Processing the garden in early spring from pests. Processing the garden from pests and diseases in the spring. How to spray trees in the spring from diseases and pests

Processing the garden from diseases and pests in the spring includes the elimination of insects and their larvae, disease prevention, strengthening the resistance of shrubs, trees and other plants to weather conditions, as well as providing protection from the influence of the external environment. Study the technologies, terms and stages of all the above works, find out how to properly prepare the site for the summer season in order to harvest a rich harvest in the fall.

Key activities that include garden care in early spring are pest control and the prevention of fungal and infectious diseases. To effectively protect young and mature trees, carry out a comprehensive treatment.

spraying trees

Pesticides affect the trunk, branches and crown, destroying insects and leaving a semblance of a protective film on the surface. Use pesticides carefully - choose the type of mixture and dosage, taking into account the degree of impact on a particular pest. Work during the season when the population is most vulnerable, namely in early spring.

raspberry beetle

Spring garden pest control works with the right choice of chemical. All products are sold in stores in the form of a concentrate or diluted liquid for spraying. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the dosage and the approximate area of ​​the irrigated surface.

Protect crops from viruses and diseases

Processing the site in the spring is necessary to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. Choose a targeted pesticide.

Funds classification:

  • fungicides - against the fungus;
  • antibiotics - from viral diseases;
  • bactericides - against the growth of bacteria.

Plant protection products

Treat plants evenly - capture not only the affected parts of a tree or shrub, but also the trunk, crown, soil around.

Complex treatment of the garden in the spring from diseases and pests with chemicals is a worthy alternative to burning rotten leaves.

Advantages of the spraying method:

Choose the right time to spray your garden for pests and diseases. Usually, before the start of the season, garden crops in a suburban area are processed by summer residents in four stages: in early spring, and then before, during and after flowering.

Then spray with drugs that protect against diseases such as:

  • moniliosis;
  • scab;
  • clasteriosporiosis;
  • coccomycosis.

Cherry moniliosis

In early spring, the treatment of the garden from pests and diseases should include spraying the soil.

The next step is spraying chemicals before flowering begins. Choose an insecticidal agent and take care of removing the larvae that survived after the initial manipulations. Instead of chemicals, you can use urea. The timing of garden treatment from pests and diseases varies depending on the type of crop.

The third stage is a two-stage spraying with a substance during flowering. The first time spray the buds immediately after opening, and the second - when 70-75% of the petals fall off. Use a combination of a fungicide and an insecticide to get rid of new insects that have fallen on a tree or bush in the spring, and at the same time prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with decay.

apple scab

During the day, the best processing time is early morning. Come out to the plants around 6 o'clock. Make sure the air temperature is above zero. Choose calm weather with high humidity - so the particles of the substance will last longer and penetrate deeper into the tissues of bushes and trees.

Processing the garden in the spring from pests and diseases

Before the start of the season, purchase tools and preparations that help create a well-groomed garden plot with crops that are not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. You may opt for chemicals or natural biological sprays.

Sprayers for the suburban area

Processing accessories

  • backpack/manual sprayer;
  • rubberized protective suit;
  • tight-fitting glasses;
  • latex gloves;
  • boots;
  • respirator.

Grower's protective gear

Choose a sprayer according to the volume and spray area. You can focus on the parameters of the jet pressure and the degree of spraying. Droplets should be small in order to evenly wet the surface of the trunk and leaves without dripping. The device of any type has a retractable rod, with the help of which the chemical mixture is fed to the upper branches of the trees.

Protective equipment prevents chemical burns that form on the skin upon contact with the insecticide, and a respirator prevents small particles from the spray from entering the lungs.

If you buy a concentrate, the work involves preparing a chemical solution yourself. Buy thick enamel or plastic dishes to easily mix the ingredients in it.

Video: Garden work in spring

Processing chemicals

Look in gardening stores for complex preparations for plants, if you do not know for sure how to treat the garden from pests and diseases in the spring. The range includes a large number of chemical concentrated mixtures that act immediately after spraying. Use them if you want to quickly and surely destroy insects and stop the decay of trees and shrubs.

Chemical preparations for treating the garden from diseases and pests:

  • copper sulfate;
  • colloidal sulfur - from ticks;
  • Bordeaux mixture, 1%;
  • urea.

Copper sulfate powder

Timely spring treatment of the garden with copper sulfate allows you to get a rich harvest without excessive costs. Solution preparation method:

  1. Buy vitriol powder from a gardening or hardware store.
  2. Dissolve in water in a proportion of 100 g per 10 liters.
  3. Stir until the sediment completely disappears.

The solution acts in a complex way - it copes simultaneously with diseases and pests.

The procedure for processing the garden in the spring from diseases and pests with urea:

  1. Take 500 g of urea (urea).
  2. Dilute carbamide in water in a proportion of 500 g per 10 liters.

Spray schedule for stone fruits

Treat horticultural crops only with a freshly prepared solution. The product retains its protective properties for a short time.

Safe Biologicals

It is generally accepted that pesticides used during the spring processing of the garden have a negative impact on the quality of fruits and vegetables. It is possible to spray shrubs without chemistry - for this, select a biologically active agent.

Manufacturers offer gardeners organic preparations:

  • "Ekoberin" - powder from sugar granules with the addition of golden rose and barberry juice. Suitable for all plants and can be used three times per season. Increases the resistance of trees to diseases by eliminating toxins. Protects from pests and the influence of weather conditions.
  • "Healthy Garden" - sugar powder with the addition of sodium and magnesium salts. Can be used three times per season for processing fruit trees. Increases resistance to drought, protects against aphids and insects, eliminates nitrates.
  • "Mikosan" - penetrates into plant cells and helps protect against fungus. Stimulates the growth of horticultural crops, promotes the development of leaves and stems.
  • "Rostok" - a preparation based on extracts of spruce and pine. Accelerates metabolism, protects against microbes and viruses. Strengthens plant immunity, protects tissues and cells.
  • "Energen" - a preparation of brown coal with the addition of sulfur and natural salts. Creates conditions for rapid seed germination. Promotes the formation of humus in the ground by activating the microorganisms inhabiting the soil.

The drug "Mikosan"

The high cost of biological agents for treating the garden from pests and diseases is more than compensated for by the environmental friendliness of the resulting crop and the absence of impurities inside vegetables and fruits.

Folk methods of processing the site

Summer residents sometimes do not trust industrial manufacturers and prepare funds on their own. Well-known folk preparations: a composition of needles, laundry soap and ash, onions and garlic, ashes. Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases with boiling water without additives is also practiced.

Solution of needles from insects

  1. Buy coniferous concentrate from a pharmacy or garden store.
  2. Pour 10 liters of water into a container.
  3. Pour into the water 4 tbsp. l. concentrate and stir.

The remedy helps against aphids, carrot flies, suckers, codling moths and other insects. It can be combined with wormwood infusion to broaden the spectrum of action and enhance the protective effect.

Soap and ashes in any period

Soap solution fights spider mites, sucker larvae and aphids. Soap preparation method:

  1. Pour water into a 10 liter enamel bucket. Add 100 g of soda and put on fire.
  2. Boil until the water becomes soft.
  3. Grate a piece of laundry soap weighing 300 g on a coarse grater.
  4. Dump the soap shavings into the boiling water and turn off the heat.
  5. When the solution has cooled, wash the stems and leaves of the affected plants in it.

Laundry soap solution

The soap product is safe and helps out in situations where the use of chemicals is impossible - for example, when there are berry ovaries on the bushes. Add 1.5 kg of ash sifted through a sieve to the solution and let it brew - then the composition will help get rid of powdery mildew or cruciferous flea, and also create a protective film on the surface of plants.

Onions and garlic in the fight for the harvest

Simple natural remedies that can destroy pests in their summer cottage. Prepare an infusion of onion peel or garlic to get rid of insects.

How to prepare onion infusion:

  1. Pour a jar of dry onion peel with warm water in a volume of 2 liters.
  2. Cover with a lid and let the mixture brew for two days.
  3. Dilute the concentrate in proportion: 2 parts of water to 1 part of infusion.
  4. Add 20 g of liquid soap and place the product.

Preparation of garlic preparation:

  1. Peel and crush 5 garlic cloves.
  2. Pour 15 liters of warm water and leave for 5 days.
  3. Dilute the concentrate with water and use for spraying.

Boiling water against a tick

How to treat shrubs with boiling water

Boiling water kills pests and their eggs, including the field mite, which settles in the buds of plants. The treatment should be carried out even before the buds swell, but after they begin to change color, reacting to heat. Most often, this procedure is carried out to protect the currant.

To protect the roots of shrubs, cover the soil with tarps or boards. Boil the water and immediately water the branches with boiling water, trying to move quickly through different parts of the plant. You can add a little salt to improve efficiency.

How to cultivate a garden

Carry out spring spraying of the garden from pests and diseases according to plan. Process fruit trees and shrubs in accordance with the schedule:

  • March-April - cleaning of the bark, processing of trees, pruning of shoots;
  • April (from the middle) - insect treatment with Bordeaux mixture, then repeated - from rot and scab, and then - again, with colloidal sulfur from ticks;
  • May - spraying against larvae and caterpillars.

The processing schedule for stone fruit trees - cherries, plums, peaches, differs from the usual:

  • April - treatment with copper sulphate before bud break;
  • May - spraying with karbofos or vitriol after flowering.

Schedule for processing plants in early spring

A detailed scheme for treating the garden from pests and diseases is given in the table.

Start processing from the top of the crown to the trunk, gradually passing through each branch. Treat the trunk and soil. Perform the first treatment before bud break. By choosing the right tool and mechanism for processing the garden, you will save yourself from problems with pests for one to two years.

In order not to miss the deadlines for processing the garden from pests and diseases, draw up your work plan in advance. Do not hesitate to consult with more experienced gardeners and consultants. A rich harvest requires a lot of work!

Spraying and whitewashing from March to May is the basis of your garden treatment. For spring protection of fruit and ornamental trees, as well as shrubs from rodents, diseases, pests, select the means, draw up a schedule and watch a video on the topic.

When to process

Spray the garden several times during the spring to feed the trees and protect them from diseases and pests. Each of these procedures is important in its own way. Here you need not to miss the moment and observe the correct work schedule. Spraying is carried out:

Around April, it is worth updating the whitewash on tree trunks. In addition to the fact that it looks elegant, such a measure will also be an excellent prevention:

  • fungal diseases. The risk of their development increases with the onset of warm weather combined with spring rains;
  • pests. Whitewashing prevents the appearance of aphids and mites, and also eliminates insects that remain in the bark.

Advice. Any garden treatment is favorable in dry and calm weather. The best time is early in the morning. If you do not have time, postpone the procedure for the evening.

How to spray trees and shrubs

The preparations with which the garden is treated are divided into:

  1. Biological- bacteria that are safe for the future crop, effective in combating harmful microbes.
  2. Folk- mixtures and tinctures of various herbs.
  3. Chemical including fungicides and insecticides. Very often used for the treatment and prevention of the most common garden diseases, as well as for the destruction of pests. For example:
  • weevils, flower beetles are fought with chlorophos;
  • scab and coccomycosis are treated with copper oxychloride and Bordeaux liquid;
  • to destroy spider mites, caterpillars, sawflies, aphids, karbofos or chlorophos is used;
  • against anthracnose that damaged currants or gooseberries, chloroxide will help.

In addition, complex means used to combat diseases and pests of trees are relevant. They are a combination of substances that simultaneously destroy the manifestations of diseases on plants and exterminate insects.

Often a good alternative to complex drugs is urea(urea). In addition to effective protection, its other important purpose is to fertilize trees with nitrogen. This uses a lower concentration than for pest control. In any case, the main thing is to dilute the urea in the correct proportion with water, otherwise the burn of the plant is inevitable. If you are not sure that you have diluted the carbamide correctly, do not rush to spray all the trees. Process a few branches and wait 1-2 days.

A lot of diseases and a number of harmful insects are afraid of a beautiful pale blue mixture - Bordeaux liquid, which is prepared from copper sulfate and lime, mixing them in a 1: 1 ratio. Every 200 g of the resulting powder is diluted with a 10-liter bucket of water. Rarely, but still, copper sulfate is used in its pure form to control scab, moniliosis and some pests in the period before bud break. For this purpose, 100 g of the product is diluted with 10 liters of water. Unlike copper, iron sulfate not only fights diseases and pests, but also feeds plants. Iron contributes to the growth and development of shoots, and also affects the quality of the fruit.

Advice. For maximum effect, it is worth treating with iron sulphate not only the tree itself, but also the circle near the trunk.

Solutions of urea and vitriol contain a lot of active substances. Therefore, do not treat them more than 2 times a year. It is better to alternate drugs, for example, also using bioprotection. True, according to some summer residents, such funds are good only as a preventive measure, but not a fight. Significantly less effective, compared with chemical agents, are also folk methods of combating insects and diseases. Their main advantage is safety for humans, plants and the environment as a whole.

For example, you can make a tincture against insects from:

  • 200 g tobacco (previously crushed);
  • garlic and onion peels, orange peels and needles (you need 1 handful of each component).

All this must be placed in a 3-liter bottle and filled with water, the temperature of which does not exceed + 70 °. After closing the tincture with a lid, you need to put it in a warm place for 7 days. Then you should strain the mixture, add warm water there to get 10 liters of the drug, and pour in a crushed 100-gram piece of tar soap.

Advice. It is necessary to use the drug before flowering, after a couple of procedures with an interval of 10-12 days.

Popular among supporters of folk remedies is an infusion of garlic, which fights aphids, as well as rust and copperhead. To prepare it, you need to dilute 0.5 kg of chopped garlic with 3-5 liters of water, strain and squeeze out the thick, which should then be soaked again in water. The resulting tinctures must be filtered through a sieve, mixed and topped up with water, so that in the end 10 liters of the product come out.

How to spray trees and shrubs

To get started, prepare:

  • pump or compressor;
  • respirator or mask;
  • glasses;
  • gloves - better rubber;
  • drugs.

Spraying is more effective if the entire garden is sprayed at once. If you need to get rid of 1-2 plants from an illness or insects, it’s still worth spraying both its neighbors and tree trunks so that the attack does not spread further. Before work, carefully inspect the trees and bushes. If there is moss or lichen, remove them with a wire brush. Mix the agent with which you will spray the plants with water to make a homogeneous liquid, and only then pour it into the apparatus.


  1. Apply evenly to the branches, leaves and trunk of a tree or bush. Start processing from the top.
  2. To spray the plants well, hold the pump/compressor tip about 70 cm away from them.
  3. Please note that getting the drug on the back side of the leaves is undesirable.
  4. When finished, wash all parts, wash yourself and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Advice. Before purchasing protective equipment, calculate how much you will need approximately. Depending on the age of the tree, 1 plant requires 1.5 to 5.5 liters of the drug. It takes 0.6-1.5 liters of solution to process the bush.

Whitewashing trees: composition of solutions, processing technology

To whiten plant stems, they usually take:

  • Lime. The disadvantage of its use is that the procedure must be repeated several times, because the solution seizes with a too thin film.
  • Alkyd paint. Often its composition is supplemented with antifungal agents, and when applied, 1 layer is enough.
  • Inkstone. Benefits the plant as a whole, as it accelerates the formation of chlorophyll.
  • Homemade solution. For example, it is prepared as follows: a 10-liter bucket of water is mixed with 2-2.5 kg of chalk or slaked lime and 200-300 g of vitriol (any). Sometimes a little less water is poured into the composition, compensating for this by adding PVA glue. This solution lasts longer.

For whitewashing trees you need:

  1. Scrape off the old bark from the trunk.
  2. Cover cracks, wounds with garden pitch.
  3. Brush the bole with a brush, painting it about 1 m from the ground level.
  4. If necessary, it is worth repeating whitewashing after 2-3 days.

Advice. The bark you have removed must be collected and burned. It can be a carrier of diseases and pests. Before starting work, cover the ground near the trunk with oilcloth or bags.

In order not to get confused about when and what spring work is needed in the garden, make a schedule plate for yourself. Indicate in it the timing of the events, the type of procedures. Also note which drugs you are going to use. With such a plan at hand, you can ensure effective plant protection and deservedly expect a great harvest.

Tree processing in spring: video

Spring processing of trees: photo

In order to harvest a full-fledged harvest of beautiful and whole fruits in the fall, you need to take care of the trees and shrubs in the spring. It is necessary to process and spray them from various pests and diseases.

You need to spray all fruit trees and shrubs without exception. This procedure is carried out in dry, calm weather at a time when the buds are swollen and the leaves are about to bloom. It is better to spray in the morning or in the evening when there is no sun.

How to process garden trees in spring

On sale now is a large selection of chemical, combined and biological products for garden processing. This is the well-known copper sulfate, and Bordeaux liquid, and the Abiga-Peak emulsion, etc. What to spray - you choose. We only note that:

  • Chemical preparations are convenient because they quickly dissolve in water and have convenient packaging. Their decay period is from several days to 3 weeks.
  • Combined preparations help to defeat several types of pests in one spraying. Re-processing is not required.
  • Biological products do not contain any chemicals, they are produced on the basis of various microorganisms and bacteria. There is no harm from them to humans, but re-processing of trees will be required.

Spraying trees and shrubs with copper sulphate

The most common and inexpensive spraying agent is a solution of copper sulfate. But from the fact that its cost is low, its effectiveness does not decrease. Copper sulfate is diluted in the following proportion: 100 g of powder per 10 liters of water. Such a solution helps to get rid of not only pests, but also cytosporosis, brown leaf spot, fruit rot, scab, black cancer, leaf curl, septosporosis, etc.

Against ticks and larvae overwintered in the bark, spraying with colloidal sulfur (at temperatures above 18 degrees) or Neoron helps well.

Against weevils, the installation of trapping belts on the basis of the glue "Alt", "Vo-vlip", or "Clean House" on the trunks will help. From the sucker, leafworm, moth and aphid, apple blossom beetle, it is necessary to spray with Kinmiks, Inta-VIR, Fastak, Karate,

Bordeaux mixture (1%) or the preparation "Abiga-Peak" (0.4%) are used for trees and shrubs with different periods of bud awakening, as well as during the growing season.

Treatment of apple and pear from diseases and pests

In early spring, before the buds swell, 5% iron sulfate is used to combat fungal diseases, mosses and lichens.

During the period of swelling of the kidneys and in the green cone stage (when the buds begin to bloom), apple and pear trees can be treated for scab and leaf spots with Azofos, Strobi or 3% Bordeaux liquid.

When the buds start to open on fruit trees, they can be sprayed against aphids, pear suckers, mites, leafworms, flower beetles with Bi-58, Binom, Ditox, Lepidocide, 30 plus, Bitoxibacillin, Fufanon, Sumitsin, Alterr.

When the buds turn pink treat fruit trees from scab, leaf spots with Skor or Fundazol. And from the pests of these trees, use Novaktion, Pirimix or Fufanon - the most effective drugs at this stage.

How can trees be treated after flowering. From the scab, spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid, as well as Strobi, Fundazol, Skor, Cumulus or Rayok, is suitable. From pests such as apple moth, leafworm, aphids, winter moths, use Decis or Fitoverm products. From the gall mite, Decis or Apollo will help. And from the sawfly, Karbofos, Kemifos, Fufanon or Novaktion will be effective.

For convenience, here is a table of when and how to treat trees from pests and diseases. If you stick to this processing schedule, then your trees in the country will always be healthy, and the fruits are clean from pests.

Processing plums, apricots, cherry plums in spring

Before bud break we recommend spraying these garden trees from moss, lichens, fungal infections with 3% iron sulphate. From scale insects, aphids and mites, use spraying with the preparation "30 plus".

At the beginning of bud break(green cone) from diseases such as clasterosporiasis and monilial burn, spray stone fruit trees with 3% Bordeaux liquid, or a solution of Abiga-Peak. From pests at this stage, the remedy "30 plus" will help.

When pushing buds ("white bud") from aphids and ticks, Karate, Fufanon and Novaktion can be used. From diseases, trees at this moment can be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture or diluted with Abiga-Peak and sprayed with it.

At the stage of isolation of the buds, the trees are treated from the sawfly with Fufanon, Novaktion and Fastak.

Spraying cherries and sweet cherries in spring

Early spring, still before swelling of the kidneys, it is advisable to spray the cherry with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate from diseases and the preparation "30 plus" from pests.

When buds begin to bud, from diseases on stone fruit trees, spraying with 3% Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak solution is used. At the same time, it is advisable to spray the cherries from such a pest as the cherry moth. Effective drugs are Lepidocid, Novaktion, Sumition or Fufanon.

On the stage buds coming out from diseases, it is safe to spray cherries with 1% Bordeaux mixture. From various pests, you can apply Karate, Fufanon.

When isolating the buds, trees are sprayed from the sawfly with Novaktion, Fufanon.

Spray solutions are prepared immediately before use.

This treatment is carried out using a special sprayer or hand pump. The solution should get on the trunk and all branches. If the trees are tall, it is necessary to lengthen the hose so that the solution reaches even the very top. It is necessary to spray so that the solution falls on the surface to be treated in the form of small dew drops. To do this, the tip of the apparatus is kept at a distance of at least 70 cm from the plant.

Spraying trees and shrubs in spring, video

The video discusses the spring treatment of the garden with carbamide (urea).

Interesting on the topic:

How do you treat trees and shrubs in spring? Please share this in the comments. What preparations and means are most effective in the fight against diseases and pests on garden trees and shrubs?

Do you use blue vitriol to spray your garden? What, in your opinion, biological agents will help in protecting the garden from pests and diseases?

Spring warmth awakens all living things from hibernation, including insects that have hidden for the winter under fallen leaves, in the soil or under the bark of trees. At this time for gardeners comes the time of hard work. Before the plants finally wake up, you need to clear the garden of plant debris, remove shelters, make the necessary vaccinations, sanitary and formative pruning and transplanting in a timely manner. But most importantly, in order to preserve the health and beauty of horticultural crops and count on a rich harvest of berries and fruits, it is necessary to protect trees, shrubs and strawberry plantings from harmful insects. The article will focus on the spring processing of the garden.

Chemical treatment of the garden in spring

Unfortunately, we have to admit that the effectiveness of using chemicals to treat the garden is much higher than using folk remedies or the laborious collection of caterpillars and beetles by hand.

  • A good effect on the destruction of harmful insects gives a two-time spring spraying of garden plantings. Before flowering, the first processing of the garden is carried out. To do this, you can use karbofos or keltan. After 10 days, immediately after the trees and bushes have faded, the treatment is repeated. You can also treat the garden with other toxic means, for example, "Marshal", "Nero", "Decis".

  • When trees and shrubs are affected by fungal diseases, as well as in order to prevent such diseases, it is recommended to treat the garden in the spring with a solution of a copper-containing preparation - Bordeaux mixture, "Homa" or "Oxychoma". Copper-containing preparations are recommended to be used no more than once a year: either in spring or in autumn after harvesting.
  • The advantages of using chemicals (pesticides) for garden treatment are their quick action and the long duration of the effect. In addition, after three weeks from the date of treatment, the complete decomposition of chemicals occurs. Therefore, the danger of this event for the future harvest is excluded.
  • However, gardeners should exercise extreme caution in this matter and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use of any chemical product exactly. Indeed, with excessive enthusiasm for chemistry in the garden, you can harm your health and the plants themselves.
  • To avoid unpleasant consequences from possible contact with chemical solutions, when spraying the garden, be sure to use a respirator or gauze bandage, gloves and goggles. Compliance with the terms of processing, dosages and safety measures recommended by the manufacturer will be a guarantee that garden plants will retain their viability after processing, and nothing will threaten the health of people and animals.

Processing the garden from pests in the spring with biological means

  • Increasingly popular among gardeners are the means for the destruction of harmful insects using biological organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and soil microorganisms - biological products. Although the effectiveness of these funds is somewhat lower than that of pesticides. But these drugs are more environmentally friendly.
  • Spring processing of garden plantings is carried out with biological preparations "Fitoverm", "Aktofit" or "Barrier". Spraying is done twice: the first time long before flowering, the second time - when the flower buds swell.

Fitoverm consumption table

  • A long time ago, when there were no chemicals that kill pests, people used decoctions and infusions from plants that had a deterrent effect on harmful insects. It is also a biological plant protection agent.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions for gardening in spring

Gardeners who do not want to deal with chemistry prefer to protect the plants of their garden with infusions and decoctions prepared according to folk recipes:

  • A glass is placed in a half-liter jar garlic, previously crushed in a combine or using a meat grinder. Top up the jar with water and insist in a dark place. A week later, the contents are filtered into another glass container and tightly closed. To treat plants, add about 50 g of infusion to a bucket of water.

  • For spraying berry ridges, you can use infusion of dandelion roots and herbs, fortunately in the spring they are always full. About 300 g of crushed dandelions are placed in a bucket of water heated to about 50 degrees and insisted for about 3 hours. To enhance the effect, you can also add a couple of sprigs of celandine there. The bucket needs to be covered with something so that it does not cool down longer. For spraying, the infusion is filtered.
  • To prepare tobacco infusion you will need 250 g of tobacco dust, which is added to a bucket of water. The mixture is infused for about 2 hours, and then filtered. For better adhesion to the surface of the leaves, 40 g of dark laundry soap is added to the infusion.
  • Broths from potato and tomato tops help fight aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, apple codling and other pests of trees and shrubs, spraying is carried out after the flowering period. To prepare this remedy, you will need about 1 kg of dried potato or tomato tops. Thrifty gardeners for spring spraying harvest tops in the fall. It is placed in a bucket of water, insisted for 3.5 - 4 hours, and then brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for half an hour. Next, the broth is filtered through gauze.
  • Mustard Powder Infusion used when spraying after flowering of all fruit and berry plants against caterpillars, sawflies, moths, apple codlings. Half a glass of mustard powder is infused for 2 days in a bucket of water. Then the infusion is filtered. For spraying, the liquid must be diluted 2 times with water.
  • dry wormwood it is used for a decoction that repels aphids, codling moth, gooseberry moth, caterpillars, suckers and other insects. Dry wormwood can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared in the fall. In half a bucket of water, 1 kg of dry grass is boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled and infused chicken manure is added (1 kg of manure is infused in 3-4 liters of water for a day). The mixture is filtered and topped up to a volume of 10 liters.

Features of spring processing of fruit and berry plantations

Pest control of fruit trees in spring

  • Measures to protect pears, apple trees and other fruit trees are carried out in stages. At the first stage in March, crowns are formed and the trunks are cleaned of lichens and outgrowths of the old bark. If rot is found under the bark, then the treated area is cleaned with a sharp knife to healthy wood and covered with iron sulfate and garden pitch. The same is done when insect larvae are found wintering in cracks under the bark.
  • In the same period, the trunk circles are cleaned and loosened, the trees are sprayed with chemicals, the stems are whitewashed with lime to avoid sunburn. As a protective agent, you can use "Oleokuprit", a means for the destruction of wintering insects (aphids, sucker, mites, scale insects).

  • In April, when the buds begin to swell, the trunks are tied with trapping belts to catch the codling moth and apple beetle, and the trees are sprayed, for example, with "Benzophosphate", which is a contact insecticide. The duration of its action is about a month. This drug is almost not dangerous for pollinating insects.
  • During flowering, treatment with any preparations is stopped. Since pollinating insects can suffer. At this time, agrotechnical measures should be carried out: loosening and weeding of near-stem circles.
  • When the trees have faded, carry out the third spraying against harmful insects, using chemical or biological means.

Shrub processing

  • Currant and gooseberry bushes in the garden begin to wake up earlier than fruit trees. Therefore, it is advisable to process shrubs first. Before using chemicals, first make a formative and sanitary pruning. At the same time, branches infected with a glass case are detected - that is, branches with a black core, as well as dry branches affected by a kidney moth. Sick branches are cut to ground level and must be burned.

  • It is also necessary to remove the swollen buds in which the currant bud mite is located. A good effect on the fight against harmful insects gives a hot shower from a watering can (up to + 70 ° C). Bushes should be subjected to this procedure before leaves appear and buds swell.
  • As soon as the snow melts, it is advisable to cover the top layer of soil near the trunks with roofing felt or black film, having previously cleared last year's foliage and loosened the ground under the bushes. This is done in order to block the exit of pests and their larvae from the upper layers of the soil. All old leaves are burned. At the end of flowering shelters are removed.
  • Before blooming, the bushes are sprayed with a chemical or biological agent to kill mites, bud moths, aphids and other harmful insects.

  • If warty growths are observed on the shrubs, this indicates that they are damaged by acacia false scales. The larvae of this pest appear from the eggs laid by the females under the growths, they feed on the juices of the plant. With a strong defeat, the bush may die. It is advisable to treat such bushes with nitrofen in early spring.
  • Shrubs affected by anthracosis, a fungal disease in which premature leaf fall of browned leaves is observed, which greatly weakens the plant, are treated with a copper-containing preparation in early spring.
  • During the appearance of buds, the bushes are treated with Aktelik, Aktar or Fitoverm. This event will significantly reduce the number of currant gall midges, bud mites, sawflies and other pests.
  • At the end of flowering, berry bushes are treated with a 0.5% solution of carbamide in order to prevent fungal diseases. And with aphids, mites, gall midges and other harmful insects, they fight with the help of biological products and tobacco infusion.

Raspberry processing

The most common raspberry pest is the raspberry beetle, which hibernates in the soil and crawls out by mid-May. If you do not carry out spring processing of raspberries, then the multiplied larvae of the beetle will make the berry wormy. Spider and raspberry mites can significantly reduce the yield of raspberries.

  • In order to control pests in the spring, you need to carefully remove all dry leaves under the raspberry bushes and loosen the soil. You should also cut out broken and weak shoots, shorten the tops by 10 - 15 cm.

  • As soon as the buds begin to swell on the shoots, the bush is treated with a solution of karbofos, prepared according to the attached instructions. You can use Aktelik or another biological product. Raspberry beetles are also harvested by hand, shaking them onto a film bedding. Bushes affected by anthracosis and spotting are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.
  • When the buds appear, you can spray the raspberries with tansy infusion. To prepare the infusion, take 500 g of dry plants and pour half a bucket of water. After 2 days, the infusion is boiled for half an hour, and then filtered. Then they are diluted with the same amount of cold water and the plantings are abundantly sprayed, not forgetting to cultivate the soil.

Processing strawberry beds

  • Ridges with strawberries should be cleared of last year's foliage and weeds, then loosened well. In order to avoid the appearance of gray rot, plantings should be well ventilated, so in the spring they need to be thinned out, removing poorly overwintered weak bushes. If these agrotechnical measures are not carried out, then due to gray rot, up to 30% of the crop can be lost, especially in wet summers.

  • Experienced gardeners recommend shedding strawberries with water heated to about 65 ° C, adding a few crystals of potassium permanganate to it. The solution should be pale pink. Water must be poured into the center of the socket. This treatment significantly reduces the number of spider mites and weevil. With rot, leaf spot, powdery mildew, spraying the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture helps to cope.
  • In April, when young foliage appears, strawberries are treated with Aktofit or Fitoverm to kill the spider mite. And when flower buds begin to form, they fight against weevil, leafworms and sawflies with the help of Antitlin, tobacco decoction or dandelion infusion.

Spring protection of ornamental plants

  • Perennial ornamental shrubs that adorn the garden also need protection from pests and diseases, like other garden crops. Therefore, in the list of spring work in the garden regarding ornamental plants, it is necessary to include the removal of winter shelters, cleaning the soil from old foliage, sanitary and shaping pruning, treatment with chemical or biological agents.
  • Until the buds have blossomed, plants affected by scab, spotting, rot or black cancer are treated with Bordeaux mixture, chorus or other preparation containing copper. Against wintering pests, shrubs can be sprayed with preparation No. 30, fundazol or karbofos.
  • To save flower bulbs from root rot and other diseases, they are soaked in a solution of foundationazole or phytosporin.

Spring disinfection of greenhouses

  • Greenhouses also need to be disinfected, having previously cleaned them of last year's plant residues: tops, spoiled fruits and weeds. It is better to burn the garter material used last season, as pathogens can overwinter in pieces of twine and ropes, on stakes and slats.
  • The next step is to wash the inside of the greenhouses with soapy water using a brush and then rinse with a hose with clean water. Wooden racks, crossbars and shelves should be treated with a solution of bleach.

  • A few days before planting seedlings, it is necessary to fumigate greenhouses with sulfur bombs. Such disinfection is carried out with closed transoms and doors. Checkers are placed on metal stands and set on fire. The number of sulfur blocks is calculated according to the manufacturer's instructions, depending on the volume of the greenhouse. 4 days after sulfur fumigation, the greenhouses are well ventilated.
  • As a result of the spring disinfection of greenhouses, the likelihood of fungal diseases and crop damage by harmful insects is significantly reduced.


In order to enjoy juicy healthy apples or other fruits in summer or autumn, it is necessary to start processing garden trees and shrubs from spring, to do sanitary pruning.

Pre-spring work in the garden

Now is the time to shake off the snow from the trees. It is wet, heavy and may well break branches. Nature wakes up after winter. Therefore, in early spring it is necessary to carry out a certain set of activities on the site.

Carefully inspect the branches of fruit trees for pests that have overwintered on them. Now is the time to think about pruning broken and dry branches, so take it with you. You can also form a crown of trees.

But the main work is still spraying trees. As soon as the average air temperature reaches + 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet had time to bloom, it is necessary to fight diseases and feed the trees.

Video: Cleaning fruit trees from snow

Protecting trees from spring burns and pest control

In early spring, the weather is quite unstable. It can be high during the daytime and drop sharply at night. Under these conditions, the bark on the trees warms up unevenly. Suppose, on a warm March day, the temperature of the trunk in the sun will be 12 degrees more than on the shaded side. Lime whitewashing of the trunk helps to get rid of such a difference.

In this case, the readings will differ only within 3 or 5 degrees. Overheating of the bark followed by freezing can cause early spring burns. And they will lead to the death of the tree, especially if it is a young seedling. It is necessary to restore the whitewash if it was broken during the winter period.

When pruning garden trees in early spring, you need to get rid of damaged branches. They should not be left under a tree, because they are probably infected with: cytosporosis, scale insects, bark beetle larvae, black cancer or other pests and diseases.

Simultaneously with this work, it is required to treat existing wounds on trunks and branches. Damage is cleaned, leveled with a knife until living tissue appears, then disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulphate, in a ratio of 10 g per 1 liter of water, and carefully cover this area with garden pitch.
How to spray trees in early spring

The modern industry offers gardeners many different products for spraying trees at the very beginning of spring. For these purposes, apply:

  • copper sulfate;
  • mineral oil emulsion;
  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • emulsion "Preparation-30";
  • nitrofen and others.

The cheapest drug is copper sulfate. But do not look at its low cost, it is quite effective, so most gardeners prefer it. It is used for scab, fruit rot, leaf curl, black cancer, brown leaf spot and other diseases.

Mineral oil emulsions are liquid mixtures of mineral oil with water and an emulsifier. The composition of the emulsifier usually contains:

  • soap;
  • glue or kaolin;
  • iron or copper sulfate.

Emulsions fight pests such as aphids, scale insects, help destroy the eggs of the codling moth, suckers and other insects. They should be applied in early spring, until the buds open. In summer, at temperatures over 35℃, the emulsion can cause severe burns on the tree.

Bordeaux liquid is an opaque sky-blue solution. Gardeners have been using this liquid for more than a hundred years in the fight against garden pests. It is recommended to use it until the buds open. The mixture destroys scab and fungal diseases of trees or shrubs. It is also used as a disinfectant for fruit tree wounds. It is not recommended to store it, it must be used immediately after preparation.

The emulsion "Preparat-30" is an oil-oil emulsion of white or light gray color. It is packaged in 2-liter jars and has a shelf life of 2 years. In the spring, all fruit and berry crops can be treated with an emulsion from wintering herds of scale insects, spider mites, leafworms, suckers, moths and other pests. And in the summer, spray trees and ornamental shrubs from tramps of the first and second generation of scale insects

Nitrofen is a drug against wintering stages of pests and diseases. This paste is brown in color, packaged in tin or glass jars or polymer bottles. The shelf life of nitrofen is 2 years. It behaves well as a disinfectant for wounds on fruit trees.

Video: Spraying trees and shrubs in early spring

Treatment of trees with copper sulphate

Before spraying, it is first necessary to clean the trunk of lichens with a brush. When processing trees, you can use a hand pump; they are sold in special stores for the garden. But it is desirable to have an automated sprayer. It is much more convenient and easier to work with. For those gardeners who already have mature trees, you need to have one that can be extended in various ways. Most likely, you will have to tie it to a stick so that you can even reach the very top branches or use special telescopic rods.

It is worth worrying about your own safety. Robe, gloves, headwear and goggles. These items will protect you from getting the solution on bare areas of your body. A respirator will not allow vapors of the solution to enter the upper respiratory tract.

Before processing begins, the solution must be stirred. This is done as follows: 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted in a bucket of water. In cold water, vitriol dissolves worse. Therefore, you can dilute it at home in hot water, for example, in a three-liter jar, and then pour the contents into a bucket.

The solution must be poured into the sprayer through a funnel and several layers of gauze. Content filtering is a must. This is done so that the sprayer nozzle and hose cannot become clogged with undissolved particles. Now you should pump air into the balloon, hang it on your shoulder and go.

This article describes the process of treating trees with copper sulphate. But you can use any means that you like best or have already bought. Each package contains detailed instructions on how to use it.

How to properly spray trees

Wood processing must be carried out carefully from all sides. The jet must be directed from the edge to its central part. It is best to do this alternately with each large branch. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the maximum effect.

Don't forget to spray the soil around the tree. If last year's leaves are still on it, they will rot much faster. Also, with the help of the solution, spores of harmful fungi or the pests themselves will be destroyed. The remaining solution can be used on nearby shrubs, vines or other plants.

After you process the trees, you must carefully rinse the machine with water. To do this, fill the sprayer with clean water and drive it away. In this case, the nozzles and hoses will not be clogged with the remaining dried particles of the solution. Change your clothes and be sure to wash your hands and face with soap.

Video: Spraying trees in spring

What is needed for spraying trees and shrubs

Also, in early spring, trees can be treated with combined means. They will help to cope with several types of pests at once, which will give you the opportunity to avoid several cycles of spraying trees and at the same time fertilize the plant. An example is urea. You can learn about this from our other materials.

In order for the work on spraying trees to be carried out efficiently and have good efficiency, it is necessary to have all the necessary tools and devices.