Nikitin's method for children - diagrams and cubes. Master class for teachers “Nikitin’s cubes “Fold the pattern”. Formation of combinatorial skills in preschoolers Cubes for everyone

From birth, a baby is already ready to perceive the world and remember information. The main source of this is parents. If they begin to pay attention to the child, reading to him, talking to him, playing games, then soon the children will begin to imitate mom and dad.

Child development using Nikitin cubes

A unique method by Boris Nikitin was developed for children and their parents. Their entire wonderful family invented Nikitin’s Cubes, which help their seven children and many other children develop. This innovative discovery amazed the whole world. The technique turned out to be effective.

Benefits of educational games

1. Memory is trained, which will help in the child’s adult life.

2. The baby will learn to react quickly and think, which will allow him to make the right decisions.

3. Persistence develops, and the child will learn to gradually move towards the goal.

4. Knowledge of the surrounding world will expand, imagination and a sense of symmetry will develop.

5. The child is prepared in advance for school with the help of games where he needs to read and count.

6. Nikitin's cubes not only have a good effect on the development and motor skills of children, but also help strengthen the relationship between them and their parents.

Diversity and methods of teaching children

Sets made of wood “Fold the pattern” (16 pcs.) are intended for the game. These multi-colored Nikitin cubes give the child the opportunity to fantasize and make patterns. A notebook is included with the game so he can record his discoveries.

A set of “Unicube” with different colored edges (47 drawings) was also invented. Children will be happy to build original structures in the form of geometric shapes. This will develop You can also play Nikitin’s cubes “Fold the square”. The child learns to add figures, which will help in the field of geometry and algebra. Also on sale were the “Architect”, “Fractions”, and “Seguin Box” cubes.

How to get children interested in games

Of course, all logic games will be fun if patient parents help their child develop a keen interest in this activity. It is necessary that the baby be at least a little diligent and patient, like mom and dad. A child will be able to get carried away when he sees interest in this type of entertainment in the eyes of his parents. Every good father and mother wants their child to become smart, imaginative, and have a love of learning. You can be sure that Nikitin's cubes contribute to the diversified development of children. And, subsequently, not a single person will regret paying attention to children, since the reward for this will be pride in them. After all, society loves educated, interesting people. This is exactly what the methodology under consideration will contribute to. Moreover, these games stimulate creative and intellectual thinking. And the little man will learn to create unique ideas in adulthood and become insightful. With the help of games, you can instill confidence in your child, since children are often critical of their abilities.

Memo for parents

It is important not to rush parents to help solve puzzles; let the child think independently and learn to be entrepreneurial and active. The training system presents tasks in various forms: pictures, drawings, diagrams. It must be remembered that the games have many levels for different ages of children. You shouldn’t push your child or scold him if he can’t do it as quickly as an older child or a parent. Experience comes with time. To prevent development from being hampered, one should not make enormous demands on the child.

How to play Nikitin's cubes?

There are 8 unpainted bricks and a notebook with samples. The child needs to build the structure that is proposed in the sample. For everything to work out successfully, he needs to take his time, carefully examine the drawings, imagine the figures in his mind and complete the task. Over time, when progress is noticeable, you can entrust him with more difficult tasks. You can play a game that will develop spatial thinking, that is, the child will be able to distinguish between flat and spatial forms, analyze and create images in solving certain problems. The game “Cubes for Everyone” develops these skills. Parents use cubes to create a riddle tale, and children, listening and observing carefully, answer the question. You can come up with anything: different animals, birds, pyramids, houses. The parents’ imagination also plays a role here. Now we know the answer to the question of how to play Nikitin's cubes. But what to do if you can’t buy them in the store? Even this can be resolved if mom and dad have patience and perseverance. We invite you to build these wonderful cubes yourself.

DIY Nikitin cubes

You need to be inspired by the idea of ​​the Nikitin family and make or buy ordinary cubes. If you have something drawn on them, it is advisable to first soak them briefly in water to separate the paper and glue. Size - approximately 4 by 4 cm. Then you need to prepare cardboard: red, white, blue and yellow (24 squares each). You need to paste them over the cubes: white in front, blue on the right, red on the left, yellow on the back, blue and yellow on top, red and white on the bottom. To prevent all this from coming off, we suggest wrapping the cubes with tape. All! You can start having some useful entertainment.

Nikitin's educational cubes will help parents develop their children's thinking, memory, and attention. These intellectual games encourage kids to think and develop, which will bring good results in work, family, and life.

Many, of course, have a question: where to buy Nikitin cubes? They can be purchased in regular stores and on the Internet. Some retailers even offer free shipping. The cost of the logic game in question ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles - depending on the complexity of the products and the material from which the set is made. Nikitin's wooden toys will captivate not only young children, but also parents and grandparents. Many parents themselves will be delighted with the fun with blocks, amused by the ingenuity of their kids.

Game description

We bought these cubes in a store a long time ago. We adults tried to complete the tasks, but... it didn’t work out that way. With great difficulty, we managed to master only one thing - folding a cube from all 7 figures. And these cubes were forgotten for many years. The children grew up, we came up with different games and soon discovered that children were much superior to us adults in the ability to solve such problems. The older kids found these forgotten cubes, quickly solved all the problems and began to come up with new ones. The kids immediately joined them. I had to urgently make several more of the same sets of large and small cubes, and the hobby gripped the whole family. The kids preferred to build simpler models from 2-3 figures, the older ones preferred more complex ones, from 4-5 or even all 7.

To put together an interesting model, you had to tinker with the cubes for a long time and persistently. Therefore, everyone rejoiced at each successful model, and in order not to forget it, they sketched it. A difficulty arose: how to distinguish each figure in a complex model? Where, what and how is the figure placed?

I had to paint all 7 figures in different colors. Six were the main ones, and the seventh figure was left white so that when drawing on paper, it would not need to be painted. Now everyone, even the smallest ones, could sketch their model and paint all the figures in it with the appropriate color. The model was thus preserved.

The models turned out to be different - both of strict geometric shapes in the form of a cube or parallelepiped, and could resemble houses, cars, figures of animals and people, or simply represent interesting symmetrical structures. This is how the idea of ​​making a new game arose. After a few months, several hundred drawings of new models had accumulated, of which we selected 70.

The game teaches you to think in spatial images (three-dimensional figures), the ability to combine them, and is much more complex than games with ordinary cubes. Apparently, this is why schoolchildren are so partial to her.

How to make a game

To make the game you need 27 identical cubes. Of these, 7 figures are glued together, different in shape: the first figure is from 3, and the rest from 4 cubes each (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45

When gluing, pay attention to the accuracy of the edges. After the glue has dried, sand the planes so that the figures fit snugly against each other when folded, and slightly round the edges with sandpaper (0.5 - 1 mm). Color figure 1 green, 2 blue, 3 yellow, 4 black, 5 red, 6 white and 7 brown.

To store the figures, make a cardboard box with a lid measuring 3x5x2 cubes, i.e. if the edge of the cubes is 30 mm, then the box is 95x155 mm and 60 mm deep. Such a box can fit not 27, but 30 cubes, so it will be easier to stack the figures after the game, since there will also be empty space for 3 cubes.

Carefully review the tasks for the game (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46

Rice. 47

Rice. 48

Rice. 49

Rice. 50

Rice. 51

If your child does not yet know how to read, does not know numbers and cannot focus on a specific drawing, then in this case it is better to draw individual tasks on sheets of thick paper and then these tasks can be grouped into their own series, for example, KV-1, KV- 2. For convenience, each series produced can be folded into a separate envelope or paper bag and the name of the game and the name of the series can be written on it.

The KV-1 series is the simplest, it is needed for the first acquaintance with the game and in order to teach kids to recognize figures by shape and color, and later by numbers. The task numbers from 1 to 7 coincide with the numbering of the figures, only they are placed differently than in Fig. 45. This is done so that parents can make sure that the baby recognizes the figurine and understands how to place it on the table.

It is expected that, looking at the task, the child will build models from the figures - copies of those drawn. At first, of course, the simplest ones, and then, as you grow up and become smarter, more and more complex, until even the KV-7 series is overcome. And the baby will only need drawings and assignments. If he cannot cope with some task, he will put it aside and take on another, a third, or put off the game altogether for a while.

How to play

The rules of the game “KB” are similar to the rules of the game “Unicub”. Having placed the task drawing in front of him, the child builds from the figures exactly the same model as the one drawn. Having built one, he moves on to the next, more complex one, etc.

In fact, the child here has to solve two problems at the same time: firstly, choose from 7 figures only 2-3 (or more if the model is complex) that are necessary to build the model; secondly, give these figures the position they occupy in the model, that is, connect them and place them in the model.

The first part, therefore, is a mental analysis of the drawing-task - into what figures it can be divided, and the second is a synthesis, first mental, and then objective. By forcing the child to continuously engage in such analytical-synthetic activity, and even at the “ceiling” of his capabilities, that is, to strain himself to the limit, the game quickly develops in him what is usually called intelligence and which in reality is, perhaps, the most important feature every creative mind.

But building models based on task drawings is a relatively simple preparatory part, laying the foundation for the main, creative work. It begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and put together new models that are not in the book. This is something parents can and should really admire; this should be supported and encouraged in every possible way. Figures for the game have almost inexhaustible possibilities for various combinations and allow you to create a huge number of different models or different versions of the same model. For example, there are several dozen ways to fit all 7 figures into a cube according to task 61.

The child can be asked to first make models from only 2 figures, for example from the 1st and 2nd, 1st and 3rd, from the 1st and 4th, etc. And then set aside the 1st figure and apply all other figures to the 2nd one in turn. Some of these models may seem beautiful, interesting, or reminiscent of something to you or your child; for example, model 39 resembles a sofa, 47 resembles a robot, 64 resembles a giraffe, etc. Such interesting models, of course, need to be preserved and, therefore, sketched.

To do this, you need to give your child a box of colored pencils of 6 pieces and a special notebook in a square, on which you or the child will write: “For new Vanya models...” It would be good if it contains several pages for models of the KV-2 series (from 2 figures), the following - for models of the KV-3 series, etc. for each series. By sketching new interesting models and marking the date, you can observe how the baby is developing. When he begins to fill out the section for the KV-7 series, then we can consider that his development is quite high.

To develop a child’s interest in the game, you must try to follow the rules of the game that are mentioned at the beginning of the book and come up with new ones. For example, in this game, which is difficult for adults, a child can get carried away with coming up with new models and then creating tasks for adults.

Let the kid himself sketch the new model, and then only draw its outline. Adults do not need to be embarrassed; let them, as seriously as a child, take the box with the game, put a “new task” in front of them and try to fold the model. And let the child play the role of an elder, teaching and controlling. It’s okay if he puts a watch or stopwatch in front of him and measures who is faster, dad or mom, completed his own task.

Natalya Miroyan
Master class on the topic “Game technology “B. P. Nikitin’s Cubes” as a condition for development”

[Progress master class:

Target: introduce participants master-class with practice of use educational games B. P. Nikitina in working with preschool children.


1. Train teachers to play B.P. Nikitina that contribute development cognitive activity of preschool children.

2. To interest teachers in B.P. games. Nikitina for use in your work.

Material: games B.P. Nikitina: "Fold the pattern", Large cubes B. P. Nikitina.

1. Slide (SUBJECT)

1. Introductory word.


The topic of our master class: Gaming technology cubes B. P. Nikitin as a condition for development cognitive activity of preschool children.

2. Slide (Quote) unfinished quote



Please continue your proposal. Yes that's right.

When we play, we think, When we think, we play! Indeed, for any adult and child, a game is an interesting activity in which we think.

3. Slide (WHEN PLAYING - THINKING, THINKING - PLAYING) photo with children floats out

Play is a way of learning about yourself and the world around you, development communication skills, norms of behavior, formation of the concept of rules. For a child, play is a whole world of new discoveries.

They occupy a special place in a child’s life educational games, in which the child trains: imagination, thinking, memory, develops your creative abilities.

Today I bring to your attention gaming technology cubes B. P. Nikitina.

4. Slide (NIKITIN)

Boris Pavlovich and Elena Alekseeva Nikitin's teachers are innovators, have developed an interesting educational games system. Developmental teachers' games are based on miracles cubes, containing the principle "from simple to complex", since it was he who should have been the impetus for child development.

5. Slide (TASKS):

Nikitin's educational games solve a number of problems:

1) Educational:

To promote the formation and consolidation of children's ideas about color, shape, size.

Teach children classification skills, vary color and shape.

2) Educational:

Promote education self-developing personality.

Cultivate accuracy, precision, perseverance and determination.

Promote the ability to make decisions independently.

3) Developmental:

-Develop Children have creative thinking, perception, attention, memory.

-Develop spatial imagination, intelligence and logical thinking, graphic abilities, color perception, ability to analyze, combine colors.

2. Main part. Getting to know educational games B. P. Nikitina.

What games You know the Nikitins? (answers)

6. Slide (Games Nikitins)

TO Nikitin's educational games include games: "Unicube", « Cubes for everyone» , "Fold the pattern", "Fold a square" and others.

Today I want to present to your attention educational game B. P. Nikitina"Fold the pattern" and play with you.


The game consists of 16 identical cubes. Cubes have 6 sides, each side is painted in different colors. Main 4 colors: red, white, blue, yellow. Peculiarity Nikitin's cubes is that that two faces cube combined in two colors. Red and white triangles and the other side to blue and yellow triangles. This allows you to create colorful patterns from them in a huge number of options.

To start working with preschool children, you just need to consider cubes. Pay attention to what colors they are painted in.

First games with cubes for absolutely little ones: we teach and reinforce colors and shapes; we think cubes- we teach the concept of quantity, develop initial counting skills. Children learn to build colored paths and simple patterns.

Middle age tasks for children become more complicated. Under the guidance of an adult, children work according to patterns. Build different patterns. We strengthen the skills of mental counting, shapes and colors.

Elder preschoolers are able to independently carry out tasks according to diagrams, build a logical sequence (chain) and show creative initiative.

Practical part for teachers

Today we will play big cubes B. P. Nikitina, which are useful not only for children but also for adults. Cubes develop cognitive activity, communication abilities. Large cubes I don’t require sitting at tables and that’s their advantage.

I suggest that 2-4 people come out and play and make patterns. Four participants are building figures at tables, and two are working with large cubes B. P. Nikitina. (you can even compete to see who can collect it faster)

There lived an old man by the very blue sea.

9. Slide BOAT

And then one day an old man sailed on his boat across the blue sea.

10. Slide GOLDFISH

The old man threw the net into the sea and what he caught was not an ordinary fish, but a goldfish.

The old man saw the goldfish and was delighted. “Let me go to sea, elder, I’ll give anyone a ransom for myself.”- said the goldfish.

The old man asked the fish for new boots for the old women, as they were quite old fell apart and released the goldfish into the blue sea

11. Slide BOOT

The old man came home and saw his old woman’s new boots, a gift from the goldfish. The old woman was delighted with such a gift, and they began to live happily ever after.


3. Final word.

By playing in this way, children will learn to understand patterns, recognize real objects in abstract drawings, come up with the plot of a fairy tale, story, and learn develop the plot, use different types of sentences in speech.


Publications on the topic:

Master class for teachers “Socio-game technology as an effective means of developing children’s communication abilities” Master class “Socio-game technology as an effective means of developing children’s communication abilities” “Do a serious activity.

Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of children “Fairytale labyrinths of games” by V. V. Voskobovich The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of our time. Preschoolers with developed intelligence.

Game technology in the process of social and communicative development of preschool children Game technology in the process of social and communicative development of preschool children Social and communicative development of preschool children.

Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Motor activity as a condition for the development of basic movements and physical qualities” Master class for preschool teachers “Motor activity as a condition for the development of basic movements and physical qualities” Educator: Garshina.

Master class “Breathing exercises as a health-saving technology for preschool children” Municipal government preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 10” in the city of Sim, Ashinsky district, Chelyabinsk region.

Master class "Psychological and pedagogical technology - Froebel Children's Development Academy (Froebel's DAR)" Slide 1. Dear colleagues, guests, remember the phrase Slide 2. “What is our life? (click) Game? Whose quote? Who does it belong to?

Master class “Socio-game technology” Master class "Socio-game technology" Objectives: 1. To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques used in socio-game technology.

Master class “Crossence technology as a means of developing coherent speech in preschool children” Goal: increasing the competence of teachers through the use of innovative technologies for the speech development of preschool children. Tasks: 1. Reveal.

Effective implementation of pedagogical technologies for the development of coherent speech as a condition for the development of speech abilities of preschool children Pedagogical Council “Effective implementation of pedagogical technologies for the development of coherent speech as a condition for the development of speech abilities of preschool children”1.

Technology of research activities in preschool educational institutions as a condition for improving the quality of education of modern children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard We should not stand aside when a child’s thirst for knowledge bubbles up. “I want to know everything,” says the child. - “I will be your guide.

Image library:

I’ve been meaning to make this toy for my daughter for a long time – “Fold the Pattern” by Nikitin. This manual consists of 16 cubes with edges painted in a certain way: four are solid - yellow, red, white and blue, two are divided in half.

You can create a lot of combinations, patterns, and figures using these cubes. Make monochromatic “paths”, crosses and squares, sequences, perform tasks according to a special manual, come up with your own...

If you have 16 identical cubes at home, preferably small ones, the game is very easy and cheap to make. You only need 4 pieces of self-adhesive film 15-20 cm long (this depends on the size of the cubes) and a little patience.

I found such cubes (of course, my own production!), the most difficult thing was to get to the building materials store, and the necessary colors of film are almost always available. There was a temptation to buy films and other colors in order to decorate our wooden construction set.

Next, all that was left was to measure out even squares to the nearest millimeter and cut them out. It’s better to be a couple of millimeters smaller than the size of the edge of the cube, so that the film does not come off at the joints; the same is done with “factory” cubes.

They glue very easily. I assembled the toy with my daughter, reading a book to her at the same time (fortunately, “Fedorino’s Grief” was almost memorized), and she turned the pages and followed the process.

It was possible to stop already at this stage, leaving the “white” edges simply unpasted. However, the daughter gave a verdict - “not ready!”

They turned out to be very elegant cubes, just like they came from a store!

If you don’t have suitable cubes, but want to have such a toy at home, you can make cubes from cardboard. You can get printable layouts for free right now, along with another interesting game - Montessori's "Pink Tower". Enter your email and receive printing materials to your email.

Elena Sevirinova
Master class for teachers “Nikitin’s cubes “Fold the pattern”. Formation of combinatorial skills in preschool children

CUBES. CHAMELEON - K. Methodology Nikitina

inside 12 cubes with edges of 2 colors and instructions with game rules and tasks.

Author's games Nikitins have a high degree of variability, i.e. you can adjust them to suit yourself, your level, your interests. Each game, according to the author, provides an opportunity to think about how to expand it, what new tasks to add to it, how to improve it. This variability of tasks is provided for in advance, and the transition to creative work on the games themselves will be the more successful the higher the level of the child’s creative abilities!

This game develops the ability to combine and vary colors and form, which leads to the creation of an image. It is very important for children to successfully master the simplest basics of drawing; it allows them to develop imaginative thinking and the ability to carry out combinatorial actions.

Can be used as 4 to play cube and all 12, you can use 2 sets cubes. All cubes identical in size, each has 3 faces that meet at one vertex, painted in one color, and the next 3 - in a different color.

Cubes in a box.

Different tasks require different amounts of cubes. The essence of the game is to reproduce buildings on a plane according to samples.

Sample for the game, there are 59 of them in the instructions.

When building, the child must maintain architectural accuracy, correct side view (left or right), correct coloring from the front, top and side.

It is assumed that this game is accessible to children 4-8 years old, while the tasks are divided in the instructions into tasks for children 4-5 years old and tasks for children 6-8 years old. If you have two children, you can ask one child to build the structure, and the other to check the correctness of the construction.

My conclusion: we bought these cubes to his four-year-old daughter, the child himself could not figure out what was what and how to play this game. With the help of dad, after 10 minutes everything became clear and the daughter began to complete the tasks, she liked to twirl cubes in different directions. to achieve the same picture as in the instructions. This surprised me very much, since her perseverance does not suffer and her assignments do not suffer. in which she needs to concentrate are difficult for her - but then her interest immediately awoke. Now this is one of our favorite pastimes, to assemble a structure and examine it from all sides.

This game will also help reinforce or teach the child where the right and left sides are.

« Fold the pattern»

The game is based on 16 cubes. Their edges are colored unusual way: red, blue, white and yellow, and the remaining ones are divided diagonally into two triangles, which also have their own color. Thanks to this from cubes you can create many different patterns. The author recommends this benefit for children from 1.5 years old. Starting with the simplest tasks, children from an early age learn to design, improve mental operations (synthesis, analysis, develop creative abilities.

During classes, children perform several types of tasks:

Fold up cubes according to the pattern;

Looking at the finished pattern, transfer the diagram to a notebook;

Create your own drawing.

To the benefit « Fold the pattern» Two albums with samples are included. The first is intended for the development of children 2-4 years old, the second - 4-8.


To make it interesting for the child to play, we decided to make friends. Animals made from chocolate eggs came to our aid (you can take cars for boys). It was for them that we built paths. Compare whose is longer/shorter, how much it took cubes to one path or another (check). The child lays out all the tasks next to the album. But we posted the first times in an album, this is another plus for a start. Well, now she selects not only the top edges but also the side ones.

Reinforcing concepts: color, height, comparison.

We start gradually complicate. Post assignments from cubes different colors for example beads for mom. We also introduce two-color edges (herringbone task).

The following ladders introduce the child to the concept "strip\row\floor" and "column".

You can also track complicate making them from two-color edges.

After the child learned to complete tasks in one row, I began complicate, adding rows and columns. And then the animals made from chocolate eggs came to our aid again.

Houses based on the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

and forest. here the same element is repeated several times. Christmas trees can also be of different heights.

Now let's get back to the "correct" ones cubes. If the cubes are made correctly:

Front edge - white

Rear - yellow

Right - blue

Left - red

Upper - yellow-blue

Bottom - red and white

then the majority folded patterns will be repeated on the reverse side, only in a different color. The child really likes to turn the picture over and see what happens.

I’ll show you more tasks that we missed today, but they were also introduced gradually and toys were usually used - assistants(animals\cars\dolls)

Well addition patterns which requires time and the use of all cubes. For now we are posting these pictures in the album.

Well, for now the last section in our album is “lost things”. Post the task pattern with missing cubes. or put the missing ones cubes on the picture.

Well, I ask you to lay out the figures so that the pattern matches not only on the top edge, but also on the sides.