The device is noise-resistant to the influence of sinusoidal voltage interference on the AL with a frequency of 50 Hz and an amplitude of up to 5V.

Parameters of a switchable group of relay contacts for transmitting signals to the monitoring station

Terms of Use:

  • operating temperature range, °C
  • relative humidity at ambient temperature 25 °C, %.

Overall dimensions of the device, mm, no more:
"VERS-PK16", "VERS-PK24"

Weight of the device without battery, kg, no more

12 ± 15%

19 ± 1.5
24 ± 3


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Information about technical specifications, included in delivery and appearance product is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication

The VERS-PK4P receiving and control device is designed to monitor the status of alarm loops (AL) with security or fire detectors connected to it, issue FIRE, ALARM, FAULT notifications on the output relays of the monitoring station, control sound, light, voice annunciators, “EXIT” display, connected to the notification outputs. Monitors the serviceability of the sounder connection lines and transmits notifications to the “VERS-RS” event recorder connected to the device and to the “VERS-BRU” output relay block

Application area:

  • Providing autonomous and centralized security against intrusion and fire protection at sites, organizing warning systems and controlling technological equipment

Key Features:

  • Distribution of alarm systems into groups for general control of arming/disarming. Each AL group has its own monitoring station relay;
  • Built-in redundant power supply. The VERS-PK2P versions use a battery with a capacity of 4.5 Ah
  • Automatic switching to battery power when the 220V mains voltage is lost, and when mains voltage is available, ensuring its charge. The transition is carried out with the corresponding indication turned on and without issuing false notifications to external circuits. Protection against deep battery discharge;
  • Increased reliability of fire detection (re-querying the status of fire detectors when a FIRE notification is received);
  • Ensuring the operation of the first alarm system (if it is a security alarm) using the “closed door” tactic with a delay of arming for a period of 60 s. If the first alarm zone is violated, the sound notification is activated with a delay of 15 seconds;
  • Execution in plastic and metal housing.





Number of alarm loops connected to the device 4

Device power

- from an alternating current network with a frequency (50 + 1) Hz, V 220+10%- 25%
- from battery, V 12+ 15%
Voltage supplied by the device to an external load, V 12+ 2
Operating time of the device from the battery during a power outage, hour, not less
-in standby mode without external load on the 12V circuit 24
-in alarm mode at full load on the 12V circuit 5
Battery voltage at which the indication turns on
discharge (flashing LED "12V" and extinguishing LEDs ShS), V
Voltage at the terminals for connecting the ShS, V
in standby mode 19+ 1,5
when the loop is open 24+ 3
Leakage resistance between AL wires, kOhm, not less than:
for security alarm 20
for firefighter AL 50
Remote resistor resistance, kOhm 7,5
Maximum resistance of the AL without taking into account the resistance of the remote element. Om, no more 220
Response time to loop violation, ms 300
dimensions 350x140x100
Operating temperature range

30 - +55 °C without battery

VERS-PK 2P version 3.1 p fire protection device.

Product purpose:
Devices VERS PC2 Version 3.1 are universal devices that provide intrusion protection, fire protection, access control, light and sound warnings at sites. The device can be used both autonomously and as part of centralized security systems.


Flexible programming of up to 22 device and AL parameters;
- Three types of alarm systems: “Fireman”, “Security” and “Technological”;
- Consolidation of AL into sections for general management;
- Alarm control with electronic keys (up to 250 keys);
- Controlling the door lock, ensuring access using access keys;
- Built-in redundant power supply with 4.5Ah battery;
- Possibility of connecting an external RIP;
- 12 V outputs and outputs to sirens with electronic protection against short circuit and overload, protection against power supply overloads, protection against impulse noise via AL;
- Execution in a plastic case;
The built-in RS-485 interface controller ensures operation of the device with external connected devices “VERS-BRU Version 3.1.” and "VERS-RS Version 3.1." When working via this interface, constant two-way data exchange with devices is carried out: the device transmits information about current events to relay blocks and recorders. And the relay blocks and recorders, in turn, transmit data to the device about their presence in the network. The RS-485 interface allows you to organize parallel operation of several VERS-BRU relay blocks Version 3.1. and/or VERS-RS Version 3.1.

Number of ShS 2
Number of sections 2
Method of controlling the operating modes of the button on the front panel; TM key
External interfaces for exchange, programming and control RS-485
Sound duration of remote sounder, min 5
Voltage at the terminals for connecting the ShS, V:
- in standby mode 17
- when ShS 22 is open
Alarm current in standby mode, mA 3
Nominal resistance of remote resistor, kOhm7.5
Maximum total resistance of the ShS line wires, Ohm, no more than 220
Information output parameters VERS PC 2P version 3.1:
- number of “Open collector” type outputs 3
- number of “Dry contact” type outputs 3
Maximum permissible currents and voltages:
- output “sound siren” 12V/500mA
- output “light signaling device” 12V/500mA
- output for powering detectors 12V/1A
- relay output 24V/2A Supply voltage, V:
- from AC mains, V220
- from an additional source 12 Current consumption, mA:
- when powered by a built-in battery, mA 160
Power consumption:
- from AC 12VA
Number of installed batteries 1
Battery capacity, Ah4.5
Housing material Plastic
Protection degree IP20
Operating temperature range, °C -30…+50
Overall dimensions, mm 240x200x83.5

VERS-PK2 Version 3.2 devices are universal devices that provide intrusion protection, fire protection, access control, light and sound warnings at sites. The device can be used both autonomously and as part of centralized security systems.

The VERS-PK2/4/8 Version 3.2 devices retain full continuity with the VERS-PK2/4/8 Version 3.1 devices in terms of functionality and connection diagram, but have a number of advantages:
A highly efficient switching power supply has been introduced;
The range of operating mains voltage has been expanded - 135-242 V;
Full operation is supported with a deeply discharged battery;
The device is equipped with a built-in USB interface for downloading and reading the configuration;
New developed software to configure the device - VERS-PK Prog;
Specific gravity has been reduced.

Performs the following functions:
Monitoring the status of alarm loops (AL) with security, fire or process detectors connected to them;
Issuance of FIRE, ALARM, FAULT notifications on 3 output relays of the monitoring station;
Control of sound, light, speech annunciators, “EXIT” displays connected to the notification outputs;
Control of passage through one access point;
Monitoring of siren connection lines;
Transmission of notifications to the event recorder VERS-RS version 3.1, output relay block VERS-BRU version 3.1, key block VERS-BK, VERS-BMK connected to the device via the RS-485 interface;

Features and Features:
Number of alarm loops connected to the device, pcs: 2
Flexible programming of up to 36 device and AL parameters;
Three types of alarm systems: “Fireman”, “Security” and “Technological”;
Consolidation of alarm systems into sections for general management;
Alarm control with electronic keys (up to 255 keys);
Controlling the door lock, ensuring access using access keys;
Built-in redundant power supply with 4.5Ah battery;
Possibility of connecting external RIP;
12 V outputs and outputs to sirens with electronic protection against short circuit and overload, protection against power supply overloads, protection against impulse noise via AL;
Execution in plastic cases;
Connecting external units via RS-485.

The built-in RS-485 interface controller ensures operation of the device with external connected devices “VERS-BRU version 3.1.”, “VERS-RS version 3.1.”, “VERS-BK”, “VERS-BMK”. When working via this interface, constant two-way data exchange with devices is carried out: the device transmits information about current events to relay blocks and recorders. And the relay blocks and recorders, in turn, transmit data to the device about their presence in the network. The RS-485 interface allows you to organize parallel operation of several VERS-BRU relay blocks version 3.1. and/or VERS-RS version 3.1, VERS-BK, VERS-BMK.

Security tactics:
"With exit and entry delay";
"Delay with open door";
"Silent alarm";
"Auto arm";
"Disabled state control".

Firefighter tactics:
AL with increased load capacity (increased standby current to 2.85 mA);
Single-threshold and two-threshold modes of polling detectors;
Verification algorithm (re-survey);
Programming the fire detector recovery delay when re-interrogating the state of fire detectors in the AL;
"Auto arm";
"24 hours a day."

Buy VERS-PK2P version 3.2 from Layta at an attractive price. VERS-PK2P version 3.2: description, characteristics, customer reviews, photographs and related products..

Characteristics of VERS-PK2P version 3.2:

Manufacturer VERS Basic unit pcs Number of connected ALs 2 Supply voltage, V 135 - 242AC Relative air humidity without condensation (operating condition) 0 - 98%

The description of the product shown is for reference only and may differ from technical documentation manufacturer.